Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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4 '3
Si?!' '
Recovering From Disap
pointment in Employment
Office, She Makes Futile
to Answer
XI it.
I think tii.it (ligai'pnintmrnt mattes arm
f i i-i 'i old ' So mitny .mtrrows have comu
KinMenh to me I Wonder Why? I grnte
down vIstuH of Inns Pin's to come ntnl
tor Jt lomllncps. Thoce years may
liin dull rrnlKitntlnti In their train,
ilip f 1 1 lo i ri'n pi t" nim.t the M'rnlnif d
An, I
1 lit ll -K 1
iin. lin il imitlnn new.
ruluil, tc iilih to vii
Aft r mt
place I w Uked
for Ollltr 111 .IB'1
Mark -t stud
I it I t.i live, liVo lint it and thin
ntxl 1. inn. n'lil do' I hale the thought of
prim i ml pnvcttv! Since mother died,
nil the old lnnginu thnl t thnintht Ioijh
fclnci wire ctuhed, all the old, Vamto
di m s haw- come to me .tKiiln a thou
rumlii id Thi'ne iiM -x -uiiii.- 'or a
full dof llfi ore Ui. i .i n ' Moon
of m Dim i' ! haMlii-c- ' r fu j'.ist
like tli.u I'll" cold 01 b fhlilltlS be.Vi.IUl
thi ruthh kltoidom here?
tit up m ii.imii'i.i xtu'li etimiai. rest
loin thltiL' with vhpuo t olVe that melt
Ilk" tnntl lit fine tile heilt Of aelllshl-M?
IVhv lie we i;IVeti Bouli" to ache over
our own nd fn llnjw iml our pain? We
Ftrnsc'e mi like children In the durk
T,l(tlr !i.iIf-lHIlitir of nu- rniinl crel,
win in or .le.-plv felt nor clrnrlv willed.
Ml' i inmiht inter has lioine trult In ilejny.
V !i . niuo ieoltes never hive been IM-
This ."'idneK must he ishnlcen off to
nlBht Yet In the telling of a simple
tale I'ko mine I stilt must write in nil
interview nt that emnlovment
in Phlladi lphin's ftreets
I thought tht sOiop." In
held lovc-ty thlnss. The
iriiis uho i.inl me on the strut "truck
in( im Ii.iv'iik such n faahlomV.e air.
tluli elitlui -m mid evt jiK In th
Jieisht if '-tl " The wav their hilr
vm ilip"-el a mmt scvr-i . dttsrmd
ttshtlt l .! K nver i aeh ear with one sreat
jpuil-il pm mnjictlns nt the fide. I
thru-lit ihe looked o pretty, yrt some
had .in .irtilloal all the color In tiulr
en el - med sometimes hard and fixed.
so 1 f. rt tit fiom th. plow that cold vv'nds
and -in bre-re bumf. How vv.'ilthv they
mint be to A vs like that, I thought, and
almost envied thim
I wal-ci tliioui.li i"hetniit treet and
saw the hunting ci-.wdn co by How
n.ii to tl it street m "tiled to 'Ms' Long
lines of -nototcars ctowded the traffic
cv rt where.
In WTinmaker's coot depaitment store
I lingered, hopinc to hear the orifan
pla1 t U-nijth "one chord of music
like the ound of a areat amen" una
nut and it seemed to tsive me courage to
face th 'e noisy un-srorched streets
again. I lowd to hear that organ play.
After an hour of w-im'erinK I saw a
notice In a window "nniploment Bu
raui." It vab a larse typewriting nfflcr
and rew of pirls and men "licked bullv
nt d'lT.Teiit machlms All setmed -i t
fomitent 0 c.ipi'ip si self-assuied I I
felt too shv to risk .mother relsjff sum ;
as the last, so stood just inside, close to
the door. anJ as fir from the -nmploy-menf
iU-k as poible Two eirls were
talking close to mi- and I could not ln-lp
heurinp w hat they -nld
We netd a sill in our office upto ir
at ome," said one. ";ust to do all the j
odd 'o" .uivr the tplephore and do i
nil the t'llnss no one else wants to do. ,
Aren't vou uist dlnu to apply'-' i
r,fcPnot for mi '" was fie rpspinne. ' t
guess I have a dandy job alreadv, thanks.
Bes'do the sound of it ain't got d
Thii was my chanc. I screwed up
coura". and I poke.
Would I be gon.1 enouah for this par
tiiu'ir post of whUh vou prak'" I
nuertel "1 have had no
s XL . j TtsR f i. sr SfyaL? - J
l Vv:,5t',va?teK3aK'.?'SK-
l ti ywAfe.v.,i,'KKaf.iK3GS
War's Ravages Destroy.
Gallic Flavor of Restau
rant Bill of Fare All
Foods Americanized.
. 7
' svotUTiosi or a'iis menu
I'tfore the wrr Xov.
mltris de t.vnnlmven . .. Oyster1'
i iilsih a In Husse S-'ouii
Itustl'npuvrp . Olives
rcirnpln f -t'lsh
i rmistmles do Ihjiiuiics do tn'ie
ifrrites en blanches Vspar.-Kii'
urirds Hotls I'u-k
i is! rtimUKo flee
l.ul" cle lOlnl feleiy rolnd
il.i.e .MlisKrt In cleiim
loiniaiitH fakes
.ife Xolr foffoo
Constantly She Craves Word
of Appreciation Which
Husband Denies Her.
Recreation a Positive Need
Domestic Fabric Utilized by
IVIodistes in Absence of
Foreign Material Redin
gote High in Favor.
Whin i woman nnte bm'ins to garden
-he l lost' 1'i'liipi it is tlu curiosity
it i v.hiih t-hi N Mippubed to bo en
dowed, and uftrr siie once tarts the
.URt is too mt rute for custom to stale
I tree to wltlni her enthusiasm.
To slip out into the uarden on a winter
u.ornii.K even If the unrden Is the small
,.t of city 1) iclv mis and to j-'Hthir a
i nel'iil of f am i .U Knglish violet foi
the bretikfast tahh , has more t.nilH in it.
. one has watchid and tended the vio
'. ts than -i biiiali tuim the llorist could
;mslbly Cite
Tltey Kiow so nmnjlnsly well unde
Slass and a Jew pliu.ts give hi m!in
H -..r-' that tin v will brim,' muth jo
and virj litt'e hrartachu to the notice
'iiu B ii'opeitn wni hh' caused ninre
uble In Philadelphia hotels than Iho
, i .iite person lalle. In -lililltloii tu
. litis vmirlcn'i i hips, ll lifts worked
i metttmoiphosU in .Mnnrlct'li tiolo'.s and
i liitiiunts, I - al' 1' it tl States loud
.i to rr tint in nculrul
I'roprletois uf lintels and cures hcie
I'dithd It absnliiui n(irnaiy to neutral
Ixc their melius; and one ntttiched lurc
wllh. with Its neutral liiteiprctntlons,
shows ttiiil the -bonlfaccs do not Intend
to take cllttliees. The patron who desires
to know what he's fiettlni; In udvnnco will
breathe j slKh-of relief for the chttiiKC.
He will know, for instance, when he
orders "crotntndes dp pomtnos de teire,"
thnt It's simply creamed potnloes. nntl
that bnrsch a In Itusse is plain, ordinary
! eoup. witn a disli niounu it. riicn, ioo,
he llnds It such a lollcf to know that
"lumiids rolls" Is slmplv toast duck.
1 while hois d'oeutro ate olives.
, The tians'titloii 1 o'tet'i, was not inado
I simply for i on' i 111 nee; It was n mutter
of dlplnm.rry. The lioti I men ttiscoveieu
lliat a patriotic U"im,m uuest inn noi
care to be pi re ttd with n J-'rewhy iiumt
I litttii'd with "lilies" and "alien," not to
mention other complications.
gkiuiax roon mortsun.
Xor did an ardent I'll nchmati cnte to
1 ' ee such nnnounctnn nta ns ftanUfurters
i ' and saueriirnuts or linmbuiBor steak and
ill. rturt.
Tlurefore. the frnnkfuiter dlili has
bpon dlsguind to sausifte and sliriddd
eubbiiK.v tthlle live-, wurst Is announced j
i Amerh nn pudrilnir.
