ajg?22En rWv Knwrw POSTSCRIPT EDITION EVENING LEDGER POSTSCRIPT EDITION VOL. I NO. 13 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1014. PRICE ONE CENT VILLA MOVES HIS FORCES AS PEACE CONFERENCE PENDS Mobile Army of 30,000 Men, Marching Against Carranza, Occupies Za catecas Meeting May , Avert War. JUAREZ, Sept. 28. Dcsplto trfis arango jncnts for a pcaco meeting between Cen tral Francisco Villa and commissions of generals from his army and that of president Carranza, Villa today continued his military operations. Nearly all of Ills mobile force of 30,000 men aro now march ing against the troops of Carranza. They have already occupied Zacatecas, In the central military zone, fronting tlio Car ranza mobilization point at Aguas Callcn ios. rtcports that Vllllstas have occupied Can I-iUls PotosI have not been confirmed. A. secret movement of troops Into Bonora was , discovered today when Villa's personal brigade, commandod by General Rodriguez, reached tho Bonora Slate lino to co-operato with tho revo lutionary Governor, Maytorena, In driv ing out Carranza troops under General lllll. Tho meeting between commissions of generals from tho armies of Villa and Carranza -will bo held at Aguaa Callon 1cs. They will decide whether Carranza ihnll resign from the provisional presi dency, to be succeeded by Fernando Igleslas Calderon to avert tho threat ened war. In a statoment Issued last night at Chi huahua Goncral Villa said: "I solemnly declare I shall not ac cept Carranza as President or Vice Presi dent, ad Interim or constitutional." WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. Efforts to 1 patch up tho break between Villa and Carranza wero scheduled today at Zacatecas, according to a message from Consul Carothers to- tho White House today. It stated that reprcBonatives of both Villa nnd Carranzn would be present. GOVERNMENT MEN AFTER CHAMELEON-LIKE NOTES Eight In Circulation Call for Differ ent Sum on Either Side. There arc eight chameleon-like bills drifting nbout tho country nnd each calls upon the Government to pay J30 to the bearer, that Is, If tho owner "l "ld to gether both sides of the bills. The secret service men here are looking for them. Some one In the Bureau of Engraving and Printing became careless or suffered from brain fag a few weeks ago. Ho started to print perfectly good twenty dollar bills. He completed printing one side of tho twenty-dollar notes correctly, then ho lapsed for he Inserted for the obverse sldo of tho notes a plate far ten-dollnr ibllls. The first tho Government heard of the bill" which should bo In a museum In stead of circulation, wns In thu West. Now treasury agents nnd secret service men In Philadelphia aro trying to round them up. DEFEAT OF PENROSE URGED AS AN ISSUE ABOVE PARTY LINES Popular Government League Says $1,000,000 Has Been Raised to Send Him and Sullivan to Senate. PRESIDENT INSISTS ON WORLD-GIRDLING AMERICAN MARINE Favors Ship Purchase Bill That Will Enable Capture of New Trade Channels in Every Direction. AMERICAN TROOPS GUARDING MEXICAN BORDER REINFORCED Action Taken in View of Battle Im minent at Naco. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Sept. 28. Five more troops of American cavnlrj took up posi tions along the Mexican line today to prevent any violation of United States territory In tho battte now Imminent be tween Carranzlstas and VUlalstas at Knco, Sonora. The inhabitants of Nnco, Texas, Just ncross the line, wero up at dawn and hastened to get positions on a string of cars In tho railroad yards. They were driven away by Colonel Gullfoyle's troopers because they wero within range cf tho expected fighting. The Carranzlstas at Naco number .bout 18C0 men, while the approaching VUlalstas have 2000. MEXICAN PRIEST TELLS OF SUFFERING INDIGNITIES Carranza Men Paraded 40 Ecclesl- astes With. Hopes About Necks, NEW YORK. Sept. 28.-A number of tefngees from Moxlco wero on board the Ward liner Espernnza when she arrived today from Vera Cruz. Mexicans tried to prevent some of the fugitives from leaving the country, but wero unsuccess ful, owing to the Intervention of United States troops at Vera Cruz. A passenger on the Espernnza was the JHev. Gonzalo Carrasco, who was at a college Just outsldo of Mexico City when General Carranza, entered the capital and took over the Government. The priest aid that he and about 40 other priests Svere led. through the streets of Mexico City wit hropes tied around their necks because they had no money to give to Carranza when It was demanded. HIS FATHER IMPROVED tDr. Brumbaugh Will Fill Engage ment at Du Bois Tonight. Word was received today from Dr. Martin G, Brumbaugh, Republican can didate for Governor, that his father, the Rev. George Boyer Brumbaugh, whose illness yesterday occasioned considerable ularm, was much Improved. Doctor Brumbaugh wired from his parents' home that he would leave this afternoon for Du Bols, Pa., where he will speak tonight. Alarmed at Ills father's sudden Ill ness, Doctor Brumbaugh left this city 5'esterday morning for Huntingdon, where the elder Brumbaugh Is a patient at the Blair Memorial Hospital. Last night James S. Illatt, personal friend and cam paign manager of Doctor Brumbaugh, lecelved a messnge Baying his father was resting easily, but was not entirely out nf danger. Today's telegram was more reassuring. CHOLERA RAGES IN TRIESTE inhabitants Fleeing Austrian City to Escape Plague. HOME, Sept. 23. Private messages from the Austrian fclty of Trieste report that nn epidemic of cholera has broken out there, and that Residents of the city ure fleeing. fe ZZ3 FAIRJ r WEATHER FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity Fair tonight and Tuesday, with frost in low placet tonight; moderate north West windi. k For detaih, see page 14, . WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S.-Dofcat of Boles Penrose, described as "Republican machlno boss of Pennsylvania," and of Roger Sullivan, "Democratic machlno boss of Illinois," both of whom seek seats In tho United States Senate, Ib urged in a statement issued last night t?y the National Popular Government League, the president of which Is Sena tor Robert L. Owen, of Oklahoma, chair man of the Banking nnd Currency Com mute, nnd an Administration leader in tho Senate. The two men are designated In the stato ment as "a menace to popular govern ment. State and national." , The league's manifesto, based upon representations made to It by dependable citizens, declares: "That tho success of both Penrose nnd Sullivan at. the primaries was promoted by defective machine-mado primary laws which deny the secrecy of the Australian ballot, militate against tho freedom of tho voters and permit eklllfutjfraudsisto bo perptWtuV-ji0vrc3,x "That If Senator Norrls' resolution Is passed by tho Senate and an Investiga tion of these two primaries takes place, the results will shock the nation. "That an enormous sum of money, estimated" totc $1,000,000, Is ready to be spent If necessary to elect them to tho Senate, where, because of the peculiar organization of the Senate, the rules would give each of them enormous In fluence. "That both had behind them the sup port, direct nnd Indirect, of tho special Interests In these States. , "That thoy both have been persistent enemies for years of the popular gov ernment system. "Wo shall oppose Penrose and Sullivan because we believe tho election of these men, representing as they do in the pub lic mind the most typical and conspicu ous examples of the sinister partnership between bipartisan politics and the apo dal Interests, would prove a most seri ous national blow to the doctrines of a government by the people. "We, therefore, aro of the belief that the Issue transcends all party lines and that It Is the duty of all good citizens to disregard party prejudices and to unite in opposition to all the alliances between crooked business and crooked politics, which today threaten the very founda tions of government by tho people. We ask the moral and financial support of friends of progress throughout the nation that we may be able successfully to afd the peoplo In their efforts to overthrow 'Sulllvanlsm' In Illinois, 'PenroseLsm' In Pennsylvania and the Influence of the system' at Washington." -s truoxt a STArr connt:nros'D5NT, WASHINGTON, Sept. M.-I'rcsldcnt Wilson Informed callers this morning that he Is still of the opinion that tho Alex ander Bhlp purchase bill, providing for a Government-controlled lino of steamships to bo used In the South American trade, should bo passed at this session of Con gress. Ho made It clear that he would not abandon this measure because of tho opposition that has developed anions the Democrats of tho House who aro opposed to the measure. Tho President Insists on a world Birdllng merchant marine thnt will not only enpturo commerce In all channels, uut wm retain It. Following his conferenco with the newspaper correspondents at 10:30 o'clock this morning, the President received Ma jority Leader Underwood and Represen tative Alexander. They called at the White Houe, It Is understood, to tell the President of tho threatened split In the Democratic ranks of tho House If the ship purchase measure Is pressed by the Administration at this session. President Wilson Is believed to havo nformed Rep resentatives Underwood and Alexander that some stronger reason must be pre sented for dropping tho Alexander bill from the Administration's legislative program. Tho opposition In tho Houso to the passage of tho measure seems to be welt organized nnd some of tho Democratic leaders say that tho President Is Invit ing defeat for the first tlmo in Congress, Dy insisting upon tho enactment of the law providing for the Government-controlled steamship line. Tho President, however, docs not seem In tho least worried by the threatened revolt In tho House, and the Adminis tration leaders profess to be confident that tho Alexander bill will become a law before tho Senators and Represen tatives nre permitted to adjourn Con gresss nnd get back to their homes to look after tho mending of their "politi cal fences." MAJOR CROCKER MISSING Faced Charge as Absconding Debtor to Extent of 917,515.14. NEWARK, N.' J., Sept. 28.-MaJor Ro land D. .JL'rockcr, of tho First Regiment, Now Jersey National Guard, of Newark, who Is n lawyer, bank director nnd of ficial In various Investment enterprises, has not been henrd from since nn attach ment wns secured against him on Satur day, charging him with being an abscond ing debtor to the extent of J17.51S.14 by tho Independent Investment Oompnny, of which ho was tho president, Mrs. George W. Clnrk, nn aunt of tho mlnnlng man, fears he may have ended hlA life. Mrs. Clnrk nlso nald thnt her husband, who Is eocrctnry-trensurpr of the Hall, Clark Company, leather brokers, has suf fered n nervous breakdown nnd fears tho loss of Investments lie has made In his nephew's compnnles. BEACHEY STARTLES PRESIDENT WILSON BY AERIAL PRANKS GERMANS BESIEGE ANTWERP IN FIERCE ASSAULT ON FORTS Reinforcements Move For ward in Several Directions in Campaign to Occupy New Belgian Capitol. FIVE LOSE LIVES IN FIRE Mother Burned in Vain Attempt to Save Four Children. CHAMPAIGN, 111., Sept. 28 Mrs. Joseph Stone nnd her four children were burned to. death today when flro destroyed their home. Jf Tho mother lost her life trying to savo her children. 'Wonderful, But Reckless," His Comment on Viewing Aviator's Flops Over White House Grounds. SENATE FOR OIL PROBE Passes Resolutions to Investigate the Business in United States. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2S.-Two reso lutions providing for Investigations of the oil business of the United States, particularly tho Standard Oil Company, today were adopted unanimously by the Senate. SQUIRREL PLAYS PART OF "BULL IN CHINA SHOP" Ruined Family Preserves, Sergeant Mnllon Finds After a Search. House Sergeant Francis Motion, of the Front and Westmoreland streets station. Is mourning the loss of a squirrel today and alBO several dollars' worth of pre serves and catsup his wlfo had prepared. The squirrel run Into the celar of the sergeant's house, 823 West Lehigh ave nue, to escape a gang of boys. After the sergeant chased tho boys ho closed nil tho windows to the cellar and decided to make a pet out of the animal. Early this morning ho was aroused from sleep by the noise of brdaklng glass In the cellar. Seizing his revolver, the ser geant went to Investigate, thinking ho had beon visited by burglars. Instead he found about half his winter's supply of preserves scattered about the floor. The squlirel was Jumping about from Jar to Jar, and every tlmo the ani mal moved he wrought more havoc. Be fore the sergeant could close the cellar door the squirrel got into the upper Doors and escaped through a window, UPTON'S YACHT BECOMES AID TO RED CROSS WORK The Erin leaves Sails to Havre With 100 Nurses. NEW YORK, Sept. 28. The steam yacht Erin, owned by Sir Thomas Llpton, and which recently towed the Shamrock IV to New York, has been turned over to the British Government for hospital purposes, according to a cable massage recehed by Thomas Crane, the New York representa tive. With Sir Thomas and 100 Red Cross nurse aboard, the Krin sailed yesterday from Southampton for Havre. It U assumed the nurses may be a por tion of the American Red Cross contin gent that left New York for the war zone several days ago. CHARLES M. MORTON'S WILL MAKES GIFTS TO CHARITY Churches and Homes Share in Distri bution of Estate of S22O,305. HiTi10. CSJat0 of Ch:"-les M. Morton, who died in Juno, 1913, amounted to Isaacs, according to the accounting of the execu- MJm.?u S K' Morton nr" Arthur V. .i, ' . The ft?unt teen filed with the Register of Wills for audit by the Orphans' Court Booker T. Washington Normal and In dustrial School for Negroes, at Tuskegee, Alabama, has received a $500 bequest from the estate. Other charitable disbursements made by the accountants under tho torms of the will are: Christ Memorial Reformed Churoh. W7M; Theologlcol 8mlnary of the (Reformed Episcopal Church, $2300; Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church, J50O0; Children's Seashore Home, Atlantic City, IKOO; Mercer Home for In valid Women. 11000; Philadelphia Auxiliary or me Jicuau Mission, jsw; Women's Union Foreign Missionary Society, JK); American Sunday School Union, $1603: Chilst Mission of New York, J10OO; Phila delphia Home for Incurable, 11500; Penn sylvania Hospital, (2500; Pennsylvania Bible Society, tfOO. Wills admitted to probate today wrre those of Jens Henson, lato of 7437 Oxford pike, disposing of an estate of 120,215 In private bequests; Louis Pollook, S73 North 23d street, $19,000; Annie E. Ramsey, 6XU Wakefield street, $0000; Ann B. Laughlln. 4431 North 13th street. I6C0O; Chrlestlana fWaldner, 25U East Montgomery avenue, 13X0; Rhepeka N. Fablblan, C033 Market street, 2000. Personal property of John V, Evers has -been appraised at J4631.3S; Mary J. Leavltt. JJ53S.68. CART CRUSHES MAN TO DEATH William Tlnney Instantly Killed as Whels do Over Him. Tho wheels of a brick cart he was driv ing today ended the Ufa of William Tlnney, 46 years old, 14J8 South 3d street, who lost his balance while ad justing the harness and fell beneath the vohtote at 23th street and Fasayunk avenue. Before the horses could be stopped they had drawn the heavy brlcK-laden cart aoross the chest of Its driver. Both the forward and rear wheels passed over the man. His chest was crushed and his nock broken. Policeman Frowert, of the Seventh and Carpenter streets police station, took the man to the Howard Hospital In a patrol wagon but physicians said death had been instantaneous. The body was taknn to the Morgue. "BUY A BALE" CONFERENCE Governors of Southern States Ex pected to Meet Tonight. WASHINGTON, Sept. J8.-AH Governors of Southern States have been Invited to a conference here tonight on the "buy a bale" and other cotton and financial situ ations of the South. Agitation for a di rect Government loan to cotton producers Is expected. I J - ...... w..v .wv. .... vvir J will 'Attend I WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S. "Wonderful, but stnrtlingly reckless," said President Wilson today when Lincoln Benchcy, the aviator, turned a double aerial somer sault over the White House grounds some 1S0O feet up In the nlr. Tho President watched the airman drive his tiny aero plane through hair-raising evolutions and heaved a sigh of relief when tho ma chine darted off In a straight line toward the Capitol at the other end of Penn sylvania nvenue. Benchey, Induced to come here by Cap tain Mark L. Bristol, chief of the Navy Aviation Bureau, was supposed to rcn onstrate to the law makers the necessity for greater appropriations for Hying ma chines for the use of both the navy and army. It wns his task to demonstrate tho complete control man now had In the air. When he reached the Capitol the Sen ate and House office buildings were quickly emptied. Committee meetings broke up as If by magic, and Senators and Representatives, with a small army of clerks and stenographers, crowded out of the big building to take up positions in the plnza. Beaehy signalized his arrival over the dome of. the. capital by, turning four back somersaults Jri" his machlno m rapid suc cession. ,Then he circled, tho dome thdeo and (dirtcd back again down Pennsyl vania avenue. Ho dived for tho tall tower of tho Postofllce Department, skimmed over It nnd Up until when ho reached the AVnahington monument he was more than 1000 feet nloft. After alighting In Potomac Park the aviator readjusted some parts of his engine and went up again after a wait of 20 minutes. Tho President ngaln watched him aa he executed fancy fig ures against tho blue sky. The airman cut figure "8's," dived, twisted his ma chine sideways and flopped over back ward many times. When it was all over official Washing ton drew a long breath and went back to work. Tho effect on Congress has not yet been ascertained. ONE OF FRANK FRIEND'S , BONDSMEN WITHDRAWS Prompted by Report That Accused Man Swindled Poor Clients. Frank A. Friend, the real estate dealer recently held in $10,000 ball on the charge of embezzlement from two building and loan associations, has been given up by his bondsmen because of alleged pecula tions from poor people. John A. Morti mer, a builder of 3024 North E street, who put up half of tho bond requtrod for Friend, said today that he decided to withdraw tho ball when he learned that such men as James McConnell, of 3-150 A street, had been defrauded. McConnell, who Is a retired fireman, paid Friend about $460 on a mortgage on his home nt tho A street address and, according to McConnell, the money was kept by Friend. It was also learned that Friend's alleged embezzlements from the Old Hickory Building and Loan Astocla tlon hnd Increased to moro than $10,000 aa a. result of investigations. Mrs. Mortimer, -wife of tho builder who withdrew his bond, said today that her husband wont on Friend's note for $5000 when the real estate man had to givo his former wife $10,000 last May, and of this sum has received only $500 to date. Mortimer declares that ho tried to get from Friend a statement of his liabilities, but could not get a line. "When I found that men like McCon nell, who had worked all their lives to buy their homos, had lost through Friend," said Mortimer, "I decided to have nothing more to do -with him. He telephoned to me when detectives went to arrest him and pleaded that I give him an hour or so to get another bondsman, but I refused to have anything more to do with him." ANTWERP, Sept. 23. Tho Germans aro shelling the outer fortlflcdtlons with heavy guns. Already they nre reported to havo caused dam age to Forts Vnelhcm and Wavre and to thcchaln of fortifications which connect them. The forts are responding vigor ously to tho fire. Tho guns used nre those with which tho Germans yesterday bombarded Mechlin, killing many worshippers as thoy left church and setting fire to many buildings, Including tho hospital of the Little Sisters of tho Foor. Fort Strombaut Is reported to hnvo been practically destroyd by the German shels. So far as the bombardment of tho de fenses of Antwerp Is concerned It Is believed that tho presont action Is In tended to keep the Belgian army Inside ot the fortifications. The guns used are of the heavy ordinary siego typo and not tho caterpillar pieces that caused tho losses of Llcgc nnd Nnmur. Ant werp is quiet and the General Stoft shons no concern over the latest de velopment. Belgian refugees are pouring Into Mncstrlch, owing to tho burning of a nearby village by tho Germany. They say that eight Belgian soldiers succeeded In cutting the railway, nnd that a Ger man train In consequence was thrown Into the ditch. In revenge tho Gcrmuns burned the vlllngo. Unconfirmed reports state thnt tho city of Moni, headquarters of General Boehn, commander of the German army sent to assist General von Kluk, Is burning and thnt the railroad bridge on the main line between Mons and Brussels at Blcrck haB been blown up, cutting railroad cornmunl catlon between the German forces at Brussels and Mons. Travelers arriving from Ghent predict heavy fighting there In the near future, as tho Gcrmuns are making every effort to penetrate to Antwerp. They havo been repulsed again near Termonde, In tlje vicinity of which they managed to de stroy several villages by a withering schrnpnel fire. It Is evidently tho Germans' Intention to force their way through to St. Nicolas, If possible, and complete the ring of in vestment around Antwerp. Their bom bardment of the city must be deferred, however, till their big guns aro brought hear enough to be effective and the con crete emplacements for them have been completed. JAPANESE CRUISER HALTS AMERICAN SHIP IN PACIFIC Idzumo Fires Shot Across Bow of the Seward. SEATTLE. Sept. 28, Tho activity of the Japnnese cruller Idzumo which Is lying In wait off the American const for German ships, was shown today In a dispatch thatlng that tho Idzumo had fired several shots across the bows of the American stcamsnlp Seward. Later the Japanese officers boarded the Seward and closely examined her papers beforo permitting her to proceed. The Seward piles between Seattle and Alaskan points. GERMAN CHIEF IN ALSACE REPORTED A SUICIDE Despaired Because Unable to Effect Vosges Passage. LONDON. Sept. 2S. The German commander at Muolhau scn, after telographlng the General Staff to come and inspect tho difficulties con fronting him In Alsace, committed suicide, according to a dispatch from Bordeaux, The despair of tho German general was duo to his Inability to effect a passage of the Vosges. INVADERS RENEW FIERCE ASSAULTS ON FRENCH CENTRE All Attacks Repulsed, Is Official Statement From Paris Although Unofficial Reports Admit Germans in Force Have Crossed Meuse River. London Credits Rumor That Mons is Burning and Believes it Marks Turning Point of Great Battle Typhoid Epi demic in Kaiser's Camps. TheWar Today WILL ENCOURAGE MARRIAGES Church of England Ministers Asked to Foster Matrimony. LONDON. Sept. 23. All ministers of tho Church of England have been asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury, its head, to do everything possible to en courage marriages. England, like Germany, realizes that a high birth rate Is necessary to fill the, gaps caused by the war, and every ef fort Is being made to encourage mafi rlages at this time. r HARVARD TO SEND TEACHERS CAMBIllDaB, Mms., Sopt. 2S.Desplte the European war, Harvard University will exchange professors tIUi French and German universities. It was announced today that Prof. W. A. Neilson will go to llarU. and Prof. A. D. Hart will go to Berlin, while Prof. Waldermar A'olght of the University of Qoettlngen, and Prof! Henri Ltchtenberger, of the University of Paris, will come to Harvard. Pope Receives Bishop McDonnell ROME. Sept SS.-Blshop C, B. McDon nell, of Brooklyn, was received In private audience yesterday by Pope Benedict XV. H Is the first bishop admitted to the presence oj the new Pontiff, &-4&H "SITUATION SATISFACTORY," CABLES SIR EDWARD GREY British Embassy Hears of Repulse of Germans, WASHINGTON, Sept. IS.-SIr Edward Grey today cabled the British Kmbossy: "The situation Is satisfactory, and counter attacks on the British front have been beaten back with heavy losses by the enemy." HOT BATH SCALDS TWO Attendant Dashes Pail of Burning Water Over Man and Boy. An attendant Jn a bath houso at ZVt Montroso street, failed to test the tem perature of a pall of water before he dashed the contents over Abraham Hol land. 614 Wharton street, and Benjamin Hashey, 5 years oid, 4116 Lancaster avenue. Holland nnd the child he had with him were badly scalded. Thoy were sent to Mt. Slnal Hospital. Samuel Schotkell. tho bath attendant, Is being held without bail to await the outcome of tho boy's burns. Schotkell kaid that ho misjudged the temperature of the water. EAT ICE CREAM; TAKEN ILL Ptomaine Poisoning Follows Lunch, Sending Victims to Hospital. NEW YORK, Sept. 2S.-Mrs. Irene Gmelch, her children, Marian, 5, and Alice, 7, together with a. nurse. Miss Catherine McGlnloy, took an Ice cream hmch Saturday night at 919 Dltmas ave nue. Immediately they became violently ill. Conrad Gmelch, a druggist, arrived homo early yesterday morning, finding me lour unvonuu on me noor. Doc tor Costello recognlted It as ptomaine poisoning. Mrs. Gmelch Is still in the Swedish Hospital, but will recover. The others are already well. CHOLERA ALARMS BUDAPEST BUDAPEST, via Rome. Sept .-Considerable apprehension Is felt over the outbreak ot cholera, here. Despite the stern repressive effort of the authorities. It was admitted that 15 new cases of the dlseasf wer r$ortd today, Flcrco flghtlntr today was resumed along tho entlro battle line In north ern Franco, the sixteenth day of the great engagement. French official statement states tho Germans storm ed the centre nt the point of tho bay onet, but wero repulsed. The Ger mans claim to be crossing the Meusc River In force near" St. Mihiel, but tho French War Office says St. Mlhlel still is held by tho French troops. Tho Allies have failed to penertate the German right at St. Quentin. Tho Kaiser is believed personally to be directing the offensive movements of his troops. Antwerp g being bombarded by the Germans in a fierce assault to crush tho flanking attacks of King Albert's army. Two of tho forts liave been shelled by heavy German artillery. The Germans are moving relnforce merits In several'Wirectlons to aid in the siege. Russians have seized Usznk and other passes in the Carpathians, -which control tho entrance Into Hungary. Possession of these prevent the pass- ago of Austrian reinforcements from the south in any attempt to proceed against the rear of the Russian troops, now actively moving toward Cracow. A Russian force has al ready penetrated to Tarnow, on the north, only 30 miles from the main objectlvo of Cracow. The Przomysl garrison mado an ineffectual sortie and in the repulse was driven back Into the forts, the Russians occupy ing the town. Heavy bombardment continues. Japanese troops defeated the Germans In a li-hour battle on the outskirts of Tsing-Tao, in Klao-Chau, accord in tr. n Toklo official statement. It Is said tho German garrison, with supplies cut off, is about to surrender. London War Office announces that the Allies continue to hold the advantage In France, although there has been no decisive victor- London hopes the Ostend report is truo that Mons Is burning, as this would indicate tho Allies have raided German commu nications far to the north of any point where lighting has been reported. It also is reported typhoid has broken out in the Invaders' forces and their horses ate suffering from glanders. Berlin officially announces that tho Germans In force are holding the foothold on tho west bank of the river near St. Mlhlel. It Is also stated nrmies operating from Va- rennes havo forced the French back and now hold the main highways and railroads in that vicinity. The Allies have been unable to break through the German right wing, it is added, Petrogrnd War Offices report success ful though slow eastward movement toward Cracow nnd the capture of all the southern passes through the Carpathians into Hurtwry. In the East Prussia campaign th8 War Of. flee reports repulse of the Germans in frontier skirmishes and a German plan to make a stand along the Thorn-KaltsB line, which Is being heavily intrenched, to prevent the contemplated Russian invasion of Sllebla, Vienna War Office announces repulse of Allies' attack on Cattaro and the departure ot the fleet engaged in the bombardment. The Austrian fleet and a large land force have concen trated at Pola on tho Adriatic, la an ticipation of Italy' participation in tfes war, PARIS, Sept. 28. Desperate attacks made by the Ger mans between the River Alsne and tho Argonno forest havo been repulsed by the allied French and British troops, according to an official announcement issued this afternoon. This Is at tho centre of the opposing nrmies. The statement says tho general sit uation is unchanged, but that attacks are being made continually by tho Ger mans at certain points. ine statement, briefer than follows: usual, There Is nothing new In tho gen eral situation. Rclatlvo calm pre vails on tho front. At certain points, particularly be tween the Alsno and the Argonno. the enemy continually nttempts new and violent attacks, which have been repulsed. This statement was regarded aa tha lesat satisfactory from a news stand point that has yet been Issued. It made absolutely no mention of the sit uation on the right and left wings, where the heaviest fighting of the 16- -''a4r!ft has ,,ecn JP progretrb. The brevity of the official announce ment was tuken ns an Indication that the wishes of the British Government as to the publication of military details would bo observed, at least in part, hereafter. It Is understood hero that a certain plan that had been conceived In the Wur Office at London was upset by the publication of certain details made public In Paris. It was frankly ndmltted at Head quarters here today that though tho decisive phase of the conflict had been renched the Allies had been surprised by the continual attacks of tho Ger mans, and it was impossible to predict when tho struggle would end. "The break must come, however, said one officer. "It is almost impossible that the enemy can withstand mucn longer the steady pressure of the Al lies. "Their recuperative power has sur prised us. Their repeated counter at tacks are most amazing. Wo know that they have suffered heavily, and yet their attacks are apparently as strong aa ever. There is a hard task beforo us, but our troops realize that the final result will be in their favor." Mons is reported In flumes. This may prove a forerunner of the most important development In the battle of tho Alsne. At Mons, the German battle line, running north from the Alsne, begins to turn northeastward and moves through Belgium. netwecn Mons and Antwerp Is the northwest corner of the German square. Von Kluk Is defending the southwest corner of the square so suc cessfully that there does not seem to be any immediate prospect of the al lied armies dislodging him by direct assault. It has been suggested In this column that In consequence of von Kluk's success the Allies would turn to the northwest corner of the German battle square and try to break through there. If tho reported destruction of Mons is true, it probably means that this northwestern attack is beginning to develop. It Is rumored here that the Germans have made gains along the Meuse and that they are now in strong force on the west bank of the river near St. Mlhlel. Military headquarters, in con tradiction of this, says that St. Mlhlet still is held by the Frunch, but gives no details. The right centre French armies are under constant pressure In the territory east of Rhelms where the crack Over man regiments continue to try to break through the lines. Wounded officers who have come back from there declare tha fighting Is like the pendulum of a. clock, first one side having the advan tage and then tta other Ever1 ffort tho Allies to gain a il j jJ "l ml m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers