8 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MOHftDAY, BEPTEMBfiB 28, 1914., p Eta ojl m 51 ;' SJ !ft la Ii Utf W " M R ' 1 2 s '4i EVENING sis&ls LEDGER prune ledger antt'VNY CVlll'i tT K" ClV.Ttf rrinBNT. On W n,in fii-reinr?: Inline Mutln Tiftnarff: rhirlc Tl t iiiltnston, Philip 8 t ollln. John PS. Wll- Huh" t)t r-fior . niJITOntA! BOAUt : ftm s M. K CcnTi. rhalmwft. tt wmvt.kt tewmw Ww JnT r MVHTIN aiwtil titiHhw 3HWJ I'D n h i riiiiv, rttm ytirK!-" ti ttm T.tiwM Ativnti in.....,,, ... i t i itrt rHi!rif NrrVniii irn M. trnpi'ltujl WJ i in o , ,; 11. ,m ihmii ii'ti Iralwfm loMllN SVntiim I'll " fall Mnll. S. l?ATn!t--i Hrnit ivim tov n isfi Ntn Yi I't Pp4ti Iffl! IN I'l I M I.nMi v i t u. ,, lUMS IjtlhAC ... sm p . H' i . in, rn)-cit n"!I'J!n5 . . . The P( ttiitMlliK . . The Hurt luilMmf '(i Fl Ii ' , ll i' OSS' .ill Hue LiUls k dr nJ . B P l' Mull liiwt 8 W, 2 Hut M is' hmthvn riRMn it crnt f y tnnn r pM n whor fnnwi r"" Jivi"rrlc mm dm "uiMc of riill.i.Mi I . t iiniil-. t Tif- . ,. . i.mHi !. in a.( n, ...Mm Uillt CM, ' i ihii-n duiliiti All null ubcf!p lon KWf in an ntf ittrt, mno wmm r M.vTcm maiv flflmt . - . vi, i i;tttii9 1 h , ! I. n feTllf ii till Fll!IArlt"l', Mi)M), MClt'lLH. ."I. Itl t I I -T Lo k 'ui Tor i,r TAP : ,!. ,1 t,r trnnsil 'i v v ,Il u. It, Any j t'lir evponilit it. .'c shouUl 5 l wi It ih ati i f to itl fc , I II l.irg v i jilausi i r platoil ji porta n flevat' pi. nny o ., first k for if iicrriiij: . 'in rapid 'i J t ut of i oHitK 111 i -l Mii.''ion. -t politic mna ' Ji t ui? n i 1 1 to other J n ' nti ni" i nat itn- ni s (ay iun it ami ' in il'l iomo i the 1 kout THI thi ltotlili publir the n over t Muiiic niasu the pt on h First year, abstr "Safe 1 . i i h If w: of ohi ccivei Stan Of F afta Ists cot sa M o t 11 o!iroet-m ' i!o-i i r iiny- '1 .ti vl it ' to b uul tho ' i j il"lii riipi a f.b i juti.itos th li".lS, tJI i h inand - tl.T.-'ie brow ',ui' Aucty ' nf the i ui riouly n Penrose, L l.iii-itmn i nj .1. gnv- -'l or !ir out ' fir 1 ui ie- i tl. ("n t.'I ' n tl.p mimli tii'-t ny a'l ntitutioiiil- i up n tliili ji It . U"- 1 1 iV i irn i si a. hi' t -,' i t th- ' ul ill f I. It 1 1 i!i ata 'u a J 1 it N Tlli- i",.! 't; , n to bo clmMctprlstlc of American ma.mers It Is largely tlirotttjli this nnttiral disposition of tho public that tho political boss has climbed Into power nnd, In tunny cases, remained theio What ho has secured for his con stituents has been appreciated and thanks 1ms been duly tendered "Pork" In a rivers and harbors bill, a batik check for charity, n bnrrel of itour for a work less and wakeless Voter by such hieatts the eoiruptlonlst In politics fetalis popularity with that "good fellow," tho public. nut even in a "pood fellow" tlie spirit of rebellion Is ftot dead. There may coma to turn a recognition of tho fact that ho has bpen Imposed upon, that tho other "good feliDW" lia gone too far. It Is humlllatliiir, marldetilfi!, to bo made a means to an etui. In polities the rebttko can bo administered at the polls. t Hi - IWM Daylight Kills a Crab ORWXAtlY citizens may be in doubt con cerhlnff tho plans of the Organisation "to malts a lttllliis" through the nenulsitlon of land and palaces for the Municipal Court, but the Organization Itself knows what It wants. The architects wore not nsked to dtitw plans for one building on a eortior lot. The project itnolves an enllro city block. Knt only will the building of the one structure provided for In the loan bill increase Imme diately the cost of the land which the city IU hae to acquire later, but It will enhance rr.itly the vnluo of all property In the Ui'intty. Thts doe not Imply real estate speculation, for It Is not speculation when men gamble on a "sure thing." The light of day has put an end to tho illegitimate profit In the transaction, how ever. The small houseowners now under stand the stlume, and they will neither sell nor give options. They will take the prollts th mselveo, as in proper, if tho eNtravngant plan Is finally consummated. Uut the whole adventure has given the titty a clear view of the methods by whUh Penioselsm in Phila delphia flourishes and retains its power. Olil Issues in New Primaries NUW YORK hold Its first primaries today it will doubtless afford some relief to tho voters 'of that State to uso tho oppor tunity of thinning out the number of can didate for the goernorhlpnnd certain other utllces. There has been so much btaUlng and biliinesKnte and general confusion that the voters will be lucky if they can see any issue at all except the old ones of Tammany nnd ltarneslsm. But these old ones still need attention, and today the principal issue at the polls is good citizcn.sh.jp. Shocks From Tec Cream Plunpcs TCK CREAM has won official standing as JL a food. It used to be considered a tort of thermal debuuch; iu expended untold pounds of energy in melting it. The cream value was nothing compared with the waste in bringing It up to the temperature of the human Interior. But some of the doctors have changed all that. Ice cream is now tho best number on the program, the perfect close to the alimentary entertainment. And it i that amc chilliness which does tho tiSck. The ic? acts like a cold plunge in the morninii. a shock which leaves the stomach Ik a stfow of reaction. Such is the new theory tli.it hi made tilumphant progress among thf i)ung Yec a doubt remains. A bath is a shock, but it is sudden, brief. You don't !,He to bit in the water until you've raised i- in your own temperature. Ice cream Is f'iff-i-.nt Children Point the W"ay to Health Tn; public school are the big field for j-uci.il sanitation Proper treatment of Hit school child brings us close to the source There disease can be discovered and cured before it lu wteeked life. Scientific school '-vijienc means finding the best environment r the physkal and mentul growth of the chad. It meuni correcting physical defects v alt they are still remediable. It Is useful bringing standards of right living Into 1 mos without them, homes where disease . i ! nn ise breeds and spreads The child is ,!. . teirj.t and most fruitful aenue to pub le huHh. Peace Earned, Not Besdowee RKWAUPS are promised peacemakers in the fucur-. but hero they have their own ..,jUs, Various are the peace theories in iv davs of war. Some would enter into i pa,ts of Mli.w ship and enforce them with .llffis. O'h'-rs would make treaties by nlnK a pap.r which in tlmi-s of trouble is iv. ,1. tn be tramplfd under tin feet of armies. " -Uur P'aco party would cultivate public i'i n iigamst the horrors of war. All these ate good while the nations keep nt fin.u they grow angry ideals of disappear like frost before fire. rs, hiiwever, 1K forward to tho of a golden dteam, and deserve nt, In the twaMime, let us re- i peace is iomething earned, not i at the tighting blood of the b.. rhiusf.4 ky resolutions or Urn nt, , if the ripe fruits of the eternal ,i. n t 1 n Will ft Igi K c K can p't tt the- ibv ism, in th, k ttepu'd'ian e -, tun t u I Tlir I .. M' " P Pouttit." P you cotton to It? long way to Tlpprary" (or , carraa intended to get out l i, i -i,tii situation may be desctlbei as : i n. r b mi i, ,'- Ti u o.' (Ktends the mftr s l i. ifimans fci4hsertbs tW.000,000 i ,t . !l ji i i i i'l has been fisned ty . , .... ;mi...ub remains Ut be 4am 1 1 r.d of the felums. m-.s .ire i'i.imwj fop h hlsrb com i ir i in, been proved that tby 11 i-. much eonfitston abea, t ' i4mysl is pronoanewj s Ir it were- nut h; itod ffy, r t M ' ne Mist weli In Burop; havs i it t . Germans and Allies are , ' i-t place to tfee AnlCiviation PASSED BY THE CENSOR THE HON. JOHN F FlTZOBRAUl, bet ter known ns "Honey Fltr,," the man who made lloston fnniotH and placed the Sacred Codfish on tho map, or vice versa, Is n llRlit Ing Irishman, who does what is exactly op posite to nccepted standards. Himself n Democratic boio, he whipped liii follow bosses. Defeated for Major ho "came back" and was le-elected. In fact, ho Is akin to Ollbert K. Cheitctton. tho Ungllsh wit, of whom some ono wrolo In tho American Magazines When plain folk such ai yott nnd t Sdo the sun sotting In tho sky, Wo think It Is the setting mini Hut Mr. Ollbeit Chesterton Is not so easily misled, lie calmly stands upon his bend And upside down obtains a now And Cliestertrtiilnn point of vlow. Obervlng thus how from his toes The sun creeps nearer to his nose, Ho cries with wonder nnd delight, "How good the sunilso Is tonight!" It is so with "Honey ritz." Hell red from tho oillco of Mnyor, ho .sought new fields to conquer, and found fhem In a clothing shop near Scollay Square, where Kits; now fits men. E ' u.ue CJeorge FrJ Willtonia a jia view A Itustetn lley nd se just'l.i.u much indiscreet talk a diplomat e.i i n t i i ' m ' i I 1 ' M I tli pj m I I ' u j , ' j ii.il rst hii t f ,r i -"i I il l i 1 '"i neiti i'l ih ui " rg - Mr T ni iHy's ictt-r to J i -. t Mtr rfc T--Y,i,lnntl)oar3. r t "i av ccd littnscif, MPDROR FHANSS JOSCPH, whoso troubles nie as the sands of the sen, once had an experience which he recounted with Kcst for many years. He had been lsltlng the villa of .a friend In the outskirts of Vienna, and had played cards until 2 In tho morning. Not desiring to disturb the house hold, ho started for 'the front door In the dark, promptly upsetting a chair. Tho old euok, awakened by tho noise nnd thinking that It wns a thief, rushed into the hall. She recognized tho Emperor at once, nnd, not knowing how to entertain u ruler en negligee, she dropped on her knees and at the top of her voice started to sing the national anthem, "Oott cihalto Fran,-; don KaHer." IT HAPPENED long ago, so thero can be no good reason why this story should not be told, although It concerns an esteemed contemporaiy. Its owner established nn American dally In Loudon and promptly en gaged nine English journalists and ono Ameri can reporter, named Haverley. Then Lon don was placarded fiom end to end with a request that Britain buy "next Sunday's issue-," In which could be road a beautifully illustrated and nell-wrltten description of "Historic Hampstead Heath." Tho pictures were In the oiilec and an English journalist wns sent foith to get the reading matter, with instiuctlons to leport not later than Friday. Triday noon came nnd no journalist. Evening came and no sign of the missing genius. Then the editor called on Haverley with Instructions to get the desired matter, if he had to die for it after he was success ful, of course. Now, Hat ei ley knew as much of Hamp stead Heath as a cat does of the calculus, but he was an American. Po he hied himself to Hampstead Heath, where ho found tho Thteo Spaniards, an Inn owned by the iamo family for 300 vears. To tho proprietor ho told his troubles. "I can help ou," said the innkeeper. "My giand father, father and myself have kept a scrapbouk of everything written about tho 'Eath most of it is by Thackeray, Scott, Dickens and George- Augustus Henry Sala." Haerly swore by all that was holy to return the book, and departed in triumph, At home, knowing the need of speed, ho scissored and clipped the precious pages light and left, wrote an Introduction and lushed it to the composing room, wheie it was put into type. The Wednesday after this concoction, the nuntal emanations of Dickens, Scott, Thack eray and Sain, had seen the light of day, the managing editor of the London dally lecelved a letter from the proprietor in Paria, reading: "Please congratulate the gentleman' who wrote the story of Hampstead Heath. It was a masterpiece of English." THE proprietor of a Chinese restaurant In Race street bought a phonograph not long ago and with it a dozen records of Cliiuehe music. Then he tiled it on his put ions. From tho horn issued a conglomeration of caca phony beyond the power of mere words to dehoribe. Shrill trebles, male falsettos pre dominated, punctuated by speaky tenors. In terspersed was the din of tom-toms and the plunk-n-plunk of celestial banjos. It wns a sestet, the proud owner averred, but not from "Lucia " For a full minute the noise continued: then it assumed tangible shape emblematic of the topsy-turvey ehaiater of the Chinese. Throughout was a kit motif, repeated and ri-iteruted time and again. Then cume a crescendei. tremendous In its harp shrill ness, aceentuated by hysteric beating of drums nnd thumping of stringed instrument! of torture. Then followed n dismal wail, more haunting than that of the banshee, mid the fcestet was a thing of muslcul memory. A PAIR of stout pajamas saved Sir John Jellieoe, commundfr-ln-ohief of Ui latin's navy, from a dmp and watery grave. In June, ISW, when i-till u mere cftnmnnder. Jellicoe lay deapt-rately 111 from fevur In his bunk aboard ilio buttlenhlp Victoria when slio was rammed by the Cumperdown- The alarm was given