- , H., 4uf r, f j-Kt ,- ' - ' 2 EVENING LEDaER-PHILADBLPHIAjMOJfAY, SEPffMBBB 23, 1914;. m, GERMANS TRAIN HEAVY GUNS ON ANTERF"TO CRUSH BELGIAN FLANKING ASSAULTS through tho llne9. Wounded officers who have como back from thcro declare '.the fighting Is like, tho pendulum of a clock, first one side having tho advan tage and then the other. Every effort of the Allies to grain n , foothold cither In St. Qucntln or In tho territory Immediately to the north be tweon the armies of General von Kluk and Von Boehm has failed. As It Is considered essential that the German line be broken there, additional rein forcements are bclnp sent, and the bat tle continues without Interruption day and night. Sir John French, the British Hold marshal, commanding: the Urltlsh forces, Is calling upon War Secretary Kitchener for more men. If the Allied line could bo reinforced with 1X,000 fresh men at this Juncture It is be lieved that tho battle would see Its conclusion within 4S hours. That tho Kaiser personally Is direct ing the offensive movements of tho ' German nrmy In France was the be lief expressed today at the headuqnr tcrs of General Galllenl, French Mili tary Governor of Paris. Evidence that the Government holds the same opinion Is contained In the following sentence of the ofllcial statement Issued last night: "These (German) attacks were made with a uniformity which demit. - in structions from the highest command to seek the solution of tho battle." Thus It would seem, for the time being, the Gorman Emperor has as sumed the task of his General Staff. That the losses are growing heavier, due to the increased ferocity of tho at tacks, is shown by the greater numbers of wounded that are being brought from tho battle ground, Especially heavy are the losses on the Oisc, Alsne and Somme Rivers, where the French are trying to encircle General von Kluk's nrmy and aro meeting with violent counter attacks. It Is lmposslblo to cstlmato tho stag gering loss of llfo that has resulted In tho present conflict, but It Is unoill clally estimated that tho Germans hnvo lost 200,000 men In killed, wounded and captured since they Invaded France. The desperate efforts of the Germans to smash tho allied lino Indicates that they aro endeavoring to conclude tho engagement before England enn send another army to reinforce the Allies. It Is reported from tho front that an epidemic of typhoid fever has broken out In the German army and that thou sands of soldiers arc In tho army hos pitals suffering from this disease or from measles or dysentery. The troops, worn to tho point of exhaustion by tho continuous lighting and marching, fell easy victims to disease when subjected to tho Inclement weather which has been prevailing. The battle continues to rage day and night. When the soldUrs are not under rllle fire, they are facing the hall from machine guns. When they are not In machine gun range, they arc tinder bombardment from nrtillcry and howit zers. Some of the troops have 1' under lire continuously for more than 3(50 hours, nnd the only sleep they have been able to get Is snatched In tho trenches while artillery Is crashing around them and bullets are humming overhead. Both sides have all their forces en gaged. Tho only means of strengthen ing weak points on the battle lino Is by moving troops from some other point of the front. It seem" inoltable one r- the other of the armies must break under tho torrltlc strain. This week, the third of tho fighting, surely will see the tldu of victory swing to one side or tho other. RUSSIAN "STEAM ROLLER" CRUSHES FOES IN GALICIA Austrian Third Line of De fense Routed as Czar's Troops Reach Tarnow and Seize Carpathian Passes. S PART OF MEUSE FORTS SILENCED, BERLIN SAYS PKTnoaitAD, Sept. IS. Tho Austrian troops have been routed from their thltd line of defense In Gallcla. Tho ISusslan-j are approaching Tarnow, only W miles from Cracow, and have also eaptuted frzol; and fc'zaUann, Hungnrlan town on the southern slope of tho Car pathian Mountnlns. They have captured the town ol Przrmysl at the point of llielr bayonets, but the garrisons of some of the forts theie continue to hold out. This new Is given In a statement Issued by the General Staff today. It shows that the ltusslnn steam roller Is progtosslug with amazing rapidity and that only a stiff defense at Cineow and along the line from theie to Thorn, I2nst Prussia, can prevent tlio llusslun nrniles from being well on their wny to Berlin wtlliln a very short time. The General Staff It rushing the army forwnnl with all pos sible haste, hoping to avoid a winter cam paign for tho capture of the Gciman capi tal. The Russians nro today in force at Tarnow. Although they nre unable to move with the great speed shown In tho early days of tho Gullclan operations, be cause of the swollen rivers nml marshy condition of the territory through which the army Is advancing, the Russian forces are declared In todny's War Onice report to be making steady prngress. Tho Russians ate moving steadily