Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Sports Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    , jijt' "'O
jn r.w-nftmn-.pjtbABja&gatA, aofrfrAT, BiapttBMBBB
i wv-sJ'. . r,.r v -y--.v.7C-.' --:,- -TTv -.- t -N CsVa.. si-v?;v ij,7vw rfa ..
Mrs. Large, Who is One of tho Leading Society Women of This City, and Her Family Are Spending
the Early Fall at Their Home in Ilydal.
-I!S. AVILIilAM K. GOODMAN 1ms issued
Invitations for u tirklgo party, to bo
(thru tin' afternoon of October C, to meet her
iistrr. Mis. Josnpli VV. "Wear, who Is living In
Chc-tmit Hill this year.
Mr ntifl Mrs. Henry Tatnall, accompanied
by tlif-lr Hon-In-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. H.'iiry Tatnull, Jr., and Miss Mildred W.
Le, loft on Friday In their private car for
Dorset. VI., wheio thoy attended the weddlns
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuol H. Uckcrt, Jr., which
took plnce theio on Saturday.
Mis Uikcit was Miss Agnes Musscr, of this
Amons the season's debutantes will be Miss
Helena S. Iloliliiron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander P. Koblnson. Miss Robinson and
her jMientM nro nt pit sent In IJurtipc. They
MiU .sail for homo October 1, and will 11 vo In
ClKstnut Hill. William Iloblnson, a brother
of Miss Iloblnson, who arrived from liuropo
fcvtrul vvi'oks ago, left on Sunrt ly, together
with Ilichard Harte, Jr.. for Harvard, Cam
bridge, Mass.
The annual Invitation tennis tournament held
at tin Huntingdon Valley Country Club, Noble,
last week, ended ycsteidny. Sonic very bill
lUnt t, mils was witnessed by an enthusiastic
Riilliiy of piomiimnt society peoplu. Among
the local oxpeitu taking ii.iit were William J.
Clnthier, Walluco V. Johnson, Rlchald Harte,
Jr. Alexander D. Thayer, Dr. 13. 13. Dewhurst
and s-overnl well-known players from IJoston
and Xew York.
Among thoso noticed watching tho matches
were Mr. and Mis. Arthur Hush, Mrs. Percy
SI id- Ira Sir. and Mis. Gilpin I-ovorlng, Sir.
and Mi. Fianuois do St. Phalle, Sirs. Wilt
Thompson, Mr. and Mis. Casper Morris Wis
trr, Mr. and Mrs. Corblt Lovorlng, Sir. nnd
Mr John C. Gllpjn, Sir. ami Sirs. Huiold S.
Ciosa. Miss Doiothy Dlsston, Sirs. Alan Heed,
Sirs. .Morton Fettcrolf and Sirs. U. H. Dew
li.irot. George Harrison Frazior"entci tallied Satur
flay nh,lit ut dlunor In honor of tho tonnls
pinyu-s who took pait In the tournament.
Coveis vvcie laid for ten.
llprmai, A. I.ovvls and Ml3 U.uljanv C
Louis, who havo been motoring througli New
England, Imvo been stopping In Lenox for
'tvcial il.ijs, Mr. Lewis nnd liln dnugliter
will leave today for their homo In Chestnut
Mr. and sirs. IMward K. Sparks and their
son. c. Aplln Sparks, who liuvo been spcndljig
tin- summer In Capo Mny, roliirnod to their
I'oiik. 1.7 South 3d sticot. today.
Mis. Charles T. CrossvvnII, of this city, U
P iiiling n fi-vv days In l.onox boforo return
In., to lu-i- homo, SVH Locust street.
si is. Ida Proncli draff ami lior BranddauBh
t'r, Mrs. Fitiiidi, iiovu roturncd to their home,
inn Pine streot, from Lake George nnd Sara-tosa.
''lib ris, Jr.. Hnrry Drayton, William 1 1.
Filwll. ;-d, James Sjioar and A. Honor Diddle.
Jr, h.uo guno on a. ten days' hunting trip to
JuUxiiian, Jie.
51 1 and sirs. Ilodnoy . King, who liavo Uecn
I'Mng in iJttU, havo tnkeii apartments at tho
Coiumtdo for tho winter.
Sirs. Klurcnco G'.Nuil and her daughter. MUs
LuKenic Q'Noli, of Plttsbursh, aro spending
tvemi mys t tho Lincoln. .Miss O'Nell Js
fnquent visitor to this city, whcip bho has
been tiio ,-Uce of Miss Josephine Cooke.
Sirs W. n. Paiwrton, wife of Hear Admiral
tljporton, and their daughter, Mls Slargumlto
t-'mwrtoii, win leave Newport on Wednesday
and it-turn to this city. They will spend tho
winter at the Hlttenhous.
Prleud of Mrs. Rolwrt II- HbuiMey, of 3S6
South Sixteenth street, Mill resist to know of
lur very serious lUiieus at her suiiinwr home
&t Sv,arthmore.
Mrs. Tbomai Dolan and Miss Sarah )ol3n.
of Torrosdalo, left last week for an extended
trip through tho west.
Mrs. David W. Sellers, who has been In New
England for some time, has returned to town
and wilt spend tho winter at the Itlttcnhouse.
oVEHIinon'K-SIr. and Mrs. Edward E. Hard
ing, Jr., of. South Latches lane, arc receiving
congiatulatlons on the birth of a ion, Edwnrd
E. Harding, 3d, Mrs. Harding will bo remem
bered as SIIss Helen Marguerite Bulmcr, of
Miss Helen Glase, of Woodblno avenue, has
returned from Europe, wheio she was trav
eling with n party of friends. Her parents,
Mr. nnd Sirs. James L. Glase, spent part of
tho summer at Ocean City.
Mrs. E. G. Hoyler gave a small luncheon
Thursday at her homo on Maple avenue.
MEHlo.vShcplcy W. Evans and his two young
sons, who have been spondlng tho lmm vc
weeks nt their bungalow In Slalnc, are ex
pected homo the hecond week In October. Sirs.
Evans leturned from Slaine last week.
Mr. and Mis. Fiedcrlc S. Slorrls, of New
York, recently moved to Slerlon, where they
havo taken a house at tho corner of Merlon
and Sycamore avenues,
Wilson Evans Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Y. C. Ander.son. of South Highland
avenue, has left for Nazaroth, Pa., whore lie
Is attending the Nazareth' Hnll Slllltary
NAUlii:i!TII-Mr. and Sirs. William D. Llndscy,
of SUplcwood, N. J., who are visiting Mrs.
Llndsey's parents, Sir. and Sirs. William Kirk,
Jr., will return homo tho first of next month.
Mr. nnd Mrs. AV. T. Covert of Hampden
road, havo icturned from a four weeks' visit
to Land's End, Capo Ann, Slass.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hnll have returned homo
from tho Avalon Hotel, wheio they spent two
wvnnkwooo SIIss Emily G. Ellison has re
turned fioni tho Atlnntle City Hospital, having
reeovoied from u very serious operation.
SIIss Slary Slalloy, of New York, who re
cently umloiwimt a heilous operation this sum
mer whilo visiting Sir. mid Sirs. Walter J,
Snyder, of Hathaway lan. Is convalescing, but
expects to lemain as tho guest of Sir. and
Mrs. Snyder until early winter.
MK and Sirs. J. Clifford Jones aro spending
several dayv at Taughammock Falls, N. Y.
aiidmoiii; Sir. and Sirs. William P. Landls
recently moved fiom 131 Cricket aveuuo to
their new homo. 114 Ardmoro nvenuo.
Sir. and Stis. Paul Sponeor nnd Sliss Slur
saret Sponeor lnvo returned to their homo
on Glonn toad, after siiendlng tho summer on
tho coa'st of Slnlne.
Sir. and Sirs. Hallowell v. Siorg.m, who havo
been spending the bummer nt Hovorlcy Farms,
M,ifis., nro now at Pmuta Neek, Mo., and will
not return to their home In Rydal until n
middle of tho week. Sirs. Slorgan will bo
remembered as SIUs Clutr.l Hutchinson.
Among thoso who entertained at dinner
bofoio tho dance at tho Huntingdon Valley
Club nt Noble, on Saturday night, were Sir.
and Sirs. J. 11. S. Hex, Or. and Sirs. E. II.
Uowhuist, Mr, and Sirs. A. L. Hosklns. Mr.
Gwirso P. Honrls, Sir. and Mrs. E. Ulttenhouso
Sillier, Sir. McUerney, Sir. Langloy and Mr,
Sir. and Sfrs. Philip S. Collins, who have
been abroad all summoi, leturne-d to their
homo on Greenwood aveuuo and Church rpad,
Wyncoto. on Thursday, aftir having been
marooned In Italy for many weeks.
Mr. and Sirs. Kllsworth J. Miller, of 6615
North Thirteenth street, Oak Lane, U being
entertained tonight (Friday) by Sir. and Mrs!
O li. AniiMley, of 571S Walton avenue. Mrs!
Sillier, until this early fall, was MUa Myrtla
Johmoti. of Oak Lau. The other guests were
MUs Fellna Johnson. Miss Alice Schneider.
Miss Josephine Kessler, Miss Kathrya Lee!
, - 1 -
t hmma re. If, GertmffSMj&mDnoffO'
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lufkln, Mf. and Mw?mJ
Zlcdler, Mrs. Parker, Sirs. McKnigni, itaacnu.
Whltehctrd, dhnrlcs Frankcnfleld nnd Mr,
Tho choir of tho Oak Lane Methodist Church
will give a "musical Sunday evening, October 4.
Among the soloists will bo Miss Knthryn Scott,
soprano, and Frank Connelly, baritone. Pro
fessor Thunder, conductor of tho Philadelphia
Orchestra, Will bo tho pianist.
Tho Haydn Club, of Oak Lane, Is planning nn
unusual winter of study, for which a special
meeting will bo called on Monday afternoon at
tho club's studio, In tho Clroblo building, at 170S
Chestnut street, nnd tho program will bo ar
ranged for tho mld-wlntcr concert.
The officers for tho srnsbn are! Mrs. Alfred
Gray, president! Mrs. George V. Vollmer, vlcfl
president: Miss Alberta Harris, scciotary; Mlsi
Craig, librarian, and .drs. William T. Wyckoff,
treasurer. Sirs. Gertrude Haydn Fcrnloy will
bo the director, ns formerly.
Sir. and Sirs. A. Hurley Pancoast aro occu
pying tliolr now residence at MX! Alien lane.
Mrs. Poncost recently returned from Ventnor,
where site was visiting friends.
Sirs. Alexander Henry, Jr., of 7203 Crcsheim
rond, Is tho guest of hor mother, Mrs. Hanson,
at her cottage In Capo May. Mrs. Henry will
bo remembered ns SIIss Virginia Hanson bo
foro hor marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Earle Johnson, of 7203
Charlton street, havo gono to visit Sir. John
sou's mothor and father, Mr. and Sirs. Edward
Hlno Johnson, nt their country placo In War
ilck, N. Y.
Sir. and Sirs. Henry Jackson havo returned
fiom a camping trip in Mulne.
Slujor and Mrs. Walter Schull, who havo
been occupying nn apartment nt the Wlssn
hlckon, havo gone to Springfield, Stnss., where
Mnjor Schull is stationed at tho Sprlngllold
Harry L. IUttcnhousc, formerly of German
town and now a resident of Harrlsburg, spent
several days last week ns tho guest of Sir.
and Sirs. Wheeler Lord.
Miss Dorothy Burgess, of KOfi Germantown
avenue, Is nt present the guest of her sister
and brothor-in-law, Mr. and Sirs. Lannlng
Harvey, of Wllkes-narre, at their camp,
Thornhurst, Lackawanna County, Pocono
Sir. and Sirs. C. Mcrvyn Graham, of 327
West Seymour street, have closed their Chel
sea cottage nnd aro nt home.
Sir. and Mis. Ferdinand Graves will close
their Cape May cottago October 1 and leturn
to their homo at Slaphelm street and Wlssa
hlckon avenue.
SIIss Elsie Slackcown is visiting Sirs. Thomas
Harrison at hor apartment in Now York.
Sirs. Arthur Hood, of 213 West nittenhouso
street. Is spending several days in Ocean City,
accompanied by her sister, SIIss Elsie Carroll,
of Oak Lane.
Sirs. C. F. Moorhend, of 243 West School
House lane, nccompanled by her daughter.
Miss Clara Moorhead, will return from hor
house nt Camden on October 1.
Sir. and Mrs. Wllmot Giant Poirco, who havo
spent tho entire summer abroad, arrived last
week on the steamship Olympic.
Mr. and Sirs. William Holmes Cookman have
closed their Capo May cottago and havo opened
their house on West Price street.
Sir. nnd Sirs. William B. Kurtz, of Manhclm
street, will leave shortly for tho West Indies.
Sirs. David English Dallam gavo a small tea
last week in honor of Sirs. J. Nicholas
Sits. Philip C. Adams, of 253 South Thirty
eighth street, gave a brldgo whist party on Fri
duy, September 25, in honor of her sister, SIIss
Estcllo Lynch.
Mr. and Sirs. .7. A. Kelly, having spent the
summer In Berwyn, Pa., ictuined to their
home, 3S03 Spring Garden street.
Sirs. SI. A. Dabbs, having spent the summer
In Atlantic City, returned on Monday to hei
apartments nt tho La Blanche, Cist and Wnlnut
Sir. and Sirs. A. C. Buzby, of 4523 Spruce
street, will cIomj their houso in Atlnntle City
about October 1 and return to town for the
Sir. and Sirs. Henry F. Stlchcll. of 3311 Chest
nut street, havo clo.sed their house In Long
port and returned to town for tho winter.
Judge and Sirs. J. W. Kepluirt and family,
of Ebcnsburg, Pa., have taken apartments for
tho winter at tho Sattorlee.
SIIss Kathryn Kelly was hostess at a largo
dansant given at her home, BI01 Chester ave
nue, last AVednesdny. Tho house was elabor
ately decorated with roses, palms and ferns.
Among those who attended wero Slics Ornce
Jones, SIKs Slarlou Slyeis, SIIss Loierno Lorn
bert, SIIss Dorothy Cllft, Miss Beatrice Holmes.
Sliss Slarlo Stack. SIIss Elva Foxall, Slbs Von?
Tuberdy, 'Miss Slatlld.i Shaplio, Slis.s Dorothy
Klrehencr, Miss Emily iletrlek, Sliss Sllldred
Hoovur, Miss Ethel Slack and Slessrs. Truman
Swing. Gilbert Van Hoaen, Roger Clayton, Hor
aco Kiause, peweos KirUienor, William
Worntz, Irvln Gavoerlck, Earle Schrufer,
Charles Ghueit, Claronce Huttou, Allee Kelloy,
Joseph Gallagher, Philip Barry, Rustell Dolly,
Htow.irt Htoinmler, Harvey Llpplneott, Walter
Adnmson, Donald I listings, Theodore De Bow.
Sirs. James Jaynon, who hns spent tho sum
mer months at Atlantic City, expects id leuve
for Atlanta this week. Sirs, Jaynon was for
merly Slis3 Eleanor Carroll, of 2327 South
Color-ido terrace.
Sir. and Sits. Cliarles Schlaurer. of 1917 South
Front street, who loft Philadelphia early in
July for a tour of Euiopo, have been unable
tii seturo u return passage. Mr. and Sirs.
Sohlnuror spent most of tho time In southern
Europe, but went to Berlin lato In August, .ind
have boen detained there ever slnto,
SIUs Jtnttlu Durnlng. of isu Smith Nineteenth
street, has returned to her home, having spent
most of the summer ut Ocean city.
Miss Slarsoret StcGuekln and Miss Anna Jlc
qtickin returned to their home this week, at
im South Nineteenth streot, having spnt ym
summer at their cottage at Absccon. Mr. and
Sirs. (. SlcGuekln are oxpotted tn return about
October W.
Slis. William P. MCure, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
will be tha guest of Mr. and Sirs. Charlojj N.
O'Neill, of 3llu South Sixteenth streek. thU week,
v Silas Hannah Howard, of IIW South Brond
street, i visiting her sister in Pwton, Slass,
Hurry Haverty will motor with somj friends
tomorrow to Huston. Slaw., where ho will re
main for several day.
