Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Sports Final, Image 14
rg1 EVENING SPORTS FINAL VOL. I NO. 13 l ' PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, S3BPTEMDJKU 28, 11)14, PRICE ONE CENT MYSTERY SHROUDS METHODS OF MEN IN LAND GRAB DEAL i DOMINION REFUGEES HERE WITH WAR TALES Visits to Property Owners in Vicinity of 21st and Race Streets and Vague Of fers to Buy Assume New Significance in Light of Municipal Court Project. Proposed Purchase of the Magdalen Home Admitted by Those in the Secret to Be Only the "Entering Wedge" in $2,000,000 Bui.ding Fund. Mysterious ca" by mjFterlous men on ! It by those who want to build a new one nrnnortv owners In tilt lcilllty Of itst and Race streets, the site for the pro posed J2.000.000 "maible hall" grab of the Municipal Court, have taken a new meaning to those who entertained the men since the plan'" of McNIchot-Pen-rose forces have been revealed. For months before it was even whls- "On court days," she said, "the halls are crowded so that It Is almost Im possible to pas, And the Judge has only one small room fo hi.urelf. If people i come to see nlm h has only that sma'l room to entertain them in." The advisory board, of which Louli Wolf. Oeorge Q. Horwltz, Louise Jurist, and other are members, complain be cause their meetings are Interrupted, they r, ...u,,w. "7"( ' '",; .,M say, l,y the nol-o of trect cars pas.dng pered that the Detention House at d a,onB Arch strec an( ,rnlnf n(Jrth Qn and Arch sttevts. built only six years .iko. was to be abandoned persons who owned property in the path of the grab have been asked to tell what they would sell for. Sometimes the "agents" have said they represented the city, but more often they have come from "persons who did not want to figure In the transaction until it was dosed." N'o one knows who these men are. But id street. Their met tine room Is the lde faring ;:d street, but they hav.i I . to go over Into the probation officers' room for their me-nin becaue the cr.ri make so much noise, according to Mr. Horwltz. Meanwhile Municipal Court officials and other organization men are considerably upset by the publicity Riven their plans. There Is an Impression that the plans for buying the rest of the property may be submersed for a time In the hope that they have been unsuccessful In most ""- -"--- "' "- urao ana me meuious cases, as the neighborhood is made up of chosen to make It may be forgotten, thriftv people who saved until they had :," TdrniS- : fencibles must surrender 'to one connected with the land grab ! ARMORY TO THE CITY will admit having thought of the 21-t ' T and Kace streets propei ty before the end Dilatory Tactics ot Councils Force rt last May. Hut the visits or tne mys terious men began a ions; time befjra Vacation of Broad Street Site. Owing to the dllatorlne.cs i,f "itv Coun cils to act on an ordinance providinz t.,r an extensions of the ;a-e ,.f the State. Kenelbles' Armory building at Hroad and Callowhill streets, that military otganiza tion will be compelled Immediati Iv t vauito and deliver up possession tu the city The lease of the armory building expired on March 1 last, and the city declined t- lenew It, for the reason. :ire.rrtl f i r--. i i- ,. . " " - thore i """""'' '-rtn. wno represents the T n- ...-.