Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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State Bureau of Statistics Re
ports Increase of Product
and Number of Wage
Oomtnlttrp MilK-cl. however Hint the for
in'p head of the onrnorntlon had I'ron
iitrrl from nny conncetloti with the
Klv- (lustres hiivr l)ffii llnmnl to holil
nil t hf slock In the Mercantile Stor"i i
iVimmiv iimi tmme Its tllirctors until
nil ili-tit" liave Iippii imkl. TIipj nre
.' un"8 S Alpmnpr nn1 John W. T.
Vli Imls nml Henry lltvvi Now YorU, .
Knir"t Itmnlil I'M iru. "nil Philip'
."iiiHKtoii. Hooton.
Statistics of niPiiufRctureii of thp Stntp
Ilurcau of ltidiisti lul Statistics of New
Jersey show that the yenr IBIS Wn
fairly prosperous oiip for the 3WW per
eohs whoso Incomes, whether In the form
of wages or salaries, are drawn from the
products of lhiltitrls.
The Increase In the number of etn,b
tlshments n 19H, ns compared with 1914,
was 82, or 1 2 ppi cent. The capital lit
vested has kuhvh from $319,l::,l0 111 intit
to JMfc 790...VU In 1M3, nit Increase of J.W
CW.SJJ, or 5 3 pel cent. The distribution
of this onomi'Mis onpltnl, ncoot thrift t" the
requirement of Industry, was n follows;
Invested In land nnd buildings. KKI.3R!'.
123; In maclilner, tools nnd Implements,
9210.3S1.939; 111 all other forms, rush on
hand, bills p.i.nhle. stook In process of
mnmifnctuie, etc., $o.n.J,s65.3..
The rost of all stock or material used
In 1912 was fr.ls.lll.nM. In ll'II! It Was . "SV.v
W2.5T6, an Increase of $40,fiM.4'.'J. nt .S pel
Hi Oelobrr T. nl 2 p. m the llepitrt
menl of Atfriinlture Mill issue u report of
condition and Melds of grain ernps.
'flip t'tlrn ?lenm and Mohawk f'otton
Alllls, of t'tlrn. J?, V., lmve received nn
order from the French Government for
frm.ow sheets.
President Hubert I.mnont, of the Amerl
tan Steel t-'onndrlpB r'ampnny, on an In
spectlon trip of the com
says that It' will be necrssnr
some or the plants nnd curtail production
nl other works. Mr. Iximont said that
the foundry business was decidedly poor
ut present.
Retiring directors were reeleeted at the
annual meeting or the Chicnuo, Mltwau
kee and St. Paul.
State Body Covering Life,
Fire and Casualty Brokers
Will Make War on Pro
posed Obnoxious Laws.
to p.m.
fun Tint . fi-.'.iin.m. un .ct
1'Hll. MiKt.rttlA
Hlldi vvatr. S Stlii m. ,H1r1i ter. P..W p.m.
1j wnttt . u.'ll a m !, water.. ;i 111 p.m.
H.th wnter, nian. High ttuter. n-III p.m.
I.ovv w.iir -i m. i l.ow Water. .12.0 p.m.
HlKh vv-aier. .VlOp i.
I.nvv wntir.,10 ftl p.m.
cent. The total omnn vaiu' oi tin mms i mKt, ntrr. .! .11 u.m.
mndc or work donp was $!.51, 102,7115 in I t.- water, nl,". am.
1912, and $i.i2Si..N9 in wis: the ihcn.is. i Vesaols Arriving Today
for the latter rur was, theiefi're. "TT. r:i,- ... , t . ,
f-i nl. -.,, ,.nt 1'tnilnlin iBt i. Inshiim, Liverpool, pnssen
lul. or i.u pel i mi. ,., on,( ,IInli.'n,llM. Ameru-an Line, tlc-ke.l
Tho KTcatest number of vvasre eann'ts j -iiMtismii uienue nharf si m
employed nt :inv time dtirlna the .Vi.'i frvi.cm is i. r rt Antonio, fruit, Vnite.l
1313 was Sffl.321. !,. imullert number -. i ' "' '"; .
S9i.l33 nnd th.- iv,'t:iRp numi i-r. .(...". Itnuk, Joseph '. i!.ibrlel Point llre.
The ilirternmi" n,'i'fm tne two esirenn-K
was 35,Vi. or IT j pet cent., which Indi
cates th'- ptnpottion of uni'tnpIo mt-nt
experienced 1a the factory and workshop
wnse earner of the State ilutltns 1913.
