Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 29, 1914, Sports Extra, Image 1

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En Jfk 1 ll fm
VOL. INO. 14
(His Secretary, Fierro, Who
Was Charged With Kill-
ing Benton, Named as
Carranza Holds on at National
Palaco Despite Message De
manding His Surrondor to
' Eli PASO, Tex., Sept. 29. Reports
caching horo today from Mexico persist
In saying that General Frnnclsco Villa
has been assassinated by his secretary,
tilttlo credence Is placed In tho rumors
(jpcauso tho mcssoBO from Chihuahua
last night quoted Villa on tho present
Mexican situation.
Fierro was court-martialed and then
released on tho chargo of having killed
Benton, tho ranchman In Juarez, sev
eral months ago.
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 13. Despite the
demands of General Villa and Villa's
generals, that Provisional President
Venustlano Carranza resign, the Indica
tions today were that General Carranza
would remain In tho National Palaco at
least until tho convention of Constitu
tionalist generals or their delegates Is
held hero next month.
General Carranza believes that no
other plan of nctlon on his part would
be consistent with the "Guadalupe agree
ment," of which Villa Is one of tho
General Carranza and his advisers sat
late In tho executive quarters of tho Na
tional Palaco last night working upon a
plan of campaign nnd drafting a reply
to the following telegram which Carranza
has Just made public:
''To Don Venustlano Carranza, first chief
of the Constitutionalist Army and in
charge of the executive power, Mexico
"We desire to make every effort to pre
vent tho enemies of tho cause of liberty,
who stoop to any medium that stains tho
Ilepubllc. from profiting by such circum
stances as seem imminent. Wo also 'Jet-Ire
to mako every sacrifice bcfoio putting
our fatherland In danger of foreign Inter
"Only the failure of all those noble
hopes and all these generous efforts will
lead us Into a fratricidal strugglo into
which wo would be compelled to enter as
our duty.
iN'ote: Part of the message Is hero
stricken out by tho Mexican censor.)
"General Villa has telegraphed to nil
Senior Member of Jewelry Firm
Pusses Away nt Bournemouth.
3. Albert Caldwell, senior member of
tho firm of J. M. Caldwell & Co., tho
Chestnut street Jewelers, died today at
Bournemouth, England, whero ho had
been staying for the last two weeks.
Mr. Caldwell's dentil camo as a great
shock to his family and members of tho
K. T. Clmec, a member of the firm,
said this afternoon that no ono was
aware of Mr. Caldwell's Illness. His death
occurred at tho lloyal Bath Hotel. Air.
Caldwell went to Kuropo Inst May. Ho
visited Franco and Germany duiing his
tour. He was frequently in tho heart
of the war-rlddcn districts, and on ac
count of tho troublo abroad Intended re
turning soon to this country.
As Mr. Caldwell seemed adverse to
worrying friends or relatives nbout his
condition, It Is possible ho may have
ueen III for some time boforo death came.
Ho Ms survived by a widow and two
children. In this city he made his homo
at the Bcllovuo-Stratford.
1,000,000 RUSSIANS
Breslau, 190 Miles From
Berlin, Is New Objective,
While Cracow Is Left to
Strong Investing Force.
Fierce Battle Wages at Tarnow
in North Przemysl Bombard
ment Heavy Calician Rail
ways and Carpathian Passes
R. H. E.
Concluded on 1'nKe 7
Work So Effective That They Re
ceive Iron Cross.
BEUMN (By wireless through Sayvillc,
L. 1.), Sept. :a.
Seven officials of tho Krupp Gun Works,
who went to the fiont to direct the lire
from the new-Etylo heavy oiduancc of tho
Lici man army, have been decorated with
the Iron Crost, for good work with tho
This Information was glvn out by tho
War Ulllce today, and It conllrms reports
that have been cut rent for some time
that the great guns of tho Germany nnny.
which nio heavier than any ever used
b uny nation In warfare, are being han
"dlcd by exports from the Krupp works on
the Essen.
