Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Metropolitan Prima Donna
Contributes Services at
Opera Benefits for Wound
ed and Sells Decorations to
Aid Cause.
NEW YORK Sept. :i-Krleria Horn
pel, coloratura soprano of the Metro
politan Opern Company, who tins breti
ncclntlned ns the successor of Murcellx
Sembtlcli. has written the follow Inn let
ter to in-r Aiixulruti manticer:
"Klnallv I found some one who Is kin.
cnnuirt to take tills letter nlolis to Ainri
Icn Well. I am safe ninl well tak-'.
care of. and I am linppy about our ttiea'
'i I'ontrlhuled all My nelglnn ileinr.i
tlons and medals to the Hrd Cross to In
eol'l I feed some children and t Miinir
clsars to our soldier'. 1 was fortutmt
to be able to help some widows and
crphana. I give all my spare time to
the opera, and I am now sinking -it
eer benefit performance arranged foi
the victim of the utu. Am 1 not rlht
to give as much of the "sold In my
throat,' as you used to say. to this splen
did cause? And. dear friend, millions do
nnd think as I.
' Germany It one bit- family. It Is mar
elou how ocrytnin Is golm? on
smooth!) here In Herlln. Whoever Is
not permitted to co to war Is working
In his way for the oommon Kood Vou
neer would believe how we all are feeling-
IJvt i body Is enthusiastic. Alt of
oui So. Ialists have disappeared Thi-v.
el. mr tod.w friends of the Kaiser. What
n (jooil fortune to live In a time an thi"'
The tJod of our fathers Is still tiltvo
omons us or our groat victories would
be impossible.
ou s.e flaps everv where. I person-
have two ut m window, a iirrmuri
and an Austrian. Whenever a victory
is announced the helis arj
EolUlers liow they nre happy to po to
the fiont' Soiiih of my vvorhlnitmen an
eo anxious to light that I cannot halt
them And how handsome the bovs are
looklnp lovely in their nw uniforms of
pray' It Is totKhlnir to see tin m depart
to the front, so ounc, so brive nnd so
full of Rood humor' tf the whole affair
were not so sad, you really could laugh
Seven enemies reven cwalnst two'
"Our German women are sreat. They
do n t cry, they do not complain; the.v
all know It's pot to be, and they sub
mit. The all do their duty like our
men. There is no misery, no hunger, no
poverty. There Is money enough all
"The Kaiser Is alive and the people
love him more than ever. The whole
nation is united. Thoy know they will
win. They are fighting a Just tight and
God Is with them.
"Don't believe for a minute that we
are gloomy and oppressed. We did not.
look for war here In Germany. But
now when the war Is forced upon us we
do all to brlntr It to a glorious end. Mav
God help us further"-
XE day in the late fall, three
little leaves were talking to
gether under a big pine tree
"Wasn't that fun to sail through
the air!" exclaimed the oak leaf.
"Fun!" cried the maple from a near
by tree, "I should ay it was. I'd like
rlwrtnjr I to do it acain."
1 "So would 1," echoed the sycamore '
leat, which had blown clear up from
leaves so sympathetically that the pine
leaves felt worse than ever!
So all niuht long the pine leaves
fretted and sighed and begged the
wind to take them for a sail.
And all night long the wind answer
ed back: "Xo, wc can't take you you
arc needed where you are I"
In the morning some people who
lived nearby went walking under the
pines and one said- "Thi is the poor
the creek.
"What are you talking about down! old pine tree that has been whining
there?" asked the green pine leaves; I and fretting all nieht."
"you all seem to be having a lot of i
fun !"
"Fun!" shouted the maple leaf again
in rollicking tones, "indeed, we are!" i
"What's it all about?" said the pine
leaves rather crossly. "Can't you even i
tell a person what vou are talking j
"To be sure we will," said the oak
'I wonder what it wants," said the
other person. "I wish it was happy,
for I love its leaves that stay green
after the otherr have blown away."
"What's that? what's that?" whis
pered the pine leaves, "somebody
loves us even if wc arc just common !
green all the year through!" I
"Think how lonesome those kind
leaf slipping on his dignity which had j people would be," whispered another
pine leaf, "if we had gone off and left
our pine tree all alone!"
And every stiff little pine leaf bris
tled erectly and shone happily in the
morning sunshine.
lopiright 10H, Clara Ingram Jwl&on.
fallen to the ground. "Vou see, Friend
Pine Tree, we have been on our same
trees all summer growing and work
intr. working and growing, and we
g"' real! tired of our jobs
Sets the Ears of Diplomats Tingling
in Her Memoirs.
Court life i3 turned inside out
H It. H thf Infar.ta i:ula'i of
aunt of Kins Alfonso, and she presents
to us In tin Strand Magazine. Ahr.- "
Memoirs .ui app-.irlne, n picture of "ar
dais, intrigues and Jealous'es which
asloniHhing Some of her mnst pi.i'ini t
remarks ar reserved for diplomats. wh
ear must surely ! tlnslins.
In her opinion, of all men In modern
courts, the diplomat Is the most absurd
After remirklng that they are "a US.-1.--.S
8urilv.il of the davs when the relations
between nations depend. -d on the feelings
betvv. fti sovereigns and the diplomats In
trigued and flattered to some purpose by
smoothing over misunderstandings or e
nspr itlng olfense." the princ-ss points
out that nowndavs th court diplomat has
no power, except to dllv-r the mesimi,e
of his home Government
"He is not intrusted with secrets." she
as. "any more than nn errand boy.
And he Is usuallv stupid. If a fnmlh of
position has a son who is not uulte bil.'ht.
thev s, -I'ut him in th diplomatic serv
ice.' lit- go, a to a foreign court and de
voten himself to attending rovol funerals
and ehri 'tenlrps and WM.Uins and chureh
servir. s and "our: funetione a the 'repro
aen'atlve' of hi Government "
"Olllelal eiivesdn ppr-" and "detee
tlves" are two frms which the princess
npplles to dlplumuts in European courts.
And ns for hi Ing clever mtn, she places
It on record thtt the ma'ortty of those
she has. known u-rf 'total idiom, who
would swallow absolutely wrong Informa
tion w.thout blink'ng. and convev It
eagerly to their home Governments with
out suspicion
"I found the typical conversation of dip.
lomats " she S4a, "all In one ly of
vr.nlty an assurance that when they
were at one court the Kins showed them
'special favors,' ond when they wer at
another couit the same. It Is a conve
ntion that would wear a metres of the
a 3
.So all night long the pine Irarra retted
ami sighttl anil begneil the texnd
to take them a sail.
"We were tired of our plain green
dresses and tired of our work. Then
one day who should come along but
old Jack Frost, who took pity on our
greenness and gave us beautiful col
ored frocks. See how handsome I
look in this red and green dress?"
And the oak leaf spread himself out
flat so that the pine tree could see
all of his lovely colors,
"I think I'm handsomer than any
old oak leaf," said the sycamore
I proudly, "see my lovely brown dress'"
"Pooh!" interrupted the maple.
"any one can sec I am the handsomest.
None of you has such colors as my
reds and yellows!"
"I'm sure you are all three very
beautiful," said the pine tree tactfully,
"but I want to hear the rest of the
story what happened after Jack
Frost came?"
"Oh!" laughed the oak leaf, his ill
humor instantly forgotten, "then the
'J-pen the door!" "O-pcn the doorl"
I fcpovv the hear me when I roar;
Eut still they sit and take their ease,
I'eraue I won't say, "If-you-ple.isc."
For they have said that 1 have hung
Three little words upon my tongue,
Three pretty little golden keys
To open doors with, "If-you-plcase."
I wonder why I'd rather stand
And pound the door, and hurt my
And kick and scream, and almost
Than say politely, "If-you-plcase?"
Oh, how I wish that 1 could turn
The knob; I'd make the grown-ups
How mean it is for them to tease,
And make a boy say, "If jou please"
C.i''.rii-),t l.j M.iliohn a Johr.bton, 1DH.
Clever Arrangement of Furnishings
in Spaces Not Often. Used.
THIS attic room with its whitewash
ed walls and blackened beams In
vites repose. The clever arrange
ment of the spacious drawers under the
enves of tho house on one side, nnd the
closet, which much be delightfully roomy
on the staircase, Is an Idea for these
spaces which usually harbor boxes and
trunks not opened frequently.
The table built around the rough chim
ney Is most artistic and serves very
comfui tubly, as a desk, while the enamel
ed bed, with Its cover of white dimity,
and washstand to match, seems to fit so
happily with the whitewashed walls. The
windows daintily curtained In white com
plete this very unusual room
Cheesecloth, by the way, makes the
most attractive curtains of this type and
miy be bought for as little as seven
tents a yard, while each visit to the
laundry, makes them more sheer and
dainty. Of course, the wide floor boards
and blackened beams of this old attic
have aided a decidedly artistic scheme,
but the genernl Idea will appeal to those
who have wondered what to do with at
tic rooms.
SEW YOrtlC, Sept. 23 Arrangements
for the opening session of the Interna
tional billiard match between Willie
Iloppe. world's champion at IS 2 balkllne,
nnd Melbourne Inman, the English
billiard champion, at the Hotel Astor to
night are complete, and it Is expected
that the match will mark nn opoch In
the history of billiards In this country.
The game opens with 600 paints at Eng
lish billiards, and will proceed dally,
afternoon and evening throughout the
On Friday afternoon the entire pro
( e. ds will be donated by the players
to the American lied Cross fund, at
which time a record crowd Is expected
McGlnnity Signs With Venice
PORTLAND, Ore . Sept 28 -"Iron
Man" Joe McGlnnity, fumous ex-New
York Giant, signed a. contract with the
Venice Tigers nnd will be a member of
the Tigers' pitching corps the remaining
live weeks of the Reason.
Street Cleaners Win
CLEVELAND. Sept 28 The Eastern
A. A. Club, of Washington, lost to the
Street Cleaners, amateur baseball champ
Ions of Cleveland, 2 to 0, for the Inter
secttonal amateur championship.
Timmv" Howell vm cllerej a match with
'Joo ' llorroll. but Manscer Fpatola would not
all hU charito to rhe anity tho weight
aiKnl by Ilirrcll. Sratola claims that Hauell
Is a ieltlmnte welterweight uml often to
j, row. It li putting his bo on the tcalts at
any time.
With -K1!" Wl!l,i. fl. c n litton. s
h alnajs t ani KM Herman In grand
form an.l c nflrtnt of at laaat oijtp tntlng Mia
chumplun i n eht n-t at Ire i)Iyrr.'!
A: A,..".hoV' ' '" on ! n lu h rn.rnrr(it
The llttlu Ha ..m rear ru alwaj been a. I hl
rt wlienee. he .;.ar1 in a !oc4! e(n
ml report, i- th ,. .u not b otherwlaa
t'n!ent In He nin Wi llama II nnl a toush
llltie fHl! , ha,., frwht hl atav . ,k
h;he,bu.Vif,,Brrl!?:,1'?l,.r.,,r;Jeii,"" "" cme 'ened us from the
" '"i i-".- n is it'll uell rfnn i.rr ! M
ono of the Hvellwt and hnit hlttln Louts
eer singed In -Jlymp ' rng ni f ha puts
tip as koimi j, i.aitlK aa ha .ill that tlini. an1
tret-ii I no rraroo h,- ha ahogM nut no on
111 reeret w.-neulng ths 1 .u' T aetnl.
lmlup hu!d t aim .at a fast aj iha wind-
W . I' ''".'. ''K.f t this rlj "ml
Lutch Uranlt of .Ve T irk, will h th
cuiitiatant They rentl met In a 10-roun4
tx ut In Sew rk an.1 It wai ona of tn fu
jjt aeen in thai rlty for w(m time "Jimmy
JluiTay. another New Vorker uuii ' Vaunt '
pittKlnt of this clt. di hvdulM In the ih'r I
lut In the e .nl boul -ilucij ' .ampbtll.
of Tirtgn. meet 'Bdll" Rlrj of Bomhqark
f.n.'i "!. ,h"firt "O Young WlUfco icIm
i harllu rtftA 1.
on of the teal tuula tataaea little f!!owt
t.T , r vv ""wren riarry smith n
,j i'.iiii
ny" T'n.i
bard hit ten
IWiril infia la la Am h..w(u
In i hamplonahlu lurm and bth are ileier ml
Itarn Haker t s'A an at.lt autMiltiiie f r
Al Mi' ui at in.- Vtt.m.l hturia. nlah'
and In . wth! f the ax run la inert ihi.i
ytll hla oun ith t.u Al'tnt. wn buttlvr 1 h
bout s 4 Marl hlf.l4 aKalr and lh h' n-.r
went to M' arrun.
S? 7.u'.h 'e'llnie has bn made about the
Ttlla-Keitu raauh hich waa to have taken
lac at the Kemlnjtl a flub bat Frlda
nlslit ttut Manager Kawnan la thiaktnz uf
tolng- 1 1 atracaa an .1 her match twsn Ih. :n
and Inalatlna .. fortelu twin; poeted by ea h
nun to welch In under Ho pouucla ' Air'
JHiun Veil a maoaaar aa hl boy la a le
animate ithtttiBt and an makv a Uir
iibt than Kelly.
Tin old car bars at Korty-Brat and Haver
fd a.n e 1" likely t- h .r'H onrrt.!
iniv a i ntna- ciuo j t nu., a well
kuiwii Ih'lal. I a eyprtlna tun II be ne
at thi.ae tnlerte.i and Ja k ilanUni mil
llktly be the- uiatihmaker '
Kid Wasne- tha l--nated W Ike ItarT
middlwel(ti ia tn iown lx.klnr for a, isat.a
ulll. ujjr ut li JauUltwi6u. '""'
tree and gave us such a sail I
"Over yards anil fields, here and
there and back again, I never had such I
fun. Vou must get the wind to take ',
you some day and then you'll know
what living is!"
"Oh dear. I'd like to go!" sighed
the pine leaves; "we're tired staying '
here on tht tree anyway. We're been i
here on this same tree ever since we !
were born!" j
"Too bad." murmured the other I
v depieniuero,z,3,ou
air October land 2
Interstate F
SPECIAL TRAINS direct to the Fair Grounds
Ivave Hroa I Ptret Station 7 0'. and S OS A M . etopplng at principal atatlona,
and at 0 05 ami III n. A M . rtoppInK at Wtat Philadelphia and North Phtladel
phU inl. Iteturnmi;. leave K.tlr lirounds 5 IS anl d 'Hi 1. M. for Philadelphia
anl nrlnrlnnl interm."1iate atutlnna. for llro.nl Htreet fltatlon. West Phlladelohla
and .-.crtn rnnadeipnia only, a. no and 5 lii'
THritMMY. or-roriEn l
Leave Bread Street Ktatlon T OS and 02 A M . atnpplnr at principal atatlona,
and at 0 05 and In 05 A M . and 1 05 V. M . Mopplnc at West Philadelphia and
North I'hilad-lphla only Keltirnlnf leave Kalr linmnda at " IS and H 00 1' M.,
for Philadelphia and prim 'pal Intermediate atatlona, (or Hroad Btreet Station, Weat
Philadelphia and North PhlUdtlph'a unly at 3 00. S 30 and 5:53 P. M.
In addition to these epecl.il trntne rontenlent regular trains will atop at galea
of Fair Urounds dallj. For detailed Information aet Fliers ur consult Asents
Pennsylvania I
Railroad w
l IS r -e' JMJJ
Tickets good only on date ol sale
Tile, Slate,
Metal and Slag
Roofs Are Standard
Crescent Compound keeps roofa
watertight for five years, and Is
also guaranteed.
Real Estate Roofing Co.
2343.2343 Wallace St.
BtllPovlar ittl Ktyitont Bac4 till
Attend the Safety first Carnival and See tho
Peace Pageant Sane Fourth Parade
Boy Scouts in Pageantry
Lincoln Chorus, 4000 Voices
Music by Police Band
Tschopp Mandolin Orchestra
Drills by Police Department
Drills by Fire Department, Demonstrat
ing Life-Saving Methods
German Singing Societies' Chorus
Drills by School Children
Safety First and Accident Prevention
"Slide" Demonstrations
The Home and School League Provides This
Wonderful Educational Carnival at
September 26-28-29
2.00 and 8.00 P. M.
Admission Adults, 25c; Children, 10c
Iteserted grata, SOc and lie, at Olrabel Urothera
YV..1 Le 1 f
Tiff alEsl-artrai Aaw
Emperor Declined Offer In Form of
Mnrrlnge Proposal.
In the Journal Aenhl, of Toklo, there
wna rectntl- publhhctl an article pur
Iiortlnjr to ahovv how JnpaTi might have
obtained control of the Havvnllnn lalamlt.
The article wns written by the Jflpnnese
historian, Shtea. An EiirIIsIi transla
tion, made by the Japan Herald, fol
Iowa: On March 10, 1S81, the late Emperor,
who was thon staying at the Aknsaka
palace, received nn application for n
neerct audience. It wns ascertained
that the request was from tho Umperor
u jinwait, wno narl already been re
ceived In nlldlcnco on tho 6th of the
same month and to whose visit the
Umperor had responded at the Shlha
detached pnlaco, which was placed nt
the tllsposnl of the visitor. His majesty
wondered why tho Hawaiian sovereign
had requested a secret audience, and
asked whether he wns accompanied by
a state minister or chamberlain, who
was In his sulto.
Inasmuch as the Hawaiian Kmpcror re
Pllod that ho wns nccompanled by no
body, his majeslv was perplexed, but as
thero won no objection to his receiving
the soverelRti of a treaty country, Ills ma
jesty received him In person In the Im
perial chamber. After both sovereigns
had rxchnnBed compliments and had
shnken hands-(lt Is stated that the Jop
anese Pmptror had never shaken hands
with any foreign sovereign before the
fifth of that month when he for tho first
time shook hands with the Hawaiian Em
peror) the Imperial visitor expressed his
gratitude for the warm treatment extend
ed to him by the court and poeple, nnd
expressed his admiration for shrines, Jap
anrse theatrical performances and other
The speech was Interpreted by n mater
of ceremonies to tho great pleasure of
the Kmpcror. Tho Hawaiian hoverelgn,
continuing, said that tho natives of Ha
waii are decreasing In number, while the
number of foreigners was fast Increasing,
and that If this state of affnlrs should
last longer he could easily conjecturo the
fate of his country. He, therefore, asked
that the Emperor of Japan should liclp
him nnd make efforts to savo his coun
try from ruin. He had no son, but only
a nltce, whom he wished to send to Eng
land to be educated and cause her to
eventually succeed to the throne. Al
though It might bo nn Indiscreet proposal,
he trusted that tho Japanese Emperor
might allow him to wed his niece to a
prlnre of the Iniperlnl blood of Japan.
The Emperor MelJI listened to his dcslro
nnd, after a few moments, stated that he
would give him n leply after deliberate
consideration. The Hawaiian sovereign
said that he had not discussed the matter
even with his state minister or chamber
lain and did not want it Known 10 a.u
one except Marquis Inouye, the Minister
for Foreign Affairs. In November of that
year, the master of ceremonies who acted
as Interpreter was sent to Hawaii as an
envov with an Imperial letter to the
Hawaiian sovereign. Mr. Shiga hns vis
ited Hawaii three times, but could learn
nntlilnir relntlntr to the matter from the
old documents kept In tho Hawaiian Gov
ernment However, according to Mr.
Armstrong, the minister, who died a few
years ago, tho Japanese Emperor declined
the proposal.
During a recent visit, however, Mr.
Shiga learned the truth, and published
the dates, because the sentiment enter
tained by the Hawatlans at that time
hns an Important bearing upon tho pres
ent development of Japan, namely, the
abolition of cxtrn-terrltorlallty In Japan
was first proposed by the Hawaiian Gov
ernment accompanied by other powers,
while ns a result of tho efforts of tho
King of Hawaii, the number of Jnpnne-i
living In that Island now reaches 50,000,
who remit to Japan 12.OCO.000 yen per
Pennant for Milwaukee
The close of the American Association's
race yesterday marked tho end of another
tight battle for the pennant In President
Chlvlngton's league. Not until Saturday
was Milwaukee definitely known as the
winner, LoulhVllle being a contender
Correspondents Never Informed
What Jrlntter Comes Under Ban.
An Idea of the difficulties that are
being experienced by tho Associated
Press nnd the newspapers of tho United
Stales In getting war news may be gath
ered from the letter of a London cor
respondent of ono of tho New York
newspapers which was published In tho
London Times of tho 11th. Some notion
of what tho llrltlsh censorship of tho
press amounts to, nnd how blunderingly
It Is administered, appears In the fol
lowing portions of the complaint made
by thld American correspondent In Lon
don: Alt of us recognize the necessity nnd
desirability of a press censorship at such
a time. Not one of us would wittingly
send any Information the publication of
wheh could be In the slightest degree
detrimental to tho Interests of the coun
try In which we nro guests. Neverthe
less, It Is Impossible longer to disguise
from ourselves tho fact that wo nro
treated as "suspect."
Wo huvo asked for hut received no
uiiui jiimiuu iil wuui is to do cunsiucrett I
a matter that may not bo cabled to
America, wo novo discovered by tho
costly process of experiment that neither
matter which appears In tho London
newspapers after passing the censor, nor
even the olllelal , announcements of the
press bureau nre necessarily available
for publication In America, both being
frequently stopped altogether or muti
lated out of all senso and meaning. This
we can only discover when tho news
papers come over from America nnd
from Information from our American
All tho ordinary relations between
client nnd merchant have been stopped
as between ourselves and tho various
cable compnnlcs. Wo ennnot find out
from the companies whether our mes
sages have been sent or not. At an hour
In the morning when It Is obviously too
late for matter that Is not already on
tho wire to bo In time for publication,
we cannot find out whether any of our
messages are still In hand so that we
may cancel or abbreviate them. Any
request for Information meets with the
reply: "Our office Is In tho hands ot
tho censor; we nro not allowed to an
swer any questions or give any Infor
mation." One finds no more satisfaction In ap
plying to the censorship Itself, My own
expcrlenca Is as follow?: The day after
tho censorship had been established I
called at the War Office nnd sent my rard
with an Inquiry form duly filled up to
the chief ccnior. With very little delay
I was conducted to his ofilce. My card
was taken In, and a gentleman came out
who told me that the chief censor was
engaged. He talked to me vagluely for
a fow minutes In the lobby, but was, re
gretfully, unable to give me any Informa
tion with the slightest degree of preclso
ness beyond the fact that mllltnry move
ments were not to bo reported. More re
cuntly I wished to nsk the censoi n def
inite question, and again called nt the
War Ofilce. I was again conducted to tlvo
door ot his ofilce without delnyr Anoth..
gentleman came out and talked wllh l
for a few minutes In tho lobby. Th!
chief censor was out. He thought hi
would be back In about an hour, but h.
himself, could not denl with tho queslltfr,
I asked a very simple one.
To show that our complaints are not
made without good reason I would like to
give a fow examples of our experiences
I could fill a column with similar haul
penlngs. One day this week I received
a cahle from Now York Informing m.
that nothing nt nil of tho Previous mi,..:
cablo service had got through In tlms
for publication. This means that a mes
sage filed hero at 3:00 p. m. London lima
or 3:30 p. m. Now York time, had not
been delivered nt 8 a. m., London time
tho following morning. A few days prI
vlously I, received a cnble telling me that
of some 5000 words filed here between
9 p. m. and 2 a. m. considerably leg than
one-fourth got through In time tor pub.
A message filed by one of my conferet
on a Wednesday night was not delivered
In New York till tho following Friday
afternoon. Thnt this was not due to the
matter being objectionable Is presumably
proved by the fact that a more fortunate
correspondent, who took tho same story
from tho same English newspaper several
hours later, got It through In time for
publication In tho Thursday morning's
lssuo of his paper. Examples of this
kind nro of dally occurrence.
A morn amnzlng example of tho censor-
snip is me roiiowing: xne olficlal press
bureau Issued nt 9 p. m. on August a
tho account of tho naval nctlon in the
bight of Heligoland, a story that thrilled
England from end to end. Thero Is prob
nbly hnrdly n newspaper In tho 1Tntted
States that would not hnvo published a
speclnl edition for that story. But what
happened to tho Amcrlcnn correspondents
In London? Every man hurried that of
ficial account, Just ns It wns Issued, to
the cablo offices, and the censors np.
pnrently consigned their messages to the
wnste-paper basket, for they have not
arrived In AmcYlcn yet. The American
people would hnvo known nothing of that
splendid feat of the llrltlsh nnvy until the
English newspapers reached them but
for the fact that by somo fortunate accl.
dent for It can only have been nn accl
dent the dispatch of Just ono correspon
dent escaped the censorship and got
through. One may Imagine the astonish
ment In tho olTlcc3 of tho other nevspa.
pers and of the great news agencies!
14,000 Sq. Feet
As wo arc removing our Print
ing Department to the Cu Us
Building, we have this space lor
rent, ready October 1. Robcit
Morris Bldg., 910 Walnut St.,
2d floor, light four sides, steam
heat, 2 passenger and 2 freight
elevators, low insurance rate.
Apply to
The Beck Engraving Co.
G20 Sansom St.
Phone, Walnut 1073
Mountain and Seashore
LenTlng Itrndtng Terminal 7:30 A. M.
i'or time ut other polnta anil bpeclal rates sec ilyrrrt.
Lfnvlng ClifBtnut nnd South Sta. rrrlf 7:30 A. M. JLJj
&wefe) Cj Mrmatfofv &C
Found od 1837
"Look mot on yesterday fount qui
tlbe opportunities of today"
We Make These Opportmiinie Snuggest ions :
A Timefly Pmnrdhase of Silks
On Sale at Less Tlhami Prices Current
Before Present CondatSoinis am Europe
A NEW LOT OF THE CREPE SHIRTINGS in white grounds with double and triple
colored styles. This quality is woven specially for men's shirts, and is guaranteed
pure silk. Will not fade in tubbing. Limited quantity of black and white. Other
colors, brown, navy, cadet, helio, green and gray. 32 inches wide. Value $1.25.
For 58c yd.
!REPE DE CHINE A special lot of extra heavy Crepe de Chine. The weave favored
most for afternoon and evening frocks; colors, white, light blue, pink, corn, steel,
amethyst, reseda, delft, taupe, olive, nigger, light navy, dark navy, midnight and
black. 40 inches wide. Value $2.25. For $1,65 yd.
BLACK SATIN, a soft lustrous quality, specially adapted for the new frocks. Every
yard guaranteed to be pure dye. 36 inches wide. Special For $1.35
street and evening shades. 36 inches wide. Value $1.25. For 95c
IMPORTED CHIFFON VELVETS purchased in April and received here
before existing shipping difficulties. No advance price paid, therefore they are of
fered in this sale at $2.95 yard. 40 inches wide. Value $4.50
Colors, Purple, Mole, Olive, Taupe, Navy and Nut Brown
Marabou & Ostrich Colllars
A Special Purchase on Sale at Conces
sions of One-Half from
Regular Prices
STOLES in many lengths and combina
tions, beautifully fashioned as is only
possible to the French. Prices begin at
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and upwards to
$10.00. Values one-half more-
VEILINGS at small prices, imported hex
agon mesh, soft finish, in black, white
and colors. Value 25c, at 15c yd.
cellent quality, 7l2 inches wide, in all
the fashionable shades.
Regular price 90c, at 55c yard
Neckwear at Special Prices
COLLARS New shape long rolled em
broidered and sheer double organdie.
Value $1.00, at 50c
COLLARS Hand-embroidered, new
shapes. Special at 50c & 75c
NEW CRINKLED TIES in solid colors
and Roman stripes at 18c each
Dancing Frocks for Misses
Two Especially Attractive Models
AT $23.50 Crepe de Chine frocks with
accordion plaited rufilc and long tunic
skirt, bodice trimmed with lace and
chiffon, and flowers on shoulder; in
white, maize, fleh, Nile and pale blue.
AT $25 White chiffon frocks; skirt with
3 ruffles, edged with metal trimming,
bodice lace-trimmed with girdles of
Nile, orange, pale blue, pink and white.
1126-28 CfiHStmtt street
- - nn iiiindliiiiatiiMiiiiii i