Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Sports Final, Page 12, Image 12

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    Wf$wfcirftv -tfr- "WtWWBWUglH"'
'rc: -rr- :
28, ID1.
Eddie Collins, Alexander
and Magee Have Wrought
Nobly This Year Phils
Play Reds Today.
When the committee appointed for tliat
purpofp awards tlte (.'halmera' trophies
for 1911 the names of Phlladelphlans are
npt to stand at tho top In both the
American and Kttlnnul tinmiei. Th '
three men who have the eh tnoe to b.
honored by this nnntinl nwni-it nre tf ldl
Colli n. or the .thlUi'. md O-over
Alexander and Sherwood Mngcc, of thi
1'hlllles. Hush Cliilmpr. the donor of the auto
mobiles, Himifcsted that the committee
give the pilzes not to the man who. In I
their opinion, was the most finished per
former In r.ath league, but to the player i
who had been most vnli'Hble to his team j
This suggestion has been and will be '
folio, veil this .vear.
Xo matter what delal! are to be con- I
fldered, It i difficult tn ite how Kddto I
(.'ollllld could be nVel looked, lit if not
only rctognia. d nj most expert a the ,'
world a greatest ball pujer, I ut lie h.ta
been this xe.igon the moat valuable man
on the At.iletlrs' team. Officials or t O
"H'hlto Elephants and others have often
been heard to declare emphatically that
the Athletics were hot a one-man team.
To a certain extent that In true, but If
JMdle Collins had not been on Mack'
roster this year and had not playd the
wonderful game that h did the Ath
letics noidi! today he out of the pennant I
jiue Instead nf having It won for the
fdxth time
That ronnle Mack realized fullv th
value ot Mis 71e.1t second a her was
shown when he permitted hi )i recently
to .ign a i-ontrirt at his n'oillns'i own
terms. Mark kne.v that without Collin
the odds would ae against hli winning
tor at least two )ear to come, H"nco 1
after the Federal I.ena'ue htd mnde Eddie ,
one of the most H.itterltur offers ever
submitted to a basetyill pla.vcr. he v.is ,
In a position to dictate the terms of his
contract for the future, and he did.
Incidentally, the TJvknivo LEnoun Is t
fager to announce that it has secJred
the service1? of thN great player ai a '
writer of the world's series IMdie '
going to pl.iv, nf course, and is soin to
write the news himselt. That o jnor
than any other 'jail pl.i.vr i"in ay. Kri
dle Is coin,: to be the author of the
"write-ups" in the Kvexini l.FtxiEn and
Is going to work out the material hlmselt.
Whilo not equaling the actual baseball 1
ability of Collins, both Alexander and ,
Captain Magee. or the riilllles, hive sur-
passed the Athletics' star In relative util-
lty. Those two men have kfpt the heads
of tho Phillies above water. The disin
tegration of this club's strength by the
ravages of the Federal League has been
retarded to a certain extent by the mas
terful pla of Pooln's pitcher extraordi
nary and heavv hitting utility man. Th'
ue of the term "utility man" here Is not
meant to convey the Idea uf "substitute,"
which is its usual mean'ng in baseball.
' "but" a term which means an all-round
Sherwood Magee hao put up the great
est game of his car-er this year, not ex
cepting his work in 131". when he led
the National League In bat'ir.g with an
average of .331 und took part In I'll
games. He has p'nvpd 'iur positions .
for Charley Dnuin and hai played them
nil In better than acceptable style.
Alexander. tnn, hni dene remarkably
well, considering the ndltferer.t work of
the team as 1 who'e bet Ind him. On '
Saturday "Alex" v-n hi-" nth consent-
tlve ictorv nnl i'- J li : the season.
Flag of 1914 Won When
Bender Shut-out Browns
and Red Sox Lost One
Game of Double-header.
that's me!
Won pennahts In the American
t.eaane In 1W2. jpoB, 1910, ton, 1013, 1914
Won wni Ids (hauiplKiishlp in 1910,
defeat In.' the Chicago I'ulu under
I'tnnk ChaiiLe in ftitir rut of live
. lines
Won world' ihntnplotislilp In 1911
from New Voik dlnnls under .tolin
1 McOrnvv In fniu out of six games.
Won world's ehnmplonslilp In 1913
from N'ew York Giants under .Inhn J.
Mrflraw In four nut of five names.
I tu eotnbllshed major league record
for winning pennants.
tins won more world's ehnmplon
hlps thin an other manager.
N.. .-, 1 ' . ...r
riilttle. Ill; (inilnnall. '1 1 Ut ctimei.
I'lilllii-'. 7: (Imlini'i. I c!d sninei.
Ilci-tmi, 11: f liirjirii. ; (Ut name).
ItiiMim, I: ( li'eavu. 'i 'i.l cntui'l.
