- 141 NPWWR3?8jW,fp;i Cr'wfrfT- ktsav - v-ji$f f $' V ' ''TOWa'JaWTHWM metfpipesfww Bl P An! A Roue "lost eendli Quen nrlae prlva up t card on ltj "Tr bio li headi vaa cat "T Bothfi Dart Fren battle "In fords my f radei unsu sun "In! derlni also force they guniK a cat phras equlv to a acntc them drln "W trlct nndotl furth road altho they rry point. I ait thirst "A for Flven mem after Thec al R was first- ThlR and, tercd ace. I wa atatl Le "Be that Jjolngl 'I am surrotl colorsa "Th the v F. A. the R on th Ger; them to s while few- hand "Till advan Some on b: aurpri towel onets, 200 t In th "Th tins s and ears but t woun contlri "I s tlon w AH th except to do "A B prl fat, and1 I aid of the retur ven fruit "T wltho to lie be K. DOM) Stennl Genl Kvet Line with bfgnnl curgoq here Eurt pi ale la kins, j Loi.s eagii I one 1" "leptiM mens of i'H name ' Is on TOI Mirh-j ana Arl ueurj Jamel AU.lrJ rtta t3 John I Uarle j Walts Itrml M Hredl Aipno ClnrloJ III' hi At.rsli. Welti G-''rgaj an i JamfM Ka'I-1 John a John 1-1 iveniM Jtlrfelci i"ula Jotiii Hop t An irv 11a Kaiheri tTani, . Mbtf Mar I Ucorn C tIl d 1 C't Hi . U1AK KftJ xaW2 in SPORTS EXTRA i i 'i i ,a EVE . v LEDGER SPORTS EXTRA . i VOL. I-STO. 14 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBMl 20, 1914. - PRICE ONE CENT M'NICHOL SEAL OF APPROVAL ON GRAB Senator Regards "Marble Hall" Scheme For Municipal Court as One of the Most Worthy Ever Conceived Visible From Back Window of His Horned THE CANDIDATE AND HIS SUPPORT Fenator James J'. McN'ichol, Penrose 1 thought thp "marble hall" plan "one i .- i Tiv,iio.ininiii ha p Mm epal of "c most worthy projects ever con lsnder In Philadelphia, has set tne seat . . admitted i,.. hn.l tnlkod with a Councllmen about the scheme. He also talked with "social workers" In-terested. of tils approval of the two-mllllon-dollar land grab for the "Marble Hall" scheme of tho Municipal Court, He talked It over with Councllmen before tho "enter ing wedge," in the shapa of a olll to condemn tho Madaln Home property at 21st and Knc ctreets was introduced In Councils. Senator MoXschol tninks the land grab bing Municipal Court plans "one of tho most worthy object. .vei conceived." He aid so himself in an interview, senator McN'ichol can look out th- rear windows of his homo on Logan Square ana tho proposed its for the Municipal Court. A house on Race .inel, tiela in his wilt's name faces tnt roper-tv. EUal estate men sa.v ti,t. tc tiie rwb goes throuuth the vault ot an uui'ty property will he greatly enhanced There i? iio uoutit mat senator Mc Nicnol na been in the ..onflriene- ot persons ni jammed tnrousti the "en tering wedge ' as Vrta C. aitnon. the xei.utle clerk ot me Municipal Court, calls it. The "entcrli i; wedt-"' ' was th condemnation oi ths coniur plot at .'1st and Race sticits. omio by t.'it: Mat; dalca Homt Society. U a saiu on ooa authorit tuda;' tnat Judge tirown had one to MeXichoi nud tHlKcil iist:i tne piutid ulinust as soon as tHev OilKlciittU MwNUtml Jcllltc tbls huwuver, and Judya Biuvvn tuia all nouueed that Tie II! not talk any more to the Uvi.No LauOUH 'I hat there had been a oonteleuco t)f twtri the Pentose leiuiei and I tie pre HdllifC oiHcei 't the Municipal Couit hiu the statement or His. Henr f. Tttch aiUsOu. wife of ttle aui llltelldIlt uf the Honpe of Detention 'liu iiiutest-s to be ttle Hist l-ei aull to tl.U e tlluUb'ht Ot inuvlliii Ule IK'iioe ot Detention tu the Kite at Jl I and Kjv': sttevts McNlctiu' did :i Inieei. that he SEN'ATOR TALKS WITH .TUDQE. MrH. Richardson mentioned casuatly that Judge Brown hnd talked with Sen ator McNIchol tho day she hnd the idea ' for the new Detention House. Senator McN'ichol denied it vigorously. I It was while telling how she came to ' think of the Magdalen Home site that Mrs. nichardson brought In Senntor Mc- ' Vlchol. I "I had heard that the Magdalen Home I site was for sale." said Mrs. lllchard