.---irwv ' -v!Y-xi(mrf s iv tj-MP- 2 EVENING TlflTJlll-PHILADELPHIA, MOMjA'V, SEPTEMBER 28, lDU. i MACICMEN SURE OF PENNANT NOW-PHILADELPHIA PLAYERSIMAY GET AUTOMOBILES PHILADELPHIA ARE Hi LINE FOR CHALMERS TROPHY MACK'S ATHLETICS LEAGUE CHAMPIONS FOR SIXTH TIME K IS h Eddie Collins, Alexander and Magce Have Wrought Nobly This Year Phils Play Reds Today. When the committee appolntrd for that purpose awards the Chalmers' trophies lor I3ll the names of rhllndc-lphlatis are npt to stand at the top 111 both the American and National Leagues. The three men who have tlto chance to be honored by this annual award ore Ud.lle Collins, of the Athletics, and drover Alexander and Sherwood Magce, of the Phillies. Hugh Chalmers, the donor of the auto mobiles, suggested that tho committee give the prizes not to tho man who, in their opinion, was the most nnlshed per former In each league, but to the player nho had bem most valuable to his team. This suggestion has been and will be followed this year. No matter what details are to be con eldcred, It Is dllllcult to ee how Eddlo Collins could be overlooked. He Is not only recognl2il by most experts n the world's gieateit bttl plaer. but he has been thl3 se.ison the most valuable man on the AUlotus' team. OIllcluls Of t o "Whlto Elephants and others have often been heard to declare emphatically that tho Athletics weie not a one-man team. To a certain extent that Is true, but If .Eddie Collins had not been on Mack's roster this year and had not played the wonderful game that he did the Ath letics would todav be out of the pennant raco Instead of having It won for the -sixth time. That Connie Mnclt realized fully the value of his crrrat second saeker was shown when he permitted him recently to sign a contriot at his (Collins' I own terms. Mack ktio.v that, without Collins tho odds would e asalnst his winning for at least two e.tr to come. Hence, after tho Federal Le.icue had made Eddie one of the most (l.itterlnt; offers over submitted to a baseball player, he was In a position to dictate the terms of his contract for the futuie, and he did. Incidentally, the Evk.vino Ledoeu Is tager to announce thit It has secured the services of this great player as a writer of the world's series. Eddie Is going to play, of course, and is going to write tho news himself. That Is more than any other bull plaer can say. Ed die Is golns to be the author of the "write-ups" In the Evening Lftxirr and is going to work out the material himself. Vhllo not equaling the actual baseball ability of Collins, both Alexander and Captain Magec, of the Phillies, have sur passed the Athletics' star In relative util ity. Those two men have kept the heads of the Phillies above water. The disin tegration of thl ilub's strength by the ravages of the K. deral League has been retarded to a certain extt-nt by the mas terful plav of Pooln's pitcher extraordi nary and heavy Mttlne utllltv man. Tho use of the term 'utility man" here Is not meant to convey the iea of "substitute," which Is its usual meaning In baseball, but a term which.' means an all-round player. Sherwood Magee has put up the great est game of his career this year, not ex cepting his work in ISKp, when he led the National Lcacup In batting with an average of .331 ami took part In 1VJ games. He has plael seven positions for Charley Pnoln nml has played them all in better than acceptable style. Alexander, too, has done remarkably well, considering the Inditferent work of the team as u whole behind htm. On Saturday "A!e" won his 1.1th consecu tive victory and !- 27tb . r the season. Flag of 1914 Won When Bender Shut-out Browns and Red Sox Lost One Game of Double-header. twit's we WHAT CONNIE MACK HAS DONE SINCE 1001 Won pennants In the Ameilcnn League In 1WU, 1IKS. 1010, mil, 1013. 1911. Won worlds (lvimpionshlp In 1010, defeating the Chicago Cubs under I'Ynnk Chance In four out of live sanies. Won world's championship In toil from New York (limits under John .T. McOrnw In four out of six games. Won world's championship In 1013 from New York Giant" under John J. Mrdraw In four out of live games. Has etnblishPd major league record for winning pennant1!. Has won more world's champion hips than any other matin iter. t '"IBP 'i Iff m BASEBALL CONDENSED NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. No p ni .rlr-l , . I i ".'. rd i-' SATURDAY'S RESULTS, rhllllrs. in: fin, Inn.iti. ') ( l-t -ainfl. Ihillli".. 1: ( ln Intinii. I i.'il cuitirl. 