Steamships to Arrive
Nume. Prom.
M.tniinltnn Ulitriron ...
tiunpa!lii N'uptes . . . , .
li i uui Litirpoul ...
l illtoiala Cop nliaen
ritv nf Durham.
. l.K
.V decii.i"i nt 5 l r ci-nt r :n ! In
total nperalin'.? tivniii nl vallr mi' In
June tompari il with 'In- same m mth ot
lust ear Is shown In the summary of
the Bureau of Hallway Ken! omic. Thi
Bummarv also i-hr.w that there was a
lei rease In opir.it. n., cpeni-s of t.l pel
cent. The net o,ii.!tlngr revenue per mile
wai 23 smalli r or 7 r'r cent., when com
pared with Jutv. i!i J.
Mart Tolnt . ..
Man Mivilncr..
A.I Ho
Muimrols ,
r-renliers n . . ,
Uaketan ,
Man. Miller ...
...fpt 1
...fnt. IS
...Sept. U
...Sept. 1U
...Sept. 11
...Sept. 1ft
...Sept. 1S
. . Sept
...Sept. 19
. .Sept 1-3
...Calcutta ..
...Hot pnlnm
...Ixi nil. m ...
. ...MniK'lipuer
...Huelrit ...
...I'Hlrutta .,
...Stainntier ,
...OirllCf ....
...liniUm ...
. . . fllV-fl!i,. H r , I
. . .St Vim en-.C.V Sept. 17
.. ..MinsHeiter ... (tnt '-'1
rorre.i. sept. I'S
Steamships to Leave
l.lveriiosl .
Naples ....
Ll rrpf'Ol .
(ilagiw ...
' t'rnnlenbo-r Coi)cnl)aen
'West Holnt Lumlon ...
I linnnJlH I hfif irinld
nivfriieemi nt .1 iiasen- , iimcmn.i
Division of the I "
Orcnnlfttitlou of the lltsttiniice t'Vilem
tlon of tVnnas'lvunlii has heen completed.
It hns ctiihllKh.-d leniporni'y henil
ltmrters In thp ronnis of the l-'lro Insnr-
puny "s plants, j nlw ney- ' I'ourth street near Wnl-sani-V
to close i hut. The federation Is made up of life,
lire nnd disunity insurance agents nnd
broker throughout tho State.
In n letter to brokers and nuents, J.
W. Mrnrv, in-esldent of the newly formed
federation, declarea Hint tho future of
the insurance niteiit In I'onnsylvanla Is
In dancer, nml that there must bo made
a co-operative attack on laws, which, he
sns, the net L,e.llnture pinna to put
throncfh roVerliiR liisurntice regulation
and operation.
"As you are well nware," says Presi
dent Henry, "the Insurance business hns
been the subject of attack by Legislatures
in Severn t Status, nnd, ns you know, the
lnurincc nsents of Ohio, West Vliginln,
Wnshlnetiin nnd other states, have been
put out of business after working years
In bnlldltiR up their agencies. We arc nl
ths time runfront-il In Pennsylvania with
a Leirlolnturc about to convene to Blve
consltleratloti to measures vital to the
hite'im or ihe Insurance nscnts in th
State of Pennsvlvnnla, and we mnt b.-lu-tpnied
lo meet the Issiii. fairly hy be
Inp orRnnlzpd into a body Hint will wield
such an Inllurnce as will pinnt to n- n
noents nnd cltlzeiw of the roininonwenlth
of Puinsylvnnhi n rlcht to continue in
the insurar.ee business ns a means of
livelihood. Had the agents been orpin
Ized In Ohio nml other states, they would
still have their business.
"If tlv insurance business Is attacked
and legislation paced which is detiimcn
tal to tho business, tlipr- will' he no
fuither mod of the iRent. The Insur-
anci companies have no right to come
In nnd iay what character of leRislatlon
sh.ill be passed but we. ns citizens. tax-
Mil reus
..Sept. HI
..Sept. IS
.sipt l!.l
..Sept. -
With the Intention of breaking up the
practice of jhism nirei-s rldin-: on plat
forms of moUntf passenger ears, the
rcnnsvlvania U.iliroud has posted no
tices on bulletin boutds ot the 'lttiburgh i California
Division wiirnit jr passensers of tin. dan
ger in so doing.
Mrlon . . .
M. nitcllan
Through a lost
ger on the Man land
Pcnnvlvanla Hailroad recovered $110
. rrAIch he had lost on the platform in
Erond street station and which was
picked up by i hrnkeman and held by
the companv until the omn-r was found. I
OtHclals of the PinnsUvania saw the ad- l
verusem"nt. nr.un appenren oi, ", KOI i Name.
Into communication with the m.iti nnd ! ilumbla
thn monev. which was the unvlncs of a I KrlstlanlfJ-inl
six months' cniise on a sailing vessel, was
returned to hlra.
...Oct. 3
...Oct. II
...ivt. 10
...Oct. IT
. .Oct. IU
..Sopt. 3-1
. . . Oc-. 0
1 .elth i Sept. $)
Rr t It i turn . . lint
tnn. Mariner M.ticlictcf ....ik-i'hi
start Po.nt v luil'in on. lo
MIsaiurl ... titul.in not. 14
Rapldan ... Lelth Oct. IB
tors believe resources should -be' ion
served "
Although the franchises of 16 Ohio cities
with the Kast Ohio Oas Company author
ized that company to lncrene Its price
for natural gas from SO cents to 85 cents
n I0t cubic feet, that company decided
that In view of present tlnnnclal condi
tions It woild nil moke the advance. This
decision will help the consumers of the
following cities: Akron, Canton, Mnssll
lon, licnnlson, New Philadelphia, Iluck
eye City, Iianvllle, Uhrlchsvllle, Nllcs,
Warren. Itwst Palestine, Lowellvllle,
Slultheis, IlubVard, Olrnrd and Canal
Tho Ohio Public Utilities Commission
lus nutnultecit the Cleveland ltnllwa.V to
Issue eomnuin capital stock amounting to
$I,0M Spp par value, to be sold for not less
tlum par.
Hlicctois of the Columbus Hull way,
Power and Mght Company, which Is inan
nueil anil operated by u Philadelphia Mini,
have declat ed thn rcittllar iiunrterly dlvl
iipni! nf IU tier Cint. on the preferred
slock, seiteu A, payable on October 1. The
directors took no action toward iluiiiiolm;
propisod lmpiovcmi,its. It Is said, how
ever, that Improvement and extensions
which tie urgent will be llnnucud out of
The third 2100.)iorsepowcr unit of tho
Coon Hnplds hydro-electric development
constructed ny II. M. Hyllesby .t Co. on
the Mississippi Hlver has been placed In
commercial operation. An average of
;.-,u.0ii0 kilowatt hours will bo supplied
weekly to the Minneapolis Oeneral Klec
tric Companv from these three units.
The fourth unit will be placed In opera
tion about the middle of October, and the
lirth and last one ot the Initial Installa
tion in November.
xr.w HitPsswii'K. x. J. Pent, as
Wretchid pasplna 1 Mii'lcmUcy. coupled with
frequenl fumhllnic. i'"t the, HuiBora eleven t
itinmva In the eontct nt I'tlm-eton on Pntur
li Mem' fia of the tr.im ntntp tint Limcti
Poster .".inforil lian been tirnuit it to re.;ll2e
more -"'.ly the ltnpnrtar.ee uf that nrnnd or
open piny which l'riiKiton sprung on the senr
let. Not inh will Hie forward puss iccclve
mu.-li cmpliatl-. hut the Itutners sccomlary de
fnnvc will he drilled well in the methods to
lire lit It up.
XX Allltnil, Fcpt. 2 - I'naeh Yost still has
nvire't'uin hair n .liweli plans on the Mtchunn
team unfeltle.l with the otynlng Bnmc with
Ii-pauw t nlierslty but two d.i" distant. The
In.uiles to Clalt, cteran rUht half, and Wat
Frn, wlm h.nl clnrhed the rluhl tackle berth,
still further conplk-atc the -Ituatlon. fnttlett
or Ha.tlin will stall at ImU. with Hugh tt.
tfnlawn nml Maulbctsch the others. The line
re ualns a puzzle.
'AUI.lSt.i:. Pa. s-ept. i;s.-The Carlisle In
dians returned here eter.1ny after the eloso
tame with W.-sl Vlrslnln esleyan at larks
l"iri. with cvrr reilnkln In Kooil pluslcul con
'lltton i" e niieit fiilved .i ltnl prohlem with
th.! Indian ...uilics n p.i.niins n a -iiuil-c ,-
payer, and tora of tl,U .ommonw.alth ' J" r'ea'rneTialls the s loAf
should say what sort of legislation shall i viltctte wll' bo to end, where he is valuable.
be put upon our lneui' and butter
niitv ,rr-n!,l!,Hn .... .... ...! . cnl-TIt HP.TI I l.ltll UM. Pa.. Sept 'J. tiruni-
..... .. ,.. .,.. ..w,( ,,i b. , . iviiii iiei" .- ..