New orU, t. I'ltUlnirKli. " lit camel.
I'itUlMirKh. t: Nw )erl.. '! ril mime).
ItroiKln, (!; -t f.eiiU .'t (Si wnnie).
t. l.nnU, ."; Itr uKh 11 11 'Id ffaino).
flnelnmitl at I'hlluiti 'i-tilu
I'ltthliuruh at N" n link it cninrt).
( lileu-e at IP tn.
St. I niti t Urnultbn
t. I.011N at llrook'tn.
l'ltl-burcli ill ntl
rimniKi ut Umtnn.
tv I. f f w t. p r
llnstnn . S'! .'.l I'lilllie,... T 74 ,o:j
N'w Yurk ' " .',n ti 1 '.ii T'l .". S
St. Loul TT "11 1 '-', kU ifi n 441
Chleueo ". 71 r.U 1 mi ,it AT Ml :!K
Ulilitir. H: t. I mil.. 0
lluoton. H; (liliHr,,. (I (Ut imniri.
Clihos'i 4; Hest'iii, :; i". ksidi'K
ttnillltiKtun. li. Ortrnit. (10 Innllu.i,
(leiel.inil. '.: Nei. urli. s (. came).
.Neil iirk. 1: ( let eland ! I'M uamel.
Vthlvtli'. 'J. hlriiKn. I.
St. I.miU. I; llmlnti I (1st iinm'l.
M. luuik. ij; lliiteii. t CM KHin,
11 limine., railed).
Ilftrelt. 0; Ne op.. ': it ;Hnie).
New .. t; lletr-'t. ! "J I fHnif).
Cleveland..'!; ltaliini;t"n. ' U! ume).
aliinKtnn. 'I : I - li-l n i ;d euqin) .
MlltHlr ut -! 1 iiU
ItUktUII ut liii.mn
ttllallbiWton ,l llelrelt.
)nr at i-vi'lami.
Clili'i)i;u 'II ( ! teliiiiil.
II I mil at ht. IjimU.
U I I'l w . p (
Atlllrtlr... 19 .flfui'M. .., us T! 4
Rmluii s7 " ii." ! i 7 7'i I ,!l
'N'Bth'tnri 77 i.'l "'S -. 1., i ilt m 41s
Untrult 7. 71 '.11 . 1 i Ik put a.-4
' tf h v - ' 'i - -l.r i
Ilaltlnmrv. 3; Ml I i.uIk. I (l tatui'),
llllllliinri', 1; t. .i.ui, I l.'d eum,
1 luuliu;. eallnli.
(hleuitii, T; ItroiiMju. H UI chiiwi.
(Ilinmu. 3; (IruoiVlMi. :i r-ij kiiiub,
H lunlao. i-ullnl).
Ilutfulii. 3: lianwi. lt. i.
ImlianuiiulU. : I'ltubarglj. .
t'lltltlKu Ml ltr.Mil.lyii.
ht. I uul ul llaltlmiite.
ICulUiiupxiU mi illliurnli
ItHU'wa I lit at liuHahi
w 1. W. 1. im-
ChlcMgo :ij 'ii,u Km kite Tl T11 v--t
ladls'p'U ,;:; ''" Is ' ' "' "I Til ln
Hultliiiern 74 ' ": 1 1 i.ijH HI mt aa
Hulfalo 7a tU W 1'itulivli S. k 40a
N)vark. U; .lrri ( il. A (lot irum?).
J"re t l !: Neqr(. ltd xjn)t).
Muutrrul Itua mi Multit
Otti r tluti. nit btUeilubil
Will V' I f i-
1 rol 1 - 1 T 77 1 ,
llubftt' . 1 t i 1, ".71
I'., Iif-trr 'U r . , ., tl ii ! 41.1
Kr.nii . 7" ".ti 1 1 ti 13 am 3U
t.ast winter Cnnnie St.irU had a new
steel tint? ple ronstrueted and placed In
the noitlieaot corner nf Shiiie 1'arU. The
pole ffit the Athletics approximately
Una. Itepent events have proved that the
outlay was not wated, as another Amer
ican Leapite pennant has been won to be
unfurled from this new masthead. The
chances are the world's championship
banner of 1911 vt. til also fly there.
When Connie Mack Rlaneed ocr the
percentage columns yesterday mornlnp at
hi lintel In St. Ivuits. he must have ca
tiall.v noted the faL't that If his team won
from the Riowns, and the Tied So were
beaten onee In their afternoon's double
header, that he would clinch the cham
pinns'iln. This led to the selection of
Charles Albert Bender to put the final
crimp In the aspirations of the Fenway
Park dwellers bv defeating Hlckey's men.
