T HUS fWWHlt-J?'7,rw"w iEir 3Z7'.' .' jttbJ NIGHT EXTRA EVENING LEDGER NIGHT VOL. L KO. 13 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1014. PKIOE ONE CENT VILLA MOVES HIS FORCES AS PEACE CONFERENCE PENDS Mobile Army of 30,000 Men, Marching Against Carranza, Occupies Za catecas Meeting May Avert War. JUAUKZ, Sept. 28. Despite the arange ments for n peace meeting between Gen eral Franclaco Villa and commissions of generals from Ills army and tliat of President Carranza, Villa today continued his military operations. Nearly nil of his mobile force of CO.000 men nro now march lug against the troops of Carranza. They have already occupied Zncatecas, In the CLtitral military zone, fronting the Car ranz.t mobilisation point at Aguas Callen tv?. lleports that Vlltlstas have occupied Can Luis Potosl have not been confirmed. A secret movement of troops Into Eonora ai dlscovcied today whou Villa's ocrsunal brigade, commanded by Gciictal ftodiigucz, reached the Sonora b'late line to co-oporato with tho revo lutionary Governor, Maytorena, In driv ing out Cairanza troops under Generat Hill. The meeting between commissions of gcneials f loin the .umlcs of Villa and Cairnnza will bo held at Agua3 Callcn tcs. They will decide wliether Carranza shrill resign from the provisional presi dency, to be succeeded by Fernando Igleilas Caldcron to avert the threat ened wnr. In a statement Issued last night at Chi huahua General Villa said: "I solemnly declare I shall not ac cept Carranza as President or Vice Presi dent, ad interim or constitutional." WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S.-Efiorts to patch up the break between Villa and Carranza weie scheduled today at Zacatecas, according to a message from Consul Carothers to the White House today. It stated that represenatlves of both Villa and Carranza would be present. AMERICAN MARINE GOVERNMENT MEN AFTER ! PRPRTKNT INSISTS CHAMELEON-LIKE NOTES 1 rttLDlULl 1JJIMD1D Eight In Circulation Call for Differ I ON WORLD-GIRDLING ent Sum on Either Side. There nro eight chameleon-like bills drifting about the country and each colls Upon the Government to pay 130 to the boaror, that Is, It tho owner will ndd to gether both sides of tho bills. Tho secret service men hero arc looking for them. Some one In tho Bureau of Engraving and Printing became careless or suffered from brnln fng a few weeks ago. Ho started to pi hit pcifectly good twenty dollar bills. Ho completed printing one sldo of the twenty-dollar notes conectly, thqn he lapsed for he Inserted for the obverse sldo of the notes a ptato for ten-dollar bills. The first tho Government heard of the bill which should be In a museum In stead of circulation, was In the West. Now treasury agents and secret service men In Philadelphia arc trying to round them up. DEFEAT OF PENROSE URGED AS AN ISSUE ABOVE PARTY LINES Popular Government League Says $1,000,000 Has Been Raised to Send Him and Sullivan to Senate. Favors Ship Purchase Bill That Will Enable Capture of New Trade Channels in Every Direction. AMERICAN TROOPS GUARDING MEXICAN BORDER REINFORCED Action Taken In View of Battle Im minent at Naco. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Sept. 23. Five more troops of American caalry took up posi tions along the Mexican line today to prevent any violation of United States tcrrltoiy in the battle now imminent be tween Carranzlstas and Vlllalstas at Nneo, Sonoia, The Inhabitants of Nnco, Texas, Just across tho line, were up at dawn and hastened to get positions on a string of cars In the railroad yards. They were drlon away by Colonel Gullfoyle's ttooper.i because they were within range of the expected fighting. The Carranzlstas at Naco number about 1600 men, while the approaching Vlllalstas have 2000. MEXICAN PRIEST TELLS OF SUFFERING INDIGNITIES Carranza Men Paraded 40 Ecclesi astics With Hopes About Necks. NEW YORK. .Sept. 28.