Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Page 2, Image 2
. A Mi M;' m b sMiSl HW r," !. it .h 1 I W ! h j. v . if1 2 EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, MOJffTJAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1914:. GERMANS TRAIN HEAVY GUNS ON ANTWERP TO CRUSH RETGTAN FLANKING ASSAULTS history la being carried on by veterans, who nro hungry and emaciated. Most of them aro feeling the effect, in one way or another, from two weeks of fierce fighting, coming on the top of a 200-mile march. Tho strain of being tinder fire constantly, with the mighty guns of German's heaviest ordnance rlnlng in their cars, has completely changed tho naturo of the men. They nro hardened to blood and carnage and tho danger of death, which Is nt- ways at hand In an Inconsiderate trifle. GERMANS HOLD POINT WEST OF MEUSE, BERLIN STATES BERLIN', Sept. 28. "While still maintaining the position that there have been no really decisive changes at any part of tho l!!"-mlle battle line, tho report of the German Gencml Staff today Is a trifle moro op timistic than anything Issued since the battle of the Alsno began. It stated that there have been dis tinct gains by tho German centre, which has driven the enemy bact; with heavy losses. The armies operating through Varennes have succeeded In forcing the Trench back on Clormont-rn-Alroand on St. Mcnnchoultl and now hold the main highways and tho rail toad lines In that vicinity. On the heights of tho M.usp tho Gr mans continue to maintain their ad vantage and are In strength on the west bank of the river. The bombard ment of tho Mo -" forts south of Ver dun continues with perceptible success, according to tho General Staff. On the German right It Is stated that the fighting Is of the most bitter char acter, with the enemy plainly throwing nil of his available force Into the fight Jn the effort to break through the Ger man line. It officially Is stated that at no point has ho been successful, while at u number of points tho Germans have advanced their lines. Attempts on the part of tho Colglnns to make tt successful sortlo from Ant werp have been frustrated and many prisoners and an armored car have been taken. The olllclal statement follows: "Tho offensive movement of our troops continues without severe chock. Heavy losses have been Inflicted upon tho enemy by our bayonet charge and thoy huvo had to bring up their re serves to strengthen their lines. "At the eastern end of tho battle line. our artillery has silenced part of tho forts on tho Vcrdun-Toul line and we have succeeded In crossing tho Mouse. The passage la being sharply resisted "In the centre we continue to g.vtn, despite the enemy's heavy artillery fire, which Is now showing better aim. "On the west wo have held all the ground we gained, though the enemy has received large reinforcements and Is making counter attacks. These however, have been repulsed." MONS BURNING, THAT THRILLS LONDON, Hept. 23. I Sixteen days of lighting, fourteen In the battle of the Aisne and two in a rear guard action, have failed to bring 'decisive victory to either side in Trance. This was officially admitted at the War Office today, coupled with the tatement. however, that all of the ad vantage remains with the Allies. "While tho censorship is more strict than at any time since the opening of hostilities, It is explained that there are certain evidences, especially on tho extreme left, that the Germans are weakening. The Allies have been heav ily reinforced and aro subjecting the forces of Von Boehm and Von Kluk to Btcrn pressure along the lino from Sols eons north to Mons. In this connection a report tele graphed from Ostend that Mons was burning created a sensation here to day. It is at Mons that General von Boehm established his headquurters when he started south from Brussels with tho main army that was operating In Belgium. His army was assigned to prevent Von Kluk being outilunked by tho French urm. operating from the northwest, presumably