WW?-""? -wvKinrtjfft Ty- "-wr'jl"!' yH'' ''ft"' V T ,i' ?55?wi -v By'A- -a ' ' 2 EVENING LEPGflR HILAPELPHMTTTJESPAY BEPTEMBEB 29, 1914. ' ' ' 1,1 i . i . i . al whom pass through Paris on Iholr way to detention camps In the southwest. German soldiers are suffering fright fully from the Insanitary conditions In their trendies and from the lack of substantial food. GAINS ON MEUSE, RIGHT IS FIRM, BERLIN DECLARES BEflLIN, Sept. 29. The War Office, In Its ofllclal state ment today, declared the operations In France had settled down to a general artillery duel, Interspersed with fre quent assaults at the vital points along the line. The report say3: Whllo the fighting Is general, It , Is not apparent at any lino of tho battlo that the contact has entered Into deciding stages. The German right has been subjected to severe pressure, but every attempt to penetrate It has been repelled with great loss to the enemy. On tho centre there has been no decided change for nearly a week, whllo on tho left the fighting con Unites. Our forces continue to make gains along the lines of tho Mouse. In an earlier statement tho Govern ment emphatically denied the British contention that more than one subma rine took part In the attack on the cruisers Cressy, Aboukir and Hogue. The report of tho Cressy's o. leers that she fired on the U-3 arc characterized as false. Not a single shot was fired from the three cruisers that were sunk. Tho U-0 was In action i' minutes, and after the three cruisers hud been sunk was pursued until nightfall by a fleet of cruisers, destroyers and torpedo boats, but escaped under cover of dark ness. It Is reported from tho front that tho Belgians, during a sortlo from Antwerp, occupied for a time tho vil lage of Linden, near Louvaln. In that village Is a castle belonging to a Dutch family named Van Blankcnhagen. This Dutch family, out of goodness of heart, had turned the castle Into a temporary Hed Cross hospital. Upon tho roof both Dutch and Red Cross flogs were floating. Inside -10 Belgian soldiers were undergoing treatment. The Belgians flred upon the village and tho castle was burned. This is attributed to the nnger of tho Bel gians, who accused tho Dutch Gov ernment of allowing German troopr. to cross Dutch territory. A mass-meeting of leading financiers, business men and othero was held here, when a resolution was unanimously adopted providing tho success of the recent war loan. Those attending the meeting stated their readiness to make any sacrifices to sce that the German Government has sufllclent finances to carry the war to a successful conclusion. VON KLUK WEAKENING, IS BELIEF IN LONDON LONDON, Sept. IT. The Government Press Bureau today Issued a statement saying that the position of the British In Franco is good. It makes particular mention of an aeroplane victory, field Marshal Sir John rFench believes that the Ger man defensive positions along tho Alsne were chosen while the offensive operations of the Germans were still In progress. Meagre telegrams which tho censors have allowed to filter through from the French theatre of war Indicate that the Germans have been forced from part of their strong positions along the Alsne. The censors refuse to allow correspondents to mention the name of any town along the Olse and Alsne where fighting Is in progress unless contained In official statements, but the press dispatches point strongly to the fact that General von Kluk has been pushed from some of his strong holds. Troop movements, more Important than any yet made, are believed to be under way. Thus the "Sth day of the war seems to find the Allies in a better position than any they have occupied, and the 17th day of fighting In the great Alsne battle points to a conclusion of the en gagement before the end of the present week. In an official statement coming from the field headquarters of Field Mar shal Sir John French, commander of the British troops In France, It Is stated that the British recc.'ved rein forcements last week, enabling units that had been continuously under fire to get a rest. HIGHLANDER CHIEF CAPTIVE LONDON, Sept. 23.