and Jtllicoe ruohed to the bridge, though delirium. A moment later, with the sailors utandlng in proud Hue, an bents seamen. Muglng their national anthem, the tfreat Ship gave a heave and plunged into the depths off Tripoli- Jelllcoe was drawn down by the Miction and would have been drowned but for the pr hence of mind of an unknown hro Sing an expand of pajuniiiH ge-lng down into the waves, the un known made a wild grasp, managed tn get a hold. nd swam toward the rehcuiwr boats not knowmsr whom h had saved That ti why JelHeoa live to hae this tale told about WBI - nnAwona CUMOSITY SHOP Th Mazda Jneandcseent lamps now in cjrnm ums are mirod after Muada, god. iiisa t,t light, the deity of the toroastrlaas, r Maxdaists, Tb- hrai'tr of gwoaster fur nisUes the therot for an Hbnorbing and . liutsitely poetic romance by F, Marlon Craw ford, the Aroeri' an author, who spent many yeara tn JSastern tountnen. Tha MWHitU-il phrase "TeM that to the marines," orlginatid In JIUigland. where the bailors poked fun at Hie luck of sea knowl edge on th part of I ho marine. Lord t(run in his poero, "The Wand," makes us of the phrase: - Tin thin whatever Intervenes," ' i!iiit ' iieilb IS ii ihat will do for the in.i- 111 s In U, ui iri f i 1 is ,riu"r niin i , , tr ci, V , h fr, , I nt.'- r 1 ul ,i 'it V f 1 i t f "H the r l t.v ' Ite ,hr Jar V t 'en " of the I! h el-iPi tie ' i ii wir"er i rrd t1 o wis i n r-i u r t v. -i i p ni u H i i i ' j roan who tat two Imle la the walla of las house, ono for tho mother cat and tho other for tho kittens. ; Tho "Littlo Gentleman In Velvet," who np ' penis occasionally In print, was a molo which raised a hill ngalnst which stumbled tho horse- which William lit, of England, wns riding, throwing tho monarch over Its head. William broke his collar bone, nnd other complications ensuing ho died In 1702. "Half sens over," meaning Intoxicated, Is traced to tho Dutch phrase, "ob-zeo-zobcr" oversea beer a strong beverugo Introduc ed Into England fiom Holland. JN A SPIRIT OF HUMOR It thoso Mexican belllgeronts aren't care ful, somebody will have them arrested for disturbing tho peace. The Hesitation To ien or not to ten, that Is tho tango: Whether 'tis bolter In the muxlso to suffer Tho slings and whirlings of tho Texas Tommy, Or to pi ess arms against a sea of chiffon, And by opposing rend It. To dance, to dip And by that dip to say wo end The two-step, waltz, and thousand natural steps That dance- Is heir to? To dip, to slip. To slip! Perchance to fall -aye, there's tho rub! Tor In that fall what stops may como When wo h.-u o sliudled olt our mortal foot Makes us give pause And rather dunce thoso steps wo'vo learned Than rush to otheis that wo know not of. Kxtcml the Possibilities Tlie "Buy-n-bale-of-cotton" movement can bo estended indefinitely. 11 Is not merely tho South that needs assistance. For exnmplo: Buy a freight ear and help tho railway equlpmont companies. Buy n tank of petroleum and help John D. Rockefeller. Buy a steel rail and help Andrew Cnrno gle. Uuy a haystack and help the indigent fnrmcr. Wo were about to add something about buying a ton of coal to help tho coal cor porations, but tho subject Is too sacred. True Enough "There is quite a change In the weather," remarked the Optimistic Individual. "There always is," added the Cheerful Pes simist. The Secret Out rnlrmount (after a few puffs) I thought you said these wore choice cigars. AVIssahickon That's what I said my wife's. Of Course "A mad dog ran into the smithy today," .said tho village blacksmith casually. "Heavens!" ejaculated his wife, "what did you do'."' "Aw we shooed him. One Might This we mav say for Mexico's One time Hist chief whose sway Is sliding: Who now is weighted down with woes And with the end may be colliding: This mny we say that one might mention Him of course, we mean Carranza Unlike his fellow fountrymen And get him In a .single staira. And likewise him who soon mav bllla. First chief; referring now to Villa. Villa is pronounced Ve-ya. A la Sherman Night "Watchman (in any European town) Eight o'clock and all's hell. Life. In Doubt Caller Is your daughter an equestrian? Proud Mother Either that or nledIctor lnn. Thco class oilleers are so confusing, don't you know. Buffalo Express. It All