son, "nnu as soon as I saw Mrs. Jurist, of the Advisory Board, I told her about , It. Mrs. Jurist went to see Judge Brown I to Interest him In the plan. , "And then," said Mrs. Klchardson, with a deprecatory smile. "Judge Brown went over to see Mr. McN'ichol. ( "Oh, I don't know what she wanted to see him for," sho added. "I suppose he I Just went over to tell him about It." Senator McN'ichol was found In his prlvato ofllce In the Lincoln Building. I He wat. asked It ho had given Immediate ' approval ot tho Municipal Court plans ' when Judge Brown camo to see mm. "Judge Brown and I never talked about the Municipal Court," ho said. "I have discussed It with some councllmen, but I never saw Judge Brown about those plans. I will say, however," ho added, "that I think the Idea is one of the most worthv ever conceived. Any plan that will telleve the con gpstlon In the House ot Detention Is ivortiij oi support, Tne holla arc miser ably oercruWded. and there should be a separate loom tor women. Something oubht to B dene for tne women and children who ate forced to use the build ing. 'Tf 1 have talked with several Coun cllmen about the plans und 1 also dis cussed them wltn foclal workers." It was suggested that Louis "Wolf, tho On-Mnizution ull. . Geoige 3 Horwltz, an associate or Juatfe Brown, and Mrs. Louis Jurist probably were the social workers he alluded to Senator McN'ichol astented to (Ms wltn a nod. This photograph shows a window o the bottling establishment of George Ringele, at 12th and Olive streets. O i P PENROSE PORTRAIT TOPS RUM BOTTLES IN STORE WINDOW POLICE DISCOVER PLANT WHERE DRUG FIENDS GET DOPE WOMAN, BACK FROM VISIT, FINDS HOME IN FLAMES Tenderloin Squad Run Into Place Completely Equip ped for Making Products. Three Men Arrested. A veritable habit-forming drug manu facturing plant, with machinery, mixers, vials, rotorts and compressors, used, the police believe, in turning out morphine and heroin pills, has been unearthed at 431 N'orth Eighth street by special plice Njien of the Tenderloin. Three men sus pected ot operating the plaeo wei.5 ar raigned today In the Tenth and Button wood streets station beforo Magistrate Belcher, who hold them In J4W bail each for a further hearing on Friday. The men arrested aro James Shay. 540 North Tenth street, and George and Louis ItansdeU. VSl N'orth Eighth street, in whose apartments tho apparatus was found. Tonderloin police have been considerably alarmed for the pat month at the in Mrs. Browney Finds More Trouble After Calling' on Friends for Comfort. Wrn Mrs MadWine Hrowne, 5m Mat . ilm street, returned honvj this morning lolkiwmg a visit to friends who sought to comfort her In her worries about her husband believed to b- In tho l-'rench army, nhe found the pl.ue damaged by lire and wuter Sfetnl months ago Mrs Ur.wnv"s huabund sailed for France to settle an e-tate Beyond hearing that In. arriird af-lj, Mrs. Browney has he .ud nothing mire of him The 'Ire started from burning coals di'-pping from a gruto In th kltch"n, which set fire to t.to carpet. The tire sprf-ad tc the home of Charles Kemp, uf 312J Mnleolm stre-t A baker making deliveries tn the neigh borhood saw smoke issuing from the kitchen windows and bounded tho alarm Thi. dttmac" to the Browney houti nmountd to $jno The Kemp home wai nut damaaed Holds Place of Honor in Ornate Display at Bottling Establishment in the Four teenth Ward. Background Consisting of Re- CHURCHES ASKED TO FIGHT PENROSE AND LIQUOR EVIL Ministerial Union Adopts Keport Recommending Organized Opposition. Tho Ministerial Union yesterday adopt ed tho report of tho Executive Com mittee, In which there was Included a recommendation that all the churches of the union unite In fighting tho liquor evil allied with Penrose In tho coming campaign. In each church a committee of two men will be appointed to obtain signatures to a platform In which tho signers refuse to support any candldato for office who does not favor county local option, or who refuses to Indorse a Federal law to prohibit the sale of in toxicating liquors. At a meeting ot a committee repre senting tho civic and local option or ganisations of the State, named In Har rlsburg September 17 for the purpose ot working in the Interests of local option Ceptacles Filled With Whisky, throughout tho commonwealth, plans I were outlined for a vigorous campaign Gin and Mixed Drinks Com- during the next five weeks aguinst Pen- xoselsm and liquor. HOBOES WILL PORTRAY GRIEVANCE IN A PLAY pletes Advertisement. SUDS EXTINGUISH OIL FIRES Senator Penrose's picture is being shown to the oterH or the nth division ot tho Fourteenth Ward. In the window of the bottling establish ment of George Ringele, at 715 North Twelfth strtet, on the corner of Twelfth and Olive streets, a large portrait of the senior Senator is displayed. Liquor forms tho background, foreground and tho rest of the surrounding ground of the setting. it was explained by employes today that tho establishment Is the polling place for the division, and the picture was placed In the window by the Ilepubln.an party to adertlse Penrose along with the ' brands of liquor which Klngcle handles. I The picture has been thero Blnce tho first rtclatratlon day," said one of llln- j i t . . .- . gelo's employes. "This Is a polling place. Standard Oil Company's Test Meets ym Umw JU ,jenluu thal the L1(luor With Success. Dealers' Association or the Brewers' Pouring oil on troubled waters has been Association had anything to do with plac- In recent vears demonstrated as effective, )ng the Penrose picture. Tho Republl- and many shlpi now carry oil for that i cans he said, went to the store on the hTT T,hf way t0 Pol 'it " T3 hns morning of September 3 and hung the ben found in an equally odd application "'"""" Tank fires have lone be-n the bugaboo I engraving, of oil men. Water It useless. The Stand- "Did they hang It just as It Is now? ard Oil I'ompan) has ted suds at I he was asked. Bayonne. X. J. It placed four thirty-Inch ' .... , .. u. ,,.-!,,..! sini. tv..v nut crease in number of heroin and morphine ' t.'n',"Pi"'' "f , a forty-foot tank. ' .. . . . , . . j .. . ., Theso were supplied wiht a aolutlon of " 'here, no saiu. victims. Almost dfcHy arrests were nude carbonate of fu and soap bark With ! The Republican workers who hung the an dpersona both youns and old sentenced j them were fusible links of phosphor ptcture selected their own setting, lie to small terms In prison or tho Hoiwe of I bronze cable iontrolld by a series of ,. of tl,e bottles of liquor were Coition . they were , "Si etTf 'te'Top tTtiX ' " "' ttt '"" h and had drugs in their rossessloi.. i thousand gallons of Mexh-an crudf oil' i been changed Mncj u likeness of the It was bad enough, tbj police . to j and naphtha run on It. This was llgnted. Benior Senator was place.l among them. be an old und hardened character suf. , The fuses melted. th- soda drnnni mm Bemor f,avul " ' ferine from the effects f a life-lontf thf. taifk and ,1?; JSim .. I.IJ.I',0 I The "Penrose display" has caused con- Iwbit but when those arreted wre fte- And this tremendous flr nf r.n .n,i ,nv,. i siderable comment imans the residents tha Bds estins'ilshfcd thus outomutirally ! nf tho neighborhood, as it Includes, be. DEATH HE PRAYED FOR CAME AS MAN SLEPT uuontly young man and women, who wtro seen wandering about th ktreetn, w nin, nd, by fJrlM( ',;,!, bleary of eyes, with tw't.hi.is roude ;",,, or ?oam fourlMn-Jn-h laer nnu niaciairo uy mi- r.i'. ju oi vruji, th ltatlon becume mi.r serious. 'We were unable Another experiment was tnre tnousand gallons of oil ami nr.o tried with aides the likeness oi afpaior i-raiw:, two scoro bottles of bevetal dilfernt brands ot rum, Bin, whisky and mixed drinks. until recently," I u "h" V''T,?.'" ""."""" .?' " . ."'. or:( Blrt thu iu.IIp. 'In 1..1I Ml.-ro rhrv !."""'" " " (,BiunF ie stand. TSrjrjr.-s , S?SBH S s 20 IRATE neighbors resent 5K, .-. k..,. . .., i K a HSH5?K ' front-porchtango revels Vior una r.umn w?re uviaiica Q www onAH lat. ,nA ln - ' ',!.:"": "r: th suspect The nt around the three VI, -: 7.7- - J ".r,'uAt.lqe "ro Cause m.-.i l-h.nH !a Smi.tav vt..n w-.. I. .7.-. ". '.'"" I'"'in Cimer Ullto- mM UBHienea last numutv wiun w-i. , matlnilly or bv hand tn om, .7hi vicinity ot Ml North fcighth street. I WAGON STRIKES WOMAN Whllo thru of the live specials fur rounded th hout. uu ot U.-ni entered and forcing the rtout' of a room ou tb secoml fmr tear found Shuy and the two nansdU cowering among their ma chinery i.d buttlea. Bven the 4ti'tlfc Wre MavKvrmi at tlie 6i? "t th 4"P pUnt- iludtrn ma chlnwrj, tthlth is Ultovi'd t- l4 bi Womar's Arrest for Using Violent Language, Tango spooning parties which are de clared to have lasted until nearly dawn on tho front porch of Sirs. Annie Joyce. 3.S3 North 21st street, proved her undoing Street Cur Gons Excites Driver, Who when neighbors cau.ed her arrest tw a Makes Quick Turn. ! common scoM because she said unkind Ijiiid ringing i.f a street far gong, due t the inipathlllf. of the mnlnr'nnn raw, v m. o, own cilUi an rfrrWfnt on B, ht "" ueeil to cotnuress pills from uudrv4 i-hestn... . ... . Jr. T. !lrtt,,.ntar herotn unrt morphine. w Installed n the , aHnn wai) . frn, , f. ?f"v" diiver. thinking n ambulanw un .m. room- 'Fiure cre J-r omtulnliii' u. pUftwjs luoklP.' drug and many vial, and in, p'ul,e(i nkstiiv o , ih ,1 -t. al fM." wlwr. kluud about KMIM Hump n"wVSfcVup on and roarers re Iwiuded in h layout. , , kidt-waife and struck jiim Tida .,m thrw occupinu madr- d dash for UUrty. yuuug wornin was taken to her home but their attempted escape was of thort , "" "' "9r nor"e. dunitlon- With the iinei uf drug Wo. ' tlni oiil too plain In their mind the ; police made gliuit work of the canture auU tlw th.ee sup.-ts were Uud-.-d In cells at the station house. They refused to nay what they were doing In the place or whether the layout i fur mauuftuturing pills was theirs All powders and lUiuidb were suit io City Hall to be vxumined b Ltunijts while the pill machine wis uben t the jflh e of Hance Urothers & While manufactur ing druggists, who prunuunt.ed it a nwdeni device i 1 1 pull.- hae no .doubt that the city theraists will rf-oer morphine, cocalDo and lieriou Not a Scarecrow A ertain Chh-sgo business man hai haxl a great deal of, trouble with his workmen, a number of whom havo from time to time evinced a disposition "tu soldier." On one occasion when this gentle man in I'umpany with his brother, was slslting the farm of a friend in south ern Illinois the two observed an ua things to them for objecting to the fun at a nuisance. Magistrate t.reils, in trie JJIdvalo and JUdee avenues police sta tlon. today held Mrs. Joyce In W3 bail for court. Twenty Irate neighbors, one of whom was a blind man. crowded the court room and Indignantly accused Mrs. Joyce of using language unbecoming to a hofctess of tango parties. As to the revels them selves, the neighbors declared they were abominations not tu be tolerated by any self-respecting community. Tho young participants, they declared, did not con duct themselves with becoming modisty. The petition against Mrs. Joyco stated she objcted to complaints of her neigh bors In loleut and uncomfortable lan guage, which was distressing to those who sought oniy peace. In the neighbor hood. , . The blind compiuinan-t was venement in Oft-expressed Wish of James Glen non, City Employe, Granted. Tho dtiith hi. had prnytd for camo early today to James Glcnnon, an aged employe of the Bmeau of Highways, who was found lifeless In hla bed at 211 West Tioga street, by Joseph Hclmuth, a friend with whom he resided. According to Helmuth. his aged com panion prayed inch night that he might go to bed apparentl well, and that when death camo It might touch htm aa he slept. Last night Helmuth went upstairs to see his friend who, he said, had a slight cough He looked Into his room and saw Glcnnon, as usual, kneeling before his bed. Thh was the last he was seen alive. Dr. Chnrles A. "White. 