ktmwr . wv i 'Wjjpw.1 .'lf'-.'fl(-rtr- f EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, ii j i n ii ' -- , ESDAY, SBPTEM3EB 29, 10 lit. Bl P An o DIRECTOR COOKE SEES WAY OPEN FOR UNITY IN PUBLIC SERVICE TRENTON STATE FAIR IN FULL SWING and' aid. nf the TetUTJM even fruit .. .r. withoA to lie I tie Ka m DOM SteanK Gen Kve Line with began cargoA litre H Europj iMe L kins. l.Olii cargo one If "leptl mens of t'l name Is on TOW Mich. nJ Ai ucui tl'l Mil Jaine wen Albcr EtU T, John Marie Walt FlTcnq lltrn, M'Mred Alph, CharlH Rich Atrattu Watt Gee rice an I i Jamea ' KutH John M05 John K K"nt( iw ni' ton) John Ho at ABUtt lis Juhtl Xath.tr! nan TJlwi . Albe JUUY ,ion iri treat. OUclai Ul Ant ui Believes Coming Conference of Mayors Will Be Effec tive Means for Devising Regulation of Utilities. Dlrestor Cooke, of the Department of Public Works, pointed out today that co operation of .American cities Is essential in the effort to regulate public service corporations. He referred to the conference of Mars to be held In Philadelphia In Noembu as the first step In the Intercity action toward regulation of public utilities' cm panles. 'The Importance of tho great confer ence of Mayors of American cities, to be held In this city, November 12 to II, la attested by our correspondence both with city olllclals and with the repre Kentatlves of 'Mb business," " ho said "Acceptances have been received from the Mnors of SO of tho leading cities. The utility corpoiatlons, on the other hanJ, appreciating the Importance of having their side of the questions dis cussed adequately presented, are securing- for us speakers of national reputa tion. "It la both curious and gratifying to ce Philadelphia taking the lend In the discussion of these fundamental civic problems, because as a city we have not had any settled policy as to our own public utilities Our water works are both municipally owned and operated: the gns work' are municipally owned and privately operated; tne electric plant Is both privately owned and privately op erated, while the existing arrangements with the street car company calls for a sharing of profits. "The drift In recent years has been toward Stato regulation. Especially In the East the public, service corporations have, within the last few years worked In favor of State regulation. In so doing they apparently havo been largely In fluenced bv a desire to avoid the Incon sistencies Inherent in local regulation. In the far West there ore reasons to be Hevo that In many States they are emerging from a period of unqualified State regulation. In some Western lo calities there Is a disposition toward State regulation, tempered by home rule, and In others to a type of home ruto that leads ultimately to municipal ownership. Even the Wrongest advocates of State regulation uee in the principle crave dangers. Ml: ?? '. iMii , PL. if.i ; jkv1JH!I1J1FIV4 ? x x a s bisiBiBvn r i. nnv-t .., j mt a :&&j.i. ;.nj? iy a.t t .-.? & B6 CffOWD? ?V THS MDIV4Y f M ' In,.. ., . .. . . - ffiBySivJM 1 f iJihSBVh CHILDREN"LIKEJtTHE.FRBSW,L v rr p p W -if LADIES' DAY ATTRACTS BIG CROWD TO TRENTON FAIR LEFT HUSBAND A CENT "Account of His Worthlesness," Says "Wife in Her Will. NEW YOP.K, Sept. -John B Hcn drickson. 11GS Bushwick avenue. Brooklyn, who Is "in account of his worihlos.sles3" mut on with one cent by the will of his wife, who died August G last at tho New York State Hospital. King's, Park, has filed with Surrogate Ketcham of Brooklyn a. petition for its probate. Hendrlckson sas he has waited ever since his wife's death for hr eecutrl., Mrs. Martha Winter, IT St. Mark's place, Brooklyn, to file the will. He says he believes Mrs. Winter will refuse to act as executrix of the will and will refuse to apply for It' probate. I'nder the terms of the instrument an estate of 3100 is dl'tribut-d among Mrs Hendrick uon's four children. DOMINION'S HOLD CROWDED Steamship Brought Biggest Cargo of General Merchandise During War. Eve-y In-'h of t.ie holds of the Ameiican L, ne "Uair-1 IP I'omlnlon v.eie Jamnu-d with caio Tl.i W'tk of dlscnarsmg It bt-gaii tufl.iv. it w is iu of th" luggrst cargoes of genei il 1,1 -i "handidi brought her since t'.c nJtbirak of hostilities in Europe. Chiwf among the goods Imported nrc large quanitls of mte. wool, fjoat klns. yarn and cotton products. Longshoremen ir.gii.svd in unloading the cuign w -re cxtiemel i.ari-tul in handllne one lira- uie. lt lai-'l was nmik'-l "reptile- " U nt.iniiil -ev.-rol tine p. i. nn'- uf tii'l.-.. ''Ut vh.it will ! jiu of t'lerii is ' "l IviioA'i. ,i. neltliei tli name of tlV cin.-igu- nor ih- consignor U on the p.u kii ;e Innovation Proves Popular Suffra gists Present in Force. TRENTON. Sopt .'9. "Ladles U.iy" at the Interstate Kalr proved a great at traction today, and the fair grounds were ctowded before 9 o'clock. This was the first time that the management has set aside a special day for women, and the Innovation proed popular. By chang ing Children's Day from Tuesday to Monday, as was done this year, the side show men and fakirs genernlly got thm seHes established early so as to gain the patronage of the young visitors, and, as a consequence, all the shows and ehlblt!ons had an eail stait and were under way today. Those who know fair work leullze that tho ihlldren's money vlrtualU pays the expenses of the wliolo week for the sideshow folks, and helps out the expenses of the refreshment and other stands to u considerable extent. A larg- delegation of suffragists came here to watch the meetings of the thrc State political conentionl which are being held In Trenton tod.ty. und to urge that the women's suffrage resolution plank "f the Inst conventions ho re- adopted; but before tho politicians were through with their work many of th suffragists had found their way to the fair grounds. That New Jersey was ready to give the alcctorate of the State the privilege of at least voting on the mat ter was the talk on tho grounds The resolution giving women the ballot was I assed by the last Legislature. It must be passed again next winter and then It will go to a vote of the electorate be fore the proposition can be adopted As a recognition to the large number of women pret-ent. Secretary Margerum Improvised several horse races with women riders, and this proved popular. Everything was don- for the comfort and convenience of tho women and the had a thoroughly enjoyable day Tomorrow will be "farmers' da" at the fair and laige crowds from the rur-it sections aie expected VETERANS OF BOER WAR RALLY TO AID ENGLAND MIDWAY BUTTER STAMP OF 0JK RIPSS CROWDED AND BIG WHEEL PATRONIZED BY YOUNG VISITORS GOVERNORS WILL WORK MURDER OF YOUNG WOMAN FOR SMALL COTTON CROP ' PUZZLES POLICE OFFICIALS London1:: ::ew lord mayor LONDuN. Srpt ? -Sir Charles John ston was elected Lord Maor of London today. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSE llkhail J. ft. i .Jill .V. MM-tl-, n1 atreet, unii Arinl. I.i. ,11, 11. liran.' iireit Oi-'-rKf J. Mi'imtli lJ". Wilinr ave . ani Marzarei . M i,ri . 4i ! .N mh trett. Jumes A 1'in ii. Hi umrton IjhI , in i l.i, Isn i: H ii ii 1 in infill' Ij. i All'frt J. -uj.vi r vevfl si. n1 fc'U Toi.mln .' l J K i lotrneM , J' hn A Oiri. i ljo K .vlim l ar..l Mrlt L A tiflUin lO, V Fron; it Walter lir n An njt .r Mid, ail PI ren 1. IInrwo.i.1 AiliiiKiiri Mud Deriimn II ' lion j.ji Wni t . an'l Mll- dnil Wt r'hrttnvi l",jl fcrl a.v lrhuno ila. 17," l"'iit,Ttuu t.. ant Kit folfnian. Pury. I" Charlfk R. UirM U).'.' Karl t . an4 Auuinjj Hlrbier, t',lT K folnniWa tia. Abrih.,m Klein V'UT lurhlfh a.. ani Ma . Wettnfli .l.t S -ili t. Orrrzc t". M finiwil. il'i :i lironnay t and Anna 1! t' liiiMrltk. J) nlnhart Jginfi A. I.n. ,r,,, ii . 1 1th !.. and Kathrln l' i, inr. US N. llih . John Lmka M. Kate . and Kunla lo,, Auk lir. ic in4tfor.i John Fau.i lT.ti s .'tin t . anil Jennl f Kenno .ui,i N .Ml at Jlkhele ,'iinln" l I .iriM-nwr at , and An IcmU C'lanti inu ".I" Ftlinufr at John C ihli 1 liflx V L)u(li ai,, and I'lortni A IMerniin, JTIU ,V .VevikirH ai. Anira rnlr VHu irni4nlmi n ait , und Ji Culrli-un U""i N .'Olh N. Luiiuig a. Niitrii, "ihi .s'. lmh at, and Mrgarcl K i-Vii.in "'.'Ii Mwhr at. Jatma T Thonifa"ii. ail I 'ift at., and Mary K Mului,n .11 HI Filtrt t Conrad Knbvlkruui Jr . U1 .N. .'d at., and El I iu belli K M U'l Tramon .N J Edvard 1. Hollar l.'"! Area at. and Mary l; Hamuli u 1 lok .V IV'th at. Ctaiwu-a J iiHrlm J N 10th at, ant Klna H i'u l-i n .n "iUI N. lttiQ ai Jamaa V UalUah. r. Tt4 N :,Hu, at . and r'luramr M 1'n.uit, .'..V1J Uarkat at. T.l.llum II Wraiir. hutb attd Suffolk i . and rhri.iin., l.n'hfl ih nd SuKi'lk jit Itoiwrt h Ingrraoll. Ul" Walnut at , and Murtuu Ii ri itlaa. Did Clinton at Vi.. nn Hill " Ptinoary i . and Anna II. Oadn iintl KlnattiK hi Jat r Alln l'i.' Waliun ava., and Kaio- irint 11 oiiidir U1 044C av. Junira J',nnon I'a.i Una, C'al , and Jannle Jhnavii Saiannali 03. ntr Aqioi.alil. i:iu. H. ailib at ami Mary tiudullonla '614'. Wharton 1. Cointliua Ul lUru .tit N. flliti ai . and ilflan lUl-rui Hi N Uith at J Siaulay oarinrr IT Old Vorls fnai). and IUIm-1 K IUu I 3(KU) KlfMrald at Ctutilaa II JfiikiiK H3U N. 3th at , und Mirfl'ia i iauaaa 1 1 ill l'arrljh at. ja.tor IX u mli l: S Mh t. and (iitttl t'haaln. IXIU N 'h at Allxrt 8 Wn'rtao "..I V l.'d t and Mar- (jltt K il 'bU(livrn TV' I s Hish ai Juwph J I'lane .'-illiujtli-M Uaaa.. aud Vladalln A 1'aMrllg- SiirititltaM U Cbarlia N Kl ivnLi- 13:u N' Alliaon at . and tuil!) 1- in I ii a k :l."- Uakfuril ai Joaawli Pur' !-'' iiumbvr at , and Katbvr F Uacbinan iii'i ouutuar ai WiiUaui F iiarrU '"'' Q'Jn lane and MariUa. I). Ktarnry 5S Kohall avc Ajbart VI1 ' a. umliu. f J an 1 t'loremc u44r i ioilen N J Uuntar ! ra i -''"V IVmtiarton at anl Hmma 1 , i ,ini,ar i U bt' 'i M ii rt( , Patriotism Stirred by Appointment of New Letder. I-ATHTOWN. South Africa. Sept. 20. Voterana of the Ho-r War are rally ing to the t.upi,ort of Ensland. Piitrlotlc demonsit rations were held today. The action of General Hotha In acceptin the jo3t of commender of the defense forces of the Vnion of South Africa has, euused much enthusiasm. A mtetii. of tli otllcers of the cefense forcf was held toda: . when a number of Reneral- spoke. and "ul agreed to detend the fJovernment in an; mr.isure It should adopt. Thf iiuiuvat into the death of general Jneob.13 I'e La Hey. who was shot and killed b a force of police on September lu near JonannesDur, was ima nmuj. Eid'Pe tended to show that the shoot ing wan accidental. General Beyers, who was with General le La Key at the time, declared that tl.ev did not hear the police thalleiiRe. '"General De La Hey knew that tho Government was suppresslm; his letter of resignation." said General Hirers. ' i,ut he did imt anticipate an nnest " ii liernl pe La Hi had J 't resiRntd ,i .omniander-ln-.-l-'ef of thr defmse fute of Hie I'nloii nf S ,uth Africa Geneial lleiers -iid h- and his com panion wre on their wa homo In an nutomoalli- and that they wert travelilnsr oronly. NORI JAILED FOR NON-SUPPORT Carlisle Man Also Charged With Em bezzlement at Indian School. rAHLISLE, Pa. Sept 29 -Slcenl J Norl eterday was comnutt,-,! to the umber land I'nunty Jail In default of furnlihliiK lj..n"1 to comply with an order nf court dlrt!ns htm to vm his wife the hum ,f $ a week. Mr Ida V Norl eharuel her husband, w'ho la ain'j reatinB under the iIiutkh of namir cmbuxzl- d nioii- from students at the t'ailial Indian Kr-hnul with nnn aupporr Norl a trial on thf ttmteizle irtmt i barges haa be-n twice defurred at th rp'iuet of th Federal Indian fllllce TOWNSHIPS ASKED TO PAY FEE Expenss Incurred When Cltizene Srought Action Against Authorities, NOMnHTOVVN. fa, Sept ! Fle tnk pa j in .binetnn township citizens, who rmriiliv brought the township authori ties Into fourt to restra'n them from nxeeedlns the expfliditm rs of tho town ahlp ImdR'-t, han- tiled it petition dfcklnK h toiirt to ordn their i'SJi counsel fee paid out of the township tieaaury. The polni out that IKM was paid out nf the township treasury for defense and di-cl.ir that tiiidr ai'tton vvai brought to calm the public mind- Also Will Prevail on Government to Aid Farmers Financially. WASHINGTON. Sept. 3. The cotton conference of Governors reached an MKreemer.t this afternoon and adopted resolutions as follows: "The Governors of the States aBrcc to do all in their power to curtail the acreago planted next tar In cotton; Southern Senators and membeis of the Houne agree to urge curtailment and to prevail upon the ndeial Government to extend llnun clal ild to the cotton farmers." The resolutions do not commit the Gov ernors to calling extra sessions of their Legislature to enact laws curtailing the cotton production, nor do they commit th? members of Congress to urge Fedeial LecrMntion for such t purpone. Tho resolutions provide that members of Congress shall urge the enactment Into l,iw nf the Hoke. Smith amendment to the Aldrlch-Vrtelaml emergency currency law, extending the benctits of the law to State banks. A committee, consls-tlng of Senator Hob Inhon, of Aikunsas, and Hcpresentathch Lecr and Ilnruwlik. was named to In form the Pieairlent of the conference and to solicit his aid JEWELRY THIEF GOES TO JAIL BISHOP TRIED FOR ARSON Gharged That He and Others Burned Church for Insurance, ASHBVILLB. N. ' , Sept 29-Hlshon I It HarriK, a Ntgro presidlni; oer th largest dlstikt in the Southern African llrthodlit Kplscopal Church: V J. Trent, secretary of tho Negro Young Men's ChrlaiUn Association, In Atlanta, und aovin Negro doctors and lawyers are on ttial here in the Superior Court, charg'-d with arson It Is alleged they causul the, burning Of a locul Negro Mt-thodlst Church two eais ago to ki Insurance. HARBORS BILL VOTE TODAY House Will Act on Measure Carrying $20,000,000 Appropriation. WASHINGTON, Sept 39 -The JJO.uuo.iM rUcis and harbors bill -a III be voted on U the House late today. The Senate-amended bill to appropriate a lump i ..ii under the direction of the War Department brought forth many vlgorouf protests On the ofier band, dneti ff speeches were mud" urging the passage f the j i nr tb g-i.ij,M tnat u Conshohocken 3Ian Says Liking Babies Was His Downfall. NOHHISTUWN. I 'a . Sept. 'JO. Georgo Ie!laen of Conshonocken, who plead ed guilty In court today to stealing jew rlry valued at $IW from the home of Mrs. Hattie McKernan. In I'ottstown, while on a visit, wan eentonced by Judge Swnrtz to two eurs In jail. Ills excuse ' lor tlie theft wae tl'at In liked huhiei i.i. I hud gone to Mrs. I)iH!ien bid- . room to see liei hab, then saw the , Jewels and the tempt.itlon was too great Sentence was deferred on Soldi u I', i Hilriiltsl. ot Jamestown. Va , who ad- , tnltted that ho forged a check for I3.'i i while stopping in I'ottstown to get money to marry a girl In J'otthtown. The two eloned to Klkton, Md.. and wro married. Hilqulst was arrested at Nor folk, Va SHIP PURCHASE BILL Cabinet Discusses Project and Signs Point to Compromise. WASHINGTON. St.pt. '. Whether the Imin'atratlon -shall Insist upon passage of tho Govertunnt JSfi.C0o,0fO t-hlp pur i haae bill, bitterly opposed by many I'omorrats In Congress, was one of the Important subjects today before the Pres ident and his Cabinet. Si,jns pointed to a compromise by whlfh the bill may be sent through the House and postponed In the Senate un til the December session of Congress penocrats opposing the legislation pointed out that the Federal Insurance lilll. appropriating JS.VO'O'i, the ship pur chase rni-asure of J0,Cuu,0j. and the rivers und humor 'pork oatrel" bill of JiO.fO, W1 all aggregating more than half of the additional "war tax" proposed tnisht tie used by Itepublleans as un atgtiment In the Congressional cam IMlgns. PLOT TO BLACKMAIL HILL Duluth Police Charge Man With Scheme to Get $50,000. DL'U'TH. Minn. Sept, ;. Chaileo Howell of Glen Flora, Wis. is held her for the Kederal authorities and, accord ing to the police, has confessed that he prep'tred, through a series of letters, to blackmail Jumcs J. Hill and the latter a son. Louis V Hill, out of JM.ffA The police say Ho.vtll also confessed that ho had i-ent similar letters to per sons In Duluth and towns In Wisconsin Akron Mission Worker Found With Hatchet Buried in Skull. AKRON', O., Sept. . A small scrap of paper on which a few challenging words were scribbled is the only clue police hero have to the murder of Miss Vlnnle Bec ker, a young mission worker, who was found dying late yesterday afternoon In the rear of her brother's tea shop at 1(1 Hattgcs street. A hatchet was hurled in her skull and she died a few minutes after reaching a hospital. The theory of the police has led them to search foi it religious fanatic. They believe that the girl's work among for-clgn-born membeis of her mission classes made her the unfortunate object of a vonpeful love. On the note found on the counter In the tea shop were written the-e words: "Why didn't ydu iccognlze me last rilghtV" It Indicates to police this fragmentary theoiy: The muidcret visited the storo while Miss Hecker was out for a moment. Afn r ho left the noto she came In. Ho challenged her orally, and, becoming en raged, killed her. The hatchet was sunk Into Miss Bec ker's skull as far as the handle would permit, and still was In the wound when tho girl was found dying. Sho wns unable to tulk. despite thu tibo of stimulants given In hepe sli would it-vlxo sufllclently to give the police some clue to her murderer. RELIEF FUND GROWING PROTEST AGAINST RATES Postoffice Department Complains of Railroad Shipping Charges, WASHINGTON. Sept 29 -Filing a de mand for rtpuratlon on past shipments Second Assistant I'otindSter Gencial Steuuit today complained to the Inter state Commerce Commission against the rate on stamped envelopes und news paper wrappers fioin Datgn. Ohio, to nearly every point In the I'nlted States. A good part of the postoltlc,e supplies is manufactured In Dai ton, and Mr Stewart bcVeves the existing rates are in rasonn tie The Atchlon Topaku and Hni'ti V ml el r rollf""! . r- -- i Will Be Used to Aid the Belgium Non-combatants. The Belgium relief fund for noncom batanU Is growing rapidly, $:500 having been donated duiing tho several dayti of Its Pklstrmr. This fund Is to lie m.ed In the old of Belgians rendered destitute by th Gciman occupation of Belgium Only thoso who aro iiouiumbatntuh will be aided as the wounded and nlrk will he taken care of by the Hod Crots Sn eietv. The funds raised here will oe tout to Belgium at convenient times Donations should he sent to Paul Hage mans. Consul General of Belgium, ISO AValnut street: Kdward Bok, Curtis Pub lishing Company, and C. C. Harrison, Jr., Lifaetto Building. Fifth and Chestnut streets. MAIL BAGS ARE RETURNED Two Reported Stolen in Camden Found by Roadside. Two mall bags reported stolen from tho Public Service Corporation nf Camden jesienlav were returned today by the tinder, who said he had enmo across them In the husnes by the side of the road near tho plucu where they were first missed. The messengers had been dispatched with the bags to a special trolley at Twelfth and Federal streets, which was to carry them to Newark Thev stopped to talk to a friend on the road and during the conversation the bags disappeared. It Is mippohhI some Joker hid them In the bushes. CLASS OFFICERS CHOSEN Students at West Chester Normal School Pick Leaders. WHST CHE.YIKU. Sept. 3 The classes at the Wnt Chester State Nor mal School have chosen their ortlcera for the current term The seniors have chosen Norman Stevens, president: James Ulsh, vice president: Katharine Hartmun, tecretary, and Anna Butler, treasurer. The Junior class has also organized, selecting Clarence Stltter, president; Harry Schoenly. vlca president; Irene Handall, secretary, and Beatrice Ball, tieusurer. ENTERS SETTLEMENT WORK NEW HAVUN, Sept 2.-llobcrt A Crosby, executive secretary of the Civic Federation In this city, lias resigned to become head worker of the Unlverslty Hettlcment, Hldrldge street, New Vork He succeeds Dr. Hobblns Oilman, and begins his new duties November J. HU wife will be associated with him. Mills Close; 800 Out of Work PROVIDENCE, Sept 53 -The milUi of the liuldnlck-Windhum Manufacturing Company, at Wllllmantlc. Conn , aud Quldmck, H. I., were closed jeaterday by a temporary receiver, Charles Ii Newell, of Paw tucket, R. I- Between WO and WO operatives were thrown out of work , hearln will be held October U in Provi dence, on a petition for a permanent ic c-'ver The. petition avers that the ,,, p, ra'li n, Is nnlveit I'M t'- ' a i GET THE SAFETY HABIT, SLOGAN AT THE CARNIVAL Crowds Hear the Advice Oft Re peated at tho Closing Sessions. Get the sufcty habit; practice It and help others acquire tho some habit. This I.s what the Carnival of Safety at the Convention Hall, Broad street and Alle gheny avenue, this nfternoon emphaslred as one of tho golden rules of safety to ton thousand persons who crowded the hall. While tho carnival Is scheduled to close today. Director Porter and a number of city olllclals are considering the ad visability of prolonging the "safety first" performances by the police and fire dc--lartments for the remainder of the week, thus giving opportunity to many people who arc unable to lcavo their places of business. Tickets to the number of 417,000 hae been distributed. TRADE WITH LATIN AMERICA John Barrett Tells Richmond Con ference of Rapid Growth. RICHMOND, Va., Sept. 20. A gener ous credit to Latin-American Importers by United States exporters and tho Im provement of steamship facilities are among the Important fncts In tho present Pan-American trade situation, Director John Barrett, of the Pan-American Union, today said In an address before the foreign trade exposition conference In session here. He asserted that tho United States Latin-American trade has grown in the last seven years from 6o0,0f0,000 to JS50. ttJO.WO and that, today, the United States transacts a larger business with all Latin-America thnn docs nny individual country of Europe. Latin-America's great need, he said, was a ready and reasonable market for audi portion of Its numerous and nccumulatlag raw products as genernlly go to Europe. TRAPPED IN ELEVATOR Car Caught Between Floors, and 8 Firemen Have Narrow Escape. NEW YORK. Sept. 29.-night firemen nearly lost their lives early today when they were trapped In an elevator while lighting a Hie In the Union Trust Build ing. Tho lire loss was JIo.OOO. The llremcn, Including Battalion Chief Kuss, Captain O'Donohue and Deputy Chief Blnns, rushed an elevator up to ward the 12th floor. Near the Uth the car became Jammed. Tho flames shot Into the shaft and threatened to burn tho fire men alive Finally, by superhuman effort, Kuss forced the shaft door open and the men crawled out. Thon. on their bauds and knees, the eight men crawled along a nanow foplng on the 12th floor and reached the roof in safety. NIGHT SCHOOL ENROLMENT 2000 MORE THAN LAST YEAR 81.000 Children Attended Opening Session Last Night. It was announced today that more than 21.001 children attended the sessions of night school which began last night. This Is nearly 2000 greater than the open ing enrolment Inst car. In the even ing high schools several new courses were inaugurated, Including book selling, a course to train llbratlans and another In machine work and woodworking The following schools have been added o thoso which conduct evening classes Wayne School, 2Sth and Morris streets; Furness School. Third and Mifllln streets, Wilson School. Twelfth and Federal streets, nnd the Geoige School, 63d street and Girard avenue. The night schools are under the direc tion of Dr. Oliver II Cornman, asso ciate superintendent of schools, CASTLES CANCEL DATES Court Proceedings Stayed When Dancers' Plans Are Set Forth, Final disposition of the motion of coun sel foi the Vernon Castles to dissolve the Injunction obtained against theni by the Shubert Theatrical Conipany and tho asserted Intention of the lawyer for the theatrical managers to Issue an attach ment against Vernon Castle, for contempt of court was. deferred by Judge Klnsey In Common Pleas Court No. I today. The holding of tne matter in abeyance was due to the cancellation of the engage ment of the dancers to appear at Keith's the current week. MR. CONSUMER, it's to your advantage to buy your coal NOW. We handle only the Best Coal Our auto trucks deliver north of Market street east of 30th street. Ejg. $7.00 Slove, $7.25 Cbe.tmit. J7.50 Large RouidPea,,5.50 J5I0 I.U3. TO KKIIY TON Owen Letter's Sons Limil Coal Yard Ul VhlU. Trenton Ave. & Wetlmorelind St, TRAINS CRASH IN NEW YORK SUBWAY Panic und Flro Follow When Pas sengers Fight Guards. NEW YORK, 8ept, 29. One of tho