Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Sports Final, Page 11, Image 11

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- ""1 V -rr'," '",,' ; , .tt, i.:.1,..,.Jl. ,..... 7 ' V .,,,. . T ,.ii,,. ' .. . ij
- JTni'ii rgirTlPTrT-AWfl,M--M,,,M'l"M1''1 ' -" - -sam
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rar- .i 3Hhhwhhs$ mv?-..,.
Member o Fmnkford Family Came
Hero to Attend FunernL
Death duo to Intestinal troubln came
ycgterdity to Charles M. Itorer, of Casg
vllle, N. J., at tins Frankford Hospital,
Fmnkford avenue and Wnkellnc street.
r .-.- t.- . n
I uri ju)rerf no wnn n mciTiufi "
welNkhown family of f'rankford, liad
coma td this city several days ago to
! attend tho funeral of a relative and wa8
taken 111 the sumo day. Ho was a mem
ber of the Masons, Patriotic Order Of
the Sons of America, Odd fellows ond
the Junior Order of United American
ASHCIMPT. At Hwedesboro, ti. t en Sep
tember aT, 10H, MAItY A8HCIIAFT, In her
84th yenr, Tunernl on Wdnemta, Stp
temher 30, nt lOiBO A. in. Interment Epln
copal Cemetery.
1JANM.K11.- -On Rentember 2T, 1014, CK
C.'I.I.IA, bctote wife of Henry llamllcr, ol
62 year Itelatlvc nnil friends sro Invited
to attend the funeral services, on Thursday
nrtcrnoon at 2 o'rlock, st her late residence,
2.1(ri North !K,l t. Interment prlvatf New
i ork fni-ert pleaiie copy
,,di,,ni:TT,-.-Pn September 27, 1014, MAIir.
widow of .lolm Hnrrett l-nnerni on vilne
tln nt , n m riom 2" N .th JuiUn st.
'ass nt the fhiinh of flt. Cnlumba. nt ' n
ni To. nrni red vl i :i 37 n. m train, Columbia.
. P and It II, to Ambler, I'a . for Interment.
2.1, 1014, KM.A-
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ONE day in the late fall, three
little leaves wee talking to
gether under a big pine tree.
"Wasn't that fun to sail through
the air!" exclaimed the oak leaf.
"Funl" cried the maple from a near
by tree, "I should say it was. I'd like
to do 'it again."
"So would I," echoed the sycamore
leaf, which had blown clear up from
the creek.
"What are you talking about down
there?" asked the green pine leaves;
"you all seem to be having a lot of
"Fun!" shouted the maple leaf again
in rollicking tones, "indeed, we are!"
"What's it all about?" said the pine
leaves rather crossly. "Can't you even
tell a person what you are talking
"To be sure we will," said the oak
leaf slipping on his dignity which had
fallen to the ground. "You see, Friend
nne irec, we nave oecn on our same
trees all summer growing and work
ing, working and growing, and we
got really tired of our jobs.
00 illk e "
So all night long the pine leaves fretted
and sighed and begged tho wind
to take thevi a sail.
"We were tired of our plain green
dresses and tired of our work. Then
one day who should come along but
old Jack Frost, who took pity on our
greenness and gave us beautiful col
ored frocks. See how handsome I
look in this red and green dress?"
And the oak leaf spread himself out
flat so that the pine tree could see
all of his lovely colors.
"I think I'm handsomer than any
old oak leaf," said the sycamore
proudly, "see my lovely brown dress?"
"Pooh!" interrupted the maple,
"any one can see I am the handsomest.
None of you has such colors as my
reds and yellows 1"
"I'm sure you are all three very
beautiful," said the pine tree tactfully.
"but I want to hear the rest of the
story what happened after Jack
Frost came?"
"Oh!" laughed the oak leaf, his ill
humor instantly forgotten, "then the
winds came and loosened us from the
tree and gave us such a sail!
"Over yards and fields, here and
there and back again, I never had sucli
fun. You must gcP"thc wind to take
you some day and then you'll know
what living is!"
"Oh dear, I'd like to go!" sighed
the pine leaves; "we're tired staying
here on this tree anyway. We're been
here on this same tree ever since we
were born!"
"Too bad," murmured the other
leaves so sympathetically that the pine
leaves felt worse than ever!
So all night long the pine leaves
fretted and sighed and begged the
wind to take them for a sail.
And all night long the wind answer
ed back: "No, we can't take you you
are needed where you are!"
In the morning some people who
lived nearby went walking under tlte
pines and one said: "This is the poor
old pine tree that has been whining
and fretting all night."
"I wonder what it wants," said the
other person. "I wish it was happy,
for I love its leaves that stay green
after the others have blown away."
"What's that? what's that?" whis
pered the pine leaves, "somebody
loves us even if we .ire just common
green all the year through!"
"Think how lonesome those kind
people would be," whispered another
pine leaf, "if wc had gone off and left
our pine tree all alone!"
And every stiff little pine leaf bris
tled erectly and shone happily in the
morning sunshine.
Copyright J9U, Clara Ingram Jiuhon,
Clover Arrangement of Furnishings
In Spaces Not Often Used.