-., uun ine estaij shmerit of tie that. VAGUE METHODS OF AUENT5. SIcst of the propel ty owners along Winter street tell the same stoty. Thoy aw btec approached very warily and questioned vaguely as to wnat they thought ahout selling and how much ttwsy ivould want for their lots. They knew nothing of the Municipal Court s nlans and those who suspected was anytnmg peculiar in uie nana Munlcinai i'iin m-a Y. J " the rilIk' cu- ndarour;-;: Some property owner, stopped talking , oil departments , orvUr very qulckb when asked If any one had ' A7tsr ,X, ,ent hmi h?' , tried to bay options on their land. Op- tl-V VeaJ Mr puX ?Z ", Tt '" tlons. like dead men. tell no ml-. It ui. hf 'd Immediate has been tiolnted out Ilecords at City T. f.". . .'j n a. ru l". t0 "ho ''- , , li- iLiiiiriTiHnT srtritiiji n v,.. - .i mere is one ,",,- : ,,. ".' '" u'" ,lnl "- '"'r a uui was introduced in th uiui. i nominee or i 'mine is .... I Hall are Innocent enough exception, however. It Is known that one of the properties owned by Mrs. James P McNIihol. a four-story briek hou.-e at XX Ruce street, directly ucioss the street fiom the "Mar ble Hall propi ty site, would be en hanced in value in the eent of the grab being perfected. It is valued no'v at JCO0O. Astonhhment at the land grab Is being followed rv sharpest criticism among thore familiar with the scheme of the Municipal Court. It was po.nted out tody that the gang Tij x. ., majority in councils uos willing enough -Kti.ned Family Preserves, Sergeant to spend million' to house a Municipal Mallon Finds After a Search, Kauri less inun a y ar mu. oui umi tuena fl,,,. i t,. TTv ... . ,. - " ' " iiuik-io proviuing tor an extension f the original eBye to the state I-Vn.-ililea ttu v, iuh longer. Thih was favorabl repo-t-i from uimmllt.-. but no action .ah taken by Councils ds, a body on the prrioed ordinance. SQUIRREL 7LAYSP ART OF "BULL IN CHINA SHOP" Ilk hSKSS iS i r'J v HH " 'Zmk ' if ' MPPi "REFUGEES ABOARD jdflH 1 If Sy LINER DOMINION .liCES'JK-rssiiSSa: "1 tsar K;;fSm;'': '1? I' ;3l 'liBffiMKfll mnrr "M"J" nm .. SLJHlBlHim i'tl I T;t:" W l 1 m " 'i Steamship Docks at Wash l -- 8i Ik PP v ''V''Wi ington Avenue Wharf Af VS". ? 3wralS. S -'';sVr ler Uneventful Voya s. FTS- A- - - "'W--;--' rrom Liverpool. BOCTEN HOSE BALKS FIREMEN IN FIGHT AT $50,000 BLAZE Could Not Carry High Pressure Streams to Burn ing Plant of E. J. Spangler & Co. Prediction Ur held. TROUBLES ge REFORM MEMBER OF COUNCILS RESIGNS TO BALK MACHINE Simmington Retires in Order to Permit Election of Suc cessor in November Who Will Uphold Mayor's Hands. -"erge.ltlt Kl.-Uul.s Mjllnrv front aru w . stmoreland of the rrhlrh would he of incalculable benefit to persons in every r.rt of I'hlla.lelphla In . r,.c . "','i " , "tmoreland stieet station. ihe new- subway and other irnnj.it im- ' ,n ', ' " v.i ,,. ? s'"llrr'-1 "Ja provements wcr- being held up and ,"'ri,:r? ,?"llar. rtl of pre- blocked at nery turn Councils granted 5,00, 000 of the loan bill money for the Municipal Court p.ans, but Passengcrswho arrived in port on the American liner Dominion ,uui. Nearly all had some war experience to tell, eager to make it known and glad to be home again. Reading from left to right are Miss Elizabeth Doerr, of this city, who left Brussels a day after the German occupation of the city; John Vrooman, an American Boy Scout, who lived in England for three years and had a chance to see what war activity is like; Captain Frank V. Avery, U. S. A. retired, who spoke highly of the German army and mobiliza tion; De Forrest Hart, of Chicago, who arrived from South Africa and spoke of the sentiment among England's erstwhile enemies and present loyal sub jects, the Boers, and in the lower picture Mrs. K. Gabel and her son, Milton, who were in Berlin at the height of the warlike enthusiasm. serves and (atsup his wife imri rn..i The. squirrel ran Into the celar of the sergeant's hout-, 31S! vst Lehigh ave nue, to escape u gang of bovB. After the sergeant chased the boys h- was pointed out After tne revelation samruay reluctantlv allowed I.W.MO for preliminary worn lu wniroe nn "" uuuor ,,.,, ,, ,h. .... . - -,- "-' - heaviest pressure of public opinion, It ,i ".,,.,, ,' LbZ "'". "ie..?"ar. a,,u i I u i " nnimai iijr nus iiiuriiiiiK ne was moused from alftOrt Vt flirt nnlcn -. f r,-...t. . nlana to buv n-arlv an fnti-o t-Ltv Miuare . ..,' c,..... ... tr,,?'nk wWW in and put up buildings worth JO, 0U ,Pant ,,, t0 I.Tvesligate YhhikUig 1 e teas connected with the Munie pa "ourt .a .... ,.ii....i i... ..?".' 'ninKinj, no admitted the truth of the idea as set, Initrad h 'found about half 'hu ... !.... forth alter investigations. j supply of pieserw-s seatteird about the n.l,V THE "KNTCRIXfJ WhTiGK." ' !!0"r' , Tl,e s''ul"l,l wan jumping about . ..i ............ . . I fiom jar to jar. and eeiy time the i IJsecuthu "Ucrk Krrd f. Simon, of the- niil; moVfl, hr wrouSllt "n. "1 '"' Munlctpal i"ourt. admitted that the ',),& , for tlw stigant tould r'.ote the eeiinr POLICE SEEK BODY NEWS-POST QUITS; OF MAN WHOSE WIFE RADICAL PAPER HAD SCOUTS SUICIDE IDEA EXCITING CAREER 1,MM t!lU (.llll.r.el f-,if l.l.n !... . and escapid through a window. , ! Carr's Coat Found on Bridge, ' Scripps-McRae Publication, But Mrs. Carr Says He , Says President Clark, Was Didn't Have Enough "Nerve" to End His Life. Item III the loan bill and the ord. nance pawipd ove' the Mayor's veto to acquire - (I ,.. ... 1-4 ..! 1A.A ... .... . SIIIHll piui l .oi " t .-vioeiff were ninr fDIIOUCO Hl A HP Trt n. only the "entering wodg" In the chom ! AM ' HUlsMtb IVIArV TO DEATH to liour th Municipal 'ourt In.tmB- . . I hether Harry Carr. 610 .Nurth Tenth niticeiit buildlngn on an ftxpmive trm-t. William Ttnney Instantly Killed a-3 'nirtt, 'amden, lb a suicide or nut Is ex- "We proposed to add from tune to tim Wheels Go Over Him pected tu be doteimlutd by a ciew from The wheel ,jf a brl. k van h. ,. ,... the polite ho.'t Keyhurn today. The I in today ended th life 0f Willi. tm rinuey. -ars ld, ll5 South Ji Not a Paying Proposition. Two Years Old. JAMES SIMMINGTON With hundreds of passengers from nil parts of the European war zone on board the American Line ste.inipslilp Dominion landed at the Washington avenue wharf from Liverpool, this tnornlntr. The liner arrived after an uneventful voyage, on which no obstacles were encountcrtd. "not even a German cruiser," ns Captain W. E. Ingham put It. But If the voyage of the hhlp was un eventful the experiences encountered by many of the passengers on the continent were different. Many of the passengers, and particularly the women, have ex periences of nil sorts to relate. A giaphlc story of the occupation of Hrussels by the CJcrmau forces was told by Miss Elizabeth Doerr. of this city, who left Brussels a day after the arrival of the German army there. "I shall never forgot the sight," said Miss Doerr. "One million men, like a great rolling cloud, passed through the city, It took them three dny.s and three nights to do It, and when they got through Brussels was loiagcd. Theie niid hardly a bit of food In the city. Not n drop of milk could be gotten. All the food stores and waiehousea weie emptiid by the Get mans and the palace and public houses wore occupied by the new Ger man garrison left behind by tho main ui my. "It was on Augut-t 