Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
j-f f- ra ir EVENING LEDGEE-PHlt)ELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1914, o HEW YORK GIVES ITS PRIMARY ELECTION LAW FIRST TRIAL Party Leaders Estimate That Little More Than 50 Per Cent of Enrolment is Com ing Out. NinV YOUK, Sept. SS-N'rvv Yolk Slnte Is trying a primary election today for tlio first time. Although the European war doubtless lias pi evented this usual pul' Iclty there Is much Interest. The party leaders estimate, that a llttlo morp than BO per cont. votn of enrolment Is belnt got out. Tho Stulo enrolment In all liartlttl Is 1.32C.0SI ami 1,G11,G7- voted for Governor In 1012. Tho party chiefs admit frankly tho Is sue Is uncertain In most cutes. There aro iwo Democratic npli until for the Guber natorial nomination, three Republicans nnrt two Progressive. Thcio nio threo each In the rnnks of Republican ami Democratic, would-be succfaors of Mlhu Hoot, nnd one Progressive. Besides these, the State votes for Lieu tenant Governor, Secretary of State, Con troller, Attorney General, Treasurer, En gineer and Surveyor, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court candidates; State Senators and Afflemblymcn and a few otheis. Moat of tho "Republican Organization eupporU Charles S. Whitman for Gov ernor. He Is the New York city Dis trict Attorney who prosecuted the police grafters. But tho "Oelell crowd" Is be hind Harvey D. Hlnmun,' who Is strops up-State. Job E. Hedges Is also running. Theodore Roosevelt nnd hfs branch of the Progressives are upholding Frederick jr. Davenport, while William Sulzejr. the deposed Governor, has a strong third party following. Governor Martin Glynn, with tho Mur phy backing, and John A. Honnexsy, sup poitPd by the Wilson men, are going It hammer and tongs for tho Democratic nomination. Henucbsy Is Indoiscd also ty Mr. Roosevelt. In tho iaie for United State Senatoi Ellhu Root's place James "Wnelswortli, William M. Caldcr and David Jayne Hill are the Republican entries. Mr. Wuds worth Is stiong In tho noith and Mr. Caldcr In the South, while Mr. Hill, a former Ambassador to liurlln, has high bUndlii,'. There Is a curious situation In the Dtmociatlc Senatorial race, franklin D. Roosevelt. United States Assistant Secre tary of State, and James W. Geiaul, United States Ambassador to ieilln, are the candidates. They were both appointed to their present position by 1'iesident "Wilson and are consldeied Wilson men. Mr. Gerard has the backing of Tantiiuny DIRECTORS OF POOR HOME HELD LIABLE FOR $37,500 Forced to Indorse Note Because of County's Low Finances. ' CHESTER l'A Sept, 2?.-That the finances of Delaware County are at low ebb Is shown by the fact that the mem bers of tho Hoard of Directors of tho Coitntv Poor Homo have been requited to Indole a note In tho eum of J37.SOO In order to meet the cut rent expenses o.' that Institution. The cllroctois of the board aie: Clark liul-UvUi, of Concord, president; Arthur Martin, of this city, Fccmary; William H Jones, of Darby, treasurer When the homo's funds became ex hausted several wcka ago tho dlrcctois appealed to tho County Commissioners foi tho nct'cssniy funds, but wcro Irt foimrd that nothing rould bo done be cause tho countv tnxes have not been iccolveet. The dllcctois then appealed t6 tho court, where It was suggested that they negotiate u nolo for the needed ctnount The funds of llin ennntv linvn Iippm iln. ptotcd b.v tho magnificent Couithouso tit Alt din. which U'tentlj was finished at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars. Each of the I'oor Directors receives a salary of P) a month. Although the le munerntlon Isjiomlnnl, they have not 10 colved their salaries for several months because of tho stringent llnanclal condi tion of tho county. The directors also have found It necessaty to curtail ok-poiiM-H by tempoiuilly cutting oft outdoor relief, TURKEY ISOLATES AMERICAN SCHOOLS IN FACE OF CRISIS Communication With Out side World Cut Off and Uneasiness Grows in Mis sionary Circles. SPOTLIGHTS PLAY' ON DROWSING GIRL AS CROWDS GASP Thrilling Scene on Riverside Drive, N. ., When Heroic Attempt Is Made to Rescue 'Unfortunate Girl. Hall All the candidates for Governor pro fessed to bo conlldent of success. John A. Henupssy declared he was ccitaln "tho Tammany ciowd" would attempt frauds In ccitaln districts, how over. It is believed tho lesult will bo dcllnltely dctti mined b midnight. The result of tho voting for United States Sen.itor and Congicssmen may also be known by that time, but complete ictuins for other olllcinls may not bo known before