3JM North Sec ond street, said death was due to heart failure. Glennon wns 63 years old. tkCW fox MJPilftflitte.j no ,dou ninth tiirnra sta ml in ir in a Hicr.iot flul.i "Stwe it tsr. t moving " observed the I his denunciation of the defendant "And UIUWICI, IV IMUBl we. it SlUrClTOW, , U il u..vw w..wrf--. -w . "That isn't a scarecrow." said the I other, after a lone naze at the flcure. jara sent to J "That's a maa workjas by the day." Uiyiucott3, asked tho MafUtrate. Most emphatically they djd. Judge," waa the answer. "Most ehaticaliy, vW a big W- BOY FACES THEFT CHARGES Held for Stealing, Other Accusations Confront Him. The arrest of a 10-year-old boy, charged with the theft of a watch, led to his be ing held on another theft charge and that of carrying n concealed weapon. Ho Is Charles Adams, 3117 East Dauphin street, ami was arrested on the complaint of Thomas Hell. 37S Kensington avenue, who claims that the boy stole the watch from that address when sent there on an errand Special Officer Punbar arrested the boy In his home, and at that time found a bicycle in tho houso which Adams claimed had been given to him by a man on the street, but the police say that this Is u whevl which was recently stolen from James Shore, S5W West Harold street. When bejrehed in the polico station It was found that the bov wns wearing a revolve- In a holster which hung from his belt. The weapon was loaded with blank cartridges, and .was equipped with a searchlight attachment. Ho was held under tSOO ball to aw nit further hearing. INSTALMENT AGENT HELD Arrested for Breaking Into House to Remove Furniture. Irwin Bodolln, of 1719 North 3Ut street, a collector for the Penn furniture Com pany of 11 Market street, was arraigned before Magistrate Mcf'liaiv at the Tron ton avenue and Dauphin street station today for further hearing on the charge of breaking Into the home of George t'lendaniel, at :7J Hmerald street, to re move the furniture. t'lmdanlel bought household goods on the Instalment plans from the firm, but got out of work. While he was out of the city with hU wife last Saturday, Bodolln Is charged with forcing entrance to the house. The man had a furniture van In front of the place. Sergeant Henry appeared bofore the goeds were loaded and arrested Hodolln. The latter was held In tUj ball for tho hearing today Will A6k for More Paving A committee of the Woodland Avenue Business Men will confer with Director Cooke, of the Department of Public Works, October C, Jn an effort to have Woodland avenue paved from 62d street to Cobb' Creek, Tha appropriation for Woodland avenue in the new loan bill provides only for paying from 52d to USth street. Heal Vagabonds in tho Cast of the lewar's Hall Production. The burdens of the ho.bo will be shown tonight In the thrilling melodrama "On the Road," and those who go to Lewar's Hall, Eighth and Spring Garden streets, will see a company of real vagabonds in the cast. According to .T. Eads How, the million aire hobo, who is directing tho affair, the object Is to show the Injustice of tho vagrancy laws. Realistic scenes will show the Innocent hobo begging on tho street, and then his trial In court and sentence to hard labor in the peni tentiary. Thero Is a love, story, too, to show that the vagrant la not wholly devoid ot sontl mont. The play was written by Miss Cora D. Harvey, Interested ln the International Brotherhood Welfare Association. The proceeds will be used to establish a free employment bureau ln thl3 city, where vagrants may obtain work. Miss Harvey Is now ln Washington, where she Is ttylng to Interest Con gress ln a plan to establish employment