Boulogne, where it had been gathered to aupport a new British force, the details of which are still withheld from tho public. If it is trua thut lions actually is burning, It may mean that the British French armies are in strong force and have raided the German communica tions far north of the point where up to the present any fighting has been reported. Tho English people are plac ing great hop s on this report, but It 3s not confirmed from any source that carries official weight, and intend for IS REPORT GREAT BRITAIN the last few dn has been a most un reliable rumor factory. More significant than anything elo. however, are tho clrcumstuntlal reports received hero from Belgium source that an epidemic of typhoid and allied diseases has broken out in tho ranks of the German army, and that thelt horses are suffering from glundois These t sport" came from so manv sources that they are generally cred ited. The worst cuses are in the valley of the Dendre River, near Termonde. whore it is reported TOO men have ' ready died of typhoid and other infec tious diseases. The military exports say that disease can be expected at this time now that the wur has been In progress eight weeks. The rivers of Belgium and Trance have been utilized by both sides to get rid of dead men where there w as no time to bury them. Then the cold rains, which have now prevailed for more than two weeks, have added to the difficulty of gathering the wounded. Many bodies remain unburied, putrefy ing in the water sheds of tve rivers. The suffering of tho wounded as tho result of the weather conditions is fear ful. Those who cannot drag them selves to places of shelter simply die where they fall, as pneumonia follows In nearly every instance. In addition, wounds that ordinarily would be clean now get filled with mud, and infection follows am a matter of course. In this respect it is stated thut the Germans have suffered far more than the British or French, who have main tained their field hospitals at full strength and have rushed their wound ed will into the south immediately after first aid has been applied. ' li c. I s. .. "" T, ' ' ' .- i- "' ,wvyac?. "'. i xsZOs xLT-fV V mnHMJCFy' 1r dt O i wvo77t V ? -D jcW. S , 'tfBXlM'W'"' S 1 "-y ziww rii iK!,. itw VWl - ' KPSiL A fasti Atf k- W U o?w fjT-S v &z.z., 7sl. ikSNnaa2AAk m&ULvmT - xr"y k- - , , Y V V l ,f7 - 81 aoHnZTLri .lssnrM Ida A4rww,Vlilf v . Arsav&n' ' o.-vk' .:.w.r&jLzmfffr?Mm iNvr ,. ,(TMl x2mmwjjav SL . sgaairawOrfr tmsm6XJ,X:tjK-y iHB ft t' ' V . , J , iiSJi nWii' . .C.,:: '.'i',".A'Wsja. .,' -iai,V, y m at r . ., "V ' . m -A t , .sua v It'A t'irif iifVi W ' ' - J r -. ' frA i Si " ."-S i ' , ',.". ' .'. 5c.A' ftW BV." i'iWlTWV.Q nX h 't..., -A A Cm? i f.f ! -.A . t rr , , j - - v w , ' ' ' -n- ' rSY " ""' yiSS? , " f x ivnoa - ' ''' " '-S' ' ' ' NHaoyo ." - I 3-np -x ,1 - ' '.- J I' y ft, '-. n 081 -raawQi.5ibVd w os bnwvM eu. Novi w 5 wort 01 siavd w on NnoagAcu. noaom cmiAjviw H0M3ad-CTI3NV 'H19 '-Ldgs-1 I "3DNVA0V Nvwaao lNsacjd GERMAN SHRAPNEL ' SHATTERS TERMONDE AND NEARBY TOWNS Belgians Retire Order Under The new German battle line in the southeast, near the Verdun-Toul line of forts, runs from St. Mihiel, where they crossed the Meuse, past Dompiene, reoccupied by the French, to the northwest of Pont-a-Mousson. In the centre the French have repulsed their offensive at Berru, near Rheims, regained Berry-au-Bac, north of the Aisne, and while von Kluk has pushed in near Noyon, and Ribccourt, over the Oise, the French claim to have made gains along the Oise, north of the Aisne and near the Sommc, and even north of it in the St. Quentin, Peronne, Bapaume region. BRITISH TAKE GUNS AFTER CHARGING FIRE-SWEPT BRIDGE Concealed German Batteries Make Huge Gaps in Lines, But Bayonet Wins Skirmish. TRIO OF AVIATORS JAPANESE DEFEAT WAGE MID-AIR FIGHT GERMANS IN LONG WITH HAIL OF SHOTS KIAO-CHAU BATTLE German Airman on Recon-' Tokio Reports Fortress at I Belgian City Shelled for CHURCHGOERS DIE AS GERMAN SHOTS RAIN ON MECHLIN noitre Near Lille, Narrow- Tsing-Tao on Point of ly Escapes English Biplane Surrender Kaiser' Forces an d French Bleriot. PARIS, 814, .'. ,'n the recent fighting on the Alsno. where the British managed to secure a foothold on tho northern side after a ter rlble MruKgle. the British Quard truops achieved a glorious fet of nrrns. They -were thrown across pontoon bridge which bappers hud tuntriiited uadrr lire, but no soonor had they rwhed ih up per bank than the Qerman ui tiller), which occupied concealed position, opened (ire and the shrapnel began bum. Ing among the troops. Before the British truops lay a stretch of open country about a nnie wide A lt edge was ft patch of woods which extended to the top of tome hills on the crest of whUli the German artillery uc In action. Tho order given to charge unci, with the Scots Ureyo leading, the Urltiili charged against the Uermans. The attackers manaid to avoid the barbed wlro entanglement;, but thejr bad to face a blasting fire while cross ing the open stretch The Griman stiel burnting viuB deadly regulant) f.ll m n.n wh 'i the British ilnes JU"t b'-r it- r m ins the forest tlie uennaii nuthui . o were turnod on tlie Bruin, h u,i bayonets the guards swipt f"rw ird leaving gng trails of dead and wnxnded n Uielr wake ShouUng their batt.e cry. they fell uoon tho Uerman position. biyo&sUsn tia suuaexr- Within csa than l'J mlnutm of hand-to-hand fight-InL- tli British raptured six guns. Whl . tho British were charging, the h .i st of the guns were smashing awav hi v. poi.ioon bridge and eoon it was t 11 th BrltUli captnttd the six gun3 11. wire eompe led t" let're for re. infon 'm.-nts The pontoon liridga wus r i tin 1. but suuti the Ui rmun urtiUrrv uga n ."Dlintered tt Then alators were ah, 1 1 l.Kule the hidden batteries of the li ddr n Uei man guns and they were soon summed (ireat flocks uf carrion birds hover over tin- lmt tit-finds where many corpses Up unburied These vultures have become a ustimeri to tne roar of the artiller ' ami r- nut frightened awav from tnelr .- 4' omc foisting of th thunder of ttu I'rlvale -Moj, of the British Hussars, ho is in n tumuitul h-re, te!ls of rawN Ing across the o(l and fields, after be was shot, until ha came to a big t huu au upon which American and Red Cross tiags were dying "I crawled inside where I found one of j the big dan' ing rooms fixed up like a hospital." natd Moss, "awl helped myself I 10 some tianaaj. s. -My wimnd had tpn caused by ft rife billlet. nd HWe many such wounds, h. d bern r'b tautciUeil bs the bullet. I bk'tevt- thai the (h.iutiuu vi.'is und by nn An, can named '. MUtkhell li'. I was nilKhty thankful fur the shelter, buiw Ish that Mr. Tiepew had left IM larder more greatly filled than it was." A detachment or Herman Midlers had rlddtu up to the ehauteau while Uosa was hiding in a room in the place, but they soon rod away without doing any damage. Moss think that they were im prtssnl b the American flag Sean Heads Central A, A. U. I'HH o s. ut .v-f A iJean, of the t'utuinbiu V.u ht t'iMb, ('hiiao, t elected president of the Central Asso elation of the Amateur Athletic Union at a ui'-et.tig hi Id l that hudy recently. 0orge A Si hnwlder. Cleveland A. '.. and It. T. Ucdanond. t'lnilnnatl A. P.. were elected vice presidents HOTTKBDAM. Sept. S. A Dutchman who has Just returned Horn K-la-Chappeh jrlvts a thrilling story cf an escltlnit t'lrce-innertd duel in mid-air fousht a few days OKu by the occupants of throe airships German, Kngllsh and l'lfiich Tho story was re lated to him b the German officer, who narrowly escaped dath after an experi ence w hich he docs not deslro repeated. "Some dus ago." this oilleer said. "I was instructed to do some Important re connoltcrin;' In tho northern district of Trance, especially near tiille and Mau bnwe. 1 lrft Bilwium in my Taube Id place with a mechanic. "While 1 was fljing Into France 1 sud denly heaid the noise of an aeropltno which I n-on recognized as a British military Bristol biplane, which had come to tight us. Our first tactics were to prevent the Bristol climbing higher than us, but the British machine was clcvcil. handled, and so, n was IM ardn over us "several attempts were made by us ti lly hitfh, r, but the British aeroplane eluiked them all. It was evident that each of n farel that the other would dron bombs on him. Jlwinwhlle wo had prudently turned northward, hoping to rea h the Oerroan camp before the Eng. iiimiti dnma. d us or forced us to land Thy Bristol was coming clc,er and closer, am' we telt liku a bird in whkh a vul-tui.- u U'linu t' puuute, "I said to rn mechanic, 'I tnlnk nur lat hout has eutne.' lie answered with rt 1 tujjh "Itatiier our last half-hour' I am sure that If the Knuilshman had any bombs iilio.ird 1 would not be here to t II the tali . but fortunately ho had rone. He could not have missed us. as owing to hi cU,er steeling he was about SO ards ever us." In this to Ing situation the Herman of. llcfr, though xpt cling tu be shot or dashed to earth at any moment did not lose his neive. lie handled his tritft With lVeineS fthd e.tie, following ever) iimveiiient of his adversan bj u counter m-ivunitit of hie ship. "Tb e, 1 -an u il m, were terrible moments. ' he said W fired our automatic revolvers at the wnnny and he nxjjonded vignr ously, Our maciiinu mas hit sewial times, but not ,ii vital paits. The wings how many rt vulver bullil lu.hs. Vv were niilng the Belgian boun dary when I sa a small Btertut mono. j Utiu i mm t tin aid uf thi Brlift il Tie. frcii' It a'.rcrift riaciwd Hfiu feet in no time, and then igaii rljii.g ip c n iiMri circles aiouud us. always drav. I' 4 ntarer. and the three machines en. gi4gd in an unprecedented duel, nriug revul ,-ers continually "(tou ammunitum i pearly oxlxausted when we heard energetic flrhiB beneath We had reaejied a German eamp, wher our terrible situation was speedily realUed, and our soldiers were tiring on the two enemy fiiing machines In order to 'over uur retreat and descent "W er mved. but neediest, to say. t did mi rctunncdtilog work that day" Abandon Mines. PROVISIONS Hr!el Anl II nit in oat riniad arul HfH lf ii M-i.. te. in I.J.U1 .I i ti . --w --- --a -.., Uir-aruwj. 10 .r-o ."f;i' LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS W KVIIHII fV U Wilt MVJPU v.w.'v '. city beef. knw'tHj and tfnaers. amokea an' lr-drUd. ViVHc VVeatiro lwr, knucliln an J ,.n.iuK un , lr.l nlti. I.f hams. SllMI3. imrSi. nill, U0ii7. Unu, r cur.l II n. Vy ,,. t UK M.U. p .11 ! kill Is , r its - , t h, ui I, .' f- I- in- f i"j i t fil'ifl'jb- l-rL.V K. ci, ts. .i '00 r a Pt it' i ' I i ' s t j il 4V' U i , s t n6"r, t3 7.aV2'i itcx-ktrs or 1 i f. 'in, i.i(in Tun 7t.' 'Sl.e. fSfeMUll (iilLtil' KcilvU. 30,000; ittarkct iOo. ! u.Uve sad 1Vctcro, 3 Sige.TS, li It v IV Jo . 1 1.' . Ik it i ..iliir , I J. !..',. ol h i I n i i fi, -.. asaUkwMikii U t af ihi1 hreaVa."'. biri. do., tubs kottli real? J rti rnin- it; 1 -e k t i'l l'i'H ri i' - I 14 i i m ta on, I' I KM I ' ' m HI 1 v I ! i, Wcm rurf i . i i;i , janl, T'S hiii" ' HHU'ic. do., do., de BU urd t)jr city, kettls Id iiS9UKe.i dot. cure city. h --. VIM. ., TOKIO, Sept. IS. It Is ndlclally nmiouiiced that the Jnpnucso have iKfcnted tho Germans I'l a stubborn buttle hinting 11 hours on the outskirts of T-dng-tao, fiat of tho gov ernment of the Oerntnn leased possession of Kino-Chnu, t'hlnn. The Japanesi cnHiinltlos so far as ascer tained mo clvcii as three killed and 12 wounded. The Gorman casualties aro said to bo 312. According to the utatomcnt, tho fight began on September 2fi. German gun boats bombarded the positions of tho Japanese troops. .IiipnneSo aeroplanes proved cffcctUo In tcconnnitrlnc expedi tions and nro reported to hau escaped unharmed. The morale of tho German defendinfei force at Klno-Chau Is on tho wane, it Is leported here. Somo of the Eoldiers have deserted, escaping by land or sea. Through them it Is learned that, de s,ilte the determination of thL Governor of Kiao.L'hnu to light to tho last, tho paity which advocates timely surrender is asset ting Itself. It has found It de fenders even among high olllcials of the army. Some uf these advocates of sur render havo been shot, while many have beep s nt to the first line of defense. The Germun fljlng mxhinc- have been damage 1 and can no longer servo a use ful puipose. Tho food supply Is cut off b,, tbu strict blockade of the Japanese iiav iiinl Is daily diminishing. Whatuvor Is icplenlslied comes only tluough tho smuggling of fhinese Junks The supply of materials for jtlie muking of bread is alru stopped, imiacquently tho output Is greatly restricted. Scurvy is gradually inci easing. As the Iiritish troops have lauded and joined the Japuneeo army, It Is expected that the general assault on tho fortress will soon commence. PBK1N. et,t. SS. It Is learned from Wel.hskn, In Hhnn tuiu. that u e(ond detnehmeut of Japan eke troops iii lived theic at rundown on H.itunlay with 11 carloads of ammunition and supplies Other troupt? have advanced west along the railway and hold Fungtse, here the O rmuns Hooded the i ual mines In fore their departure. Ail the Chinese miners tied. The American mission is crowded with women of all dosses from the city and cuuntry dUtrlits, Tlu aro said by the i orrepondent it Wel.lB.tn to fear both the Jaraiiesi and the t'hinese soulleis. lAl.VUO.N', Sept. if An umseiuy dispatch from I'ekin fca It Is officially announced thero that .. ho was oceupled on September il by ( small Japanese detaebment, wlileh re pubjed SCO German. -Mil MUIH I i Mrs. Wood nnd C, M, Bull Victors XRW VOrtK. Sept. SS-Wlth the uneN. ureted vKtorv of Mis. Itawson Wood and Charles M- Oull. Jr . In tho dual round i,l the mled doubl, s championship yes. tti'dwv on the i lav courts ol the West hide Tennis rijb at Forest litis, 1 I., the tournament of the metropolitan ten. nls titles wa bi ought to a suciestful lonclusloii. Mrs Wood and Bull defeated Sliss flare Casscl and 8. Howard Vo shell In the final round, two .ets to one, by the score of 5-7, S-4, 7-5 Big Entry Xist for Horse Show NfiW YOItK Sei.t 2i -The catalog f ., the I'iiiing Hoi i Uoise Show is now i is,g nu'V ui It uhurts CTO entries r ,1 t0 II l tr til ut in (lUlOvlil show 1 , -if run, iti .! it- i iany of tho hunter and jumper c'asaes uie co large that the (ommltteo has dcided to devote next Th irsday morning to elimination trials In 8ve of the classes In which Jhe entries aro the largest. Third Time by Teuton Forces St. Rombaut Cathedral Damaged. AMSTEKDAM, Sept. 2S. Your corre spondent lias just returned from tho UelKlan city ot Mechlin, which has been bombarded by the Germans for the third time, altiioiiKh tho town is open and is not making the least defense. Yesterday morning (Sunday) people weie returning from church at 9:C0 o'clock In tho morning when a shell fell in the midst ot a group, killing several. The te mnlnder lied to a enfe. Soon afterward a shell exploded In the cafe, wounding several. Tho rain of shells continued, M an hour. The first fell In tho railway station and eight others fell In the 1'l.ico do la.Gnie. The neighborhood nffected by tho tiling Included tho station, tho barracks, a cabinetmaker's and Sisters of tho Poor headquarterB and tho national stamp fac tory. Many private hous-es and other buildings oollap.std, blocking tt utile. Tho forts of Wai'lhcm and Wnvrc replied until evening. Tlie Cathedral of St. Rombaut has been almost detioed. It Is olllcially stated that on Saturday a German detachment cumpilMug n bilgade of Infantry, two teglmcnts of cavalry and six battel les of artillery, Including two heavy guns, was surptlscd during a march ftom Tirussels to Termonde, neur Alost. The ilclglaii3 nttacked on both front and tlink, and tho Get mans fell back in disorder Inward Afeschc, leaving many prlsonets, wuunded and sci-rnl canons. Yfstc-rdny (Sunday), with a lew to m iiKeance, the Oct mans bumbaided Meihliu with lung-lunge guns. Considerable foices nindo a gem ral movement on the Belgian flout between Merhlln and Alost, and tho attacks by the Germans in tho vicinity of Alont laiKd. lielgian cavalry succeeded In taking in the i cur of the German left wing, and the Gorman cuuuter.attack fallul, Tho IielHlun-i now hold all the positions thej gained In the lighting of Satin daj and Sunday. FKESII FJIUITS In fair rciuint and k-encrally etend) Ap pki, per bbl (IruvinstUn. $1 WitS-'M, Plush. U W1I--3. oilier siud cjiIiu laiUitci, $,.