Bender has always been effective
acalnst St. I-onl". Yesterday he wns
more than effective, lie mowed down
tho opposition with that calm regularity
which marks all his work. The lllckevo
didn't hae a chance to score, while the
Mat kmen piled up half a dozen runs.
11 y oapturlnpr the pennant In 111, Con
nie Mack has established a world's man
agerial tecord. bavins won six tlnco In
Pan Johnson's circuit since the Inception
of the leanue In 1W1.
In 1902, the first year Mack's Athletics
won the pennant, there was no world's
In 1905, his second victory, the Athletics
were defeated In the classic by Xw
York, four Karnes to one. In t910, after
a lapse or rive years. Mack aprain steered
his club to the front, winnlnp the pennant
and also the world's series, heatins the
Cubs in decisive fashion, after the ma
jority of exjierts had picked Chance's
men to hne a walk-over.
The following year, the flac acaln was
perched on a Philadelphia pole and nraln
the Athletics landed the world's series,
winnmp their first one from the Oiants.
In 1912. Mack met teverses which put
his club in third place at thv flni-h. the
Ka .S.ix flnlshinir first nd the 'Washinc
ton team second.
La-t season, with what whs. predicted
to he a notorlou.y weak pitching staff.
the Athletics came to the front, thanks
in the sptndld work of Plank and
Kemi't, winning with r'dlculmis use,
.ind only Iw-mg out of first plat e four
il yo dutinn the entire eumpalun For
ti third time tho Olante were Mick'h
n-iN in the world's seiieK and for the
. -uiul tini- tho Athletics won the srrUs,
.viiipiiit; tour out of the Ave games
Tn. htiittdiriB of the Athletics today
s iiwsi that they have a lead .if e!u
and a halt ram?s. Both the Macks and
the r.iitonlan have elht more pnmes
to play. Therefore. f the Athletic Cluh
l'iit all of Its remainlni; games, while tho
Ited Snx won theirs the atntldltlg would
Won. Lost. Pet
AtMetie 95 57 .'$
II-d Sox ( SS .6.'!
Ij. i rder to srt his club In perfect hapo
t i nieit the Fiostun Hraves, who have all
l.'it wuti tll pnnant In the National
I., ague, Connie Mack will jrive his tesu
l.ns a rest. Just which ones will come
h me from St. I-ouIk, inttad of making
tl.- trip ti. AVp.nhintrton, has not been an
nonmi'd. It I safe to ay. however, that
leith Hepder mid Plank will be in Phila
delphia within the next few hour.
I iion thie ewran hurlern will fall
th tasl of doiriB the majority of th"
t,p" work. The thrrrfoie, wilt beRln
imiin Htitr lv to s.-i In shupe. The other
ii enilif rs of the i mad who feel that they
r ed a rt will take It, Their places
..ii' ti til'd iiv the younger members
of the house of Mack.
Next Wdniida the VatPmal Commix"
sion will meet in thin city to arranao tho
I'etalls. of the iserles. It has already been
a-r il that inytfid of alternating between
I'l.llHlelilii:i and Ho ton, two games will
I. pltoed in a row This, will prevent the
Vint arid tear on the players, who would
.-iiffe.' Kreaih If th- weie forced to spend
eery olht on the rails.
Tht pin "f a coin will dedde whether
lie tirat iir of ontet-i I to be ataged
Men. or In IJostun That Will Ik) the first
duty of he ci.rnmiMilon when It meets
lime and u tbi must important an far a
tin- p'lhlie . fon-ertwd Tlie routine matter-
nf rtalnlltg ! the y,-ries will be. for
the mint pjrt, wf.rk.d out by J-.liu Shine
-..I. ,n ol to tliln. who lias had
nt. i. i miw'.i oi ' In tl i. kiiid of work than
,ii, n an imrftid with tmjehall,
1' inn lie "t'l. .-J f s5h.be l'arlt wjlj be
n n nnifU Hi. iiiL'iiiou of provuiint;
X5CCL4 n r- 'InT i-T5
ifesv. T- &2v '.iBr'v -'s 1 us?
Gridiron News Gleaned From Leading Colleges
Football Players Enter Upon
Another Hard Week of
Training in Preparation for
Big Games Next Saturday.
Whether or not Pennsylvania will have
a football team of championship propor
tions ot one of only mediocre strength
was not dlscloed by Saturday's same
against Gettysburg That 14-n victory was
won by n comfortable margin, and picttj
accuiately gauges the comparative
strength of the two teams. At the same
time, when we remember the defenielcs
noss of Gettysburg last near and the
smashing victory which the Quakers won
then by the score of o3-0, two facts stand
forth with great clearness. One Is that
this year' Gettysburg team knew more
football than its predecessor and likewise
that It displayed a better fighting qual
ity. A second fact not to be overlooked
I that this yeat's Quaker team !. not
nearly so far advanced In its attacking
power as was the 1013 eleven In Its first
Virtually all nf the faults evident In the
work of the Red and Blue were due to
lack of practice, an entirely new back
Hold and lack of unity between the back
field und the line. These weaknesses
were to bo expected and won't cause the
coaches undue alarm. Jn fact, a 14-0
score for the first game Is much mote
desirable than one of 53-0 proportions.
Nothing retards the progress of n team
more than ovet confidence, and big pre
liminary scotes invariably contrlbue to
that. The Quakers still have plenty of
time to get In shape for their big games,
and the schedule has been so graduated
that each s'atuiday hrings a tougher op
ponent to Franklin Field.
Harvard overwhelmed Bates
score of 11 to 0 and If the
by the
'A$2Em7 i '
e. &)BEHlisSSSS? li I
vj J j- rw3'SrfgX v?wWiBWPffF-ffjrWiJWissssvLjlsWvM &A
"Tol" Pendleton Says
Princeton Is Committed to
Open Game This Year and
Maybe Longer.
veterans had been kept In the game they
could probably have scored nearly K0
points. At Is was, nearly three elevens
got Into the play. Tho most conspicu
ous feature of the work done by the
new men wns the feat of McKllnlock,
a substitute quarterback, in scoring a
field goal from the 10-yard line. Now
Httrwird, In addition to the Incomparable
drop-klckers. Briekley and Marian, has
found a third such kicker.
Yale made good the prediction of Frank
Illnkcy, the new coach, and displayed
a lot of open-flcla work, which fairly
dazzled the Maine eleven. Maine held
Yale to a 0-0 score last year, so this
easy victory may be taken to Indicate
that football will enjoy a new era at
New Haven this fall. Princeton found
Rutgers a tough antagonist, and had Just
about enough superior strength to win by
the score of 12 to 0. I.Ike Yale, Princeton
showed considerable piollclcncy in the
operation of the forward pass.
PRINCETON. N. J.. FtPt. S'. Till Pen.llo
tcn, who e fnmom In Princeton nthlellc hi
tnr uf recent year cnptnfiiltiR the Tlsr
footbi.ll nam of PUS and pl.i ing on the li-ine-ball
team for three ears. gae out an Inter
esting Interview lint night m the Prliieetim
policy In regard to the open Kiinie. In whl'li
he srjk tlmt he bolloies Princeton I LOinnilt
ted to It for thl ear and mabe longer. With
this new punie I'rlnrctnn mav eviuct to bo
scored on. but he hopes to score more.
LANCASTPIt. Pa . Sept. 21 The Franklin
ami Mnrohall team arrived here from I.elilRli
ur.scathrcl and with holies little blighted at the
defeat by t.ehlnh. The reverse L attrlhiitoit tn
the fast open field plav of the Hetlilelieni .-ol
I lcKlunK, and the Inahlllty of the local team tn
Interrept forward pa?e. t Ith a sad lack of
proficiency nt tadding Hut the score compared
with other earn in a Rood one, and the followefii
of the Ulue and White are roinollni: them
sehes with thin The game with Pcnn next
Saturday Is whit the cnachu now have ttt
look forwanl to and It will be with an ojc to
the weak points discovered SiturdRj thnt the
i iiritltnr n ill be done this v r ek. Oraaln litchl.
who sat on the bench throughout Saturday's
came with an Injured shoulder, will be In the
Penn game.
t'AItl.ISI.B. Pa , Pept. 2S. All of Dickinson's
crldlron battlers came throuch Saturdas's
game In good shnte, McWInney received the
worst Injury of the entire team. He broke tho
lone of his second flnitcr, and had to retire In
the second quarter in faor of Palm. Poach
tfarrlnnton think' he can net MeWlnney In
shape for next Saiiirdav's saino with Wash
liiKton and Jefferson at Washington.
CAItMSr.n. Ta.. Sept. a. i-narh Welch, of
Ci-nwny Hall, will Rive his squad the first
crlmmaee practice of the jnar this afternoo.i
Tl.ire are four regular- from last yeir's team
back In school, Including Handby, captain nf
the eleven this ear. Uoth t'oach Welch and
Captain Handhv are pleased with the size nt
the squad and the numt er nf blar men gives
promise of one of the best teams In the his
tcry of the lonl Institution.
NEW HAVEN, Tonn.. Sept. 28 Among
Yale men the opinion Is held that Head (.'or in
Trunk Hlnkev h'is devised the mot attractive
and mot orlKlnal briml of football ever seen
at Yale The showing nf the Yale team
against Maine disclosed novelties In all va
rieties of passing, and rxhlliltod the fruit nf
the nivbterlous secret practlte that has been
held dally tho last week.
MIDDI.KTOWN. Conn.. Rent 2R That Wes
levan has lost rather heavllv In football ma
terial through graduation and tho men who did
not come l.nck this tall was evident In tho
pvme with Ithodo Island State College Patur
dav The line his been weakened by the grad
uation of Ptovh Allison and Wilcox, whilo
Illngelej at centre and Elmer Eustls at end,
vvh'i had hern depended upon to help out this
veir, will both be kept out of the games by
Representatives at Dinner in
New York Decide to Have
Four Picked Men From
Each State.
There In n possibility tlint the trlstatc
matches for the Itobeit Lesley Cup
will be far more Interesting another year
If tho plans talked over nt the dinner to
the contcstanti from Massachusetts and
Pennsylvania by tho Metuipolltan Oolf
Association nt llnltusrol ate put Into
The plan Is to have four men selected
from each district, preferably those who
have played In pnht I.esloy t'up matches,
In addition to the ten regulars. It has
been the custom for tho team holding the
cup to lay Idle the first day, meeting the
wlnnetH on the second day In the de
cisive match for the trophy, tinder the
new plan the four cxttn men from each
district will form a team of their own
and piny a sociable match with the cup
holdeis tho first da v.
For a Very Worthy Cause,
as It Is to Be for Benefit of
Red Cross Society, M0.
vember 14.
The Toy Dog Fanciers of America wU
bold another show November H, tj,),,
exhibition will bo for tho benefit of th.
Tied Cross Society. This nveoi .u..
-'-" D'IUU1(J I I
draw one of the largest entries In "toys'i 'I
tnnt tins town nas over seen. A big ,(
of valitablo specials should also help l
draw entries.
It wns decided nt a meeting of the fan.
clers to have this shown an open on.
for all dogs ot the toy vnrloty, so, wits
all the other Inducements offered to
bilng out tho exhibitors, an entry list 0f
nt least 3J0 dogs will likely lcsult.
Judges were also named, as followi'
jr. Dunlovy, ot Meadowbrook, Pa., to
pass on romcrnnlansj Mrs. Benjamin H
Throop, of Scrantoit, Pa., Maltese teri
rlers; Miss May Henderson, of New York
city, all toy spanlols nnd tov poodles'
Miss Stovoll, ot this city, Pekingese anil
Japanese spaniels and Miss Mario Ca
rlllo, of New York, who will puss out
the awards on nil other breeds not men.
Tu itoai wr-vb'h rn-urd In lite Nulloiuil
itiul tnwrUuu ..uur of eununt un und
.l. llti rt;, bit. rrror and nun Kit
'in bHM. U nt fi.Htma:
W I. It II ni.n
H,,i.n ... . I U tl II .11
rk . S 0 l't -.7 to 117
vt i.i, ti e ; b ii i-i .i
riil. iid ... 3 .' Sto Hi (17
PUllvuL-JuUfcl .. 9 3 W Kl II jJ
Br...lil,ii I 14 71 1, SS
pliti-i.uryh .... I I i V It 41
Cm. nil) ill I I 3'i Ml III 03
Ti fume TIarWy Mpiember vl
IV l It H K LU
PI lloilrlubtq 6 I 10 71 I Si:
II. 'Ion .. " 4'i hO iS So
v i -' ' i " ' 7i 1 1 I..'
I. i ) -" : i in
i ,vo " ' ' .' 17 II it
i... hi- . i 'i - i .. i-
"v- rl. . . 4 ', ,18
I'v , 8 . f. 17 5J
i (. , M'.",1 t beotrt .t t ml
( out Inneil from Pace 1
l.udeius. Mlllei gruunded to I.uderus.
Gonzales lined to Bytne. No runs, no
hits, no errors.
Becl.or beat out a slow ono to Hcnton
and went to second when Benton threw
wild to tlrst, Becker went to third on
Uudorus' out. Kellogg to Oraham. Ire
Ian walked. Burns singled to left, stor
ing Becker, Irelnn stopping at iCLond.
Oesrhger forced "urns. Kellogg to Uruh,
Irelun going to third. Kellogg threw
Heed out. One run, two hits, one error.
Oeschger threw out Kellogg. Reed
stopped Uiahain's single over second
Heiiton was out. I'aekert to I.tiderus,
Uruliam taking second Itetd muffed
IntrieU' liner and the lunnnr was safe,
(liahain reaching third Daniels stole sec
ond while Oeschger held the ball In lili
hands Oumhget made u belated wild
throw to Ireltin, Oraham scoring. Klllofer
kingled to left, scoring Dnnlels. Oet,ch
ger's throw to Luderus found KHIefer ten
feet off thu bag, but h ducked under
Iteed, who received the ball from Lud
erus, and was safe at uecond. Oroh
walked. Kllllfor and Oroh executed a
double steal. KHIefer scored and Oroh
took thlid when Yingling wat safe on
lud-rim' bout Miller fanned. Three,
runs, two hits, three errors.
