Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 29, 1914, Postscript Edition, Image 14

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VOL. I'O. 14
Senator Regards "Marble Hall" Scheme
For Municipal Court as One of the
Most Worthy Ever Conceived Visible
From Back Window of His Home.
Fenalor James P. MeN'lehol. Pentose 1 thought the "market place" plnn "one
leader in rh.lade.phhu ha, set the seal I f, ") l- ! JrCll,TLVX
.... ....... ...... ...... .v HUIIItklUI ItV ,. t. ,,.....
lof nls approval i f the two-mlllloiwlollnr
lanu grab for the "Mtuble Hall" scheme
tof the Municipal Court. Tie talked it
over with Coiincllmcn before tha "enter
ing wedge," In the snape of a bllt to
fcondumn the Magdalen Home property
tt 2lst niul Haco streets, was introduced
In Council.
Senator MeXicliot thinks tho land grab
bing Municipal Couit plans "one of tho
most worthv objects ever conceived." He
biild so himself In an Interview. Senator
Siu.Vlclwl can look out tho roar windows
or his home on Logan Square and see
the proposed site for the Municipal Coutt.
A houc on Knee street, neld in his
wl'i's name, faces the property. Ileal
e5t.Uc men say that if the grab goes
thiough the value of all nearby property
will he greatly enhanced.
There Is no doubt that Senator Mc
TCichol has been in the confidence of
persons uho jammed through the "en
tcrlnt? wedge." as Fred C. Simon, the
executive clerk of the Municipal Court,
calls it. The "enterli'g wedge" was ths
condemnation of the cornor plot at 21st
ond Ttacc street", owned by the Mag
dalen Home Society.
mwichol Arrnovi:s.
It was said on good authority today
that Judge Brown had gone to McNIehol I
rnd talked over the plans almost as soon j
as they originated. McNichol denies I
this however, and Judge Brown hits an
nounced that ho will not talk an more
to the Kvnxixu I.EDGEtt.
That there had been a conference be
tween tho Penrose lender and tie pro-
siding otllcer ot the Municipal Court was
tin- idtemp t of M.s. Henry P Itlch
auUon, wife of the superintendent 'if
the Houxe of Detention, who pi of esses
to be the fiit peiron to hav thiught
of moving th. HniiM nf D"t ntton to tin.
site at 21st .r.il Rj" -trfets
MtN'k.iui din .-. hu'vevi-i that he
with a Councllnion about the scheme. He
also talked with "social workers" in
terested. St:.VATOn TALKS WITH Jt'DGH.
Mrs. Ilichardson mentioned casually
that Judge Brown had talked with Sen
ator McN'lehol the day she had tho Idea
for tho new Detention House. Ptintoi
McN'lehol dented It vlgoiously.
It was while telling how she came to
think of the Magdalen Home site that
Mrs. Ulchatdson bi ought In Senator Mr
Nlcliol. "I had heard Hint the Macdalen Homo
site was for sale," said .Mrs. Klchrid
soli, "and as soon as I s-aw Mrs. Jurist,
of the Advisory Board, 1 told her about .
it. Mrs. Jiliht went to sec Judge Brown
to Interest him In the plan. 1
"And then," ald Mrs. Richardson,
with a deprecatory smile, "Judge Brown
wint over to see Mr. McNIchol.
"Oil, I don't know wlint she wanted to
see him for." she added. "1 suppose he
JU3t went over to toll him about It."
Senator McNIchol was found In hN
private odlce in the Lincoln Buildlnp
He was" asked If he had given immediate
approval of the Municipal Court plain
when Judge Blown came to see him.
"Judge Btoun and 1 neer talked about
the Municipal Court," he said. "I have i
discussed It with some coiincllmcn, but I
nevei saw Judge Brown about thos-c
plans. I will say, however," he added,
"that I think the Idea is one of the most
worthy ever conceived.