Depends Examiner Now, William, if a man can do one-fourth of a piece of woilc in two davs, how long will he take to finish it? William Is it a contrac' Job or is he woikln' by tho day? Life. Score One for Pa Willie; Paw, what is a monologue? Paw A conversation between a man and his wife, my son. Maw Willie, you go do our lessons. Cincinnati Enquirer. Tcrp-irhore's Triumph "Isn't there a pioveib about those who hesitate being lost?' "Yes." replied the frivolous youth. "But I never hesitate. The ono-.stop is good eonugh for me." Washington Star. A Rondeau of Babies As you must know, sorao men thcro bo Who Haunt the fact that they nro free Fiom nur.s'iy thraldom; oft they cry (As though to pioc an alibi), "All babies look alike to me!" To such a man. tho fates decree The storks shall come in groups of three. It does no good to hide or fly, As you must know. All babies look ullke? Ah, me! When they nirive. I well foresee He'll gain n moie discerning eye, Or else ho will discreetly try With wiser persons to agree. As you must know. Burgos Johnson In Judge. Afllictiou Muggins I feel so sorry for Bjoues. He's as deaf us a post. Buggins Oh. thero are worse afflictions than mere deafness. Muggiub Yc-s, but ho has always been fro fond of heuting himself talk. Now York .Mail. Correctly Misunderstood KMiminir Now, speak up, boy. Do you know what nasal orgau means? Ho No, sir. Kikuminer Correct! London Opinion. TlioM)toroii3 Keats The little agricultural IHago hail been billed with "Lrcturo on Kcnt-i" for over a fortnight. The evening arrived ut length, bringing the lecturer ready ti dUcotuso on the poet. The advertised chairman, taken ill at tho last moment, was replaced by a local farmer. This worthy Introduced tho lecturer und teimlnated his remarks by saying: "And now, my friends, wo shal) soon all know what I personally have often wondeied what are Keats?" Pltt-bursU Cluonicle. Telegraph, Tlio llarcili Cr,uc "Wo are going to give up having Johnny gi-t an education." "For What reason?" "Well, wa "n't Bit him sterilized every nwnintf in time to go to fcchoul." I'ueK. Ho Knew iljo Car "You nro charged with giving assistanco to the tnmy." "How so?" "They bavo your automobile." "They took it forcibly. Ueeides, It won't assist them any." louis ille Courier-Jour Ult , TO Till I'EACi: 1MCR AT TIIK IIACUR Builded of Love and Joy nnd Faith and Hope, Thou -tatidest firm beyond tho tides of war That dash in gloom and fear and tempest roar. Ucacon of Euroii! though wise pilots grope Where trusted lights are lost; though tho boope (it puma is wider, deadlier than bofore; Ay. though the very Jlauds that .trow the bftore Sacra to obey some power turned misanthrope. I'..- tlirni nrt witness to a world's (IphIto. Viid win n oh, happii t of dais' -bhall ' l t ISO Th' ibrops by whi h i'ur Ago doth bring, to binti ih fTlie-t of 1 er daughters, heavenly Pe ice, Wrm Mans rrd fo'Iy has been pureed In flri r4.J" i ii iim " t m in rt r.n tne Jt artti -H9WI tyU'ierwM,a jujjMoa, la tn DONE IN PHILADELPHIA FOR tho last flvo years thero has beon an agitation for the restoration of tho carrying trade of Philadelphia, and already tho movement is displaying signs of bearing fruit. It Is a problem that will only be solved by tho years to come, whether tho port over will regain Its proud place as tho foromoat In tho United States. Tho other day wo considered tho causes that led to tho flight of tho American flag from tho scaa during tho period of tho Civil War, and now wo might talto a glanco at tho alleged reasons why Philadelphia, in 1820 tho leading port of this country, should surrender her placo on tho list. OUR recent agitation was anticipated as far back as tho middlo of tho last cen tury. Great expectations from tho comple tion of tho Pennsylvania Railroad woro com mon. It was believed tho trans-AUoghenlan lino would pave tho way for this Increase of commerce nnd attempts wero made to in terest capital In tho establishment of now steamship lines between Philadelphia and Liverpool nnd London. Tho movemont accomplished something; new lines were established, but they did not provent Now Y'otk from forging consider ably ahead. I REMEMBER reading the vory pointed rensons for this diversion of our trado writton by Richard Rush, who had been our Minister to London and to Paris and was a patriotic and loyal Philadelphia!!. Howovor, ho did not sparo his compatriots in his ex planation of our loss of trade. His chlof reason was what ho called tho prevalence of "Rip Van Wlnklelsm" horc. "Now York," ho wroto to Job R. Tyson, who was sending letters jto tho newspapers in his enthusiastic attempt to arouso In terest in tho plan, "Is awake to it all. Most wisely has she kept nwako over slnco Do Witt Clinton, tho Livingstons and Gouverncur Morris planned her first great canal, which others railed at as visionary. Boaton is awake. All mankind aro awake. A new existence, has been sprung upon tho world. Wo sleep on sleep on sleep on, content, delighted, at being the second American city after having long boon tho first, and when wo could have becomo tho first again, be cause nature and geography havo written it down. "Wo quietly and complacently turn away from that decree. London Is 60 miles or more from the sea, and for a thousand years had fourfold the difficulties of navigation in reaching it through the Thames that Phila delphia had ever had in being reached through the Delaware. The worst thought of all Is that we shall, in the ond, find our selvos in a worse place than to be only tho second city, if wo go to sleep; slnco to bo falling back, : datively, in this age of prog ress, is, in effect, to sink." THE man who warned President Monroo of the workings of tho European alllunce that caused tho enunciation of the now his toric Monroe Doctrine did not minco matters when calling his fellow townsmen to account for their weakness. In the courso of tho same movemont, Wil liam Peter, tlie British Consul here, who had been approached on tho subject with tho idea of having him interest British capital in steamship lines, wroto much tho samo thing, but, of course, tempered his pen a little. Ho put down tho advance of New York to "su perior pluck and energy." "While Pennsyl vania has placed her chief reliance on legis lation," ho ndded, "Now York has placed hers on self-exertion." This taking account of stock could not have been very agreeable to the Phlladelphlans of 1SD0, but the course of treatment did them a great deal of good. Job R. Tyson attributed tho decline of our trado to quite other causes. Ho declared that tho State and private capi tal had frittered away many millions of dol lars In numerous canal schemes; that tho Erio Canal had diverted the Western trado from Philadelphia by reason of its continuous route to the sea, whilo our Western connec tion of part rail and part canal was a dis tinct disadvantage to the commerce It had been designed to assist. HE DECLARED that a too cautious Leg islaturo had prevented banking capital from being moro than one-fourth what It was In Now York, and that although the Bank of the United States was located in Philadelphia it "did not render such accom modations to tho business community hero as wero favorable to the growth of tho for eign and tlie enlargement of tho coasting trade." With the completion of tho Erio Canal many of the most enterprising Philadelphia merchants transferred their business and their capital to New York, and It was shown that ono-thlrd of tho investments In New York shipping in 1S50 was owned by Phlla dolpliluns. HOWEVER, even in thoso days this city was tho chief manufacturing city In tho country, and it was believed that when tho Pennsylvania Railroad wn3 com pleted and the primitive inclined planes and canals wero replaced by a continuous road bod, commerce would return to this city. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad was completed In 1S5I, and its advent did prove a factor in bettering tho commerce of the port for a fiuarter of a century, and then tho carrying trado began to fall off again. Tho outlook, howovor, Is far brighter now than it wns when Richard Rush and others were trying to arouse the clvlo pride of Phil adelphia capitalists 30 years ngo. , Olt ANVI LLE. Reviving leronj Combat from the h't Louis Post Dispatch. We observe that Ceneinls Villa nnd Obrcgon enmo near to a personal encounter a day or two ngo. They bad words and rushed at each other and vmo "with dlltlculty icstrnined." Why in the name of humanity did anybody rotttraln