Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 29, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Collins and Baker Arrived at
Noon Others Will Fol
low Later Macks and
Phillies Idle Today.
Following n highly successful but not
a close anil exciting campaign against the
American League allies, Connie Mack's
elx-tlme champions, are on the erge
of their second training season of the
year. At noon today LMdle Collins nnd
Frank linker arrived. Other members
of the squad who will bo coming Into
Philadelphia within the net 24 hours are
Bender, Plank, Davis, Schang, Harry,
Oldrlng, and possibly Strttnk and Mc
Innls. All of these players will take a few
days' rest while the Athletics arc play
ing out their schedule In Washington.
Baker Is going to take a day or so off
for the purpose of visiting his farm at
Trappe, Md., wheto he will keep the edgo
on his batting eye by using the shotgun.
Eddie Collins will engage chiefly In rest
at his home In ti.iindow tie, with a little
literal work thrown In. He Is going to
wtltc a few advance stories for the Cve.v
l.su Leuoeii with reference to the world's
The other members of the club who will
be In Philadelphia will divide their time
between complete test and light work at
Shlbe Park, with the exception of Plank,
who Is booked to visit his friends and rela
tives In Gettysburg, Pa. "Chief" Bender,
who, with Plank, will do the bulk of the
Athletics' defense work in the series, will
play golf.
Mack himself will probably be In Wash
ington tomorrow. He will, as usual,
leave all of the business details of the
series to John Shlbe and his corps of
assistants, while he devotes his entire
time to planning for the series' battles.
There are several youngsters on Con
nie's string who will be worked against
the Nationals in Washington, and thesj
will be given a careful review.
Today the main body of the Athletics
1b advancing Eastward. Thoe plners
who arc sentenced t' the Washington
scries wilt switch off at Harrlsburg,
while the others will come through to
this city. No game is on the schedule,
hence the Mackmen took their time and
boarded a comparatively late train out
of St. Louis yesterday.
Charles Dooln's Phillies are likewise
Idle. The game on the schedule today
was plaed last Saturday and was one
of the brace captured by the locals from
Cincinnati. Tomorrow the Thllllcs will
begin their final home series of the oar.
meeting the Brooklyn Dodgers at Broad
and Huntingdon streets.
Club oftlclals of the Phillies are reti
cent on the subject of Hans Lobert's
appointment to the managership of the
Phillies to succeed Charles Dooin. It Is
said that when the board of directors
WORKS some. WONDERFUL. WdSmmC imB dormng. worauo's eeR,i6F. A
bT. V 71 V 1 UAMLlKl I .-tsV fi . " ' '- Iltllllhl r KJI- -- - M-fc-ilJ-U. J
Xn: ' ,M - - i-rvw-uvii . , , . J - a, - i. I iTinPmn !"- "i-" rmiiTlTii i w i i i
A" .fc. -reyrs.1 cw jtjs rv. " . r. rs ow --
.Bsaea freeze. qUT ' "w", yrfgr
University of Pennsylvania's i
mowing -umorny iviuch 1
Pleased With the Turnout
of 160 Men.
KiOwiLUAMS issriuu.
CVeTTINiG. IM FrtO lm nO .
meets Lobcrt Is certain to bo chosen
for the position.
Until the board has acted on this Im
portant matter Charley Dooln will remain
silent on his plans for the future. If the
gossip in bast ball circles Is true, there
In no chance of Dooln's reappointment; at
the same time, there Is almost as much
uncertainty In the workings of the office
of a baseball club as there Is on the
John Coombs pitched yesterday In the
American League for the first time since
the first two gam's at Boston In 1913,
April 10 and 11. Several times this sennon
Colbv John, the "ex-Iron Man." has been
s-ent in to do a little work in exhibition
game, but he was not assigned for
league duty until yesterday. It Is the
general belief among physicians who have
had Coombs under their care for the last
year and a half that he will never bo
able to regain his pitching form.
At present Coombs In strong. But the
trouble Is that he has some lurking fear
that he mav strain his back, which was
affected In his last attack in the fall of
1513 Thlsx would naturally prevent his
putting Ms strength on the ball.