-A number of refugees from Mexico were on board the Ward liner Kapetnnza when she anlved today from Vein Cruz. Mexicans tiled to provent some of the fugitives from leaving the country, but were unsuccess ful, owing to the Intervention of United fitates troops at Vera Ciuu. A passenger on the Esperanza was the I.'ev. Gouzalo Carrasco. who was at a college Just outside of Mexico City when General Carinnza entered the capital and took over the Government. The priest said that he nmi about 40 other priests were led through the streets of Mexico City wit hropes tied around their necks because they had no money to give to Cairanza. when it was demanded. DR. BRUMBAUGH WILL SPEAK Father's Condition Permits Him to Leave for Du Bois. Word was tecelved today from Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, Ropublican can didate for Governor, that his father, the Rev. George Boyer Brumbaugh, whose Illness esterday occasioned considerable ulaim, was much Impi overt. Doctor Brumbaugh wlied from his parents' home that he would leave this afternoon for Du Bois, Pa, where he will speak tonight. Alarmed at his father's sudden Ill ness, Doctor Brumbaugh left this city yesterday morning for Huntingdon, where the elder Brumbaugh Is a patient at the Blair Memorial Hospital. Last night James S. Hlatt, personal friend and cam paign managor of Doctor Brumbaugh, l reel veil a message saying his father was resting easily, but was not entirely out of danger. Today's telegram was more reassuring. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S.-Dereat of Holes Penrose, described as "Republican machine boss of Pennsylvania," nnd of Roger Sullivan, "Democratic machine boss of Illinois," both of whom seen scats In the United States Senate, Is urged in a statement Issued last night by the National Popular Government League, tho president of which Is Sena tor Robert L. 0,cn. of Oklahoma, chair man of tho Banking and Currency Com mute, and an Administration leader In the Senate. The two men are designated In the state ment as "a menace to popular govern ment, State and national." Tho league's manifesto, based upon representations made to It by dependable citizens, declares: "That the success of both Penrose and Sullivan at the primaries was promoted by defectlvo machine-made primary laws which deny tho secrecy of the Australian ballot, militate against the freedom of tho voters and permit skillful frauds to be perpetrated. "That If Senator Norrls" resolution Is pnssed by the Senate and an Investiga tion of these two primaries takes place, the lesults will shock the nation. "That an enormous sum of money, estimated to be $1,000,000, Is ready to be spent If necessary to elect them to the Senate, where, because of the peculiar organization of the Senate, the rules would give each of them enormous In fluence. "That both had behind them the sup port, direct and Indirect, of the special interests In these States. "That they both have been persistent enemies for years of the popular gov ernment system. "W shall oppose Pentose and Sullivan because we believe the election of these men, representing as they do In the pub lie mlrd the most typical and conspicu ous examples of tho sinister partnership between bipartisan politics and the spe cial Interests, would prove a most seri ous national blow to the doctrines of a government by the people. "AVe, therefore, are of the belief that the Issue transcends all party lines and that it is the duty of all good citizens to dlsiegard party prejudices and to unite In opposition to all the alliances between crooked business and crooked politics, which today threaten the vory founda tions of government by the people. We ask the moral and financial support of friends of progress throughout the nation that we may be able successfully to nfd the peoplo In their efforts to overthrow '.Sullivanlsm' In Illinois, 'Penroselsm' In Pennsylvania and the Influence of the 'system at Washington." moil a RiAri' cOMirroxDBNT.l WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.-Prcsldcnt Wilson Informed callers this morning that he Is still of the opinion that tho Alex ander ship purchase bill, providing for a Government-controlled lino of steamships to bo used in tho South American trade, should be passed at this session of Con gress. He made It clear that he would not abandon this measure because jof the opposition that has developed among tho Democrats of tho House who are opposed to the measure. The President Insists on a world gltdllng merchant marlno that will not only captuic commerce In all channels, but will letaln It. Following his conference with the nowEpaper correspondents at 10:30 o'clock this morning, tho President received Ma jority Leader Underwood and Represen tative Alexander. They called at the White House, It Is Understood, to tell tho President of the threatened split In the Democratic ranks of the Houoe If the ship purchase measure Is pressed by the Administration at this session. President Wilson Is believed to have Informed Rep resentatives Underwood and Alexander that some stronger reason must be pre sented for dropping tho Alexander bill from the Administration's legislative program. The opposition In the House to the passage of the measure seems to bo well organized and some of the Democratic leaders say that the President Is Invit ing defeat for the first time In Congress by Insisting upon the enactment of the law providing for the Government-controlled steamship line. Tho President, however, does not seom In the least worried by the threatened rovolt In the House, and the Adminis tration leaders profess to be confident that the Alexander bill will become n law before the Senators and Represen tatives arc permitted to adjourn Con gresss and get back to their homes to look after the mending of their "politi cal fences." 25 NIGHT RIDERS INJURE FIVE Two of Three Men Attacked May Die. LEXINGTON, Ky Sept. 28.-A band of 23 night riders allnckcd tho home of Grovcr Todd In Hopkins County early today, wounding three male and two fe male members of the family. Two of the men may die. BEACHEY STARTLES PRESIDENT WILSON BY AERIAL PRANKS GERMANS BESIEGE ANTWERP IN FIERCE ASSAULT ON FORTS 'Wonderful, But Reckless," His Comment on Viewing Aviator's Flops Over White House Grounds. FIVE LOSE LIVES IN FIRE Mother Burned in Vain Attempt to Save Four Children. CHAMPAIGN, 111.. Sept. J8.-Mrs. Joseph Stone and her four children were burned to death today when fire destroyed their home, The mother lost her life trying to save her children. UPTON'S YACHT BECOMES AID TO RED CROSS WORK The Erin Sail to Havre Nurses, With 100 CHOLERA RAGES IN TRIESTE Inhabitants Fleeing Austrian City to Escape Plague, ROMES, Sept 25. Private messages from the Austrian city of Trieste report that an epidemic of -cholera has broken out there, and that resident of tho city are fleeing-. m rr k SJl o u FAIFL WEATHER FORECAST For Philadelphia nnd vicinity Fair tonight aud Tuesday, with frost in low places tonight; moderate north west winds. For details, see pago Jf, NEW YORK, Sept. 2S.-The steam yacht Erin, owned by Sir Thomas Llpton, and which recently towed tho Shamrock IV to New York, has been turned over to the British Government for hospital purposes, according to a cable message received by Thomas Crane, the New York represent&V tive. With Sir Thomas and 100 Red Cross nurses aboard, the Erin sailed yesterday from Southampton for Havre. It Is assumed the nurses may be a por tlon of the American Red Cross contin gent that left New York for the war zone several days ago. CAMDEN PROGRESSIVES GAVE ONLY 229 VOTES TO HIGGINS Official Count of Primary Election Announced. The official count of last Tuesday's primary election In Camden was an nounced today at the court house. It was shown among other things that the Progressives polled only 220 votes for Illggins, their candidate for Congress, while Browning, the Republican candi date received 12,548 votes, Following are the flguics. Democratic For Congress, Nowrey, 2068; Richmond, 661. For Sheriff Pitman, 2126: Mnloney, 9S2. KepiiDiican Assembly K.ites. 10,809: Pancoaat, S218; Wolverton, 8019; Fort, 7631; Bressey, 2050. Sheriff Haines, 8019; Scovel, 4443; Glbbs, 472: Marner, 820. Excise Board Alff. 5593; Bancs, 3644; Wright, 3C0O; Lee, 3153; Zanmater, 3043, SENATE FOR OIL PROBE Passes Resolutions to Investigate the Business in United States. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.-Two reso lutions providing for investigations of the oil business of the United States, particularly tho Standard Oil Company, 'today were adopted unanimously by the Senate. One of the lesolutlons offered by Sen ator Goie. of Oklahoma, calls for an In quiry by the Federal Tiade Commission Into the operations of the Standard Oil Company and the companies Into which the Standard Oil was divided by the de- creo oi lussoiuiion or me supreme Court. The other resolution was Introduced by Senator Chilton, of West Virginia, and asks an Investigation by the Interstato Commerce Commission Into the oil' busi ness In New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Oklahoma and elsewhere. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. "Wonderful, but startllngly reckless," said President Wilson today when Lincoln Beachey, the aviator, turned a double aerial somer sault over the White House grounds some 1600 feet up In the air. The Presldoift watched the airman drlvehls tiny aero plane through halr-rnlalng evolution; and heaved a sigh of relief when the ma chine darted off In a straight line toward the Capitol at the other end of Penn sylvania avenue. Beachey, Induced to come here by Cap tain Mark L. Bristol, chief of the Navy Aviation Bureau, was supposed to dem onstrate to the law makers tho necessity for greater appropriations for flying ma chines for the use of both the navy and army. It was his task to demonstrato the complete control man now had In the air. When he reached the Capitol the Sen ate and House office buildings were quickly emptied. Committee meetings broke up as if by magic, and Senators and Representatives, with a small army of clerks and stenographers, crowded out of the big building to take up positions in the plaza, Beachy signalized his arrival over tlm dome of the Capitol by turning four back somersaults In his machine In rapid suc cession. Then he circled the dome thrice and darted back again down Pennsyl vania avenue. He dived for the tall tower of the Postofllce Department, skimmed over It and up until when h reached the Washington monument he was more than 1000 feet aloft. After alighting In Potomac Park the aviator readjusted some parts of his engine and went up again after a wait of 20 minutes. The- President ngaln watched him as he executed fancy fig ures ngnlnst the bluo Bky. The airman cut figure "8's," dived, twisted his ma chine sideways and flopped over back ward many times. AVhen it was all over official Washing ton drew a long breath and went back to work. The offect on Congress has not yet been ascertained. Reinforcements Move For ward in Several Directions in Campaign to Occupy New Belgian Capital. BRITISH SEARCH NORWEGIAN SHIP OFF NEW YORK PORT RUSSIAN CRUISER WRECKED Oleg, With Contingent of 573, Suf fers Disaster Off Finland. STOCKHOLM, Sept. 28. The Russian cruiser Oleg Is reported to have been wiecked oft the coast of Finland, ac cording to the captain of a Swedish ship arriving from Helsingfors. The Oleg was In Asiatic waters during the Russo-Japanese war. She was laid down In 1901 and had a displacement of 6695. Her crew number 573. WILL ENCOURAGE MARRIAGES Church of England Ministers Asked to Foster Matrimony. LONDON. Sept. 2S.-AH ministers of the Church of England have been asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Its head, to do everything possible to en courage marriages. England, like Germany, realizes that a high birth rate is necessary to fllj the gaps caused by the war, and every ef fort Is being made to tncourasra mar? Irlages at this time. f r In- Officer From Cruiser Caronia spects Papers for Hour. NEW YORK. Sept. 28, Just as she was about to enter New York harbor today, the Norwegian steam ship Kristlanfjord was stopped and searched by the British cruiser Caronia. An officer from the Caronia spent about an hour and a half on board the Nor wegian ship, according to her master, Captain Hlortdahl, going through the papers. There was but one German fam ily on the ship and they were not mo tested. The Kristlanflord brought 3.1 first iuid second clasa passengers and 784 steerage passengers to port LEPROSY PLAGUE IN MEXICO U. S. Health Authorities Powerless to Institute a Quarantine, WASHINGTON, Sept. 28I.eproay has broken out In Mexico, according to re ports to the Public Health Service, In Mazatlan alone ISO esses were reported there last month. Two deaths from the disease have been reported so far Public health officials announced that under existing laws they are powerless to institute a quarantine against the n trance of these lepers to United States territory If any of the afflicted Mexi cans attempt to cross the border the Federal authorities will co-operate with the States as far as they can. FORMER LEWIS SUPPORTER COMES OUT FOR BRUMBAUGH Forsakes Washington Party as Re sult of Flinn Deal. An Indication of the attitude of the Washington Party advocates since tho withdrawal of William Draper Lewis, the Progressive nominee for Governor, and the subsequent Indorsement by the State Committee of Vance C. McCormlck, the Democratic nominee, is Indicated In u letter written by Dr. James N. Perry, Jr., of 113 West Logan street, German town, and made public today by the Brumbaugh Citizens' Committee. Dr. Perry's letter, which was addressed to Frank S, Harrison, of Wayne avenue, Germantown, reads. "As a staunch Republican I know It would Interest you to know that I have forsaken the Washington party since the Fllnn deal and changed strongly In favor of Dr. Brumbaugh and Senator Penrose and Intend to vote the straight ticket and do nil In my power to make this election a walkover for the Grand Old Party." Letters Indorsing Dr. Brumbaugh con tinue to reach the Brumbaugh Committee headquarters In the Lincoln Building PENROSE AT PITTSBURGH; SAYS VOTERS ARE AROUSED Pleased by Campaign and Blames Democrats for Industrial Depression, PITTSBURGH. Sept. 28,-Senator Pen