Ylmeiit Thomas has Just returned from the
du Pont Hotel, Wilmington, Del , wfawr he
pnt the summer, to hu item. u;i SHiHIn
MIm Kattwrtiie Jackaoa, pf 111 McKaan
street, who has been bpaiulln,- the summer In
Chelsea, returned Saturday to her home, a
dellgntful part? waa given In her honor that
lnlght by her friends with whom aha In very
Among those present were Miss Clara wll
bcrt, SIIss Itoso Jackson, Miss Eleanor Sothon,
Dr. Thomas' Itogers, Dr. William Lewis, Wal
ter Herron and William Jackson,
Sir. and Sirs. It. H. Montgomery, Of 43D South
44th street, havo closed their cottage at Ocean
City nnd returned to town.
Invitations havo been received from Mr. and
Mrs. Pembroke D. llnrton for tho wedding of
their daughter, Genevieve, to Clayton F. Shoe
maker, Jr., on Wednesday morning, October 14,
nt hnlf-pait 10 o'clock. SIIss Horton will bo at
tended, by hor sister. Dr. Julia P. Harton, ns
bridesmaid, and by SIIss Jtarguerlle Ryan ns
maid of honor. Mr. Shoemaker will have ns
best man Mr. John Kcefer, and tho ushers will
bo Slessrs. John Rowles, Vincent Carroll and
Claude Hollemnn. A reception will bo given In
tho evening of tho same day nt tho homo of
tho bride's parents, 1721 Glrard avenue.
Mr. and Sirs, William I. Stanton have re
turned from Ocean City, where they have spent
the summer, nnd havo opened their house at
7114 Boycr street, Mount Airy.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sponeor Itellly havo
closed their cottage nt Ocean City and tcturncd
to their home at 152S North Nineteenth street.
Sir, and Sirs. Harry J. Fasy aro being con
gratulated on the birth of a son, Joseph, born
on September 26.
Sirs. C. F. Shoemaker nnd hor family nrc
again at 1M)2 Wallace streot, after summering
In the suburbs.
Tho Wlssahlckon Cnnoo Club gnvo a very
enjoyable dance Saturday night nt tho club
house Pnik Retreat, which was decorated with
rosos, ferns nnd "pple blossoms. Those par
ticipating wero SIIss Slay Gordon, SIIss Irene
Churchill, SIIss Gerald Gordon, Miss Ella Shi
vers, SIIss Sliy Brill, SIIss Agnes Burns, SIIss
Mnrlnn Grundy, Miss Lellls Giundy, SIIss
Beatrice Lovell, SIIss Flossie Bell, George Tay
lor, Joseph Genshclmer James Smith, Carl
Sleyeis, Frank Hennessy, Gordon Swayne,.
Joseph Gullfoll, William Slason, Ivan Field,
Herbert Soudnn and Charles Souden.
Sir. and Sirs. E. G. Ford, of 423 Green lane,
havo returned from Atlantic City.
Sliss Stiirgls, of 488 Green lane, hns returned
from a visit to friends In Lenoir, North Carolina.
, 1 ' ra
r . .
SIIss Beatrlco Smith, daughter of Mr. and
Sirs. Fred C. Smith, of 153D West Venango
street, gavo a luncheon yesterday, at which
her engagement to W. Harold Batt, of Tioga,
was announced. Fall flowers were combined
with ferns In the attractive decorations. The
guests were the associates, of the hostess in
the Sigma Gamma sorority and included SIIss
Eleanor Stone, SIIss Slarguerlte Batt, SIIss
Helen Eyre, SIIss Helen Slillard, Miss Gladys
Fries, Sliss Dorothy Gamble. SIIss Addlo Lut
ton and SIIss Edith Larzelore.
Mrs. WillKm Lee, of 3032 North Nineteenth
streot, has returned from an all summer's stay
at Willow Grove.
SIis. R. J, Slorrow, with her son and daugh
ter, George Slorrow and SIIss Slay Slorrow, ot
North Nineteenth street, havo gono to the
Pocono Mountains for the early autumn.
Mr. and Sirs. Charles E. Beaiiry, of 2101 West
Tioga street, returned on Saturday from Ber
lin, Ta.
Sir. nnd Mrs. Alfred Waters and SIIss Slario
Waters, of 3551 North 21st street, havo returned
from an extended tour abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dallas, of 3120 North 22d
street, are passing the early fall In Atlantic
Sirs. John E. Wick and her (laughters, SIIss
Reba Wick nnd Sliss Gertrude Wick, of 3557
North 21st street, hav closed their cottage in
Ocean City and havo returned to their wlntei
Sir. nnd Sirs. Frank L. Sluth, ot 3335 North
Park 'ivenu;, have returned from a fortnlght'3
vif.lt in Atlantic City.
Sirs. Margaret G. Frocllch and her daugh
ters, SIIss Slarle Frocllch and SIIss Adallne
Frocllch, of 12.il West Allegheny avenue, will
remain nt their Ventnor cottage througli the
early fall.
Tho Stibuiban Athletic Club, of Lansdowne, Is
preparing for a carnival to bo hold on South
Staple avenue, October 2 and 3.
Sirs. Elmer Beecham, Sirs. J. E Baker and
SIIss Maltha were Lnnsdowntt delegates to the
W. C. T. U. Convention at Chester, on Thursday.
Married to William Ilooton Roberts, Jr.,
at Christ Church Chapel, Nineteenth
and Pine Streets, This Afternoon.
The wedding of SIIss Helen Boyd Kester,
daughter of Sir. and Sirs. George B. Kcter, of
2112 Spruce street, to William Hooton Roberts,
Jr , will tnko place this afternoon at Christ
Church Chapel, on Pino street near Nineteenth,
nt 4 o'clock.
Sliss Kester will bo given In marrlago by her
father. Sho will wear a gown of soft whlto
fcutin, which s mailo with u court train of the
tatin. over which Is draped an exquisite veil of
chnntllly l.ico from tho ehouldord to the end
of the long train. This pleeo of loco Is an old
family heirloom. Her veil will bo tnado of tullo
nnd will be fastened at tho hair with orange
blossoms. Orange Mopsoms will bo need also
to attach the tulle veil over tho lace at the cud
of tho train. Sho will carry a shower bouquet
of roses nnd lilies of the valley.
Sliss Slnrgnio Keator. a sister of the brldo,
will nut ns maid of honor. In ohUt to fully
carry out the Idea of an autumn weddlngr the
maid of honor's costumo will bo a symphony of
brown and sold. Hor frock will be of old gold
charmeiibo with a gold laco tunic and a girdlo
of old blue. Tho hat will be of brown velvet
trimmed with gold lace nnd a shaded gold and
brown rose Sho will carry golden dahlias. Tho
bridesmaids will bo S!ls Slargarct Stokes Itob.
cm and Sliss Elizabeth West Itoberts, sisters
of tho bridegroom; Sliss Slary Royd. and MUs
Elizabeth Thompson. They will wear gowns of
old blue and girdles of old gold Pompadour
eatln. Their hats will be of a lighter shade of
brown than thst pf tho maid of honor. They
will carry autumn dahlias.
Sir, Roberta will he attended by his cousin.
Francis V. Stokrs, as best man. and hia ushers
will t Leonard. C. Ritts. Herbert M. Lowri,
Sydne.v S. Morris and Kenneth A. Rboail. The
ceremony will be performed by tha Ry, j. r.
L. Nisbett. roctor of tiw church, ana WlU bo
followed by a small roctPtlon at th home of
Sir. and Sirs. Kester. Sirs. Kester, the mother
of the bride, will woaj a smart gown of ptoik
velvet, ovsr which It. drayca a tunic of white
luce edged with marten fur. Her liat will be
ot bUrk velvet, trimmea with old sld rosts
and Licrv
ACADESIV OF MUS1CT "Crtblrln," moving
hlcturu dramn, by Gnbrlello D'Antiunr.Io, of
the third century B. C. A truly mnrveloua
font on the reel, with n convincing volcfttllo
ptuption , ,
ADELPHI "Tho llovolti" by Edwnrd Iitike,
stnirlng Hnleti Ware. Driven desperate, n,
neglected wife seeks tlm gitlely enjoyed nn
Iirerogntlvc by her husband, but conies homo
ero 'tis too lute. .
imOAl "Lady Wlndeunero's Fan'' Revival
of Oseai Wilde's eatlio hy Starrfaret Awsllrti
Itovlew tomorrow. .
lale's Dntiglitor," irllrnclo piny, by Frnticla
L. Ifenzel. Review tomorrow.
GARR1CK-"Nearly SInrrled," fnico comedy, hy
Edgar Kelwyn, stntrlng Hruci SIcRAe, Re
view tomorrow.
KEITH'S Mr. nltd Mrs. Vernon Castle, in
oitginnl danees.
WALNUT "Bringing Up 1'iithor, ' musical
ojinedy, hnitd on Geoigu StfSIrinus' enrtooni,
bv 'Jus Hill, Review loinortow.
In "Nearly Married"' Garrick
"It Is nn open question," says William Collier,
"whether the married man hail bent take the,
blame upon himself after a quarre! with his
wife and endeavor to smooth tnuttors over
peaceably or not. Sometimes the wife Is so
snippy and indifferent after tho poor man's
efforts that he regrets having taken this course.
I know a young couple of the stage to whom
Just this sort of thing happened.
"They nnd been quarreling, and the young
husband, regretting it and being anxious to
'make up,' hi ought a littlo gift for tho wife.
" 'Edna,' ho said, 'come here. Aren't yod
curious to know what is in this package?"
" 'Oh, not very,' replied Edna, belligerently,
ns sho glanced at tho package In question. 'I
rather think I can undure the strain."
" 'Well,' ho said- coaxingly, trying to win her
to good humor, it's something for tho one I lovn
best In nil tho world. Now, guess:'
"'Indeed!' sniffed Edna, as she started to
leave the room. 'I suppose, then. It's that pair
of now trousers you said you needed." '
she dedicated n home for octiesses In a cypress
Fi" ni-iir Rome an her gift to the ptofcssloit.
' 1" rave thn theatre the theatre must be ilo
Htrnyrd," said Duse once, "th actors and no
tnsscM must nil illo of the plague They poison
the air: they make art Impossible. It Is not
dr.nntt thry ploy, but pieces lor the theatre.
Wo should tetuni to tho Greeks, and play in
tho open nlr: the drama dies of fuIIh nnd boxes
and pveniht; dress, nnd people who come to tho
theatre to digest their dinner."
Llano Carrera. Anna Held's daughter, advises
parental disobedience sometimes. "Sly mother
Insisted last spring I go with her to Paris, f
refused," said Sliss Carrora, "and mother didn't
like it a bit. Wll. tho last I her" from her
was a letter dated August 12. Sho wrote it was
terrlblo over there. Thoy havo taken her au
tomobile. All the hotels and shops nro closed,
the schools are mndo Into hospitals and there
Is no money in tho banks. Sho herself cannol
cash a check, and they only allow 5 per cent,
of deposits. She also says thero Is no way of
getting out of Paris, all the trains being used
by tho Government. S" I suppose that as soon
as she can get away sho will come over here.
For my own sake, If I wero not so won led for
my mothor, and if I were sure sho was safe, I
would sacrlllco five lambs to the gods, becausa
they gave mo tho wonderful Inspiration of be
ing my mother's disobedient daughter. If I
had been a nice lit tip girl I would be In Parla
now, nnd perhaps may have starved to death,"
Johnny Dove, who deserted vaudeville to play
here In the "5J!esf Id Follies" as Honest Bill,
has gutned nt leant half his reputation on tho
manner in which he shakes his feet. Last sea
son at tho time of the Ohio flood, when starring
with the Al Q. Field Sllnstrela, lie was called
upon to do a turn at a benefit for tho flood
"My llttlo act," modestly relates Mr. Dove,
"followed the Divine Sarah Bernhardt and pre
coded the gontee'. John Drew. While rehearsing
my music Sir. Drew came on the utiiee with r'a
peoplo to rehearse his act. I had never met htm
and had only observed hie stately demeanor f
a member t the audience at his plays, and I
folt sure that I was annolng him. knowing
that dnntinsr shoes, in vrudevtlle vernacular, ore
termed 'sketch disturaore.'
"BuWOulto to my surprise Vr. Prow wa wpj
much Interested, and confessed that he had a
largo porch built on hi heme In Northampton,
L. I-, with o epttUl dancing floor. There he
nnd his valet, an old minstrel man. would rattla
oft 10 or 20 steps evfry morntn for enercleo.
Considering Mr. I n-w worldwide repuntion
for imrrturabilit and calm. I like to alHx the
picture of Mr. Prew at hU morning esejv
clso of Jogging and ragging! imagine him!"
Eleanor Puw la to retire permanently from
the stage Kh givis up. ik report has tt. be.
cause she -annot nn.l nultable plays, though
hor age hu also been a fjiioi in hurrying lur
retirement, She w 65, sh has been on
the stage since he as 4 eait. old. Reeeiitty
Nen Vork VVtunr lUi lu Mim a lvu
RntEUKfli"!11- I 'fin N. l Motiiu lminy
ADlliLl HI l.-r-i J't OOMai Thur4r
T4 ir . v w a K' :
1LU U U .1 II i.A.V4
TwJU - 15 7 4 tt
p A O T M f THKi-UK Maiiiw tij
Anutiu . Tula M.ht lnv Ki I4k Sight
? M PT P T? y .Ti nkk r. uax
D T J M () N T ' l,L"l,NT!i MiNniKtid
-" w - --' h rt
Tilt: hhVui.T"
NS1IS. MiU.S UiTl V -l.l.N.
loin i'i,iM'K El.UABKtU
VM Al.,
tfil Af.U ug
Willlatil Gillette, Illancho Hates und Mario
Ooro, CliarUs rrohmun'n ttlph dunnatlc star
Oomblnallon, will npponr nt the Hrond In "Pl
plomacy" later In tlirs season Sir. Glllctto'a
itppeamncc Is the llrst fitneo his last appear
oners In hl ow-n plays, "Srcret Service'
P "Sherlock Holmes" find "Tht Prlvato Secrtn
lory," at tho Empire Theatre, New York, four
years ago. Sllgs Hates has not appeared hero
slnco tho commencement of her Western tour
in tho A. K. W. SInsnn play, "The Witness for
tho Defense." SIIss Doro returns to this coun
try uftrr a year's absence In London, whore
sho acted Dora In the London production of
"Diplomacy." The English members of the
"Diplomacy" cast arrived on tho Lusitonla
Tiic Helort Courteous
Sir. Chamljerlain onm alU that the most
courteous elrrtlon it tort he rer heard of
dated from the time when elections wero far
mojp roiigh-nnd-tuinlile than tin v are now
Thackeray was one or the candidates, and
a few tlnv-R before the- polllncr began he met
his opponent in th street and stopped to talk.
After n few minutes' conversation tho oppo
nent prepared to depart, saying as he moved
"Wfll. mnv the best mn.ii win'"
"Oh. I hope pot'" replied Thackaray, cour
teously Ponrson's Weekly
The Management of
B. F. Keith's Theatre
regrets to announce that owing
to tho serious illnchs of Mrs.
will not appear in Philadelphia
this week.
have been secured to feature a
tremendous All-Star Bill.
NOTE Patrons of this Theatre who
have already purchased tickets
mayjiavo their money refunded if desired.
Hy Prunris I, Keni!
STVNC'K ii).inu. Mtnt iiiai.a. AriVRS
PRK K I. i ifi- -'( :i T.'n 1 und 1 SO.
Mhunecs Tu. i. Th'irnia rttirt baturday. i5c, SOl.
All This Week Twice Daily
MATli:i-. S t.l PRE'ISELV
rt8,r. 1 ,-p,u lo t"i nn 1 2b IVnts
tVKMviis H-i-, I'ah'iS'iiv
Ilneri-I 'ul lo 11 m'i unl flo i it
vT n m i'Ijh'K
Marcus Loew's fcx,,K,Sc,ai
fnrkit Aicak 0th St,
AFTI.'UWkjNi. J oci.oik At I. 1'ATH 10a
HA't i" ' H VI It to 1 1 I' M.
I'Bic to 13 :..
ill lliLil.il'.l HiU.M (HII.Us'
5 Other Select 'audeviIlo Acts 5
h ir 1 im- i An f- hub
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Ml -fc US IV VN c VI'V 1.1.
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