Gridiron News Gleaned From Leading Colleges
Pennsylvania's Eleven Is to
Be Put Through Some
Strenuous Workouts This
Too bad the whiskers on his head ain't
such that we coulu call him Red He
oughta change his fuz! Red Lavender
Imagine that: I guess that ain't the real
ee-clat: But that's what might have was.
Besides that name o' Lavender to kid
th hotel register he's got some birth
place, too. Us Montezuma, Georgia,
bbjs. On nares alone Jim's one big noise.
Let's see what he can do.
To start with, he can pitch good ball,
although he isn t irv tall and doesn't
Coach Brooke Will Compel
Players to Reach Certain
Standard of Excellence
Before Reinstatement.
Princeton and Yale have burned their
bridges behind them In their determina
tion to play nothing but open, advanced
football. Both Coach Pendleton, of
Princeton, and Coach Hlnkey, of Yale,
declare that they have abandoned the
conservative game and Intend to stand
or fall by the open game. This Is In
deed welcome news, because It can't be
denied that In the past the games be.
twecn these two teams have been fre
quently about as dull as most Army.
Navy games, with the two teams afraid
to open up.
Apparently the coaches of both Insti
tutions hae awakened to the fact that
In developing the possibilities of open
football their predecessors have only
scratched the surface. There's a lot of
truth In this. For one thing, they have
been too much afraid of losing posses
sion of the hll to try much else but
close formation plays, varied by an oc
casional forward pass, though most of
the forward passes have been used as a
last resort when everything else had
There Is no longer any doubt that "Ted'
MnrHll hfts thr. Inside track for the nuar-
terback position on the Pennsylvania
fieven. in yesteruay anernoon s pramcc
he played this position most of the time,
and his work was a continuation of what
news storv tinm smtn i'hIIimt. r.v. he did on Saturday against Gettysburg.
I that Lamb, the big tackle, is going to I Merrill Is about the only member of the
run to weight. In nlne-tcen six he first
plajed pro with Corelle, Gorgla. That,
jou know, Is Tyrus Raymond's State. It
took our Jimmy six long years In bush to
make the big league ears take on an
upward prick. Then Lavender from green
turned ripe and Joined the Cubs. It
seemed a pipe he had the goods to stick.
Warm weather pltchln's Jimmy's meat.
In summer he's a Job to beat, he seems
to have m all. He's even coin to cop a
win most any time they stick him In,
'cept early spring an' fall. Since Jimmy
left the shortened trees he's had three
managers to pleabe Chance. Evers an"
O'Day. That sure looks like he's got the
goods or he'd have been back In the
vanla would have a fleet-footed pair. The
Pennsylvania system reuulrcs that the
ends shall bo heavy men to play against
the opposing tackle. This requirement
Is what makes JIurdock's effort to win a
position here so difficult. Murdock Is will
ing enough and a born fighter, but throw
ing his 150 pounds ngalnst a 190-pound
tackle doesn't worry the opposing tackle
very much.
PRINCETON". Sept. 50. A week of Indl
lilunl coaching for the Princeton football
canlMates was Inaugurated jesterrtny. finme
of tho regulars, including Cnptuln Italltn.
Shenk nnd 12. Trinkmnnn, hnu a day off, but
the rest of the miuud hal a long Individual
preliminary drill The varnlty nnd scrub
mixed It for halt an hour and the flrst-strins
men won, -1 to 0.
NEW HAVRN, Sept. 20. The Yale football
tfam had Its llrst practice by moonlight last
nlRht. Tho moon riione over the flelil before
Coach Frank Hlnkey shouted "All In" to
members of the nquud. Signal drill for th
vardty and scrimmage for the second nnd
third trams marked the practice. Pumpelly
at fullback and Durca at half played a
smashing game for the second team.
CAMDRIDRH, Mass., Pept SI). Although
there was no scrimmaging for the Harvard
aralty regulars and substitutes who ployed
ngalnst Hates Saturday, there otherwise was
no let up tn tho work Tho llnehmen were
worked hard on breaking through, the
tdLkle. In particular, coming In for a lot of
coaching from Crawford Illegden. '02, who
plajert with Cults on Dave Campbell's team.
woods now,
on tanktown pay Uy A. -M.
George Drook coach of the Red and
Blue, announced today that U members
of the Penn football bquad had been
dropped from the training table. Those
who received notice that they need not
appear at the tablo until their names
were reposted were Unvin, Tlghe, Vreo
land, Dialer. Roile, Mender, Eelthard,
Hopkln3. Tucker. Slayberry and Wray
When the above list wax posted, there
was a bU flurry among the students,
who were greatly surprised that some of
theso players should bo dropped.
Coach Brooke explained that after a
conference with his assistants It was
adjudged a wise movo to drop all plaj
ets, regardless of past performances,
who had not ruached a certain standard
of excellence. That this plan will strictly
bo adhered to is shown by the fact that
Avery, one of the best punters on the
squad nnd a star of last year, has not
been out for practlco long enough to
"make the table,"
Ilrooke believes that tho brand of foot,
ball placd on Franklin Field w!U ba
ireatly Improved by putting the men off
of the bread list until they aro playing
the kind of football required. Those
members nf the team who are still per.
mltted to dine at the training table are
Journeay. Hiixsell, Harris, geelbach, Mur
dock, James, .Merrill, Carter, Mathews,
Pepper. DorUds, Hughes. Norwstd, Cot
wald, liallou, Itockefeller and Kooni.
llefure today's practice Captain Jour
neay expressed the opinion that In the
future the work would bo on a higher
football plane than It has tn tn a long
while Ho staled that, in his opinion,
the play yesterday was the boat ever
exhibited in prttice on Franklin Field,
despite the fact that the varsity was
defeated by the scrubs
A capacity crowd Is expected to wit
ness the Perm-Navy gam on October 17.
This has lead the athletic directors to
begin Immediately the work of creeling
temporary Mats. Today a b-ud of car
penters is bus putting up the seats
against the, gymnasium and on the east
side of the track These seats will hao
a capacity of about 3000. thereby raising
the p-esent seating capacity from Mow1
to Z3.CSQ.
make one of the be.t goal kickers of the
season for Bill HollenbacU's squad.
Which, unfortunately for the linotype
operator, leads to the appended:
State's team had a monstrous Lamb,
His strength was In his to.
And pvervwhore that Hill's team went
This Lamb was sure to go.
They'll bring him down to Phllly soon
To battle George Hrooke's crew.
And If that toe gets busy, boys,
G-od nignt: old Red and Blue!
Two weeks hence: "Batteries for to
day's pami- will be for the Athletics,
Bender nnd Schang: for Boston, James
and Gowdy."
We notice that In West Philadelphia
tennis is being played at night. Doet
this mean that the game Is on the verge
of being cast into outer darkness?
It Is possible for tho Athletics to be
beaten out by the Braves in the world's
series, but there arc some things con
cerning the Mackmen that never could
Ira. Thomas now running for Kddlo
Hughey Jennings laud the Athletics.
To tav the tiouth, Ilaltor bu)s a bale
of cotton
Bender loses his nerve with three on.
titrunk drips an asy fly.
Conine Mack e'ves out prolific Inter
view. Tho professional soecer football players
of KnvUin 1 hivp refiu'd t join the
King's army. These fellows must ho the
original "gluttons for punishment."
According to the experts the open game
will be ued throughout th cogntry this
year. This is what the opponnts of the
Blue Laws have Veen Btrlvlng for ever
since tiie reform wave began to roll.
Vou will have to blame this on Walter
Trumbull, of the New York World;
The Huston fan Is funny,
lie's around collecting money.
Ami while he's seeking placr he can
hot It
lie Is buakting. bold and brash.
ll'll get something for his cash
And the Markmen think they know jun
where ho'll get it.
"Tummy" Mead, who gained consider
able fjtnc before ho grew too heavy to
tontinue his work In the saddle, Is play
ing at the Walnut Street Theatro this
week Some of the local sportsmen may
remember his work.
Tomorrow the question of where the
Army-Navy games Is to be played will
be settled. That Philadelphia will again
be the scene of this highly attractive
contest is lertain that Is, if It Is played
at all
Morris and Fly as ate at It ag'in. .
back field who possesses a change of pace
and who can straight-arm tacklers like
wise, he catches punts with some cer
tainty. Merrill's running In the open field
Is verv much like that of Miller, the for
mer Penn Stat" quarterback. Adding
a little confidence to Merrill Is making
a different plaver of him.
Assistant Coach "li" Dickson Is sn-l-ously
worried over the dearth of first
class ends. The quality of the ends will '
make or break a team. Speed Is not tho
onl requisite, for if It were Pennsyl-
ITIIACA, Sept. 20. Head Coach Sharps
opened the foutball week nt Cornell yester
day afternun by cutting the varsity squad o
forty-seen men, adding six more plajers to
the training table and Kllns tho plajers an
hour's blackboard talk In tho new Schoclkout
Memorial clubhouse Instead of attempting
any practice. The outcome of the Pittsburgh
game was more or less expected, the gimo
being considered an unusually severe one for
an opener.
ANN ARIlOn. Mich, Sept. St), Iluebel's
work at quarter on tho second team was the
feature of esterday'H scrimmage' at Michi
gan, the little sophnmoie three times gcttln;
uwny for runs of mote than thirty urdj.
Catlctt, u full on the nrst deen, scored the
only touchdown, and Capt. Itaynsford kicked
the goal Maulhetsch's plunges made (he
score possible, after an hour's hard fight
ing. ANNAPOLIS, Sept 23. The football sound
at the Naval Academy put plenty of dash
Into its work jesterday afternoon, as the
opening gamo against Georgetown Is to take
Place on Saturday next. The midshipmen
expect to begin tho season with a lctory.
but do not hope for so decisis a triumph as
last ear.
WHST rOINT, N. Y.. Sept. 20 -With the
Army's opening game less than a week off
the football coaches are hard nt work. Simo
of the eternna have forgotten how to ,-ntch
a punt and the fumbling so much In exldence
of lato was the serious theme. Wednesday
will sound tho death knell to dally para les
for the cadets, and this will gle the squad
another hour's practice each day.
CAItMSLi:. Pa., Sept 20. New formations
were handed to tho carslty Indian players
lat night li Coach Wjrner during Carlisle's
experimentation with a much-changed iuik
neld Tli- ioucIk'h desire to Kae tho nrst
team at much as possible, and gave the whole
fiiuad nnlv an extended rudlmentarv drill
The new plas ore for uss against Lehigh on
, NKW YOItlC. Sept. 20 -Owing to the Pord
ham Var'IH's fliif showing In holding !eore.
town scoreless in n in- game nt Washlngtcn
n haturdny, a iluy of rest was granted to
the squad esterdaj. Coach Wjmard was
greatl) pleased with the result of the contest
Hnd the .ondltlon of he cleen. Schwab being
the only plaver on tho sick list.
. . , . WIU.IAMSTOW.N, Mass., Kept.
Keisner is maKing every enort to did dismissed most of the winums regulars
, ., . . ., t. miht uu riiy loriy nnnmeg signal drill Zea
land the quarterback position on the ' terday afternoon. An Injury to his knee. re.
1 t i l u j celled In the K P. 1. gamo Saturday pre.
eleven this year, and has been dts- i i,te.i nnmoii from tiuine rt; in t orv
"ui, arm u is .mumiui Hnttiw ne will bo
aMo to pU against Vermont this week
Yale University's Football
Players Enjoyed First
Moonlight Practice Last
Night on Elis Field.
Neither Morgan nor D. Curtis made s
tkularlv good hhnwlng against Bates,
Trumbull has much to learn.
playing marked ability.
Navy's Committee Insists i
That Big Game Be Played
in Philadelphia, While
West Point Favors New
WASHINGTON. Sept. 23.-Ath!etlc
committees of Weat Point nd Annapolis
aro still deadlocked over tho choice of a
City for this year's Army.N'avy football
same, with the Army holdlnB out for
.New York and the Navy Insisting on
A plan of settlement has ueen suggest
ed by Secretary of War Garrison and
Sicretsiry o' 'ho Navy Daniels, who favor
an agreement In cover a period of ten
years, each academy to alternate in
selecting a flJd for the name, the only
restriction Peine that the city chosen
shall not he north of New York nor
south of Washington The two secre
taries are now awaiting a reply to their
proposal from the athletic committees
HOSTON". Sept. 29. Iefty Tyler, one of
the best pitchers on the Hoston Braves'
staff, has purchased a 100-acre dairy
farm In the suburbs of this city. The
puicha.se was made with the Intention
of managing the place when his days of
usefulness on the diamond were over.
Tyler also expects to spend his winter
months on the farm. v
Cincinnati, 4; 1'liilllrs. 3.
Ilostnn, 1; t'hlrugn, I).
rnkln, 7; St. UmN. 3.
New York, 5; rittsliurEh, '1 (1st cume).
New nrk, 13; I'lttsbiirili, l CM game,
6 Innings, darkness),
Chicago at llnhton.
ritUlmrgh at New York.
.St I.ouli at Itrciokljn.
IlrooMjn at I'lilladrlplilu.
Ilnitim at New York.
". I. P f V r, I C.
linsfm RT .'." WIS I'hlllln... Vi 71 ,tn
New York no or, '.T.-Hronkhn 71 7.'. n
St I.ouls . 77 f.O .V.JS I'lttsh gh 113 Hi 43.'.
Chicago . 7.'. 7'J 310 Cincinnati 58 Sll .301
St. Louis, 7; Athlrtlrs, 1.
Hoston. .1; Chlrugo. 1.
Ilt-trult. Ill Washington. 3.
Cleirland, .V, New Ynrk, 3,
Detroit al M. Louis.
thlcugn at ClfT'Iand.
Oilier tlulii not scheduled.
Athlrtir at Mn-liinutnn.
Chlragn at t'lrirlund
Hrlroll ut St. Louis.
New York at Itoston.
w u P r xv i, p c
Athletic. 0 60 .B1r"hi,ago OS 8u 4.-.D
Hoston .. ' fti3 t Lull Is 07 711 .4.'.!)
Wai-h'ton 77 70 .'.24 Ne York 17 So 4.'.0
Detroit. 77 71 S.'O Cleveland 40 lOO.SiO
JlrooWbn. 0 Chicago, 3.
ritUhurah. 3; Indlunupolls. 3.
Murrain. Ills Kan-ii (lt, 10,
(0 Inulnvs. tailed, ildrknrsi).
Jlaltimore, o; ht. I ouls. i (1st game).
lUltlmorr, 4s ht. Louts, 3 (3d game,
8 Innlusi. cullrd).
Chicago at IlrooLlju.
Kan.au City al llufralo
tit. I-ouU at Ilalllinore.
IndlanapolU at I'ltlsliurgh.
V I.PC w I. P C
Chi'ato - rt' 5lW Brooklyn 73 70 T
Indlap'Ils 4 B' Kn City On 70 405
Baltimore 70 OS .'.33 St Lul. 01 82 43T
Buffalo 73 0(1 .023 Plttsb'gh S7 81 413
In Recent Event at Grand
Rapids William Won.
$5000 Purse at Stake at
Columbus Tomorrow.
COLUMBL'S. O, Sept. Ss -Every pre
parutiun Is being mado for the William
Directum I match race for a VAX) purse
tomorrow, when all complimentary
badges will bo void. The Indications aro
that tho llutler pacer will again go to
tho post ns favorlto In spite of his de
feat at Grand Jtaplds. lloth pacers were
on the trucH yesterday getting blow
.Sensational racing featured the first
day of the Grand Circuit's second week
at the Driving Purk track, the total of
nine heats trotted and paced averaging
S.&l'i. which lowered the afternoon
uverage record made lust Tuesday:
KUwah, tho world's champion 4-ycar-nld
trotting colt, owned hy Frank O
Jones, of Memphis, and driven by Pop
i leers, gained a few more world's rec
ords In his three-heat race for tho $3000
Chamber of Commerce Blake. He trotted
tho fastest three-heat race ever perform
ed by a stullion and also lowered the
fame mark for mares or geldings.
The three u Inning heats wer faster
by 3Vj seconds than the fastest made
by a stallion, that of Peter Volo at
Kalamazoo this eor. It was at the same
rate for the three fastest heats by a
gelding and was 3 seconds faster than
by the mare, Hamburg Uelle, niade at
Hartford in 1903. Ills third heat In 2.03c;
set a nw world's record for a 4-year-old
trotter, reducing ma own maris of Z.P3
against tlmo and ZWi In a race.
Loss of Young and Kerr
Severely Felt by Coach
Howell, Who Is Shaping
Team for Opening Game.
Coach Howell, of the Central High School
football team. Is working his men hard
in order to get them In shape for the
first game of the season next Friday,
The centre of the line and backflcld aro
composed of veterans, and he Is not giv
ing as much of his time to these posi
tions as he Is to the ends. Last year
C. II. S. had the best pair of scholnatlc
ends In Philadelphia In Young nnd Kerr,
but neither man Is now In school, nnd
the mntcrinl for the wing positions Is
not very good.
The most likely of the candidates are
Do Long, Brenner nnd Goodell, and It Is
probable that the first two of these will
mako the regular berths, although the
latter, who Is from Vlllanova, Is very
fast and may make a place on the team.
Tennis and hot weather make their exit
hand-ln-linnd, but In&trui! of Kotns out to
gether this J car there has been a parting
tennis Is stilt here, but the neathcr Is cold. A
fen club titles still remain to be decided and
a number of tournaments are now In progress.
With the temperature around tho S5 and W
degree mark tennis Is hardly a pleasure.
Tho country club courts aro still much tn
demand late afternoons. Still there Is a d"
criaic in the number of platers taking part
In tlm game. Students hae turned their
athletic prowess to other directions. Kenneth
Kennedy, the Merlon Cricket Club star. Is now
tiiity with University work. J. S. Dlsston. Jr.,
Philadelphia Cricket Club, has stored his ten
r.tt rackets away for the winter. He will
engago In soccer at Pennijhanla, and finds
n time tor tennis.
I.. S. Dcl-one, who with Mrs. DI.one play,
el In the recent mixed doubles eent at tho
Merlon Cricket Club, Is In line for the singles
i-illlll!uuiiiu ui me u.rrurouis CiOlf C1UD. air.
meet i:
round for the championship next Saturday
, u3 ,i,u,d( a
J. Heine In the fln.il
title still remains to
be decided at Uverbrook,
The plea for more Inter-clty tennis marira
Is n good one. The Interest on the part of tho
Phllniont Country Club racket w (elders In their
annua) mitehes with Baltimore Is commend
able. The local organization, which Includes
such excellent plaers as Frank P. Wlerter.
Mjron I.. Harris, Kugene V. Wteder. Marc J.
Katzftnl.erg. Miss IMIth If. Katzenberg. nnd
Milton C Stein, only recently defeated tho
Suburban Country Club, Haltlmore, In an
Inter-clty test.
The grip of the golf germ Is almost
unbreakable and a proof of this may be found
In the size of the field that played In the
Senior Tournament at Apawamls, Jlye, Nw
Ycrk. last week. Despite tho heat and strong
sun or two hundred golfers, all flfty-tHo
jears of ago or over, turned out for the
"ft and nearly all of them finished. Among
thoie who aro known locally were 1 K. Pais
more, of the Philadelphia Cricket Club. Y. Y,
llallowell. of the fit. Dald's Golf Club:
a. W. Statzell, or the Aronlmlnk Country
lJ,ub' ,J' ?... K?.hnftock- . ani1 Wlnthrop
bargent. of the Merlon Cricket Club. Their
net rcores for the lhlrt-slx holes were as
fo ows. passmore. 117. llallowell. 172, Stat
sell, 151; 1-atinestock, l. and Sargent, ISO.
Havre de Grace Entries
First race, purso T,0O, for 3-year-olds and
up, selling. SU furlongs Ileaurpo, 07; Jtoial
Meteor, 1UU, Kalcadu. lull; 'Lady Oram do
Agulla, 10. Kewessa, 100, Kred Jyl nn
Jim JUsey, 10J. cilgantni, lot!, Laura." 102'
Dust Pan. tint; Inlan, 100. ' ' ' '
Second race Satin, for 3-ear-olds and up.
steeplechase handicap about two miles
Astute. Ha.Clell. Sister, UU, VVooltei 130,
Oregg. 13S; Utile yugli. U0 '
"third race, putse J.'.OO. for S-year-olds.
selling. 5 furlongs Milton Ilarber. 112
Vv.'!Ca"l!.00.,'Su,rB'0."' '.I?,' Embroidery. 100
idel, 100; Harlequin. 107; Chanteu.e, 100
.H'nl?n'' lt: Anktn. 111. J. II. I arrel
110; Easter Hoy. 1U5. Hiker, loo; Proctor.
Kourth race, purse 5i)0. all ages, handicap,
selling. 1 mile and 70 ards Penaltj IimV
U'ETwah. 112 ! E"cu,or' US- J'"t'wonh:
iiu rair, puree euliu. lor a-lcar.nl, l Un,l
up kelllng 1 mil and 70 )erd Chad llufurd
IIS, 'AMatress 07; Mgulla. 91, Henri
llutc.hln.un. 102. Oretuni. 101. ."rry
I-auder 100. Mu 1 Sill. 07. Th. Hmibo,"
i, nwjai .iicieur, lU.j . "Njolsr lot
neacipeie. 03. tlolllngstone. 117; Duk. of
Shclbj. 10h. Chuckles. IM, Prince Ahm.i
101. Smllej, 0.1. Carroll lt,M 105 AWnt.1,
Hlxth race purse. 1400. 2-ear-olds. maiden
selling, 3 furlongs-Tiara. 10.1 , 'Jane luij
Onar. 105. Mb.s Itoo. 105. I.u,u' loa
Amancien.lslOS Prill. IM. l')vcr K,, J'
... T'' Jt UI
j iiiira iiim nisi. i,i n '
Ijn-lt- 10T. DoUlirv inn ' nJZ?. wi,. . n
bv,n.1nrve,'. '' ro'aa and up. selling
purse l00, aw furlongs Voles leal
w Vs.-MvKt.sl. if " . -. T
.... MViM irocMjt ya.
ou urump, loo, Mod...
uu, faUn r-eaf U5
seii.va. Afan. a kai usn. nil uhh T. i . . -
Am.r run. 10.1. ' ' """ "" Wi
Moellck. 100,
At la tress, 100
Koger (ioidon. 0"i
rrirt 10:1: Llouhl. V
Ciates, 100. Pbaroab, ' 103.'
it u. in;
Two very promising track ntlilotcs start
their lntcrcollcglnto career with the yn.
verslty of Pcntisylvanla. in this year-J
frcsliman class. They nro C. Cory, of th
University High School, Chicago, and
Albert Crane, of tho Tncomn, Wa3h High
School, Cory la a low hurdler with a 1
record of 21 2-5 seconds, which ho mad I
in tno university or Michigan Inter,
scholastic meet at Ann Arbor on May 21
1M3, Crane Is n high Jumper, who wa
credited with doing C feet 2H Inches ln
the Witshlngton Stnte lntcrscholnsttc mct
nt Tncoma on Juno 7, 1913.
Conch Vivian Nlcknlls has reason to
feci elated over a flrst-dny attendance ot
160 candidates for his freshman nnd var
slty crews. Tho slzo of tho squad sounds
very much like Cornell, It Is certainly
the biggest turnout that this Institution
ever had. Curiously enough, tho co,ua4
Just equals that which reported for work J
at Cornell last week.
In a letter from tho President of th
International Olympic Committee, Uaron
Pierre de Coubcrtln, from Havre, France,
dated Sept. 4, and nddressed to the lata
James E. Sullivan, who was Secretary
of the Amcrlcnn Olympic Committee,
states on behalf of the International
Olympic Committee that tho question of
a change In the location of the games
of 1916 Is not even to bo discussed. Ht
says In his letter:. "The seat of the VI,
Olympiad remains what It was, nnd, con.
trnry to wlmt tho American pnpers say,
I will not personally mako any propose!