3) early In the morn ing when we received order! that all Hags hut tho German and the Anieilciti Hags must bo lemnved from sight. A .short time after the lecelpt of this order the first German officer, I tiling on a bicycle, entered the city. We saw him, for, en couiHgid by the report from the American legation that tho city would bo .sur renderrd without teststance, we took a chance and went out for a promenade. Behind the nlllcer came to cavaliy men I with rlllos ready to shoot if any t.!gn of sniping should itpp-ar. And then came tin- leal sinht. One million men, one huge, n Hess .'loud of humanity enteud the city It sctms btiunge, but all of them looked tiled, Mnnt of them Eccmed tu he dozing on tl.elr hor-es, and eveiy now and then, roused by some noise and sound. notion hose, which hurst when nttarli 'j rir'1 ted recently by Dlicctor of t'ubim I safety Porter, held up Ilreir.cn carlv tl.Ja inoiiitnir at n $.".0,000 flio In tho cnvelopi nnd uupff plant of E. J, RpaiiRlcr & Co, 1?37 to 12ID North Howard fch'eet. ,v gift who dlscoveiod tho lilnzo fainted aftef rousing neighbors, nnd a policeman v,lws home Is ucioss tho street from tin , burned btilldliiK, ran eight blocks In hie bare feet to tutn In two alarms, I The bursting hoso thli morning is th I second exporleuce of that kind firemen I have had In less than 43 hours I,at, Saturday afternoon three scrarate Unci of hose burst while flicmcn were llshlltn .1 a big blaze at tho Ttocsch packing oUnt 1 oeconu ana urown streets, and In om Instance siicctntors wore dienched The lire this morning was discovered few minutes after i oclock by Miss Irera line, 12.13 Howard street, two doors from the burning building. Slio was aroused" by the crackling of flumes and when sht saw the blazo 'she scieamcd "lire" and then fell back in her toom In a faint. Her mother, Mrs. .May Vale, aroused neighbors, Including Policeman Bender, ef tho Front and Master streets station. Hurrying out losend In an nlarm, Ben der fell down stairs, but was not hurt. The bluecont, In his pajamas and without shoes or stockings, ran two blocks to Glrard avenue and sent In an alarm. When he returned the envelope plant wai blazing so fiercely that ho ran bacic ngaln and turned In a second alarm. By tho tlmo policemen nnd fliemei arilved the three floors of tho plant weie ablaze nnd the flames were threat ening adjoining dwellings. The family of James Schrelner. 13i Howard street, had persistently lefused to heed tha calls of neighbors to flee to the street. Policemen Cooper and Casper finally ran into the houso and cairied out three children, after which the parents foe lowed. Several firemen were partially oer come by the thick smoke, but after being treated by nmbulance surgeons from ' three hospitals who came to the scene they returned to work. No one was In. Jurcd. to the Magdalen home property. ' aid Simon. "Tho JIio.0"O In t in loan bill , to be tlio basis .if .t bulldint; fund. Aftr getting the fl t property we Intfiidni semiring more h n ordinance until Vw plan wa carried out." The new House of Detention at 2d and Arch streets would be abandoned If th land grub plans went through. This was admitted by promoters of ths grab scheme , forward and reur wheals pasrd ovlr !!f day Carr was wanted In Camden for rob- The Home of Patentlon was completed , man. u, , he wai. crushed ami V J fcrv and ho was still hunting for him. eniv ix vears ago. and it Is still In . ne.