an other day or two Secretin y of Slate May lias ordered that the votes for Gov ernor, Untcd States Senator and Con gressmen be tabulated first USE OF LIQUOR IN BRITAIN GREATER THAN IN AMERICA Ratio 30 Per Cent, in Ex cess, but History Shows Large Decline Since the Seventeenth Century. The liquor question has been of prime political Importance In Great lirltaln slnco 14(3, when tho lato Sir Wilfrid Law son began his campaign In Parliament In favor of local option, says tho Review of Reviews. In 14S0 a gcneial eloctlon took place, and u largo number of candidates tloited wi-ie in favor of S.r Wlltiid's resolution, which was afterwaid adopted In lfcsl and lte3. In 1"1 tho We.li.li local veto bill was passed. These effuiti to amend the liritlsh IIlcii&Iuk laws were all brought to naught because of tho atti tude of tho House of I.uidi, which has Ulwas contained a number of Peers. Inter ested In the liquor bushiest. Two gen eral licensing bills rostilctlin; iho tialtie wcro IntKitliiLfd, but both woio with drawn. In I'M a licensing act was passed conceding tuc i.niii of compe itfutluii upon the icfusal to renew u license. In 180? Premier .Uqultii lutioduced the third Government hill, by far the inobt advanced legislation dealing wltu the drink evil evci proposed by tho Hiltlsh Uovirnment. This measuio passed tho 'louse of Commons by tho largo majoilty of 2..T votes, but It was unco moio io jeeted hy the Lords The position taken on this and other Government measures brought about a constitutional ctlsis, ended In 1911 by tho cuitailmcnt of tho poweis of the Ppcis. A national temperance convention was In M In London on Nuvumbur 13, WIS with it prc-scntatlves from all over Eng land, Ireland Scotland ami Wales. Tho I'rlnip Minlstci received the deputation, bi't eleilait-el lie had no power uf puttiiin tlnuugli it geiieial tcmpeiall u measuie. Miui.ulillu, the annual per capita con-t-iimptinu in the llrltish Ifcles has been fiv.n b the I'nltid Kingdom Tumpei nint rniou as "S 17 gulloiis, ur about 3D ir i tut larger than Unit of tho I'nllul ii Litis TI.. ilguiig ill 1913 show an m-treu-e f '5 0fuo over those of the prc-le-lin.- jun A wilter In thif Lmdoii I'.ulv Mull luting the fact that I'li-ilifcli-in ii ui. bKiullii' on drink u sum tqii.il to lour-tifllis tho entire national revenue, fci's bv wa uf intouragtment "JIui.aul.iv iccl.ons that in U the Eng lish pnqilu lousuiiuel 90 gallons of ulcohul Jjoi ln-nd They now only ilrluk n little nvei ii In 176i) tlure was one public l.uure to every sit homes and to every 47 people Now time Is but one public Imutf to ever 7o homes anil 3SU people 1'iunkiiiiii!, too, .bmlUv;) having virtual ly did uut as a i-mial .iicunipllstim nt has Headlly diiiiliii8lie.il unions all e " A C I ND WYORK, Sept. 2S.-Llko spotlights from tho wings of a &tago. powerful searchlights played from two steamboats last night upon a struggling speck in the Hudson River off 130th street. Thrilled spectators on the Riverside Dtlvo via duct followed the spotlights and saw a young woman fighting lor her life. The audience saw the outline of tho hero, John Condon, of C32 West 133th f-tieet, dive Into the swirling tldp, saw Him Kiiisii uc me gin anu catch a frag ment of her dress. Then they saw the tide carry her away As she sank Con- fir.,, lltftnt .!. .. ,... .... . ...... ..... i uunn mr hit hko a buumarinc and seaiehllghts swept the liver nerv ously until they found Condon again, ui he roso with one hand holding to the joung vvonrm's iialr. But the tide cuts In stiong about the pierheads there, and Condon lost his hold as tho girl was, carried out and then down, the spot light.) vividly displaying her last strug gle while tho audience qulvcied. TIDE TOO STRONG- FOR THEM. JIIss Dense Aimstrong, of 45D West 57th street, and William D Cist, a salesman of 103 West 153d streot. went for a canoe ride Into In the nftcrnoon. "Sho and Sir. Cist woio engaged to be man led. Hp and Archer Aimstrong, her brother, wcip classmates at Yale. While trj ing p Kct Into the slip at 130th stieet pier the canoe was overturned bv the curient and their cries quickly at tracted tho crowd. Hundreds of automobiles stopped on the Rlven-lde Drive viaduct, while tho Reciea. tlon and othur pleis soon filled. A big river ste imhont tinined Its seuichllght on tho wnter, while Its passengeis lined thp rails. Another steamboat nt tho pltr added Its seaichllglit to the other. Sir. Clf.t tiled ta reach JIIss Armstrong, but falli-tl biciiui-p tlio cm lent can led hei out m swlftlv. Hut ho was still in the water when she went down, and ho and Condon wcip pulled out