flimff.1 s EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1015. y ra ,14 mi m GERMANS TRAIN HEAVY GUNS ON ANTWERP TO CRUSH BELGIAN FLANKING ASSAULTS JEWISH EMPLOYES EXCUSED FROM DDTY OVER YOM KIPPDR foothold cither In St, Qucntln or In the territory Immediately to the north be tween tho armies of General von Kluk and Von Bochm 1ms failed. As It Is Considered essential that the Clerinnn line bo broken there, additional rein forcements are being sent, and tho bat tle continues without Interruption day and night. Sir John Trench, the British Held marshal. commanding the Bluish forces. Is calling upon War Secfulil.-y Kitchener for inrre men If the Allied lino could be reinforced with I ' fresh men at this Juncluio It Is I Knged. The only means of strengthen ing weak points on tho battle line Is by moving troops from some other point of the front. It seems Inevitable one r tho other of the armies must break under the terrific strain. This week, the third of the fighting, surely will see tho tide of victory swing to one side or the other. At the ntin!nrt'ehd of the battle front, ! ere It is gvneinllv believed, tl.e Clcr- n Ittue managed to secure a foot lleved that tho lm tie would see it i , j on tM( wcst snio of the Mouse conclusion within (8 hours. south of Verdun, the Invaders aio That the Kaiser personally Is direct- snuggling most vigorously to swing Ing the offensive movements of the their lino to the northwest and thus German arm In franco was the be foim (, complete circle of steel around lief expressed today at the hendunnr vrr(1un and Its forts, tors of General Oulllenl, French Mill still fHrthcr to the west along Hip tary Governor of Paris. Evidence that Aisne and up the Olse there Is con- tho Government holds the same opinion stnm fighting The bloodiest struggle, Is contained In tho following sentence however, Is taking place In the triangle of the oRlcial statement Issued last j formed by the towns of nibecouit. nllt. ' Dnpaumc nnd Htrson. "These (German) attacks were mado Wounded soldiers from tho front de- wlth a uniformity which dcunl - In- clare that the people at large can havo structions-from the highest coiuinand no conception of the tremendous nature to seek the Folutlon of the battle" tltno ill n- DM ml rrt,,,a it would seem,, for the being, the German Emperor has as sumed the ta-k of his General Staff That the losses are growing heavier, due to the Increased ferocity of the at tacks, is shown by the gi eater numbers of wounded that are being brought from th- battle ground. Especially heavy are the losses on the Olse, Aisne and Somrac Rivers, where the Trench are trying to encircle General von Kluk's nrmy and are meeting with violent counter attack. It Is impossible to estimate the stag gering loss of life that has resulted in j the present conflict, but It is unolll clally estimated that the Germans have I lost 200,000 men In killed, wounded and captured since they Invaded France. j The desperate efforts of the Germans . to smash the allied line Indicates that I they are endeavoring to conclude tho , engagement before England can send another army to reinforce the Allies. It Is reported from the front that an epidemic of typhoid fever has broken oiCln tho German army and that thou sands of soldiers are In tho army hos pitals suffering from this disease or from measles or dysentery. The troops, worn to the point of exhaustion by the continuous fighting and marching, fell (asy victims to disease when subjected to the inclement weather which has been prevailing. The battle continues to rage day and light. When the feoldi.rs are not under rifle fire, they art facing the hall from machine guns. When they ure not in machine gun range, they aje under bombardment from artillery and howit zers. Some of the troops have ' under fire continuously for more than 360 hours, and tho only sleep they have been able to get Is snatched in the trenches while artillery is crashing nround them and bullets are humming overhead. jBoth sides have all their forces en- of the war operations. Tho meagre of ficial bulletins convey only a feeble Ide.i of the vastness and violence of the sttuggle The strain of this modern fighting I something never known before, nnd this conflict probably will go down in history as the longest battle known to mankind At every point where the hostile lines ore within "seven miles of each othei. the troops are under continual fire. Fome times troops He In their wet, cold muddy trenches for dnvs under fire from an enemy that cannot be seen. The enemy's right wing is not only strongly Intrenched, It is stated, but he has constructed almost impregnable