Hv rne tingled to left Dooln singled
to left, Brne going to third fravath
ningled along the left Held line, scoring
Bjrne and heading Oooln to third.
Hecher fanned. I.uderus singled to right,
snoring Hooln. Cravath stopping at bee
ond. Cravath was oayght napping at
second. Benton to Oroh. !udenia died
stealing, t.onzales to Kellogg Two runi.
four hits, no errors.
Honzales pipped to Irclan Reed threw
Kellogg mjt. Oraham walked. Benton
foieed Orrthdm, Recti to Irclan. No runs.
no hits, no errors.
Inlan doubled to left centre. Oraham
dropped Burns' fly. On Burns' grounder,
Oroh tbievv to third to catch Irelan, hut
KHIefer dropped the ball and Irelan was
safe Oeschger stitick out Reed lined
tu Oraham, who stepped on first doubling
Burns No runs, one hit. two errors.
Daniels fanned. KHIefer walked. Kll-l-fr
d.ed stealing, Burn to Reed. Oroh
twat out u hit to Byrne. Yingling fanned.
No luns. one bit. no. enors.
Hyrno Ws out. Kellogg to Oraham.
Oroh threw out tJooln. Cravath walked.
Itvrker slnglwl to centre, Cravath stop
ping at second. I.uderus Hied to Miller.
No runs, one hit, no errors.
Millet wa safe on an Infield hit f.d
moved UP on Oonzles' sacrillce, I'askert
to i.uileru KellojtK best out a lilt to
l.tidenm. Miller taking third. On Orjliuni's
gruunder Miller wa cut iluvin at the
I ..it' . H 'l to Minos Benton fort, d
Oiviham. Re. d to Irtlan No i uns, two
lilU, no enors
irelan Pud to Daniels Burns singled to
left and went to second when Oeschger
hit to the same spot. Iteed filed to Uroh.
Brooke Says Team Was
Very Weak in Interference
and He Will Correct Fault
If It Takes All Season.
The Pennsylvania varsity squad turned
out In good shape thin afternoon aftci
the stiff game with Uetlsburg on Sat-
I u til ay. Preceding the prattler a length)
meeting of the coaches was held, dm Ing
the course of which Saturday's contest
was gone over In detail and the weak
nesses thnt developed were discussed pro
and cop.
Head Coach Brooke made the following
statement In legnrd tu the showing uf the
team. "The most pronounced weakness
1 nf the team was luck of Interference,
i The men will slmpl have to learn to
I Interfere if It take ull full. There was
a gteat deal of slowness in getting the
attack under way. and we will have to
ipeed up the entire team "
Contrary to expectations, the nrsll
and scrub teninfe will be ient through a
stiff scrlmmnge this afternoon, and from
now on the candidates will feel the lash
of the whip, with the Lafayette and Navy
games only seeral wotks away, Dann
Hutchinson, of the I&09 team, was added
to the list of coaches this atternoon, and
I will devote all his energies toward th. '
,11-rffctlon of a spi'v-dy bai kueld Blond.,
Wallace worked with the hue candidates. '
Dickson has a problem to face with tin I
(lids, for, as he said today, he is as
much In the dark as to latent abilities of
the men as he was before the Ciettysburg
game. The Pennsyhanla system requires
bS, beefy men for the wings, and so far
very few of the candidates for the po
sitions have this qualification. Murdoch,
varsity end of last jear, Is one of the
llshtesfjilayers in the squad, weighing
only 1M pounds, and because of this, is
not of much aid In boxing In the opposluB'
Veterans Get Better of Little nnd
Pell in Noble Final.
The doubles title In the invitation
tournament for the Huntingdon Vnlley
challenge cups was captured by the vet
erans, W. J. Clothier nnd V. A. l.nrned,
In straight sets from Theodore R. Pell
and It. U. Mttle, last year's winners,
on the club coutts at Noble yesterday.
Scores, S to 6 and C to 3.
l.nrned and Clothier reached the final
round thtough a victory over R. Evans
and C. B. Jennings yesterday morning,
the lattei combination making the vet
ci.ins work the limit to win the second
and final set. I.lttle and Pell earned
their places In the final round by reason
of victories ovoi A. Thayer and Wallace
Joluibon and Doctor Dew-hurst and Rich
ard Harts.
Byrno forced Oeschger to Kellogg un
assisted. No runs, wo hits, no errors.
Daniels walked. KUIcfer saenfleed,
Oeschger to (.uderus. Oroh poppd to
Bynie. Yingling dropped a Texas
leaguer m right, scoring Daniels. Ying
ling stole second Miller walked Oon-
zales Hied to Cravath. One inn. one
: lilt, no errors
' Dooln iv ui safe when Oraham muffrd
Kilii-fi-r's throw Doom dud .UmIhiv;
Oouzales to Kellogg I'luvaih ilitu tu
Daniels Decker beat out a hit to ahurt
, I.uderus filed to Miller. No rum, one
lilt, one error.