with topes. Win n Mi Cist called for Miss Arm stiong yosterdnv. she snld sho was afraid to go caiiolng, as she had bomp Indefcrlli able fear that something would happen Mrs. Aimstrong, her mother, retired call list night and she was dreaming that she saw her daughter in tho watei and struggling to leach a boat, she said when the door bell rang. This awakened In i and she found a policeman to tell her that hei daughtei was diowncd. SANITATION IN VERA CRUZ MADE A "CITY BEAUTIFUL" Cleanliness Helps Ward Off Disease of Hainy Season. Sanitation hy United States troops has made Vera Cruz a more healthful city Tho ralnv season boglns theto In May or June, and lasts until the end of Sep tembei. As tho season advances, write a Vera Ciuz correspondent of the Joui -mil of the American Medical Associa tion, the tendency Is for the death and morbidity rito for all diseases to In dense: duo to the heat Itself, ami the rapid Increase In cases of malaila. Th- ilvll death into during Juiy una vein was practically no larger thun In Juno, whlrh was lower than the average The civil death rati s for each thousand of population, pei annum, for the mouths of June and July are given as follows June. July. 1910 SfiSij KM Hill 3S'."J 48.81 VJ1 'UM H'J7J 1DI3 35Si) 41 t"i Hilt , 32.00 3J.&1 A comparative statement of the civil deaths from communicable diseases for June and July, this year, follows: , June. July. Typhoid fever 1 0) Mill ula bin illpox Dysentery Tubeiciilosls Diarrhea and enteritis, under two yenrs 19 U Diarrhea and enteritis, two eois and over 2S 23 The Increase In deaths from tiibercii lesls. explains the medical correspondent. Is not uniisu-il during the hot weather The principal gain, as shown In the death late. Is due to preventive measures The anti-malarial progiam. which afleeted the elvll population. Included the sup-m-..si,ioii of nios uilto breeding, tho use . of tho armv laboratory In establishing ' t ,'i the coireei ui.tgiiu&ia, mm mu luutimui, j ; . .. ..II M,... a.1 nn.Ki.. . I i Up and iretiuiieiii "i ..i ii.,.ii twuivio of gametes in tho blood. Mosquito , j ii.... l. ... 1..... Inrnnlii 0,1 ,iiaucA.I l, I 1 nrp ulna ii.i i' .M.ft.j -M,.,.,vv. j t lt the WUttiU1 anu inirieaie tjaium ui ditches In the cnviroin or me my loiai- ,-gj lUg aOOUl & llliic-s III iciifjiu, iiiuva 111 vacant lots and hundreds of acres of hwamp at the bases of the gigantic sand i , : dunes behind the city nave oeen (trained N'EW YORK, Sept. 2S Tor a vveck theip has benn nothing heard from thp three great American ol- ltge-1 ii ll . 1 ii-,? 1 ,.. 1 .,., 1. 1. lege, tr.9 Am 111 in College for Grin an I tl 1 ..1 uc 1 it. .til i ) 11 , , t 1 ui, , . . 1- ous alarm Is felt by the trustees and icpresentallves In this country. L Waiter Kobcrls, treasuter of tho episcopal lloatd at lloston, who has been acting for the Amcrluiu mlsslonaty tocl ctles shi'-o the Turkish anveinment unnoiinecd Its withdrawal of tho capitula tions, said that not only is all commu nication with tho American schools In Tut key bioketi, but that It has been impossible to forward much needed fundi from this country during tho lust ten days. After the war began nnd the various mlssloiiaiv bocletle- realized that thei could' no longer send money to their woil.ors In Tut key by tho usual channels the Htandiud Oil ofTetnl Its services nn-l undeitook to titinslci conildctahlo sums for the relief of Anieilcali educational and icllglous Institutions 111 that country. I.ut on Saturday the Standard Oil ip ported to Sir. Robeita that lt iiad been unable for the last week to communicate with Its representative nt Constantinople, and tint lt was Impossible toljlvo relief. The unenshipss which this situation nroucd has been intcnslllcd when It was reported thiough Rome that the Ottoman Government, besides suppressing tho cupltulatlons, had determined to abolish all fore'gn schools within the empire. Dispatches received through diplomatic Bouices from Rome state that tho conditions In Constuntlnopio aro most serious. Absolutely nothing Is known as to the welfare of foreign missionaries or cot leges In Tut key. It Is naturally sup posed, however, that they are beginning to feel tho pinch of unusunl conditions nnd poslhly to be In serious need ot llnanclal help. Derides the big Ameri can coUpitos In Turkey theie are nearls r00 smaller schools that ale conducted by relUleus bodies As an lndlcitlon of the fact that the Armenians In this country are feniful lest trouble come to their i datives in Turkey manv of them have made application to the American Hoard during th last week to have money tinns'eirnd