Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 29, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    mm itii Ti'ti i1 f iiMlif lmri Mi
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rail WulmWIfim Mfamtlfiw wmf-T y
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HBbBhbBHV&vBBKBBmMhi 4 (VMSkIbbb'Wbmbbmii'"' HVv W. -.. i
Come and Trip Without
a Flaw on the Lidht
Fantastic P&w
SEEMS to nic everybody's going
to school nowadays," said a
little English sparrow as he bal
anced on the wire clothes line.
"So?" said his mother, "who, for
"Well that kind little boy on the
third floor, for instance," said the
little sparrow. "He was so good to
They sat in rows on the telegraph wires
and pretended they had school.
me always all summer. He always
put out the nicest crumbs! Three
times a dayl"
"But has he forgotten you now?"
asked the mother sparrow.
"No, not really forgotten me." the
little sparrow admitted, "but he don't
pay attention to me as he used to.
He just throws out some crumbs in
the morning and then hastily slams
the window shut and runs off to
The mother sparrow laughed,
"Well, if that's all the ill treatment
you get I shouldn't think you'd worry
I wouldn't."
"But I don't like it," said the little
sparrow; "I liked to talk to him and
I know he likes to talk to me, but
I really believe he likes school better."
"That's natural, school is interest
ing," said his mother.
"Oh, is it, mother; what do you
know about it?"
"I know a lot about it," she re
plied with a contented little flour
ish of her feathers, and she settled
herself to tell him about it. (Is there
anything more fun than telling all you
know and maybe a little more to
somebody who can't dispute you?)
"You see, last year I had a nest
under the eaves of the schoolhousc up
the street, and I learned much about
school then."
"Dear me, I wish you had built'
there this year." said the sparrow.
"Well, I didn't," replied the mother
comfortably, "so I'll tell you all I
know instead. The children sit in
rows and read things out of a book;
then they stand in rows and say
things out of their heads."
"Dear me," said the little sparrow
in a puzzled voice, "that sounds very
queer and uninteresting."
"That's because you are a bird.
Children think it is fine," answered
his mother. "They like to do things
in rows."
The little sparrow pondered over
that for quite a while, then he said:
"I wish birds could have a school."
"The idea!" scoffed his mother,
"don't think so much, you'll get
"Oh. no, I won't." replied the little
bird pleasantly. Then with a sudden
inspiration he added, "but I'm going
to start a bird school. Then maybe
the little boy will like me again."
"Where will you have it?" asked his
mother. "Birds arc not used to doing
things in rows, you know."
"Yes, I know that," replied the little
bird. "So I mean to have it on the
wires here, on the clothes lines and
the telegraph wire."
And would you believe it he didl
He called all his friends, and they sat
in rows on the telegraph wires and
pretended they had school.
The kind little boy saw them, too,
and was so interested he stayed at
the window a long time and watched.
So, of course, the little sparrow was
proud and happy and he played
"bird school" many a fine day.
Tomorrow The Poplar's Story.
(Copyright. 1914, by Clara Ingram Judson.)
Testament of Jane Norris
Gives $5000 to Anita,
Princes de Braganza, Mar
garetta Maidstone and
If I'm kept in the house when it's
snowing or wet,
It's hard to be sunny and not frown
or fret;
But mother will cuddle me up in her
And tickle me laughing, and play with
my hair,
And say she will read (and the book
I may hold).
The stories a boy, Louis Stevenson,
She reads of his shadow as 'raid as
can be;
And the things that he saw when he
climbed in a tree;
And his playmate so nice whom he
never could see;
And the boat that he sailed in all day
until tea;
And the man who would gallop and
gallop all night;
And Leerie who nodded while light
ing the light.
Copyright by Malcolm 8. Johnston. 101 1.
oSfsgggggraT1 JjF
1 W Qjl
nc ian r m
Bequests of 5000 have been paid Anita,
rilliaea r1r nrnrFriMli n rtrl 1T HIn nfrfr'i
Maidstone from the estate of Jane McKeo
i Norris, who died In July, 1013. Other
1 Individuals prominent In Phlladelnhla so-
ciety are beneficiaries under the will.
The first account of the estate of $330,
213 67 has been filed by W. Barklic Henry,
executor, for audit by the Orphans'
Disbursements made In tettllns the es
tato amount to $54,330.55. From the bal
ance of $175,563.12 thero has been $122 W0
distributed In compliance with the terms
of the will as follows: Presbyterian Hos
pital, $50,000; Home of the Merciful Sav
iour, $5000; Ladles' Aid Society of the
Presbyterian Hospital, $3000; the Female
Association. $5000.