-u t.r.,u,, "u '", .leonim tho fact persons testified to se- tood condition, aieqrdinir tu Mrs Henry Pulicenwn Krowtrt. of the Seventh in.i "' " ,nRn 3""n ,f,roln Ul.r '""''''o'lay. i 'unt.cnta mtfjuthtu ..11.. ..-.. t . . -" mans coat was louuu on ine .iinrKei street bridge over tho ,Scliuyll;iU Ilivrr utreet nho luMt hiu hni... ...Zir "'!4 enrlv today, but nis vije, w nom It is Justin- thr harness and fell beneath ?h eK'" 'lo ,rUa t0 Mn ','lst '"Bnt 5C0U,S vehltls 41 JJtU ieot ntid p,,,im2 th' sulclilo theury. saying lu-r liuthand avwiuo. aasunk at4 not "havo nerve enough" to take his Before the horses coqJd lie stonned thev "fo- . , . . . . . had dra.wn thft heavy brlc.aaen VaVr a U,"ry ,'3 VV .?,,arP,'1 b' ,J''n .. i,. , h.u. t i.l j..... '!."'. crt . ..i. u Pnmden detective, who said in. The News-Post has suspended. The labt Issue appeared Saturday, but the announcement that the newspaper had t ceased publication was withheld until j this moimng. The Xtws-I'ost, a mem ber of the Scripps-Mcltae Icaguo of newspapers, was published at Tenth and I Hamilton streets, in the heart of the old i Tenderloin with two afternoon edition. The llrst Issue appeared April W, 19U., James Slmmliicton. Comm.m 'ouncll- ! would hurriedly open thcli eyes and look I man from the 2Sth Ward, and candidate about them. ! for the Legislature from tho 13th Ulurlct I pnAIcr tor TtrtAXr) WIlITI.onK. 'Gicnt credit Is due to Brand Whitloek, the American Minister to Belgium. I don't on the Democratic nnd Washington tick ets resigned from Councils at noon to 1 day. Mr. aimmlngton caino to city Hall with Alexis J. I.imeburner, albo Council man from the isth Ward, and handed his turmal resignation to PieMdent JUCurdy. Hack of Mr. .slinmlngtun'.s rtstgnatlon U the fight of the adiuiiilstiation leaders In Councils to muster t-nnuglt otea to stand behind Mayor Bl.inkenburg In his leforin measures. Legally, Mi. Kimmlng. ton, even If elected to the Legislature, might have remained in Councils until January I, J9I5. By resigning then, how- FIREMAN OVERCOME Dense Snioke at Blaze Causes Him to Faint. One tlremnn was ovei conic early today and seveial made 111 by smoke at a flri which partially destroyed the home oi P. J. Boiiahan, CO.'j Market sticet. Th loss was SKrnO. Tho Injured man Is AVIIliam facNeal, hoscm.it,. ()f J.;ge Company No. , Ust stieet and Iluverford avenue H was taken to the Piesbyterlan Hospital, tieatod nnd sent home. Ciackling dames awakened Mrs. Bona ban early today. She aroused her hua band, w-ho found the lower part of theli home ablaze. Mr. Bonahan and his wlf niaUo tlicli escape to the stieet. ThJ husband then turned In an ul.irm J ne (ire jiroved stubborn. Hoseman Mac .Neal was overcome in the hnllway. HM to inrades saw him full, and drasgt-d hint out Into tho open. Dcnso clouds or smoke which penetrated every poitlon of the houso made several llremt-n III. Ti... r.........i . ...J Vrl iK -lnd were treated by ainbulanc turgeons. GIRL, 7 YEARS, HIT BY AUTO Steps in Front? of Machine and Hat Ribs Broken. Margaret Norrow, 7 years old, M: .Vortlt ., .mret'An3 struck y a" automoblli L f ' ,Qml r'.lrlsl1 streets s'""-") "' J0.1 ?' '' Is In St Joseph's HoK Pltal with two broken ribs. THE WEATHER Official Forecaat WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S. For eastern Pennsihanla .ini'i s Jen sey: r,v,. tonight and Tuesday. witS irost In e.pused places tonight; moderat northwest winds. High barometilc pressure lias continue! klnco .Satuiday over tho eastern half o P nichardson. wiie ui mo superintend- t'arpenter streets p..lie station tunt ,7 Kevins says ne un.rea . . ie,i nn ,nt and aiststant to him ! mtin ,g the Howaid Iliwpiui "A nutV.i tll l,r,(lBe w,,s '"" ' r," l?r rt "h,n " "The balls are very crowded durlns th wasou, byt phyMuan. M. duh h,.,i ,'i'r ttns out " Prolution under a .. .. rt..l.r.u.H ... i . ,- .. . .. . : m-wll (lull ,j .a., Iei.ee frr nri'lf.nu tli.f, court nays, sum jua. iiii'..mj", wi'i neen inMaiuaneuus rno body was m.,, suspeimnj """ - .'