to Tuikey. In each cne, ho ,v ever, that money bus had to be refused with the explanation thnt tho board hai no meins of sending It. the ptilm must bo awarded to the Her man thoroughness, for It made possible that triumphant march through Rel glum and I-'innco which never stopped ttnlll It was seventeen miles from Paris. Few Americans call appreciate the ex tent of the advance planning Involved for this mobilisation, or tho labor ex pended to keep It up to date. The French went to wnr In their historic red-troucred uniforms; tho -Germans appeared In their gray khaki, tho ex istence of which was hardly known abroad. Hach soldier had new nhoes, new underclothing, received his written Instructlnns what train t take and what seat to occupy. Food for the JoUr iipv was given to lilnf nnd when his train l cached certain stations hot dtlnks wero served to blm. Ho had no think ing to do, only to lead his or,der. And yrt this Incredibly efllclent ma chine, whatever the final outcome, has failed to accomplish Its purpose; It hai neither tnken Paris nor surrounded tho Allied nrmles with a ring of steel, nor held Its ground In France. The policy of blood nnd It on bus for the, present 1 been Mocked, for the first tlmo In 101 venrs a great German army has met with a leal check The supremp test of tho greatest of maehlnes Is now before us. How will it stand lip under defeat? DEATItH Second-day, Ninth Month 28th, at 10 o'clock. InUfmmt private IJANIII.nit.-On September 27, 1014, CT cAA lielnipil wile of Henry HntnllT, nited tii ipitm rtelntlves and friends are Invited I in Ritfini tap runerA! Bern e on Tniirmlny uiLi'iiiouii ai o ciucit, ill 11' r i nu rci urni r, 2. in North 2.M H Interment private. New 1 ork pii em pleneo copj t LONNM.I.Y On Boptemlier 2I.10H. MAItY J., 'Inurlitcr of fennlo Connolly (mo lluck) nnd tho Into John Connolly Kuncr.il on Mon day, at S h m.. from the ipuldoncs of lior mother, Fcotl lino nml Crcssim St., Kails of b'liiijiklll High Mas nt Ht. lirlilget Olnircli at n.Ki n m. Interment at Holy Pepnlflnp Cotnctery. CltfMUVKM.. On bViilemliPr 2f, 10II, V.VA A., wife nf John M. Cromnell, ncnl ., Jenrs tnnfill aurl ll r.m rt I'nt ii.Iai r t i .. . i uiirini i--i i ii in ir i luir-iiii, at i jr. iii from 1110 linrrlson nt., lYanlefonl. Inter ment rlvnte at Noiihwooil e i t.i. ten t)AH On September 24, 1014, M. fin. A u.vvii, nmow ot fonpll Put nrj.iTiis LETTER FROM GERMANY TELLS OF SACRIFICES in., . Jtelsllvei nri'l frlend are Invltcii to mteml inn runcrni fervirec on Monilnv initnnc nt II o'rlork, nt htr lat" re.enre, w, Preston et. lntcrmrnt private. Itermim imv ij vicntit on Kunrtay evening, from 7 until 0 o elo k. Chester iionni piperi pi io i',p lllll.ASin.- Ot eilt llier 21 1014 TlfOfA8 A., on of tho late John nml Ilnnnnh Oe lnncv. 1'unnil on Vie irliij nt s '." n rrt . from hit In nil Jul e 1 Is South .'Ith ot. bull mn It (umni Mnn nt Kt. i:inioml'a rhurrli 2M riirl Mifflin ets , at' 10 a in. Interment nt Hip rntheiiral u'emeterj. 1)1 rvi . on hepleinber J.", 11114, LT.MIltA V UlTVtW inuithlpi .if tli" lite Ifmr VV nn.l 1 Mralirlh Dltmiu ItelalliM nnM frlenili are invii'ii i, ntieml tne runeinl Kerilees, on Tiicitliv f-i ptemlicr 2'tli it 2 o'flock nt her Fitter rnlJuite Mm Itlibinl c. Al'nn, lio'v Oxford road, I'rankford Interment pri vate J1HJ fllintlTV. On Kepiemlier 1.1. 1114. nt Vera Cru7 Mr ileo. HI Hit J , son of Dernnnl nnd th" late Mnrv I)( iiirlierty nKeil .Ti vein, runernl on Monday nt s "0 a. m from 211.11 Cei'nr ft (Vn Word) Heinilem SJa- nt it. Ann's ( liureh, nt in a m Intprmcnt nt Holj rmss rometir. Dllltl I( II. On Hepiember 2B, 1014. n.ort I.Ni'i: wlfeVr in In riirllrh inw iiih) ItrlailvM nnd 'rends nto Invited to nitend tie fi neml nenlrpe on Mnndaj nffer'ioon, nt i'10 nrliel pici-iiv at Her Inte n st ile me, ot, Nnitli J iirklln t Into meat nt Hodonli bhaloni Cemetery. Kindly i mlt Ho irrq 1 1.t(.,.l.,:'.t, ?n S-I'tember 2, 1011. WIT. I.I AM I', htnlaml of e'ora I; and ton of ('niollno in I the nto Jolin Tlielier. ne I :t eirs Ftineml fervlces on Mnndai nt .' d m , ae is-jii i eat -i, rrnnkford. Interment nt Northwioi1 evpittTv 1 IMIi:it or .,;iif nber 21, 1014. nt Ills "W. . rofldi n -e. M(iIum toivnehlp. V , CHAllt.r-i I. risil'- lyed (,7 ears ru neinl tin! k n MoiOi) nt 1 p. m.. lit ,. . , - ,, , ,1 MiiiiKiun i ri ' ipri in I nuren. that liar father, who Is fioiioo.v. -tin hptcniber L(!. lot I, ansa wiui.iavih. win or V llllnin A. Oirlnn Itel-itHeu nnl frlndi np mind to attend the runernl erv ki on Mn.id i tieninK at S oilo k, nt hei lale rent, em e ."115 Hpruce "t. Inurment nt Ii rr r iti N ,f flOIIDON. ni.IJSAHKTH ritANCIS. at VVajne, l'a boplemher 2,",, lni I. In her Slst car, il. lighter of tho lato Hon David Francis Gordon nnd I.ydla C UlifJIe, hit wife, formerly of Heading, I'n. forvlces at St. Mnry'i chur'h Wajne, Pn nt 0 n. in, on Moniliv Hie L'nth Interment at Charles Ilvnns C-metiry. fteadlne Pi., on , , arrival of the II OS train from llroad -i. OItAI). On .Snptemlier 21 'H4. LI'KR F Jr., beloved son of I)r I.uke r nnd Vlary K 'Iriiil, (nee I't-rtot). need l'l jenrs 1 -ninths. Iteliilvos nnd fi!. nun nl . 