THIS attic room with Ub whitewash
ed walls and blackened beams In
vites repose. Tho clever arrange
ment of tho spacious drawers under the
eaves of tho hauso on ono side, and tho
closet, which much be delightfully roomy
on the staircase, Is nn Idea for these
spaces which usually harbor boxes and
trunks not opened froriuently.
Tho tabic built around tho rough chim
ney Is most artistic and serves very
comfortably ns a desk, while the enamel
ed bed, with Its cover of white dimity,
and wnshstand to match, seems to lit so
happily with tho whltcwnshoil wnlls. Th.
windows daintily curtained In white com
plete this very unusual room.
Cheesecloth, by the way, makes the
most attractive curtains of U1I3 typo and
may be bought for as llttlo as seven
cents a yard, while each visit to the
laundry, makes them more sheer and
dainty. Of course, tho wide floor boards
and blackened beams of this old attic
have aided a decidedly artistic scheme,
but tho general Idea will nppeal to those
who have wondered whnt to do with at
tic rooms.
I'LATTSUUHOH, N. Y., Sept. 28. John
M. Wevcr, banker and former Congress
man, died yesterday nftcr a week's III
1 ness with pneumonia. He wns president
of tho Merchants' Nntlonal Dank of this
city, and had been for years a prominent
nriure In tho business and political life
of northern New York. Mr Wevcr was
a lifelong Republican, served In the Civil
War and wns a member of tho Fifty
soviMith nnd Killy-elghth Congresses For
years he wns tho leader of tho Republi
can party In this congressional uisirici.
NEW YORK, Sept 2S -Thomas J. Hun
ter, n widely known member of the New
York Produce Exchange, died In his home,
119 West 111th street. Ho was born in
Ireland Kl years ago, and came to this
country an a boy. As a young man he
entered the railroad buslnoss In the South,
whero ho lived until ten years ngo, when
he became connected with tho cotton
seed oil trade
Metropolitan Prima Donna
Contributes Services at
Opera Benefits for Wound
ed and Sells Decorations to
Aid Cause.
MAMORONECK, N. Y., Sept. 28. Hnrry
Daillngton, of Pittsburgh, wealthy on
erntor In Iron, oil, steel, gas and other
Industries, died yesterday in his Biimmer
homo here. His wlfo and three children
wero nt the bedside. She is tho daughter
of J. W. McCullough, onco first vice
president of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Since tho death of his father-in-law Mr.
Darlington had been sole trustee of the
McCullough estate.
NEW YORK, Sept. 23. William Miller
Rates, widely known hotel man, died In
his residence, In the Murray Hill IIoIpI.
Ho was born In Glastonbury, Conn., July
15, 1S34. In 1853 Mr. Bates becamo con
nected with the St. Nicholas Hotel, In
New York city. In 1834 Mr. Bates and
his son bought the Everett House, In
Union Snunrc, where ho remained until
1906, when ho retired.
NEW YORK, Sept. 28. Mrs. Lucy
Helen Alexander Carlisle, widow of
James Freeborn Carlisle, died In her
Slth j ear at her homo, 332 Clinton avenue,
Brooklyn. She wns born In Syracuse, and
was educated In the schools of Albany.
After her marriage and before tho civil
war she came to Brooklyn to reside, and
made her homo thoro until her death.
Ifomorroti) A BIRD SCHOOL.
"O-pen the door!" "O-pen the door!"
I know they hear me when I roar;
But still they sit and take their ease,
Because I won't say, "If-you-please."
For they have said that I have hung
Three little words upon my tongue,
Three pretty little golden keys
To open doors with, "If-you-please."
I wonder' why I'd rather stand
And pound the door, and hurt my
And kick and scream, and almost
Than say politely, "If-you-please?"
Oh, how I wish that l could turn
The knob; I'd make the grown-ups
How mean it is for them to tease,
And make a boy say, "If you please."
Copyricht by Malcolm 8. Johnston, 1014,
Kme. Sophie Traubman Learns She
Is Third Mrs. Schroeder.
LONDON, Sept. 28,-Mme. Sonhle Traub-
"wn. a grand opera slnser. who has ap
peared before Philadelphia audiences, has
"PPllcd to Scotland Yard for a warrant
Balnst George Albert Schroeder, whom
"he charges with bigamy. Madame Trnub
man avers she was married to Schroeder
lnif?w Vork on SePtomber 1 after thejialr
naa become acquainted as fellow refugees
on a voyage , loss tho Atlantic
.Later, according to Mudnmo Traubman's
. iV.'y, rcte'vel a letter from .1 mnn
ibM,blriB h'mMlf as Mr. Schroeder'
u !fr.who tolu 1,cr ,1,nt her husband
11J1. . ,m'1 two wlvcs. ono of whom was
,m ' . K"Eland Madame Traubman
11 the El,Bh wlfe to meet her In
rnuon ana then perbuaded Schroeder to
&c",mn.any her back to England. The
ili. 1 . Ife met xhem on ,le arrival of
"ie boat train and embraced Schroeder.
wailarno Traubman tailed the police, but
"r husband gut away In a taxlcab.
lv f iJeo Abbott Schroeder came original
jnllm uveland. O. He now resides In
the. .. . -"- , UCflVHUCU IIIIIIBVIl U.B 111
I? '"ovlng picture business. Tho London
&ri?.i.ore..now Peking Schroeder. Hla
-"Bllsh wife also has disappeared.
leave of Absence for Dr. Dattln
Wanton ',e.ave of nhjenco has been
may dl?,r BJmln K Battln. that ho
earned 0,te.hl8 ",nB to 'he work of the
Carn "national Committee of the
lUlaiinn b,oun'Hon for the Friendly
rh Am,on" Churches Dr. nattln
t si.Hi 8 Ueeue of haihelor of arl
tiroTi r '" lir' a,,a jtr ' "'"''
Exercises at Tabernacle Lutheran
Church Will Continue All Week.