Email Boys Are Happy, Though, for
Chestnut Time Is Here.
7mi.r,.i,n Z ' "Vine up IU pjycliolosle heat,
emu tin, billiard dda arrhe ana frozen are
. the feet;
Ttio frnst i, J,, tho subway, In tho surface
cnr anl "W,
)Jj'en thvil lart the fablo of tho hei.lng
nono can tell.
Tho dew that has reon drenching the
Pumpkin and the fodder In the shook
appeared on tho golden globo thnt mnde
ni 'nK,a"u' famous today in form not
unlike tho unshaven growth upon tho
checks of youth. 'Twns tho rot.
hhherlng 3 the favorite outdoor pas
thn today for those who have not yot
fpiind their overcoats. A foggy some
thing teemed to have crept Into tho nt
nwaplu.ro this morning, chilling to the
"ones thobe who were lightly clad.
bniali hoys wero tickled to death when
they sniffed the frost. Frost means tho
"inning of the chestnut burr. A burr
opened by frost means that the chestnut
ripe. Also Jt means less trouble In
Kettlng nt tho nut thtough Its porcupine
covering. i"rost Is, furthermore, tho her
Id of winter days, snow and coasting.
nnd skating for the small boy.
A second attack was made today upon
ohdnrato furnaces. Pipes taken down
to be cleaned n few days ago and left
standing fur another day weie hurriedly
"ot back Into placo nnd houses this
morning were tilled with smoke. Ill humor
Jhfl metaphorlc sulphur when the refrac
tory nUM Worked backwards.
loal dealers are chuckling and are now
Th8 i!"e to ,eap t,,c,r annual harvest.
i, R' T ,ms no' J'e announced
that Its cars are heated. That comes
J?ihL So t&T as can bo leorncd there
, , l b0 " change tills year In the clever
"an of defeating good Intentions of the
neater on tho subwuy-elevated trains,
v-uutrury to precedent, these heaters
PETROGRAD, Sept. 29.
Breslau, In Sllesln, 100 miles from Ber
lin, Is now believed to bo tho main Rus
sian objective. Cracow, which the Rus
sians' northern column Is ncarlng, will
bo Invested by a lnrgo army, following
tho precedent set at Przemysl. A million
men are reported engaged In this move
ment. Tho northern column has assaulted
Tarnow nnd a pitched battle Is now In
progress there. The Austrinns aie put
ting up a strong resistance but they ore
greatly outnumbered. With Tarnow In
possession p tho Russlans-tho- last ob
stacle In the way of the siege of Cracow
will hnvo been removed. Dumbrlcko, a
railroad station on tho way to Tarnow,
has already been captured.
It Is now apparent that the movement
through Gallcla Is the main offcnslvo
of tho Russian army. It developed to
day that Grand Duke Nicholas, the com-mnnder-ln-chlcf.
Is with the forces there,
whloljiumber moro than 1,000,000 men.
Thearmics, proceeding along the
parallel lines of railway, nre moving
rapidly westward. With all the six
Carpathian passes occupied by Russian
troops and with strong forces on thf.
Hungarian plains Just south of these
points all danger of i possible flanking
movement has been avoided. Conse
quently there Is now nothing to retard
tho movement. f
Tho pursuit by the Russians of the
Austi l.-iu army in Galicia Is compared by
the" military experts heio with General
Kutozoff'H pursuit of Napoleon's army
from Moscow In 1S12, nnd General Grant's
hairylug chase of Lee's army In tho
civil war In lStVi.
Tho vlctotlous Russian foiccs have al
ready traversed moro than half of tho
route from Przemysl to Crncow and the
latter Is now only four dais march dis
tant. Tho northern Russian cojuniu Is mov
ing much more rapidly than tho south
ern one. TIiIb is believed hero to Indi
cate thoy expect the Austrian retreat,
when It comes, to be toward the south,
and the army moving in that direction
will be able to cut off their retreat.