11 M Sr,laitv Lcisue of Pncied Heirt nnd Hn Nome n. eletj of Cliureh of uur Liilj of ktor. M trlx i ntholl. Cluli and lan: f 1 ill, It GERMAN WAR MACHINE MOVES ON EASY COGS Gntherlng of Vnst Troops Effected Without Hitch. At tho jnd of the first week of mobili zation the German Chief of Staff, Gen eral von Moltke, announced to the coun try that not a hitch hud 'occurred, ,not even a slnglo Inquiry for further In structions or a complaint had been re ceived at General Muff headquarters. Tor seven dajs l.Cno 000 men had been turning soldiers, n. peaceful nation was being transfoimed Into ono In nun, and not In the slightest detail had It ap pealed that anything had gone wrong. At the end of the second week the record was the same; the operation was complete Millions of re.seives hud Joined tin ir commands and long-planned organi zations had spuing Into beln,' Kach man had deceived his ordeis. picked up his kit and gone to the front With nil lespeet for ItusMun nnll rieiich achievements along tin same line. Woman Whose Husband Fought in Two Wars Ready to Yield Four Sons. An example of the sacrifices which tho Germans are reported to be mnklny In order that their arms may bo ultimately victorious Is shown In o letter received bv Mrs. 11. HUbert, 3113 North Front streot. The writer of the letter, Mrs. I-'ranz Hberhnrt, of Ilelehcnbnch. Germany, Io the mother of tho Philadelphia woman, and her liuband Is a veteran of two Gprmnn vvais. She snvs In the letter to her dntighte 79 jenrs old, expects his four sons to be called for eervlre nt any tlm ntirt has written to etch of them, urging them to go unfalteringly to tho aid of the rntherland, When the letter arrived at the Hllbert home It was opened and appeared as though It had not been enlcd. It Is thp belief of Mrs. Hllbert that her mother did not senl the letter because she realized that lt would be opened nnd Its contents scrutinized by the mili tary authorities. Following Is the letter In part, which was mulled on September 2: "There nrpjio enemies on German soil, and tho entire German nimy Is In Trance and on the border of Russia. Every drV we receive messages of the vlctoilcs won bv tho German troops; hut we also hear when our men aro beUen "The people stand at the mill nnd sta tion every day waiting for the tialns to bring In the prisoners and wound. il. This world wnr Is terrible Many hu bntidT nnd cons nio separated from their families perhaps forever. Uut there Is no crjlng or soirow, nnd the children In tho streets say that their fathers will again return. "I don't like to go Into the streets, because you spo young women who, are waiting the return of their husbands This recalls the days In my life when In the Prussian War of W0 nnd In the Tranco-Prusslan Wnr I was like them and waited for Franz to return. Your brothcis have not been culled yet, but they expect to be called nlmost any iliiv. Father has written to each of them, tell'ng them to help thplr country If necessary. He says there Is no rea son to be afraid, slnco wo whipped t!e Frencli In 1S71 and will repeat In this war. The French would lather be cap tured than shot, nnd we do not ex pect the war to last as long as the Franco-Prussia war." C. II. B, re Inylted to attend. tho funeral, on Monday, nt f 10 n. in., from the resldonco S? Ws parent", 2.', I North B2d St. Wei t I'M In., oclnhla Solemn Mass or Heiuirm at Church of Our Ividy of Victory, nt in n. m Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. JIA I.I.MAN. Suddenly, on September 2?, 11114, FS1I.I.I.IJ.H. HAI.I.MA.n I mural lervlees on Mondiy, Heptimlier 2S, nt 2 p . ni precisely, nt 02.1 S.. 4Mli st West I'hlla. ! Interment prlialo nt Mt Vernon Cemetery. IIAMH.nit On Sentemher 27, 1014, CI1- Ci;i.IA, beloved wife of Henry Handler, ned K! jears. Relatives nnd Irlendn iro Invited to nttenl tlio funeral services, on Thursday alloni'ion, at 2 o cluck, nt her lite residence. 