NP.W YORK. Sept 2S. Waller S
Ward, treasurer of the Brooklyn Feder
als, today Mated that n number of the
brightest stars In organized baseball
have been signed to play with his club
next jeat, but be refused to give tlnlr
Ward made tho admission when asked
If the repoit was true that Walter Jonn
son, nf the Senators; Ray Collins, of the
Red Fox, and Sherwood, Magee, Hans
Uobcrt and Manager Charles Dcoin, of
the Phillies, had signed Federal league
i outruns.
"I am not In a position to give out the
names of the plajers who hae signed,"
tald Wntd, "but I will tell yon that wo
have signed up some of those players
Their names will be made public later"
Ward would not discuss the report that
Pitchers Cicotte and Benz, of the White
Sox have signed contracts fot next
jear, but It Is learned that contracts
were given to these men some time ago,
and that they were then In a receptive
The home-grown and the home-made
brand of everything In every land Is
rated pretty high. The farmer likes bis
home-grown sass an' there's mi undis
puted class to mother's home-made pie
That home-made hunch hit Connie Mack
some sev'ral baseball seasons back. He
tiled It with succes:'. He mnde Shlbo
P'lrk his garden plot an' rained young
pitchers till he'd got apictty classy mess.
Take Weldon Wyckoff, graduate. Ol'
Connie got that youngster straight from
ISuckneH'a college nine. The kid's birth
place was Wllllamsport, whore Big Hl
Matty learned the sport an' first began
to "bine The birthplace, maybe, didn't
count, but Connie saw a vast amount ot
promise In the kid. He brought him up
three years ago an worked his cultivator
slow, so Weldon wouldn't skid.
This year he wotks his rrg'lar day. Ho
got-s right In an' tires away with all a
veteran's skill. In live games pitched
he'll drng down three. An' that's enough
to show thut he can twit I that n' Reach
pill. For 22 he's guln' some. Muck banks
on him for ycats tn conie to help cop
more burgees He's learned a lot In
Connie's school. Ho'll stick, too, If he
ain't a fool, to take some more degrees.
By A. M. Corrlgan.
".Too" Ouyon, one of the speediest In
dians on last year's Carlisle Indian
eleven, hns announced that he will return
to the school, nnd there should he joy In
the Aborigines' camp. Ouyon Is not only
a s'tar football player, but has made good
on track and field.
Visitor to the Olympla Athletic Asso
ciation tonight should be sure they are
not suffeilnn with heart ailment, as
whirlwind nctlon Is liable to provo too
great a strain. "Kid" Williams, the
world's bantamweight champion, Is to
meet "Kid" Herman, of Pckln, 111. That
Is warning enough.
Oscnr Hgg. of Switzerland, won the 15
mlle tandem paced match from Ocorgo
Wiley and "Jtmmy'Morgnn nt the New
ark Velodrome yesterday. Poor Wiley
and Morgan couldn't beat an egg.
J. K. M. The receipts of the World's
Sorlos games are divided ns follows: fiO
per cent, of the receipts of the tlrst four
games goes to the players, to be divided
fcfl per cpnt. to the winners and 40 per
cent, tn the losers; 30 per cent, goes to
the two clubs, and 10 per cent, to tho
National Commission. The receipts of nil
games after the llrst four Is divided 90
per cent, to the clubs and 10 per cent, to
the National Commission.
The annunl football season hns opened
nnd the gridiron warrior now makes his
bow: In helmet, padded suit and guards,
ho steps upon the stage, tn cop his bit of
notice on the dally sporting page.
Parsons who were so keen about bet
ting 3 to 1 and 1 to 1 against the Hraves'
wot Id series chances a few weeks ago
are not offering anything bettet than
fi to 1 just now. It's quite likely thnt
the tcamB will go Into the first game at
even money.
I.ajolc, after making his SOfflth hit yes
terday, Is reported to have said: "f
hope, to linger long enough In major
lcaguo company to bat out another thou
sand or so.""
The Intel national league season wound
tip yosterdny with Providence, ns the pen.
mint winner. Although the clubs put up
one of the tightest races In the history
of the league, tho season Was a financial
"Josh" Devorn Is rapidly becoming a
second Ira Thomas. Ira has fallen Into
more soft money than any man In base
ball. "Josh," however, nt the present
rate, will make a tecord close to Thomas',
"Josh" wasn't good enough for the Giants,
hence he wus turned loose on the un
stable baseball firmament. He was
shunted around the league, until he
null) landed In Boston. Now- "Josh" Is
about to cut In on another big slice.