In favor of a change. "e. never thought
the Olympic games would stop wars, and
I feel perfectly sure that when tht
present war Is over the Olympic move
ment will begin again as strong ana
fruitful as over."
Tho fight for tho club banner at tha
.Metropolitan Senior Track nd Field
Championships, which will he held at
Celtic Park, Now York, October 3, nlll
be between tho New York Athletic Club
nnd the Irish American A. C. Both havs
entered their strongest teams nnd th
fight this year promises to bo nearly
as close as It was last, when the Irish
American A. C. won by three points.
The Now York A. C. hns sixty meo
nnd the Irish-American A. C. has fifty.
two men entered for the different events.
F. W. Rublen. Chairman of the Senior
Metropolitan Track and Field Champion
ship Committee, hns received the cntrr
of It. 11. Gilford. McCnddin Lyceum, for
the one-mile walk, to be held at tha
senior championship at Celtic Park, L. I,
next Saturday afternoon.
Cornell will hold Us annual Inter
scholastic cross country run on October
31. The rnce will be over a four-mile
course. Two prizes wll bo awarded. The
bronze Marathon trophy, tho gift of the
class of 1908, will be awarded to the In
dividual winner. The team prize will bt
a silver shield. Bronze medals, show
ing Jones making hla mile record at
Cambridge, will be nwnrded to each
starter In the race. Permanent posses
sion of the trophies will be awarded to
the school or Individual winning three.
Rugged "Kid" Herman, of
Pekin, 111., Manages to
Stay Four Rounds at
Olympia Last Night.
Apprentice allowance r'iln...i
Weather clear, track list
To the surprise of many experts who
thought they saw in "Kid" Herman, of
Pekln, III., a future champion, Kid Will
lams, of Haltlmore, holder of tho world's
championship title, easily outboxed, out
Mugged nnd finally knocked out the Httl
westerner In four rounds at tho OlympU
A. A., last nlKht.
The bnut brought out n. record croud
and long before tho first bout was put on
every teat In the house was filled, and
there were hundreds standing. The boyl
were to have weighed In at 116 pounds,
but the champion was n quarter of
pound overweight. Herman entered tbs
ring first, and took tho corner whll
Williams has always occupied In all his
contents before tho Olympia Club Will"
lams anted Hcrmutt to give him hU
favorite corner, but Herman uasobdurata
and after a ton-mlnuto wranglo Williams
took the other corner.
Tho preliminaries were all good In th'
first one "Kddle" It I vers won a hot BfS"
tlon from "Jnck' Campbell; Charlie Hear
had a shade on "Young" WiUon In 1X
rounds, nnd "Kid" Goodman, of Ne
York, substituting for "Young" fuss"1
who had an Injuied hand, outiuugbt
"Jimmy" Murray, n tough New V"ik oojr
who has been doing good wuiK m iocs'
rings lately The iemiwlnd-un "" e
twetn "Eddie" O'Kiefe. of tills U- ""'
"Dutch" JJrandt, of New York tiheef
won all the way, although llrandt o"1"
weighed him five pounds o'Kcei .
far too clever for his opponent .'t"1 rtwtt
easily on points.
Samm" Harris has an offer for KU
Vt'lllams to meet "Abe" Aitell befoic T '"'
MrCarey's club lu Los Angeles, si"' ' ',.,,
offer of thres lights In lJrooklo ' '
winter's campaign. Harris olans i rhl
Williams get a ioo.l long rest during ;
summer and then igiwI him alter miu . -
notL'hers In the feathpruMiehl cla.13 H.'f .
figures that by that time all tbe 1 tt
vein he
tho '
f,a iicrwel";
ca of n,r
OM timers who have seen
I'reston lirovtn. the colored
ih. fnrtn.r f.jrh.ru.l.hl .!.-, niotoll. ue'i
lllxoil. Drown haj all tho motes aul f '
of the old champion, but lacks ' , 'i'iS,
I.rows of tbe former king of thi rc""
Frel Yell and "Whltcy" Baser pivj
matched to meet In th wind-up at I ,.f
slngton A. f . Friday night. .1.m
was tj have been Utwaeu YH D1 .Jiilrf
Kelly, but th Utter U IU ot "