agencies ln the rural poatofflces. NEGRO'S "LANGWIDGE" IN COURT AMAZES CROWD Aged Colored Man Gets His Freedom After Extended Remarks. Ye who would dodge the Iron bars down In a dungeon deep, And curt not if the founders of the English language weep; Approach the lordly magistrate and take him by Hurprlee, And hit him with "flzzstatlcate" and look ex tremely uc, The vocabulary of Joteph Marshall, an tilted Negro, of Spruce and Wamock streets, gave Slagistrate Tracy consider able uneasiness this morning. Marshall, who was accused of getting a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread under sus picious circumstance was finally dis charged so that the court at the Fif teenth and Vine streets station could get under way. "I was ftzzastlcated. Judge," said Mar shall In the course of an unduly ex tended speech. "If I misappropriated the provisions, the annexation was at tributable to temporary aberration of tha Intellect." Asked to explain what he meant by "llzzastlcated" Marshall looked dubious foi a moment, so did the policemen who were attracted by his flow of "lang widge " "I'll mnke It more apparent," f aid Marshall "I was sort , o' dozing near one of them gas plates In the side walk of the public thoroughfare and the gaa. emanating from the upcrture Just sort o' 'fizznstlcuted' me. "I finally aroused myself and found that somehow I had become Inadvertenty attached to tho bottle of milk and loaf of bread. I was Jllst examining It when the guardian of the law Introduced him self to mo and took me here for this explanation." But this is as far ua Marshall got. "You can continue that the next time you're brought here," said Magistrate Tracy. "Tou better go home and run for Congress." And Marshall went. CROOKED POLITICS WHISKY'S AFFINITY, ROOSEVELT ASSERTS Colonel Tells Ohio Progres sives the Two Forces Are Closely Allied in Their Operations. Campaign in Buckeye State Waged by Liquor Men on Lines Designed to End Control Over License. NEGRESS TRIES TO END LIFE Makes Three Attempts to Hang Her self While Tinder Arrest, Following her arrest for disorderly con duct last night, a Negress, who said her name was Lena Brown and that she lived on Tenth street above South, attempted to commit fculclde ut three different times during the night by hanging her self with a stocking So persistent were her efforts that the police were forced to havo the matron of the station re move the woman's elothlng to prevent further attempts at fcelf-destructlon. JAIL FOR BOGUS COLLECTOR ',4i?Mmmiimmimmm Man Who Posed as Magazine Agent Receives Sentence. Charles IL Van Winkle, who posed as a collector of subscriptions for a maga zine, pleaded guilty before Judge Ral ston ln Quarter Sessions Court today, being confronted with W M. Lord, dis trict manager of the David C. Cook Publishing Company, which had caused the arrest and impilsonment of the de fendant for three months In Trenton for the same offense. Mr. Lord had on hand eight witnesses from whom the defendant had made qnl lectlons In this city Judse Ralston t Hi posed a sentence ef,onj year. r k"i COLUMBUS, O., Sept. 23 "Tho mu tual alllnltles of whisky and crooked politics" was tho keynote of tho address in which Theodore Roosevelt opened the Progressive campaign In Ohio hero last night. He urged the election of James R. Garfield for Governor and A, L. Gar ford for United States Senator, on their prohibition platform. "Whisky and crooked polities unques tionably have strong mutual afTlnlties," said Colonel Roosevelt, "and it Is natural that everywhere the liquor forces ihould line up against the Progressive party, sometimes behind one, and sometimes behind tho other, of tho old parties." Ho took a strong stand against tho pro posed amendment to the State Constltu Uon which will be offered to tho voters of Ohio this fall In an effort to make the entire stato "wet." "In the Stato this year the contest has been precipitated by the liquor men." he said, "who have forced beforo the voters an amendment, which. If success ful, would mean the abolition of all ef fective control over the liquor traffic and the abdication by the State ot all power to minimize the damage It docs," Colonel Roosevelt said that tha Demo cratic party In Ohio la cither oveitly or covertly supporting the "wet" amend ment, and that the Republican party Is dodging the Issue. He also assailed the tariff policies of tho Republican and Democratic parties Under the Republi can tarllf, ho snld, a few men prosper too much, while under the Democratic tailff no one prospers. Ho Indorsed the election of a tariff commission ot experts. BERGDOLL, FLUNKING, SEEKS AERO COURSE WITH LAW Millionaire Aviator, Failing at IT. of P., Wants to Enroll Elsewhere. The studies of law and neronautlcs form a combination now sought by Qrovcr Cleveland Hergdoll, millionaire aviator ard cscapadlst, who, sjnee "flunking" from the Law Department of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania ileslns to en roll as a htiidont at some educational Institution where high Hying will not Interfere with legal grind, Mr. Bergdoll. who is expected to return today to Philadelphia from Kalamazoo Mich , where he has been to protest the result of an aviation contest. It Is said will try to enter either Harvr.i. vi,'. -.!..- t.. in .. . - Ull GIRL SHOT TO DEATH BY HER UNCLE OH 1 GRADUATION EVE Florence Cope, 19 Yean' Old, Victim of Kinsman Rage When She Interferes to Save Mother. ' la, Tragedy at Bucks County FarrnJ house Followed by All-Night Hunt for Man Who Fired Fatal' Shot. nnvr.fOTnwM vl '.i.ysim, Xn &cpti 23Aa reauy tor nor graduation from th Philadelphia Business College, pretf,' -iMoronco cope, 18 years of shot to death last uncle, John ! WD age, night by w Cope, 42 years of nc. .,' tho homo of her father, Clinton Cope, luf the llttlo village of Buckingham Valley ' near ne-ie. tvnat prompted tho uncit to kill his pretty niece Is not entirely ciear, aitnough It Is believed to be jeai. ousy. Sho had upon several occasion! repulsed his caresses, saying she did not like him because ho drank. He BM under the Influence of liquor when lhS shooting occurred. Cope escaped, anlj ha3 up to this time succeeded In eluj.l Ing capture by the posse of officers ami' neighbors, who were beating through lh' thickets of Buckingham Mountain all lull night searching for him. j John Cope, who is a painter living Is the vicinity, went to the homo of hlif brother, Clinton Cope, at 10 o'clock laitj night. It wao a bright moonlight night 1 and Clinton Copo was out In the Aeljj of his llttlo farm cutting corn. The vU-! ltor was ln an ugly mood from drink and hurled abusive language at Uril Cope. Florcspe, who was In an upjur room of tho house, heard the noise b. low and ran downstairs to her mother.! When sho appeared In tho room her unci! called her a vile namo and declared: "I'll shoot you, too." Ho thrust a revolver against her. Thl girl grasped the weapon, but Cope pullM tho trigger and tho shot passed throujil tho girl's abdomen. She died within aa hour. After tho shooting Cope ran out ot tlif.! house without shoes, coat or hat X posse, which Included a member of th oiinu puuee, uuyiesiown ponce snojt iarmcrs in tne vicinity, was organlzel Hut an all-night search of tho bulldlngi In the neighborhood and wood slope! of Buckingham Mountain failed to reveal the hiding placo of the slayer. The posse la still beating tho woods, aa It Is be lieved Copo could not havo gotten far. Tho death of Florcnco Copo cast deep gloom throughout tho school rooms o! tho Philadelphia Business College, 1011 Chestnut street, where sho had been pupil slnco her graduation from Hlfi School last year. Miss Edith Ritchie, ot Paulsboro, N. J, a pupil at the school, who hnd been her companion slnco they entered the school together, could not attend class this