Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Sports Extra, Image 1

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Ju V Jlilil
VOL. I NO. ltf
Mobile Army of 30,000
l Men, Marching Against
Carranza, Occupies Za
) catecas Meeting May
Avert War. -
JUAIIEZ, Sept. 28. Despite the- arange
jncnts for a pcaco meeting botwccn den
ral Francisco Villa and commissions of
' generals from Ills army . nnd that of
President Carranza, Vina touay continueu
Ills military operations. Nearly all of his
mobile force of 50,000 men nro now march
Inc asalnst tho troops of Carranza. They
SJiave already occupied ZncatccaB, In tho
contral military zone, fronting tho Car
ranza mobilization point at Aguas Callcn
Ics. Iteports that Vllllstas have occupied
Can Luis Potosl have not been confirmed.
A secret movement of troops Into
Bonora was discovered today when
Villa's personal brigade, commanded by
General Rodriguez, reached tho Sonora
State line to co-oporato with tno revo
lutionary Governor, Mnytorenn, in driv
ing out Carranza troops under General
The meeting between commissions of
generals from tho armies of Villa and
Carranza will bo hold at Aguns Callcn
Ics. They will decide whether Carranza
ihall resign from the provisional presi
dency, to be succeeded by Fernando
Iglcslas Calderon to avort tho threat-,
tned war.
In a statement Issued last night at Chi
huahua General Villa said: ,
"I solemnly declare I shnll not ac
cept Carranza ns President or Vice Presi
dent, ad Interim or constitutional."
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S.-Efforts to
patch up the break between Villa and
Carranza were scheduled today at
Zacatecas, according to a message from
Consul Carothers to tho White House
today. It stated that reprcsenatlves ot
loth Villa and Carranza would be present.
Eight In Circulation Call for Differ
ent Sum on Either Side.
Thcro aro eight chameleon-llko bills
drifting about tho country and each calls
upon tho Government to pay $30 to the
bearer, that Is, It the owncrHwlll add to
gether both sides or tho bills, Tho secret
sorvlco men hero nre looking for them.
Somo one In tho Hureau of Engraving
and Printing become cnrcless or suffered
from brnln fag a few weeks ago. Ho
started to print perfectly good twenty
dollar bills. Ho completed printing ono
sldo of tho twenty-dollar notes correctly,
then ho 'lapsed for ho Inserted for tho
obverse sldo of tho notes a plato for
ten-dollar bills.
Tho first tho Government heard ot tho
bills which should be In a museum In
stead of circulation, wns In the AVest.
Now treasury agents nnd secret service
men In Philadelphia are trying to round
them up.
Action Taken in View of Battle Im
minent at Naco.
DOUOLAS. Ariz., Sept. 2S. Five moro
troops of American ravtilry took up posi
tions along the Mexican lino today to
prevent any violation of United States
territory In the battle now Imminent be
tween Carranzlnfirs and Vlllalstns ut
Knco, Snnora. The Inhabitants of Nnco,
Texas, just across the line, wero up at
dawn nnd hastened to get positions on a
string ot carsMn the railroad yaids. They
were driven away by Colonel CJullfoyle's
troopers because they wero within rango
of the expected lighting.
Th C'mianzlstus at Xaco number
about MO men, while the uppronchlng
Villalstas have MOO.
Favors Ship Purchase Bill
That Will Enable Capture
. of New Trade Channels in
Every Direction.
Carranza Men Paraded 40 Ecclesi
nstics With Ropes About Necks.
NEW YOrtK. Sept. 2S.-A number of
refui;ef-.s fiom Mult-n were on board tho
ward lini-r R.ipn anzn when she ni rived
todav fi.ni Vera Crti::. JIelc,ms tried
to prrwnt pome of the fugitives fiom
leaving tin- country, but wero unsuccess
ful, ov Ins to the Intervention of United
Elates tumps at Vera Cruz.
A pi.sj,, nser on tho Rsperanza was tho
litv. Uonzalo Cnrrasco, who was at a
collet just outside of Mexico City when
Gerirral Carranza entered tho capital and
took ov. r tho Government. Thu pi lest
eald that ho and about 40 other priesU
jere led through tho htrecta of Mexico
City wit luopei tied around their necks
fiecauso tht-v had no money to glvo to
Carrnriza when It was demanded.
V, S. Health Authorities Powerless to
Institute a Quarantine.