rose, arriving this morning for two days' campaign In and about Pittsburgh, said he had found Interest among the people In the State fight strong and In one or two cities had encountered audiences larger than In the same oltlea In past presidential contests, ",'Jesplte the war In EJurope," said the Senator, "tho voters everywhere I have been show they are vitally Interested In the campaign. The onlj complaint I would make la that It does not sem that tho newspapers aro giving the campaign the attention the Interest In It and Its importance Justify. "Everywhere good sized crowds turn out for the meetings. At Altoona we were forced to hold an overflow meeting and here, where Interest has not been of tho best In the pRst, we got a batter turnout than I have seen here when a prFBiaeniiui campaign was on. "Interest In Altoona, In the slate quarry sections of Northampton and elsewhere, we found Intensified by the widespread Idleness which met us where ever we- stopped In the Commonwealth. Men totd us they havo had to abandon their building and loan payments; that where their weekly paj envelope has contained as high as $50 and more. It now runs around 110 and lis. nH ai,. without exception the men are on short time. They told us (t is a case of three days a week or a complete shutdown.'' Senator Penrose added: "The war Is not blinding the workers to the fact that rosponeIblllt for this widespread Idle ness lies, primarily, with the Democratic Administration at .Washington." HARVARD TO SEND TEACHERS CAMBRIDGE, Maas.. Sept 2S.-Desplte the European war, Harvard University will exchange profsssors -with French and German universities. It was announced today that Prof. W. A. Nellson will go to Paris, and Prof. A. D, Hart will go to Berlin, while Prof. Waldermar Volght of tba University of Ooettlngen, and Prof. Hsnri Llehtenbsrgtr, of th University of Paris, will come to Harvard. ANTWERP, Sept. 28. The Germans aro shelling the outer fortifications with heavy guns. Already they are reported to havo caused dam age to Forta Vaolhcm nnd Wavre and to thechaln of fortifications which connect them. The forts nro responding vigor ously to the fire. Tho guns used are those with which tho Germnns yesterday bombarded Mechlin, killing many worshippers as they left church and setting fire to many buildings, Including tho hospital of the Little Slstera of tho Poor. Fort Strombaut Is reported to have been practically destroyd by the German shels, So far as the bombardment of the de fenses of Antwerp Is concerned It Is bellovcd that the present action Is In tended to keep tho Belgian army Inside of tho fortifications. The guns used are of tho heavy ordinary siege type and not the caterpillar pieces that caused tho losses of Liege and Namur. Ant werp Is quiet and the General Stoff shows no concern over tho latest de velopment. Belgian refugees are pouring Into Macstrlch, owing to tho burning of a neaiby village by the Germans. They say that eight Belgian soldiers succeeded In cutting the railway, and that a Ger man train In consequence was thrown Into the ditch. In revenge the Germans Durnea the village. Unconfirmed reports state that the city of Mons, headquarters of General Bochn, commander of the German army sent to assist Gcnoial von Kluk, Is burning and that the railroad bridge on the main line between Mons and Brussels at Blerck has been blown up, cutting railroad communi cation between the German forces at Brussels nnd Mons. Tinvelertj arriving from Ghent predict heavy fighting there In the near future, as the Germans are making every effort to penetrato to Antwerp. They have been repulsed again near Tcrmonde, in the vicinity of which, they managed to de stroy several villages by a withering schrapncl fire. it is evidently tho Germans' Intention to force their way through to St. Nicolas, If possible, and complete tho ring of in vestment around Antwerp. Their bom bardmdnt of th city must be deferred, however, till their big guns are brought near enough to be effective and the con crete emplacepents for them have been completed?' ' INVADERS RENEW FIERCE ASSAULTS ON FRENCH CENTRE All Attacks Repulsed, Is Official Statement From Paris, Although Unofficial Reports Admit Germans in Force Have Crossed Meuse River. London Credits Rumor That Mons is Burning and Believes it Marks Turning Point of Great BattleTyphoid Epi demic in Kaiser's Camps. TheWar Today JAPANESE CRUISER HALTS AMERICAN SHIP IN PACIFIC Idzumo Fires Shot Across Bow of the Seward. SEATTLE, Sept. 2S. The activity of the Japanese cruiser Idzumo which Is lying In wait