them? Two geneials In pertoiially con ducted warfare would be a spectacle to cheer up alt tho privates everywhere. THE IDEALIST When trouble comes a very peculiar per eojuil Unit awerts Itself. This trait Is born of tho fulling fiom which nearly all fulling, spring tho failing of keeping the mind on self. One thinks that his or her troubles aro the worst in tl'o world. The tendency is to loi,o bight -bf tho fact that other folks liuve trou bles just as serious. When tho tumbled mind aicepts this truth its own burden be comes lighter. An old Philadelphia minister frequently told his congregation. "Fi lends, no matter bow badly ou feel about something, Just re member that there are other souls whoso troubles aro vastly deeper than ours " N;o matter how serious our trouble, It Is only a simple mental process to conceive of It being worse. The thing to do is to th.ii.k your lucky stars that it does not reach the j Mil or near the limit- of your own '"ibuaiiuii 4 you A joins girt lay on a bed of pain. Her temperament was of tho worrying type .i or courso, tnia neignienett nor pain. Th m2j family physician noted this. Aa ho left vl.f room on ono of his dally visits he CAii.iirti oiTcrea tno information that "this nftemi I havo to amputate a boy's leg." vv,"im. No. Tho young lady did not launch Im a tlrado against tho countless sorrows of ti. world. Sho just grow less selfish, In ! pathetic contemplation of tho lad'a Bufferift she took her mind away from self, in a0in. which sho had discovered tho real secret rJ lightening her burdens. QI VIEWS OF READERS ON TIMELY TOPICS' Contributions That Reflect Public Opin. ion on Subjects Important to City Wlrtln n..! IVnl.n.. ULiit-i, iiiiex iiiiiiuii. To ihe Editor of the Eucitfnn htiatr: Sir Tho splendid work of the Evenib 1 uukuu.) hi i.iiiib iiiiuimuii in ino cnnti law ovll at this time should result In great gooJ for tho working boys nnd girls of Pennsylvania. This Is a most opportune time and I feel kecnS the necessity for every voter ascertaining ei actly how the candidates for tho Htnto Senate nnd House of Representatives in the district In which he lives stand upon tho question ct nn eight-hour day nnd the. abolition of nlgU work for children under lfif Tho Association feels thnt ovory man who is running for offlc and Is not willing to plcdgo himself to vote for thc9o two provisions should bo defeated. It Is a favorite contention of tho manufac. turcrs nnd other employers of children that they cannot work their older employes more than eight hours a day and their children under l only eight hours. This Is not true. If any manufacturer will only show a willingness a to nrrango his schedule as to keop tho children busy eight hours and the machines nnd other employes a longer time, ho will find that It Is a comparatively simple matter. This was very clearly proven In Massachusetts. In that 8tats they passed a child labor law which went Into effect last Soptombcr, containing much ths samo provisions ns I have outlined for ths proposed legislation In Pennsylvania. At once thcro was a great cry on tho part of tho manu factures that they would havo to discharge all children undor 16. Tho law wont Into effect on tho first of last September, and on that dat thero wero 30,000 children nt work under 16 In tho Industries of Massachusetts and Now Jer sey. Child labor Is at onco tho cheapest and dear est foim of labor. Manufacturers and otheri employ children because they can got them at a small price. But when ono considers their wastefulness and Inattention, thoro is a con siderable financial offset, and by sapping thi, strength of the young manhood and young womanhood of the State, through working th children long hours, a prlco Is paid In tho de teriorating stnndnrel of humanity which makes child labor tho very dearest form of labor that any ono can employ. DR. J. LYNN BANNARD. Chairman Educational Commltteo Pennsylvania I Child Labor Association. MEXICAN VIEWS VERSE To tho Editor of the EvenlHff Leigtri let tho soldiers stay Down In Mexico, while they Need a wlso protectorate Over thoso who rule tho Stato: A queer bunch; most any day They may break out In a fray. Somo old Chapcau In the ring Down there Is a common thing. Fact Is they don't want war ceass; No