3toston. (I: liii'iiu'i. -l U-t cuni'-i. f lin-tnn. I.'; (lilumo. i cm rann-. New "Vnrl.. I: I'itilnirh, '! i In mimel. rittNliurgli, I- New Yuri,. i i'U Kame). Ilrool.ljn. (1. st I mil-. :i ut guiin-l. St. I.nnl-. I: llrimklwi, n (.M came). TODAY'S GAMES, rinrlnnntl at I'lilUiIelpliiu ritthhurli at New cirl i earner). Chic. ikii at Ho-tim. "t. I.oiil-. nt ItrooKlyn. TOMORROW'S GAMES. St. I.oul- nt HrnoMwi. ritNliuruh .it New York ( liliugii nt Ilo-ton. CLUB STANDING. W I. ! r v i. pc Ilnaten.... Ml .ill ft Phillies... 7-J Tl .10.1 New York T ill S-r, Mr. . Un 7" 71 4S K- I.nuls , 77 n .131 PittM, gh i;.t sn 441 ' bUago. , 73 71 .114 'in. Innatl '.7 SO ilOO AMERICAN LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Uhleths. (1; ,t. I mil-. 0 Ito-ton. H, (liliuiin. 0 (Ut gum). riliraUn 4; ISuMiill. i ("til tfnm), tVaohliietun, 'I. Oeiridt, 8 (Ill inning), t'lficlniiil, 1; N 1 nrli. 'I Hat uaine). New lurl.. ". . r let ilan.l. ' i ! uame) . SATURDAY'S RESULTS. tlilet li-. 0: I hluicn. .1 !l. I-iMil., I llietmi. (Ut u-ainrl. M. ...111-., II; llo.len. t (l tinrn. ii Inninm. railed). Detroit, (1; hw nrk. .1 i Ut tumi'i. New i'rk. lii-irnii :t .'il ijMine) t'letelnnd. .1. Wii-hinuriii. I ( lt nami'i. ui.lilnu(-.n. i' I lpiHlunil.il Jil eunif). TODAY'S GAMES. Mliletlr ill t I oiifk. Itotun .it ( lili utta. Ull.liliut.wi at Ilotrrlt. N' i.rk nt (Ipirlanil. TOMORROW'S GAMES. fhlcuKu ut tlftrlnnil. Ilrlrult at k, Uml.. CLUB STANOINa W I. ! w 1 p r ihlftiri.. 04 I') .iimi'li. It. in. tii 4(t' f jit..n 7 " i'imi su V-rk 17 T.i 4u -.'in 77 i Ii ". w I. .i ih iW Tli 41.1 I)' troll.. 7'i 71 1T" ! i.J 4 Juj 34 EEDEBAL LEAOVB YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Nr, g hi ' . h.-lul. .1 i-r!" SATURDAY'S RESULTS. Ilaltlmuri', .1. ft .mui. I lUt itmn1). lUllliniirf, I; M. I miK. I I'd nuni. 7 luiiiiiei., ij liUi. CliU :.-. 7: llri.nklwi. H i I.I um'iv. I'liltuKu. .1; ISriiuMni, :) ij itunm. .1 lualtigs, i-allidi. ItulTulu, 3: K:i"i (lt. .'. Ii.iliiuiiiliiil!.. 8: IHUttiurgu. I TODAY'S OAMB5. Chicago Ht llru.'Mjo. bt. J.iiul ut n.iltirour". lnillunjjHill at t'lttturU. lvnn:i c it at lluffaio c-LUB STAN81N0. i t. r o tv l p r Cbl-xga .' '-' "" Hr'.'.kt. n 71 To ii-l In.ht p'lU hi i i.l Vji K hi Illy Ml Tli 4B.1 Halllliura 74 '" 1.' -t I '.ul HI JM I'M lluttalo. . iJ '! ".." I'iM'.Ii gli !M il 400 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. NcuarL, 0. I.'r,j (ll. ' list came), ilnwy lll.i 0. VtuttrL. M I'M Kume). Jlunlriul-ltuflulii (rulu). (Illirr ilu'i nut iliriluli'd CLUB STANDING. t i .' 1 V i- Prnvtd'c 0 ' 17 N 1 1- Tl 7" - lljlo 1I .t Hi i r- 7J 7 ll tu-lter ''I ' I 'It M ' Ti I i. i - I'M Toronto IJT' 'lli.i iitv 4S 1" 3U Last winter Connie Mack had ft new steel llag pole constructed and placed In the northeast corner of Shlbe Tarlc. The pole cost the Athletics approximately Jllflo. Itecent events have proved that tho outlay was not watcd, as another Amer ican League pennant has been won to be unfurled from this new masthead. Tho chances are tho world's championship banner of 1014 will also l1y there. When Connie Mack glanced over the percentage columns yesterday morning at his hotel In St. Louis, ho mut have cas ually noted the fact that If lil team won from the Browns, and tho Hod Sox were bpaten once In their afternoon's double header, that he would clinch the cham pionship. This led to tho selection of Charles Albert Homier to put tho llnal crimp in the aspirations of the Fenway Park dwellers by defeating itlckey's men. Bender has always been effective against St. Loul. . Yesterday ho was more than effective. Ho mowed down tho opposition with that calm regulatity which marks nil his work. The Rickey didn't have a chance to score, while the Maekmen plied up half a dozen runs. By capturing the pennant In 1014. Con nie Mack has established a world's man agerial record, having won six (lags In Ban Johnson's circuit since the inception Of the league in 1001. In 1002, the llrst year Mack's Athletics won the pennant, there was no world's aeries. In l'JOJ, his second victory, the Athletics were defeated In tho classic by New York, four games to one. In 1010, after a lapse or Ave years, Mack ngain steered Ills club to the front, winning the pennant and also the world's series, beating tho Cubs In decisive fashion, after the ma jority of experts had picked Chance's men to have a walk-over. The following year, the flag again was perched on a Philadelphia pole and again the Athletics landed the world's series, winning tln-lr llrst one from the Giants. In 1012, Mack met reverses which put his club In third place at thf finNh. tho Ked Sox finishing first nnd the Washing ton team second. Las.t season, with what was predicted t'i he a notoriously weak pltrhlng staff, the Athletics came to the front, thanks to the .splndll work of Plank and Bender, winning with ridlculoii" i-asn. and on'.v being out of first place four days during the entire campaign. For th third time the Giants were Mack's ilvuls in the world's serifs and for the second timu tho Athletics won tho i-tri.