210:1 North 22d st Interment private Now York nnpirs plee cop) .... HAMtAI ri. On September 2f,.mi4 t.YDIA M , wife of James Hniirntts nml daughter of Mnr nnd fl,o .nie James HonoKliiie, In hr intn jear runernl on .Moniinj, nt a hi n m , from 2l2fi 1,1st nrtciin st Itli?li Mass at tim Nntlvltv ( litimh nt lo n. in. Interment nt Holv f ros cemetery. ItAltKHIt At 1'olntVllfp, N I., on Pepleni- bcr 23, l'H4 ANNA I HAIIKHIt. dnunlitcr of tho lite Henlamln nml c'nthnrlno Hnrker. runernl Irom the reldenre nf her nephew, rtlchnnl Hirkir, at Polntvllle, N. J., on Teeiilai. "ipti nine r 2'i, nt 11 a m Servl cs nl Hie house. Interment at Upper Sprlng- IllllilS. On September 2" Hill. OIlOHOi: I'., Iiurbnml nl Anni .M Hllibs nnd son uf the lato Helen 1 and C,nrles XI Hlbhs. 1 uner" I on .Mondnv at 1 "'I n in., from tie, .Norlh illli l Soli inn Iteipilcni JInss at tlm Church or Our l.nd of the Jto'arj, nt in n m Intermmt at St Denis remetery HI Kl VA. On September 23, 1UH. nt her Minimer home Swnrtlimore, la., HAI.I.Il P. ulfo of Itobert H Hinckley. Ilelntlves ' nnd friends nre Invited to attend the funeral servlres, on Tuesdiy morning, nt 11 .10 o'clock, In Calljry F'renbterlin riinri Ii t"''i nmi Locust interment win bo sirieuy pri vote JAl Hi: rf II I!. On September 21. tall, PI II It U. JAl Itl.TClln, nt his residence, 11n buith 22d st Itequlem Mass nt St Put in k Church, .Mondaj. at 10 a ni lumral KA.NH On September 2'.. 1011, JOSHPlf A., son of the late IMuaid and Ilnnna Knne Piineinl on Tuesdnj, nt 7 .IU a. m.. from Ron flenson St., VnK Chase, I'a. lllljh Mnsn at .st C'fpllln'n rtiureh ut 0 u. in. Intpnnetit fit Holy Cross Cemetery. I,ANNi:itl.-On Seninmhpr 2", lOU.PIIII.IP. -n ni 1.117a nmi in llie I'liiiip ranniri. ' Itelatliei and friends aro Invited tn attend tho fuui nil ecrvlees. on Mndav, nt 1 IP p m., at hit mother's reldenee, 2121 West I Jiffeison st Interment at Ardile flurlul 1 Purk by funeral trolley. ' I.II.VIZ. On September 2 HjlJ, nt his sum mer residence, Ocean C'lll, N I. HAItltY 11 I.i;NrZ. Sr . husband of Josephine 1 lent? (nee Slmisoni. ltilatlws nnd frlendn iiu Invited t. attend tlio funeral servlies, on I uei ! n afliinoon, at 2 o 1 link preitsel, at bin Ij'p resile nee, I'll.1 North t.lth et.. PIHlii I'llpliu. Interim n private. Klndlj omit flnrul nlfei imes MrVMHON,on September 21. Hit-I, JOHN T., huiband of the late Hllcn McMohnn. Fu neral on .Vlnndny, at 7 .'! u. in , from 1.12 fJreen St. High Mnsn nt St. Augustine's Cliureh. at fi u. in. Interment Holy Cross Cemrtr r AlOHSi: Suddenly, on September 20. 1011, PHANCIS fl MOftSi;, of ChlUB'J. Ill . "Beel tl yers i)ua notice of tho funeral will bo c-lvfi ( VIOHsK. Suddenly, on September 20, 101 1, II JULIAN MOItSI. of Chicago. Ill . sun of 'ram In fl Vlnrs, iikciI .U sours. Due notb . of tho fune-al vx til lie iiien VII I HOLLAND. On hi-pteinbei 7. 1011 DAVID V , liusli mil ot the Inn- I'ltlioriin' Miillu Mm I l'ilntlvs nnd 'mn'i m 'n lti to ntl.n I tin 'uiiiril on Tiursdi mornlnii, at s 10 o cm k fiom hlH lat r'l- J1KATIIS ilence, norffioast corner nf iJth and I'm; ets. Solemn Mass of Itenuleni nt Rt Jon" ? Church, at 10 n, m. Interment nt (iilbedral Cemetery. Nt IIKN T JAMIIS LLRWr.M.TN NUOHNT. hiislmnd of Plnreniei ItnKlwIn Nugent, At Southern Pines, N. C , September 2R, Inter, ment nt Cnermnut Hrove, Klorldn. O'ltllt HKi;. On September 24. )0l4. MAIt. eiAltl.r A t not hki; mee Mc(ilnnls), wifo or lolm II fl It urki I unein on Monday, it 7 0 a m fiorn her nubers nsldcnce, 1 12s rnst Firth s "rlemn Itequlem Moss at Hie Church of the Visltntlon at 0 ft m Interment ut "1 Anns i.ftn terj ..,., ItOKHH.- On September 27, 1014, CHAnLES VIH.TfiN IterllMt hii'liiml. nf the lato 11. Krimn Henrtrli kson Itorer of f nrsvllle, N J llelatlves nml rrlen.N, nlen Newtown, Po , IoIrp, No 127 I ind M OxTonl IxmIm, No 14 I O i) I" Wislilnmon Cnmr.lll. V O S nr A., Ilnvsldr e'nunell Jr. O I A. .VI , Anchor flnrRp S'" 171, P.. of II fV. J.), are Invite I 11 nitend funcrnt serv lies Ttipsdav evenlni Se tember 2, "IS o rlork, nt the resilience if Ills brother vv 111 Inm W Itorer. 