barricades of barbed wire, saplings and iron bars intertwined with the trees growing In the road and at the sides of the fields. Thee are all commanded ' not only by field artillery, but by rapid fire guns and can be attacked by the Allies under cover of darkness only. The International public has an Im perfect idea of the colossal nature of the operations. The vast number of men engaged, the tremendous area of the operations, the fierceness of the attacks and counter attacks, the ter rific bombardments and tho reckless dash and bravery are not realized; th exhaustion of the troops; the suffering from wet, cold weather and lack of provisions are not fully appreciated. This greatest battle in the world's history Is being carried on by veterans, who are hungry and emaciated. Most of thtm are feeling the effect, in one way or another, from two weeks of fierce fighting, coming on the top of ' a 200-mile march. The strain of being under fire constantly, with the mighty guns of Germany's heaviest ordnance ringing In their ear?, has completely ( changed the nature of tho men. They i are hardened to blood and carnage. CERBBVILI.&RS b IE . IvonWn f 'mW ANGLO-FRENCH DOUAlP rj V' &K iEL r MMzW' ' V U ')0 3tl$s? 8 liM AotMUW ( - ' ' A) X,,' . 1'' ' ) V,'" I'lfj KAISER AT IVS i h a s rrj"?i?rj t , u.. . .xlsl",'' r s :' a, i u mw :?'', wwers riv.iw ir. 1 RE-OCCUPIED BY &t NS i9 V ' S ' " S--&tv $ ' "'"J'Sy f '" li ' J xS- gS wSSmM .. 'M. -a -ll -V C rr--..,.,r- rZir c T .i X Oi j. NT'V - -TMtJtmt I- s V r i r - rt mr- r rm -v.v i i i.nni.ui V M . ' i r i r '' rw ' 150 Policemen and Helpers in Department of Public Safety Will Observe Day of Atonement. Atom than 160 Jewish policemen nd other Jewish employe In th Depart ment of Public Safety will bo excuwrf from duty tomorrow at aundown until Wednesday evening, that belnK Tom Ktp pur, the most solemn day la the .Tewlih calendar. Director Porter will lue notice to this effoct In nil the Btatlon ' houses throughout the clt some time to day. Other Jowleh employe in the d. partment will receive similar notlcss. The- Director will also gBe order t tha lieutenants In all tho Jewish d trlcts to permit the Jewish storekeeper, to keop their stores open the next tvo Sundays until eleven o'clook In the mom Ing Instead of nine, the resular closing tlmo on Bundays This. In view of the , fact that the Jewish housewife mint' prepare on these Hundays for the two holidays which come after, when otthi dox Jews are not permitted to do anv lubor. marketing Included Tom Klppur. or tho day of Atonement, will bo Uihcrcd In nt sundown tomorrow by the Jews thioughout the whole world both orthodox and reform, as tti daj or roBtlng and nrayer. th nuAi ! Jews will spehd tho entire dav In h- synugoBiie?. while tho reform Jewa tII nave several hours' intermission botweeu vrayers The day of atonement Is one of the cycle of holidays, said to hao been In stituted by Moses. It Is ono of the old est and most solemn days In tho Jew ish calendar. Together with the New Year holiday observed last weok It forms what are known as tho holy days. The 10 days between Rosh Haahanna and Yom Klppur aro known as days ot peni tence, when special services are held In all the synagogues. The new German battle line in the southeast, near the Verdun-Toul line of forts, runs from St. Mihiel, where they crossed the Meuse, past Dompienc, reoccupied by the French, to the northwest "f Pont-a-Mousson. In the centre the French have repulsed their offensive at Berru, near Rheims, regained Berry-au-Bac, north of the Aisne, and while von Kluk has pushed in near Noyon, and Ribecourt, over the Oise, the French claim to have made gains along the Oise, north of the Aisne and near the Somme, and even north of it in the St. Quentin, Peronne, Bapaumc region. ! 9 .1. ,1....am r9 Annt .,'V.lnV. (u nl- U.I1U UIO UUIlHl J- "cam, ,ti.i4 .- ways trifle. at hand. Is an Inconsiderate rvriis.1 JF iviiLUdu r vjrwo SILENCED, BERLIN SAYS r. BERLIN. Sept 28. Part of French forts along the Meuse south of Verdun, have been silenced after heavy fighting on both sides. The offensive movement of the Ger mans continues without severe check. Discussing the actual fighting, tho War Office declared that heavy loghes have been Inflicted on the Allies by German bayonet charges, and that the Allies have been obliged to call upon their reserves to strengthen their lines It Is stated that, although the rango and service of the ei m s artillery has materially Jmprow i. the Germans I all of his avili jle force into the fight n the effort to break through the Ger man line. It officially Is stated that at no point ha." he been buccessful, while at a number of points the Germans have advancid their lines. Attempts on the part of the Belgians to make a successful sortie from Ant werp have been frustrated and many prisoners and nn armored car have ben taken. Tho ofllclal statempnt follows. "The offensive movement of our troops continues without severe check Heavy losses have been Inflicted upon continue to gain ground Tho Allien the enemy by our bayonet charges and U Pi : ft m i -mm Il I jg IffJBJ I JaB mm n-imsKfm they have had to bring up their re. serves to strengthen their lines. "At the eastern end of the battle line, our artillery has silenced part of the forts on the Verdun-Toul line and we have succeeded In crossing the Meuse .... . i..at .1...I.. ...j ! mu. ..ncc.ntr& Ic Htnrr uharnlv rp.ii.qtprl mans continue to iimiuimij mm ' ts oaaB' "-o ....-.j . vantage and are In strength on ths ' "In th i centre we continue to gain, west bank of the river. The bombard- despite the enemy's heavy artillery fire, ment of the I'e - 'its sor of vr- ' which is now showing better aim. have been heavily relnfon-ed on the German right, It Is stated, and are making a supreme effort to outflank the German line and to break through ut several points. On the ' Ights of the M use the Oer dun continues with perceptible success, according to the General St a.. the German right it is sated that tne fighting is of the m at bitter char- .er, with the enemy plainly throwing "On the west we have held all the ground we gained, though the enemy has received large reinforcements and U making counter attacks These however, have been repulsed " GREAT BATTLE'S CRISIS PASSED, LONDON BELIEVES 1 ;J LONDON, Sept. 28. That the crisis in the Battle of the Alane has been passed and that the result Is favorable to the Allies is the firm belief of most of London to- mans have gained ground in the en counters of the last two days, are dis counted by the dispatches from Bel glum telling of the success of the Bel gians in driving the Germans in that country Into the territory south of Brussels. An unconfirmed rumor that have raided the German communica tions far north of the point where up to the present any fighting has been reported The English people are plac-i.-;r great ho; s on this report, but It Is not confirmed from any source that carries official weight, and Ostend for the last few das has been a most un reliable rumor factory. Moie significant than anything else, however, are th circumstantial reports received here from Belgium sources that an epidemic of tphold and allied dlt-casos has broken out In the ranks of the German armv, and that their horses are suffering from glanders. These reports came from so many sources that they are generally cred ited. The worst cases are In the valley of the Dendre River, near Termondc. where it Is reported 700 men have f' ready died of typhoid and other Infec tious diseases. The military exports .say that disease enn be expected at this time now that the war has been in progress eight weeks The rivers of Belgium and France have been utilized by both sides to get rid of dead men where there was no time to bury them. Then tho cold rains, which havo now prevailed for more than two week", have added to the difficulty of gathering the wounded. Many bodies remain unburled. putrefy ing In the watr sheds of ' " rivers. The suffering of the wounded as the result of the weather conditions Is fenr ful. Those who cannot drag them selves to places of shelter simply die where they fall, as pnpumonia follows In nearly every Instance. In addition wounds that ordinarily would be clean now gpt filled with mud, and Infection follows as a matter of course. In this respect It Is stated that the Germans have suffered far more than the British or French, who have main tained their field hospitals at full Ftrength and have rushed their wound ed w'cll Into the south Immediately after first aid has been applied. JAPANESE DEFEAT GERMANS IN LONG KIAO-CHAU BATTLE Tokio Reports Fortress at Tsing-Tao on Point of Surrender Kaiser' Forces Abandon Mines. CHARLES M. MORTON'S WILL MAKES GIFTS TO CHARITY night. This Is fostered by tne uov ,nmnt dlct yesterday afternoon to . ,. it. tv,. hottie Mons has been burned is generally th, effect that results of the battle j jg will b -withheld from publication for thM (ha German8 have abandoned that Ave day. I line of communication. Reports from Berlin, received if it u true that Mora actually Is through Holland and Denmark this ' burning. It may mean that the British moraine which assert that tho Oer- Krcr h armies are In strops force and t i Chinches and Homes Shnte in Distri bution of Estate of S22O,304. The estato of I'harli-s M .Morton, nlio died In June, 1913. amounted to J.MO'Zms. BrLord'ng to the accounting of the execu tor, Thomas S K Morton and Arthur V. Morton The uocount has been tiled with the Register of Wills for audit by thi Orphann' Court. Booker T Washington Normal and In dustrial School for Negroes, at Tuskege Alabama, receltd a fMO bequest from the estate Other charitable disbursements made by the accountants under the terms of the will are Christ Memorial Iteformed Churoh. JTO0. Theological Seminary of the Iteformed Episcopal Church. J23J0. Boird of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church ?5Gf. Children's Seashore Home, Atlanta City, iJ&'l. Mercer Home for In valid Womtn, JltiW Philadelphia Auxiliary of the McCall Mission, V0 Women's Union Foreign Sllssionary poele.ty, I3M0, American Sunday School I'nion, IIJOj, Christ Mission of New York, llfifl, Phila delphia Home for Incurable, I1D0O. Penn sylvania Hospital. I2E00, Pennsylvania Bible Sorlet. ". Wills admitted to probate today were those of Jens Hensen, late of 7437 Oxford pike, disposing of an ewtate of 120,215 in private bnuet: f,ouis I'nlloek. 873 North 83d street. tl9C0. Annie 15 Ramse, 63-1 Wakefield street. tVM Ann B I.auKhlln, 1M North 13th street, WX. Christiana Waldnet. jsh Eat Montgomery avenue. 12W Rhepeka N Fabiblan. 5G3 Market street $2f Personal property of John 1 V Evers has been appraised at IS1.. SOLDIERS MUST KEEP MUM Talkative Among Austrian Wounded Arrested, to Conceal Disasters. ROME. Sept 23 Austrian soldiers, wounded In the tight- i ing in Qalicla, have tnen placed under arrest in Trieste ror teiiing ot Austrian defeats, according to a dispatch from across the Austrian border It Is said the War Office has ordered that the public be kept avioy from re turned wound-d so'ilier. TOKIO, Sept. 2S. It is officially announced that the Japanese have defeated the Germans In a stubborn battle lasting H hours on the outskirts of Tslng-tao, cat of the gov ernment of the German leased possession of Kiao-Chnu, China. The Japanese casualties so far as ascer tained are given as throe killed and 12 wounded. The German casualties are said to be S12. According to the statement, the fight began on September 26. German gun boats bombarded the positions of the Japanese troops. Japanese aeroplanes proved effective In reconnoitring expedi tions and are reported to have escaped unharmed. Tho morale of the German defending, force at Kiao-Chau Is on the wane. It la reported here. Some of the soldiers have deserted, escaping by land or sea. Through them It Is learned that, de spite the determination of the Governor of Kiao-Chau to fight to the last, the party which advocates timely surrender Is asserting lt.-elf. It has found Its de fenders even among 'llgh officials of the army. Some of the advocates of sur lender have been shot, while many have been sent to the first line of defense. The German flying machines hae been damaged and can no longer serve a use ful purpose. The food supply Is cut off by the strict blockade of the Japanese navy and Is dally diminishing. Whatever Is replenished comes only through the smuggling of Chinese Junks The suppl of materials forthe making of bread la also stopped, consequently the output Is greatly restricted. Scurvy Is gradually increasing. As the British troops have landed and Joined the Japanese army, it is expected that tho general assault on the fortress will soon commence. PEK1N. Spt. :s. It Is learned from Wel-hslen, in Shan tung, that a second detachment of Japan ese troops orrlved there at sundown on Saturday with 15 cart loads of ammunition and hupplles Other troorw have advanced west along the railway and hold Fangtse. where the Germans flooded the coal mines before their departure. All the Chinese miners tied. The American mission Is crowded with women of all classes from the city and country districts. They are said by tha correspondent at Wct-hfllen to fear both the Jaranese and the Chlneeo soldiers. LONDON. Rept. il. An agency dispatch from Pekln says it is olhcUlb announced there that Pel ho was occupied on September 27 by a small Japanese detachment, which re pulsed S00 Germans. BRITISH BURN GERMAN TOWN ON ISLAND OF YAP Warships Bomliard Il, in Caroline Group Wireless Wrecked. MANILA. Sept. 21 British warships hae bombarded the town of Lai on the island of Vap In the Caroline group, destroyed the German wlrelefs station there and burned the town, according to reports received here through German sources JAPAN GTJABDS COAL SUPPLY MANILA, Sept 28. -The Japanese CSov ernment has Instructed Japunese coal dealers In Manila not to sell coal with out receiving a bond for twice its value and to Insist upon a Consular Inspection. Its action was caused by reports that Carman vessels have been loading coal here to supply German war vessels in. the Paclflr RUSSIAN "STEAM ROLLER" CRUSHES FOES IN GALICIA Austrian Third Line of De fense Routed as Czar's Troops Reach Tarnow and Seize Carpathian Passes. PETROGRAD, Sept. 2?. The Austrian troops have been routed fiom their third line of defense in Gallcla. The Russians nro approaching Tarnow, only GO miles from Cracow, and have also captured Urzok and Szavtnna, Hungarian town on the southern slope of the Car pathian Mountains. They have captured the town of Przcmysl at tho point of their bajonets, but the garrisons of some of the forts there continue to hold out. This news is given In a statement issued by tho General Staff today. It shows that the Russian steam roller Is progressing with amazing rapidity and that only a Btltf defense at Cracow and along the line from there to Thorn, East Prussia, can prevent the Russian armies from being well on their way to Berlin wtlhin a very short time. Tho General Staff Is lushing the nrmy forward with all pos sible haste, hoping to avoid a winter cam paign for the capture of the German capi tal. The Russians are today in force at Tarnow. Although they are unablo to move with the great speed shown in tho early days of tho Gallclan operations, be cause of the swollen rivers nnd marshy condition of the territory through which the nrmy Is advancing, the Russian forces are declared In today's War Office report to be making steady progress. Tho Russians are moving steadily for ward In four separata movements. The bombardment of Przemysl continues with one of the main forts already reported uh onpunled bv tho RtiMSlnnn. It 1 dtitwi 1 here that the Russians have again taken I a number of guns nnd that the Cossacks aro cutting to pieces the rear guaid of the rftreutlng Austrian? Through tho pass at TJz&ok troops -p pouring upon the plains of Hungup to strike the AUBtrlans In the rear nnd out oft communication between Kaschau and ('racow. At Uzsok nnd Szavtann. which lies near the source of tho river Ung. the Russians captured thirty guns, 4500 prisoners, many rapld-flrers and large quantities of ammunition and supplies Part of the forces under General Von Colrad at Przemysl succeeded In cutting their way through tha RusBlan lines west of that fortress In an attempted re treat, but they were pursued by large forceB of Cossacks and suffered terrible losses, says the official report Some of the Austrlans succeeded In reaching Jaslow and Joining other forces there, but they lost every gun that thej at tempted to take with them. ALLIES' ADRIATIC FLEET REPULSED. SAYS VIENNA Cattaro Ports Inflict Heavy Damage and Porco Withdrawal, VIENNA, Bept. 2? The Trench and British warships that attempted to bombard Cattaro have suf fered heavy damages and been forced to withdraw, according to a dispatch re ceived from Lieutenant Field Marshal Nqvak, commander of the Austrian troops In Pulmatla. He states that little damage was done to the Cattaro forts by the allied fleets' Are, but that when the enemy sailed uway heavy smuko wbb rising from two ships, indicating that they had been set on Are. Tha Austrian fleet has been concentrated at Pola and will soon sail to glva battle to the allied fleet. I-arge forces of troops also have been gathered there. Though the belief prevails here that Italy will maintain her neutrality, every precaution Is being tai:en to prevent a sudden In--vaslon This is the rtaaon for the con centration of troops at Pola. It is announced that sporadic attempts by tbs Russians to get through the Hun garian passes have been repulsed, and that the campaign against Servla Is or c ed'i'E successfully. SUES BUSINESS ASSOCIATE FOR $50,000 DAMAGES President of Manufacturing Company Accuses Vice President of Slander. Thomns M. Eynon, president of the Hynon-Evans Manufacturing Company, 15th and Clearfield streets, has brought suit against George J. Sledlcr, director and vice president, to recover $.',0,000 dam ages for slander and defamation of char acter. There has been considerable trouble between tho two men over the manage ment of the company's affairs. The utterances of which Eynon com plains are alleged to have been made by Sledler on July 2), within the hear ing of Frank E. Emery, an employe of their company, and others. Sledler's re marks Imputed that the plaintiff had not acted properly as a trustee for a widow Interested In the concern. Eynon em phatically resents tho nccusatlons nnd says there Is absolutely no truth In them. Ho further declares that Sledler has been bent upon deposing him as bead of the concern, which plnce he do sircs for himself. In an effort to obtain the presidency, Sledler, the plaintiff asserts, got a creditor to file a bill In equity asking for tho appointment of a receiver and nn accounting by Eynon. The creditor who filed the petition was the Ross Tacony Crucible Compnny. In the peti tion It was alleged that Eynon, the presi dent, was running the concern Into debt by giving Jobs to members of his fam ily, purchasing and operating automo biles for his relatives and by other ex travagant unbusinesslike methods. The suit for a receiver was heard by Judgo Ferguson on September 1, when Eynon entered a general denial to the charges of mismanagement, and tho petitioners were unable to show that nnj thing ho had done was not approved by the board of directors. Ho denied that the auto was for his family's use, but was tho company's machine nnd the board of directors knew of Its purchase. Judgo Ferguson refused to Interfere with the Internal strife between tho officers, but said the board of directors ought to settle matters. On application of Weaver and Drake, attorneys, who represent Eynon, Judge flarratt issued a capias today for the arrest of Sledler In the action for slander, fixing his ball at $2000, an unusually large sum In an action of this kind, SOCIALISTS WOBK FOP- PEACE LUCERNE, Sept. 28. At a conference of Inlluential Swiss and Italian Socialists held here resolutions were adopted pledging the Socialists to do everything In their power to end tho war as quick ly as possible. SEEK DUM-DUM BULLET Physicians to X-Ray Hand of Tony Pnllucl. Physicians nt the Mt. Sinai Hospital will take an X-ray picture today of the hand of Tony Pallucl, of 716 Sears street, In an attempt to locate what Is believed to bo a dum-dum bullet. Enmlnatlon of the band showed that tho bullet stni I, a bone, mushroomed and spilt into fr ir pieces. Pallucl was struggling with Tony P'f qunll, of South Eighth street, yesterdav morning for the possession of a revolver -when tho weapon exploded and the sup posed dum-dum struck him In the hen' Doth men say the struggle was In f , but Pasquall Is being held for a hca ini? at the Third and Dickinson streets st tlon. Man Held on Girls' Charges On charges preferred by several youn.' women In Camden, Thomas Kins, 11 ears old, of Haddon Heights, N. J., wna held In default of $1500 ball by Recordti Stackhouse In the Camden County court house this morning. 31,448 Attend City Baths Attendance record at the 23 city bath houses, supervised by the Board of Rec reation, vas 31,448 during last week. The attendance was as follows: 5558 men, 19,370 boys, 1S15 women, 4705 girls. ENGLISH SOLDIER WRITES ON POSTCARDS READY-MADE Word From the Front Bears Message to the Friends at Home. In order that English soldiers may write to relatives and friends, even under trjlng difficulties, tho English Govern ment has provided postal cards on which are printed M-utcnccs applying to almost any condition of the writer. Ono of theso cards was received to day by Mrs, Norman Jefferlcs, of Nar berth, from her brother, Harry Pinches, who Is an officer In tho crack Grenadier Guards now nt tho front. The card was sent from a battlefield on August 20. At tho top of tho card it is stated that nothing must be written on It but the date and signature of the sender and that sentences not required may be erased. The sentences from which the writer must choose his message are: "I am quite well. I huve been admitted Into hospital. I am sick, wounded nnd gettlns on well, and hope to be discharged EOon I am being sent down to the base. I have received your letter, telegram, psr eel. Iettor follows at first opportunity I have received no letter from you lately for a long time." Every sentence In the message tent here was crossed out but these two' "I am quite well; lettsr follows at first oppoitunlty." NOTHING is to bo written on this except tho date and cifinature ofthesonder, Sentenoea not requirer may bo erased. If anything else is added the po3t cavd will be destroyed. I am quilt u!l, 7 ttttvi bMi iTifni idisl- into kuiiitat il inn yul.iy un ivdls dJijpi fV be'UHJixuMvl muit,' f-ffiii hv'ng.iiut ilnwi (9 Mo hrnse. I hrtvit vyii'iMJ yM"' (-fttttK f iIiuim 1 rm I jjui'i'SZ. Idler folloics at first opportunity. f'ATuv-tt'cvtt'iJc no iltn from yaii- e T 1 1 . y lllltt," ssjru Ivny tluu. - if, Signature only. O-O Clhj----- f, im- Bate, rt5 mast be prepaid on any lcltor or postcard l!rtjcd to tin ssudcr 6f this eunL TOMMY ATKINS WRITES HOME
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