I ni.i ,,,........ ".- -,; ,- -. . - ,
1. , k I-.lKirs. lUtf rig m i a. k, . -. , " -V
team it was u si.oM-ie,i ie,v.'..,j ",". "v,'.t.i
r.J .. . i.r.i.. n neiit I'nrearm In Saturday's
iame with Kr-u.klln and Marshall, it occurred
i-i th. 'onth period, hut (irumliiik playe.1 to
tlw iiid of the mime Tho nntnre ..f the lnjur
I IU eo the pl.ncr out of the game for the
rr l of lV-f m ir. Illr. los w 11 lie mo't keellh
felt ..s It iPiii-s onl four I. men on the team,
the five rtlurs hai ins been bancd for siholas
tli nanns
Vessels Arriving Today
Chicago is now assured of its new $'.
OOO.mO union station and passenger ter
minal yards, the Pennsylvania and oshpr
roads Intere-Med in its Joint construction
having accepted the city ordinance gov
erning the undertaking. This involved
tha payment to tm city of I3J5VK, nnd a
few weeks ago there was danger that the
Km June
.. .I'rfrt."n
Havre .
I. n.kn
enterprise would be delayed In anticlpa- I njuiso
tlon of dltliculty in raising the money. J,-" "Ai'-teriiim
lining lii iiit- imr. iitia appedrs uj nuve
been overcome. The work is to be com-
pleted in five years.
Statistics show that only a little ni,p.
than U per fnt. of the paxM-tiger cars
turned out last voir were of wooden con- i
structlon. and In n few years those u?
wood will have disappeared from the
principal arteiies of travel, if not from all ,
roads. In the coming vear ail pnta! en's
must bo of stpel. In the four vears ended
January 1. 19!t. steel pnssenc-i- , nrs in- !
creased In number from ffiiS to 7;T1, and
steel underframe enrs fiotn K71 to Sni, i
eaoh of the 'ormer (ntit'U' '".onn wrpeli
serves to indie-ite h.nv expi n vu it ' f
the railroads to make th, ch.iru, to metal
Steamships to Arrive
lu'l; Ti'tiAY.
Name. Kr. m.
St. Anna Nap'es
I'nlted Btate Copenhagen .
rfiamplllci ...N'ui'lcs
Steamships to Leave
Name For,
Dm ke 1.
. a. in.
....l a.m.
. . . . 1 p m
.Sept. 14
..Sept. IT
sSfpt. 1
retiiate to us the need of the agent In 'J it w. s dlsLovere'l crter,ia that he had
men's compensation nnd life Insurance
wo know will bo matters for considera
tion by our next LeglMntutc, we must,
for the salvation of our business, be
organized in a compact body, worklnc
hr.nd in hand in legislative matters to
safeguard our buMneas."
Otllcers and dltectors of the federation
are: J. W. Heniy. president; S. If. Po.
nnd J. S. Turn, vice presidents; J. I,
Hivolta. treasurer. Directors: ttnbert M.
foyle. Philadelphia; Wallace M. Held
Pittsburgh: Charles K. Yungman, Phlla-
lelphla: James P. Tanner. Urle; H. A.
Logue. rittsliurgh: J. V. Ban-. OM ritv.
.1. B. I.ongacre. Philadelphia: F. S. IJar'r.
Lancaster: J. U. Parnell. Indiana; Jerie
H. ISarr, Reading; H. H. Hair, (ireens
burg; J. F. Brnadbent Hcranton, and
Jesse S. Bed. Wllllnmport.
. ..H.rdeaux .
New lent uvcriiou .
.M.i.uretinU .I.!v-rpo4 .
..Jrtatl, I.lvi nml .
i-i.iiir'r la itl,iv2,,u
liula.!' hla I.lvirponl
1) ,i d'An-tu ....... Naites ..
Miuiehihi Umdon
Uipan- Ma vie
Sept. is
. . .Sept. L'
. . .Sept 'II
Sept. :t.i
Sept. .'u
Sept. :m
o t. i
ivt. ::
Oct. M
.' t. :
ix t. :;
The unihatod moderate luiuml for iromin
boa's Keeps ihe r tdtn mirket .1 t.ve ant ihim
Ha. 1 luirti-rlng In the sal; market l at a
n'an IstiU.
r-l'msshv 'He I. New York ti ikkr.l pirtv
t'r.t, 1 K nit ! m .rnln. '.'l.',. ijuarter", .'