&m S'.'S, nietllum. fMil.'M, iiindtt. Uilawnre and I ennajlisnU, Jier haiueer, uWitiiJc Liniunn, I or box. Slild I'lneaiiplos, pt itate J'otu Stlco, J125S5: Fl.rliJa. l(!9.l 'ru her rte. Cape o I. Karl HlHik. p. r bid, I.'ir5. crtnterrlis, CO.o foil, Kailv lllm-l,, jer irate SI thli'Jt. ciam eirlcn. Jmu, ir ratu tuik. tl.TSO.i" lldlu. ftttlSt lluiklsbrrrie in r ut , l'8 1'iu lien, Vlrtiiidu. ii in . b.-sSe'. VSSlii do d nr irate T.lc'.ll j Cm,,, liiUiau'i) an, Mmylaii I in ti i T5".. dn . do. fer erut .. "Si ii,'i iaeh l'i.i,nlania. I'cr lakii l.jrwu while ur , . li iv CD675i me'llu n .'.Off 10 imihii .lr- ey, vvhlte on tlUw. iwr K-bnikei -Ksiru ,.4--,"i , .v . ?4,p, n," Sl l.r TAUllOt IV. ver bbl - llirtl. i .V G.30I do., s ?iwa!Mns K. -. ",., urltB Ko. J. l "Xli OK. Uu uthtr varUties. ?!fta. rwjri Nu. N. Y. fepkel. vet tbl. HllO Vfi llartlctt or Bucktl. per bi)o) bak6t 1l.7S flrpi(. Now VeiU- Cenurd l-er 8-P Uist. I ill" , do,, r i-lb. lunkiit. .Sdliv . Ikdawarm, jut i-iti. Uiki. ViM'f . sral'K. C'uniurd inr crate, 4Ufa5ik- I'lann, mr (-lb. Idnksl. 'Mit'iu tVutaluiife' '' r,ln I r i rati . $161 ill. ,1. do., Il4t SiiiiMk. Wauruielani. Jcrtv), pr 100, TtO' SUGAIt itn'iNllll Trade slow ul former rate PiumUird srttnuUt.J, n.f)c. . lino KianuUted, fiT.lc. . rowatrtu. -c . iuiueciignrs' A. iiflSc silt KradM, 5 M10 Wc. DAIIIY PRODUCTS CHEKhK Trod ruln mid the market un hanxed N lorlt, full nun dmlu HI', (I lih Jo '" '"' u Sovd, l'i'jijIO. Ju lart tklmu OMt POULTRY 1 1 i;. Plentiful ami barely Heady Fowl-, 1- jl7" clt r-onure. H .Iv dj k, ol l 1 i.j lauflii , .iiir. "t !- f4u y, iu - m- Aintnw imiivib mi mi' ijiai Tf-. .--- -' .""y il IB I"i WW. Ui VljtOCJa, p( RUSSIAN "STEAM ROLLER" CRUSHES FOES IN GALICIA Austrian Third Line of De fense Routed as Czar's Troops Reach Tarnow and Seize Carpathian Passes. PEHOGKAD, Sept. IS. The Austrian troops havo been routed from their third lino of defenso In Galicla. The Itusslans are approaching Tarnow, only 50 miles fiom Cracow, and havo also captured Uzsok and Kzavtana. Hungutian town on tho southern slope of tho Car pathian Mountains!. They have captured the town of Tremysl at tho point of their baoncts, but tho garrisons ot homo of the lorts thero continue to hold out. This news Is given In a statement issued by tho General Staff today. It hhows that the Itussl.m steam i oiler Is progressing with amazing inpldity and that only a Htlft defence at Ciacow anil alone; the Inlo ftom thero to Thorn, Knot I'mssiu, can prevent tho Itushism armies from being well on thel way to Ilurllu wtlhln a very short time. The General Staff is urshlng tho army forwuid with all pos sible haste, hoping to avoid a winter cam paign for tho capturo of the Gciman capl. UU. The itusslans arc today In force nt Tarnow. Although they ore unable to mine with tho great speed shown In the early days of tlm Galiulan operations, be cause of tho swollen ilor and maishy condition of the territory through which the army Is advancing, the Iliisslan foreex are declared In todav's War Olllco report to bo making steady piokiusi. Tho Russians nro moving steadily for ward hi tour nepninto movement. The bombardment of 1'iveiiiysl continues with ono of the main foits already iipurted us occupied by the Itusslans. It Is stated hero that tho Itusslans have again taken a number of guns and that the Cos-iuUs am cutting to piecis tlie lenr guard of the letreatlng Austilans. Through the pass at I'zsok troops aro pouring upon the plains of Hungary to strike tho Austrlans in the read and cut ofT communication between Knsclmii and I'rncow. At IVsoU mid S.avtnim, which lies near the source of the ilver Ung the Itusslans enpttiied thlitj guns, la prisoners, many ropld-firers and large iluontitltH f iimiiiuultion unil suiiplii's I'art of tho fnrics under Geneial Vim t'oli ail at 1'remysl sueeeeilul In cutting their way tluough the Jtusslnii lines west of that fortress In an attempted m treat. but they weie pursued by ruK forces of Cossacks and suffeied terrible lueses, says tho olllcliil report. Some of the Austrluns succeeiled In reaching Jaslow and Joining other foices theie, but they lost eveiy gun that they at tempted to take with them. in Good! Witherino Fire Artillery Spares Churches. I Til ITY ,M(s I TWIN iITi Auukl Itrona Surplua Prom Jumury 1 Su.rj.lui ,, lull iui a vi ir.:t sus o.Hi.nr. l,lus,U3T In, rvitue. S.'l Till 0,1133 3Ul.au igu,i; PACiriC MU1IT ANn I'OVVKU. August aroei U'3, 1ST lt).fill Net Income Tj 1 1 1 ; nin Thi) month' groan.. I,:it:!,.'3i Ta liu.'l Pqrplu after illvl-l'inia w iui So ta I VKGKTAIiUSS Qjlct and iirliea faiurnl buer White uoiu torn, irr buh l'iniiU aula I'lSHUi' , N, Vnrk. KlfcVi. . hlto ij atom. Jre ur liui. set, .TWilOc, Hct iKjiatoti. 10a I tin Hhure. r Lid No. 1, 1 Tbtt-.tn No. 'J, T.V t(l neet luiatoea, North I'arullna, iht titl S'u 1. 11.".', -J No. S, 1U.-UH. ieta. Jeraey! jer bbI.-No. 1, 2 50J-.'TU. No. '.'. Il.rxj:7& ncetJ. Jctiey. fr l.ikt! iKix- Onion Wi'Ktern uml fuiinecllcut Vallev iluitt-. ur 1141 Ih bar. il unlone medluiii i.er IOu Ih Ih 7".Wii I'ul.ljge dunuml i tr i ,n fiij ll- i iUrv New ork i r Inn h Hru to, Slunrrvuu. l li Irniil 1 1 'ik fl i NEW YOKK BUTTER AND EGGS ,-r w limn erpl .1 IlTliyt Oulrl linltat; ui i rcauierr, to elpte. VH, t lb . r'nuicr- cvr ,KKi t,l rfftlrv. tun. 'Jlft'ju linlfjti . . .nn.... . -. i -r, . r . T T ......... . .1,., .ii. J-XHiS uuoet, rflut. bji dalrv. tun. Sfi'Uc -- .- j.jji.r - .vrr. ' nri. iwty SCSI' U3fc. ; tSftl&S TERMONDE, Sept. 23, The only battle on In Belgium oh HntUt. day was south of Termonde, whero th Ucrmans shelled tho tlclglans. Tho Belgians held their ground tenaciously under n heavy, woli-dlrecttd lire and then retired steadily through Audcgm toward Termonde, completing their retirement at midday. Two hun dred shrapnel shells fell In tho vlllags of Audcgm. 1 reached Termondo nt 10 o'clock Sat. tirdny morning and paced through th shattered town, Into which the Germans occasionally sent a howitzer shell. 1 proceeded toward Audcgm at 10.25 o'clock and watched the German gun tiers achieve their object of shattering the tower of tho such at Audcgm. One moment tho splro was shrouded In whit Binoko, tho new moment It had dltan. pearcd, leaving nothing but a dccrenlt ruin. VK A mile and a quarter this sldo of Au. degm the Belgians faced about at 1 o'clock, when i enforcements began to nrilvc. An armored motorcar, four mounted gendarmes and one or two ex. traordlnarlly hold cyclists ventured Into tho vlllugc. Following these I reached the farther side ot Audcgm. Hero tho motor caught six Get mans napping. Its mltralllcust dealt faithfully with them at a distance of COD yutds. It appeared that tho German forcci contented themselves with approaching tho outskirts of Audcgm. This Informa tion, given by a pcusant, was confirmed by tho fact that tho pockets of dead Belgians lying thero had been cut out and nil their valuables taken. This both Grunt, JJnlley and I saw. SHOTS FILL STREETS. The road through tho vlllago w&t" strewn thick with shrupncl. I picked up a double handful In less than CO yardj. The German gunners had evidently cured tho range to an Inch. It Is mar velous that tho Belgians escaped so lightly. Hardly had tho Germans disappeared than mnny villagers began to appear cautiously In the streets, collecting frag ments of shell and shrapnel balls. They wcio ns phlegmatic as the Belgian bohllers, who aro imperturbable In all circumstanced. f Soon after the motor car nnd Its mitrailleuse had talked sharply to the Germans, tho Belgians made an advance In force on tho right. A regiment of lancers galloped through a field to a position west of AVespelnnrs. It wa suppoitcd oa quickly as possible by In fantry, while an Infantry attack, sup ported by nitlllcry, developed against Wespelnars Itself. The range was very short and the bat tory thoroughly sciirched the village, carefully avoiding tho rather lino church towering over the cluster of little housei. We could henr tho crash of shrapnel on tho ted tiled roofs. For n few minutes Wespelnars disappeared, then reappeared mumentailly In the white clouds of smoke. In tho face of tho terrific ball the Ger man lesistancc was feeble, but behind Westpelaais was a thick woodland hiding Lobheke fiom view. Lebbekc was known to be strongly occupied b the German, Sunset, too, wns approaching. Content, apparently, with tho sround thoy bad won, which was no Inconslder nblc niea, the Belgians left the German undisturbed, to scud an occasional shell into Termonde. rEATPRHS OF FIGHTING. Two distinct features of tho flghtlnl weie lmpiesslve to the spectator. The contest wns ninost exclusively by shrapnel. The Geitnuns attained a tern potaiy success by Its use nnd the Bel gians won their victory by Its aid. IUlle Plajcd a small part in, the nil-day con diet. Tho other feature was tho uncanny silence. From the moment tho Belgians ceased letreatlng to the timo their at t iek opened on Wehpeln.tr it ai almost disconcerting, although it wns an agree able sensation fioin one viewpoint As a conseciuenee of tho lack of ambu lances, the three motorcars nnd tho news, paper coriespomlont present were able to lender conilderable assistance to tho Bel gian wounded. On our it-turn to Antwerp wo learned that tho Belgians hud letaken Aloal, U miles west nnd a littlo noith of Biuscols, at the point of the bajonet nnd ith great gallantry. This was a suilous Mbw to the (ormiiiM and similar .successes npp along the whole Belgian line. BOOKS BOUND IN GOLD AND ADORNED WITH GEMS Splendid Specimens, Some of Which Iteniesent tho Work of Years. lino thousand fom liundrnl pound I lofened to is tin- most elaboiate mie. imeij I nt pie-t'iit'dti) UligllMli boohbilidins uv"" to bo sent to Aiiieiica Tin book i illustrated inanuxciipt of some of Ivff" poems, mid has Just been completed alter two ears' woik. Tho poems are rll'2 and Illuminated on vellum, and Illustrates with origliinl water-colors, while the mo rocco cover Is claboiately gold-tooiea. Inlaid with over 1100 pieces of colorea leather and set with over 10-O precloui stones. , h This lmok was designed and bound or Hi urge Sutcllffe, the imtnl bookbinder "' Poland stiidt. who has evoUid many iiilKinnl Ideas in booUblndin-' lie as " Ihst to use Jeweled dn.ii itl.-n I" '" liiidrul of white lenthei, cm nets "i-""" of red leather, and so mi That such wur pays Is ovldent from tho fait that Kutellffo now employs SO men The Illuminated ninnusiript of ivea" loferrcil to Is tho mots elaborate P"1 "" of bludlng executed by Mi Suteltffe sine' lio designed a jeweled "mat K1;.'Viam' which was purchased bv th. "',na" (loveinmeiit for the F.MnUfo.t luum 12 euis iiru. uiul in lb di"" "' of whlrh ;'t upnlJ win "- ' ," spulm. n of Mi Sutelirt. "' ,'. , sumptuous! bound cop o hlle1."' woiks. iaih flown on the hawthorn duo ration being set with a peail .. Volumes In model n Illiniums "" . for ltt to $2W0 each are by no m'a iincommoti. Not Ioiik ugo. foi ",kUI't,:, ct of Diikins' wus published ,n AA'ne ' ci, the piice pci volume being H"' ' rf book being bound in vellum and milosev in a i isket of white silk ami b'1"'1' I', rnans hurt ui tie .ostii"' " ei.i Is J'd wui tliet Willi" ' J '..,,,. lt-l..U a f'W vcri ufu bi a ,u' fa Mueil an, wh" spent m"l Of p ( and n largo fortune lit the '''j '"." ,w spei Iraeus of Jade. Only u bundr 'i ' "t . Of the book were piloted nnd t' ovr IIW.OW, or about JUW per cwy mtmmtttmsmmmnmaaiSm MJ- ts Mrtgmajaafcjn Aj3 &