The dedication exercises of the new
123,000 church erected for tho Tabernacle
Evangelical Lutheran congregation at Mth
and Spruce streets were held yesterday
under direction of Rov, H. II. Weber, of
New York. The evening sermon was
preached by Rev. E. a. Miller, of Colum
bia, Pa. Services will be held every eve
ning of this week In the new church, con
ducted by the Rev. William J. Miller, Jr.,
who will continue as pastor of the con
gregation. Another dedication of Interest held yes.
terday was that of the new building of
the Tully Memorial Presbyterian Church
at Sharon Hill. The church was named
for tho Rev. Dr. David Tully, veteran
Presbyterian minister, the services being
conducted by the Rev. Alexander Markle
paator of the church. '
Federation Plana Imposing Street
Parade In November.
A feature of the American Federation
of Labor convention to lx held In this
city during the second and third weeks
ot November will be a parade of 60 000
worklngmen on November H. '
The State Federation of Labor and the
Central Labor Union have agreed to co
operate in determining definitely where
each candidate for the State Senate and
House of Representative stands on
questions relative to labor lnlil.tlnn hv.
asking each to nil out blanks requiring
.w luuiv. sept. 2S. Frieda Hcm
pel, coloratura soprano of tho Metro
politan Opera Company, who has been
accluimed aa the successor of Marcella
Sembrlch, has written tho following let
ter to her American manager:
"Finally I found some one who is kind
enough to take this letter along to Amer
ica. Well, I um safo and woll taken
care of, and I am happy about our great
"I contributed all my Belgian decora
tions and medals to the Red Cross to bo
sold. I feed some children and I bring
cigars to our soldiers. I was fortunate
to be able to help some widows n.,
orphans. I give all my Bpare time to
the opera, and I am now singing at
every benefit performance arranged for
the victims of the war. Am I not right
to give as much of tho 'gold In my
throat,' as you used to say, to this splen
did cause? And, dear friend, millions do
and think as I.
"Germany Is one big family. It Is mar
velous how everytnlng Is going on
smoothly hore In Berlin. Whoever Is
not permitted to go to war Is working
In his way for the oommon good. You
never would believe how wo all are feel
ing. Everybody Is enthusiastic. All nt
our Socialists have disappeared. Thev
all are today friends of the Kaiser. What
a good fortune to live In a time as this'
ino uoa or our rathrrs Is still alive
among us or our great victories would
be Impossible.
"You see Mags everywhere. I person
ally have two at my window, a Cicrmttfi
and an Austrian. Whenever a victory
Is announced the bells are ringing.
Really It Is a glorious time, And our
soldiers how thoy are happy to go to
the front! Some of my workingmen are
eo anxious to right that I cannot halt
them. And how handsome the boys are
looking, lovely In thclrnew uniforms of
gray! It Is touching to see them depart
to the front, so young, so brave and bo
full of good humor! If the whole affair
were not bo sad, you really could laugh.
Seven enemies seven against two!
"Our German women are great. They
do not cry, they do not complain; they
all know lt'a got to be, and they sub.
mit. Thoy all do their duty like our
men. There Is no misery, no hungor, no
nnva.lv Thar. la ........... .. .- ..
rw, ...,,, v,v ,0 iijuucy truuugn an
"The Kaiser la alive and the people
love him more than ever. The whole
nation Is united They know they will
win. They are lighting a Just light and
God U with them.
"Don't believe for a minute that we
are gloomy and oppressed. We did not
look for war here In Germany But
now when tho war la forced upon us we
do all to bring It to a glorious end. May
God help ua further!"
NEW YORK, Sept, 2S. John Henry
Rowland, a real estate broker and vice
president of the East Brooklyn Savings
Bank, died at his home, 47ti Do Kalh
avenue. Ho was a member of an old
Long iBland family, nnd was engaged In
the real estate business in tho block on
which ho resided for 40 years.
CHICAGO, Sept. 28. A dispatch re
ceived today from London told of the
death there of Arthur M. Tree, former
husband of Lady Bcatty, whose present
husband Is the naval hero 1 of England,
because of his victory over the Germans
In the North Sea. Tree died following
an operation for appendicitis. Lady
Beatty Is the daughter of the late Mar
shall Field, of Chicago.
NEW YORK, Sept. 2S James W.
Dougherty, born in Indianapolis 52 years
ago, but a resident of New York for tho
past 15 years, Is dead at his home. 121
West 31th street. Ho was a member of
the Royal Arcanum and Knights of Co
lumbus and secretary treasurer of tho
Binders' Union. A wlfo, three daughters
and two sons survive him.
NEW YORK. Sept. SS.-Charlcs F.
Way, born In Brooklyn 60 years ago, died
In his home, 464 East 21st street, riat
bush. Formerly he was In the employ
of the General Accident and Casualty
Company, of Manhattan He was con
nected with several singing societies In
Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Mrs. Hannah KnlHln, widow of Dr. J.