A parallel to "Josh" Devoro's good for
tune In getting In on world's series
money, because ho was not up tn the.
stnndnid, is found In tho caso of
"Johnny" I.nvnn. Last jear Johnti was
with the Btovvns. He was such an In
different performer at the bat, that when
Connie Mack wanted a shortstop to nil
In when Hat ry wns hurt. "Johnny" was
turned over to the Athletics Immediately,
"Rube" Oldring tried his hand at short
during Batry's absence from the game
and played so well that Lavan was not
used at all. Lavan, however, was on thj
bench during the world's series and got
his full share of the coin.
Von OhI, the Athletics' road secretary
nnd liumnu dynamo. Is about to get Into
action. World's series ate his specialties,
Vv'c note that In another column of this
edition It is rematked that tho first bull
ncss of the National Commission here
next Wednesday will be to toss the coin
to ascertain when the first world's se,
ties games will bo played. Wrong. That's
the second thing.
The. Athletics will havo an off-day to-
ftllin-nt.. 1'lm ...linllln .nl.n. ........ ', .
"... uv t-v.i,-ii,i,- loivivoin uio?i nmo i
"doped" out List when they would clinch''
l,r. !.... 1 , 1. ....... . . . I
mu oiiH ,iiiii arranged il so tncy coma plan
ways to pi event any of the world's series
money getting away from them.
Bantnm Champion nnd Felcin Fighter
Clash nt Olympirt Tonight,
With "KM" Willi ins in llni i ti on m, n
ho always Is. nil "KM" llerm.in in grand
form timl conHilcnt of at leiat mi p Intlns th
champion. tunllit's Mintest at the OImplt
A. A. ulioulil he on long to bo remembered,
Tho llttlo Haltlmore:m 1ms nlvviiys been nt hi
bvst whenever he appeared In a lornl rlnj,
ontl reports are that ho will not bo otherivlit
tonlKht. In Herman, Wllllims will find a toujh
little fellow who Jim fouslit his waj to tbi
top with ,i number nf tho linidoi,t little fellom
In tho business. Ills contest hero with Lou
Irlnna Inst si.iaon is still well rememberel s
ono of the liveliest nml hardest blttlns bouU
ever sinned In Olympla's ring, nml If ho puti
up as good it battle its ho did thai time, an
thero li no reason vvh ho should not, no one
will resret witnessing tho bout The siml
wlnduii fit uld be almost as fast as the wlna
up. "Kilillo" O'Keeie. of this fit, ond
"Dutoli" llramlt. of New York, will be ttw
contestants. They recently met In a 10-roynl
limit In New York anil It was one of the flu
ent seen In that city for sonio lime. ' Jlranu"
Murray, another New Yorker, anil Youns"
IlKKln, of this city, ore scheduled in tin thirl
bout In the soi mi I bout Jlatk" iamptiell.
nf Tlnga, meets 'TiliHe" Itlvers. of Southwari.
ami in thi Aral ono "Youns" Wilson tackles
C'harllo" Read.
.N'HW YORK, Sept. 2. Arrangements
for the opening session of the Interna
tional billiard match between Willie
Hoppe, world's chntnplon at IS 8 balkllne.
nnd Melbourne Inrnan, the Hngllsh
billiard champion, at the Hotel Astor to
night are complete, and it Is expected
that the match will mark an cpooh In
the history of billiards in tills country
The game opens with 600 points at Eng
lish billiards, and will proceed dally,
afternoon and evening throughout the
Jn Friday afternoon the entire pro
ceeds will be donated by the players
to the American Red Cross fund, at
whikh time a record crowd Is expected.
McOinnity SIgnu With Venice
HiltTUNI, Ore., Sept 28 'Iron
Man" Joe Mcfilnnlty. famous ex-New
York Giant, signed a contract with tho
ei ice Tigers und will be a member of
the Tigers' pitching corp the remaining
five weeks of the season.
RACE MEET Trotting nd Running Races tvtry Uy
except Friday. Auto Race, Friday, October 2d.
SEE NILESandhis wonderful aeroplane flight. Piiesupitdo
down, loops the loop, falls wing over wing, drops J 000 ft.
BETTER BABY Contest and Health Exhibit.
BadUw'a nVhlfl of Death;" Owens, "The Human Bombi"
F.uhIcT.,,TS Aut0 Fl:" Geer, "The Human Comet;"
Mar, "The Diving Pony; " Billy Bouncer on his bouncing board;
Melodious Tom Kenyon; The Elusive Water Lilies; Daylight
Fireworks; The Skaters' Bijou; Calvert on the high wirei
Mirano Bros., "The Human Torpedoes" and other attractlana.
Jkd"edRatesand Special Trains on all Railroads
l-M-lit PA jiWBSj. ,,