off the American coast for German ships. ws shown today In a dispatch stating that the Idzumo had fired several shots acro3 the bows of the American steamship Seward. Later the Japanese officers boarded the Soward and closely examined her papers before permitting her to proceed. The Seward plies between Seattle and Alaskan points. "SITUATION SATISFACTORY," CABLES SIR EDWARD GREY British Embassy Hears of Repulse of Germnns, WASHINGTON', Sept. 28 -Sir Edward Grey today cabled the British Embassy: "The situation Is satisfactory and counter attacks on the British front have been beaten back with heavy losses by the enemy." SQUIRREL PLAYS PART OF "BULL IN CHINA SHOP" Ruined Family Preserves, Sergeant Mallon Finds After a Search. House Sergeant Francis Mallon, of the Front and Westmoreland streets station. Is mourning the loss of a squlirol today and also several dollars' worth of pre serves and catsup his wife had prepared. The squirrel ran Into the celar of the sergeant's house, 323 West Lehigh ave nue, to escape a gang of boys. After the sergeant chased the boys ho closed all the windows to the cellar and decided to make a pet out of the animal. Early this morning he was aroused from sleep by the noise of breaking glass (n the cellar. Seizing his revolver, the ser geant went to Investigate, thinking he had been visited by burglars. Instead he found about half his winter's supply of preserves scattered about the uour. i iid oquuiri wan jumping about from Jar to Jar, and ever- time the ant mal moved he wrought morn havoc. Be. fore the sergeant could close the cellar door the squirrel got into the upper floors and escaped through a window. CART CRUSHES MAN TO DEATH William Tlnney Instantly Killed as Wheels Go Over Him. The wheels of a brick cart he was driv ing todav ended the life of William Tlnnej. 46 ears rfd. H2 South a.i street, who lost his balance while ad Justing the harness nnd fell beneath the vehUIe al 25th street and Passyunk avenue. Before the horses could be stopped they had drawn the heavy brick-laden cart across the chest of its drher. Both the forward and rear wheels passed over the man. His chest was crushed and his neck ibroken. Policeman Frowert, of the Seventh and Carpenter streets police station, took tho man to the Howard Hospital in a patrol wagon, hut physicians said death had been Instantaneous. The body was takn to tho Morgue Pope Receives Bishop McDonnell ROME. Sept. 2S.-Bish0D C K Mm. nell. of Brooklyn, was received in private ! Buureuce yesieraay oy .rope Benedict XV He Is the first bishop admitted to tha pretense of the new Fontitt, Fierce fighting today was resumed alonp tho entire battle lino In north ern France, the sixteenth day of the Kreat engagement. French official statement states the Germans storm ed the centre at the point of the bay onet, but were repulsed. The Ger mans claim to be crossing the Meuse River in force near St. Mihlel, but the French War Office says St. Mihlel still Is held by the French troops. Tho Allies have failed to penertate tho German right at St. Quentin. The Kaiser Is believed personally to be directing the offensive movements of his troops. Antwerp is being bombarded by the Germans In a fierce assault to crush the flanking attacks of King Albert's army. Two of the forts havo been shelled by heavy German artillery. The Germans are moving reinforce ments In several directions to aid in the siege. Russians have seized Uszak and other passes in the Carpathians, which control the entrance into Hungary. Possession of these prevent the pass age of Austrian reinforcements from the south in any attempt to proceed against the rear of tho Russian troops, now actively moving toward Cracow. A Russian force has al ready penetrated to Tarnow, on the north, only 50 miles from the main objective of Cracow. The Przemysl garrison made an Inertectuai sorui: and In the repulse was driven back into the forts, the Russians occupy ing the town. Heavy bombardment continues. Japaneso troops defeated the Germans in a 14-hour battle on tho outskirts of Tsing-Tao, In Klao-Chau, accord ing to a Tokio official statement. It is said the German garrison, with Buppllqs cut off, is about to surrender. London War Office announces that the Allies continue to hold the advantage In France, although there has boon no decisive victory. London hopes the Ostend report is twie that Mons ls burning, as this would indicate the Allies have raided uerman commu nications far to the north of any point where fighting has been reported. It also is reported typhoid has broken out In the