Bartlett Knlftln, died yesterday at her
home, 2015 North Broad street. The
funeral will be held from her home to
morrow afternoon.
Mrs. Cecilia Handler died yestorday
at her home. 2302 North 2Jd street, ufter
two months' Illness She was 52 years
old. Her death was due to a complica
tion of diseases. For some time Mrs.
Bandler was actively Interested In chari
table work with the Shut-in Society. Her
husband, a son and Ave daughters survive.
Mrs. M. Therona. S7 years old and for
"0 years a member of the St. Peter's
Church, Fifth and Ulrard avenue, dlert
yesterday at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Helen M. Tuhl. 1311 North Twelfth
street. She had been 111 for the pust
two years and succumbed to an attack
of apoplexy. A daughter survives.
Mrs Mary McPougol, 62 years old, vras
stricken with heart disease and fell
while on her way upstairs In her home,
189 Baldwin street. She died before medi
cal aid could bo procured.
New York Police Think Man Runs
"School for Pickpockets,"
N JonK;-. ? Thirty-rtvo
pocketbooks on Michael Osewsky, 49 Ber
gen street, Passaic, N J., led to his ar
rest. The police say he ran a "school for
pickpockets." Three pupils In the primer
class, boys 10 and 12, went through a
lesson at police headquarters.
"Jimmy Just bumps into him. He looks
around. Then I rmii ,-, ,i. .i
slue, get his wallet nnd mu 11 in 1
(VclRlve unswers to Questions rnnmi.. I ."'!? Ke his n
lli i "Itl'ii-l" on laboi law. . '"" "l u on ' "f t' Kltyth- und
WILMINOTON, Del, Sept. 2S.-John T.
Mlllikin, foreman of the botlershop of the
Pufcey & Jours Company, died last
night. He was 51 years old and leaves a
wife and family of grown children jo
was an expert In his line and had been
sent bv his employers to a number of
distant points tu superintend the erection
of work.
Miss Martha Hay died yesterday at the
home of her parents. 2021 North 3st
street. 8he was 15 years old and had
been 111 for nearly a year.
AIKK.S.On Supttmbfr 2T. 1014. WAI-THIt
on of Jmnlo Alktn in., birgui-l uiiJ ih.
tat. r Matin.. Al.cn l--un,r on WeJueidLy
at 2 p. m.. from lao Jam it 1'TankfJJa'
Interment at North OeJir Hill "eBtUw
AHNOI.I). On ptmbr "a 11111 ivv
wife of IkmlUPXrnTr Wo-W.. "l!'
ft " - 1 'vi, .,,..
i;;i.i. v.. 1 11-1, l,:ii, 111
I'lrril, wlrlotv nf Ailfin, ltM-ir fnfft firosa)
limernl on Tuemlny, nt 2 f m from i'i
JBfknon at Interment private, at rermvotxt
"U'ftT'?.-""--" Bontember .27. 1014,
Uir,I,rM T. HI.SSONIvm: Funeral nn
vvcilneedny, nt 2 p m from 5V12 Mauler at
ntcrnint (irlintr, at (Vdnr Hill Cemetery
Hf-main mny he vlicr 0n Titenday Mining
"tyXXUVr-.0" September 27, 1014, .IOIIN
ill?tV'.,.Ir- '"" of ""'' "f"1 ,ate '""
li'th 1) Wnney Puneinl nn Weilnemlny, nt
2 p. m., from the chapel of Andrew .1. Ilalr
s hon, Idth and Arch nts. Interment
HJJISI'Oi:. 01, HrptPrtiber 27, 1014, HAItAH
C, widow of John II Ilrlscoe. Duo notice
of ftinenil from her late realdtncc, 2')40
urillllU El.
C'iK?.:y,,.7-n Kcptcmtier 27, 1011. .7AMUM
CAIII.y, ngcd hil ycnri. Ktincrnl on Walnes
Jay nt s h. m., from 27S II. Tlilrd Bt.,
Mooreatmtn, N J. High Mass nt Barred
Heart Church Mt. Holly, N. J., nt 10 a. m.
Interment Bt. .Mary's Cemetery.
c'AY!!"r7'!V- n September 2.-., 1014, JOHN
l AMI'lll.l.I, ninirnl on Tuesday, at 2 p
in . irom -.72.1 Mniltet tt Interment nt Mount
Morlnh 1 rnietcry
CAVJ.7H',','T7nn Splcmber 20, 1014
1-WITH 1 VMI'lirU. daughter or Harry
and Siifaiiiin Cimi hell inc.,. I'ownrd) Punril
on Tues lay. at 10 Via in from Monroetllle,
is J. Intormcnl at At 13 Cemetery.
CwHitl?',"n Hep'emlier .i'J. 1011, US
VVOOD 8. COIlhON, At. O., of Olcn Moore,
Clirnter Count). ln. Pun'tal on Tiif'daj
at H p. m , from loth nnd Arch Bt. Inter
ment Ocean View, N. J,
Ci!tWT!It',,AS'TP "'Plnmber 2.',. 1014,
Hil HAIU, huilmiid of Alary A. Chambers
funeral Tuisdiy nt K :m n. m. fiom I.VJ7
VVood si. Bolemn Mars of llcipilein nt tin-lathiM-al,
nt lu a. ni. Interment Holy
( rows Cemetery .
t'KANHTO.V On September 2(1, loll.
IldlllCItT A liuBlinnd 'if the late Ann ( ran
Bton mcu AtuUreu) I'miiil from 2111 1 Mut
ter Bt , on Wennrsday, nt S "0 n. m High
Jlaen of Ileiiulem at Our Ljdv or tho luna
tion church, nt id a 111 Interment at Holy
Itodcemer Cemetery.
CltO.UVVIH.I,. On ."eptemlicr 21. 11)14, HVA
A , wife of John At Cromwell, nged 53 yrarB
funeral I RcrvlepR on Tueaday. at 1 p. m.,
from 11.10 Hurrlaon t., Frankfort. Inter
munt private, at Northwood Cemetery,
"vVjUHsfc-0" September 27, 1014, I.UI.U
DAJIM.J (neo hihlller) ilelathea and
friends nro Invltod to attend the funeral ner
vlccs, on Tuefday. nt 2 n m , at n'tl Haver
ford avo Interment nt Clncinn itl, u.
DAVIS. On September 27, 1014, AIA'CHTA
JJ , daughter of lCiymond AHm and Aliy
Davis fneo Itotin). nued 11 nn.nths Funeral
on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., from l'OS Went
.'.I.?.,00', avt' Interment at West Laurel
Hill Cemetery.
DOYI.i;. -On September 20, 1011. .TAAIES T.
son pf the late Jainei nnd Mary Doyle Tu
i1...0" Tuesday, at 7 in n m. frnn ill 11
uaynton st. . Ucrmant'mn solemn !tcqulm
Alas nt ht Vim ent de I'nul'a Church, at II
a. m. Interment at Hoi bepulehre Cemetery
,,,VMCAN,7"?.P...?!''Pleml"'r 20, 1914, AX.VA
widow of WIH'nin 1- Dun nn Funeral n
VV cdnesilay, nt 1 u rn from Mm West I.u
hlijli hvc. Interment private, at Alount Ver
non Cemetery Hcmalns may be viewed on
Tuesday, from S to 10 p m
"lJrTv." September 2:.. 1014, IH.AtlnA
V,JM.I.T.M'JN' d"l8l"',r of the late llcnrv w.
and I.llzabcth Hitman. Relatives nn 1 friends
nro Invited to ntlend thi funeral sn-Mrcs,, on
Tuesday. September 2'ith. at 2 o'clock at
rrr.sletrrs residence Airs Hit hard c Allen.
140.. Oxford road, rrankford Interment prl-
IMiNOIIOn. On Septembers.-,. 1114. rrtAXK
.v.. nusbanil of Alary Y Donnhoe (nee Alal- '
Aj!;,V lune-al on Tuesdnv. at 1 a. m . fi-om !
IIlBh .Mass" nt St nrldgefs Church at 0 So
.. '."., J,.n!rrnu'nt Westminster Cemetery I
1A iiiS?I:,0n . September -Jt, 1014.
I'AtnA. wife of Arthur Faulkner n" 1
''""' "sew -" jcars funeral on VVednes
day. nt 1' p m , from Hnlnes st.. near I.lme
kln pike, Plttvllle Interment Northwood
cemetery Remains miy be viewed on
Tuesday evening.
rAw'SNiT? September 27. 1014 VINCK.VT
Ut. PA I U husband of the Hte Kllen Fallon.
funeral will be given
Ffili:i. At Hlverton, N. J, on Sontem.
ler 2d. 101, tv.NRAD FISHKR. r . ?n hlB
5iin ."'lr Funeral on Tuesday. 1 P. I . from
V?2 -Vain st., Hlverton, N 'j. Services at
ihnn t.t0Wan. Church, at rive points, at
2 3" P. At. Interment churchvnrd.
IRinpi.J. On September 2.'.. 1014, .TOILS"
v., husband of Jeannetta Frugoll Funeral
on Wednesday, at s 10 n. m nhari) from
his lato residence, i.102 K Cumberland st.
Solemn High Itcqulcm Alass at St. Anne's
t hureh at 10 n m Interment at t Anne's
"tMlWP."'- n September LT,. lot.
Oalllgan Tuneral on Turwiliy. at n .10 a ml
from tonSH Aramlngo ne Reriulem h '
nt the Church of tho Nitlvltv. at 10 n ml
Interment St Alark's Cemetery. Hrlstol. Pa
(IIM)M:1I.-At Old Point Comfort. Va . on
Sortember 27 KI.1ZAHETH J. wife of .
Charles A. Olldner aged S ve-irs Due nn- '
tlce of tho funeral win be given, from 11-n 1
Grecno st., Oermantown.
OOTSHAT,!. -OnBttWbc,r JHj. 1014, DORO.
TRY CATHAIIINB, daughter bf Daniel
nnd Heaslo J Uotshall, in iner loth year Fu
neral on Tuesday, at 2.T0 p. m, from M4
Pine at, Darbf. Pa. Interment at .Mount
Zion Cemetery. ,,.,, -,,,,
HIHStTN. on Heptemlier 2!5, 1914, nnilKrCA
(HHSON, nincrnl service and Inteiment
ollKIN-On Beptember Brt, 1014, CHARIjF.n
It. husband of Amanda I, nnd son of
Martha and the late Charles Green Funeral
on Wednesday, nt 2 . m., from 2720 N. Uln
at. Interment private.
OHIHHnN. On Heplember 27, 1014, M
THKItllHA. wife of the Inte ''"f"1"
Orlcscn. Funernl on Wednesday, nt W a
m , from 1,141 .V. 12th at. Bolimn Itcqulem
.Mass at St. Peter's church, at 10 a 111. In
terment at Ht Peter a Cemeterv
IMI.I.. rin flonleml.er 2.',. 1014. JANK ANN,
widow of ThomiiB t) Hnll. Funeral on
TiieBday nt 2 ,10 p m . from 2.ini H. Carlisle
at. Interment private, Alt. Morlah Ceme
tery. (tAllKKIC-At Polntvllle, N. .1.. on Septem
ber, 2fl, MU ANNA I. riAItKHH. daughter
of the it lienjamln nnd Catharine Barker.
I unernl from the residence of her ncpuow,
ltlhnrd Marker, nt Polntvllle, N. J., , on
Tt'cmlav. l-cpternlier 20, at II a m Services
nt the house. Interment nt Upper Spring
field tt,. At her residence 2021 N .list t , on
September 27, lull, AIAHTI1A, daughter of
Ihomns C. nnd Isabella Hay aged 1.1 years.
Due notice of funernl will be given
Ili:i,V i;its(. (nee Keohlmann) On Sep
temNr 2(1 11)14. LATHAKI.N'i: C. widow of
Joseph Hclvirson Funernl on Wednesday, at
8 30 a. m from 1112 West Arlrona st. Sol
emn Ilciiiiiein High Alass nt St. Kdwnrd'n
Church, nt 10 n m Itilennent nt Holy Sep
ulchre Cemetery, Hemalns may be viewed on
Tuopday even ng
IIKSH On September 20, 1014, ANNA MAR
(JAIIHT, widow of Thomas J. Hess. Funeral
on Wtdnesdny, at s id n. tn , from 2J1
Boulh Juniper st High Ileiiulem Alass
nt Hplpliany Chun h. Interment Holy Cross
IllSf Kl.HV.--On September 21, 1011, nt her
summer home, Kwnrthmoie. Pa., KAI.I.li:
T wife nf Robert H Hinckley. ItelnllvcB
nnd friends nro Invited to nltnid the funeral
servliiB, on Tuesday morning, at 11.30
o clock. In calvary Presbyterian Church l't'i
nnd Locust. Interment will be strictly pri
vate. Hll.l.Clt. On September 20, 1014, ANNA B.
.laughter or the late niza nnd Aibcrt Hlller
Funeral on Tuewdav, nt 2 p. m from i")J2
Hanroi k st Ililfrment private, nt Oreen
Alount Cemefery
lit tiling At I'hnenlxvllle, Pn. on Keptem
ter 27 lliH. T1IOAIAS F, husband of Rom
lliMiii'ii an I con of th 1mi At iry T. Mr -(llensev
Funeral nn Thuradnv, at ') a tn ,
fioni i'.Vi let nvo High Itoqiiliui AInea at St
Ann's Chutili nt lo n r.i Intirment at "t
Anirj s Cemetery Phnrnlxvllle Pa
IACKi:i.. On September JO. PJ14. UII.MAM
JA( Kl I., husbiiiil o' Heleni fit. l.el nice
Clmlottl) Funeral on VWdnesdav. in " u tn .
fron 2110 South I Ith st Interment nt Fern
wood Remains mny bti vIcAed on 'I uegilay,
M p, in
.lONKSOn September 20, 1014. HAAIUHL
K JON'lIS son of Jamea an I Alary Jones,
aged .12 yenrn Mineral on Wednediv nt 2 p.
m., from 7 (Kl Frankford nve ltolmebburg.
Interment private, at Magnolia cmetcry
I rlends may call Tuesday, from 7 to ti 10
P rn
KANT:. On September 2.1, 1014, .TOSHPII
A., son of the late Hdward nnd Hnnna Knne
Funernl on Tuesday, at 7 .10 n m from
ion tienson Bt., Fins Chase, ln High .Mass
nt St. Cccllln'n chiirrh nt 0 a. m. Interment
nt Holy Cross Cemetiry.
IvOIIK On beptember 20, 1014 FRANK
LIN I . aon nf Frnnk At and Kllu Kohr
aged IS years Funeral on Wednesday
September .10, nt 2 p. m . from in J." V.
Ctimlierlanil at. Interment prlvnte.
KII.I.ILS. On September 21. lon.CHARLHS
Al N KILLUN Funeral on Tuesday at 1
P m., from 173.1 Hazel avc. Interment
Kl I. PA I RICH. On September 20, 1014.
year. Funeral on Tuesday, at 2 p rn it
l'-'M Chestnut st. Intirment at Fern wo 1
Cemetery. Friends may view rumalns .Mon
day ivenlng. from 7 to 'i o'clock
KHI.I.V. On beptember 20. 1014. ALBERT
L. son of Chnrles J nnd Reglna T K.lly
Funernl on Tues lay at 1 .In p m from
T HI Urow-n st , West Philadelphia. Inter
ment Holy Cross Cemetery
KMI'I'I.V. On September 27. 1014. HAN
NAH H widow of Dr I Uartlett Knirfln
funerul from 2ul1 N Hrend st. on Tu.sdny
at I p. m Interment strictly private
LVARI s. On September 2.1, 1014 HARRY
CJ , husband of Sadie Lazarus. Funeral on
Tuesday at 2 p m from 2"I2 South i.'l 1
st Interment prlvnte Friends miy r,tll
Alonday evening, from K to 10 p m
l.KN.WI.VS. On September 27. 1014, AIAR-
iiAiti:r t. widow of the late Jimms Len
nhan Funeral on V ednesdjv at 7 10 a m .
rrom 1IM1 N l"lth(,ovv st Solemn Renulem
.Mass at St. Allchnels chur-h, at 0 n. m.
Interment a: New Cathed-al Cemetery
I.UV't. On September 2.1 1014, at his sum
mer nsldenco Ocean City, N J, HAItKV
D. I.KN TZ. Sr . husband of Josephine s
I.entz (nee Slrnson). Relatives and frlinds
arc Invited to atten I the funeral services, on
Tuesday afternon at 2 odotk prc-lsely at
his late residence iKi2 Norrh 11th st Phila
delphia. Interment private. Kindly omit floril
AlncllOK.AI.I.. On September 20 1014,
.".ARVH MncliOFGALL (nee Worts) wife of
Rtnjamln MaeDoug.all, aged C2 years Fu
ncral an Wednesday, nt 2 p m. from is.)
Ilaldw.n st Atannunk. Interment at l.evcr
ingt n Cemetery
Alifl. T1IV. On September 27, 1014,
I'l.AIt.V wife of George H McClathy (ne.
Ruhland). and daughter of Barbara and the
late William Ruhland. Due notice nf th"
funeral will be given from her late residence.
,1'fos Lansdowne ave
Vhri.KAIIV.-lti Hrldgeport. Pa, on Sen
temttr 20 1014 AtVU',RKT Mc'I.EAHi
Funeral frarn (11 -. i n st Ilrl igei-irt P.i
on i"uMiiv at I .0 ,i m, without furth
notice Inierment pM ce
Alrf RACKI.S em September 20
DAVID, husband of the late Nancv
Cracken Funeral on Wednesday, at 3 p. m.,
from 201S Kdgemont at. Interment private,
North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
MKHKKt On Benlember 2!t. bU, CLT3M'
KNS, husband of Ottilia Merkel (nee Mr
kel). Funeral on Thursday, at 7 30 a. m
from S0t ,N. Itandolph at. Itciulem Hum at
0 n. m., at St. Peter's Church interment
at AInt Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
-MITCH KM.. on September 2.1. 1014. MART
ANN. widow of Robert Alltchell. Funeral nn
Tuesday, nt 1 p. m , from 75.1 lAaat Ontario
Bt. Services at tho Trinity Reformed Epis
copal Church, at 2 p. m Interment al Oak
land Cemetery, Remains may be viewed on
Alonday after 8 p. in
.MOOIti; On September 27. 1014, BLANCH
H , wife of Alesandcr It. Aloore, Funeral on
Wednesday, nt 2 p. m , at 2102 W. Oordon
st Interment, at Alt Peace Cemetery,
r rlenda may view remains on Tueaday, at 8
P m.
3lI'.Ii? 9" September 21!. 1014, MICHARL.
miahanil nf Mary Moss (nee Mngulre).
Si,JV!r?' .Wedneaday, nt 8. .10 n. m, frem
Jiisi Welkel nt. Solemn Requiem Ataaa nt
Lnc ,r'"lr-1t of Nativity Interment Holy
Hepulchra Cemetery nt 10 n. m.
S,.'?','?P' Suddenly, on Kenlember 2(1. 1B14.
ritA.sciFJ (I AIDltSL, of Chlengo, III, nged
00 years Duo notice of Hie funeral will be
MOKHK. Suddenly, nn September 20. 1014,
If JULIAN MOttSH, of Chicago, III., aon
of I-ramie i ri Morse, nged 32 years. Due
si'J?i ..'..'.' i,m f"'i"ral will be given
riV!-,.'?,'',,'!VN!,'T" September 27. 1014.
i..ii '.! v." '"labninl of the late Catherine
Altilliolland Helatlvea and friends are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Thursday
morning, at s io o'clock, from hla late resl-"f""'-
!"rlheast corner of I2tll and Pine
?:. Sel""" Alnss of Requiem nt SI John's
( nurch, nt 10 a m. Interment at Cathedral
i emelery.
huslmnd of Florence llaldwln Nugent, at
Southern Pines, N. r September 2.1. Inter-m-nt
at Coionnut Ornve. Flnrldn
,',li!$l!iran September 211 1014 ALHKRT
1 AUK Lit. nged 411 yen-s and 7 months.
I; unernl from Alullli-n Hill N J on Third
day. Ninth Alonlh 2!)th nt a ti in Kervleea
nt tho house. Interment In Friends' Ceme
tery. V'ikT(A,!UA !'.r' " September 27, 1014.
l.IiWARIi P, unn of Ocorge and Jtilla
I'faltzRTafT, nged 7 yenra Residence, .11.111
Westminster ave nun notlee of the funeral
will be given.
,'vJ!m,.?rT.?.,3,.?.l5',.leinirr 20 1014 AIRB.
.SLTTIH PlITHRS Funeral on Tuesday, at
2 P m, from i huyler's Proad and Dia
mond sis. Interment private.
'"'"HI. On Seiitetnber 27 I'll I. CHARLK8
MILTON ROlt.R husband of 'the late R.
Lrittii Hendrl kkoii t'orvr of ( assvllle, N. J.
Relatives and frlendH. also Newtown. Pa..
Lolge An 127 F nnd A At. Oxford Lodge,
i,0,-.14-.,1 9 ." K- Washington Camp, 101,
V ?. S" of A., IHyslde Council, Jr. O V.
A. Al : Anihor Orange, No 173, P. of H.
JN. J.), are Invited to nttend funernl serv
lees. Tuesday evening September 21). nt 8
o clock, nt the resl lence of his brother. Will
iam IV. Rnrer. 412.1 Penn at.. Frankford.
in erment AVednesday morning nt Xlon Ceme
'L V,p.w,1'".t.lt' ,N J Carriages will meet
N?!vn gYp?,!,n-Vf,ractnft' "" s '2 a- m-
SANDMAN -On September 20 1014. JOHN
nusband of Alary C. Sandman. Funeral
from .1121 N.
the Church of
m. Interment
J Mi
on Tuesday nt 8 .1(1
20th st Requiem .Mass nt
th Holy Souls, at 10 a.
CIIICI On eDtemler 27. 1014. ratiatt
Ji,:. tV. "fTb-miiR s, hick and daughter of
the Inrc W llllnm ami Kllrnbeth Cornell Rei
'lence 12U Kast Susquehanna ave. Due no
tice of funeral will be given
An"I!mv?,?i:,"'l!"'m'"'r r'- lu: MICH
i. , - ".rJ"'1'; Juneral on Tuesda nt 2
i. J! . ,hnn',1 "arket . Remains mr
he viewed Alon lav evenlns nfter 0 o'clock.
liS rVIV" - Mt Morlah Cemetery.
SrnrLSMIN At Sewell. N I, on Septem
ber 21. Hill n it. husband of Sarah A.
Stevenson (nee S'nngr) Due notice of the
funeral will Ie given from hln son's resi
dence Itarrv S St-vcnson, 5110 Viola st.
(.2d .and Pnrk'lde nve).
STFV I'Svos. On September 20 1014 ROIt.
p.T-' STFVKS'SOS-.PJrmSged 41 y ear's Fu.
nernl servlees nn Tues,iav at 2 p m.. at hla
late residence. 401 s Klngsesslng avo Inter
ment prlvnte
STRW'.'J uddenfv on September 24. 10H
at Miami PI a WATn:il STRAFSS son of
Rosa and the late Samuel Strauss, nged 31
vears Relatives nnd friends nlso member
nf Rappaport t.j.lge No 21. I. O. S. F. and
f)riell LoIbc Tudale Union, are Invited to
attend the funnral from the funernl parlors
of J. R rjoltberg .121 East (12,1 st." New
lork citv, m October 1. 1014. at 2 p. m.
Interment at Union Tleld Cemeterv.
liniKIVi, On September 20. 1014. FRED
FIIH'K XRTIIUIt TOMKIS'S formerly chief
stevn-d of American and Red tar steamship
lines RelatlMj" and frlent's are Invited to
nttend the funeral t,n Tuesday afternoon, at
2 o'cloek preeev. from the residence of
his h-othcr-ln-law. Oeorge larko. 2122 North
Oratz st Services at the chapel of the
church of the Advoente, at 2 10 o'clock. In
terment prlvnte. Buffalo and Hrooklyn papers
please copy.
TI! I.SOR. On September 21. 1014, PETEIl.
husband of Mnry A. Trnlnor Funeral on
Tuedav at 7 10 a. m . from 2')4' Alelvale st
High Miss at Nativity church at 0 a, m
Interment at Holv Cross Cemeterv.
WIIMIN rn September 20 1014. WILL
IAM II. WI1.SO.S'. aged M years Funeral on
Tue-dny, at 2 p. m from SI4 Haddon ave ,
Camden. N. J Interment private, at the
Itaptlst Cemetery Haddonfleld N J. Re
mains mav be seen on Alonday evening, from
7 to ii o'clock
WISKR. On September 27 1014. CARRIE
ii W'ISFR daughter n' William and the late
Rebecca J. W"'?or Funeral on Thursday, at 2
p m . from 217 Pndge t Hrldesburg Re
ma ns nay be v Jewel on Wednesday between
, s an I in p m interment n' cedar Hill Cm-
' e'erv
I W It V. On September 20 1014 ELIZA
I l-TH WPVY nf into South Bouvler st
r loral on Tuesday nt 2 p m , from 1820
i chestnut st Intern ent private
fr M TOE
"The St.Pau! Road," Shortest Route to Pacific
North Coast Now Passes Through Spokane
"The Olympian" leaving Chicago September 12th, and
"The Columbian" leaving September 13th, and
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one management -one service "St. Paul" all the way.
"The Olympian ' '
all steel perfectly equipped leaves Chicago daily at 10-15
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Seattle and Tacoma via the '
Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry.
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turesque "Trail of the Olympian."
Description books and full Information free on request to
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