morning owing to the shock of her friend's sudden death. The entire school was somewhat upset by tho tragic affair. As late ns vesterday afternoon illss Cope spoko to Joseph Lemlng, the presi dent of the school, regarding her graduf M tipn, wnicn was to talte place on n Frldny, "Shu was one of the most n thuslastlc puplki that has ever attended our school," said Mr. Lemlng this after noon. Tho teacher who has had charsi of MUs Cope's class could not discuss tht affair at all, so heartbroken was she l tho news. MIfs F.llrabeth Thompson, a neighbor of the slain girl, who Is an Instructor t the bfhool, went up on the same train with Miss Copo last evening, and sh spoko of getting an early train Into town this morning to catch up with some her studies. The girl's death has so upset the school that giaduatton day In the college rosf have to be postponed until next week. .1 Abilene, Tex..., Atlantic City... lIlBiiuiri.li. N. I or Columbia. His friends think lie will iiuffSPo ."V.: prohablv enroll nt Harvard hPr.,u "J I ,.m.?L ii. . me existence mere ot an aero club amone the students. The millionaire aviator, after his ar. rival In Philadelphia today, will go to Trenton, where he is to give an exhlbi tlon In aeroplanlng. THE WEATHER Official Forecast For eastern Pennsylvania and Jf Jersey: Fair tonight and probably Ww nesday, with rising temperature; rnoa erata variable winds. High barometric pressure prevails this morning from the Itocky Mountains eOT ward except In the Lake Superior res"' and along tho middle gulf coast. A slight disturbance central over western Ontario has caused light raina in uppef Michigan and Ontario, while the g' storm has occasioned showers In southern Alubama and Mississippi. This disturb unco appears to have changed but HU-J In energy and is moving northward very n Imi I TVin laiiii.ni-qi llrud It .1 lit Plc3 RIU1Y, 1IIU (Cttll(UH4 - , B rapidly In tho upper lake region to reaa- m lugs komewhat above normal, wnnu Now England and tho Middle AtUnM States and In North Dakota and Mon tana It Is unseasonably cool, U. S. Weather IWeau UiiHeim Observations made at S a. in. Eastern tl Low 8a.m. n't. fall. Wind nrj'1'8 Station. . jm. .. s&jantiumIHM?aaMHjn Young Woman Accuses "Redely" Carr Elwood, alias "Heddy" fair, an old offender during th last trulley strike today was sentenced to tlvc dais In thn County Prison for Insulting .i lou" woman by Magistrate Campbell, in the Front and Westmoreland streets Dollra station. "lUddy" Carr is wlu-kntwn throughout Kensington, and. according to the police, was out on probation after serving part of a six years' sentence for burning a street car In 1S10. Appearing against him today was Mis Winnie Balbildge. JUS Keltn street Ms, Batbrldge a!d Carr accost, her on tha street yvstcrday and. seized her orjn,. 4 4S 60 Vi w :il SO -111 3S M L'lmulan.l Henver, Col 50 a'J l)i Molne, la. OH ,l ljotrult. Mln II M Duluth. Minn... M 5'1 Uahwtcn, Tex., lUtteni. N. C" . Helena, Mont... Huron, B. D. .. JaLku.nvllle.Fla. Kaiifcin city. Mo. lAiulnvuie, nj.. Memphis Tenn. New Orleans... New York. N Watte. Neb.. , m 'ii 61 as w to 41 4- 70 74 Ul lV 58 no CO MJ r.n M 41 13 52 ra .01 .01 b 4 Clear SV I lIMdj SW II '!" SW 4 r-.lou S 4 ClouJf bW l'i l'if V II Clami NH H ClouW NI3 8 P.cloW Oklahoma, Ok.. SO M J'hiladUtbla ... 4S 41 liwtulx. Aria.. ,3 iJ I'ltuburzb, I'a.. 41 43 I'ortuuKi. Mb. .. 40 S3 I'vrtlund, Ore... 63 63 Quebec, Con . S3 SO Bl lul. Mo. . CO 68 ht Paul, Mlon.. 60 50 bait Lake. Utah. 60 64 Ban Franelvco.. 63 63 K, ranton. Vj. 3 31 Tampa 74 73 ., Ng WajLlnrtmi 43 40 .. NU ' WlaulpcK ,,..,, 0 i'J m. W --""" -ftniiriiltTiiiitTrii in i g CIe 0 CM" 2u ilouJf 0 Clear 4 tkar 4 .l i 10 IUia , 1 Clitt 4 Cl.r o C1r h nouW , ptlouU 4 ('!" w 'W, 4 tlou t) Cl 4 Clttt j r.iM KW 4 lJ NB 1? SET .. SW . . NW .. b .. bW .. Nb .. i: .. NB . . SW .. NB .. si; .. N .. K .. N .00 N . NW ,. V ,. W .. w .02 B .. W a 11HI i I J