WASHINGTON. Scpt, :S.-Lop,o.sy has
bro,t.n out hi .Mexico, according to re
port to tho t'ul.llo Health Seivlcl. In
Wazdtbin .ilono 13D cases ueio reported
tla-in lust month. To deaths from tho
, ,, "'nc h"" '"'Ported t,o far.
Iiihlic h.-altl, olllclalH announced that
unrtrr .xi.-.th.B laws tboy are powmlebs
in.m'T'..'1 '"":rulltl agnlnat tho en.
tiVr,," C '.l'63" Ic,orH to lTllt(,'l tatea
territory If ,, 0f tho afflicted MoM
cans attempt to cioss tho bonier tho
'"l aiUhoiltles will co-operate ,
ine states as far as they can.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S.-President
Wilson informed callers this morning that
ho Is still of tho opinion that tho Alex
ander ship purchase bill, providing for a
Government-controlled lino of steamships
to bo used In the South American trade,
should be passed at this session of Con
gress. He made it clear that ho would
not abandon this measure because of the
opposition that has developed among tho
Democrats of tho House who are opposed
to tho measure.
Tho President Insists on a world
glrdllng merchant maiino that will not
only capture commerce In nil channels,
but will retain It.
Following his conference with tho
newspaper correspondents at 10:30 o'clock
this morning, the President received Ma
jority Leader Underwood and Itejiresen
tatlvo Alexander. They called at the
White House, It Is understood, to tell tho
President of Hio threatened split In the
Democrntlo ranks of tho House if tho
ship purchase measure Is pressed by the
Administration at this session. President
Wilson Is believed to have informrd Ttep
icsentatlves Underwood nnd Alexander
that somo stronger reason must bo pre
sented for dropping tho Alexander bill
from the Admlnlstiatlon's legislative
Thu opposition In tho House to tho
passage of the measure seems to be well
organized nnd somo of the Democratic
leaders say that tho President Is Invit
ing defeat for tho llrst time In Congicss
by Insisting upon tho enactment of the
law providing for tho Government-controlled
steamship line.
The President, however, does not seem
In tho least worried by the threatened
revolt in tho Ho.ise, and tho Adminis
tration leaders profess to bo confident
that tho Alexander bill will become a
law before tho Senators and Represen
tatives aro permitted to adjourn Con
gresss and get hack to their homes to
look lifter the mending of their "politi
cal fences."
Cincinnati 0 0003000 14 86
Phillies 0 00 1 2 0 0 0 03 13 4
Batteries Oeschgcr and Burns; Benton and Gonzales.
Umpires Klem and Emslie,
Chicago 2 10 0
Boston 0 s2 4 0
Batteries Humphries and Archer; James and1 Gowdy.
Umpires Byron and O'Connor.
St. Louis 0 1
Brooklyn 5 0
Batteries Sallee and Snyder; Aitchison and McCarty.
Umpires Quigley and Eason.
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -2- 7 2
New York 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 1.x 5 12 2
Batteries McQuillen and Schang; Dcmaree are Meyers.
Umpires Hart and Rigler.
Pittsburgh 0
New York 4 -
Batteries Cooper and Coleman; Marquard and Meyers.
Umpires Hart and Rigler.
Retirement From Poland
Stops as Kaiser's Force
Faces Russian Horde in
Suwalki District.
Boston 1
Chicago 0
Batteries Shore and Thomas; Lathrop and Kuhn. ,.
New York 0 0 0
Cleveland 1 0 2
Batteries Brown and Nunamaker; Carter and Egan.
Umpires Dinccn and Egan.
At End of Seventh Inning
Teams Are Tied, 3 All.
Oeschager and Benton
Inhabitants Fleeing Austrian City to
Escape Plague,
The Erin Sail to Havre With 100
NEW YOIJK, Sept. 2S. Tho steam yacht
Krln, owned by lr Thomas Upton, and
which recently towed tho Phamrock IV
to New York, has been turned over to tho
British Government for hospital purposes,
according to a cable message received by
Thomas Crane, tho New York representa
tive. With Plr Thomas nnd 1M Hod Cross
rmiSL'S aboaid, the Krln sailed yesterday
from Southampton for H.imo.
It Is assumed the muses may bo a por
tion of tho American Red Ciosa cimtlu
gent that left New York for the war zono
several days ago.
Reed, ss.
Hyrne, 3b.
Magec, If.
Cravath, rf.
flecker, cf.
Luderus, lb.
liclaii, 2b.
Burns, c.
UescliKor, p.
Daniels, cf.
W. Klllefer, 2b.
Cioh, S3.
YlnKlIncr, If.
Mlllor, rf.
Gonzales, c.
Ktllossr, 2).
Graham, lb.
Benton, p.
'Wonderful, But Reckless,"
His Comment on Viewing
Aviator's Flops Over
White House Grounds.
.""i messages from n...
ROME, Sept- 23.
VhLl l VkMo '-'"""t that an epidemic of
r ad, "' ? .?'"" 'lt h'. na that.
. , ,,. tll), uro IleelnEi
Pope Receives Bishop McDonnell
hp?iJ rlV. S?V '-I'W'oi' C C McDon.
au U?!i "ookl'n. a received In private
111 i ., yt's'r,Iiy hy I'opo Benedict XV.
Ill J8 "rst bishop admitted to tho
Pretence of the new Pontiff,
x-lim-Q: Yllf
i kj
a a
Umpires Klem and Emslie.
Byrne throw out Daniels. Killufcr sin
filed to left and took second when Mngeo
Jufc'Kled tho ball. Klllefer took third on
Uroh's out, Irelan to Luilerua, VlnslhiK
Hied to I'eed. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Heed went out, KolIoKB to Graham.
Byrne singled throufih Hhort. As Miikco
was thrown out by Uroh, Byrno went to
second, Ciavath pupped to Graham. No
runs, ono hit, no enors.
Irelun throw Miller out. Gonzales
walked. Kelloss siHGled to rliiht and
Gonzales was cut down at third, Ciavath
to Byrne, KhIIokr tnkliiB second on the
play. Graham walked. Benton struck
out. No runs, ono hit, no enors.
Becker rolled out to Graham. Benton
tossed out I.udcms. Irelan went all tho
way to second when YlnglltiB muffed his
fly. Irelan went to third as Burns was
safo on Groh's fumble, OeschBer forced
Burns. Groh to Kellogfr, No runs, no
hits, two errors.
Daniels fanned. Klllofer (lied to Becker.
Iitlun throw out Groh. No runs, no
hits, no cnora.
Heed Hied to Daniels. Byrno sinfrl4
to left. Mugeo fenced Byrne. KolloBtj to
Groh." Cntvath wuh thrown out by ICel
loKif. No runs, ono hit, no errors.
Dooln replaced Mnsvo In loft Held for
tho Phillies. VinKllnn out, Irelan to
I.tulerus, Miller grounded to I.uderus.
floiizak'N lined to Byrne. No runs,, uy
lilts, no errors.
Ileckor beat out u slow ono to Uenton
and went to second when Benton tlirew
wild to tlrat. Beekr went to third on
I.uderus' out, Kellostr to Gr.ihnm. Ire
lan walkod. Bui lid tdiiKU-d to left, soor
IliB flecker, Irelan btopplng at second.
Oesthger forced nurna, Keltogfj to Groh,
Irelan going to thtid. Kellogg threw
Reed out, One tun, two hits, ono error.
OcHchger throw out KclK sr. RctH
btoinnjd ilraliani'a slusio uvor second.
cieo of dissolution oftho aupronie (,'oiirt. I Benton was out, Pakert $o l.uderua,
The other resolution Has Introduced bv I Uruhuju taklU secorol. Heed mil (Tea
Senator Chilton, of "West virsiiiU. and ! Dnniola' IJnor nnd tise runner was safe,
fibkn mi Investigation by the Interatat-i Oiul.ain rt-achlng thii.1, Uanlds itole sec
Commeico Commibslou Into tho oil busl- ' un.l whtlt U.-schfer hUd tho Imll ill hU
uess in New "kork. Pcnnslvania. West hands. Oeschger made a belated wild
Virginia, Ohio, Oklahomu and else- throw to Irelan. Uraham scoring. KiUef.ir
wheie. i tingled tu tvlt, irui paniels. Uebi.li.
- ger'8 tluow to kuderus fomul Klllefer U-n
1 IT' IS nihl un-j snfA nt uiiinil
Passes Resolutions to Investigate the
Business In United States.
AVASHINGTON, Scpt. 2S.-Two icso
lutlous piovidlng for Investigations ot
tho oil business of tho United States,
particularly tho Standard Oil Company,
today vicio adopted unnnUnously by the
Ono of tho resolutions offered by Sen
ator Goro, of Oklahoma, colls for an In
nulry by tho Federal Trade Commission
1 Into tno operation!, or tho Standard 1)11
i Company nnd tho cmtiin riles into which 1
tno tttnmmrii mi wns iiiviiini by the do.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S. "Wonderful,
but startlingly reckless," said President
Wilson today when Lincoln Beachcy, the
aviator, turned a double aerial somer
sault over the White House grounds somo
1W0 feet up in the air. Tho President
watched the all man drive his tiny aero
plano through hair-raising evolutions and
heaved a sigh of relief when tho ma
chine darted off In a straight lino toward
tho Capitol at the, other end of Penn
sylvania avenue.
Beachcy, Induced to como here by Cap
tain Mark L. Bristol, chief of the Navy
Aviation Bureau, was supposed to dem
onstrate to the law makers tho necessity
for greater appropilations for Hying ma
chines for the u.so of both the navy and
army. It was his task to demonstrate
the complete control man now had in
tho air.
When ho reached the Cnpitol the Sen
ate and House olllce buildings ueio
quickly emptied. Committee meetings
broke up as If by magic, and Senators
and Representatives, with a small army
of clerks and stenographers, crowded out
of the big building to take up positions
In the pluza.
Beachy signalized his arrival over tho
dome of the Capitol by turning four back
somersaults in his machine in lapid suc
cession. Then he circled tho dome thrice
and darted back again down Pennsyl-
anla avenue. He dKed for tho tall
tower of tho Postolllce Department,
skimmed over It and up until when tie
leached tho Washington monument ho
was morothan Iirt) feet aloft.
After alighting in Potomac Park tho
aWator readjusted some parts of his
engine and went up ugnin after a wait
of 2U minutes. Tho Piesldent again
watched him as he executed fancy llg
urjs against tho blue sky. Tho nirmun
cut figure "S's," dived, twisted his ma
chine Mdeway.s and Hopped over back
ward many times.
When It was ail over olllclal Washing
ton drow a long br.-ath and wont back
to work. Tho efittt on Congress has
not yet been osceitaiued.
J'KTIIOOHAD, Scpt. 29.
It Is officially announced that a great
battle has commenced between tho Ger
mans nnd the Russians along tho lino of
the railroad Just Inside of the East Prus
sian frontier. Tho battlo lino extends
from far to the north of l.ydtkuhncn
through Goldapp to Lyck.
Tho Oermans ato declared to bo
stiongly entrenched nnd to have been
very heavily reinforced. Because of thu
nature of the territory In which tho light
ing Is In progress It Is likely that It' will
be sovcral days beforo a definite result
can be obtained.
The Russian army now engaged Is bo
Ing heavily rclnfoiced from tho main re
serve army with headquarters at War
saw. The weather Is very bad, alternate
sleet nnd rain falling and making speedy
movements of troops almost Impossible.
Tho War Ofllce reports retreat of tho
Gorman forces that Invaded Russian Po
land. This Is attributed to news of tho
continued success of the Russians In
Gatlciu. It Is expected that the retiring
Germans will be drawn back to strengthen
tho Kallsz-Cracow lino with the purpose
of withstanding tho Russian march on
Silesia. The ictreatlng Germans are be
ing pursued by General Rennenkampf's
forces, strengthened by tho garrIons from
Kovno and Vllaa. They engaged tho re
treating Germans at Sopocklnlo and Drus
skcntkl, In the Suwalkl district, and In
flicted heavy losses.
General Rcnnenknmpf reports that the
German soldiers whom ho lias been op
posing are Held corps, probably brought
from the western theatre of war and
replaced there by reserves. Ho says that
reliable reports have reached him that
Kmpror William himself Is directing tho
operations against the Russians.
(Former reports have had the Gorman
Kmperor at headquarters In Luxemburg,
and It is believed in Paris that he is
directing the battlo of the Als-ne. Be
cause ot tho strict censorship at Berlin
It Is Impossible to learn of his exact
whereabout!), though tho olllclal reports
there have Intimated ho was In the west
ern war theatre.)
General Rennenkampf adds In his re
port that the Germans have attempted to
capture Ossowlec (southeast of Lyck),
but that they wero unable to bring up
their big guns.
"Tho German forces crossed tho border
at four points." he Kays. "They showed
their chief htrcngth at Kallsz. whero thev
oOtHlpted'the Wnrta- dlntt1ctrut--thls oc'-'
tlon of their army suffered heavily at
Slerndr (southeast of Kallsz).
"Two-other forces advanced to Mlawa
and LoniBi, but the latter suffered a
severe check.
"The fourth advanced by way of Su
walkl toward the Niernep. There thoy
sufflred heavily fiom our artillery flro,
whlPh (.nattered tholr attempt to ad
vance. Tho general retreat of those
forces, which fa;' outnumbered ourrf, in
dicates that they aro being withdrawn
to another spot where they aro urgently
AVhlle necessarily all plans nro closely
guarded, the declaration Is freely made
hero that tho Russians will havo ontered
Berlin by the first of January next. The
entiro Russian active army Is being j
moved. That part not requ'red for tho i
preront operations is being placed in I
strategic locations when- it can be used
to nil the gaps in tho active ranks as
Desperate Charges Repulsed at All Points,
French Say, While Germans Claim
Successes in Centre Part of Verdun
Toul Forts Reported Silenced.
British War Office Reticent, But Believed
To Be More Optimistic Than at Any
Time Since Marne Battle Mons Re
ported in Flames.
TheWar Today
Oleg, Vlth Contingent of 573. Suf. ' wa,!l- Klillfor and tiroh evented a
fArj Tllenstpr nFf Vilo,i 17 ." .."TV "" w Mroil
wU . ,.... w. . H,1Wi
STOCKHOLM, .Sept. 2S. Tho Hussian
crui&er oleg is u-puiteil to have been
wrecked oft the cnut of FlnU ml, ao
cording to tho cnptuln of a Srtcdlsh shin
ainvliu fiom HcUingfors.
i The oleg was In Asiatic waters during
1 the husmi-Juimh ' wi. sito was laid
i down in K'Ol and had a displacement of
i titiVJ. Her ciuw number 573.
For Philadelphia and vicinity Fair
Yn'0ht and Tuesday, with frost in
uw places tonight,- moderate north
Veit winds.
- &r details, eo page lh
BUtlsh Take Capital of West African
District and Another Town,
London, Sept. 28.
Tho unconditional tumnder of puala
cm nit ul of Kimerun. In Oirman West
Africa, and Bonamuang to tho BmUh
was ptHcMlly a'irtumvtf today by the
Government press bureau,
1UUA UlllU Wllt'II lllltCIUltf was suits OIJ
Ulderuk' boot. .Miller funned Three
runs, two hits, three oriors.
ilme Miisriod to left. IumiIii singled
to left. Byrnu ijoliig to third. Cravath
singled alouB the left fltld lino, scoria
Byrno ami stndlng Douln to third.
U.-iker f itmni. Luderus ulngled to right,
scoring Dooln, Cravath stopping nt tec.
otul. Ciavath was cititfht napping at
second, lientop to Groh j.mU rus died
j teallu. Gonial? to Kellogg Two runs,
' four hi is, no errors.
I Gonzales popped to IrcUn Reed threw
i Kcllo out. Graham walked Benton
1 forcid Graham. Reed to Irelan. No runs,
no hits, no errora.
IrcUn doubled to left centre Graham
I dropped Burns' fl On Bums' grounder,
flin'v threw to third to catch Irelan. but
KttV'r orcppetl tho ball an 1 Irelan was
1 safe. Oeacnsvr struck out. Heed Uned.
Marconi Gets Eiffel Dispatch of Al
lies' Victories,
LONDON, Sept. CS.-The Marconi Com.
puny today gave out tho following wire,
less dispatch sent from the Kifful Towor
at Paris:
"Tho Germans havo been continuously
nUncHlnt? bine Saturday. They havo
been repulsed, everywhere, leaving than,
sands dead, wounded ami prUoners."
England Protests Against Amercan
Stenmshlps's Aid to Gerainn Cruiser.
AVASHINGTON. Snpt. IS.-England has
ashed tho United States to fix tho
responsibility for the alleged act of tho
American steamship Lorenzo in coaling
the Gorman cruiser Karlsruhe in British
AVest Indian waters a short tlmo ago.
Tho Departments of Justico and Com
merce will attempt to 0s tho naponblbU
ity and determine who should bo prose
cuted for such an act, which would be a
breach of neutrality.
British Embassy Hears of Repulse of
WASHINGTON. hVpt. 3S.-Rlr Rdwnrd
Grey today cabled tho Biltlh Rmbasay
"Tho situation is satisfactory, and
eoui.ter utt.ii.Kd un the Miltiatt front have
bnn bfaten batk with heavy looses bv
the enemy."
to Graham, who sttfppn on rt doubling
Uurns. No run, one hit, o prror.
Daniels funned. Kiltafcr walk!. Kl.
leti-i (Uwl BttuUiig. Burns to ltd. Urob
beat out a hit to Byrne. loUs fanuetj.
No rung, one hit, mi error.
lUrrie was out. Kellosu to llraham.
Oioh throw out huoin Ciavath walked.
Btcker stiigKd to cwtitro, Cravuth elou.
ping at s toml Ludwus i4 to SJUh'.
No runs, one hit, no eirurs.
Miller was safo on tin lusieid Idt s I
moved up on Gonzales" jwcriiUe. pKi.11
to Luderus Kellogg bat out 4 hit to
I.udeius. Slillet taUlner third On flraham's
grounder Miller wag cut doinii at tht
p'ute, Hffd tu Uurns. Hiiiluu furci
Grrihum. Htd to Iieluu. No lun, iu
hits, tm errors,
Irelan llltd t Daniels Hn .,-, mii'lI f
left and went to second Ikmi d, ,-t.i
hit to the same spot Hepd niecl t il td
Byrno forcp4 Oochser to Ke'iosg un
assUted. No runs, tw hits, no errors.
Officer From Cruiser Caronin
spects Papers for Hour,
NKW VOK, Sept Ji
Just as sh was about to enter New
York haibor today, the Norwegian steam
snip Uiiilanfjurd was stopped awj
earh4 by the PrltlsU cruiser CaraiUA,
An ctfnter from the Caroma. kpent ahout
4ii hour and a. half on boan tlia iSoi-.
wtslan h'.p. according to h.r niasUr
captftlu Hioitdahl, going through tho
twp.r. It a but onf OwnuB fm.
Ily m th ship and theyBeri! uo. "J"
Th KrUtUntJo.a brousht 331 Hr aoJ
tcond tliiss pasuui'rs and ft ttH.taie
passfitSKi to p.it
Conflicting statements today wore is
sued on tho progress of the gicat
battlo of the .Alsne. Krench and
British announcements wore that nil
German assaults had been repulsed,
while Berlin declared somo of thi
Vcrdun-Toul forts had been silenced,
that Kaiser's forces wero on tho west
bank of tho Mouse In force and that
progress had been made In the centre.
Iteports from London say tho crisis
has been passed nnd tho Allies' win
ning moves now aro bcinjr made.
Antwerp is holng bombarded by the
Germans In a llerco assault to crush
the Hanking attacks o Kins Alberfh
army. Two of the forts have boon
shelled by heavy German artillery.
The Germans are moving reinforce
ments In several directions to aid in
the siege.
Germans in East 1'russia have ceased
their retirement designed to protect
Silesia and turned on tho advancing
Russians in tho vicinity of Lyck. A
big battle is waging as a conso
riuenco of this sudden change of cam
paign, and tho Russians from Vilntt
and Grodno aro reported as at a
Russians havo seized Uszak and other
passes in tho Carpathians, which
control tho entrance into Hungary.
Possession of these prevent the pass
age of Austrian reinforcements from
tho south In any attempt to proceed
against tho rear of tho Russian
troops, now actively moving toward
Cracow. A Russian force has al
ready penetrated to Tarnow, on the
north, only 60 miles from tho main
objective of Cracow. The Prsemysl
garrison mado an Ineffectual sortie
and in the repulse was driven back
Into tho f.irts. the Russians occupy
ing the town. Heavy bombardment
Japanese troops defeated tho Germans
in a 14-hour battle on tho outskirts
of Tsing-Tao. in Klao-Chuu, accord
ing to a Toklo official statemont. It
.Is said tho German garrison, with
"supplies cut off. is about to surrender.
London War OlHco announces that tho
Allies continue to hold the advantage
in Prance, although there has been
no decisive victory- London hopes
the Ostend report la true that Mon
is burning, as this would indicate tho
Allies havo raided German commu
nications far t the north ot any point
where fightlne has been reported. It
also is reported typhoid has broken
out In the Invaders" forces and their
horses are suffering from jjlanders.
Berlin officially announces that the
Germans in force nro holdlns the
foothold on the weet bank ot the
river near St. Mihiel. it la also
stated armte operating from Va-rt-nnes
have forced the French back
and now hold the main hichwnys
and railroads In that vicinity. The
.VIUcs have been unable to break
through the Herman right wins, it
is added.
Petrogrud War Offices report success-
PARIS, Scpt. 28.
Furious charges and countercharges,
with no definite result, marked the ICth
tluy of tho battlo along the entire line
In Prance.
German onslaughts wore desperate,
especlully between the Aisno and tho
forest of Argnnne, and on tho line of
French forts linking Verdun and Toul.
These assault- have been repulsed,
according to tho olllclal announcement
this afternoon.
The statement says tho general sit
uation is unchanged, but that attacks
aro being made continually by tho Ger
mans at cct'.. in points.
The statement, briefer n usual,
There is nothing new in the gen
eral situation. Itelntlvo calm pre
vails on the front.
At certain points, particularly be
tween tho Aisne and the Argonnc,
the enemy continually attorn - new
and violent attacks, which have
been repulsed.
This statement was regatded aa tho
least satisfactory from a news stand
point that has ret "betlf Issued. It
made absolutely no mention of the sit
uation on the right and left wings,
where tho heaviest righting of the 16
day battle has been in progress."
The brevity of tho oilicinl announce
ment was taken as an indication that
tho wishes of the British Government
as to the publication of military details
would be observed, at least In part,
hereafter. It is understood here that
a certain plan that had boon conceived
In the War Ofllee at London was upset
by tho publication of certain details
ful though slw eastward-movement
toward Cracow and the capture of
all the southern passes through the
Carpathian into Hungary,
Vienna War Office announces repulse
of Alues attack on Cattara and the
departure of the Meet engaged la the
bombardment. The Austrian fleet
and a large land farce have eoncen.
trated at JHda on the Adriatic, tn Rn
tkipatnm of Italy's participation in
the war.
Two pf Three ?Ibu Attack etl Mav .,r1TTZZ "
-f r, nigh. .Mer, ...t.Ued the horn, of Sn.fuXr JL
Oiovr Todd In II..,.,, r,unt e.trl ' todsj that Prof W A u,, HnTS,
t.Klav vua.n, t, , male an,, two ,e. I && !,, f V. ! $! ft
male ncmbera of im family. Two of of lh ' n v' 11 ' ' a" '" and Prnr
tho Un n&y die. . "t'L'Lr-Z .Li "vvrslty
lien j i,"ntoiimr(t o( t'ie
I et Pari?, will com u Han'ard,
made public in Paris.
It was frankly admitted at head
quarters hero today that though tho
decisive phase of tho conllict had been
reached the Allies had been surprised
by tho continual attacks of the Ger
mans, and It was impossible to predict
when the struggle won' ond.
"Tho break must como. however." said
ono oClcer. "It is almost impossible
thnt the enemy can withstand mueri
longer tho steady pressuro of the Al
lies. "Their reeuporativo power has sur
prised us. Their repeated counter at
tacks are most nmaslncr. V kn..w
that they have suffered heavily, and
yet their attack ore apparently a.i
strone as ever. There is a hard task
before us, but our troops realUe th.tt
the final rosult will be in their favor"
Mons Is reported in flames Tins
may prove a forerunner uf the most
Important development In the lmttiu
of the Aisne, At ions. the Ueim.m
battle line, running north from the
Aisne, begins to turn northeast v. aid
and moves through Heigiiim
Between Mons and Antwerp is the
northwest corner of the Herman
square. Vo Kluk Is defending tho
Southwest corner of the aipian so suc
cessfully that there does not teem to
be any Immediate prospect of tiie .j.
lied armies dislodging him by direct
assault, Jt boa been suggested hi this
column that in consequence of Un
Kluk's success the Allies would turn
to the northwest corner of the Herman
battle square and try to break through
there. If the reported degtru.tion of
Mons Is true, it probably means that
this northwestern attack i beginning
to develop.
It is rumored here that yie Hermans
have made gains akuig the Mcuse and
that they are bow is rBK forte ,n
the west bank at Jhe river near m
SlifaieL Military UequartBrs, in c-r..
tratUcttos this. aya t&aj St. Mihiet
still li hUi by the I-'rench, hut KU,H
' no detaiU
! The rUhl t.ntie I'rmi h jr,, ,,
under eiinstatit M.H ..f. tr t,lt ,r
tat of Rhcims hen. i ,.- irtK f.rr
I man regiments continue t-j try t t rtak
.a-w t
? -mj