-s, winning four out of the five games played. Tne standing of the Athletics today hWiwb that they have a lead of eight and a half nanus. Both the Macks and tho Hostonlans have eight more games tu plav. Therefore, If the Atliletlf Club l"Kt all of its remaining games, while the Fted Sox won theirs the stundint; would Won. Lost. Pot. Athletics S3 57 .025 IV-d Sox 05 K .C21 Ir. order to get his club In perfect shape 1 1 meet the Boston Braves, who have all but won the pennant in the Xatlonul League, Connie Mack will give his regu late a rest. Just which onm will coino h'.nie frnn St. LouH, instead of making the trip t' Wellington, h.t not been an nounced It Is f-afe to say. however, that lmth Bendnr and Plank will b In Phila delphia within th next few hourn I'pon the.se vnteran hurlern will fall the tasl: of doing the majority of th iirx work. They, therefore, will begin immedlatflv to get In ahape. The other ir.tinwnt of the squad who feel that they ive. n r.'M wlU take )t. Their places wit! be mud by tin- younger members of the house of Mack. Next WedDMdav the National Commis sion uil! rofcvt In this city to arrange tho detail. of the series. It has almady been asr.-ed that Instead of alternating between Philadelphia and Boston, two game will hi played in a row This will prevent th weai and tear on the players, who would sufter Kreatiy if the were forced to spend every plght on the rails, Thf spin of a coin will dw-ide whether the first pair of rontesu Is to be staged here or in Boston. That will bo the first duty of ;tie commission when It mxts here unil .- the mutt important as far us the public is i.nrrneJ. The routine mat ti r pertaining to the series will be, for the most part, worked out by John Shlbo. . i n-t.ir of trr Athletics, who has had trore experieiu"- In this kind of work, than any man eonne.ted with bssbal'. From the i.niei-s of Shibe Park will he ai.n.iiinteil the method of procuring tickets. T ROW BIO LEAGUE TEAMS FARES SPBINO THE WEEK The lMlt nerfe's ri-roid in til "Vnllonul anil .iiiTti-un I-riisws ut gumrt uun "ml lust, uitb run, lilt, mors and men left un batra. U a fullvus: NATIONAL LEjKHB v. i.. it it nun Boston s 1 4S Si 11 S8 SV Vnrk l IT 10 OT Si I.'.iiU 4 l M 71 1 ''S i i. a u s uj .it rtiiiadriubia ... a s ii a n ni Hr.wklwi 8 I it 7.1 1 .IS I'lti.i. irg-h I 1 SO IS 47 L'lui inr.-iil . I II M Kl it 03 Tic n TkrnilV. SSplml(er il. AaKltlCAX I.KAiilK W. U R- II. r. LB I'tilladirJplila S 1 II 11 I S Bi.stnn B 3 til M) . .In A ,liiiii(li,n . .1 " SI 7s 17 flj I), li. II 1 ." 7(1 1 111 iii.. SI -' '.7 lit .11 - i ,t- i :i 'i i sj 4" )Tk 4 2 .T 4t 5 39 i , .el ir 1 ') ' I'J "'I 17 Z ' Ti.. .fie Mr ti-n l-pte nrr Jl (r Htm mH YmM fjptit) y js,,. .,sy s.t. K ' .-8A, srrz??T.TZZsr,sZ'- rm ) t(tr '' -,C' PF.NNr A? -X-r - XD y-, ,0 YS m s lth ir s- . Jb& r- v."s - r aJf -CINCHED- Gridiron Nevs Gleaned From Leading Colleges Football Players Enter Upon Another Hard Week of Training in Preparation for Big Games Next Saturday. BY EDWARD R. TJUSHNELL WliLther or not Pennsylvania will have a football team of championship propor tions ot one of only mediocre strength was not disclosed by Saturday's game against Gettysburg. That 11-0 victory was won by a comfortable mat gin, and pretty accurately gauges the comparative strength of the two team. At the same time, when i. remember the defeneless ness of Gettysburg last enr and the smashing victory which the Quakers won then by tho score of 53-0, two facts stand forth with great cleamc-s. One Is that this year's Gettysburg team knew more football than its predecessor ana likewise that it displayed a better fighting qual ity. A second fact not to be overlooked Is that thli year's Quaker team Is not nearly o far advanced In Its attacking power as was tho 1913 eleven In its first game. Virtually all of the faults evident In the work of the Ited and Blue were due to lack of practice, an entirely new back Held and lack of unity between the back fleld and tho line. These weaknesses Acre to bo expected and won't cause tho coaches undue alarm. In fact, a H-0 score for the llrst game is much more desirablo than one of B-0 proportions. Nothing retards the progress of n team more than ovorconddenco, and big pre liminary scores invailnbly contrlbuo to that. The Quakers still have plenty of time to get in shape for their big games, nnd the schedule has been so graduated that each Saturday brings a tougher op ponent to Franklin Field. Harvard overwhelmed Bates by the score of II to 0. and If the Crimson wterons had been kept In the game they could probably hac scored nearly UO points. At Is was, nearly three elevens got into the play The most conspicu ous feature of the work done by tin new men was the feat of JteKllnloek, a substitute qua.terback. In scoring a field goal from the 10-ynrd line. Now Harvard, ln'adclltion to the Incomparable drop-kickers. Hriekley and Mahan, has fo-ind a third such kicker. Ynle made good the prediction of Frank Hinkey. the new coach, and dlplnycd a lot of open-fle'.a work, which fnlrlv dazzled the .Maine eleven. Malno held WILLIAMS MEETS HERMAN Bantam Champion nnd Pekin Fighter Clash at Olympin. Tonight. W.ih Ki I" 'Williams In tine i liililnn in he always 1. in I ' KM" Harmon In ki m fi.rin sni i mO'M of at leat ouip-ln'.ni; -'ii -.1.1 milon, t.-n'glit's icntest nt the ulm-i.i A. A. houM be one l"ns to be reiiiembiTiM. Th llttlu Uultlmorean hsi always Sin at Ms bmt lunger be appeared In a imul rlnj. anil reports are that he will not be otherulie Knight. In Herman. Will turns will nn.l a tough mtl- flio wbi hm r.itiiht his y to t'.i t. ji with a numter of the lunlcit little fell in tha business. Ills contest hr Hh I.u Ulsna iMt n4soi is still well rrmenilwred us one of the liveliest anil hardest hl'ilnx l.uuti r-tr siase.1 In nlimpia's rlns. anl If he puts Ul- us eol a liattle as he illl (hot ti u- an I tt-rt w no reason why he-h"ul.l no . nu cnu will regrn wunesslntr the L.iui The s ml ulndnp huia 1-e almost as fast at thu vvinl uii 'VMille" (i Keefe. of this HIv, an 1 lmtrh" flrandt. of New Y"rtt, will he the imtestants. They recently met In a lli-ro.tn I U ut in Sfx Vorh ami Ii b on- ul thr fssi. t se,n In that tlty fr eoms tine. "Jimmy" Murray noth-r New Vorker. an-' " Youim ' lOKStni of this rlt. are s"hnlulil In th. th:ri In ut In the se",n'l k"Ut Mack" rai.ipbell, . f TI gs, m.--ts "KMIe" rtHors. if Siouthwark, snl :n th first one "V.untf" Wilson tackles Tharlle" Kta I. THE eOLHBRS' AFTERMATH l-lne Vi!l. though still In Its Infancy, must not t.i- .'inittMl fr.-ni the list It stems safe to u, tlmt tMs roursn will, when rnoiiuelwl, u iS ino.t .I'ff'ult In the Stale. If nut In the hist Its onslruuton has irogiusseJ. but s! ir ami tt-e round' ra aru aeteriimied that it shaU runs; with tl-e best when omplete it sr.4 flat nothing thai foresight an' tare -an t,t-ent will be left unions Home of the holes nat heer. plabe slnre prlnK. tut hs turf and grins hae ben jealuusiy siarUe.1 iL-alOut .mi sil'lu lonuse sn-l it "111 not l.e rca.H lor unainnt u'e fur some time ileorKO A ("rump jirnl Ir Simon f'srr ! 4tn mil the must prominent plj'-lns from this 'lab, but then. v'U unil-ubteiily be others. t'erhaps In no other dub In the I'h'lsdelphta dlitr. t J.j imeo laers n- eHe the em-our-aii inert thit is e(1 them at the North liills i-ointrv I Jjh lurtoif tlie siring, wnaitf sM full m. ntlm are sitwiuled eients that mil for i-iirri-vtltiin among the lest uin p'ayers. us sll as the less ssilltul Prists ar uttered aoj hanlKap events are numerous. , that there 1 a cbAme for every ons Tb nin"a i-luii .bampiiinsb'i- as re ently (oiicluilca and i-sllsii out prall'allt all of lUe wpnien meru bers who are xol . r The champ on fur lbs .oinln year Is Mis V. N. Uaht-r. wbo Ax fisted airs' J '" VVhWdeo in tits tloal routid, il ip nnd i to 1U . Storks o' .nl bspiBlngs nn 11) s If rouree hoe ut an. I r,. 1 ut it st-eio imllKly thai ttqithli.s mors rr-i mb hs to re-unled than sa Imlfltat .it st Miitiu's s ti dass i.o. b. f.jrk M. .r..ve a long ball from th. ISte t. in I It ..rvuri.'t.l a. r i th lirtiri at. 1 lanai-d .ti lleol'tl h.-tl'l "I i ( talur ll. ivj Walk .; ..: 'I l.t ', I.' r v ts i ni-l..roliK kt i !, 1 Hi ' n t . hl-lt . un -. to , i . v ihi' SSSSS?S51 isBS8s8r i. tm mrAA?4''i&! rum. viY l; .-1 W5r J i . B2SMi5gfew H 'Tol" Pendleton Says Princeton Is Committed to Open Game This Year and Maybe Longer. EDGERTON, STATE COLLEGE Yale to a 0-0 score last year, so this easy victory may be taken to Indicate that football will enjoy a new era nt New Haven this fall. Princeton found Rutgers a tough antagonist, and had Just about enough superior strength to win by the score of V2 to 0. Like Yale, Princeton showed considerable proficiency In tho operation of the forward pass, rolloicrK of football are to bo treated this jeur to a brand of tho pport heretofore frown oil upon by icrptlc.il toadies if thu ciinex lai-d j-aturday are to be any criterion of tho offmsu nnd di-fmso under construction now. It Is a Katne n-it unlike the jtiavk last M-.tr that Mistered the Army nhen Notre Dam. cima Knit and later u.frhr lined tho Nfltv whin tho Arm) doi-loi ed the Notre Dame 1-lass and spriing them n theti nnnual rhal". It hai bteti one of the cardinal rulca of football for jc-niH for a team to set iiosei slon of the hall nnd to keep the hall no nuit tt what happens. Xnt to take too many ,.linni-. un, n l.ivi .IrlllnH Int.. Ihi, flf-ld Uin Peral. If It was necessary to maku a distance impo-i-miie ny line duck or mil run, men in ndvli-e was to punt, KU-k tho ball no fur Into th- opponent's territory that it Mould leave the home loal line safe from dniiser. Hut a clone readlns of the repirti ..f Pnturlto'i cn tests will show many of the teams dlti-ountlm: these old rules and tnklni; chancoi. nrieni-iR up the offense and glvlne more thnusht to thi i,i.k.,lhlt.a ..f the forward 11.13. trit-le lta?s. I cr.secrosses and delayed paSFes that were used i hi successfully by tho nlnnlni; team of tho West last onr. , Vnle's eleven astonished its suppirter b uslnir a wide open offensive attack. whkh l.roueht out many scnsit I -nal forward pus-K all started from a ileceptlic formation. Valo I erx n.ercd srv out of eicht atirmnts at -hr for- warl pass, every one of them f..r nppre.lsb!.. I i-p.ln. and throush Its other Intilia'i- forro-t- tl. ns and passes h iwcd i siorltiB i:siihlUty that neier l.ef.'re had been thought of in a I r- te im at the opening of the keusnn 'I lit- Hlue had n truthle .1'featiiiB JInlne. the team I that last year held the i:ii tu a -nrIes tie. on I it see-ns that it was Piank Illnkey's far- tishted elianso of tactics that brought about this result. I PRINCETON, N. J., Sept. 2S. Tol Pcndlo- ten, who Is famous In Princeton athletic hls tori of roi'cnt jears, cnplalnlng the Tlser football ti am of WV2 and playing on tho base ball team for three years, gave out an Inter esting inlenlew list night on the l'rlneot'jti policy In regard to the open camo, In whl'li he says that he bellcrts l'rlnceton Is commit ted to it for this car and niavbe ionrjer. Willi this new unme l'rlnceton may expect to bo scored on, but he hopes to score more. HANOVi:n. N. II., Sept. 2S. Despite the threatening rain yesterday nfternoon Dr. John V. Howler, trainer, took the Dnrtmotith foot ball squad for n short walk over thr hills of JUinoier. Aner aiuruay h Kame, uc in-ii tint hl cliarRes nre too advanced for this 1 t.me of the season In ii--v of the fact that I r.cirly crry man Is uni'er weight. Curtis, of Dartmouth had few equals an a punter last eir and vet word comes trom Hanover that Clarence Mi nrs. the freshman captiln last fid. and Captain Whitney nre (retting off drives which ni erase HI) yards. If tills be true, 1 Dartmouth will not 1 ick for capablo punters. t'AItl.ISI.n. r.i., Sept. 2S. All of Dickinson's Rtldlrun h.ittlcru came through Saturday's Ramo In ito.nl shipe. McWInney recched the wcrst injury of the entire team He broke the lent of Ills seeeni' tinner, and had to retire in the second ciunrter In favor of Palm. Coach 1'irrlncton thinks he oun Kct McWInney In si-ape for next Saturday's name with Wash ington and JelTcrsoii nt WnshlnKton. CAItLlSI.H. I'a.. Sept. 21. C'eiclt Welch, of Ccnuny Hall, will clve his squad tho first ferlmmape pnctlce of the car this afternuon. There are four regulars from last year's team back In school. Including Hanilliy, cnptnln ot tho eleen this ear. Hoth Coach Welch and Captain Hnndby are pleased with the sUe ot the squad and the numl er of lilg men Rives promise of one of the best teams in the hls trry of the local Institution. I.ANCAPTKIt. Pa., Sept. 2!. The Franklin nnd Marshall team arrived hire from I.ehiiru tmscntheil nnd with hopes Itlllc blighted nt the di feat by I.ehlgli. The reverse is nttrlbutcl to the fast open field plav of Hie Hetliiehem col legians, and the (nihility of the local team to Interrcpt forward ras"-s. with a sml lack "f proficiency at taekllns. Hut the score compared v 1th other vears Is n eood one. and the followers of the Itiuo and White are consoling thetn trlves with thlr. Tlie game with Penn next Saturday Is what the coaches now have to. look forward to, nnd It will be with nn eye to the weak points discovered Siturdav hit the drilling will bo done this we, k. Captain Dlchl, who sat on th" bench throughout Siturdnv's runie with nn Injured shoulder, will bo in the Tenn game. NBW HAVEN', Conn., Fcpt. I1?. Among Vole men the opinion Is held tint liend Conch l'rank Hinkey has devised the most attntctltc an.l most ortglnal brand of football ever seen nt Vale. The showing of the Valo team against Maine disclose, 1 novettioB in nil ia rtctlcs of pissing, and e-chllittcl tho fruit of tho mysterious secret practice that has been held dally tho last week. MIDPI.HTOWN. Conn., Sept. 2S. Thit Vt'es leim has lost rather heaM in football ina teriil tliroinrh graduation and tho men who did not come biek this fall was ei blent in the giroe with Ithmlo Island Stain College Snttir dav. Th- line his been weakened by the grcd uitlnn of Kti-eb Allison and Wilcox, whllo Hlngelcy nt entre and IHmcr Rustls at end, wlii had been depended upon to help out this sear, will both bo kept out of th games by Illness. 1914 GOLF RATING PLACES ODIMET AT HEAD OF BIG LIST John G. Anderson Has in Addition Selected Fifteen Other Golfers According to Rank. th th-- hu U. ppv.l It I !i 1,-n Hsrt ire i u I !rnTe. i h' 1 tt i 1 ' 1 j ,, lul i a. " i ,Ti ik -U t.ii i.rlu II I '. i , . b it er i f ' a isti as to whether or not -. in cac. John O. Andurson has undertaken to select mixtion ranking Kolfcin In the L'nlttd States. Here is what he writes: "Dangerous business this, tho selection of the slMteit ranking golfers in the United States! However, the woll-known fact that thro can bo no perfection in such p, list, no matter huw many are corn tilled. Is rulllcient bulm to thoso who, llg. ; urativcly speaking, take their lives in I their hands by chancing i selection. "Tlicro oro many standarils for a I chotco. Some will delect thuse who havo been (In golfors In thu past but havo not proved their worth during the past year, probably because they have not tiktn lrt i t"B big tournaments. Oth era will compare tlia play of certain men with regard to actual defeat or victory, forgetting tlwt a, greater degree of credit betonga to tho golfer Who Holds Jerome Travera or Francis Ouitnet W the eighteenth holo wlien the scoring Is good than to the golfer who wins u, match gainst (i wholly inferior player who Uaa gained lla way to tho flnal rounds more on account of a straak of good play or weuk oppoiiiUon than by inherent ability. Thu method which atemg to ktrike tlie tnukt rponslvo chord in tha heart of tbe goUer from every Btaml point l to rank the golfer on what they have aLtually a.' LOinplltihtd during tlie i il.rd.ir jur. t-- i-.n-ider the r ai f. il pU.ing etandaid iii,ariiit-- of jJir-fu-niaii . in "thrr yi t'3 i "They uie uie golfers of tho teixt and not of tho decade. In other words. If the amateur champion of tho United States were to absent hlmsolf from nil matches nnd open tournaments dining the following twelvemonth, tho fairest way to treat him would be to leave him out of tuo summary nltogether, ns I." dono In tho national tennis ranking. "Tho golllng events of great impor tance nre over for mil, and I present a ilnt which, to my mind, represents tho If be.-,t golf era in tho land on their plnj of thl.i se-i.son. "You havo doubtless guessed that first place is given to Francis Oulmet, of tho Woodland Oolf Club, Massachusetts, uhoce merit needs but few words of ex planation and whoso claim to the honor Is, to my mind, wholly free from dis pute. Mr. Oulinnt, when ho won the championship of I-'ranco, had opposed to hliu sumo of this country's best golfers Tuklng fifth position in tho open chum plonshlp at Midlothian brought ndde-l honor, and tho amateur championship title of Massachusetts, more or less of a local event In Importance, to bo sure, was notable because of tho excellence ot play In medal scoring over the extreme ly dllllcult Hrae Uurn Country club course. Finally ho won the premier title of amateur champion of tho United States by n display of tho highest cali bre championship golf. The Anderson 1011 K"lf ratings are as fol. lows : First. Trancls Oulmet, Woodland O, C, Itoston. Second. Charles i:ans, i;dcewater 0. C, Chicago. Third. Jeiome T. Travera, Upper JInt clalr G. C, New Jersey, fourth. W. C. Konnes, Oakmont O. C, Plttsbureh. SECOND tot'P (Alphabetical Order). ItoLeit A. tlar-lner, Hinsdale. Chlcaitn. It Itay tionon. Hrae Hum O, a., iloston. nwald Klrkby, Jliilenuojl 8. (!., New J.i--k .Wvlile. I'iaremont, I'acinc coast, TlllltP aROUI ( Alpha t-ellcal Qrdr). V. C AIH. S'l, illlwaukee C. O., Mil waukee. IJbeu St. Ilyers, Allrghfny 0. C, Pitts buish. freti Jferreshoff, Oarden City C. C, New Vrk Walter J. Travis. Carden City, New Yprk. Pill'BTII BOlTI (Alphabetical Orderi. rteglnald liwls, iIbJIM C. O., Conncctl cut. Sjjswtll It. Jlarston, Jlaltusrol C. C, New IJ. B. Fawyer. Vhaton (3. O., CblcaRO. J. II. fiihlomaan. txtroit C. C. ()trolt. HONIJltAni.K SIKNTION. NelHOs Whitney, Audubon P. C, Atlanta. Ii. W. C'orkran, lialtlmore C. C, lUltlmore 1 ( I'orKruii Hultliuore C". C , lUltlmor Jesse tluilford. Inter. ale ' C, SUm.betcr, J U Si.ui libh Uftroit I' t" , Detroit J K t - - h ii il I f ' I'Uvtland t t )ii ip i:.:wnrik C C Slanchester V W Whivemore, the Country Club, Hot-tva. PLAN 1915 LESLEY CUP MATCHES TO BE MORE INTERESTING Representatives at Dinner in New York Decide to Have Four Picked Men From Each State. There Is a possibility that tho trlstato matches for tho Robert W. Lesley Cup will be far more Intrtestlng another yenr If the plnns talked over at tho dinner to the contestants from Massachusetts and Pennsylvania by the Metropolitan Oolf Association at Baltusrol arc put into effect. Tho plan Is to havo four men selected from each district, preferably thoso who linvo played In past Lesley Cup matches, In addition to tho ten regulars. It has been the custom for the team holding tho cup to lay idle tho llrst day, meeting tho wlntieis on tho second day in tho de cisive match for the trophy. Under tho new plan the four extra men from each district will form a team of their own and play u sociable match with the cup holders tho llrst day. ANOTHERT0YD0G SHOW TO BE HELD BY FANCIERS HERE For a Very Worthy Cause, as It Is to Be for Benefit of Red Cross .Society, No vember 14. Tho Toy Dog Fanciers of America will bold another show November 14. This exhibition will bo for tho benefit of tho Ited Cross Society. This event should draw ono of the largest entries In "toys" that this town hai ever seen. A big list ot valuable specials should also help to draw entries. It was decided at a meeting of the fnn clors to have this shown an open ono for all dogii of the toy vaiiely, so, with all tho other Inducements offered to bring out the exhibitors, nn entry llst.ot nt least 1!00 dogs will likely tesult. Judges were also named, as follows-. JI. Duiilevy, of Mcadowbrook, Pa., to pnss on l'otiicrnnlani! Mrs. lleiijnmln II. Throop, ot Scranton, I'u., Multtso tor. rlcrs; Miss May Hendetsoit. of Now York city, nil toy. spaniels ami toy poodles; Miss Stovell, of this city, I'eklngeso and Japanese spaniels, and Miss Jlarle, Ca llllo, of Now York, who will pass out the a wauls on all other breeds not men-tloned. PERSONAL TOUCHES TN SPORT The home-grown and the homc-muda brand of everything In every land Is rated pretty high. The farmer likes his home-grown sass nn there's an undis puted class to mother's home-mado pie. That home-made hunch hit Connie Mnck somo spv'ral baseball seasons back, lie tiled It with succes:'. Ho mido Shlbo r.-irk his garden plot an' raised young pitchers till he'd got a pretty classy mess. Tnko Woldon Wyckoff, graduate. OP Connie got thnt youngster straight from liiickiiell's college nine. The kid's birth place was Wllllamsport, whore Ms Six JIattv learned the sport an' first began to shine. The birthplace, maybe; didn't count, but Connie saw a vast amount ot promise in the kid. lie brought him up three years ngo an' worked hlr. culllvator slow, so Woldon wouldn't skid. This year he works his reg'lar day. Ho goes right In an" fires away with all a veteran's skill. In live games pitched he'll drag down tliree. An' that's enough' to show thnt ho can twirl that o' Itcach pill. For 22 he's goln' some. 'Mack banks on him for years to come to help cop more burgees. lie's learned a lot In Connie's school. He'll stick, too, If ho ain't a fool, to take some more degrees. Ily A. M. Corrlgnn. "Joe" Guyon, one of the speediest In dians on last year's Carlisle Indian eleven, has announced that he will return to the school, and there should be joy In the Aborigines' camp. Guyon Is not only a star football player, but has made good on track nnd field. Visitors to the Olympin Athletic Asso ciation tonight should be sure they are not suffering with hcait nllmrnt, ns whirlwind action Is liable to prove too great a strain. "Kid" Williams, the wnild's bantamweight champion, Is to meet "Kid" Herman, of I'ekln, 111. That Is warning enough. Oscar Kgg, of Switzerland, won the 13 mlle tnndem paced match fiom George Viley and "Jimmy" .Morgan at the New ark Velodromo yesterday. Poor 'Wiley and Morgun couldn't beat an egg. J. K. M. The receipts of the "World's Series games nio divided ns follows: fiO per cent, of tho receipts of the 111 st four games goes to tho players, to be dl Ided HO per cent, to the winners and 40 per cent, to the loseis; "0 per cent, goes to the two clubs, and 10 per cent, to the National Commission. Tho receipts of all games after the llrst four Is divided B0 per cent, to the clubs and 10 per cent, to the National Commission. The nnnual football season has opened nnd the gridiron warrior now makes his bow: In helmet, padded suit and guards, he steps upon the stage, to cop his bit of notice on the dally sporting page. Persons who wero so keen about bet ting 3 to 1 and 4 to 1 against the Iimvc-s' wot Id series chances a few weeks ngo nre not offering anything better than 5 tu I Just now. It's qutto likely that the teams will go into the llrst game at even money. I.ajole, after making his 3O00tli hit yes terday, Is reported to havo said: "I liopo to linger long enough in major leaguo company to bat out nnothcr thou sand or so." Tho International league season wound Up yesterday with Providence ns the pen nant winner. Although the clubs put up one of the tightest laces in the history of the league, tho season was a llnnncial failure. "Josh" DcvoiV Is rapidly becoming a second Ira Thomas. Ira has fallen Into mole soft money than any man 'n base ball. "Josh," however, at the prercnt rate, will make a retold close to Thomas'. "Josh" wasn't good onough for the Giants, hence he wns turned loose on the un stable baseball llimanicnt. lie was shunted around tho league, until he fi nally landed In Hoslon. Now "Josh" is about to cut In on another big slice. A parallel to "Josh" Devoro's good for tune in getting in on .world's series money, because he was not up to the standard, Is found In tho case of "Johnny" I.nvan. Last year Johnny was with the Browns. lie wns such an In different performer at the bat, that when Connie Muck wanted a shoitstop lo till In when Harry was hurt, "Johnnv" was turned over to the Athletics immediately. "Itube" Olilrlng tried his hand at short during Harry's nbjenco from the game and played sn well that Lnvan wns not used at all. La van, however, wns on tho bench during the world's series and got his full shaic of the coin. Von Old, tho Athletics road secretary and human dynamo, Is nbout to get Into nctlon. "Wot Id's seiles aio his specialties. We note that in another column of this edition It Is remaikid that the llrst busi ness ot the National Commission lu-ia next Wednesday will bo to toss the cola tn ascertain where tho first world's se ries games will bo played. Wrong. That'll the second thing. The Athletics will have nn off-day to morrow. The schedule makers miiot have "doped" out Just when they would clinch, tho ling and arranged It so they could plan ways to pi event any of tho world's series money getting uwny from them. Hnvrc do Grace Entries Flrn inco. for R-yenr-uldo nnd m, Fulllnfc, 0 fin Ion kh Coos ter, 101, Ail.ilris", Kill. i:,a-ti-r Jit, 101: Ortyx. jo:: iiumiu, mil. lt..,--i-r Gordon, M.'S; drey l.cu, inn. M.'.leral . in :. Ho. in:); r.ohewtrin, loll: cjrtl.out, ' 101: l'h.iraoh, 112; Ahhc.in, 10S; I'reil Lt-y, 107: llootli. It.!. Keroml race, for .",- car-olds and up. in.lMms, Muiplt.lins, nliout - niili-H itiim Mnralml, II.': I.nnniiu, llBj lie, 115: t'unnisorlum, 11.1; i!a imcloiH, 113, Abcrfelily, i:ii'; I-'iug, 111. Third rnio, for 2-year-olils, haiulli ,i, fi fiir-UnRS-SIr Kdgar, 112. tlai-lk-, 11.1; pouMo l..i Ble, lli'i; Dr. Larrick, 101; i-artonc't, S; llioamlng. 1C rourth r.uo, all agei. handicap, mile dtiJ TO snr.in-Ani.ilfl, nl; Working Linl, ln.1; A-i-1-r'isu. -J.I, .Miimi. la-sell, 1H0; Hairy Sliuiv, pm, I'lftH race, for .'t-yi.li -olds nnd up, si-IMiik, mllo and 70 yanla Haiti rj. II-'; Waltiri, :; Ae, Iir.'; Kins lloli, 10.1. Henry Hutchinson, lu'l; MunRim. OS. My Ki-llmv 1U.I; ,'uluml Aslmieadc, US; Nnpltr, IDs, punulccla, lie. Main.. 101; Koy.il Muluor, 107: A flirt-low, ln7, I.nuls-e Tr.-uers, OS; ISirly Light, 1117. Sixth race, 2- car-old mnldcna, ,1 furlong Ari-iiiruu, 107, I'rotouor. 1117, Sentiment, tali Koyiimr, 107: MIm l-'rancra. Hit; .Mugk-. 1"7; Meellrk, 101. ltlmable, 101, lluir Jlock, 1U7; Our John. PIT. St-venth race, for .1-year-oIdi and up, Bellini, ft furlongs Phyllis Antoinette, 101: Marti , 1U0- Clillla. ln'.i; CiiniiooK, us; HiauI Meteor, loll; li n iJulm-e, ln.1; Dr. Dnugluity. 112; l.uly Oram, lis, L'AlRlon, 112; Hypatlc lis; Hunklng. in.'!; Chilton fcnuaw, lu:i; 1'althful, ltd. Sonny Hoy, Kill. Apprentice allowance claimed. Wiathor cltar. traek fast. I I U-KNO-US I 1 1 TRENTON I I 1 jp n Ira I I 1 & GREATEST INDUSTRIAL, FARM AND CATTLE EXHIBIT RACE MEET Trottlnff nnd Pllnnina T?nM . A.. except Friday, Auto Races, Friday, October 2d. P SEE NILESandhiswonderfulaeropIaneflights. Fllesupside down, loops the loop, falls wing over wing, drops 1000 feet. fi BETTER BABY Contest and Health Exhibit. ALL-STAR OPEN-AIR-VODVIL Badiico's "Whirl of Death;" Owen. "Tlie Human Bomb;" Buhler. "The Auto Fiend;" Geer, "The Human Comet;" Max, " The Diving Pony j " Billy Bouncer on his bouncing board : Melodious Tom Kenyon; The Elusive Water Lilies; Daylight Fireworks; The Skaters' Bijou; Calvert on the hieh wire; Mirano Bros., "The Human Torpedoes" and other attractions. A CLEAN. WHOLESOME. FNTFRTAlNtMr. MinwAV w m 17a1iiaa1 fn.. J C ;i f5 ii n f L?4 vlvl-lmvmvaaiss hrflHBi 1A4 . MMjJMwiMriiiiiTiimrriiiiiii'rMfirr'riiTriaaiiii TttrMCKB-JSr.---g F - " KS3I3?KI 1 : 111 J .