most serious accidents In the history of the New York subway system, which has been remarkably free of nny mishaps, occurred early today when two trains collided underneath H2& street, the Bronx. The Injured men nro Isaac Schwartz, motorman of empty passenger train: William Horton, motorman of work train, nnd Frank Colombostck, o, track walker. Tho men are all subway employes. They were taken to the Fordham Hos pital, from which nmbulances and sur geons had boon summoned. There It was stated they had a email cnanco oi re covery. After the collision the tralna took fire and In righting the blaie 20 firemen were overcorhe by tho dense emoko which choked tho tunnel. Ono hundred pas sengers on a train following those which collded were thrown Into a panic and fought the guards until ffln doors wcro opened. Thy then walked sevon blocks back through tho amokc-nilcd tunnel. Frank Williams, ono passenger, was badly bruised when tho rear train camo to a sudden stop after the collision of the trains ahead. Ho was thrown heavily against a door, but after being treated was able to go to his home. The trains which collided were a work train and two passenger cars, carrying newspapers only. The cause of tho ac cident hod not been determined several hours after It had occurred. Wlroi were short circuited by the crash, however, and the cars Immediately took fire. The current was cut off, and this auto matically stopped tho train carrying pas sengers which was following. Servlco on the Bronx system was completely tied up, and the tunnel was filled with thick, heavy smoke. Three (Ire alarms wero turned In. nnd the flrumen fought the blazo by pouring great streams of water from hose thrust through vault holes In the street. All of the three trains Involved In tho acci dent wcro northbound. SUIT PENDING TO ANNUL HANSEN-REUTTI MARRIAGE Grand Nephew ot Xeland Stanford Eloped With Vaudeville Actress. NEW YOniC, Sept. 29.-Sult Ii pending here to annul tho marriage contracted In Philadelphia. November B, 1912, between "Waller Lathrop Hanson and his young wife. Ho Is a grandncphew of the Into California millionaire, Leland Rtnnfoid. und she Is known on tho vaudeville stuge as Henrietta Rcuttl. The annulment pro ceedings were brought by Mrs. Almee Lathrop Hansen, the young man's moth er. She names as defendants her son, his wife and Edward T. IXmpsey, who vns legally appointed a committee ot young Hansen's person and property. Before the mnrrlage Mrs. Hansen enter tained Ml, r.cuttl, giving the Impression that sho was fond of the actress. Tho sun was then a contingent heir to $.150,000 which the mother now controls. After tho pair eloped to Philadelphia to be mar ried, the mother cut off her son's allow ance. He sued her to obtain the ')0.000 legacy left him by his father In 1912. Mrs. Hansen then hid young Hansen examined as to his sanity. He wn found sane, but incompetent. Hansen then quit his wife nnd she sued tho elder Mrs. Hansen for 530,(00 for alienating ills affections. COTTON BALE ON VIEW Lester Piano Company Has First Con signment as an Exhibit. The first bale of cotton In the "Buy a Bale of Cotton" campaign to be purchas ed by a Philadelphia firm arrived here today. The cotton was purchased by th3 Lester Piano Company, 1301 Chestnut street through the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. Hundreds of women, men nnd children viewed the bnle of cotton this morning. It Is on exhibition In the show window of the Lester Piano Company. ACCUSED OF BEATING CRIPPLE Officer in New Jersey Home for Boys Charged With Cruelty. TRENTON, Sept. 29. Charges have been brought against James Bennett, nn of ficer In the Griggs Cottage at the Stato Home for Boys here. In which he Is accused of having beaten a cripple In mate of the institution. The boy was Charles Nicholson. 