".I., prjmr.t, opt tun Kr n-ii Atlantl' pur... .'
'.'ii.im .Ujrters sain, . fn n.
In .HinoLiKliig tlieli deiicion nut to de
cline the iPKUh.r iii.ii-trrl dividend of 1
I per ctt't. on common .it.uk, which would
nominally be paid Oi tober l.'i, directors of
I the Pusel Sound Traction, Light and
Power Company make tills explanation
I In a letter to stockholders, received heio
, Durlng the last two years the Puget
Sound district has suffered from gen, nil
in pi, ssinii in business throughout I'acitic I
Stitti and HiitNh i.'olumbil This ha
Iwn r lb i-ted in larnlngs available t. 1 I
! lomm n .-t'.ck dlvld, ml. As it ha.- ul,
1 t-tantlnl i.i-h talanie nnd no Moating di In '
1 th, co'iipiiuv s-tioni; niiaiHi illv. tmt
I a j. it 1- imp .-sib1, tn ft-tim.it. huw long
I buine-s Icpierhlnn will icntlnu, dlu,- '
Player-Pianos $250 Upwards
Chestnut Street
M lirllel ' lltr
I li n,i ilia
-' ,ki-,lr, ii.r i. lulf to Hivre. a-nn
:in , irtr, I l'., mt'lir
Kiniii.i 'l:i U-ilf t. ',1 ai ' n"i 1'ni'. 1
Pine I m. criln "s. optl m Kren. h A iai".
io-ts. .'.. M1., or M-Jlttrran-an p..r:-. .;,.. ,. !
pr mp-
S.iPitandfrlno li-pan,. TKH tons, tran-nt-lanti.-
trade, one trip wii time charter ratis
ii lid., ,llvery (Julf. redeitverv I'nlted KIpk
lum ,r,,rnpt. '
NIN .Nor I 1101 tons. Prirreso to Mobile, i
hemp, lrt leiits, j roTipt.
l.aeil lAm.i. I'JVS tn miwl trade. ,
on ira.1 trip, irlvate term, promiit I
Kli.at Idwal illr.i " t nn Virginia f
Mnntevldei eoaj lli. ii.J rrompt.
Irrstin i.rir.i i it- ' r-i r.aiTinii're a iman-
K, reian st, am r
reur r'"rt .utr.t i
Uth axil, I) UU '.".'
Vrthir Txa t
I etr leuni l.W -i
p- it, O, ! T
,X i
u, ,
Cash Payment of 15 Per Cent
Be Made Available.
Banking and merchandise redltors of
the H. B flatlln Companv. which went
into receUershln three months ago. today
. .,. . v--.., ... i&Finm.v r nl i.riviile rrr'i ir mnt.
reueiviii miin u.t- ,vil iullt. . umimi. "."iV,,. ijfr.,. lVn , n jl.liimnre t Ha
it-w iiiKii uiuiia hi iiiu ymu tur reUrt(ii vana e.ial, private lerrr-i. i romi-t.
ization or tne company. in-v vveie a-Ke.i
to give their consent to th pmvli.1 mi
nf tho plan. After this pei-mii-slon !ia?
heen obtalntd. the authniitv j" the K, i
cral Court will bi sought fur the pur
pose of putting It Into ImmedUti i-p. ra
ti.in Tho plan pugge-ts the a, , , ptan.-e ,f a
pav-ment of 15 pc-p i ei.t. in axh and SJ
IT cent In threeymr , nl it, rt1 trust '
Votes, renewable for two v. h at ma.
rarity. The notes an to t- i-su.i ii .;
terlcs corresponding p, th, ii , ..'i'uhii es
nnd each is to bv si'ire, ,. u,e i.t.i-k
of the paiticular eon, i an
Tne Jobblnz hniiw, II i" I'liflin
Company itself, u t b- i--,i ! i.
o spnrate coiittrn, ;. ' n ' . i , t, r- w,,'
likewise reniv.. H per .,,.(. , , , i, ,x ,i
V, per cent in mue
Aftei having fiven hi- two I r,m, m t
Storristown N I . i i m t-i Vdiem,.
r'a-'-lvS to the ,i.t!tt..ra .- hi- ,n -..,.
lOiporalif.n II H ' l'"i r ' r phuI
ft, i a part in the
ii was learned t
Veterans Get Better of Little and
Pell In Noble Final.
The dounles title in tin. invitit'on
tutiiiiiimnt tor the Huntin-'don Valb y j
challen cups t ruptured by the vet- I
erans, W. .1. Clothier and V. A learned. I
in straight sets from Theodore R Pe'l
,nid It I I,ltflie,. 'ajit veal's winners. ,
n tl tlth Knirt .it Vo lie .vesterdav
.,. , . M r, -inJ to 3.
1.., .. 1 and I'lntliitr reaehetl the final
i .i,l i 'm i victory our fi htvaoi,
.. ,1 H, 1 it Minn vemeiia-- ninrnirig,
the latter eomriinititin making the vt
enr.a work Hit limit to win the .-erond
nnd l.n.-tl ?. I.itti- and Pell earned
tittr pla.-t a ,n tne tlinl I und by rea.,n
f v., t',-i , owr A Thavrr an 1 W.rlate
1 .hi,.- n and ri't..r !ewlmriit and Rich- ;
We Are Offering This Autumn
Will convince you that the huge Van Stiver Plant,
with its Factory, Warehouse, Shipping and Sales
Rooms Inexpensively Located under a Single Roof,
Materially Reduces the year-round Cost of Fine
Furniture to the Housekeeper.
frjr- !!!!!''!' in- i - ,r
-illt 13 ant llrt
beautiful home is
'. ir- -it jirartically rittr
ii prut an.) nn term- to
tut vein kou r- only l, minute-,
t. nn tin ii!i St l'levattil Tcrni'nal by way of the I'luli
ami W'-tirn Kulvva or the Vrilmure trolley, while tiie
I'ciinsvlvaui t Railri.at! Statu, n m rlmrre i lei than .VKl
urd- from tin- property. wnmterfully equipped nrvv sii,i,t,l,
churvlu--. shops and hmnea. et, due to stttbii' the Wnml
estate, lot-, arc niic-half .imHes of firmr prices. A $10 lull
secures an oik then ?l 25 t $i)fl a week. Come ti rd
ninrt 1'urK. et n(T at rilmire Junction our office is one
lij,,vl. ,iav-:iinl let our representatives show )ou around
this ticuutiful suburb
Wood, Harmon & Co. 8?8
Chestnut St.,
THIS LAIiCE Cnl.OSlAl. I.HlliAItY TABUS ii one of the
many hnndionic sttjli i i""' on ilisiluy. It him solul maliayaiiy oval
top, SJxHt inclns; itli neihoiinny-finish banc; t07 CZf
Hide drawer and ."roll ftt. Vice tp4 I OU
Many astonishing values in Library Tables in dull and antique
Mahogany; also in Jacobean and the rich Fumed Brown Oak.
Prices Reduced for Quick Selling
to make room for incoming Fall poods. Wonderful as
sortments of Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Buffets, China Closets
and Dining Tables in Mahogany and Oak, including com
plete Bedroom and Dining Room Suites ut yreat savinus.
Floor Covering Specials
Do not purchase elsewhere before seeing these reductions.
Royal Wilton Rugs i
Perfect goods in this season's
choicest designs.
Reg. $77 11 3xl.S $56.50
Reg 45 9x12 31.50 ,
Reg 41.50 8 3x10 6 30.00 '
$2.00.$1.75 Bigclnw Axnun
1.75 Wt'ton VtUct
1.00 Tapestry
1.15 Wool Velvet . .
. 1.15
. 65c
. 00c
10-Wire Tap. Brussels Rugs
526.00 11.1x12 $18.75
20.00 9x12 14.85
18.00 8 3x10.6 12.50
$35.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs
9x12, $22.75
iiiiTtiV.N imi nit i'i:itn
Splt-ndi'l v.Uu in maclu-to-order
Veluur Put tit r. s Meictiizetl Cot
ton vVouil Silk Kaput K Hllk; Sun
Taut .iiit) Iice 'ui tains.
1MMIOM SIIVDIis, made-tool
.it r aii'l stock .it vtry low priccn.
ft. nd for estimate
Jt M $km Smmwm ffmL
Market St. Ferry, Camden, N. J.
Makes All Coal Railroads
Parties to Inquiry Into Re
ported D i s c r i m i n a tion
Against Shippers.
tloontiso complaints have been inatlo
Hint certain conl-carrylntr rallroatls liavo
itttriMlshrtl ctnlmrRoea that rcsultctt In
(llscrlniltmtldii utfnlnst slilrrpers, tlio In
torstnle Commerce Commission hns de
cided to ItivestlKatc the question o( em
hnrnne? Rcnernlly nnd the conditions un
der which they nro established. Ac
coidtnfrly, nil the railroads. of tlio coun
try tlint carry coal will be nmdo parties
to the Inquiry, which will bcirln In Chi
capo on .fnnunry SO, 1915, and from which
the Commission hopes there will result
the rptubllshmont of n system of cm
linriro regulations.
The order of the Commission coverltid
the Inquiry follows:
"The subject of the rules, regulations
and practices of common cnrrlera by rail
havlnc been brought to the attention of
tho t'umrnlsslon by Informal complaints,
wherein It was nllcRcd that ccrtuln coal
loads established otnbargocs which re
sulted In unjust discrimination against
shippers; and tho Commission, ns a con
M'iUencii, desiring to Inform itself gen
erally ns to the question of embargoes,
the eruditions under which they nro es
tablished, and tho manner In which no
tice Is given, with a vlow to prescribing
reasonable regulations for such em
bniffoes. "It Is ordered, that u proceeding of In
quiry nnd Investigation be, and the same
is hereby Instituted Into and concerning
the subject of the rules, regulations nnd
practices of carriers In establishing em
bargoes. "It Is further ordered, that all common
mrriois by rail, subject to tho net to
rot'ulate commerce, be. nnd they are here
by made parties respondent to this pro
ceeding; that this proceeding be set for
healings at such times and places as the
Commission hereafter shall designate
that the parties respondent be required
to appear and testify or to produce
books, documents nnd pnpers as the Com
mission shall doom necessary."
Itcfore nightfall. George fltnlllngs
may be In mathematical possession of
the National tongue penant.
The Uraves lmve one frame schedul
ed for todny with the Chicago Cubs,
while tho New York Giants Imvo a
couple of contests with the Pittsburgh
rlllb, Should the llmves win their
game nnd tho Giants drop two to
Clarke's charges, tho ponnnnt of 1914
would automatically become the prop
erty of the Ilravcs nnd the Nntlonnl
Commission's plnns 'which they have
been making tentatively would be
come olllclul,
This morning the standing of the
leaders nnd runncrs-up In the Na
tional Ijonguo Is:
Won. trost. Tct.
lioston 86 66 .CM
New York 78 65 .516
Counting the games nn tho docket
for todny, the Uraves have eleven
more nnd tho Giants nn equal num
ber. Therefore If the Uraves win to
dny nnd the Giants lose twice, then
Iloston loses the remaining games of
tho season while the New Yorkers
win nil of theirs, the standing nt the
finish wll be:
Won. Lost. Pet.
Iloston 87 66 .568
New York 87 67 .661
Tho oft-repented naosrtlon Hint tlio quality of
local golf linn been kept from full develop
ment lierjune of the Inelc of illrflcult rrturnes
around tho city teems In a fnlr way to lie
proved The performances of local solfers
ilurliiR th; tumtner and so fnr llila niitumn
lmve hern of the bct, and lioth men and
li nman iilniiara tin ta 1ai nlrnnat" PrtntlnhllV
In the llmellsht
vvomfn players Imvo been lmotJ constantly
i mc iimciiani
The now Arontmlnk course has .heen of In
estimable benefit even thug far, and It will lie
nf liitlnltcly arentcr value when the memliera
oro able to play over the four holes vet to ho
opened! It Is nn extremely dlftlrult coitrto
nnd already Its effect on local conditions has
been felt In the llala tournament acven of
the plavers who qualified for the first sixteen
were Aronlmlnk members. They alfo had mora
representatives than any other club nt St.
Iiavld's. Whltemarsh and at St. Martin's.
AVhat Is the answer?
The two courses nf the Merlon Cricket Club,
which nro lnoated nt tlnvcrford, especially the
new course, furnish nbout ns exacting tcsM of
Bolf ns Ihe avernno player could ivdl lmnKlne,
nnd they also havo left their Imprint on lornl
Improvement. Tho achievements of Howard W.
I'errln nre too well known to require a chron
icler, but two other members have also achieved
distinction lately. H. n, Charvvood was tho
winner of the medal In the Oelst Cup contest,
nn 1 lilt performance thnt day was a reallv
meritorious one. I,. M. Washburn, though still
in his "teens," has been travellng.nt top speed
this fall and has turned In some excellent
rounds. Worthy representatives, these!
I'lno Valley, thoilrh still In Its Infancy, must
not be omitted from the list. It seems safo to
vny tint this course will, when completed, bo
the most difficult In the State. If not In the
Kast. Its construction has proKresscd, but
slowly, and tho founders aro determined that
It rhal'. rank with the best when completed
nni that nothing that foresight and care can
prevent will be left undone. Pome of the holes
have been playable since spring, but the turf
and greens h.ivo been Jenlously guarded
analnst nnv possible tlamnge, nnd H will not be
ready for constant use for sotno time, (leorpa
A. rump nnd Dr. Simon Carr are among the
most prominent plavlnir from this club, hut
there will undoubtedly be others.
Terhnps In no other club In the Philadelphia
district do women players receive the ncour-
airt menl that I lvn Uism at the Not th Hill.
Country flub. Durln th prln mimmir tJ
rail months nro icnedulefl events that Mil ff,
competition nmonic the best women plsyerf .
vwll as the less skillful, FTltes at offered Vns
handicap events nro numerous, so that there, is
a. chance for every one. The trom,n' club
rltamril,,tihl. oaa .ntl mm.i,.., .",.'
,,.... "'I- ,;;, ., 1 ..,.uuw
unneti out pincucffliv All oi ins women
ners wnn are souers.
Thn champion
:n ram.
for the
coming .year. Is Mrs. V. N. Maher. who .Y.
renien .virs, j. i-, vv nmuen in true nnai round
0 up nnd 4 to play. tuuns,
. Florles of weird hnppenlnee on th rolf conrto
hive como nnd Bone. But it seems unlikely lhi
nnv thine more frealdsh hns heen recorded than
nn Incident at nt. Martin's a row days aa-o H
W. Onrk, 3d, drove a long; hall from the lstK
tcs and It bounded across the Brcen and landed
In Ihe open hand of a spectator, who vraa walk.
Ing ptst. The spertntor vvns consldernblv
startled nnd not a little, puss-lcd to Itnow what
to do with the bnll. but after some hesllnncv
ho dropped It, and Clark played It from whera
It lay. Had. the, man carried It In the green
nnd dropped It into the cup, what world of dis
cussion would havo nrlsen as to whether or not
t'Hrk had made the hole In one "ol
The I'hllmont Country Club nssuied It
self of the challenge cup for another
year by taking four out of five In the
men's doubles nnd two out of four
matches In tho mixed doubles from the
Surlmn Country Club, of Baltimore, yes
terday, thus mnklng thd score stand IS
matches to 4 In fnvor.of the local club.
Tho two organizations compete annually
for the trophy.
of Brand New $1500
Touring Cars and Roadsters
AT $875
cZne (Specialty (S-hob ofOriamationd
Unusual and Individual Styles in
Women's & Misses' "Tailleur" Suits
Wraps, Dresses, Frocks, Blouses & Millinery
Women's "Tailleur" Suits
29.50 39.50
Unusual styles for women who would express
their individuality in dress. Suits developed
from covert cloth, gabardine, broadcloth, bay
adere cloth and vclour dc laine.
Misses' "Tailleur" Suits
29.50 39.50 59.50
A collection of unusual styles which express
every trend of the mode for the younger set.
Sizes 14 to 18.
Silk Chiffon Velvet Suits
Costumes elegantes ill compose effects of velvet
and Chantilly lace, all velvet and velvet with fur
in beautiful new shadings.
Junior Misses' School Suits
19.50 22.50 29.50
Girlish, youthful models, featuring long and
short coat types in suitable fabrics, Some trim
med with velvet or duyctyne. In black, navy
blue and the new colorings. Sizes 13 to 17.
Women's Lace and Chiffon and Fur Trimmed Blouses
Lace over Flesh Chiffon, high
Charmeuse Collar closing at
throat with broad Ribbon
Chiffon Blouses in all the
newest shades.
Fur trimmed Chiffon Blouses
in N'avy. Flcoh Fink, White
and 'fete dc Negro.
Women's "Trotteur" Frocks
17.50 39.50 59.50
Simple tailored effects for the well dressed
woman, in all serge or compose models of sergc-and-satin.
Many have the new garniture of
Byzantine beading.
Women's Charmeuse Dresses
22.50 39.50 59.50
A variety of styles adopted from the best mod
els that nne arrived from Paris this season.
Women's Plaid Plush Coats
29.50 35.00 42.50
Designed in flare lines affected by the new sports
coats in vnri-hued check and plaid patterns
Women's "Broadtail" Cloth
49.50 75.00 95.00
Made from imported fabrics in exact simulation
of fur. Exclusive styles, with or without fur
Women's French Hats and Reprodux "
18.00 to 100.00
Paris clmpeaus from the leading modiste and equally interyatillJJ adautoUfills and
originations from the Bonwit Teller mill iicry workrooms.
Women's Trotteur Hats