Xouchntel cheese Is concealed, while
uppercase and cnucibelp; Is simply la
in led as blend nnrl cottnira cheese Tic
knuckks and kiaut hnte been Hucceedid
by short polk and cnbbasc.
Even some of the pronounced UtiKlish
dishes In the popular, lestaurants liavu
ht-on chunked. The Yarmouth bloater
and Yoikshlre pnddlni; nre now Blven ns
Not a Scotia hortlnit anl American plum
duff. Kmtlish potato chips and HlmiliiK
ham beer, which ate popular In miiuv
places, are now given ns Saratoga chips
and beei Dalemartin soup la simply
be-in soup.
tustrlan dishes have also been Ameri
can U, d.
"Wi had to take such steps for pence,"
said a local hotel man, "because there
it ire manv complaints fiom our guests of
all nationalities And If there I nnv
place that should be pcaie-ful It's a din
in n-room.
"Many impntlpnt customers nre reudt
to tluht tint how If thev aie not servot
with lltthtniiiK speed, and when their pa
triotism is Jul red by seelrg dishes u'l
riouneed In the laugunse of the enemy. It
l too much. Then, too, they ean order
wore, riuliklf, and It saves time ull
around. We Intend to keep neutrnl food
until the bU tight has been settle-d."
Much coiiltmetsy ttiitt contention circle
ntoiind the old. eternal itilcslion, arc
I wIvpm colisldrrd by thclt littsbantls? 1'iotii
I the dats When Adam delved and Bve llrst
i spun, this tiruhlem, like the poor, Is al-
I wns with tl. The Irritating attitude of
j tho curly Victorian matron of n past
iteinde Is not .let dead tliiforluntilcb I
In ninny ti model n wife Is seen the meek
self-lininol itloti ill her Imib.ind s slillnc
so ltiic(il of ti .lime Austin lietoliic.
In these ciillKhleiici! days, a wife
should surely hnte ti little lolamo for tho
hlghor thlit8, a breiUlilitg space to pittiso
I ninldst soiil-klllng lolltlno of Iho pots and
The 'tliroo-liicul inuhleiii" hcoms to he
n ilioiut one. "I luilu the u-y sight of
rood." cried a distracted, nervous little
wifi. "the cooking tllttl inepiill!l3 or tin oe
inenls it itn.t Jntt liniiutn ni dietiuii!
When John comes In nt night, he slnkri
Into the neatest chair and says, 'Geo,
Maty, I've Just had tbo hardest, busiest
day! You lucky glil, In this quiet haven
all day long, I envy you! I hope to t;ood-
no.i diunci's leiuly?'
"I know John thinks Tie piisspt n
gloilous nrternoon, lIng on the sofa with
the latest novel and a boi: of candy.
It's no ue telling him how hard I'tt
wotked: he only smites. Ho cannot ee
the hundiPil llttte lilllea. big and stnall,
that mtiki my woiltlng day us haul as
Another wlfo now spoke. "In once
si use I do think the luitdest piofesslon
on cnrtl. K th.it of the wife," said she,
"Im that tole includes Just every other
one 1 tntft he tin exi elh nt cook to
ple.i'-e in husband's eplrtitenn taste: a
good die'smaker to make tny chlldtenS
elothes and mine; a llioloilghly uualllied
Kovptness to help my children with their
hover saw It, but I dldl I don't Intend to
neglect him now, of course, but 1 Jo In
tend to give myself a lietlcr opportunity
for cultttie and for giowth, t do believe
that ho will nppioclnte mo more, too. I
worked so hard, und et he ncier seemed
to see thnt I did a thing! So now t'vo
thought things out, made out n llltlo
pleasant scheme to look forward to every
doy, nnd I Intend to rairy It out. 1 think
thein nic such things ns too unselfish
wives, don't you?"
(The Bdllor of the Woman's I'ngo will
he glad to publish letters dcnllng with tho
above topic.)
Thousands Wait Nightly Outside
Pr.lnce to Win Approbation.
roi.ooxu, sept, :s
The enthusiasm of the crowds In Ber
lin over Ui'iinnti successes Is depleted
in a dispatch to the KnlnHche icltttug
from Hetlln. The dlspnteh contains the
Hrsl metitlon of the Ktilseiln's picsetico
In t'cillu since tho beginning of hostili
ties, nnd tells of n touching tieeiif around
the Imperial Palme. The illiatih sats.
"A liit go cloud of people assembled
In fiont of the public nnd with gtent en
thiiFiasii called time mill iiguln lor the
Kuispiln. As stal d in Iho Vosslscho
.clthiig (olllclal oigtili), the latter ap
pealed twice at ii window nnd waved
to ihe clowd, deeplv moved. A man In
tho ctowd made ti shot t address ntnl the
TCalserin waved her thanks to him. Then
she withdrew.
"Hut the crowd continued to wait for
lirr io truppenr until n late hntii. At ll
o'clock It wns setttcidy believed by nny
one Mint the l nisei In would show Iter
ilf ti-aln. Htidilcnly the cut lulu of Iter
window wrs seen to move. The Knlsetlti
iinpeiued a'ld vntPil () th( ciowd. He
lilnd her itood the ('town Pilncess. The
whole scene lasted onlt n tulntite or two
und thin evei.t thing was dark ngaln.
Then a niovetnent was noticed behind tbo
large hnlconv window In tho middle of
the palace. The doors were opened and
the Knlserln and the Crown Princess
stopped out, followed by n man In civilian
"Noticeably deeply moved, the Knlserln
waved her handkerchief The Ciown
Pilnrc". with tin extreme v graceful gcs.
tin e,, asked for silence The crowd sud
denly became iiulet, wheieupoti the man
In clvllliiii nttlre. u brother of Wat Min
ister von I'alkptiliani, made an .lniiotince
inrnt which was Intel pteted bv tile crowd
ns another repot t of a vlctoiy. Then
cspiesslotis or gtent lov burst fotth. such
ns will netd' be fotgottnti. The scene on
the bnlcont was pqiiiillv linpri sivc The
Knlrrvln, In teats, pinbrnccd the Crown
Ptiiu'cis. nnd the tnothei and daughter
klsued each other Aftr r the ('inwii Prln- f
oi"s unci kisi,ii tun ixinspiin iinnn. noin
ueie cotnppllPd to wnte acknowledgment
of the cloud's loiotts cries."
Newest Fling Comes Un
Heraldtd and Society
Must Learn Its Steps All
Ovejr Again.
You who liato feet that will luht surrentl.
tlotmly. " '
You who weigh moro than two hundred snl
Lok on tho cnll of the for trot miplclously
It you'd cfcnpo from a tirrllilo rate.
Trilbies thnt line not a catllko reloilty
SliotiM not essay thl moit modern of Iroli
Training and nerte nnd tlio utniost temerity
Cannot at nil to untangle its knots.
eiiene, of '
coiff but ttl'.l I want to start in right t
turned round, and stared,
The g'.rls
nmnzi d.
"I g less no partlculir -pertence Is
needed, just some common sm-f," said
the cue who had spok, n 'lrst. eveinu m
curlouslv. "1 know want a girl Im- I
mediately, go right up row ard see the
boss "
She hand, il me an office .-ird, ami fT
I set I reached a gi it hUh b i" ' i g
that t-f med to me ti tner risht t t .
lipatvns. a teal skyseriter The 1, i'i-i
shot in,- 'Ike a sneak i ' itifHi 1 I'-.'M'i ng
to the lTth floor. I ente i-d u ' ir- tl
and per ived "the - ' H" wit i wir-
lookln? worried lltle mm nr.d mil i
to pr -dde over a s n f steio"i" I
all girls Ho clu ' d uounri Jup" 'i i
norvo is her) Xi'r ! I '.'e 'nnd t
home, 'thu f.iun 1 tin broml we du '
Iin-' .t mt iiiuld - i i i i i .m h i
"Miss smith. Ml 'nith s'ot ulkln?
ovn tifre and v. ihci i" ,x
work' ' lie ct led
"MI"- Hi own, ni'ir 1 ienl vr i hew. I
lng gmn I'ltht in t i - ill's t 'illntc ;
there und it h n --t ' C I la'. .i -
young I.idies eh w t wis mi i i 1 do
He turned to ie ' re .mi the n-w
girl" Whv, I ,'" ' In , H $"
a ntek to start - n i - .t i Th le
gpe the ti I, ,,hi ' an a ,t " rt
hurried off nsa n
Importer! dns Mini Mil very t.u
! h ,rt ot th" ui al unn.ial mitinti't this
i suuimb, und cvhte(utriii!y ou own c'o-
I in --tic JabiHfc ate- exp:oitil by the moit-
t Ht'i and used to dev!op some of the J
drom st models shown.
in gat 'knl ig
wnrL- ,-ess-im
I s! . "
,,v' ViWiiFADi
A an .xpe-Intent
leeslon". n cleai-lnded business woman
with the acumen of a tt .lined account
ant, to keep my household books and
inn things economically. And In the
etc Minis after (linnet's done, the last
d'sh washed, the lust child put to bed.
1 must lie bright ami witty, smaitly
diessed, must tnlk abo.it men's things,
men's Inten-st". I'd do it all wllllngl?
if I onlv had a wotd of anpreclation from
my husband now nnd thuiu. Uut ho can
not understand why I should feel tired."
nnclt wife shoii'd have a ccitain tlitto
n day, nputt from all her household
duties, for telaxntlon .and for culture's
sike. Most telieloubly site should ailhuru
to this srliente.
win; to havi: play time.
A pretty malt ltd woman has just de
cided on a mild tevolt. For 20 years, she
has been the best of mothers nnd of wltei,
and the tetv hardest wotker In her home
A little while ago. the doctor told her that
lirr nerves tteto ovetstralned tluough the
"thiomenl ptolilom" and her too seden
tnry life. Pho must have mote ftesh air
and mote amusement. The euro hns work
id so t.ill that now she has decided to
make tho new state of things n. perma
nency. "I Intend to make some tlmo for amuse
ment ntnl culture every dat now," said fcho
in n detei mined tone, "for three hours
every afternoon I'm going to pluy.' lp
simmer It will be tennis nnd outdoor
sports for me. and in the winter time I
Kbiill attend matinees and conceits and
lee tin es. and visit my filPiul. In nil i
Hum' .teats, I think tin but pait r.f tin- i
wo netting stile along with the etetnii! '
round of pots nnd pans' -My husband
ritinituie Is so apt to become scratch' d
i and such a state of nffalrs looks sotne-
wint unsightly. A lemcd.t" Is suggestid
Dlsuolvo Rome beeswns In lutnentlne.
making It ns thick as ttcacle, and apply
to the scratched mi face. Afterwnids rub
vcty btlskly with a dry flannel.
I.lfo for tho dancer Is ust one Btep
nftei uuothcr and now It's tho "Pox
You urnn't get away fiom It. No mat
ter how much of a "lion" you may have
been In our own homo town with ihe
tango, no matter bow you may liavo
bowled them over by tho beautiful sci
with 'your exposition of tbo innxixe, no
matter how much ou nitty bavo hesi
tated daiielng aiotind, all mound, vvhllo
pluylng tbo game of love, no matter how
much oti may luivo been thcto and she
in.iv lutve been there when one-stepping
no matter ati of llteso things tr
now ll's the fo ttot.
T'nlnokcd lor and unhcinldcd, fiom
Homers unknown, the bomb, almost tut
de.idl.t as that hut led down by th
mightiest of Kcllepins, hns clashed Into
the midst of n d.itlcylng world, carrjlni;
wholesale destitution In Ub wake to thort
wholrid fiirtlllcd themselves behind tho
veemlng Impregnable dofenscit ot what
was the latest trip In teipslchorcan ttoH.
It strikes tenor to tho souls of tltos
who, by going without liflich for dajj,
yen weeks, has nmnssetl enough to ob
tnln or Minnie Waltz and Ilcnnlo Onc
slpp. "select teachers of the modern
dance," the nssuranco that they wefa
now "equipped to do tho most tllffcult
with the best."
In tenllty the new dance Is the simplest
of them all 11 gets Us Inspiration from
the old, old tttrtel; trot which was dim.
cult and ungtaceful largely because It
was the Hist In a new regime and peo
plo weio not accustomed to the new
Us distinguishing- characteristic is It
high rate of speed. Woe to him ot her
who still feels the necessity of counting
Ills steps or to those whose nvoltdupoiss.
lestilct.s their dancing nt all times to
a Htatcly promenade. For the formula In
plain tvotds is to get on one foot quick
and having got there to get off as swiftly
as possible.
In the light or which cvetybody Is
likely to kick back tho rugs, turn on
the talking machine and go to It Tor
this winter there will not bo any cups;
coming your way unless you rox trot.
Fancy Outdoor
Costumes, Frocks
and Waists.
v. : i
1 229 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pa.
September, 1914 28th 29th -30th
We cordially request your attendance at the
formal showinir of costumes, frocks, fancy
waists and wraps, personally gathered from f.
many parts oi .iMirope, and now on proper
display for easy selection or for suggestions
of the smartest ideas for Fall and Winter
The models are properly adaptable for
American wearing.
can make a Ills'.
Tl o iioi.ulnr.tv of liro.tdiail would "- m i mi, mm mi a trr" -mall scale The;.- ,uu
tu b, i njiar d by the f.'ct tl:u It js a m niaturt hotb. d to be bought ci.-iiplrte
'...tti tvit.i nl.i.pa or a vi-t high gi.'ui' .,, to fiaim and Bias, thut mi isuio
' it ,t iniiki witn i h ffon ifivi t and ji'.u-i, y, ) 1; ,p, h -, an 1 the pil i i -1 ".
i H .itiiibtUty for attini'ion ofeti it ' l d it thi-, ,! i." about 1 irr- noueh
it . lai - ipniur in 'iiullu to th i ii- fc,- halt i do n plums, but tee nuint i
'i. it lls rf the pat in i- ,tI t! , ., on u feinele plant is out of an
t t i.i i . of tone, wnl' , ,t )oitii-n to It siz.
lii- ml ne brown.-. i nt The nuestlon of koW Is not a dltlhult
'd t. ii di.- ntjirc, it 1 p'ir. i ,lH Ju-t orditinif e.uth. pudid and n-
-in,'. 'nii.il with a good f. rtilln-r, suwli as
pldi.t food r bone mial.wlll an-wir vert
If yiiu wish to make starch and let it
s-et cold t foio'vt.iichlnB the clothes, tr-y
this lnithod: After the st.ucli lb made,
a! d sttil hot. sprinkle cold wuter all
I ovei the top as though nu weio spilnk
i Mng clothes, you will find no scum on
top. and can use eV. r.v p.utlcle of it.
Hni should be washed in several ,vat-
i -s bitnie looking it The best wuv to
do thi" 's to put the rb'e In a sieve, and
migi It up -11111 ilewn In a pan of w it r
Wnim ttatir li better than cold
la lien fur
,,t till ii in
im th de
ls tobaci
ti ili.lt i
I't.e af I
' - 41.1 i
-t,l.- J
., ae i .1
-ilin u th
Ihe ' it
It ii t i i
! Sibils ii
! , in c I
In th
Di. i. i
tu th- i
!,p p
- IL t.
tr M I
, li -,ti c
i'l I
', .1 ill
; i n t
wn of the lUUstratlc r,
1 I. a ty and ills' I net ii ".
I 'ii si.-i al ed ntidrtstl l
n 1 a Is ciimuin d with
- I !. tullf.
I u to 'I i rpdln;ote rJB-
" it cfitri ,i iiialtitadi. o
I'm ur man varUtlonn to
n e the rtiettlur skirt ci
- li'-.u i ed in a n"V i w iv
1 f of -at in. Kiom tin
I ie H- i.'e-MSKI I at
l ll -mm muiuUhl - iUl
o s.iti'i and Pioje t
it ,v. -'c. vts from i ut uf a
iu L
Thi. vlo'it plant at jif-t tho right stage
for tt m-i iHt.tlnw to the cold frame, ate
Mil. tiv Hi r!-l at tin- price of U 7", fur
a duai n p! ints,
In Juiiunty. or rtirly February, they
will r in Moom if tiny nt pumtid now.
and .lust now is the time when they
-.r-ouiii bt plant' d.
Then a eharm to town-bied flow
ers, pi -I bit It Is the eli in. nt of tlu un-
Kpiited, umiblmd with the eum-nt of
i .,f th most attinctiv
,-. -bit I'd n It ,.-, ntin
i i , i , the -iliaUht ilin
lusional tiiu
ufnwlidt ffonted
jr. inn tui i i. fttn? k ', ,ij,, i t
I liasteiinl tu I'M- I It j .n-tr.miii'
The neare,t Blr ., 1 -' ., d tl ,r w T,-; f' ', ' , , ,o,r dnJ
and watched 111 t ki ow unit I . j., ., ,,, 'fM 'ji vtr lit-
Ehould do, for I I i' ifvi-r ti nhed a't. i, in to tm silky, lnwu-ecj!-
teltihme brfow- r t thct wild n.ll k-pt 'or. 1 f n t. it m a-mstDined to 1111-
rlnslng on so I Ift-.l th,- m inivnt , I' r thai -am it Is d.d to ft miwh
l,lilv ,.(T lio 11. ,n.l ,.' .r-o.l h ,., ,,ll, I dcrll'l Sr l Of ' r J II, lllllj tt IS Uf.-
plece t nit eat ' 'if inrn- I i 11 n.j plu k d . i i -ti 1 b - tl
sound except fh- w Id ringing t th it I 'ia ' tl.ai -ivn It i
dreadful b, II. Wl.i h ki pt up .,nt .unt'r. n ,faian
lion, uproar. ' ' " l"'
"I'lf eaveii'ii i e inasfr th plmi.e ' tt n i'i
rlalil lan't mu uii ' lionti 1 ihi , '"d tr m
buss-' In nervous wiith "Tlnit nuinl
wild tinging mj. m head ga ruitd '
Tin earpiece U" f '1 to the Ho i wuh
a loud iriih. but li kly njr iii ,. -it
st , id the mail ini-in? or tin- I I I
lost tny luad. pkked up that .,
from the Hour and sluutid down li,
Wi ) U there ,i shout of laua' t. r '
f i, i in i be mrlrf atobiMid furlh.r f,mtiiti t
C8rriponden- of genoral Interest
to women readers will be printed en
ibi t-w Sui-1' corresBOntJence ehould
be adejreeeeti to the Woman's editor.
CveninQ UedB',
w-l o" IT" "Si STZ? O" C"l
Tl o; i K?rt. (cZJf
Minn: pi:kiv in rus
We firi- .icni" tur tlii'-n i'l 1 r.tt 1 ii-lrrv
fed ilu '.t 'hi' 111 -,1 ilin ire xmun In the
f unoi, iniiilirv b.li at Mw lirn Tliuj are
hi .I . im! e ml t ' II n it'll
Frenh 'Hi" d"il Jtilk-fU Jtrtey puqltry.
JumHo siiuabj.
TvV. A .B &r).de,r
mhIW euc-Lua-tiiu
Just 3 Days
After September
30th you viil be
unable to get suits
mnde at these spe
cial prices.
$35 & $40$-$,o.
suit.., in urn- .yi u
i-t Imp irled
fiihrhs, now
iteg. i
I'nll and tiluti-r wind
i'ik. ,luit uliut fii-ihlon
del rees.
1 It. sljle mid work
iimnslllli uuuiaiiliid.
Ladlvs' Tailor
924 Chestnut Street
lil l&tJ lLlSd til c-9
U i,3Jvfl Uniform
y ss: Jl
blur 1, l ing
i in, hc-re, voting lady " sa d "the
boss " I -e you've uevtr touchc-d M
i pho nt f ire Ape you acc-utonp-4 tu
den il wink"'
'nh it a t rang1 nuentlos Q tlmt buU
iicss li1-i.- I tliou.'ht. "I've taughi i
snnda sibooi. If that U wtut you
mean ' said I "The elersBian lined to
i I could teuch th ehlldreii well "
.Vnuthei Khout of laughter greeted lhi
I sutr that I liad blundervd ome again
It was toi nun h I hurrird from the
place and slim k th ir iftue dust fi mi
lift my f . t V tutu ful nfrue and a
liatrlil i d I ii unit in d ang il
'lite it in t ar tin I 'no t i -tru '
mill iiln t-and U - I ii Iiu- I
eni! if humor la a touig world!
I litlv opmerj in frort
' i t . f-u-cd with mx n
Uh tliK fur to match the
oil II' d! ll I ifT-s,,
t-i pram touch i given to the
vitn ii tin pip ng 111 satin It U th
- t .a ii.in t it ti finch have ai
i - i'i to i i r' ttun
hi ti. n in i u. iii! . triliapa, but
n t ii ne1 tianaform
I I . i ' i - i .neit and Ml-
ft,,, ti. iri homiMpun kn4 ot
thing to t i racy of etotlies.
We me in n i n to valu tht tain-"'-m'4
ta . i bov mu b i rfailied by atten
tmli to the tine parllcu ir.
The v i iok' of vginishc-d wall paper
sound a I atictili propos lion, but if a IM.
tu lire t taker tt llt ruHs may bo
easily clUinid. Add wn tblepoo'filU
i f ajiuiiniita to atwuut i lialf paiiful
wat r Wish the pain I V'H tkUh tbU.
u in,; , v, t tl n .1 i I. V, t w thi
Wall d.i.i l l It i i i ' ' t il ' u- i,
n il in i t- i I 'i tan u
I V I ll I I 1 . I ' '1 l '
I i tie - ,. d i.qIiUu! poiiiii lo I ,
wad tv-lir.
A-.-. - -"- " - -"' ' ' - " "3
vintihitN n.riNn
vnh and Market
iimniiiiioi ,t.ry M'ln'iy Wctnenday nod
Fi . ! ' n miin, with luit-i ri bwptra,
A'in.I--."i l'l 88", niU, 89 Mlt.
ini I m E k.ir,Jrul
i:,er, Tutdy und Thurntajl eveiilnc,
null WiR'ti cuteir.
Admission, 35 Cents
A rniirieou btutt cl fowl uKuU'lutti to
li itaraig th- In-iruitKin ami gfael'1-'
Corner 38th and Market Streets
Beginners' an j Dancers' Class
in the Modern Dances
Tuesday & Friday, $1 Per Month
Fotite Assemblies, Mon. and Sat
Wach This Column for the
Opening of Our Branch School,
. 4oth and Market Streets
Two Th.ii'Mni People Wanted
lu TH I' Jill wi I MM. OF 1H:
P A I (. 1 l-AI.I I'fiO
, n'i ' J Market ueeti
Ntdav-d.ij Niht. bei't JOth
The New
The moderate prices give no conception of their
dainty attractiveness.
Night Coiwij. $1. QQ
iniisual iiuality ipatortaU
and nnbroldery
Qonet Coven, 5Qe
I.lnen lace odgrea ur out.
Cuiithric and painauok.
Chemise, Si, 00
Cambric ami muillib
sm, $1M
Wave -tree t mualio, cloublo
front, ecu I loped otllfo.
Ainu cambric, vltt) 4aUe4
emUrciidtiid rvifile.
Mew cligu in Untlenvear of the finer fiaUlie.
New harid'enibioidered Underwear for Trouweaux,
Albutioes, Silk,
Aibatrose, I'lnnncl, Crepe,
en, I
1214-Chestnut Street 1214
French Millinery Opening
For Dress Occasions
Fiom Berloeher, Villet.ircl, Dcvczo, Roger, Suzanne, MauiicCi
Pouyanne, Vimont, Curlier, Virot, etc.
Your inspection requested
Autumn Silks
Yard-wide Satins in Black,
White and all the new btreet
nnd evening shades decreed for
Autumn wear.
Also the new White Glaco
pastel Tints especially adapted
for Han-rim? Fiocks.
Spee-ially priced
1.00, $1.35, $2 yard
Double - width Crepe de
Chine, C'harnieuse, Crepe
1 Meteor and Nuptial Satin,
Value $2.50 yard
$2,00 yard
New Pluid Silks
20 inches wide, reg.
$1.00 yd
Real Laces
For Weddings
Duchess, Duchess Point, Ap
plique, Point Gaze, Point
Venisc, Carrick-ma-eross,
Hruire and Princess, all widths,
moderately priced.
Real Lace Veils
$-15, $50, $55, $70
Gold and Silver Laces.
Real Lierre Laces
Studded with Opalescents.
Soft and Filmy Novelty Laces
in Silk and Cotton. Filet,
Tosea, Craquelle Meshes, all
widths, specially priced.
A Special Net Top Flouiicins.
18 inches wide, regular 75c al
Today, 50c