The Austrlans have fallen back until
they are close to Cracow, where thoy
come under command of the German gen
erals. They have not only abandoned all
defenso of their own country, but have
left Hungary to the protection of Its own
national troops.
The Austrlans have also apparently re
linquished all Idea of Independent nctlon
and have decided to tack themselves on
to tho right wing of tho Germans and to
play a modest role as a component pait
of tho German in my now operating on
Germany's eastern frontier.
The bilef Russian War Oillce Btntement
claims continuous success In tl)o west
ward advance and adds:
"Sorties by tho Austrian garrison at
Przemjsl continue, but they have been
repulsed. Many prisoners, a number of
cuniion and some ammunition have fallen
Into our hands.
"As ttie Austrlans retreat confusion Is
noticeable In their ranks.
"Tho Austilans are now suffering from
shortage of food. In Przemysl military
rations have been reduced by 15 per
Chicago 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Boston 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 ,
Batteries Cheney and Archer Hughes and Whaling.
Umpires O'Connor and Byron.
Pittsburgh i 0 4 0 0
New York '.1000 ' .
Batteries Harmon and Archer; O'Toole and Meyers.
Umpires Hart and RIgler.
Cleveland 3 0
Chicago 2 2
Batteries Wolfgang and Schalk; Dillinger and Mills.
Umpires Hildebrand and Dineen.
Chicago 0 3 0 0
Brooklyn 0 0 0 3 , .
Batteries Fiske and Wilson: Finneran and Watson.
Umpires McCormick and Cross.
St. Louis 1
Baltimore o
Batteries Keupper and Chapman; Suggs and Jacklitsch.
Umpires Anderson ana' Goeckel.
Indianapolis ... .0 0 0
Pittsburgh 0 0 0
Batteries Moseley and Rariden; Knetzer and Berry.
Umpires Brcnnan and Cusack.
R. H. E.
Kansas City .... 0 0
Buffalo 4 1
12 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0
Batteries Johnson and'Easterly; Ford and Blair.
Umpires Shannon and Mannason.
Capture of Mechlin and
Siege of Antwerp Forerun
ners of Carrying War
Across the Channel.
ANTWERP, Sept. S3.
Persistent German operations In Bel
gium aro Interpreted as a plan of tho
Kalsor to cross over to England. Tho
capturo of Mechlin nnd the present siege
of Antwerp, as well as the advance of
German forces northward from sovcral
directions are taken as forerunners of tho
seizure of Ostend as a base for tho In
vasion of Great Britain.
The Belgians have moved against the
Invading force and a big battle Is re
ported waging now, not far from Ant-
w erp.
A force of Oerman naval reserves, de
clared to number 23.000. taken Into Bel
gium from Kiel and Hamburg, Is re
ported to be Intended by tho Germans
for a selgo of Antwerp. Private advices
from Germany recently have Intimated
that the Kutser Is determined to capturo
Great Britain Aims to Break
Up Practice of Supplying
German Cruisers From
This Port.
Federal Government Starts In
vestigation to Discover Origin
al Shippers of Norwegian
Steamships' Cargo.
While agents of the Federal Govern
ment are starting nn Investigation to dis
cover the orlglnnl shippers of tho con
traband, destined for German warships,
In tho Norwegian steamships From and
Sommcrstad, the vessels are discharging
their cargoes at the new Municipal Pier
at tho foot of Dock street, and two Brit
ish cruisers, cheated of their prey, are
lying Idly off the Delaware Capes.
It was not known until today that
Great Britain had ordeied two warships
to natrol the pntrnnen nf thp Delaunre
it is ueucven oy some, However, that Bay to bieak up the practice of supply
tho naval reservists have been brought Ing tho German cruisers Karlsruhe and
General von Kink's army, the German
right wing, is In full retreat, accord
ing to reports In Paris from the bat
tlefield. The German leader Is re
ported willing to yield. The break
in the Invaders' lines, tho roport
adds, began Saturday.
Fnrls has a report that General von
Kluk has begun to withdraw, but the
War OfTIco Is reticent. Slow gains
against tho German right are an
nounced, and It Is added that the
Germans' efforts to break through tho
lino at Rhelms have been violent.
Prlnco Adalbert, the Kaiser's third
son, Is said to have been killed by his
own men by mistake.
. hundred and fifty thousand Gcr-
naval reserves are reported be
Mcd from North Sea ports to
siege of Antwerp. This ln
'12 German plan to crush
tho Belgian flanking
ll,. ..13.
In Ka&t Prussia conflicting reports
claim the aggressive for both tho
Russians and the Germans. It seems
certain that the German bombard
ment of Ossowlcz has been repulsed.
Petrograd claims a general retirement
of the Germans across the Polish
frontier Into East Prussia. Berlin
states that the Russians have been
unable to take the Initiative In an
advance Into East Prussia.
Russians have begun direct operations
against Breslau
Many Guns and Munitions of War Aban
doned in Precipitate Retreat of
Exhausted Invaders, Paris Hears From
Battlefield in North.
For Philadelphia and vicinity Fair
tonight and probably Wednesday, with,
rxsing temperature; moderate vari
able winde,
E&Z djtaih, ae fast page v
LONDON, Sept. 29.
Tho Russian Embassy gave out the
following statement today:
"Russian troops In great numbers have
been able to penetrate Hungary at sev
eral points as far as I'nghvar."
If the foregoing announcement Is true
It means that the Russian nimy Invading
Hungary Is only 170 miles from Budapest,
the Hungarian capital. Unghvar is only
1T0 mile norincasi oi uuuapest. j-urther-more,
thU Information. If authentic, re
veals one of the greatest feats of arms
the Russians have been ablo to accom
plish since the war broke out Thoj
must have crossod tho Carputhlan moun
tains, a natural barrier facing their ad
vance, and the fact that they have pushed
fo far In such short time Indicates that
they either met with very little iosU
tance In the Carpathian niouutaiu passes
or else were able to achieve a notable
victory In overcoming opposition so easily.
Into Brussels to garrison tho towns occu
pied by the Germans, and release the
military detachments for active fighting
against the Allies. Confirmation of the
approach of a new allied army from the
west Is also seen In the sending of the
fleet reservists for fighting on land.
After a severe bombardment, the Ger
mans have occupied Mechlin, about 13
miles south of thlB city, according to
an olllclal announcement given out today
oy me war uiuce.
The Germans havo been carrying on a
hard bombardment of tho forts at Wavre,
St. Catherine and Waeltham, about ten
miles fiom the temporary Belgian cap
ital, but the fire of the fort3 has not
The official statement of tho War Of
fice follows:
After bombarding Mechlin, the Ger
mans under cover of night enteied
the unoccupied town, but have not
resumed their march from that place.
The Germans have directed tire of
all their heavy artillery against the
forts of Wavre, St. C.itherlno and
Waeltham, about ten miles from Ant
werp, but with n result not Justify
ing their great ependlture of am
munition. Our forts replied nnd the
bombardment ceased.
Between the Dendro and tho Wllle
broeck canals, west of Waeltham.
the offensive movement of the Ger
mans has been promptly checked.
The forts Inflicted serious losses on
the enemy and compelled his retreat.
The city of Alost has suffered con
slderably from artillery lire. On account
of the German position the Belgian
artillery as compelled to take up a
position that allowed shells to drop In
the city. In consequence lire started and
a number of buildings wero destroyed.
Most of the damage at Alost, however,
was done by tho German aitlllery which
occupied a range of hills south of the
town. A correspondent Just arriving
from that district sas:
"Fire, did much xdamage In tho new
quarter of the city. A church, the col
lege building, the railroad station and a
hospital wero all struck by shells enriv
in tho engagement and set on lire. When.
i icii me nomoarumeut was going on
furiously and smoke was rolling upward
from the burning city."
The Belgians claim to have silenced
tho German guns and compelled the Ger
mans to retreat
Alost Is an important Belgian city,
having nearly 36.000 residents and Ijlng
about 16 miles northwest of Brussels. It
is on the Dendro River and has a big
trade In hops. The old quarter of the
town is more than S00 years old.
WASHINGTON. Sept. M.-A telegram
signed b Mrs. W. A. Law sou, of Mil
waukee, representing M0Q members of the
W t T l' . protesting against the rats.
Ins of any revenue for the Uovcrnmi.m
XT MJl ,"Wi,.ip " l'b f-tur. th.y will pay for noth-
Because a wmnlnder of the war levy
placed upon Brussels by the Germain
JB unpaht. the Qvrmaii have announced
SildSi?rilQStaufMU " by VlM r tw.UrequlinunwVartheyr.'
JVwUcnt Marshall, J according to 4Upatcb.es frvm Uru
Dresden from this port. Several weeks
ago tho cruiser Essex was seen there.
Sho was relieved by tho converted
auxiliary cruiser Caronla and today an
other vessel, believed to be the Brltlannla,
made her appearance. The cruiser seen
by several Incoming vessels has four
funnels and Is constructed along the
same lines as the Cressy, Abouklr nnd
Hoguo, sunk a few days ago by German
submarines. Tho watchful waiting
policy of tho Caronla and her reinforce
ment, shipping men stated today, did
more to inako Captain Axelsen, of the
Sommerstnd, and Captain Grlndheltu, of
tho Fram, to change their minds about
delivering their cargoes than did orders
from the owners of their vessels. Each
master was In a fair way to win a small
fortune for his work, but the fear of be
ing captured and Imprisoned until the end
of the war made them decide to sur
render tho clearancn papers and remain
In port until a neutral cargo could re
place the contraband stowed In the holds.
Tho Department of Commerce and Jus
tice, upon the request of the British Gov
ernment, has taken up tho shipment
of contraband from various American
ports. In addition to investigating the
case of tho SnmmerMad and Fram, they
nrs looking after the American steamship
Lorenzo and Norwegian steamship Thor,
both of which were captured in the act
of delivering coal to German war ves
sels. A significant fact In the capture of
tho Thor Is that sho was under charter
by the Inter-American Steamship Com
pany of Now York, the same concern
which has rontracted for the Sommer
stad and Fram It Is also said that this
company cmplojed the four other Nor
wegian steamships sailing from here the
last two months with similar cargoes.
On nf them, the Helna, was captured off
St. Thomas. D W I., by a French
cruiser. William J Grandtleld Co, of
30K Walnut street, wero the local agents
for the vessels They refuse to discuss
the case.
Government Inspectors are watclilnir h
discharge of the cargoes of the Fram
and the FommerstaU and will see that
It Is nil placed ashore. It will be stored
until claimed by the consignor or consignors.
Austrian Opposition in Qnllcla Dis
organized, Statement Adds.
WASHINGTON. .S;pt J9 -The fortros
of Przvmsl u In the hands of the Rus
sians, according to a statement ghen out
today by tho Russian Embassy. The
Russian forces also are said to bo drlv-
l,,,e.Au?,r,a,u before them, although
in Gallcla they are rallying. Tho embassy
announcement adds;
"In the retreating Austrian army con
slderable dUorganlitatlon Is noticeable.
I nit ire broken and mixed up. o con
tinue t akiag prUoner in Urge numbers.
a wu o capturing guis anl war ma.
itrlai ct every description,"
The million men in
the northern column, now within four
marches of Cracow, will leave the
siege of that former objective to a
strong investing force and move
across the German frontier, in pur
suance of the general plan to reach
Berlin before winter Is over. Severe
fighting 1b going on at Tarnow, 50
miles from Cracow. Dumbicka and
other positions on the road have been
taken, and tho main Russian army Is
making rapid progress. In the south
movement is less rapid on account of
the marshy ground, but the Austrlans
are described aa losing in frequent
minor encounters.
Berlin "War Office officially announces
there is nothing to indicate that the
great battle has entered the decid
ing stnges. It says fighting Is gen
eral, with no decided change except
along the Mouse, where the Germans
continue to mako gains. The right
wing has stood firm, although sub
jected to sevens pressure.
Belgium War Office announces Ger
mans have occupied Mechlin after
severe bombardment. Much damago
has been done to Alost, an Import
ant city. The presence of large
numbers of Germans In Brussels has
led to a belief that the retreat from
Franco has begun.
Petrograd War Office reports briefly
the continued bombardment of Prze
mysl and repulso of sorties by tho
garrison. Pride is expressed In the
seizure of all the Carpathian passes,
which prevents the passage of an
Austrian force to attack the Russian
armies, advancing on Cracow and
Breslau, on the rear. The retiring
Austrlans In the south nre, as re
ported, low In supplies and as losing
many men and guns In skirmishes.
Servian War Office reports that a se
vere battle Is waging pear Krupanl.
where the Invading Austrlans have
made their linal stand on Servian ter
ritory. From Cettinje comes the re
port that the bombardment of Sara
jevo, capital of Bosnia, has com
menced. Tho combined Servian
Montenegrin forces have strongly in
vested tho city.
Italy Is stirred over tho election of a
Turkish Prince to the Presidency of
Albania, and agitators are urging
that encroachments are certain to
follow in sufficient degree to cause
Italy to enter the war on the side of
the Allies.
General Von Buelow Rumored in Grave
Danger Break Said to Have Begun
Saturday When Allies Redoubled Fury
of Attack After Peace Parley Failed.
Next Saturday. October S. Is the
last registration day for the November
It Is the last chance to qualify to
vote for United States Senator. Gov
ernor, Congressmen, members of the
Legislature and for other Important
offices to be filled on November i.
Poll-tax receipts can be purchad
at the polling places.
Part? enrol meet If not necessary.
PARIS. Sept. 29.
Tho right wing of the German army
In France Is In full retreat, according
to information from the north.
General von Kluk, commander of the
army making up the German right
wing, has offered to surrender to Gen
eral Joffrc, the French commander-in-chief,
if the Germans are allowed to
retire to Germany, It is said.
According to reports from the north,
General von Kluk's army began to
break on September 26 under the ter
rific pounding of the French and Brit
ish. The French had extended their
lines to Combles, less than 50 miles
from the Belgian border and ten miles
south of Bapaume, whero thoy vigor
ously were assaulting the rear of the
German right and the troops defend
ing von Kluk's line of communication
Into Belgium.
It was then that General von Kluk
opened the peace parley. In addition
to demanding, safe conduct to Ger
many, he agreed to guarantee that his
soldiers would not take up nrms again
during the war. General Joffre's re
ply to the German general's terms was
to redouble the fury of the French
When the German retreat began
mitrailleuses were mounted on automo
bile trucks and sent in pursuit of the
Germnn army. It is reported.
According to unofficial Information,
the Germans were exhausted. They
could not make rapid progress and
lost heaIly. They are reported to
have left behind many guns and a
largo quantity of munitions.
The consummation of this envelop
ing movement around on Kluk's army
is belleed to have resulted in the re
cent tightening of the censorship. Gen
eral von Buelow's German army Is re
ported In grave danger.
No ofilclal announcement has been
mado. The War Office statement at
3 o'clock said desperate assaults on
the Allies' left had been repulsed.
The statement fays:
"On our left wing, to the north of
tho Somme and between tho Somme
and the Olse, the enemy has attempted
night and day attacks and has boen
repulsed. On the north of the Alsno
there is no change.
"At the centre, in the Champagne
district, nnd to the east of the Ar
gonne, the enemy hns been engaged
in conducting a Jienvy bombardment
of our position. Between the Argonne
region and the .Meuse slight progress
has been made by our troops, who
find themselves facing strongly organ
Ized positions on the heights of the
"In the Woevre section and on our
right wing (Lorraine and the Vosgcs)
no notable change has occurred.
"In a general way, our line Is thrown
cast and west along a point from the
region of Pont-a.Mousson, Apremont.
the Meuse. the region of St. MihJel. tha
helglts to the north of Spada and A
Part r the heights of the Meuse to the
southeast of Verdun.
"Between Verdun and Rhelms the
general front is bounded by a line pass,
Ing through the region of Varennes
to the north of Soualn and Chausseo
Romalne, and at Rhelms encloses the
approaches to Rhelms, the Rhelms road
to Borry-au-Bac and the heights called
, the Chemln du Damov
, "On the right bank of the River
i Alsne this line follows the river as
; far as the region of Bolsstms. Between
jSolssons and tho forest of LAgIe
Includes the first plateaus of the right
bank of the Alsne. Between the Rivers
f le and Somme this line corresponds
to the front to Ribecourt (occupied by I
I us), Lasslgny (occupied by tho enemy). I
S"1- " ' '! rA
1l ." if.
Roye (occupied by us) and Chalons
(the enemy'- W
"To tho north of tho Somme the lln
atretches across the plateau between
Alberta and Combles.
"We took many moro prisoners yes
terday. These belonged notably to the
Seventh Corps, the Seventh Reserve
i Corps, the 10th, 12th, lBth and the 19th
Corps of the Germany army,"
It Is reported Germans have rcncwe-1
their operations In upper Alsace and
that fierce fighting Is again in prog
ress in the vicinity of Muelhausen.
1 le Germans continue their assaults
asalnst the Vcrdun-Toul line of forts,
but It officially is denied that they have
made any substantial progress.
Several officers in the garb of the
British Indian troops have been seen
In Paris, nnd this is accepted as con
clusive proof that at last the Indian
regiments are In the field, although up
to the present time there has been no
ofilclal statement on this subject.
There is a strong Inclination t it
headquarters of General GalllenI, Mili
tary Governor of Paris, to believe that
the battle has reached its climax.
Seventeen days of day and night
f.jhtlng has exhausted the troops of
both armies, but the Germans havo
suffered worse thnn the Allic- German
prisoners report the most terrible con
ditions prevailing along ths lines. Somo
Germnn regiments have been com
pletely wiped out. In many instances
a new regiment has been formed in the
1 idful of troops left f-om regiments
which have 'en in the forefront of
The Prussian Guards havo suffered
most heavily because they were thrown
forward against the enemy to leaf
many of the assaults made aroui.,
While no authentic figures aro ob
tainable from military headquarters,
officers who are familiar with tho sit
uation declare the German casualties
in the Battle of the Alsne. now believed
entering its decisive stage, total fully
180.000 In killed, wounded and missing.
The losses of the Allies, they say, prob
ably will bo 100.000, inasmuch as at
many points of tho line it has been
found necessary to deliver frontal at
tacks on heavily intrenched positions.
In the case of the Germans It is said
they have a far higher percentage in
(lend than tho Allies. The British havo
lost heavily, but all of the gaps in
their forces ha been filled with th
members of the latest expedition to
reach France.
A lull seems to have fallen over tho
fighting in the Woevre district, due to
the thick fog which mado It impossible
for the troops to undertake any opera
tions for fear thut friend would attack
Prince Adalbert, a bon of Kmperor
William, Is reported to have met hl
death upon the battlefield from a Oer
man bullet. According to this rumor,
the Prince, who was In advance of hU
troops, was shot by mistake and not
by design.
French mill" authiritles deny that
the Germans havt weakoned nnv of the
forts south of Verdun. On the con.
(rary, It Is said, the German troops In
that district are menaced on thre-e aides
by the French.
A telegram from Geneva says that a
battery of German artillery was sent
across Sr las soil In an effort to secure
an advantageous position to the south
of the French right wing, but the men
were captured and disarmed. They
proved Milling captives, net having
eaten anything for six days except
some raw vegetables and a little fruit,
A picture o&uffermg l brought from
the C-mvwt lints by prisoners, most t
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