-Colonel Frederick Gordon, of the Gordon Highlanders, who was reported to have been killed In ac tion on the Continent Is a prisoner in Germany. James W. Gerard, the Amer ican Ambassador in Berlin, today sent word to th!s effect to the Gordon family. TSING-TAO FORTS TARGET OF JAPANESE BOMBARDMENT DOMj Stean Fleet Begins Shelling: Leasehold Town; Land Assault Continues. TOKIO, Sept. 20. The Japanese fleet has begun tho bom bardment of the German fortresses at Tslr.g-Tao. Official announcement to this effect was made today. According to a Pekin dispatch, the Ger mans have evacuated the Waldersee Una ' ?' defense because of an overwhelming force of English and Japanese troops. Tsing-Tao is now completely invested, tlit rcp-jrt says. The 'and forces of the Japanese and their allies have driven back th outer defenses of the Germans In Kloa-Chau, capturing four qulck-flre guns and prisoners. The following official announcement of, thtj Pghtlng in Klao-Chau was givn out by the War Office today: "On September JT the Japoncio casual ties were IM. Tho German looses are not known, but SO nvn anj four machine guns were captured. This action, which waa sreedicr than antlclp.ited. has vceler. ated the general attack "The fleet has attacked 'ho litis fort, effectively aided bv th army ' CONVENT BADLY DAMAGED BY BOMB FROM ZEPPELIN More Raids Over Belgium German Aviator Killed Near Paris. AMSTERDAM. Sept. 3. Further Zeppelin forays are reported Another one occurred, yesterday over Deypze. a ! f WO, ten miles south west of Ghent, where four bombs were dropped- At Thielt, a city of 1?.0C peg. pie, !n West Flanders, fojr or Ave miles ut of Peynze. two bomos were dropped. The Convent of St Vincent ami Si. Paul at Pnz was badly damage. BOItPBAl'S. Sept. ?9. The German aeroplane which flew over Par's on Sunday sad dropped bombs, kllltng several person. Has tared upon and brought to earth near Montgeron. a ft-w miles southwest of I'arU. accord ing to a telegram received here today. The avtator was killed. According to this message, the German aviator had Just dropp4 a bomb upon a tralnload of Fiench soldiers when a thell hit the aeroplane. New Pennsylvania Postmasters WASHINGTON, Sept. a. -The Presl dent today sent to the Senate these nominations for postmasrs in Pennsyl vania William A. Keff&r, Homestead, J. Somers, Yatesttofg, aiui jpnn Kahoe, VilUto CHINESE WRECK BRIDGE TO RLOCK JAPANESE PATH Advance of Land Force Against Kiao Chau Impeded by Act. PJIKIN. Sept. 23. Advices from Wel-Hslen say that Chinese troops have blown up the rail road bridge at Tayhu-Ho, Shantung Peninsula. In the path of tho advancing Japanese army moving against Klao Chau. It Is not known whether this action was taken under orders from tho Chines Government. Recently It was announced that the Chln"S Cabinet had sent orders to the Chinese commander of Shantung prov ince that he was not to Interfere with tho Japanese. However, when the Jap anese landed troops and seized Wcl Hslen on Saturday China formally pro tested to Japan that Chinese neutrality again was being violated PLEDGED POLISH AUTONOMY RESCINDED BY GOVERNOR Swift Penalty Reported for Poles' Aid to Austria. BEHLIN. Sept. 25. Prow dispatches report that the Rus sian commander-in-chief has now reminded hi promised autonomy to Poland, because Polhth rttUmen fought on the Austrian Fide at Lemberg. Acm )'! to Information received here the Polish constitution wa to be granted only n onduion thii all Poles remained loval o KuMiti. The manifesto must cer tainly have proved worthless under any circumstances, because it did not bear tlus Ciai'si j-lvnnture FIVE VICTIMS OF EMDEN London Officially Admits Losses Due to Cruiser's Raid. LONDON. Sept V9. The German i ruis-r Eroden has sunk four British merchantmen in the Indian Ocean and has captured a collier," says an ofllclal statement given out by the War Information Bureau today. Tha crews of all are reported safe I The statement adds i "The Oermn cruiser Kmden has cap , tured the BrttUh ships Twmerlc, King Lud. Bibera fcnd Fovie All of them were sunk after being taken " RUSSIANsTeVY" HEAVILY ON AUSTRIAN EQUIPMENT Capture Guns and Supplies in Addi 1 tion to 64,000 Prisoners, I'ETROCjRAD. Sept 30. The official Army Gazette states that between August 11 and September ! the Russian forces in Galicla captured seven regimental standards, (37 guns. Including 3$ German guns, If machine guns. 833 ammunition (.arts and t).0 prisoners Including one general and 533 officers GERMAN NAVAL LOSSES BERLIN Spt m. -The sixth German naval casualty n.