"Any plan thnt will relit e the con-gii-tlon
. In the House of Detention it
worth of support. Tin halls are mlsei
al'lj overcrowded, and there should be
a separate room for women. Something
ought to bo dono for tho women and
children who are foiced to ue the build
ing. "Yt, I have talked with several Coun
cilinen about the plans and I also dls
cisftd them with social workers."
it n suge-ted that I.ouis Wolf, thu
OrTunlzutinp all : Uioigt Q Ilm-witz,
an .issorljto of Judge Brown, and Mrs
Lnuis Jul ist probably were the social
wirken- he alluded to. Senator McN'lehol
assvnti'd to thN with a nod.
-VWrt -.
' ' 3-.. ' -.., .' "j tm- " ' '. c:i:Tr. ..-.. ' '"""-" .' r I"",
bSv-rwm. J;iirensiei , t -jasr "j5GBs3sasa sewKSW,- vsMsrmm .. limrmffi?h&mr- .M&WiMml$ZMiV- ffiit
This photograph shows a window of the bottling establishment of George Ringele, at 12th and Olive streets.
Believes Coming Conference
of Mayors Will Be Effec
tive Means for Devising
Regulation of Utilities.
Direror Co die, of thi Department of
rubhc Woi ke. pointed out lodty that i o-
cperatlon of Amtrk.m r!tie& is oMont'Hl
In tho effort to n-gtilate public servici-
Ht r'-fen.d tn the vonfarvwc t Maoi
to be held In 1'lillutielphin in November
as the iirt step in the Intercity action
toward regulation of public utilities' com
pantos. "The importance of the great confer
ence of Jlaor of American eltlcg. to
b-j held in thte t'itj, November 13 to 14.
Is utu-.ud by our i-or. i'pundence both
T.'ti city olflclalii and with the repre
sentatives of "big buninuas,' " he wald.
" ti'tai'C'S hti' bt-Mi rucflved from
tin' Mrt,orn of ' of the leadins eitlo.
Th utility coi'ponuiosw, on the other
hand, appret littitig th Importupee of
having their sld.- of th- ipieiKiOni dU
fui (I ad 'iiualt-h pieferited, 4ie pem
ing fui u nm-aki of natknl rputa
"It i lutli (.unoUii ami Hlltiiig to
see i'hilaiMjihli taking the l-nd In the
discission of tlieue fundamfititu! ivlo
pruuli in. iwcauMj n ,i city we. have not
had any si-itltd iiulicy ds, to our own
publi. utilltif uur water work ro
both miininipulh owiiril unA opemted. the
gns. works ure nnjnli'lpallj owned and
privalily ope''ted; tiif electric plant N
both prlvatnlr wn and pcivately op
erutfd. hil the i-xlstintf arrangrmenti
with the strtiet eai lompany ells for a
fluii'liig of profits.
"The dr.ft in ulppI yearn hau bi-en
toward State n-giiluuin fJuwcially in
t!j- W.it the public fivicc lorpuratioiii
After Calling' on Friends for Comfort.
Win Mrs .Msidi-i-m. Browne. Bill JU1
c.,lm xtit.t, returned homo this morning
follvwirj a visit Vt friends who sought
tii i omfort her In her wonies about her
huv bund believed to b in tne French
uiTii, she fniind the pluo- damaged by
lire and water. Sevi-ral months ago Mis.
lirowr-N'H hutiliand fcailisl fi"" Kraneii
to sotlle un ctate. Rfynnd heurlng thnt
he at lived safWy, Mr-. Browney has
hiai(i nothina' more of him
Tin the Kfcirted from burning coals
drrppliig from a grate In tho kitchen,
which Mt fire to th carpet The fire
siti ad tc the home of Charles Kemp,
nf "il22 Malcolrn stn'et
h.ik"r making deliveries In the neigh
nrirhonij saw smoke Issuing from the
kltehpn windows and sounded the Hlarm
Tht damuge to iln Browney hune
nr"oiintrd to 5irn The K nip honn: w.vs
not damaged
Flolds Place of Honor in
Ornate Display at Bottling
Establishment in the Four
teenth Ward.
Background Consisting of Re
ceptacles Filled With Whisky,
Gin and Mixed Drinks Com
pletes Advertisement.
I Senator Penrose's picture is being shown
I to the vuteis nf the 12th division of th
Fourteenth Ward.
I In the window of the bottling establish
ment of (jeorge Itingele, at 713 North
i Twelfth utrcet, on the corner of Twelfth
and Olive (streets, a huge portrait of the
senior Senator is displayed. Liquor forms
i tho background, foreground and the reat
of the surrounding ground of tliu sotting.
U was explained by employes toduy
that the stabliihinciit is tho polling place
for the division, and the picture was
Ministerial Union Adopts Keport
Recommending Organized Opposition.
The Ministerial Cnlon yei tcrday adopt
ed tho report ot tha 'Jxecutlvo Com
mittee, In which theie was Included a
lecommcr.datlon that all the churches
of the union unite in fighting the liquor
evil allied with Penrose In the coming
campaign. In each church a committee
of two men will be appointed to obtain
signatures to a platform In which the
signers lefuse to support any candidate
for ofllco who does not favor county
local option, or who lefuscs to Indorse
n Federal law to prohibit the sale of in
toxicating liquors.
At a meeting of a committee repre
senting the civic and local option or
ganizations of the State, named In Hni
rlshuig September 17 for the purpose of
working in the interests of local option
tluoughout the commonwealth, plana
were outlined tor a vigorous campaign
during tlie next five weeks against Ten
loselsm and liquor.
n!nl In tli.. u.!m!nv hv the Retmblieatl I Slept
.. ... ...i....i j,. ?.... ...,A ,1..,, u.lih ,h.. ' l-aat
Hill 13 IU UUVUI Ul. I -lll "u Ull'lln . , i , nvi
Oft-expressed Wish of James Glen
non, City Employe, Granted.
Tim death he had pia)l for e.uno
early today to James Glennon. an aged
eniploj e of the Bureau of ilighwas,
who woo found lifeless In his bed at 211
Wos.1 Tioga street, bv Joseph llelmuth,
a f I lend with whom he resided.
Ateoiding to Helmut!!, his aged com
panion prayed e-teh nUht that he might
go to beJ app.iiontlv well, nnd that when
death came It might touch him as he
Standard Oil Company's Test Meets
With Success.
Pouring oil on troubled waters has been
In recent yeatu demonntrttted as effective,
and mnnv shiD now earrv oil for that
purpose. The way to rut oiit oil lires has I cans
been found in an eqjal'. odd application.
Tark fires have lung bepn the bugaboo
of oil men. Water i useless. Tho Stand
ard Oil t'oiiipanv has tested suds at
Bayonne. N. J It iditc-d four thlity-lnih
stand-pipe', around a forty-foot ttmk. I
Thetfa wire supp!li wlht a solution of j
carbonate of soda and soap hark VIh i
them were fudiMe links of rhosnhor i
i hronzn cables controlled by o serins of
ini'rer Water was let Into the t.irk to
within throe feet of the top, with three
thousand gallons of Movhiin ciud, ml i
and naphtha run on It This was lighted '
The 'use melted, the 4,ud dropped into i
the ta.ik and the foam at once started
And this tremendous fire of oil and naph
tha wa extinguished thus automatically
in nine seeond by a tourteen-lneh layer j
of suds foam I
Another wsporinvent was tried with !
thre thousand sUon f oil ami one I
hundred gallons of gttsoline The stand
pipes wer or era ted l hand After the
Inflammable stuff was luited it was al-
brands of Uipior which Itingele handles.
The picture has been thcro slnco the
(list registration day," said one of ltiu
gele'H employes. "This is a polling place,
you know." ilo denied that the Liquor
Dealers' Association or tho. Brewers'
Association had an thing to do with plac
ing the Penrose picture. The P.epubli-
he said, wept to tho sturo on the
moraine of September 3 mid hung the
"Did they buns It just as It Is now?"
he was asked,
"It hasn't been touched aiucc they put
It there," ho said.
The Republican workeis who hung tho
picture selected their own sotting be
cause all of the bottles liquor were
In the window at the timo and have not
been changed since n llktmess of tho
ernior Senator was p'aced among them.
The "Penrose display" has caused con
siderable comment inionx the lesldento
of tho neighborhood, as It Includes, be
sides the liheness of Senator Penrose,
two score bottles of several dhterent
brands of rum, gin. whisky and mixed
have ivitiiiit the lust few er worked I ,'"","' ":", '""" " '- r-rir.,IT nnDOU TAMrn DCWCl Q
In favor of Slate r.gulatuui In so doin? I ',' W81 to raet Ulr f1" "Unutej One stand FRONT-PORCH TANGO RbVtLb
they appmeiu haw been largely In. I ' ''"""' h 'c Httle Impres- ,
fluentfd by a desire to uvokl the inccm- ?H i?J "?" "J,"''4 1".lh,rl,' sl Cause Womar'a Ayrest for Using
sistencies inherent in lo-ai r.-ifmlion In I ':, ,.f "" "Jntl" U' ttre I ,n, M,,...
the far W.st !hre -re leanoos to b. u . "u.,1 feo " . I "" PMil "ither autu- I Violent Language.
........... j ... M. iiatm in MLuu an oil nri . .nAAnin r.Rri unien mip oe-
.... -. -.. , ..,il;u i-yuwiHim ,... ........
ini. .ui,a
night llelmuth went upstairs to
sio his friend who, he said, had u slight
er.ugh lie looked Into his room and
saw Glennon, ns usual, kneeling before
his bed. This was tho last he was seen
Dr. Charles A. White. 3430 Xorth Sec
ond stieet, F.Hd death was due to heait
failure. Glennon wns 6.1 years old.
Arrested .for Breaking Into House to
Remove Furniture,
Irwin Bodolln, of 1713 Noith lilst street,
a collector for the Penn Furniture Com
pany, of CIS Market street, was analgned
before Magistrate MrCleary at the Tren
ton avenue and Dauphin sticet station
toda for further hearing on tho charge
of breaking into the homo of George
Ulnndunlel, at W.l Kmer.ild street, to re
moio the furniture.
CU-ndanlel bought household goods on
the Instalment plans from the firm, but
got out of work. While he was out of
tho city with his wife last Saturday,
Bodolln Is charged with forcing entrance
to tho house. The man had a furniture
van in front of the place.
Sergeant Henry appeared lefbre. tho
goods were loaded and arrest i Bodolln.
The latter was held In Vf ball for tho
hearing today.
Real Vagabonds in the Cast of tho
Lewar's Hnll Production.
The burdens of the hobo will be shown
tonight In the thrilling melodrama "On
the Road," and those who go to Lewar's
Hall, Illghth and Spring Garden stiects,
will ijco a. company of real vagabonds
In the cast.
According to J. Hilda How, the million
aire hobo, who Ik directing the affair,
the object is to show the injustice of
tho vagrancy laws. Realistic scenes will
show the Innocent hobo begging on tho
street, and then Ills trial in court and
sentence to hard labor in the peni
tentiary. There Is a love story, too, to show thr-t
the vagrant Is not wholly devoid of senti
ment. The play was written by Miss Cora T.
Harey. Interested In the International
Brotherhood Welfare Association. The
proceeds will be used to establish a
free employment buieau in this city,
where vagrants may obtain woik.
Miss Harvey is now In Washington,
where she Is trIng to Intel est Con
gress In a plnn to establish employment
agencies In the rural pustofllces.
lle. thai in many States they are
emerging fiom a peuod uf un-Ualiftt-d
fitate tigulatlun In some Western lo
calities Uieie is a deposition toward
tttte regulation, tempered by home
rule, and u others to a type of home
rule thut lead ultimately tu municipal
owiipiflup Uvin the stiongest advocates
of St. If (emulation jb tn tht. princip'e
Kra datiKiiw.
Great Array of Apparatus Ready to
Fight Fire in Cupboard.
ThiC' euiue companim. a battalion
chief, a book and ladder truck, the am
bulance fiom St. Tinuithj'4 Hospital and
pullci men from thrte station houses
veie tailed, upon today to extinguish a
S'liall blae In a kit -hen cupboard at the
home of Vlbert iUb.i. I-! Halo fclreet,
Jlaiununk The loss wis less than JiOX
Sirs. Zahn was fumigating the cup
board win n shelf pap.i- caught tire from
lier torch I'.xcited (nisuns In the house
heard lur cry "lire.' and lushing to
tht- street turned in an alarm
few moments later suttUie'it ap
I'atatus to flsht a blase m a co"'n mill
'!!g''t and, clattered ti the scere Kire
v c -ii pollorrocn r.m this wnv nnd
t' t wa iscaicblng fiw the mllj
almost at nii'-e b.
dared to have lasted until nearly dawn
un too front porch of Mrs. Annie Joyce,
President of Bridge Workers Urges
Close Affiliation With Other "Unions.
PF.OHIA. III. S.,pt. 21 President J M.
Ryan's annal report was read here yes
terday befoio the convention of the In
urnatiiiiial Association of Bridge and
Structural Iron Worker".
Lester Piano Company Has First Con- whwi '"'B"bm'3 Ci,uee'5 hcr avr,rfst "8,
et,m L , ruu. ' common btold because sho said unkind
-.0....tv... a ,. iU,u.lp , K.tl t the fun
ininSS lu Utetll tt uj.uim -
naV'nrth -1st street nroved her undoing . '"' report, sent by tho president from
J3S North -1st bircot, proven t.t u ..h ( u iaVenwortli penitentiary, where he
The first bale of rot ton in the "llu a
Bale of Cotton" campaign to be purchas
ed by a Philadelphia dim arrived here
tode. Tne cotton was purchasod by th
l.ttr Piano Canui..ny, W Chestnut
itreet through the Atlanta Chamber of
Hundrtds a( women, men and chilrtrtn
viewed the bale of cotton this morning.
It s on exhibition in the show window
of the Lester Piauu Company.
Net s Scarecrow
A mrtain Chicago businuss man has
hatl a great deal of troublo with his
workmen, a numlier uf whom have
from time to timu evinced a disposition
"to soldier "
on one onauun when this gentle-m.-n
in i ompaiiy svith his brother, was
iisittng the farni 'f a friend in south
ern Illinois trie two ooservea un un-
as it nuhmnce. Magtstrato iireus. in ilia
Midvale onrt Ridge ovonuea police sta
tlon, today held Jlrs. Joyce In ?v bnll
for court.
Twenty irato nelghbora, one of whom
was a blind man, erowdttl the court loom
and indignantly uccused .Mrs. Joyce of
using language unbecoming to a hostess
of tango parties. As to the revels them
selves, tho neighbors declared they were
abominations not to bo tolerated by nny
FOlf-respecting community. Tho Oung
participants, the deUaied, did not con
duct themselves with becoming modesty.
The petition against Mrs Joyce stated
she objected to co.nplalnts of hcr neigh
bors In violent and uncomfortable lan
guage, whih was distressing to those
who sought only peacj in tht neighborhood
The blind . Qirtplalnant was venement in
tton iu the meAiivvbivy few buckets of ntuer, af'rr a long gaze at the figure,
water iUnse&i th , , in the Zahn That a man working by the day."
rnfh flviiPA 4t9tiilimi in ft illutun, fl..l.l
Sit-ee it isnt innvliicr ' oiwencH th I his denunciation of the defendant
brother, "t rnu'it be a srarecrow i so the dancers annoyed you?" asked tho
Tha Iir ' c s ari row. s-iid thn I Magistrate
jio i empr.aucauy mey oiu. juoge.
the answer ''Most emphatically.
is serving u sentence Imposed by the
Federal courts, advise closer nillllation
with other trade unions and a more united
support uf tho labor press.
Acting President J. K. McClory in his
report recommended a general organiza
tion plan nnd an Increase in ofllcers'
Aroused From Sleep They Escape
Fire That Destroys Place,
WINTKP. Conn, Sept 20 Many
guests sleeping In the Hotel Canaan were
amused from slumber when Mrs. Charles
Shaver, a waltiess, dashed through tho
halls and gave the alarm In time for
them to escape from a fire that de
strojed that hotel today. All escaped
wlthuut Injury The loss was JlO.oOO The
flames btarted In the kitchen.
Charles B. Meek, president of the Na.
tlonal Association of Credit Men, will b
the principal speaker at a meeting to
night in the Certral B-anrh of the Young
Men's Christian Association. ICO Arch
street. His subject will be "The Credit
fc WegkV
Aged Colored Man Gets His Freedom
After Extended Remarks.
Te who would dnrtse Hie Iron bars dnun in a
iIunKp(in dei'p,
Anil care not If the founders of the UiiEllnh
lanKUrfKC weep,
Approach tlm lordly miglstl.itc nnd take him
liy nurprlie.
And hit him with "ilzzmilcate" anil look ex
tremely wine.
The vocabulury of Joseph Marshall, an
aged Negro, of Spruce and Warnoclt
stieets. gave Magistrate Tracy consider
able uneasiness this morning. Mnrahall,
who was accused of getting n bottle of
mi'k and a loaf of brend under sus
picious circumstances, was finally dis
charged so that the court at the Fif
teenth and Vine streets station could get
under way.
"I was flzzastlcatcd, judge," said Mar
shall In the course of an unduly ex
tended speech. "If I misappropriated
tho provisions, the annexation was at
tributable to temporary aberration of tho
Asked to explain what ho meant by
"fizzusticated" Marshall looked dubious
for a moment, so did tho policemen
who were attracted by his (low of "lung
wldge." "I'll make It more apparent,"
said Marshall. "X was sort o" dozing
near ono of them gas plates In the side
walk of tho public thoroughfare and the
gas emanating front the aperture Just
sort o' 'flzzastlcated' me.
"I finally aroused myself and found
that somehow I had become Inadvcrtenty
attached to tho hottlo of milk and loaf
of bread. I was just examining It when
tho guardian of the- law introduced him
self to me and took mo hero for' this
explanation." Hut this Is us far ns
Marshall got. "You 'can continue that
tho next time you're brought here," ealil
Magistrate Tracy. "You better go homo
and run for Congress." And Marshall
Colonel Tells Ohio Progres
sives the Two Forces Are
Closely Allied in Their
Campaign in Buckeye State
Waged by Liquor Men on Lines
Designed to End Control Over
Makes Three Attempts to Hang Her
self While Under Arrest,
Following her arrest for disorderly con
duct last night, a Negress, who said her
name wifa Lena Brown and that she 11 veil
on Tenth street above South, attempted
to commit suicide ut thrte dittereut
times during the night by hanging her
self with a stocking. So persistent wero
her efforts that the police wore forced
to have the matron of tho station re
move the woman's clothing to prevent
further attempts at self-destruction.
COLUMI1US, O., Sept. ?J. "Tho mu
tual attlnitlcs of whisky and crooked
politics" wns tho keynote of the address
lu which Theodore Roosevelt opened tho
Progressive campaign In Ohio here last
night. He urged the election of James
It. Oarlleld for Governor and A. L. Gar
ford for United States Senator, on their
prohibition platform.
"Whisky and crooked politics unques
tionably have strong mutual affinities,"
said Colonel Roosevelt, "and it is untural
thnt evcrywhete the liquor forces should
line up against the Progressive party,
sometimes behind one, and sometimes
behind tho other, of the old parties."
He took a strong stand against the pro
posed amendment to tho State Constitu
tion which will ho offered to tho voters
of Ohio thiB fall In on effort to make
tho entire state "wet."
"In the State this year tho contest has
been precipitated by the llipior men,"
hij said, "who have forced before tho
voters an amendment, which' If success
ful, would mean the abolition of all ef
fective control over the liquor trnfflcand
the abdication by tho Stato of all power
to minimize tho damage It does."
Colonel Roosevelt said thut the Demo
cratlc party lu Ohio Is either overtly or
covertly supporting tho "wet" amend
ment, and that the Republican ptrty is
dodging the Issue. Ho also assailed the
tariff policies of tho Republican and
Democratic parties. Under tho ilcpubll
tan tariff, ho said, a few men prosper
too much, while under tha Democratic
toiiff no one prospers. He Indorsed thu
election of a tariff commission of ex-perts.
Man Who Posed as Magazine Agent
Receives Sentence,
Charlei II. Van Winkle, who posed as
a collector of subscriptions for a maga
zine, pleaded guilt before Judge Ral
ston In Quarter Sessions Court today,
being confronted with V M Lord, dls
tiict manager of the David C Cook
Publishing Company, which had caused
the arrest and Imprisonment of the de
fendant for three months in Trenton
for the Btme offense.
Mr Lord had on hand eight wltnes
from whom the defendant had mad col
lections jn this city Judge Ralston lm
MiL SWifif 9 one year- ,
" '"" ; -
Millionaire Aviator, Failing at U. of
P., Wants to Enroll Elsewhere.
The studies of law and ieionautlc.- form
a combination now sought by 15 rover
Cleveland Hergdoll, millionaire aviator
at d ctscapadlst, who, since "flunking"
from tne Law Dopartmcnt of the I'nl
verslty of Pennsylvania desires to en
roll as a student at some, educational
Institution where high Hying will not
Interfere with legal grind.
Mr. Hergdoll. who Is expected to return
todny to Philadelphia from Kalanuuoo.
Mich., where he has been to protest tho
result of an aviation contest. It Is said
will try to enter either Harvard, Ynlti
or Columbia. His friends think ho will
probably enroll at Harvard because ot
the existence there of an aero club amung
thu students.
The millionaire aviator, after his ar
rival In Philadelphia today, win K(, to
Trenton, where lie Is tu glvo un exhibi
tion lu aeropluulug.
Young Woman Accuses "Reddy" Carr
Hlwoud, alias "Reddy" Carr, an old
offender during the hist trolley strike,
today was sentenced to the daa in the
County Prison for Insulting a oung
woman by Magistrate Campbell, in the
Front and Westmoreland streets police
station. "Reddy" Carr is well-known
throughout Kensington, and, according
to the police, was out on probation after
serving part of a six years sentence for
burning a street car In 1810.
Appearing against him today was m,.
TVlunle Balbildce. 3128 Kelm ar ...
Baibrfaee said Carr accosted hcr "oa the
m n in
ti luiciit-c juuc. iv i par
Old, Victim of Kinsman's
Rage When She Interferes
to Save Mother..
Tragedy at Bucks County Farm'.
lio'use Followed by All-Night
Hunt for Man Who Fired Fatal
ready for her graduation from th
Philadelphia- Business College, pretty
iFIorence Cope, IS years of age, iaj
shot' to death last night by hcr
uncl'e,. John Cope, i2 years of age, al
the home of hcr father, Clinton Cope, v
the1 Utile villnge of Buckingham Vallcj,
near' hcie. What prompted the uncli
to1 kill hit pretty nlcco it not entirely
clerir.' although It Is believed to be Jcal.
ousy. She had upon several occasloni
repulsed his enrcssex, saying she did not
like him bee.iuso he drank. Ho wai
under the Influence of liquor when tot
shooting occiltrcd. Cope craped, aril'
has up to this time 'succeeded in eiud.
Ing capture by the posse of olllcers and
i neighbors, who were beating through tbt
thickets of Ruckingham Mountain all last
night searching for him.
I John Cope, who Is a painter liylng l
I tho' vicinity, went to the homo of hl
, brother, Clinton Cope, at 10 o'clock last
night. It was a blight moonlight night
and C,llnton Cope was out In the field
of his little faim cutting coin. Tho vis-
itor was in an ugly mood from drlnS
and hulled nbuslvo language at Mm.
Cope. Florence, who was In an upp'r
room of the house, heard tho noise bf.
tnw nnd ran dnwnstnli a tn linr tvntl.
When she appealed in the room her tin la
culled her a vile name anil declared:
"I'll shoot you, too."
He thrust a revolver against her Th
girl grasped tho weapon, but Cope pulled
tho trigger and tho shot passed tliriurt
the girl's abdomen. She died within aa
After the shooting Cope lan out of thl
house without shoes, coat or hat. t
pos?e, which Included a member of tht
State police, Doylestown pi In'e and
farmer In the vicinity, was organized,
Hut an all-night search of the bulldir;!
lu tho ncighboihood and wo id dopci
of Ruckingham Mountain failed to reveal
the hiding place of tho sl.ijcr. The possi
Is still beating the woods, as It ii b
llcvcd Copo could not have gotten far.
The denth of Florence Cope cast deej
gloom tluoughout the school r mms ct
tho Philadelphia HilsineVs College. 1011
Chestnut stieet, where she had been 4
pupil since her graduation from Illgi
School hist year.
Miss IMIth Ritchie, of Paulshoro, X I,
a pupil at the school, who had neen her
companion slnco they entered the school
together, could not attend class thll
morning owing to the shock of her
friend's sudden death. The entire school
was somewhat upset by tho tragic affair.
An Economist
"So you havo given your wife jour
word that you will favor votes for
"Yes," replied tho man who dislikes
"What nro your reasons for dolns
"It'n cheaper. If I say I'm not In fa
vor of votes for women it's liable to
hurt my wife's feelings so that it will
tako as much ns a diamond uecklaci
to enable mo to wuaro injselt-
Washington Star,
Oflicijl Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania and '
Jeisoy: Fair tonight and prounblv V
jiesday. with rising temperatuie, me
crate varluble winds. ,
High baiometrle pressure juevalls l!
nini nlnir friini tho Itoelcv MnlllilulllS es
waid except In the I.ako Superior rio'
and along the middle gulf coast, A
slight disturbance central ovei wesw
Ontario has caused light rains In uppej
Michigan and Ontario, while the 8
stnim has occasioned showers in outhei9
Alabama and Mississippi. This duturt"
unco appears to havo changed but lit"'
In energy and Is moving noithward erJ
slowly. The temperatures havo rts
rapidly in the upper lake icglon to aj
lugs somewhat above normal, while '
Vvi. I'll--l.iii, I mill thn Middle AtUMII
States and In North Dakota and !"
tuna it is unseasonably cool.
U. S. Weather Bureau Jlulieliii
Ubicnatlona made ut s a. m. Kuaiera tin1
Low I, . . nn, . H.ln
IITIC l,lll- . ... ,v
Station. Sa.m. n't. lull.VMmJ i'y e"
Abilene, Tex ... IS IS
AllamU- Cliy ... 50 4'J
llUniarck. N. I). .'!- 3J
Hoyton, Mas .. 40 .:i
lluffulo, N. V... BO 4il
Chicago. 111... . SS &s
I'leviUiuI s
l(emer. Col. ... fO O'l
Ilea Molnci, la. Ml Til
Detroit, Mill. .. ..11 "it
Duluth, Minn... SO m
(lalicston, Te.. ! tii
lluttu-u, N. C , lit KS
lUlcna, Mont... -JO JO
Huron, B II . . It
Jacksonville,)-lu. TO 71
Kaneaa rt.Mo. !) '
ly.LiUWHe, Ky.. .'.S .VI
McniphU. 'IV nil. tid ')
N.' ork-aiiis.. . UH 'id
New Vurk ... . 4S 42
J I'lallc. Neb. 3'.' K!
Oklahoma. Ok.. Ui Ml
1'blladelpbU ... l 41
l'hoejils. ArU . T'J VI
Pltuburiili, l'a.. 41 12
Portland. Me , 40 82
Portland, Oie. .. 02 Ki
Qubec, Can . :S 2l
Ht. Uiuls, Mo... Go r,x
H( Paul. Minn., M M
Salt Idk. Utah. 5f. 61
fcin Franrlaco.. W .J
fcraoton. Pa ... an HI
'I'umDi Tt 72
Waabtoitoa ,.., 4S 4U
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