411 IVnn st , rrnnkford, In'ermeiit Wednesday morning nt 7.Ion. 1 1 me ters, N"w t.ffypt. N I 1 nrrlOKrs will meet trim IiiIiik Market st ferry s II in. fit Neiv I'sypt in in a m . IlliA.N. On September 21, 1011, HDWAItD J -on of entlnrlne mil th" lat- Pnil U f.van In bis 12 1 veni Pimp 1 il m Monday, nt S 'f n 111 mm "in In e-1 -t , ln'n tteniil.m Urh VI " ni St Leu'n t liureh, at 10 a. m Interment at SI Dnii ' - ' emcti m SIMON At her resident e 22'l North lflth st. nn SMilember Jl 1111 HAIIAH UVK wldnw of Philip Simon ng. d Oil yearn Pu nernl servlips on Mm!i nt -' p. 111. at tlio apirunenis nf oilvu II Mnlr, l"U Chestnut st Interment sitleilv private SNIi DHIl. On Heplemlier 24 1011, nt Prei- bvtorlar llntpp r.etn ami imcnunv nvo ain TOINFTTr P M widow nf tohn 1 Snjitcr In her ""eih venr Helntlvp. nml friends nrn Inv'tcil 10 attend the fnnernl tcrvlccs, on Monday mornlmr 2ith Ins nt 0 n'i lork ire rlel, nt the re-l.i nee f her enii-ln-lJUf, Mr Herman C IP rn II 2 N ISth St. t'rment nt Ornrltshurg Pi STH IJNPHN. At Swell V r, on Septem ber .'I, 111 l O H liu-innl of Sorih A. SteVenon free SniUP) Due notlrp of ths funeral will e ;K'n from hli sons isil. d"nee Ifnrrv P "tpvennn nl 10 Vlo . (2I anl Pnrk'l le iml m'l't rvsilN o i p oml er 211 1011 "OH. r.P.T" STVSiriV Ir nK'd 4 1 venrs Pil nernl sprvlrai, on Tues I n at 2 p m.. at hli late r"sldnrT mis Klmtsi slnir nve Inter ment private ..... S'ritM't,y Siirldenlv. on Oepremher 21. 10M. n Miami. Fin WAT n It -n UAUs son of Itosn and tin- Int" " m id trnus, ni?cd ai vrnrs Itelntlves nnd Irlendn nlsn meraber'4 of rtnppnnort IxidK. No '.! I e) r nn.l Dl-rneP Lodo. Im'nl I'nl n nrn Invped tr n n n1 the ftinenl. fnm tin- funeral parlors of f. II Onldbprg 121 Lit .' I st New Ynrle cttv, in Oilfiller 1 I'll I nt 2 t m. Interment nt Union Field OmeUr- , 'IIISIKIN1 On f-ppiembe-r 21 1014. FIIED Filli K VRTHI'll I'iMKIVM f.iniurlv hlef reward of Amerb in nn I lb 1 tnr stcimshm line- Relative and fi len l iir Invl cil to nttenl the funernl nn Tueidn nftirnnon, nt 2 oel'rk preelselv from the rcsldmcn of Ills hrntlier-ln-law lenrse f'l irko .'.' North Crat? st S'n I is it the liapfl er tha e hureh of the Aim a'1 ' - " ".clock In viment rrlvate UnffHla nn 1 Ur loklyn papers n'eane i OP' . n. .nu v VIIINTIM! On ' member 21. JDH. if,,,a.V,0No"n"V"rno f'V nTv-cten' reen .. so ..fen re Imlt-.l ?"& tve 'imnal s.rvliei . -i llinlif . -J", In t . it 2 p m pre If lv it !" I"" re' ''en-e, 1!?-, Vine nt. Interment private. Bcatljs ANDKHSON. At her residence, 202R Chris tian Ft., on September 21, I'm, MAY 1.LKA NOH, ilnughter of Mnry E. and the lite Walter C Amlcrion Relatives nnd friend! are Invited to nttemT the funeral services, on Mondnv afternoon nt 2 o'clock, at the Churih of the Holy Apostles, 21st and chrlstlnn sts. Interment at Mount Morian Cemtery It VI. IIU IN. At I.in-donne. on Tlfth-ilay. Ninth Month 21th. CHARITY BALDWIN. In the 70th sear of her use Funeral from the residenee of her neidiew, Renjnmln II Shoemaker. 3111 Owen uve., LnndoHne. on iiifiittwwiii11'1 In v i 'iniij "ni''.1"' "H't'' '"ijiii i.ihilUi';'t.ii,iii!l'ijt.ill!i i"'t ' i' ;, . -r! ' - V 'Hi Willi' & a mm . ss in fcA -si i:.Lii i s t ra t t. :-' rs 5 tii 3 S3 E, a? s . liiW.'SiIrSVtg.t .b jt'."i a s d . . - - ' J WP$SB& 'iWi'i'lli.'"!!,!!'!,"1? I"liili' i ilnliHi i'il sifi mar .. mmgsmkmam, ,' a- s w r - , t, ir -" ".i nr. timi i i t ii3iiii.iiEi.iiiii.tvRr3iT;ni ' T5 . -a---,". . . r x r t ,u w.hi .ft. hi i n h . ' S.SSfSgJ'B'.V.eJj'SaggrfsrcS.FfeAWil Wl '.I . '. H2SJg-aPiS3SSESePiril i. ,"l,l h ' ' muMinwmrs-ul i'n i'''i mw'timm j H ''I .f lmmimM 1 new $20 D 4 1: 13 19 DAY IN AND DAY OUT ' NEWTON COAL plays a leading part in the industry and material comfort of our city. Almost everybody has found out that in weight, quality and preparation it stands UNEXCELLED SEPTEMBER CHUTE PRICES: EffK . . $7.00 Nut . Stove . . $7.25 Pea . 25c extra if carried $7.50 $5.50 GEO. B. BJEWTON CO AIL CO. 1527 CHESTNUT STREET M.iiucu 0100 nACn vjawf'i'ii'iiw Women's Genuine $1.50 French Kid Gloves, $1,00 Two - clajp stj le White, tnn, fir,i , alio vvhlte-vvlth-black .mil Mack - with - vil.lte. h'lelts. In Puis point, flat nnd two-tone em brolelereel tIToct. lit floor, Sth St. Slele sToiti: opk.ns .: a. m. imh losis t .".'in i. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE W 9 A -RF . A& a mw wmmw&,m rJf-gBtyiq Ito? taMffJ - ra Market s ot it inn iinsTw ihmv Eighth ervwrr vlsjgy (agSi c-gtfv;y Filbert Seventh -iiiT or i:ihyi'iiiij t iiounvr iiiifis- YELLOW TRADING STA'tlPS enn he ummI In place eit menev In the so 1 uiln'f ni m.inv n nice mil 11 Ml win thful ar tli It Ih, it on would lilt, fen vniir house or I ei 011 lioiihle htampa In the; morninR. 1 h'tii ri.oott - Women's and C 1 nnzi ft . ifu:sS)e& ... 11 Smartest Styles, Extraordinary Prices- A Rarely Good Day for Many Folks to Choose the New Outer Garments They Require New $22.50 dj -p (Tf UITS JL &rr$ JrJ? For Women and Misses Two Uncommonly Attractive Styles Each Sketched They arc splendidly tailored trarmcnts in nieelitim-vveitrlit clievint-, . and diagonals, of favorite colorings, including black, new shade-. of blue, Hxeen and brown. Have the Ultra-Fashionable Long Redinyotc Coats and IS mart 1 okc 1 oh or Plaited Skirts Handsomely finished with braids or velvet, and lined with guaran CCCC! iLJkDiLii For Women and Misses Of fine satms crepes satins combined with velvets serges com bined with satin, and v.irmualv includiiii' hruwn. creen. uluin. Holland blue, navy blue and black. They Show the New Basque and Coatee Blouses, With Skirts in Stylish J unic or Redinqote Effect Trimmings include jet buttons, braid bindincrs. smart soft rolling collars of silk or cream lace SECOND 1 LOOK iMinttl.lr.,, IiiIm! "j' ll'll 1 V I W!fK" &" ,ftv; ' , ' ii' ' ' '' " 'i ,,1': ' 'i ! ! !' it, ' . 1 1 ' i r- ''"-viiiiii'-'JiMiL 'ij'fi, When You Order Your Coal Order Reading Anthracite Your dealer handles this brand a high-grade coal that fi wCIIOOI-H ANU COI.IKOE3 111L I'llVNIiMAMA St'lIOQI, 10 J Mill VI. .Si:ICK 110 ho u Hi I IfUinth Mrert Offura a one yeur iOur In rrepjratlon for nrjieioul r voiunieer aociui orK t'lu uo.k Imluiirs letiureK ami discussion! on tho tlevetiuiii'-'t of the social Meal and the . ... ., n tul Inullf nllnnu nraaan. .1-.. rrlnrlples of relief, ortrunlmtlon and mun flrl"t licensing bill for Sitlantt Jl n-nt of f ll .ageiu'es. and constructive I In 11 3, granting to thnt y-f-tixii I"- inmi er " "l". .. "f ' uf ll. u.ituh ri ,.irt ivn oiimit,r.'1'' "f. "' !,-":'i. '.""'' tat 192). 1 j, - " i fT 1 "''"f ',r f 'fi fc it- has been the standard for almost a century. There's NO SMOKE and it gives you most heat for your money, Order now and get prompt delivery. The big winter rush may inconvenience you. For Domestic Use Order Egg, Stove, Chestnut or Pea For Steam Use Order Buckwheat, Rice or Barley The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company General Office. Reading Terminal vLtt Bow Ha 4C Are the Vogue VI of the Hour Large Hats and Tiny Ones Are Dom inated by a Huge Bow of Ribbon or relvet as J rimmuui if T Ii c most fabliionall kovv noil women of t vv Vol It ato aliiiwinfr 1p- i.l. ! Iiroferonco for this inllll inry now. A nil Home uf Hi bmarte.st of the-so ttiin rnliiBs aro tied In Miphistophclea and icuie- mill eject Th orlt-lnatloii of this prctt ViiUii .iff 01 ila ti still vv Ule 1 stuif fur the eh'Sl jiiiiiR nf vitj. chic Autumn null n. rv -nvles totnllj diffeicnt from th "plumed ' ami ' mi-tul toiuleiicios vvhli'h have 1, U fasliioii for sumo time turn. Vices of Thete AVuiest Hat are $4.9S, $5.98, S6.9S to $35 We are also contitujlf' ot the alert for Urn iieueat nn I prettiest inl.iant m 'foumfiio llatt, Ilunnem, Ton ' t'ftiMri.'ii's fills MU'MXEIIY SAI.ON, THIRD FUlOlt THE5E SUITS H'dlD IS f I il - Wool Dress Goods c SJ)f Tninnvlfifl All.Wnnl p Poplins ' iiiaraiitfi'd all-wim!, uf iiu'-Jium weiyht, with fine inline! (!itina o..nl. .36 iikIics wnlc Culiir iih hide: tauw. Diltt hint'. n,lniftt hi ni' i.i , ;...,.. .,. Hotany, ittshiitti, Unman, it tut, tin, iittnd I. tnitl- nat tj it ltd hlnr ,. ntqlit blm $1.00 All-Wool Crepe 7fi Granite Cloth 4 DC 41 lnclic- wide. Llu-elv umeii, in a pretty crepe elTevt. Colon file olivtf, mahatwnt,, tanra, brown, amethyst, taupe, peacotL; D.-lft blue, Hel-iiun blue, iviHtuuu, yanut, Kiug's blue, mulninht blue, navy and bluett. i nor run )R, S l"l II ilk' Bed Coverings $7 Wool Blankets Ef at vO riiio white limbs' wool mart., on spool eottun vvmu Oainiv plnle .uul blue I ui il, i- mill . llv binrtins Sun v luivo Hue. mill loluieil tini.liiirf hue 7UX&0 anil TtixSt invites $3 Flcecedown $0 OQ Blankets &U Fleocoilovv ii woven to kIvo appear ance of wnul :uft, lleet v ami uaini without b.'iiiK Iu-hvj White with IilnU and blue boi lers, bill-, bind ing Size T2M inches $1.85 Bed (1 en Spreads.. vl.OU Heavy weight, various prett Mar sellles patt- rns r)oubU Orel ezt , PJUST FLOOR NOHTH FLOOR COVERING SALE Linoleums : Printed and Inlaid ti ,". "'""oil'. piiri'liiiHC from one ut Hum. t'e n.t nii.ke-rM Iluiidi.iU uf lulls' Tli.iiis.eiiu.- uf vauU' m, ,, , ,, T. dH uul uur pations io.ip the !,, in Want. J -.attorn,: i uiii e -ii ii l'l. as. In ing Miea INLAID : Two Yards Wido $1.25 Grade, gyy All VI , Sl.:,5 firailo. 77I2C 3 J VI AXM1NSTKR RUGS J21 .Hugs. 9x12 $1675 PRINTED : Four Yards Wide 75c Grade. 421c S0u Grade, CJ sfj. yd -c Hiifli-Grade Carpets In uuuual wliltlis fe.r htmra or ruu-Iitirs Tapestry Hru-seb Stair Carpets $20 Hum-. 8.3 x di a '., in is pnt tpi'j.o i-incli Width. F?r viuth.ra.iiuii oisom. si"i,.fih. t vard WlC art'"if af.-l ihe tolorinejs be t.f .1 227-Illch Width, f i kkh nit. is, nrinwrrrii "i ' hMp SS3SBL4ii fcan i it intoiiirits I uii. rits oi-' Arvit SI VII. Oil l-UOM- OIIUKIIS I'lLI I OI HTt pt rir n I l"D'c Hi.iii I'ttn-riii-ii i- J gTyr-gy-ygLL. .''tyJa.J'Wto.-tjr iwii 'ii mm i i