. the noise of passing street tors make It to the Morgue Mh n I whon u. new wariant was sworn out for hard to hear In the murtroom If It wor nut for the court hers, wo would be abl ... manatee very wet' " When the Juvenile Court was moved to tha Houso of Detention many of the offices on the nrst noor or tne Diilldln Spanish Course to Aid Business Prompted by the suggestion of wtnort. lug Ilrms engaged m tho South American trade a course in SpanUh ilnd Wpiinlsh" A mar inn n httiiir.uuc I (l ...., .... were turned over to probation officers and OIIWlg ,01,lght )1( ,he u- , ,' ,iuito,"s other officials, and playrooms and other a A. w " r- ' nuarters for the children had to be Ukon ' GENUINE RELICS A 'i.itttnurjpgu iim(i i(ntl nu-t on the liiBhy.4 an as4 darkey of Ins acquaint, ance with his arm in a sling. "Is your arm biokenf aSsd tho Chat tanooga man solicitously. Tll old Mluw j;rlnnei. So, Ums It ain't broken only gun sore." ' "Ah, been bunting?" "No, suh, ain't been lmtttin'; been stiootln' at tree:.'' 'Target practlLC sh?" "No sub atn't target practice; Jft thootlii' at trei-n " "I don't understand.' "Well, nub lt' Jeat like die I scoe out iutu de w.jo.ls. un I selects mj trees an' I iluiOU bullets into cm In a lit tK while de r-e grr,wfl 'i.,Und de bullets Den I ruts "m down iu cell to pe-rsvn from de North an rlUs of de battle of Kujkout hi arrest, cliarmng nun wild laiceny I from It- M.- Holliiln'shead, a soap maker 1 rt fnniden. According io me pome oi ine j.o street . ." me i.ueuoi.tiB ere leprjmauded Since then It uppeared without Interrun- ' ":.":.," B . eaJ ot one reiorm councilman turn until this morning. Tor a time dur- :v , ,i 'm.vo "ee" v' ca,u uul lB lng the outb.eak of the Huropean war ! '''U'nXnf1 rlmm a suniinv edition was i.ubiuiieii . tne resignation of Mr. hlmmlugton at NCrXal 'tono wVdliiHedomtnatcd In oT'.o'" be" e?encte0,?"o,tU:emUbrerh' xf&&X UiT'MrSltun-tol.ttenflTtoU am l..iltl. but Ih. liuoei irenerulU. .... """. " "." '. 1'" " "" Will legarded as dominated by Socluhsts The .News-Pest had an exciting earcer. At one time the staff was arrested on a , cnargo oi cnrniu.ii upei pieferred by I .M.igisiraie rnomas v. jicFarlund. and know what the Americana in Hrussels would have done without his valuable aid. Hut that Is not all. The fact that Hrussels was taved fiom the fate of I.ouvaln is due dlioctly to the efforts ot Mr. Whitloek. On the evo of the arrival oi wio uermiiii arui it Hireling, ai which i 11,,. em,.,.. .i , . "-" " l tho clly nuthorllles d Mr. Whitloek ther",V,fd ."ecran, sof.lat i were present, wns held In the city Hall. low normal Thu ciest of the high are! It was at first suggested that tho r.el- l liLY"."1 ,of T,al? Krle t,lls morulnff, anj Klans defend the city to the very last ' ho lower T.akc reglo,,0 ,eOT '3 inan. hut Mr VM.I.lock p.eva.led ,, . , ,ZJZ ilm iior htn 'arfdTeiUra' 'V civil and military nuthorltle.s to s.iricn- syUania. A disturbance of Xht InU der tho city saying that I would be uso- , hty coves the Ho.ky Mouta . s Ipe bu le-s to make any leslstanti.. -luce It I li lm .n.,,i i, n,.,,. ... .'.Is r .,.. would be overcome lnd would only re- J ,nr. There are T.ul c. L 0 a " on .1 suit In great loss of life und pioperty Morm Is developing off t ?.. ,,,?Ln, -i am giau io sa, coiiunueil Miss ' coast and stoitn warnings aie dlsnlajed Doerr. "that .ill the art treasures ot I alontr the ,i.i,n n..,V ""."" als',m',, en jivrrl fmnt enl,.,... i . ....uai. stand by the Mayor In order that tho nuuicrUal ratio of admlnlstiation and or- ?" '"""" l-""c" "in remain as it . ,,,UMe,8 ,,ave lcrn wlVed from seizor., i Several men have been considered hv , L'? "' ".". !"i'"s' J""!J':. Ml5!. ,W.,,..B1 ! .. U'. S' Wl Hureau Uullelln lr-.H len.lerc In fill .!. "-"" '"- Y ' """ . " " .nsntlll. ': ' 3Il!:fl llnel r S..I.1 tl.iit .ifter le.tel,,,. t.... the administration leaders to fill i oiim llmanlc vacaney. Amony these and Woodland avenue precinct, a small by Judge Martin, of the Common Pleas ! j,?"' V thkiiBlc X live. at the south setls ll took 1,cr K l'"u,s "' :t to 0st'l t ... .l.err. IhU mnm nr. uneln,. CoUlt. for tliell- comment .in o .1, JillO J IlOlllhUMC, WHO UVIS at tile SOUin- Kh., II, a ,rl l,,,l,l , ...i, ' io the second floor. "We used to bo pressed for room to accommodate the children." said Mrs Richardson, "but since Jiidso fiormau has been holding court every day Instead of once each week there Is not so much congestion." rRESHNT Ql'ARTKHS AMPKR. X trip through the house falls to show an signs of crowding or serious defects In tho' plan of construction. Children sat studying their lentous In ctask rooms and everything seemed In excellent order. There are divisions for first offenders and second offendeis. and the aiiltary j arriiugfinenib aim vriiiimunii ssteiN are faultless, ucconllii to Mrs Itlchard on. 'Hut you are not here oi a court diy. the protested when It was pointed out that tb House of Detention d'd not seem hov cumo to them tills mouilng. saying Couit, for their comment on a damage - . ........ ..... .t. ,.. oil, fni rlcn,n.'ec .1. .1 Ka... l.i lie had been a man jmmi' .jiii toe emmet i " " " e ...... .wir uini btreet bridge and that his coat was left j The suspension this moinlng was a corn on the ledge. The coat was found and , 'ete surprise to those In touch with the the police boat Itejaum sent to grapple newspaper field in Philadelphia. Threw for the, supposed body months ago the sizu of the paper was In the pocKeia or ine tuai louun on i .."... .".n iu rignc pages and u moie amuiiious itne pervaded its ac tivities Theie was, much wonder as to "how they kept It going," but iuestlonera were told the paper would bo continued (o rat least two years longer. The decision to suspend bemme known here after the return of H. U Clark the president of the compuny. from ' Los Angeles last Friday. "Philadelphia in a good town," Ba, j, Clark this morning, "but we didn't put up the paper in the way to make people buy It. This was not u failure. All om convention held labt night in Aidio Hall. . "ins are paiu. vteimve lust mit. that Thomas K ONtill was tleiled viie pies- ls J" "''en n hciipps-Mcitae paper ldent. John i-- Hunt in. rtiording seire- doesn't pay W.iu.-t stops without any fuss tary , Hrjan J Tjnsey, llnnn. lal stcre- ue came here without anj preliminary tary . JMlii'R J KIKseram, correspondlnB announceniciu. aim we are Koiiirf out the east corner of 2'd and Daunliln street, , .' ""-'r" .r '"''. """"'" "V1. " "" Is the most favored. Mr. rtothkugle re- ,"a" 'n "e t t n.VPi, t'Mv V1" "' signed as nominee for the Legislature " , f to "'cls to complete a wtt iw HHf MBw fl k ktvy ii uiut'4 I Market street bridge wab a letter ad dressed to Harry Carr. I3& Cireeu street, Philadelphia Subsequent liiYebtlgfitlona have led the police to adopt a theory that the owner of the coat was tho same Carr wanted In Camden for larceny. Other papers found in the coat pockets strengthened thW idea. P. J, McOABVEY RE-ELECTED Patiick J McOarvey waH re-eletted county president of Hie Ancient Order of Hibernians at the eloping seulun of their to pei feet fusion In the 19th District His sacrifice In resigning, his friends say, , makes h(m the logical candidate to take ' the nl.'.ee marie vnenrit hv Mr l,n- inlngton. from the Democratic party and live fiom the Washington party will meet tonight to determine upon the candidate. Pro vided they agree upon a name the Wash ington party Ward Committee will meet tomorrow night to Indorse their choice. The Democratic Ward Committee will meet on Thursday night to take similar action. Mr. Simmington was elected to Com. mon Council In 1911 at the time Rudolph Illankeuburs was elected Mayor. Last ear he was re-elected with little oppo sition Two othir Common Councllmen represent the Twenty-eighth Ward, Alexis J Llmeburner and Charles J. AJcKlnucy. PHAISKS nUHMA.S MCTHODS Oreat admiration for tho rlllclency of German mobilization was oxprcssui by Captain l-'ranl. p. Amy. U. s. A. re tired, who arrived from Vienna and Munich. Discretions made at 8 a. ra , Kustern tlml Low labt Jtln. vi... . Station Kn.m. n rnl let.... ... ii ...k.l Ar.fle.ie 'ra,,. rA -. . .,.. .- .. ' Atl, nii lli,3ton. Muss . iiurrno. x y riilcasu. Ill . f'levelaii.l. O.. I'enver nil Mailon Sa.m. nt fall Wind llj W ei' Vtllene, Teias. ri :, .. fjli 4 Clear ItlanUe 'U . HI rj .o N i? rl'ar lamarik N. 1). SI .".'.' .02 xil' 4 i ,ouJ li! :is HI 411 ".U At It ,0 ! sioinei, is. M si Detroit. .Mhli . .Ml 4il I'liluth Sllnn '.ll 4i, llaliettoii, Texas US CS Hitttrat, N. ( . Hit ui Htlena. Mnm ., 4 lluruii a 1)... Ml Ml Jjikl,nnlllc .. 74 Ti Cuptalu Avery, who resides lu Wash-i Kan- ''"y- Mo" m : Ington. and is a veteran of the Spanish- j ifeinphl"' Turn" " 5H secretary Patrick McLaughlin, the na- I same way. It Is not the Scripps-JIcRae Jn Select Council William H. Qulsley rep I ,r,eil e.vied the meetlntr. policy to "11 Its papere." resents the ward. American war. sold that the v,.Q.i , ' -ew Oileana... , . , - -" e,, rue i xew York clency and inarvelous precision of the ' !v putte m .ierinau iiiouiiizauoii was the admliatiou of every man who knew anything about military science. "The people lu Vienna and In Munich and all Austrian and (iei man towns wo pjt.si.-d are simpl crazi for war The patrotic frenzy that has been aroused among the population Is nothing sort of religious enthusiasm Vienna hundreds of women wert clamor ing to go to war and wanted to join, tho army," i Oklahoma Ok la I'hlla.Wiiliia I'heenlx. Arli . I'ilt.lHiriiti. Pa. I'.irtlan.I Me PcrilanJ. Or . Outl-ec. iUn St IaiuIi, Mo St Paul. Minn tillt I akf. I'lili K M Kan Krun-lco li) ,vi Scran ton. Pa 44 :i 'lropi . . . T4 TO Waihlnjton .... BO 41 Wkviilpeg M 00 ns its IK 42 4 XI .14 M 4S 41 mi at 12 40 tt Vt 62 .12 M 14 B(l S1 rkl B2 .01 mv SB S si; sw B a s Nh NK S H NE S .V K NU N SK SE N K f N w N 8 S H R a NB N w ouur o i luudr 4 l Icj. e ii.ar IS i ljr 5 i .oud 4 i lur 4 I a 4 . I .uu II ( ..ai SO . Irar g i leaf 4 t lou-f 8 luU'l 8 . leaf 6 i lear U rkwr 0 V loul) 18 Clear 4 1' clouJI 8 lear 10 (. leir H riear 4 i lr' 4 , loua 4 ier o .lear t . lea' .i IH prlol .1 Clear 4 Clear 4 ClaWji 10 Pcloaq 8 rier 10 el1 t mmtmmmmmmmmm nfrafijfc-y.-mi , (rg