invaders' forces and their horses are suffering from glanders. Berlin officially announces that the Germans in force are holding the foothold on the west bank of the river near St. Mihlel. It Is also stated armies operating from Vn rennes have forced the French back and now hold the main highways and railroads in that vicinity. The Allies have been unable to break through the German right wing, It Is added. Petrograd War Offices report success ful though slow eastward movement toward Cracow and the capture of all the southern passes through the Carpathians into Hungary. In the F.ast Prussia campaign the War Of. flee reports repulse of the Germans In frontier skirmishes and a German plan to make a stand along the Thorn-Kallsz line, which Is being heavily intrenched, to prevent the contemplated Russian invasion of Silesia. Vienna War Omce announces repulse of Allies' attack on Cattaro and the departure of the fleet engaged In the bombardment. The Austrian fleet and a large land force have concen trated at Pola on the Adriatic, in an ticipation of Italy's participation in PARIS, Sept. 28. Desperate attacks mado by tho Ger mans between the River Aisne and tho Argonne forest have been repulsed b.' the allied French and B-ittsh troopi" according to an official announcement issued this afternoon. This is at tho centre of the opposing armies. The statement says the general sit uation is unchanged, but that attacks are being made continually by tho Ger mans at certain points. The statement, briefer than usual, follows: There Is nothing new in the gen eral situation. Relative calm pre vails on the front. At certain points, particularly be tween the Aisne and the Argonne-, the enemy continually attempts new ana violent attacks, which 1 been repulsed. This statement was regarded as th least satisfactory from a news stand point that has yet been issued. It mado absolutely no mention of the sit uation on the right and left wlnga, where the heaviest fighting of the 16 day battle has been In progress. The brevity of the official announce ment was taken as an Indication that the wishes of the British Government as to the publication of military details would be observed, at least In part, hereafter. It Is understood hero that a certain plan that had beon conceived In the War Office at London -waa upset by the publication of certain details made public in Paris. It was frankly admitted at head quarters here today that though the decisive phase of the conflict had been reached tho Allies had been surprised by the continual attacks of the G the war. . i i ja mn rta an A 4. ..... .. j ... li' JJ , . ,t ,,,u, unpossiDie to predlt I " when tho struggle would end. ' "1 "The break must come, however," said Lv' "1 one officer. "It is almost impossible that the enemy can withstand nrnori longer tho steady pressure of tha Al lies. "Their recuperative power has sur prised us. Their repeated counter at tacks are moat amazing. We know that thay have suffered heavily, and yet their attacks are apparently as strong ns ever. There is a hard task before us. but our troops realize that the final result will be In their favor " .uons is reported In flames. This may prove a forerunner of the most important development in tha battle of tho Aisne. At Mons, the German battle line, running north from the Aisne. begins to turn northeastward and moves through Belgium. Between Mons and Antwerp Is the northwest corner of the German squnre. Von Kluk Is defending the southwest corner of the square so suc cessfully that there does not seem to be any immediate prospect of the al lied armies dislodging him by direct assault. It has been suggested In thl column that In consequence of von Kluk's success the Allies would turn to the northwest corner of the German battle square and try to break through there. If the reported destruction of Mons is true, it probably means that this northwestern attack is beginning to develop. It is rumored here that the Germans have made gains along the Meus and that they are now in strong force on tha west bank of the river near Bt, Mlhlol. Military headquarters, in con tradiction of this, says that St Mihlel still Is held by the French, but gives, no details. The right centre French armies aro under constant pressure In tha territory east of Rhelma where the crack Oar man regiments continue to try to break through the lines Wounded officer who have come back from there declare the fighting is like the pendulum of a clock, first one aide having the advan tage and then the other. Every effort of the AUle to gta . -ii 4