-t issued today gives the nam" of en' inan killed and 31 of listra and Hi men miasms MEN WHO GASPED AT "OCEAN HELL" r-j-- ,L ' - " ' '--,' '- - " ''1''"Tir,'''.xii.' I nHHBSBjfltxElHnVflBK iimEKyi, iYKv$v3 1 & TBP kJV KilBLfc t HbRSbbbbbbbbbbKHv 'KSffiHKnti riTl - -ft""' lUHMIM'tf K KV&e t fiv t" d r 1nPlMaBBBf r bbbbbbbbbbbbbV bbbbK i fFidKlHttjUUkbIft!3& vS Veu lift. Ir3 DIRECTOR PORTER POSES ON "FLOGGING TRIANGLE" Photographed "When Private Party Visits Convict Ship "Success." Director Porter had a Usto of the "flossing triangle" today when he visited the prison ship "Success," now anchored off the Market street wharf. Stretched out on tho triangle, "a very uncomfort able position," as ho called It, Director Porter posed for a photograph, a symbol of the triumph of modern penal methods against the Inhuman ways of old. With Director Porter were the Board of In spectors of tho Eastern Penitentiary, Warden Robert J. McKenty, of the peni tentiary, and a number of friends. The party was Invited by Captain Smith, of the Success, to view the ship privately. They were so Impressed with what they saw, the Instruments of pun ishment, tho cells, the solitary confine ment deck and tho general atmosphere that pervades tho "ocean hell." as the Success was called when In commission, that they entered and re-entered tho cells In an endeavor to get closer to the experiences of suffering and horror to which human beings were subjected as late as forty years ago, when the ship and four sister ships used for the same purpose were abolished. When some one In the party commented on the fact that the ship typified the most horrible example of man's Inhu manity to man, Warden McKenty de clared, "I can show yu things Just as bad in tills country," which brought to mind the fact that there are yet many thlng.s In the way of prison reform to be accomplished in this country. In the party, besides Director Porter and Warden McKenty, were Robert A. Balfour, Charles Carver, Dr. Charles D. Hart and John B. Hanlfen, comprising the board of Inspectors of the Eastern Penitentiary: the Rev Thomas W. Davis, Judge A Soarle, Judge Morrl3 S. Barratt, Lieutenant Commander G. B. Lan derberger, V. S N . Major Maylon Pick ering and others. "SUNK TWO BRITISH SHIPS," IS PIGEON'S MESSAGE Announcement of German Victory Off Florida Found in Cylinder. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., Sept. S3. "September 21, 1DH, off Florida coast Just sunk two British ships. (Signed) " GERMAN B. S. L. I2-i:." It is supposed that the code "B. S. L." refers to the German cruiser Breslau, which has been operating In waters off the Florida coast. This typewritten message In a small cylinder was taken from u carrier pigeon which fluttered In from the Atlantic Ocean this morning. Another carrier pigeon came In late yesterday, dropping from exhaustion, hearing n tiny cylinder tied to its leg. The cylinder was Inscribed "Germany v:-lV KAISER MUST BE SCOTCHED Secretary of Presbyterian General Assembly Opposes Militarism. ATLANTIC -ITV. N. J . Sept 29 -"The Kalaer must be scotched for the future preservation of the world's peace. Ho personifies militarism, and militarism must be eliminated from the world at whatever cost." declared David McCon aughy. secretary of the Joint executive, committee of the Presbyterian General Assembly, representing nearly a million and a half communicants, here today. Members of tho Joint committee are of the same opinion. The Rev. John Timothy Stone. Pitts burgh, denied the great war epelled failure for religion "The general denunciation of the waste of human life throughout the world Is religion's victory," he as ferted. " 'Peace on earth, good will to men.' hive been decreed. The critics forget the preliminary Injunction, 'Glory to God In tha Highest.' When all men glorify God there will be no more war." PRINCE ADALBERT KILLED BY GERMAN SHOT, IS REPORT Belgian Doctor Says Kaiser's Third Son Bled in Ghent Hospital. GHENT. Sept. J9. A Belgian doctor. Just out of Brussels, says that Prince Adalbert, the Kaiser's third son. died In a hospital there and that Dr Lepage, King Albrrt s physician. was ordered to hold an autopsy In the presence of two German doctors. It was found, he says, that the Prince had been killed by a German bullet and that In other examinations officers were found to have died. too. from wounds made by German bullets. The man who told thl was firmly con vinced uf the truth of his statement, but It should be a. opted with reserve. GOLFERS DINE TONIGHT After an enjoyable day of golf the Golf Astociation of Philadelphia wjll hold Us fourth annual dinner at the. Merlon Pricket Club this evening. Covers will be laid for CO", ard the affair will be jtrl:tly informal dinner. " I ! DOUBLE BATTLE DUE AFTER AME FIGHT, STRATEGISTS SAY Expect War to End With Simultaneous Conflicts Waged West of Rhine and in East Prussia. Director Porter, the Board of Inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary and Warden Robert J. McKenty visited the convict ship Success, now lying off the Market street wharf. The Director, in the picture at the right, is shown outstretched on the "flogging triangle," a feat which he performed with the desire of ascertaining how it felt to receive the punishment. In the picture above, reading from left to right, are Robert A. Balfour, Charles Carver, Dr. Charles D. Hart, John E. Hanifen and Warden Robert J. McKenty, of the Eastern Penitentiary. ANGLO-FRENCH FLEET AGAIN TRAINS GUNS ON CATTARO Two Forts Destroyed in Renewal of Bombardment. BIUNDI3I. Italy, Sept. 23. The Anglo-French fleet In the Adriatic has resumed its bombardment of the Aus trian port of Cattaro. Two of the forts which have ben defending the city have been destroyed. An Austrian man-of-war Is reported to have been torpedoed by the Anglo-Flench fleet. VIENNA, Sept. 23. It Is stated here that tho French bom bardment uf Cattaro has been unsuccess ful. One big French cruiser Is said to have been sunk by the Austrian forts at Cat taro and to others are reported dum aged. BERLIN, Sept. 23. A dispatch to the Cologne Gazette from Igalo, Dalmatla, asserts that the Aus trian forts at Cattaio on September 13 sank a big French warship. Tim forts. It Is said, had Intercepted a wireless message concerning the move ment In the direction of Cattaro of 15 warships and three cruisers. The Aus trian awaited their arrival, fully pre. pared. A salvo from the first fort sank the warship, and the other vessels in the fleet retreated hastily. ZEPPELINS FALL VICTIMS OF ALLIES' DEADLY FIRE Artillery Brings Down Number of German Air Fighters. LONDON. Sept 39 A Reuter dispatch from Paris says that the French and English artillery has been particularly successful In the last few days In bring ing down German aeroplanes. "A single eye witness Informs the cor respondent that he saw two German aeroplanes shuttered In one day." sjys the telegram "One. of them was struck by a shrapnel and was crushed like an egg shell. The aviators were killed." FRENCH TAKE GERMAN CONGO Occupy Greater Part of Foe's Terri tory in Africa. PABl, Sept. a. French forces have occupied the greater nari ot the Congo territory ceded to Ger many by the treaty of 1911. it was oiHUai jy announced, today. RUSSIANS CHECK GERMANS IN STORMING POLISH FORT Kaiser's Offensive Ends With Re pulse in Suwalki Province. PETUOGRAD, Sept. 2D. Russian troops are rapidly pushing their offensive movement In tho foiests of Augustow In Suwalki province, t was oltlclully announced today. Tho attempt by the Germans, with the aid of large siege sunt,, to capture the fortress of Opsowetz has been .checked. "The offenslvo mcvement of the Rus sians in the forest of Augustow, Rustian Poland, province of Suwalki, Is being puht'd forward rapidly," says the official fitatetnent. "The Germans are using heavy siege artillery In the bombardment of the forti ess of Osjowctz. Attempts by the German Infantry to close in on the fortress have been checked. A report from the Berlin War Office, however, states that Russian attempts to tike the Initiative In Kast Pnusla havo been u failure. It Is fiUtert In Petrograd that tho Ger man arniv, which advanced In nn effort to cut In two the forces of General Ren nenkumpf and develop a wide dilve south ward through Poland, has met heavy op position from the Russians. P'spatches frrm the frontier indicato that the Germans are preparing to retire. DISASTER IN ADRIATIC CANARD, SAYS EMBASSY No Austrian Projectile Has Yet Hit French Vesel. WASHINGTON. Sept. 23.-The French Government, thruugh Its Embassy hert today denied the report emanating from German sources that tho Austrian forta at Cattaro had sunk a large Fiench warship. The dispatch reads: "The French Minister of .Marine hB made known that tho report of the sink ing of a French warship by Austrian forts is entirely false, and that there Is nothing to justify such a story. L'p to date no French warship has been reached by an Austrian projectile." Another dispatch from Bordeaux to tie Embassy dealing with the moratorium as applied to banks reads as follows: "The French Government published to day In the otltcUl Journal a new decree deciding the prorogation of payments and the withdrawal of money deposited in banking establishments According to the terms of article S of the moratorium, the benefit uf the sundry delajs given to the banking establishments by this de cice cannot b claimed by any corpoia tiuu whuh wuuld have paid dividends un its stuck or wi founders' sliarea, This disposition has been taken for tho reason that the creditors of banking establish ments, and In r articular those who have checking accounts, are so situated th&t they must have preference over stock- -"'laers. By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS PARIS, Sept. 20. That the battle which will end the, war will be fought soon, probably before the extreme cold weather sctB In, Is the opin ion of foreign military attaches here. Thoy believe that It must take place probably Immediately nfter the battle of the Alsno enters Into Its decisive stages. And the majority of them look for simultaneous conflicts, one In Bel glum and west of the Rhine, and the other In the eastern theatro of activities, probably In East Prussia. Kronen olllccra to whom I talked on my trip from tho front seemed to share tho same opinion. Thoy declared thnt there was such a decided contrast between the spirits of tho Germans and the Allies that It became very noticeable. The French soldiers are absolutely conlldcnt of victory. In fact they are. so con vinced they aro tho superiors of the Ger mans that the chief dlfllculty of officers Is keeping their troops from lecklcssly exposing themselves. I had an opportunity personally to ob serve the spirit of tho French soldier. Tho thing that most Impressed me was his complete cheerfulness and his desire to continue on tho offensive night and day. I was surprised to find regiments of soldiers made up from those who left tho French shops and factories and who, ac cording to tho German military com ments, could not stand hardship abso lutely disregarding exposure, and in every way healthy. Under u nasty cold drizzle, with their uniforms soaked and tho water dripping from the lips of their noses, they would sing and Jest with each other. Tho Inspector gcnotnl declared that on tho average there were fewer French soldiers sick at present than during tho maneuvers or other strcnuousloss times when war conditions do not prevail. De spite this the utmost endeavors are be ing made to provide tho army with win ter clothing. Henri GjIII, the Pails deputy, announced today that he. Is en deavoring to havo the Government be gin the manufacture of warm clothing and thus eolve the problem ot the un employed. BOY SCOUTS JOIN POLICE LOOKING FOR MISSING LAD Member of the Nicetown Club Has Been Gone Since Thursday. Every boy scout In Philadelphia today was Instructed to be on the lookout for George Heist, H years old, 3745 North Fifth street, a member of the Nicetown Boys' Club who has been missing from home since last Thursday when he left his father's house to Join a company of scouts for practice. The lad was last seen In Germantown on Chew street, between Wlster street and the railroad tracks. He wore a plaid cap, black shirt, blue sweater and blue, bloomer trousets. He was carrying a red sweater and woio regulation Boy Scout leggings. He Is four feet high, has brown hair and is mediumh daik com plexloncd. When the news of young Heist's dis appearance became known, Director of the Department of Public Safety Porter Immediately gave ordcis to all policemen to look for the boy mid at tho same tlmo suggested to various scoutmasters In Philadelphia that they Instruct boys In their commands to do likewise. INJURED SAVING DOG Man Falls prom Curb Going to Help Animal in Distress. Playing the part of a good Saamlrtan toward a hungry, homeless dog proved costly to John Dwyer, 4S23 Cornwalls street, this afternoon. Dwyer was about to board a tiolley car at Kensington avenue and Somerset street, when H hungry looking doe made his appearance. Dwyer left the car ho intended pettfhg on go past In order to care for the dog, and In doing so fell from the curb ,a distance of iibou tseven Inches, and broke his ankle. He wa staken to the Episcopal Hospital, and while the doctor was setting the frac ture Dwyer insisted that his little friend be given tho best of attention until he was uble to leave the hospital. The patrol crew of the Belgrade and Clearfield streets station, who brought him to the hospital, promised to take care of the dog until the man was able to go home. WRECKED VESSEL SAVED Four-Master Schooner Picked Up Off the Delnware Capes. News reached this cltv today that the four-misted schooner, Helen Montague, dismawted and watu logged, was picked up off tho Delaware Capes on Monday by tho steamsUp Suffcdk. from lioaton, and towed 'nto H.impton Roads. Tho verisel was wiecked during a storm on Sunday night. None of her crow was lost. Several sustained severe Injuries whllo fighting for life In the howling gale The nchuoner was bound fur Boston trom U.Utlmoru with a cargo of coal. BANS AIR RIFLE SALES Judge Gorman Denounces Practlco as Dangerous for Children. The sale of air riilea and Unarms to children was denounced in the Juvenile Court today by Judge Gurnian at tne heai-1 Ing of John Rchurik, 3 vears eld 3TQ Mon rce street, who shot his playmate, Ieo L'assmere, of a Norfolk street, in the oye with a bullet from an air rifle recently The boy was sent homo In the custody of his parents for a further hcirliig next Friday, on which date Judge Gorman an nounced that ho would summon E Waii ger. 2H South stieet, who is said to have sold the aid rlflu to Rehurik for a cents "There Is no law against the salu of air rifles and other weapons to children," said the Court, "but lucre certainly should be It is an outrage." WILL ADDRESS Y. M. C. A, Charles E. M ek, president of the Na tlonal Association of Credit Men, will b the principal speaker at u meeting to. night In the Central Branch of the Young Mens Christian Association, 1180 Arch street. His subject will be "Tha Credit Man and His Work." Motorcyclist Hurt in Collision In u crash between an automobile and a motorccle at Eighth and Market ' Bineis iaie mis aiienioou, frank Flora Berlin, N J., riling the motorcycle, wais badly injured. He was taken to the Jef ferson Hospital. Physicians say he will recover. II i J a ., T' tl f I 7 P '? n t P ,' ' i; o ..' d. ti V 0 r 0 ; t i a a y & o I T ' J! L ot It - tl P tl I h i n i- at fn tl R se ll' 1 M H I L' I Jl A f TV i m t H I V ALLIES' INABILITY TO EXPEL GERMANS BLAMED ON SPIES I Interpretation Placed on Field Marshal French's Lengthy Description Nu i. merous Battles iivAir LONDON, Sept. 2J Field Marshal Sir John French' lengthy description of tho moves In th battle of the Alsne is Interpreted as an excuse for tho fnllgro of tho Allies fa crush the German right wing. The ex. cellenco ot tho Kaiser's csplonago syj. tern Is believed to havo bldckcd the Allies' plans. Tho Allies Undoubtedly have found weak spots along tho German lines, but th preparations for massing troops thert have not been secret. The only secrecy has been tho means of communication b. tween tho Orman spies and tho German lieadquartcis. Until this Is overcom thcie will be no advantngo to the Alllei In attack, and tho Germans will eiay fastened In France. The War Uurcati today gave out an addition to Inst night's report from tht front, this one dealing with the opera tlons of September 23 and 21. it con firmed tho Impression that tho present battlo more closely resembled a slegg than anything else at tho tlmo the re port was written. "The operations of the 5th and 2.5th," says the report, "found a growing re semblance to a general slogo in every movement against the German position! Naturally the chief reason for this li the fact that the enemy Is most strongly intrenched und his army Is equipped with plenty of heavy artillery, all well mounted. "It Is very plain from obscrvatlbns by the British Aerial Corps that this posl tlon was not selected by chance. In fact. It Is certain .that the Intrehchments are of an almost permnnent nature. The enemy had sulflclunt time solidly to In trench himself more than half-way across France and the line along the Alsno had been put In condition before tho buttle of the Marne had entered Its decisive phase by the German Bappers. "Because of this fact It is considered certain that Its selection wis not a haphazard one. Instead the Germans knew Just where they were going and ! there are abundant evidences thnt the position actually was located by the German General Stnff in anticipation of Just what afterward happened." The report adds: "Wednesday was a perfect autumn i day. Thei a was an almost compete ab sence of wind, of which the members of j the Uoyal British aviation corp3 took full advantage, gathering much Infor mation regarding tho disposition of the enemy's forces In our front. "Unfortunately, ono of our airmen, who had been particularly active annoying the enemy by dropping bombs In their camps, was wounded In midair. He was alone In a single-seated monoplane and was unable to use his rifle. While he waa circling above a German two-seated . aeroplane, bearing the aviator and an observer, In an endeavor to get within phtol shot of the two Germans, he was hit by a bullet flred by tho observer In the enemy'B mnchlne "He managed to fly back over our llnej and by great good luck descended close to a motor ambulance which conveyed him to a field hospital. "Against this mishap to the British aviator may be set off the fact that our fliers exploded a bomb among tho ar tillery horses of tho Germans, killing sev. , eral and stampeding the others. "On Thursday the fine weather con-, tinued us did the lull in the action. Tha Germans continued the bombardment with their heavy guns, tho shells falllns mostly near Pargnan. SERB-MONTENEGRIN FORCES I BEGIN TO SHELL SARAJEVO. Austrlans Also Losing Final foot hold on Servian Soil. HOME. Sept. 3. A dispatch from Cettlnje says that Servian nnd Montenegrin forces befor , Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia, have bejun thu bombardment of the city. NISH. Servla, Sept. 3. The Servian War Office Issues the fol lowing statement: "Tho next few days will see all the Austrlans expelled from Servla. Thtlr sole remaining foothold Is In tho moun tains southwest of Krupanl, where our forces are winning in lighting in tht mountain passes." BOY THEY BEFRIENDED ROBS COUPLE'S HOME Left in Charge of the House, He Takes Valuables and Cash. Leaving a boy. 17 years old, whom th'-y had befriended. In charge of their house while they went to the theatr last night, Joseph Reader and his wife, 22 Noith Mnrvlne street, returned to find that he had taken everything handr thnt was worth taking, Including almost $lf0 in cush. The boy, who had told them his nam was B.ox Urata, with nn home, was taken Into their house and treated ai ono of their own. He was to remain until ho found somo work, when W promised to repay them for their kind ness. Mr. nnd Mrs. Header notified tn Detective Hureuu, who havo sent out description ot the boy to the police ot nearby titles, since they believe him , w be a professional thief for whom tlW havo been hunting for several montns. 'MUCH CLATTER; LITTLE FIRE Great Array of Apparatus Beady to Fight Fire in Cupboard. Three engine companies, a battalion chief, a book and ladder truck, the am bulance from St. Timothy's Hospital ana policemen from threo station houses were called upon today to extinguisn small blaze In a kitchen cupboard at in home of Albert Zalm. 1S3 Kalos st""' Munayunk. The losa was less than iiw Mrs. .aim was fumigating the cup board when shelf paper caught lire from her torch. Excited persons In the house heard her cry "flic." und rushlns the street turned In un ularm A few moments later sufllclent P paiatus to flyht a blaze In a cotton mm clanged and clatteied to the scene fire men and policemen ran this way a that way searching for the conflagra tion. In the meanwhile a few buckets p water silenced the blaze in the " kitchen. Revision Assistants Named A committee of five to assist the Bui1' in ga Commission In the revision of t building code In Camden waa announce today by James C. Hewitt, preside" the City Council. They are Ralph Chlldrey, Charles M. Stewart, awn Bachman, Ephralm Tomllnson ana " eral John A. Matter, I . , "-p-ynmna