10 years old, who has no feet. Bennett, It Is said, attacked the boy because lie refused to hand him ono of his crutches when Bennett was about to strlko another Inmate, Henry M.ildman The charges havo been preferred to the boaid of trustees, nnd Bennett likely will be tried at the October meeting of tho board. DR. HARTE REQUESTS $79,000 TO FURTHER CHILD-SAVING WORK Plans Being Prepared for Extension of Hygiene Di vision to Benefit Children in Congested Sections. Plans for tho extension ot the child hygienic division of the Bureau of Health to benefit poor children in con gested sections ore being; prepared by Doctor Hnrtc, Director of the Depart ment of Health nnd Charities. "If Councils con see Its way clear to cpproprlatc ?9 000 for tho child hygienic division, tho scopo of that work will be greatly Increased next year," Doctor Harta stated today. "Thcro should bo at least $7009 for the relief of children In the congested sec tions during the hot summer season. Supplies of food and medicine could bo bought with that nmount. "Tho eight nurses aro now employed In the child hygiene division, and should be Incrcasod to 40. They are paid $300 a year, and earn all of it. "A nlary of J3CO0 should be paid the chief of the division and a supervising nurse should rccelvo J1800. There should be four assistant supervising nurses at (1000 each, nn ophthalmologist at 12000, an nssltant at $900, a chief of the dental dis pensary at iilMO and IS assistant dentists at 1700 each. "Two women medical Inspectors are needed In the division. They could be obtained for )100 a year and could do excellent work. i ', CUSTOM SERVICE EXPERTS SCRUTINIZE METHODS HERE Collector Berry nnd Assistants Praised for Efficient System. Methods of conducting business at the local Custom House were scrutinized closely yesterday by a special commit tee, iccently appointed by Sccrctar of the Tiensury McAdoo, with a view to standardizing nnd Increasing the effi deny of the customs service of the coun try. The committee consists of Speclsl Agent Connechlc, Deputy Collector Grant, of New York, nnd Deputy Collector Far ley, of San Francisco. All are recognized experts In custom service. "Deputy Colector Durrell, of the local Custom House, acted as a guide to the committee. They congratulated Collector Berry and his helpers on the smooth, easy-running svstcm which makes the cost of collecting customs for the Gov ernment second lowest In the United States. New York ranks first, due prin cipally to tho heavy Import and export trade of that port. The committee leaves tonight for Baltimore and will then go to Jfcw Orleans and San Frnnctsco. Prior to tl:eir arrive! here the methods of do Ing business at Boston and New York were examined. PURCHASES OF COTTON URGED Carriage Builders' Association In dorse Buy-a-bale Movement. ATLANTIC CITY. Sept. 2). In a reso lution by C. O. Bannister, of Muncle, Bid., declaring that the European war has created an unexampled condition In Amer ica by closing the customnry channels for the disposal of n very large part of the cotton crop, the Carriage Builders' National Association today called on nil Its members to buy at least one bale of ten cent cotton. "Application of tho Golden rtule to business will help the consumer and help the producer by creating n higher stand ard nf conlldonce, thereby helping every legitimate business enterprise In the coun try," declared Adllan D. Joyce, of Cleve land, discussing "modern business ten dencies." A man might well forego a few points in his dividends, he stated, to bo able to look back at the close of his actlx e days and feel assured he had given IiIh fellow man a square deal. C. O. W'renn, Norfolk, Va., was nominated for president. Bales ot cotton bearing tho Inscription, "We have bought ours. Have you?" are n striking feature of the carriage builders' big ehlblt. Ono St. Louis firm bought 20n0 bales just to "help business." Garrison Will See Army Maneuvers WASHINGTON. Sept 23. -Secretary of War Garrison will leave Washington to night to witness the maneuvers of tht Di'Piii tiiient uf the East, to be held at P.ouse Point, N. Y commencing tomorrow. B i . M mmmmm M ilaa i Goes to Press September 30 th Will your name appear in the im portant winter issue of the Bell Directory ? Call Filbert 2790 For telephone aervice and changes in listings, ask for Business Off ice; for advertising space, ask for Directory Advertising Manager.