Bequests to Individuals are: Heta Arm
strong Drexel, $30,000; Mary White, $13,000;
Fannye Norris, $10,000; Dorothea Norris.
$10,000; Anthony J. Drexel. Jr., $5000; Ena
Thompson, $3000; Sophie R. Haughton,
$20,000; Maud Haughton, $15,000; Louise
Haushton, $15,000; Rebecca A. Henry $10 -
Z;IaI-JVh!te.: U000; Jrarearetta Maid
stone. $o000; John A. Drexel. $300O- V
Barklie Henry, $30,000; Annie A. Smith'
$60 000; Ma.y Sutherland .sen AnlE:
Princess deBraEanza, 53O0O: Louis C. N.
?ne ti,,o000i JIorton J- Henry. $10,000;
Henryf J3e000 'ry' : Barklle McKee
vTth' ofMHele" V. Summers. 3213
North Fifteenth street, was admitted to
,..w..,0 ), uiaposing or ?50O) in pri
vate bequests. Personal property of W.
llam Allan has been appraised at $203,3S7.
j; Hannah F. Fricdenberg, $36,500.
City Committee Arranges Mass Meeting-
at Academy October 20.
Plans for a large Republican party
mass meeting in the Academy of Music
on the night of October 29 were formu
lated today at a meeting of tho Repub
lican City Committee In their headquar
ters, Eleventh and Chestnut streets.
It has been arranged to have Dr. Mar
tin Q. Brumbaugh, candidate for Gov
ernor, and Senator Boles Penrose, candi
date for re-election, as well as all can
didates for Congreslonal offices, among
the speakers.
Before the mass meeting, It is expected
a parade will tako place which will bo
participated in by loyal supporiera of the
party from all aections of tho city. This
however, has not been finally decided '
Prior to the meeting of the City Com
mlttee, which was an executive session,
there were meetings of the Campaign
Committee, tho Speakers Committee and
chairmen of all tho Ward Committees.
H was decided to arrange for rallys to
be held at stated intervals in all consres
slonal districts.
After the executive session former At
torney General of Pennsylvania Hampton
U Carson addressed those assembled at
Uncertain Whether He Will Do More
Than That, Says Cardinal Farley.
,t , NEW YORK. Sept. 29.
The Pope is praying for peace all the
time," today declared Cardinal Farley
who arrived last night from Europe after
an abeence of nvo months. "I cannot
say, however." he continued, "whether he
will do more than pray for world. wide
Cardinal Farley had a great deal to
say )n praise of the new Pontiff "r
have never seen any one fill a place' with
such easy graco as Benedict XV fills the
throne of the Pope." he said
Critically Considered
"I am glad you favor servlnu onlv
soft drinks In the ball park."
"Yes." replied the man from a rough
town, according to the Washington
Star. "A soft drink bottlq seems bet
ter ronstrurterl It pnas riv.-.
ttnda harder when you toga it at an
German Admiralty Has
Vessels of Latest Design
Wearing Completion Ar
mament Supply Is Weak
LONDON, Sept. 28.
The measures which It has been re
ported the German Admiralty Is taking
to replaco ships already lost In the war
directs attention to their building pro
gram. Indeed, among tho reasons put
' .... cl m nvntntn M tl.f ttA ttll?1l Kf!a.
Fleet has not yet como from behind the
shelter of Its fortified bases Is that It
may be waiting to receive reinforcements
from tho vessels now In an advanced
stage of construction. Not only are
these ships of all classes, and by no
means few In number, but they are nat
urally of newer and mqro efficient types,
moro powerful, better protected, or
faster, than tho lact ships passed Into
Commission. It may be pointed out, how
ever, that our own authorities have noth
ing to lose, from a material standpoint,
by such a period of waiting. Whatever
may bo tho number of vessels turned out
b'- the German shipyards within the next
few months, wo have the assurance of
Mr. Churchill, in his speech at the
London Opera House on September 11,
that Engljsh establishments will turn out
more than double the number.
In regard to battleships, the next ves
sels to bo added to the German Navy
are tho three of the 1911 programe, the
Koenlg, Markgraf, and Groser Kurfucrst.
They aro understood to bo fitting out at
Wilhelmshaven dockyard, the Weser
yard, Bremen, and the Vulcan yard,
Hamburg, respectively. They were all
launched during 1913, tho Koenlg on
March 1. the Markgraf on June 4, and
the Grosser Kurfuerst on May 5. At the
launch of tho last-nnmed vessel, tho
baptismal oration, which Is a prominent
feature of such functions In Germany,
was delivered by Prlnco Oscar of Prus
sia, tho Kaiser's fifth son, who made
reference to the inheritance which the
Great Elector, after whom the ship had
been named, had left to the Fatherland.
The Prince continued:
"The new German Empire has assumed
this inheritance of the Great Elector
with understanding, and has cherished
It faithfully. Through the Initiative of
our Imperial master, supported by the ap
preciative, patriotic, and self-sacrificing
attitude of the German people, Its
princes und representatives, tho war flag
has followed t.ado on its peaceful ways,
and the German eagle now spreads Its
protecting pinions over the children of
German lands on far seas and foreign
This has a curious ring at the present
time, when, owing to the rapacity of the
German eagle, nearly all the ships which
formerly carried children of German
lands on far seas have been either cap
tured or driven Into neutral ports. As
tc the German possessions on foreign
shores. Togoland. Samoa and New Pom
mern have already been removed from
tho protecting pinions of the same eagle,
and it can only be a matter of time be
foro the rest will follow suit.
Senator Beed Continues Attack on
Clayton Anti-trust Measure.
WASHINGTON". Sept. 29. Senator Reed,
of Missouri, today In the Senate declared
that tbe Clayton anti-trust bill "as
draftecj, by the conferees is a betrayal of
the Democratic party of the country."
The Senator first took up the action
of the conferees on the section of the
bill which prohibits tying or exclusive
contract1-. He said:
"The spctlon as reported by the con
ferees does not provide that such a con
tract in itself shall be void because it
Is against public policy. It merely pro
vides that the contract shall be void in
case it tends substantially to les&en com
petition." Senator Retd Insisted that this provi
sion would be Ineffective and would re
sult In opening up a new field of litiga
tion. The Senator also pointed out that
tho penalty clause attached to this sec
tion In both Senate and House had been
eliminated by the conferees.
Argument on Marconi Operations in
Brooklyn October 7.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 29. The wireless
stations at Sagoponack. Long Island and
Sea Gate. N. J., will figure In the trial
of tho Marconi wireless case to the en
tiro exclusion of the Slasconsett. Mass..
station. Assistant Attorney General
Warren, in charge of tho case, today
Argument on the caso will bo begun In
Brooklyn. N. Y., October 7, beforo a
United States district Judge, and the
Government's authority to establish a
censorship over the two former stations
will bo decided.
"Tho outcome of this casn will estab
lish a fundamental precedent in Ameri
can jurisprudence," said Mr. Warren.
Tho case will be argued by Mr. Warren
and Solicitor General Davis.
Alleges Friends Sought to Take
Stolen Watch From Prisoner.
Three men were held under ball this
morning on the testimony of Albert
Dearhcr, of 1211 South Broad street, and
Policeman Trainer, of the central police
force. Dearher alleges that he was
robbed by one of the men. Hugh Mitchell,
of 1,52 South Taylor street, who took
a gold watch from him as he passed an
alleyway on Seventeenth street near
Washington avenue.
Policeman Tialnor a'leges as he was
trying to arrest Mitchell on Dearher's
complaint the man called to Frank Lamb, ,
of 1.27.1 South Guenther street, and Prank I
Cnstello, of 1SJ7 South Juniper street, who !
were standing on the opposite side of
the street. He claims the two men then '
approached him, and. under the preunso
of arguing with him over Mitchell's nr
rest, attempted to relieve his prisoner
of the watch.
Army Mobilizes in Anticipation of
BUCHAREST, Rumania, Sept. 29.
King Carl has called a special meeting
of the Rumanian Cabinet for Wv""!sday.
At that tlmo tho question of Rumania's I
participation In the war will be settled.
Meanwhile the mobilization of tho army
Wm, Dreer Tells of His Encounter
With Soldiers in Oornlany.
NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-Cardlnal Far
ley, of New York, who took part In the
conclave which elected Pope Benedict
XV, arrived home today on tho Italian
liner Sant Anna.
There were 432 refugees bn board the
liner, most of whom had Interesting
stories to tell.
On the voyage over five of tho Turco
stokers mUtlned and had to bj put In
Irons. Tho captain of tho ship tried to
land his mutineers whn the ship put
Into Alemerio, Spain, but the Spanish
authorities refused to take them In
charge, so they were brought on to
Wm. F. Drcef, at Philadelphia, one of
the passengers, said that he had an
amusing tlmo getting out of Germany.
"Once a German soldier held us up,"
Bald Mr. Dreer. "and ho was so excited
that he discharged his musket over our
heads and then took to his heels In
"On another occasion the captain of
a squad of German soldiers stopped my
party and aftei looking at our pass
ports upside down said that they were no
good and that wo could proceed no
further. Finally we persuaded hltn to
look at them right side up which he did
and then ordered us to go ahead."
28th Ward Man, Supporter of Blank
enburg, Chosen at a Conference.
Jacob Rothkuglo, a Washington party
worker, of the Twenty-eighth Ward, was
namul as the candidate for Common
Council to succeed James Slnimlngton, by
a conference of five Washington party
men and five Democrats at the Inde
pendent Club. Van Pelt and York streets,
last night. Mr. Slmmlngton, who Is a
candidate for the State Legislature, re
signed esterday in order that his succes
sor mlsht be chosen at the November
Mr. Rothkugle has been active In Twenty-eighth
Ward politics since 1906. Al
though never before has he been a can
didate for office, while lie Is a Washing
ton party man it is understood that the
Democrats will support him without pro
test In order to insure the election of a
reform member to Councils. who will sup
port the Blankenburg Administration.
Twelfth street Mr. Green was 6 years
old. He entered the employ of tho Den
tal Manufacturing Company as an ofllce
hoy more than 30 years ago, and was
promoted with rapidity until ho was
mntlo superintendent.
Funeral of Mrs. H. L. Caldwell
Tho funeral services of Mrs. Helen La
fourcade Caldwell will be held tomorrow
from 8t. Mark's Protestant Episcopal
Church, Sixteenth and Locust afreets.
Mrs. Caldwell died from appendicitis on
Buhday at her home, 242J Spruce street.
She was widely known In society circles
In Philadelphia.
Art Collector Strove to Promote
Friendshin of U. S. and Germany.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Word has been
received hero or the ucatn last oaiuiua,,
night of Hugo Relslnger, of this city, at
Langen Schwalbach, Germany.
Mr. Relslnger was well known as an
art collector and for his efforts during
many years to create a better under
standing between the United States and
Ho left New York last April as com
missioner to the Anglo-American Ex
position In London. From London he
w'ent to Germany, Intending to return to
New York early In tho prpnent month,
but was delayed by the war. The body
will be brought home for burial.
Hugo Relslnger was a native of Wies
baden, Germany, where he was born on
January 29, 1836. He was educated In the
Royal Gymnasium, and In early life came
to this country and became a merchant
In thp general Import trade. He was nn
honorary commissioner to Europe for
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at
St. Louis in 1901.
Bector of the Church of Our Mother
of Consolation.
Tho Rev. Martin J. Graghty. rcctot
of the Church of Our Mother of Conso
lation, Chestnut Hill, and for 12 years
provincial of the Augustlnian Fathers
of the United States and Cuba, died last
night In tho rectory of the church.
Father Geraghty was a graduate of
Vlllanova College and of the Novitiate
of tho Augustlnian Fathers at Vlllanov.i
College. His first mission was at the
Church of Our Mother of Consolation,
Chestnut Hill. In 1902 he was elected
superior of the Augustlnians, which po
sition he held for 12 years.
The funeral will be on Thursday from
the Church of Our Mother of Consolation.
Two Warrants Sworn Out on Charge
of Assault.
Each claiming that the other was guilty
of assault and battery. Dr. George B.
Irwin, of 20 South 32d street, and Thomas
A. Harper, of 32 West Gravers lane.
Bwore out warrants' and caused the ar
rest of each other last night. When
Doctor Irwin appeared before Magistrate
Renshaw. of the Central Police Station,
this morning his accuser was not present
to testify against him, and it was said
that Harper was being held by Magistrate
Beaton, of the police station at 233 North
Fifteenth street, on a warrant sworn out
by Doctor Irwin.
According to the doctor. Harper en
tered his office last night and an argu
ment ensued. He declares he did not
strike Harper first.
Bill May Be Held in Senate Commit
tee for a Week.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 23.-The Demo
crats of the Senate Finance Committee
went to work in earnest today on the
war tax bill. Senator Simmons, chair
man, announced that no hearings would
be given by the committee, but that any
written briefs submitted by persons In
terested In tho various Items of the bill
would bo given consideration by the com
mittee. He said that the bill would be
divided among subcommittees of one
Senator each tor consideration.
The prospects ate that tho committee
will not bo ready to report the bill to
the Senate for another week. Many
amendments have already been suggested
by Senators.
Valuables Missing After Prospective
Boomer Looks at Lodgings.
An old trick was worked today on Mrs.
L. It. Mayer, 2102 Diamond street, when
her home was jobbed by a stranger, who
gained admittance to the place ostensibly
to seek lodgings. From a description
furnished, police of the Twentieth and
Berks streets station believe him to be
the same man who robbed othef uptown
houses by a similar ruse.
Alter looking at rooms the stranger
aked to be permitted to wash his hands.
After he left. Mrs Mayer mUd a dia
mond scarf pin and a gold watch and a
safety raror from her sons room. Last
week the home of Mis Bertha Hogl
gam. I&J0 Qlenwood avenue, was looted
of fJQ worth of Jewelry and $30 in cash
by a glib stranger, who posed as one,
seeking lodgings.
Woman Says Writer Is Her Husband,
But He Denies Authorship.
A handwriting expert will be called
into the Domestic Relations Court by
Judge Brown to determine whether
Harry Iskovvltz, of 2031 South Seventh
street wrote letters 13 years ago pio.
cluced as tvldence asalnst him today in
a nonsupport charge by Fannie Lout
schina. The woman says Iskowltz mar
ried her in Odessa, Russia, In 1901.
She could not produce any documentary
evidence of the wedding, but offered let
ters she said Iskowitz had written her
15 years ago. The man denied that ho
had written the letters. He also said
the woman had conspired to rob him In
Burnos Aires, where she declared he de
seried her three years ago.
Womin Picks Tailor's Pocket of S130
While David Kauftmnn. a tailor of
1152 Lancaster avenue, wai, fitting a
coat on a Negro woman last night, she
slipped her deft fingers into his vest
pockets and extra :ted J130 In cash. Kauff
man, missing the money soon after the
woman left, started in pursuit, but she
had disappeared.
Mayor to Appeal lfor Bed Cross Aid
Mavor Blankenburg will Issue an np
peal to tho general public fQr funds
to benefit tho Red Cross work in
Europe. Thts action was decided on at
a meeting of the Citizens' Permanent
Relief Committee held in the Mayor's .
oiii.-u hi wiiy nan mis auernoon.
Funeral of Miss E. F. Gordon
Miss P.lizabeth Frances Gordon who
founded the Gordon School, at 1112 Spruce
street V est Philadelphia, was bur.pd .r,
tie Blddlf-Gordon family plot at Read- I
mg 3csteiday She was 81 years nid
and hud retired from the school, which
was her principal llfework, about six
vears ago. She was a. member of the
St. Philip's Protestant Episcopal Church
and was active In educational, charitable
and philanthropic work up to within a
short time of her death. A nephew and
live nlecea survle.
Funeral of Charles B. Green
Tho funeral services of Charles R.
Green, superintendent of tho S S White
Dental Manufacturing Company, Twelfth
and Chetnut streets, win be held to
morrows from lus hoaw, 27K North
Young Physician Had Been 111 Eight
Dr. Harry Nowmayer, 2007 North 33d
street, died this morning at that address
after an Illness of eight months with a
complication of diseases. The funeral
services will be held from the Newmayer
home next Thursdav morning at 10.30
o'clock, with burial at Adath Jeshurun
Doctor Newmayer was born In 15S3 and
was a graduate of Central High School
and of tho University of Pennsylvania
Medical School. Class of 1911. He had
been connected with the Jewish Hos
pital and with the Children's Hospital.
He also was a member of the County
Medical Society and other medical organizations.
NEW YORK. Sept. 29 Joseph E.
Gay, a mining man, died yesterday
at the Touralne Hotel, at the age of
82 years. Until two months ago he
kept In touch with his Interests. In
firmities due to age ended his activity
and also sent him from the Union League
Club, where he had lived for years, to
the hotel where he died. In 1306 John
Stanton, with whom Mr. Gay had been
associated many years, died and Mr.
Gay became president of tho Michigan
Copper Mining. Mohawk Mining and
Wolverine Copper Mining Companies. He
had been president for 25 years of the
Atlantic Mining Company. John R.
Stanton, son of his former associate,
succeeded him in the direction of the
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Eugene Barnes,
one of the pioneer business men of Tarry
town, died vesterday afternoon from
apoplfxy He was 65 yeans old, and leaves
a wife and daughter. Mr. Barnes was
born in Peekskill and went to Tarrytown
when a boy. For 40 years he conducted
a drug store, but retired five years ago.
He was an assessor of the town of Green
burgh, a director in the Westchester
County Kavlnf, i Bank and a former vil
lage trustee and water commissioner.
NEW YORK. Sept. 29.-Thomai D.
Walsh, . uperintcndent of the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
since 1910, died Sunday In the General
Memorial Hospital. He was 38 years old
and entered the employ of the society In
1SJ3. During his service Mr Walsh wrote
numerous papers on the subject of child
protection, and for several years was
associate editor of the Juvenile Record
Ho was a member of the American Acad
emy of Political and Social Sconce and
the City Club.
CHICAGO. Sept. 23.-R. W. Sears,
founder of Pears, Roebuck & Co., died
yesterday nt Waukesha, Wis. Ho was
born In Minneapolis In 18C3. He began
his buslnccs career in a humble capacity
at St. Paul. He organized Sears, Roe
buck & Co. at Minneapolis t 1SK and
transferred the business to Chicago In
!Vfi In that year he retired from active
bus'ness and devoted himself to farming.
He leaves, It i blieved. a largo fortune
CKUA. blovM wlf ot titntf mnton, Ml
M year. nelMlvea Mid frlnd r
to attend the tunttat services, on Thimlair
afternoon at 2 o'clock, nt her 1st re""1""
lira North 2?d st. Interment private, ktw
York papers please copy.
m.AfllO. CLARA DLABIO, 13 yer. 1485
h. ciiirlen st.
nm,K.-HANNAH DURAK, 82 yearn, 2iiT
H. Ninth st.
Bt'TOI'fiKI LOUIS nUTOFSKt, 03 year.
2208 H. ElsMh at.
CAMnVEM,. J. ALIJKRT suddenly, at
Bournemouth, England, September S!9th.
CAMMVIIM,. September 27, 10H. IIKLKJI
IMFOPKCAOH. widow of Charles II, Cld
well. Due notice of funeral.
CARMODY. On Kpleinb"r 20, 1IH. WINt;
ritnn ,t dnuRhter of the Into Mlcha 1 and
CMharlne rarmoJv KelntUea and friends,
nlo t.rRii of th Paered Heart of St.
Thomas' Church aro Invited fo attend th
funeral, n l-rldnv mnrnltip of 8::io o'clock,
from hei late residence, 1.128 South 10th el.
Solemn Requiem Mum at Bt. Thomas'
Church, at lo o'clock. Interment at New
Cathedral Cemetery.
CA Hit Ot, I,. On Nlntlf Month 28lh. 1014.
ANNA n fAimoLL, ased 73 years. Hela
tlvcR nnd friends arc Invited to attend tlm
funeral services, on Fifth-day. Tenth Month
1st, nt 2 HO o'clock, In Frirnda' Mectlnc
House, at 15th and ltaco sts. Interment prl
ate CAfiRrL.On Pcplemher 51. 1B14, ANNA
MARY, wlfo of Clifford K. Cnenell. Funeral
service Thursday, nt 12. .10 p. m., nt her
lafe rejldnce 24:12 CHennood ave. Interment
at New llrltaln, Pa.
fT.Wt'INI. At,nEHT CUMPINI, r,0 years.
171J N. rnrllelo at.
101 C Chelten vc.
Cl'SIf 1-ATItAHINE COPH, 42 years, 1038
N. Palethorp st.
10OI Fernon ft.
DOSTHK riCORfJi: DOSTnit, 24 years.
1224 North 2i'th i
year 2204 'Iratz st
riSTEl. On Pptmber 28. 1014. REOINA,
daughter of Harrv A. nnd Anna Flatel. Rtd
IS jear Funeral on Thursday, nt 8 30 a.
m., from the residence of her parents. 2133
Bonth Chidwlck st. Interment at Holy Cros
FI.ORANCE. At 3711 I-ocunt nt , on Bep
tctnhrr 2S. 1014, THEODORE JFFFEnsON.
hueband of Lilly riorancc, In the 78th year
of Ida net A member of Lodso No. 51. F.
and A. M Interment rrlntc, from the par
lors of Emanuel Ashcr & Son, 1002 Dia
mond at.
FOItSVTII On September 2S, 1014. DAVID
K., husband Anna Forsyth fnee Wolfrum).
and eon Elizabeth and James K. Forsyth.
Reatle and friends, also Ioska Tribe. No.
.TTf, I, O. R. M . nnd Court Persex'erance,
137. F. of A . are invited to attend the fu
neral, on Thursday, at 1 '30 o'clock, from
his late residence. 2107 East Williams at.
Remains may be viewed Wednesday evening",
nfter S o'clock. Interment at Oakland Ceme
tery. GEIPKET. On September 27. 1014. IIENRT
J. OE1ESEL, husband of Emma Octssel (nee
Kargi. In his B7th year Funeral on Thurs
day, at 1 nf p m . from 3440 Frankford ave.
Interment at Oakland Cemetery.
GREEN Suddenly, September 20,ClIArtLEO
It., beloved husband of Amanda L. nnd on
of Martha nnd tho la to Charles Green Rela
tives nnd friends, also Rt'-hard Vaux Lodge,
No. ".S4, F. and A M . Kensington Chap
ter, No. -W. R A. lit Kadosh "ommandcry.
No. 20. K T . P.tman Mavonlv Club, offlcirs
nnd dlicctors of the American Enterprise ind
Irvinp RulldinB nnd Loan Associations, and
employes of the S S White Dental Manu
facturing Company, arc Invited to attend the
funeral services on Wednctdiy afternoon, nt
2 o'clock, at his late residence, 2720 N. I2tb
t. Interment rrlvatc
HArFKY On September 2. 1014, JOHN
J , husband of Margaret M Haffoy. Funeral
on Wednesday at s 30 h m., from 320 North
Morton st olemn Mass of Requiem at
Church of our Ladv of the Roary at 10
a m Interment at St Denis' Cemetery.
HARRIS. MARTIN HARRIS. 40 years. 1832
Race st
Ht'RI.EV On September 2. 1014. ANMIB
V., widow of Wllll-im II. Hurley, aged 04
years. Funeral on Friday, at 8 a. m.. froii
133 Stanton at.. Falls of Schuylkill. Solemn
High Requiem Mass at St. Bridget's Church,
at 0 30 a. m. Interment at Westminster
KIRKMAN. On September 2S, 1014. WIL
LIAM F.. husband of Mary A Ktrkman. and
son of Marv a. and the late Dinlel Klrk
man. aged 33 ears Funeral on Thursday, at
8.10 a. m . from 541S De Lancey St., West
Philadelphia. Interment at St. Denis' Ceme
tery. KP?CJtT"n September 26. 1014, FRANK
i. L' t,m of Frank M. and EIU Kohr.
aged 1! jenrs Funeral wrtces on Wednes
day nt -i p. m., at 1025 West Cumberland
st Interment private
I.AVERTY. At the Masonic Home, on Sep-
tembor 2S. 1014, JAMES LAVERTY. Fu-
"rT11 ntida' at -30 m- frc"n 'ho
2cli.. '-N Broad st. Interment Knights
of Pythtus Cemetery.
M.A7G,t:Vfj- In Philadelphia, on September
Lainarlne r.ath. Funcra! from the residence
or tier brother. James Rath Depot st .
Bridgeport, Pa., on Wednesday, at 8 a. mfr
HjKli .Mab, in st AuKustlne a Church at
a. m Interment at St Augustine's
Cemete.y. Bridgeport. Pa.
Mri'nIC,I,V',-0P September 27. 1014.
?k.IlA beloed wife of George H. Mo-
Ia.tc&!,ifntI "!.,Fht;r ot H-rbara and tho
late William Ruhland. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend funeral. Wednesday
morning, at 9 30 o clock, from his late resi
dence. 500S Lansdowne ave.. West Phila.
solemn Requiem Mass at Church of Our
haVL?.f J,he Ror'. n " m. Interment
at Holy Cross Cemetery.
year. 330 North Franklin: T' "
J,firftN"0n September 2". 1014, ELIZA-1JETH-.wlSo,v
t Pierre Mllon. aged 48
ear?. Due notice will be enen from her lato
""". -' .orm Liarlen st.
..... , , -
n..i. ,..vi ,;: ."A "" "-"- i, jona
at vi.pih'i-.?;. m -jnrn!i st. interment
at .North Cedar Hill Cemetery
Mif"''?ivTvrtdn'S." KPtember 20. 1014.
H. JLLIAN MORSE, of Chicago, III. son
. v.,v m.iujtti t m rjQ given.
MDAvm''AP-T0,,J September 27. 1014.
MniUn V h"sb!"'d of the late Catherine.
5I.JJ 'J'""1 .. neUttves and friends are. ln-
...- "Mi ( - iff a ciriPK frnm hi. int. 4.i
S.,.ncet """""'east corner of 12th an. Pin.
Church Wfsn! "roulem at S'john"!
C?nite- . m' Intcrment at Cathedral
Malr,7V-a-),AnRt,MUX20' T0 '"' '""
derrnnd,nL.W,,M,Ai.ER' 'on ot tne ta San-
Relamel wl,'; ""'"' "tt'1 Qi "a
Jteiamea and friends are nuted to attenol
the funera eerl,-r, nr. Th..,iV.. ...".!?
Mhnrnn l-Z.?!" " Interment at Adatli
Jeshurun Cemeterj.
jo,0,1?.!- al hL residence of her daughter,
funeral ""iirrgWen"'- Du """" of th"
I'OTTKR. On September 20. 1014. JULIUS
l'p'n?,.V ,h,e ', v"ltarn A and Elliabetn
i'-A. "er, funeral 'rom the reeldrnre f his
brother. Lout A Pm,.. , a I.-.7.V ..' 'I1
CemefeV;."tluy' at ' P ni JntVrmenl it Ede-i
nORER.- On Renmber 27 1014 Clltnirs
MILTON RCRtR huiban I ,f, "faLlfa
Krnrr.a Ilendr kson Ror-r of ,-as" ll " J
Relative and friend. i, v... .. ..J-
. ..., : - .n ----..--, . ,,.. ..rniun,,, r3..
II ... "- -
an'l , M. uxiord I.ailtr.
T, . i'uA n'slde '"ouncll. Jr O u.
A. M.. Anchor Orange. No 173. 1 of III
cse-.. J445.,nii,.,n1-1-0 "'.nd ia ".":
i a
CIeor:e C. Poster, a clerk engaged in
the otllces of the General L'hemtcai Com-
pany in the 'Lafayette Building, died os- I
terday at his home, 12H North 20th street. I
He was 21 years old and ziadualp of 1
GIrard College. Class of ISO". Doster had
tern In poor health since last July. Us
death was due to Addison's disease. '
James l.avertj, for many years a ma
tlnnlst in the employ of the Pennsylvania
lUilroad. died yesterday at tho Masonic
Home, Hrpatl and Ontario streets, (0.
luwins an attack of heart disease. nt
was 71 ears old and had been In Iseb$
health for man months.
Mrs Anna Mai I'asael, wife of Cllf,
ford K '""assvl, a nourv public, died yg.
terday at her home. 2(32 Glenwood ave
nue. The funeral services will fee held
fiom her home on Thursday. Jntetment
will be in New Britain, !a.
Matthew Aiken aicl " ...C: VX??
erl,s on Wednesday at 2 p. 5, i"fS
H',iYvro,Frrk,ura m"mta ci5S ,
resJi.7" i,.V.m-,V.
-.""t.'ry. lDUrm,Bt YV at GrWrSouot
HANDLER, On SepUmbtr ST. 191L CB-
o'clock. Bt the r-V.M.n'n. o. u" '."'r.u T.?- .?.
nf.rm.n. "" ,?"' Penn " Frankford.
JJ rm.?.ni. Y-M'vy r,or,!lne Zlon Ceme-
IStn Vln'gf V,'aVkN.t J.t yRriSfe VnTal
ROTH rKKK On Sn1embr q inn
rf1.Jej.THi,V,r run"l , ! on Thur..
-L. "M-1 " '." .a' M'r I'"' s'Inne 1121
MnV,erC!eVe5.ryn"rm''m rrU"' " W"!'
HRYXni.ll!. -On September 27 1014 TAMi-s
"?. "' 1"h'-'.l n'i the late Joseph Rey
nold Funi r..l on Wedn-sdav, at H :u a m
from 2!3n Re-I ,t Kolrran High Mae's of
Itenulm at f.t Cdhrlel'. Church, at lo a m.
Interm-m at Holy Cross Cemetery.
Sll bouth 17th nt ..-.
SHrW. LC.N'A BH I'LL. 3 eart. njj South
SMITH JAMGij SMITH 3 jears. 4121 War.
STE rXSnN.-rAi ewell N J , on Pentem.
her VI. 1014, a II. hu.Hind "t tUrVn A
hteenon nee Unigri TMm r.Jti. of t?i
funeral will be el..n fim his son', re
dence Harry S Stevenson. SUB Viola. iL
t52d and Parkild ,e ) "" "" -
STHALs.auii,1nly on Septemher 24. 1814
at M'dn.l K' UMTFH T U's '"in
et Bon and the tc Sain lf ,!ra is .lid
!f, car It, nine. nl trl, ,.- ,. n"J
and l-iir 1 I. .din Jud.- fni.,n jre Vri.
ltl to .'inn th,. f mril Tm, .he fCneSi
N ork 't- on n tt,.r j v,it , ., ' '
Inteinant at I nti,( , ( ,-m trv
TIlllMhDN -in, .-.pinnl.er 28 IOH 1BHHIK
if "f Jam Thmon rui..ral .rv '.
7.w.rU'' V p m "' h" '" "-.doee.
30JI E st Interment Itelvue Cemeteiy
THORNTON. On Eentembtr 2S. toti e.
yjNA J-!H'JRNT?,N' Col.r.1. lllfot
Edward TboratOB funeral wrvlt Wednes.
4y. at 1 W p m at btr lat. reeWkiJi!
pil?it" ' F" V "' l "" '""
THVSZ.MABY TRYKZ. U years. 2221 Via.
ri, uJCj I'uiskl ac
7U B. iii.iito L Ijvjs nolic ot funeral -m
-AlSt .