plnty for a dove of peace Anywhoio in Mexico; It would bo unwise Woodrow To call home the soldiers now, At the outbreak of a row, 'Twlxt Carranza and his mate Villa, 'bout ruling tho State. If It need be let them stay 'Til tho break of judgment day. Or maybo woil havo to take For tho common people's sake Llko we elld the Isles from Spain. And not give them back again, The old land until our light Shows them how to rulo aright. D. II. KENNET, Philadelphia, September 23, 1911. SPARE PRISONERS HUMILIATION To the Editor of ihe Evening Ledger: Sir From a window of a New York train a few das ago I saw a dozen or moro men in striped uniforms working in the fields which bordered on tho railroad tracks. Thoy were plowing nnd doing the late harvesting. They were of tho county prison at Ilolmesburg. Some of tho men undoubtedly wero thieves, but anions them also were men who'o worst offense was drinking too much or lighting. In my opinion a prison or a house of coirectlonls a place to reform a man, not to humiliate him. Why not do nway with this kind of labor for the samo reasons that mado the ducking stool and tho stocks unpopular generations ago' M. M. Philadelphia. September 2C, 1014. THE HEEDLESS SHOPPER To the Editor of tho :ieing Ledger: Sli I was very glad to seo tho letter of "A nlehcai tened Salesgirl" in the Evemno Lmiar.K Saturday. It lilt at a big evil, bigger than It seems. I know, becauso I have offended, Thoughtlessly, Inconsiderately, I have caught myself treating shopglils with just the In civility tint she complains of, and troubllns them with a bundled needless errands Too often vo putchascrs are thinking only of sav ing a cent or two or getting away In time for tea. When 1 hear other women talk of cross, unobliging shopglils, I think of how much I havo unconsciously contributed to their "neives" and theli tiouble-s. J! L. S. Newark, N. J., Kepteinboi 27, 1011. THE AGONY COLUMN To the Editor of the Eicnino Ledger: Sir l was much Intel ested to read In Sat in day's IJvkniko LBDORii of the present state of tho "personal" or "ugony" columns of tnt Loudon papers. Has any reader, I wonder, any expel ieiica of such a curious institution in our press? Sheilock Holmes spoke of it in one of Conan Dojlo'a stories ns a medium of com munication between criminals. Perhaps that II why our papers havo not cultivated it J. S I'UAlta Philadelphia. September 27, 19H- NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW It Is nn excellent thing to tlnd bankers In ifl parts of the countiy explaining, excusing n defending tludr position. They ""er under any audi compulsion befoie New lorn Wojlrt. "We naturally rcgiet tho new ruptuic between Cmiauza nnd Villa, but we do regaid it a defeat of American diplomacy or as evKknit that Piesldeiit Wilson's pulley tow aid SiW was wrong In principle or in appU-uttun--Uichmond News Lender- It Is Important that tho business mtr, of thj Pi.ltcd States should "go aftei" tlie Ameiicau tmde, but .something shouM bo ' nlso about the Mexican trade. Cumiiitr.u " been almost at a standstill in th.it u.,Udl;JJ country for several jeaie. Louisviliu l-vc"1"' Post. It begins to look as If Ihe bilit-nif ,,f ,?" Lewis and other Progressive Icadus l "?l'" sjlvniiln to turn over the Piugiisa.vi parii bund and lout to the lainoeiatu " " '""" L that Stato will result In incalculable '"-"enl " Senator Penrose, the man of all ii """ whom the ProgiLstlvia have lavish"! thn "v tc-iest ilc-iiU!iciatluii.-SprliiKllild, -Mas l mm Colonel RaotLvelt's Wichita speili lc)ril one of the leaswns for his continuum "'"u ,TV In tliu countiy. A man who stands i"t'S1"" and euVUivelj lot Justice to empl"" and " plover alike, who bus the courugts to " :. i i .!. ..i, ...-.ii ii vinu villUII Lllilll B1"V i.nwa ti ttiwiiij , .--- U der.lvd neither by the million'.- " the iiouerful noliliilaii. must ulwujs i'uttftf ful factor in affair. Kansas City btar. of hluco it has not alwas been tho foituJ the Sun to appiove Ihe work of &Ii ''""".J., the Stato lH'partment, wo I ve the e' " pleasure in giving cordial prai'o t'J tt'e e "" ' the patlfiiea and the mews with v.'" r) department has Jilted iinnv tl ' " """M , Americans to t '- their fiends hi 1" "V '. At in tho tingto of mobibzjition uud war York Sun.