for ward in four separate movements. The bombardment of Przemysl continues with one of the main foits nlroady reported BRITISH SEARCH NORWEGIAN SHIP OFF NEW YORK PORT Officer From Cruiser Caronla In spects Papers for Hour. NKW YOBK, Sept. 2S. Just as she was about to enter New York harbor today, tho Norwegian steam ship Krlstlanfjord was stopped and searched by the British cruiser Caronla. An olllcer from the Caronla spent about an hour and a half on board the Nor wegian ship, according to her mnster. Captain Itlnrtduhl, going through the papers. There was but one German fam ily on the ship and they were not mo lested. The Krlstlanfjord brought 3.11 first ,nd second class passengers and "Sfi steerage passengeta to port. JAPANESE AIRMEN BEAT OFF ASSAULT OF GERMAN CRUISERS Tsing-Tao Defenders Hem med in Within Five Miles of Town in 48 Hours' Anglo-Japanese Attack. TOKTO, Sept. M. Japanese troops have fought their way to n point only live miles from the main fortification-! of Tslng-Tao, nccordlng to un announcement Issued this afternoon. The German legation admits that the foits defenses havo fallen back on their main lines, nccordlng to dispatches from IVkln. a Is said tho lighting has con tinued for more than -IS hours. It Is officially announced that three Ger man worships bombaidcd the right wing of the Japanese nrmy attacking Tslng- Tao Until a Jannnose riprnnlnnn Mutt m'ar -,,-.. ., .... -. ... . - ' - '-" "' - h1reCt,r7he,ans Z rigain ' !!,"" t0 h " flr a number of guns and that the Cossacks aio cutting to pieces the icar guard of the retreating Austrian.". Through the pass at Uzsok troops nre pouring upon the plains of Hungary to strike the Austrlans In the rear and cut oft communication between Kasehau nnd Cracow. At I'zsok nnd Pzavtnnn. which lies near the source of the river Ung, the P.uslans captured thirty guns. I.'OO prisoners, many rapld-lirers and large quantities of ammunitfon nnd supplies. Part of the forces under General Von Colrad nt Praemysl succeeded In cutting their way through the Russian lines west of that fortress In an attempted re treat, but they were pursued by lnrge fon.es of Cossacks nnd stilfpred terrible looses, says the ofllelol repou Some of .Tas'.ow and (ivnlng other forces theie. but they lost every gun that they at tempted to take with them. BERLIN. Sept. 2S. . all of his nvt. il-.'ilo force into the fight Part of French forts along the .Mouse, n the eftort to break through the Ger south of Verdun, have been silenced ; man line, it officially is stated that at after heavy righting on both sides. J no point lias he been successful, while The offensive movement of the Ger- I at a number of polnt.s the Germans mans continues without severe check. ' havo dvancctl their lines. Discussing the actual fighting, the j Attempts on the part of tho Belgians War Office declared that heavy losses to make a successful sortie from Ant have been inflicted on the Allies by I werp have been frustrated and many German bayonet charges, and that the i prisoners and an armored car hnvo Allies have been obliged to call upon i been taken, their reserves to strengthen their lines j The offlcinl statement follows: It is stated thut, although tne range . "Tne ouensive movemeiu m ..... , and service of the enemy's artillery troops continues without severe chock. ' has materially improved, the Germans ' Heavy loraes have been Indicted upon Reinforcements continue to gain ground. The Allies the enemy oy our nnyonei c-iiuisea "i.u they have had to bring up their re serves to strengthen their lines. "At the eastern end of the battle line, our artillery has silenced part of tho forts on the Verdun-Toul lino and we have succeeded in crossing the Mouse. The Germans hnvo been hemmed in within live miles of Tslng-Tao, according to tliu official statement. The Japanese casualties so fnr as ascer tained nro given as- three killed and 12 wounded. The German casualties arc said to be 312. The Germans were surprised In tho trenches and many were bnyoneted, when the allied Britih and Japanese troops made their main attack. According to the statement, tho fight began on September 6. German gun boats bombarded the positions of the Jupnncse troops. Japanese aeroplanes the Austrlans succeeded In reaching I proved effective In reconnoitring expedl- GERMANS BESIEGE ANTWERP IN FIERCE ASSAULT ON FORTS have been heavily reinforced on the Germun right, it is stated, and are making a supreme effort to outflank tho German lino nnd to break through at several points. Move For ward in Several Directions in Campaign to Occupy New Belgian Capital. un tne igius ui wit: . bc uiu vj. . mans continue to maintain their ad- The passage is being sharply resisted, vantage and are in strength on the I "In th centre we continue to gain, west bank of tho river. The bombard- j despite the ertny's heavy artillery fire, Vt ' e ;! M i a t i ment of the "r -is sov ! Ver dun continues with perceptible succesu, according to the General St-i .. the German right It U s'ated that the fighting is of the n t bitter char o ter, with the enemy plainly throw-in? ANTWERP, Sept. :$. The Germans are shelling tho outer , fortifications with heavy guns. Already they are repoited to have caused dam i .. . t.- .. -,.-., i. ... . which is now showing better aim. ! "hC V"'B;" an" vre awl to ""' 7 ,.,,.,. thechain of fortifications which connect On the west we have held all the ' lhen- The foru aro reapon(,(n vgor. ground we gained, though the enemy ously to the Arc. has rt.-cived large reinforcements and I The guns used aro those with which Is making counter attacks however, have been repulsed.' These, MT tAhi -1' i i i BRITISH THINK WINNING tho Geimans yesterday bombarded Mechlin, killing many worshippers as thoy lofi church and setting fire to many buildinss. Including the hospital of tho Little Sisters of tho Poor. Fort Strombaut la reported to havo been practically destroyd by the. Gorman MOVES ARE REING MADE1" ' - ' m -" - "" " c? m .... . . " r ub inc Donioarament or the lo- LONDON, Sept. 2'. Tho British War Office is more op timistic than at any time since tho closing days of the Buttle of the Marnc, It is belleetl probable tnut inaiun tuns far north of the point where up to the present any fighting has been reported. Thu English people are plae-t-.-j great hop s on this report, but it Is not confirmed from any source that carries official weight, and Ostond f-jr troops, who came by way of the Bum j the last few das has been a most un- k- trS - us uz. Canal and not airosu Canada, despite all reports to the contrary, have en tered tho fiel4 of action. There are many significant thing" that woulU bear out this, but the censorship pro hibits their bemjj sent out at the pres ent time. Tho battle rout be won on the left flank If at nil. and thv British expert believe that the winning moves re now being made. Tho Government press bureau Unued the following oiUcial statement tbi evening; Last nieht the enemy attacked; our Unea with more viiojr, but no more success. There U no change in the itua tion. German sained no eround. The French advanced here and there- Hepurta from Berlin, received through Holland and Pfiimark this morning which assert that the Ger mans have guinod eroumi iu the en counters of tho last two dais, are dis counted by tho dispatches from Uel gium telling of the success of the Bel gians in driving tho Germans in that country into the territory wuth of Brussels. An unconfirmed rumor that Jlons has been burneil is generally credited, and it is taken to indicate that the Germuns have abandoned that line of communication. It it is true that Mona actually is burning, it may mean thut thp Uritish French armies are In strong force and havo raided the German communica- reliable rumor factory. .More significant than anything else, however, are the circumstantial reports received here from Belgium sources that an epidemic of typhoid and allied diseases has broken out In the ranks of the German army, and that their horses are suffering from glanders. The reports came from so many sources that they are generally cred ited. The worst cases are In the valley of the Pendre Rivr. near Termondo, where it Is reported too men havo at ready died of typhoid and other infec. tious diseases. The military experts say tb disease can be expected ut this time now that the war has bt-en In progress eight wek8. The rivers of Belgium ftnd France have been utilised by both sides to get rd of dead men where there was no time to bury them. Then tho cold rains, whiih have now prevailed for moro than two weeks, have added to the dlftVulty of gathering the wounded Many bodies remain unburied. putrefy ins in 'he water sheds of - rivers. Tne suffering of the wounded us tho result of the weather conditions is fear ful. Those who cannot drag them selves to places of sheltor simply die where they fall, as pneumonia follows In nearly every instance. In addition, wounds that ordinarily would be clean now get flllwl with mud, and Infection follows um a mutter of course. In this respect it is stated that the Germans have suffered far more than the British or French, who have main tained their field hospitals at full strength and have rushed their wound ed well into the south Immediately after first aid has been applied. fensos of Antwerp Is concerned it Is believed thut the present action Is In tended to keep the Helgtun army Insido ot the fortifications. Tho guns used aro of tho heavy ordinary siege type and not the caterpillar pieces that caused the losses of l.iei,-o and Nainur. Ant werp is quiet and the General Stoff hows no concern over the latest de velopment. BtlBlen refugees nr pouring Into Uaeatrich. owinu to the burning or a itaiby vllliiifr- oy the Germans. They say thut ight Ueluian boldlera succcedud ill cuttina the lallway, and that a Ger man train in coriBdiuenco was thrown into the ditch. In revenge the Gcrinatib burned the vlllnge. rnmnftrnipil n-iiort state thut tho city of Mom-, headquarters of General Doebn, lununmidrr ol the German army mnt to akit General ion Kluk, is burning and that the riiiliuad bridge on the main line betwwii Jlons and Hrusktl ut uur I; has Uein blown up, cutting railroad communi cation bgtween the German forces at Uruelk and Hunt, Tiav. If i milvliiu from Ghent predict heavy lighting theie in the ner future, a h Germans aie making every effort In penetrate tu Antwerp. Tht have been rep'ilsxl asuin near Termonde, in tho vicinity ol which they managed tu de stro sfvernl villages by a withering schrupnel lire. It is evidently the Germans' Intontlon to fcue their way through to sit. .Vliolae, It p',ible, nnd complete the ring of in vestment around Antwerp. Thf-ir bom bailment of the city must be deferred, however, I'll their big truns are brought near enough to be effective and the con crete emplacements for them have been oomrlet1 d- TIMEKEEPER DIES AT DESK Attack of Acute Indigestion Follows Hasty Luncheon, Acute Indigestion today caused the death of t'lareme Moirlsax, I" years old. JIM KliSKorth fctre-t The man collapsed at his dtsk in the otilce of the Williams & Man us I'onipanj. Jli South liarien Mrtet, by whom he was empluyed as tim keepor. Fellow emplocs sa MorriM cam' bai k from a hakty luwhoun complaining of feeling ill 1-itci he was been t" . i unple up ami run io in.- noui. tie a laxen to the J'enu Ivauia Hospital, nhere phy skuiiis Said in ait failure uix.-rmi ,-d by acute indigestion caused hU death. Tho body was taken to hla home. tlons and are reported to have escaped unharmed. The morale of the German defending force at Kino-Chau Is on the wane, It Is reported here. Some of the soldiers have deserted, escaping by land or sea. Through them it Is learned that, de spite the determination of the Governor of Klao-Chau to light to tho last, the party which. advocates timely surrender Is asserting itself. It has found itB de fenders even among high officials of the nuny. Some of these advocates of sur render have been shot, while many have boen snt to the first line of defense. I'he German Hying machines have been damaged and can no longer serve a use ful puipoi-e. The food supply Is cut off by the strict blockade of the Japanese navy nnd is dally diminishing. Whatever is replenished comes only through tho smuggling of Chinese Junks. The supply of mateilals for(tho making of bread Is also Mopped; consequently the output is greatly restricted. Scurvy Is gradually Increasing. As the British troops have landed and joined the Japanese army, it Is expected that the general assault on tho fortress will soon commence. PKKI.N-, fcpt. 23. ft is learned from Wol-Hsien in Shan tung, that a second detachment of Japan ese troops nrrivrd tl.eie ut sundown on Saturday with 15 cart loads of ammunition and supplies. Other tioopn have advanced west along tho railway and hold K.mgtse, wheio the Germans Hooded the coal mines before their departure. All the Chinese miners fled. Tho American mission Is crowded with women of all clatses from tho city and country districts. They are said by the oi respondent at Wel-helen to fear both tho Japanese and the Chinese soldiers. LONDON', Sopt. IX. An agency dispatch from Pekln says It Is officially announced there that Pel ho was occupied on September -7 by a small Jrpnri.se detachment, which re pulsed MO G. rmans. SMALL BUSINESS MEN NEED FINANCIAL AID Wannmeker Scores Bankers Who Cater to larger Concerns, "Uusiiii'ss hunks not afraid or unwilling to flnaneo the srmll business man dur ing such crucial times us these are needed moro than anvthins else during this de pressing period," said John Wanamaker today In an address to members of thu Walnut Street Huslness Association at their monthly luncheon In the St. Jame-s Hotel. Mr. Wanamaker scored largn banks which loaned money almost ex clusively to railroads and other big In dustrial combinations simply because thoFe paid a greater rate of Interest. "The little fellow Is the one who most needs the money Just now," said he, "and It Is the little fellow who should be helped. There should be a greater spirit of co-upeiatlon among banks and business men. If this were so, times would not be so hard " Mr. Wanamaker cautioned the business man to regard from an optimistic stand point thu condition of thiupfl today, ifn said tho Federal Reserve Hoard would unriucstlnnablv he of great assistance In bringing relief where It was needed. The speaker told his hearers not to lay tho blame for present business conditions upon any one thins. "It was not the tariff bill alone," ho said, "nor the ln lome tax nor the war. None of these things alone cieated tho dciuesslon, i,ut each had a little to do with tho situation. There was Just too much of this sort of thing corning at one time '' Mr. Wanamaker said bad business con ditions were only temporary and If men pulled together the situation would be greatly clarified. Ho SRld market con ditions In New fork at present were worse than In Philadelphia because of the greater amount of stock and bond business done there. He advised his hearers to "smile and give up the grouch." "If you are hcalthv." said the speaker, "it Is your own fault If sour business does not go right- Pay the proper attention to it Too much golf frequently has cost many a business " Mr W anamakor also suggested that in order to gain confideme of customers the business man should not charge too much for what he had to tell, VILLA MOVES HIS FORCES AS PEACE CONFERENCE PENDS Mobile Army of 30,000 Men, Marching Against Carranza, Occupies Za catecas Meeting May Avert War. JUABRZ, Sept. 28. Despite the arango ments for n peace meeting between Gen eral Francisco Villa and commissions of generals from his nrmy nnd that of President Carranza, Villa today continued his military operations, Nearly all of his mobile force of 30,000 men nro now march ing against tho troops of Carranza. They havo already occupied Zacatecas, In tho central military sone, fronting tho Car ranza mobilization point at Aguas Gallon tcs. Ileports that Vllllstas have occupied Shii 1. ids Potosl have not been confirmed. A secret movement of troops Into Sonora was discovered today when Villa's personal brigade, commanded by General Itodrlgucz, reached tho Sonora State line to co-operate with tho revo lutionary Governor, Mnytorenn, In driv ing out Carranza troops under General Hill. The meeting between commissions of generals from the armies of Villa and Cnrranza will bo held nt Aguas Callen tes. They will decide whether Carranza Mialt resign from the provisional presi dency, to be succeeded by Fernando Igleslas Calderon to avert the threat ened war. In a statement Issued last night at Chi huahua General Villa said: "I solemnly declare I shall not ac cept Carranza as President or Vice Presi dent, nd Interim or constitutional." WASHINGTON', Sept 23.-E!forts to patch up tho break between Villa and Carranza were scheduled today nt Jacateens. according to a message from Consul Carothers to the White House today. It stated that reprcsenatlves o both Villa and Carranza would be present. AMERICAN TROOPS GUARDING MEXICAN BORDER REINFORCED Action Taken In View of Battle Im minent at Naco. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Sept. 28. Five more troops of American cavalry took up posi tions along the Mexican line today to prevent any violation of United States territory In the battle now Imminent be tween Carrnnzlstas nnd Vlllalstns at Naco, Sonora. Tho Inhabitants of Naco. Texas, just across the line, were up at dawn and hastened to get positions on a string of cars in the railroad yards. They were driven away by Colonel Guilfoyle's troopers because they were within range of the expected fighting. Tho Carranzlstas at Naco number about 1S0O men, while the approaching Villalstas havo 2000. TAX RATES FOR TEN CAMDEN COUNTY DISTRICTS RAISED Hearing Will Be Granted Those De siring1 Lower Levy. Tav rates in ten of tho districts In Camden County, N. J., havo been in creased, and tho'e desiring a lower rate will havo to file their application with the County Hoard by Wednesday of this week. The greatest Increase is In Wntcr ford township, where the rate has been advanced from Jl.5.1 to J2.rt. I'ntil last winter the rate was limited to $J.01. ff a district wanted a higher rate, application had to be made to the County Board, which at that time could authorize a rate no higher than $2.31. This law hns been repealed by the New Jeiscy legislature, and at tho present time thero Is no limit to the tax rate. Tho total gross ratable!) In tho 21 dis tricts Is $91,707,1101, on Increase of $1,111,2(59, or 4.(14 per cent, over 1D1.1. The rates per $U0 In the various districts are: Cnnvlen City tlln'iveiiter t'lty llnrouch of Auilulinn . . . lioruUBli of Chlsllhurst Ilorntisdi of CnlllriBswooil nnrr,HL.h nf IlH'MnnfleM DorouBh of IltuHon Helsdits llornuEh nt i.ouroi .ipnnEi. HorniiRli r.r iierenanivnie norouuri ot uai:in . ... HoioubIi of Wooillynne.. Tnnnshlp of Ilcrlln .... Tmvnuhlp of iVnlre ... Tounihlp of rii-menton Timnfhlii of Delnware Township of Oloucoflier . Tirani.tilp of Hiolilnn ... Township of Penmiuken Township of Voorhces . Tounflilp of Wdterfnrd Township of Wlnslow .. .Wernue llil I. ion. ,$'.'. mi J'J.uo i.T. in 2,(li 2.01 .'.'.'S S.flO 2,:i7 s.sn 2.2H 2.:n lillltfl... 2..-11 2.1.1 nci.... l.il'i l.Ot o 2.S I 2.28 I.P.I 2.20 l.fti l.ns 1.74 1.7S 2.(17 2..1I i.nij i .no l.io l.ns 2.27 2.14 1.811 1.70 2.:io 2.:n l.mi l.Tii 2.:.:i l.ns ,. 2.1(1 2.12 2.1S 2.00 ROBERT CRANSTON DEAD Once Arrested for High Treason nnd Sentenced to be Shot. Itobert Cianston Is dead at his home, 2H1 Mutter street- He wns u member nf the Fenian Brotherhood, a famous Irish organization- T:i Vtii ho was ar lrsted by tho Cngllsh Government for high treason, and with several others was bentcuced to bo shot, which was later changed to life Imprisonment. He was transported to Western Australia with five other conplrutors for penal servitude. Ilo made his escape with tho aid of the C.itulpa, an American sailing vessel, arriving In New York, where he was feted by Railing lilsh societies. Cranston, who was in the woolen busi ness In this city, was "i years old when In died He will be burled Wednesday morning In the Cemetery of the Holy Redeemer. Members of tho Irish-American Society and tho Clan-na-Gael will act us pall bearers. CHICKEN THIEVES WELCOME Police Yearning for More After Be ing Rewarded for Capture. Police of the iiruuehtowu station ors yenrnlng today for more alleged chicken thieves to capture. They caught two Sat urday, and as a result were presented with a dozen fat hens by Mrs. Josephine t'oweeo. of Wymote, whose roosts had been robbed. The two men, Pasquulfl Gallaro and Julius Sandlnu. of 1003 North Kalrhlll street, wire turned over to the Montgomery County polh-e today. Gallara and Sandlno were arrested early Saturday morning They had three suitcases, containing U chickens, whoso necks had been wrung. All were returned to Mrs. Coweeo. JAPAN GUARDS COAI, SUPPLY MANILA. Sept 23. Tho Japanese Gov ernment has Instructed Jnpuuese coal dealers in Manila not to sell coal with out receiving a bond for twice its value und to Insist upon a Consular inspection. Its action was caused by reports that German vessels have been loadlnir coal here to supply German war vessels In the Fadflc U. S ASKED TO FIX BLAME FOR COALING OF KARLSRUHE England Protesta Against Ainercnn Steamships's Aid to German Cruiser. WA- ItNOTON, Sept. 23.-Kngland has asked tho tfnltcd Stntes to fix tho responsibility for tho nllcgcd act of tho American steamship Lorenzo In coaling the German cruiser Karlsruhe In Urlllsh West Indlnn waters a short time ago. The Depattments ot Justice and Com merce will attempt to fix the responsibil ity and determine who should bo prose cuted for such nn net, which would be a breach of neutrality. PRESIDENT INSISTS ON WORLD-GIRDLING AMERICAN MARINE Favors Ship Purchase Bill That Will Enable Capture of Nev Trade Channels in Every Direction. trnoti a HTirv coiuiEBroNpn.vr. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S.-Prcsidcnt Wilson Informed callers this morning that he Is still of the opinion that tho Alex ander ship purchase bill, providing for n Government-controlled lino of steamships to be used In the South American trade, should bo passed at this session of Con gress. Ho mado It clear that ho would not abandon this measure because of tho opposition that has developed among the Democrats of the House who arc opposed to the measure. The President Insists on a world glrdling merchant mm Inc. that will not only capture commerco In nil channels, but will retain It. Following Ills conference with tho newspaper correspondents at 10:30 o'clock this morning, the President received Ma jority Leader Underwood and ltepiesen tatlve Alexander. They called at the White House, It Is understood, to tell tho President of the threatened split In the Democratic ranks of the House If the ship purchase measure Is pressed by the Administration nt this session. President Wilson Is believed to have Informed Itep resentutlves Underwood and Alexander that some stronger reason must bo pre sented for dropping tho Alexundpr hill from the Admlnlstiatlon's legislative program. The opposition In the House to the passage of the measure seems to bo well organized and some of tho Democratic lenders say that the President is Invit ing defeat for the llrst time In Congress by Insisting upon tho enactment of the law providing for the Government-controlled steamship line. The President, howcer, does not seem In the least worried by the threatened revolt In the House, and tho Adminis tration leaders profess to bo confident that the Alexander bill will become a law before the Senators and Represen tatives nie permitted to adjourn Con grcsss nnd get back to their homes to look after the mending of their "politi cal fences. CARNIVAL OF SAFETY AGAIN DELIGHTS LARGE AUDIENCE Convention Hall the Scene of a Series of Practical Demonstrations. The Carnival of Safety, for the third time nt Convention Hall, Broad stieet and Allegheny avenue, this afternoon, piesent fd to nn Interested public u series of practical demonstrations designed to point tho way to the prevention of accidents. Through the untiring efforts of Mrs Joseph It. Wilson, chairman of the Homo and. School League Arrange ment Com mittee, and Mrs. IMwiu ('. Price, the league's president, the carnival is receiv ing wide-spread publicity, and thu sanc tion and suppoit of th city oltlcluls. Safety devices and tho use of them In the event ot Immediate danger are ex hibited by municipal departments, private corporations and civic associations, In booths that line both sides of the hull. The afternoon program, which wuh neen and heard by a huge audience, began with the unfurling of the Ameiicau Hag and tho singing of "America" by tho Hoy Scouts In conjunction with the audience, t'nder the caieful direction of Scout Masters Itosenhelxi, Hitchcock and Pat ton, the boys went through a lightning semaphore drill. This was followed with an exhibition drill by the Fire and Police Department, and a demonstration by public school children. Dr William C Jacobs, Acting Superin tendent of Schools, Issued instructions to all public schools In tho city thut classes which desired to attend the sessions of the Carnival of Safety during school hours would have permission to do so. The superintendent said that the lessons taught by the various exhibits and the tiro drills were Important to every child, and that each teacher had been Instructed to talk to tho pupils on safety and to urge them to havo their paionts take them to at least one session of the carnival. REV. DR. JARVIS' FAREWELL Presbytery Dissolves His Relation as Pastor of Bethany Church. The Presbytery of Philadelphia this afternoon authorized the dissolution of the pastoral relation nf the Ilev. Dr. Itobert U. L. Jaivla and Dethuny I'res byterlan Church, 22d and ll.ilnbrldge streets, at on adjourned meeting In the Chambers-Wylle Memorial Presbteiiau Church, Hn ad street, below Spruce. Commissioners fiom IMhuuy church, who spoke of the loss tho congregation feels through tho departure of Dr. Jul vis. for evangelistic work with tho Stony Urook Assembly, New York, Included John 'Wanamnker, D. L. Anderson. Itobert M Coyle, Francis ti. Gullagcr, Hobert Harvey and William Graham. Addresses weru also made by clergy men brothers of Dr. Jurvis, who ex piessed regrets ut his decision to Join Hie Stony Brook Assembly and praised his work In Philadelphia Among these speakers wero tho Jlev. Drs. Hobert Hunter, John G. Newman, William P. Fulton, O. G. McDowell, Horace H. Staunton and the Itevs. Asa J- Ferry and Itobert A. Hunter. HIder Rlchaul Wal lace also spoke. GERMAN PROVINCE GIVES UP British Take Capital of West African District and Another Town. LONDON. Sept ;s The unconditional surrender of Imula capital of Kamcrun, in German West Africa, and Uonumuang to the ISritUh was officially announced today by tho Government press bureau. NEW MILEAGE BOOK ON TWO RAILROADS IN EFFECT THURSDAY Reading's Interchangeable, an Innovation, Good on 25 Other Lines P. R. Rt i Unchanged. Mllengo books of tho Philadelphia and ' Heading Hallway Company nnd tho Penn sylvnnla Ilallroad Company, under th now rates which were Increased from 1 to 2V4 cents a mile, and which go Into effect on Thutsdny, will be good on mariy railroads on which the books were nob no ceptcd formerly. The changes will bi most drastic on tho Heading. Tho mileage books of both companies which formerly sold for $20 will h0 ,,. vnnccd to ?22.D0, and the Interchangeable books will sell for 25, with u lebate of UM when the covers are returned to f,9 company. Foimerly the latter book sold for 125 with a rebate of ?3 when tho cover was returned. The Intel changeable book of the Head lug, which Is an Innovation with tho com puny, will ho good on 25 lollionds other than the Heading Itself, and th0 com puiiy'B regular mlleago book, formerly the only one Issued, and which was Inter changeable to a limited extent, will ba good on 10 railroads other than the Iltadlng. No chango will be mado In the book issued by the Peunsylvunla Ilallroad re slricted to thu company's lines, but the Interchangeable book will now include tho New York Central, Central Ilallroad of New Jersey, Heading, West Shore ana several other railroads. Thu Interchangeable mileage book of the Heading will bo good on tho following railroads: Ilaltlmure ami Ohio Itullin.ui (between all eliitloiiM cunt ot Ohio nucr, Including the lint l'llthbuiBh. Pn.. to Jit. Jettett, Pa.. Slid Pi ,. burgh. 1M. i Kenmu. W. Va Incluslie ex iept Unit tickets will not be niceuted for lntn. tlnte trurl In West VilglnluJ. I.""l,h 1""'1 Ilainiiioniltport Itailroail (between llulfuli., liothcsur nnd Pittsburgh Il.illuar (Ixtween nil niuik.ni). ' ltultalu ami t-UMpicliunn.i Hallway (belucca ell I. tut lorn). C'entrul Uullrnad of New Jersey (between all itailonn, ciMpt Unit ticket will not U nceeptul en Handy Honk ruute, MeiimUuu nor on N. V nrul I,. U, H. n exvepl for A ,, ,cn r,u.,c .between two ututloim on Uit i.. II. It. of N. J pnwlng over tho N. Y. an! it' ii ' "' " ""In" f the C. It. it. of I'liaiiinuqua Traction Company (between I lull. iln, .. Y. .State Line, N. v., and Inter mediate Malleus on I,, .s. and M. S. Ity. uni .latntMtnu ii x v iii ii-..u.t.n,., x -i- beiweon l.ulfalo, N. v.. 1'ios.iitet. X. v.. m.i liifriiit illate mutiuns on l'ennnjlsanla Itall road and Jumeslown, N. Y la Maytllle, .N. l.), .Vol good loudly between Chuutauaui Traction company .stations. 'lieh.iieul.i ami Ohio Itallwuy (between all Millions cam of and Including Kentna, W. Va., xeipt that ik-keit will not lie accepted .for Imraht.iif tiutel In West Virginia). Coal and Coke Rallwaj (between all H tlonsi. Cornwall and Lebanon Ilallroad (between all statlunM. Cumin-rliind Valley Kallroad (between all Minions, vsitpt locally between and Including Haiilslnug. Pa., and Lenioyne, Pa.). Liuaw.uc, LaiUaw.irina und Western nail mad (between nil stations, except for local paw-age on ferries between .New York, N. Y., und Hobiiken, N. J.). L'rlo Itallioad (between nil stations east of and Including Yiiungslown, O. ; Oil City, Pa.j Dunkirk, .. v.. and .Suspension llrldge, N. V., enpt lot-nil) on frriits between .New York. .V Y and Jersej City, N. J.). Lake Slioro and -Michigan southern Hallway (between Uurralo. N. Y., utul Yoiiugsiown, O.j Utwccn Uulfulo. N. Y hl.ite line, .V. Y. Mi itiliriiiedluie stations, .mil from such stutlonj Io Jamestown, N. Y., Ua Miatnelil, N'. Y, btiwt.n (.ill City, Pa., I)u Hols, I'a and In termediate stations, beiwein Dunkirk, N. 1., 'lltusilllo, P.i and Intermediate stations .on D. A. V. and P.; from Uurfabi. N. Y.. ataU Line. N. Y and stations Intermediate thircto to i'lttsbuigli, i'a and stations asi thcrcvif on Pittsburgh and Lake Lrle Kallroad) Lehigh alley Ilallroad (between all sta tions). Mt. .lewett. Klnzu.1 and Hitervillc Railroad ion trntns between Larabee. J'a.. nnd cmetli poit, I'a , only). New J.-isey and New York Ilallroad (between u'l stations). New York and Long Ilranch Hallrra.l (tick ets will bo accepted on it through 1'iniiijlit ul.i itullrunil tialn ns part of a umt.nuoui J. urncy. us fullowu: Hetwet-u a stall in on thj Pi rinsj Ivanu Ilallroad. east oi Penh Ambi, N. .!., an.l Lniston. N. J , or a station wei: thereof, also bctwn.ii Ulentouii. N. J , or a Ki.ul.in west llic-reof, and a station on the Now ?.''rk and Long liraiuli Ilallroail, north of tea Gilt. N. J., to nnd Inducting Long ltian.li. N. J., alto huiwceu Ha Iliad. N. J., or a station west thenar, und a station on tho New Yorlt and Long Hinnch Ilallroad north of liny llcaJ. N J., to and Including: Long Dram h. N. J. 5'A " " "l s- J' trains, an Central Ilallroail ot New Jersey). Tickets will not ba accepted for local puksigo on New York an4 Long Ilranch Ilallroad). New York ("entnfl and Hudson Hlvcr Ilall roail ibetwicn all stations, except that tickets will not In- good for use by way posjenseri between tuitions upon the main line between Albanj. N. nn.i Huffalo. N. Y. it will be Rood bctwein Albany, N. Y.. and lluffalo. .N. i., prupir). .Vra Vorlt, I'hllailflpbU and Norfolk lull road (Utween und Including Delnur. Del.. i.iiib t harles, Va.. and (Ylmielrt, Mil). Ne.v York, .susipirbatina ami H'estcrn Hall r'.oil il-'twcui all stations). PennlMinia llullroad. Phlladclplila. Haiti mire and ashhutoii Ilallroad. West Jersey and ,-eushoro Ilallroad. illetueen all ita- .,.,, ,irii iii.ii in kii), win not be good tor I ml Pin-sage betwern stations on tin line le. tw.eii Philadelphia (llroad street siatloni. I'a. v1".'!.!.1." .'."'c. r,jri'y. Pa.. Angora. Pa., or rVlirth I'll l.lllf.ltlhf.1 Pl nf h.tt, .... I'o.n.l-n J.. .1. jii. .-...mil Camden, N J., or Paionu, N. J , or between I'ltUburgh. Pa . and Wtl klnsburg. Pa.: or between CUluvt. Pnl.m. ruin.jUanbi avenuo and libldle stre.t nation In llaltlmor.-, Md . or between Jersey Ci, X. J., and SInrlon N. J.j or locally on the N, T. ami I. II. it. H. Pittsburgh and Lake L'rlo nil 1 1 road (between ill stations .ast of and Including Pittsburgh. Pa., from Pittsburgh. Pa., and station- emt ) all stations on the U S nnd M S Hallway, between rit.ne line, N v.. Umi Ilufialo. N V.. Im-lii9iie from Pllivliurgli, Pa., and stations ins' of to all stations ..n tho Krle Hallroad, eusl of and mcliidlng l.'nlon Clu, Va ). Net yoo, locally betwien P. and L. j;. 11. It. sta tloiin west of I'ltlsbiirgli, I'n. l'litkbumh. Cincinnati Chicago and .SI Louis Hnllwnc (between PlttshurKJi, i' and Wheel ing. v. Va , only, but not to. from or be tween Intermediate points). Western Man Mini Itillway (between all sta tions excipt that tbkt will not be ii'ici'trd fi Intrastate travel In West Virginia) Wllkes-llnrre and Pastern Hallroad itetween all stations). The Itendiug mileage book, not liavlnf the interchangeable feature, will be jood on thu following railroads the same as the Interchangeable: llaltlmoro una Ohio, lluffalo and Kusriuehannu, Huffalo, Itochester und Pittshuigh, Centi.il Itail roail of Now Jersey, Lehigh Vulley and Pittsburgh and I.uko Erie; also the Sus quehanna and New Vork, Ccntul Kail road of Pcnns ivanlu, Cornwall ll.illruad and the New Vork Cc-nuul within tha Statu f Pennsylvania. LOCAL FIKE RKCORD P. M. Loj. II 201U21 8. 0th st.. store and dwelling of James Drown 7'1 A M. Jl'.SU-oO-.'i Market St.. store and dwell ing cif P. J. Monaban flWd 3.uO-K0th st. and Powelion ae., shed of liio Peiinslhanla Ilallroail. 'i'Tialnj .)( IbT'J Prank ford uve.; store anl dwelling .if Max Keiln . TrltlUif 4.31 1'J37-1VI'I N. Howard st., pair, . nun oi r; Mani;icr & CO. . 9 13 r:i wilder t : dwelling occupied b Monls Amen lTlflla 11 'M V'.ih st. and Kusquelianna ate . frnce of tlw American Mechanics Cemetery Trinjoj is "Bo-all N 2d st . stars and dwllln of Prank rTederlcka TrloW P M. I'J.l7-lter aos'i D at.; stable of FredM- ick fr) ,.,M.rMfH,Myl' m 'SSmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmm uyst jrtrrtf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers