2KE3 .ymeW0WfFf4 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1914. 7 GERMAN COMMERCE COLLAPSES UNDER PRESSURE OF WAR Dr. Emil Lederer Virtually Admits the Fact, But Points to Good Harvest as Some Consolation. StfOIUES OF ADVENTURE FROM EUROPEAN WAR ZONE (RGET OF WARSAW FORT, ZEPPELIN FALLS TO EARTH Aerial Assault Fails When Fierce Flro Pierces Envelope. , WARSAW. Sept 28 ' "PPelln was shot down and Its crew " German otttcers and air acouts was Vi,p!Jira aftcr a '"te attack upon the llln fortress m? ''PPellii appeared over this city " V "J- Saturday Pretousl It had td two bombs near the station of rullrpad to Kallsfz Only on of '" xploded and tbo i - e ji BEItLIN, Sept. 28. Whatever bo the outcome of the war, the trade of Germany hns been so crip pled that It it now on the verse of total collapse. The progress made In manufacturing In recent carn km simply amazing. At the outbreak of the war dei many linil probably overtaken Great Britain, so far as foreign trade was con cerned, nnd n j car hence would have relegated her rlal to second place In the world s commerce. During the Hut six months of 1914 mer chandise was exported from Germany to the enormous value of 11,015,000.000, an computed with Jl, 075,000,000 from Oieat Britain nnd Ireland. This was running England veiy closely, but whether Ger many would have won or lost In tho race will now never bo known, for tho ar has changed the channel of tho whole world's trade. Ult. LUDBRBU'S VIEWS. An article by Dr. Kmll Lederer In tho VossWrhc Zcltlng Is an Interesting revela tion of the extent to which German In dustry has been already hit by the war. lie sns: The removal of nil men capable of bearing arms has smashed Industiy to atoms. All tho links uniting tho various trades have been broken. Tho crisis with regard to money and credit which occurred In the tlrst Instance was accentuated by the necessity of financing the "war by a single stioke. I he nttempts made to meet the crlils by liquidating assets only mado matters worse. The unrnrtmmtn m,io. is that this liquidation, which Is cus tomary in all times of crisis, does not in the present Instance aflect merely a small body of speculators, but ex presses tho fact that German Indus try nnd Its production are on a ficti tious basis A complete transforma tion Is necessary In order to cope with the new conditions brought about by the war. At present there Is llttlo sign of tills. Wo see tho apparent paradox that, In spite of the Increasing ab sorption for military pm poses of men capable of working, there Is an In crease of unemployment among those that remain behind. Even the much-sought-after labor of women cannot find employment. Day after day un dertakings are shut down or their output diminished. Those, Indeed, which continue at work nro working with aimless overpressure and uncer talntj, so that tho net output is di minished. What aro tho decisive economic facts? Does the complete break-up of Industry which threatens Germany Involve a disruption also of agricul ture and of the supply of necessities? The war means for Germany: First, the prevention of exports, especially of articles of luxuiy; secondly, the prevention of Imports of the means of subsistence, especially raw materials, such ns cotton, copper, etc.: thirdly, tho reduction or alteration in demand by all nt the front and the restriction of demand by those romalnlne nt homo. There Is no longer any demand for articles of luxury. Ui.HMAN HARVEST GOOD. Against these facts, which apparently Involve the Government outlook for the near future. Dr. Lederer mentioned otheis which tend to relieve the picture Germany, he sas, hos had a remnrk tblj good harvest, so that, on the whole, tho purchasing power of the agricultural Industiy is remarkably big. The same applies to industries which eupplj the needs of tho army and other public purposes. The problem Is to use this purchasing power In such a way as to revive oil those branches which supply the needs of the above-mentioned Indus- UIC3. Dr Lederer then applies himself to a discussion of soma process of develop ment of Industries now ilnrmnnfr nml In this connection sa: "The question Is how to build around tho sound kernel. It will re quire, foresight and perhaps great ex penditure for tho forces which could bring about this reorganization auto matically, do not exist Hitherto the agricultural trades suppljlng tho arrnj and public works and contracts have been stimulated; tho decisive problem Is, how can tho mass of pri vate Industry be kept going or set go ing again? ' It must be remembered, first, that the amount of avalable labour Is con siderably reduced, secondly, that the available raw materials will prob and not bo sufficient for a long time, thirdly, that the needs of private In dustry have during the war under gone considerable diminution and i hance Theso facts must first be recognized, then n fl sterna tic plan of reconstruction must ho drawn up with the help of Chambers of Com meice and similar oiganlzatlons. WHY GERMANY EXCELLED Tho author concludes b recommending the formation of a Central Permanent Committee lepresentlng all the Interests to see wnat can be done for tho revival, fun upon a comnaratlvelv limited basis. of the tiade and Industries mined by mo war should the wnr he nrntnnired thpi-A would i b" great dlltlcult In accomplishing this. Hut should hostilities cease and peace Men onco more, there Is no reason why tlermanj should not again become u I great fuctoi In the world's commerce Oermno excelled In even branch of In , dustry, bo. It mining, forestn, agriculture, jjoal uon or muchlnerj . textile or chem ical Her muanlticent training, n.itient Planning and tireless actlvltl enabled her to master every problem In production with a success uiiilvaled by mi) other nation She owed her nrosnerltv to her splendiJ government, unifoim, practical and technical education, nubile control i of the means of transpoitatlon and the constant application of new scientific methods in the pioccsa of manufacture. There are, of course, other causes of success, but It can be said with certainty hat a country which Is favored b) the four causes mentioned Is certain to oper. A striking Incident occurred at the conclusion of High Mass In St, Patrick's Church esterday when the vast congre gation was astounded to hear tho great organ peal out the tunc, "It's a Long, Long Way to Tlppcrary." St. Patrick's Is tho largest Irish Catholic congregation In Canada, and thousands of Its members are In the contingent of 32,00) Canadian soldiers now on their way across the Atlantic to the war. As tho first notes of tho now famous tune wore heard the whole congregation stood still, amazed by the unusual non church music. The feeling of surprise wns followed Inetnntly by smiles and every evidence of enthusiasm aa tho whole congregation fell Into step, nnd many left the odltlcc singing the song. An exciting story of tho war Is printed today bv tho Petit ParlBlen. It concerns the adventures of Rlchaid Macgraly, a private In the Scottish Highlanders, who was enptured by the Germans near Noon, Eluding his captors, Mncgraly plunged Into tho Olso River while tho Germnn Boldlcrx shot at him. Although the bul lts nnrsed all around him. the Scot dived far beneath tho surface. When ho bobbed to the Biirfaco again the Germnn soldiers, who were sunning nlong the banks or the river, opened another fusillade with rides nnd mngn7lnc pistols. Mncgrnlv again dived and swam as long ns ho could under water. Again ho had to face the volleys when he rose to the surface, the bullets spattering tho water over his face. After being In the water five hours nnd swimming many miles, Macgraley flnnlly found the French lines nnd Joined his leglmcnt. Except for a few scratches, paused by striking obstructions In diving, the venturesome Scotchman was un hirmcd. He oatlmntcs that more than COO shots were fired at him. British warriors have a new song. It Is: Me.i rf Yorkshire, men of Kent, rnv nllcm. O Cn alien! Ye who Into battle tcnt For jour faith, nml ye who Fpent For your King our blood and tours. Annwer us who cnll jnu now. Speak across the mnlheil yesra From the hnrvest field nKlow, I'attloflclilit of InnK nKo, Cavalier. O Cm alters! War has rent the veil that hides HnKland strength, nnd It appears ConiiRUKht now by Pinter rlde. And li) et the Irnnsldej, Cavaliers. O t'av alters! Ftlll the notde forelands tnud. Still her (treen the oak tree wears, Still the rtni; of Fngland Brand vvavfB Miove the niKllsh nnd. Ca altera, O Cav altera! One for King nnd rountry all , Heedlcaa how the battle veers, Sound the liuclo! At the cnll JKIp us. so we hold the "nil, Ironaldes nnd Cavaliers! In one big business office of Liverpool, a volunteer ambulance corps hns been formed and classes arc held regularly. Thev are very popular except among tho office bojs, who complain that they aro being "almost bandnged to death." "It is rigorously forbidden for any womnn to cast amorous glances at Urltlsh and French prisoners," Is tho text of a proclamation Issued by the military gov ernor of Stuttgart. A letter written by an English private says : "I see you are all excited about getting us plenty of socks, but Heaven only knows when we shnll get a chance to wear them. I haven't been out of my boots for a fortnight. ... It would bo much more to the point If you would send us men to give the Germans 'socks.' 'Merry nnd Bright' Is still our motto . . . Don't get downhearted, no matter what jou hear at home. Some of these dns things will come all right. Keep )our ejes wide open and you will have a big surprise sooner than you think. Wo're all right, and the Germans will find that out sooner than you at home. "PRIVATE J. WILLIS" A British soldier writes this to rela tives at home: "Things nre a good deal easier with us now, for the Germans are getting tired of always butting their heads against a stone wail.'nnd we are keep ing our spirits up wonderfully, every thing considered. Wo don't mind how hard the Germans press us, for we can nlwnjs give them as good as they glvo Us with something to spare as a re minder to Kaiser Hill that he's backed th wrong horso this time. I expect he known It by thla time, nnd I wouldn't be In his place for the world. It must be nwful to feel that you hnvo mado mugs of so minv poor chaps who are being sent to their death for no good reason that anv sano person can see." Paris Is quiet and serene. Tho peopto nro cajm and confident, Thousands of French and Urltlsh flags flutter from tho houses. The shops are open, but business Is very quiet, A sad feature of tho calmness of the marts Is tho business In the dry goods stores. In these shops most of the busi ness Is done nt tho counters where mourning Is sold The purchasers nre most often w coping women, whoso grief natutally affects the clerks. Men and women, bearing, some of them, the prominent American nnmes, are working In the Nculily Hospital at tho most menial tasks with admirable sclf nbncgntlon, It Is the duty of an Ameri can muttl-mlltlonalro to see to It that wounded Turcos, some of whom have been without a change of clothes for a rortntght, aro thoroughly and conscien tiously scrubbed, Dollnr princesses are busy rolling bandages and preparing dressings. A visitor to the Amorlcan Hospital at Nculily sends this account of the Turcos' "Splendid fellows the Turcos arc, most of them, with their white teeth nnd fiery, feverish Eastern ejes. They smoke In cessantly, some of them SO cigarettes a day. Hut English cigarettes are not fiery enough for their pnlato. Fortunately, I had brought with mo a number of Eng lish magazines, nnd one of them, the most profusely Illustrated, I loft for the Turcos' delight. 'They lovo pictures,' said tho nurse, 'and will lie looking at them for hours at a time.' "Ono of them, a magnificent fellow, with the torso of Hercules, Is the Joy of the ward. Ho has n.smlle that will not como off. He was not bo cheerful when he enme In, for It had been found neccs- J7, lo rotnnvo one or his front teeth, which had been split In a fierce hand-to-hand encounter. Our Turco mourned the loss till he was assured that ho would be given a gold one-a nice, yellow, nhln ng gold one-ln Its place. Since then he has not censed to smile." An English Hussar, wounded at Com plegne, showed a correspondent the bullet iimi mm snaiioreci ins thigh nn ugly missile, with all tho appearance of an ex plosive bullet. The point was bored, and the leid behind had spread out and flat tened. He got tho man who fired It. He had been through all the fighting, from Mons to Complcgne. They hnd seldom had more than a couple of hours' consec utive sleep "We slept with our arms through our horses' bridles. But It's a grand life." he said, with gu3to, 'and I want to bo bnck at It." He had only contempt for the Uhlans. We camo upon a dozen of them one day In a Hinge. We were seven, but ns soon as they saw us up went their hands. We '""'m - took them nil" A packet Of Engiun clgarettcs-the first he had smoked for a month were a welcome boon. He lay back, and took Ills first Inhalation wltti nn Infinite satisfaction. English soldiers seem to find the French tobacco too harsh nnd strong. Newspapers, too, nro always welcome, for In modern warfare It Is the looker-on who sees m6st of the great game. The Free Masons of'Rome have offered the Government tho great palace used by tho Grand Lodge as headquarters for use as a hospital should Italy enter the wnr. This Is the largest structure of Its kind In Rome. The Minister of War has replied that If the need arises the kind offer will be accepted, There Is mourning In Berlin, Each day more nnd more death cards "for King nnd Fatherland" appear among the ad vertisements In the papers, A son, a husband, a brother. Is lamented The number of black-bordered cirds fill a page of each paper. And this Is true In every town In Germany. Newspapers from Hanover, Cologne, Alx-ln-Chapelle nil tell tho same tale. The stream of wounded grows. Might after night the trains rumblo Into Berlin nnd the long procession of ambulances start, nnd now those who stay at home receive back unoponcd the letters they have been send ing to relatives nt the front. In red Ink across tho face of the envelope Is writ ten the ono pregnant word, "Gefallen " Hundreds of Parisians went last week In pious pilgrimage to the cemeteries of Uayne and Pnntln to pay tribute to the graves of the soldiers. Early In the morning women cntorctl the grave)ards, their arms full of flowers. Tho fresh- mado graves were strewn with Mnr guerltes. Women of poor fnmlllca brought artificial flowers and wreaths. Ono bent and aged woman, whose back was bowed with )cars and who wns dressed In cheap black garb, carried a handful of paper flowers In her hand. In rcpsonsc to questions, she replied In n thin, quavering voice that she had two sons and three grnndsons nt the front. Some of the women, for the throng wns virtually composed of women, car ried humble wooden crosses decorated with tricolor of ribbons. Tho tombs of tho English who had found a resting place on foreign soil were deep with flowers, the gifts of French nnd English hands. Several of tho graves those especially of tho native Algerian troops were nnmc less. Tho wooden crosses bear such In scriptions ns thus: "A soldier, believed to be of Arabian nationality, whose Iden tity Is not known." Theso nnmeless tombs, no less and perhaps evon onoro than the others, share In the memorial tribute of flowers. A soldier writing to his relatives In Paris of the recent fighting sayB! "Tho German ofllceis tried many tricks. For Instance, there were shouts In French, 'Fix b.i)oncts, forward, charge!' Thla was to lure us out of our trenches. One unfortunate section was deceived, and ns It charged was cut down by fire from a machine gun. They are continually rais ing the c,ry, 'Cease firing!' Nobody heeds It now, but this disregard has got us Into some awkward situations, as on sev eral occasions our own officers had given the order." PRINCE, IN TATTERS, MET WITH REBUFF AT WOMAN'S HANDS Prince August Wilhclm Courteous to Nurse, Al though Men Were Not Admitted to Hospital. PARI8, Sept. 23. A Red Cross nurse who has been nt Rhelms since the first shells fell on StpKmber 2 sya the Germans behaved In tho most correct manner on their entry Into the place on September 4, when neither civil nor military authori ties remained in the town Many of the officers and men believed they were only 12 miles from Paris. "One day," sa)e this nurse, "a young o nicer, whose uniform wns tattered and extremely dirty, asked mo politely In the Btrcct, after saluting me, whether I could receive some wounded In my hospital I replied that It was Impossible as the place wm already hill and w were un nbte to feed thow who were there. The officer thanked me. I ww Mm then go to a shop, where he made some pur chases. He came out of the shop with his hands filled with sausages nnd other eatables. The ragged young officer was Trlnce August Wllhelm, the Kaiser's fourth son. .... "The German general explained that the first bombardment on September 2 waa due to a misinterpretation of on order given to the battery. "The Germans began to leave on Sep tember It nnd the French arrived the next day. "On the day the cnthedrn! was struck by the flrrt sheila we wero compelled to empty the hospital. We transferred the Injured during th night while there was two hours of quiet and Installed them In champagne vaults. I had '0 mjeelf In one cellar. v wem compelled to search for provisions during the day, nnd In this work five religious nnd three lay female nurses were killed. "Life In the vaults was terrible, and t fear It Is still continuing. Tetanus and gangrene threatened each sufferer, nnd Infection had to be fought every minute, which was most difficult, ns many of the wounded were unable to move. Between 7 o'clock In the morn ing and 6 o'clock In the evening I counted ISO shells falling or parsing Immediately over us The odor from the bursting shells mode breathing sometimes Impos sible. The uproar was such that It wns Impossible to hear and wo were obliged to shout Into each other's ears. GERMAN CASUALTIES 104,519 05,908 Reported Wounded; Only 15 074 Killed. BERLIN, sept. . The total Germn easualtles in dritd, wounded, and missing;, as ofTlcallly reported to date, are ie,M. These are made up as follows! Dead, 16, 74j wounded, tS.XB; missing, 2J.007. The casualty list announced yesterday adds a total of 10,617 casualties to those preciously announced. Tho last previous summary of totals, which came out from Berlin, was dated last Wednesday. It announced that I0, OS6 Germans had been killed and ,7W wounded, while 18.M1 were missing, a total of M,t7. The loss of a thousand more Germans was chronicled In a. dis patch sent from Amsterdam last Friday and evidently quoting ofTlctal German advices Yesterday's list Included only 10,67, so) that apparently other lists, totnlllng more than 20,000, were Issued In Berlin be tween Wednesday and Sunday without reaching the outside world These figures bear out alt the reports about the terrlfle fighting that has been going on, especi ally along the line of the Alsne. a $400,000 Live Money for Live Mortgages In snnoo to $50,000 nmounts; nn advances. Send full particulars Immediately. HORACE K. READ 271 IIItOADWAY. NEW YORK JREAI. ESTATE FOR SLE nCU, ESTATE FOR SAI.E . . j .. .... i -: . . - i. ii v , r rt If - NTvIp8it,.ir,,I,Bvir,1 12, nUY MAIN riNK 0"KS AT UNUSUAL TRICES ftVl?5?,5A,A5,?W5"IWI.INB, HEAUTIFCT, ST. DAMPS ROME AN orrOHTUNITY 14 rooms, 2 baths, finished In white and iiiuuiiHuiiy, i.icryimnr modern anu In SVU5..?,' h?''o '": 0 rooms. J TII,ED 2hiT"SiY'ih s"ownR Interior flnlsh white, f.lvine room mlislon. ind all ?0,',nn1oniRpornT,men".. S'eePlnc Porch Lot 00x210. in excellent ne shborhood, near station. S8000 ONLY 57000 A NEW IIOUHB. Colonial design. f rooms, 2 baths Finished in whlto and mahoeany; brick porch; steam heat and nil modern conveniences Lot 00x210. Within two blocks of station. cellent condition. Heat from central plant. "efr,y...Hn cre' old shade, near station and golf club. Look at the price. 112,000 CAN BE REMODELED small cost. A very handiom. old- fanhlonea hrJck house, rnuxh-cast; larre lot. 103x210. with beautiful old shade trees; near station nnd In fine residen tial section. House has 0 rooms, bath, all modern conveniences. S7000 HEPPE m i i ll'i! !. e atTTr- .li.-i.d W i. uiii! !y 'fthiiiftij ' !",! m m ! I rj !ii:i'i ' The royal significance of the Pianola Years ago the ability to play the harp was used as a method of distinguishing the freed-man from the slave. A harp was a possession which a slave could not afford, and the ability to play it was an art that none but nobility had time and opportunity to acquire. All royalty played the harp. Today, kings, princes and all other grades of royalty use the Pianola. It is the standard court instrument of all Europe. But, best of all. today, unlike the rlav nf tl, 1,am aSlKSUXlK evervhorlv ran ninv fr.c m.,,1 ..:i TI i ' u ! ; ' ; ...wv.luJ,a,inivucgcs, me pianola is built in models at various prices lo accommodate every rtoyal Warrant of " " t Appointment of the Heppe s will arrange terms for those who do not Majist" Grge v care to make cash settlement. ot L'nsland PIANOLA-PIANOS Steirtway (grand) ... .$2 1 00 Weber $ 1 OOfJ Weber (grand) 1800 Wheelock 750 Steinway 1250 Stroud ,' 559 ALSO Francesca-Heppe Player-Pianos $450 Aeolian Player-Piano $395 Write for complete illustrated catalogues. C. J. HEPPE & SON ! 1 1 7-1 1 19 CHESTNUT ST. ' 6TH AND THOMPSON STS. Store Opens 8.30 A. M. WANAMAKER'S Store Closes 5.30 P. M. m ' The Grand Organ Plays Tomorrow at 9, 11 and 5:15 THE WANAMAKER STORE Anno' minces for TomoBT In the Great Sale of Bigelow Rugs There Is Splendid Choice in 9x12 Feet Size This is a sale of large stocks aed complete assortmemits not am emergency collection of odds and ends. It is a sale that came about naturally by reason of a very important and very uninsyafl industrial event the merger of the great Bigelow and Hartford rug industries. It brought to us the Bigelow warehouse stock in such large variety that you may choose from ten different weaves in most u:ooms3ze rugs. For example: Here is yow choice of 9x12 ft. rugs all at a flat reduction of one-fomrth Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow In several other room-size rugs the selec tion is as large as in the 9x12 size, and there are many small rugs in the same variety. (Fourth, Floor, Market) Ardebil Wiltons, $45 Daghestan Wiltons, $37.50 Balkan Wiltons, $37.50 Bagdad Wiltons, $32 Puritan Wiltons, $27.50 Aldingtons, $28 Bagdad Brussels, $24.50 Utooia Axminster. &7A Middlesex Brussels, $21.75 eiectra Axminster, JOHN WANAMAKER """' - pi ti&& fiASfef
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers