Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. I NO. 13
Popular Government League
Says$ 1,000,000 Has Been
Raised to Send Him and
Sullivan to Senate.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. Defeat o!
Boles renroso, described as-"Republican
tnachlno boss of I'ennsylvnnlti," and of
Roger Sullivan, "Democratic machine
boss of Illinois," both of whom seek
gfats In the United States Senato, Is
urged in a statement Issued lnut night
by the National Popular Government
league, tho president of which Is Sena
tor Robert L. Owen, of Oklahoma, chair
man of the Banking and Currency Com
mute, and an Administration leader In
tho Senate.
The two men arc designated In tho state
ment as "a menace to popular govern
ment, Stato and national."
The league's manifesto, based upon
representations made to It by dependable
citizens, declares:
"That the success of both Penrose and
Sullivan at the primaries was promoted
by defective machlne-mado primary laws
which deny the secrecy .of tho Australian
ballot, militate against the freedom of
the voters and permit skillful frauds to
be perpetrated.
"That If Senator Norrls' resolution Is
passed by tho Senate and an Investiga
tion of these two primaries takes place,
tho results will shock the nation.
"That an enormous sum of money,
estimated to be $1,000,000, Is ready to be
tpent If necessary to elect them to tho
Senate, where, because of the peculiar
organization of tho Senato, the rule3
nould givo each of them enormous In
fluence. "That both had behind them the sup
port, direct and Indirect, of tho special
interests In these States.
"That they both have been persistent
enemies for years of tho popular gov
ernment system. '
"We shall oppose Penrose and Sullivan
bicause we bellive tho election of these
men, representing as they do In tho pub
lic mind tho most typical and conspicu
ous examples of the sinister partnership
between bipartisan politics and the spo
elal Interests, would provo a most seri
ous national blow to the doctrines of a
government by the people.
"Wo, thercfoic, aro of tho bollof that
the Issue transcends all party lines and
that It is the duty of all good citizens to
disregard party prejudices and to unlto
In opposition to nil tho alliances between
crooked business and crooked politics,
which today threaten the very founda
tions of government by tho people. We
sk the moral and financial support of
friends of progress throughout the nation
that we may bo able successfully to nfd
tho peoplo In their efforts to overthrow
'Sulllvanlsm' In Illinois, 'Penroselsm' In
Pennsylvania and tho Influence of tho
'aatem' at Washington."
Money Is His if He Proves Identity,
Otherwise It Goes to the State.
If the nearest kin of itcnjamln J.
llarker makes himself known he can col
lect J30.
The money is In the custody of John
J. Robinson, who was appointed executor
of the estate by tlio. Common Pleas Court.
The money will revert to the State of
Pennsylvania If no relative of tho dead
man Is found. The executor Is now nd
ertlalng for relatives.
Marker for years was a waiter in tho
restaurant at tho Bourse. Ho served
brokers and ho served them so well tint
fir.iilly ho poscssed enough money jr.
celvrd thiQugh tips to start a restaurant
of his own. Mo opened his business
placo on Fifth street below Arch.
Brokers patronized him, but tho placo
as cramped and only a few persons
could be served at a time. Marker u.is
a. fine fellow, agreed tho brokers, but
his place was a little unhandy to reach,
and then It was a little stuffy, and being
perched on a stool at a lunch bar v. us
not the most comfortable position 111
which to enjoy one's meals,
Marker soul out and wont to a hos
pital to die. Mo died September 7. 1513.
Bo told his friends that ho hail no rela
tives anil did not remember of ever hav
ing any, except a father and mother,
vho were dead. Mo did not caro what
beenmo of his money If he had any left.
After all the bills were paid there was
left about JM to the credit of the namo
of Marker. It Is tho sum Mr. Robinson
will distribute to the Marker heirs If
there are any.
Eight in Circulation Call for Differ
ent Sum on Either Side.
There nrc eight chaifiolcon-IIko bills
drifting about tho country and each culls
upon the Government to pay $20 to the
bearer, that Is, It the owner, will ndd to
gether borh sides of the hills. The secret
service men here uro looking for them
Home one In tho Bureau of Kngiavlng
and Printing beenmo careless or suffered
from brnln fag a few weeks ago. Ho
started to print perfectly good twenty
dollar bills. Ho completed printing one
side of the twontydollar notes correctly,
then he lapsed for ho Inserted for the
obverse sldo of the notes a pluto for
ton-dollar bills.
The first the Government heard of tho
bills which should be In 'a museum In
stead of circulation, was In tho West.
Now treasury agents and secret service
men In Philadelphia aro trying to round
them up.
Reinforcements Move For
ward in Several Directions
in Campaign to Occupy
New Belgian Capitol.
ANTWERP, Sept. 2S.
Tho Germans aro shelling tho outer
fortifications with heavy guns. Already
they aro reported to have caused dam
age to Forts Vaolhcm and Wavro and to
thcchaln of fortifications which connect
them. The forts are responding vigor
ously to tho fire.
Tho guns used aro those with which
tho Germans yesterday bombarded
Mechlin, killing many worshippers as
they left church and setting flro to
mnny buildings, including tho hospital
of tho Little Sisters of the Poor. Fort
Strombaut Is reported to have been
practically destrojd by tho German
So far as tho bomburdment of the de
fenses of Antwerp Is concerned It Is
believed that tho present action is In
tended to keep the Belgian army Insldo
of tho fortifications. Tho ,.,,. ...i
of tho heavy ordinary siege tyno and
not the caterpillar pieces Shat caused
tho losses of Liege and Namur. Ant
werp is quiet and tho General Stoff
shows no concern over tho latest de
velopment. Belgian refugees aro pouring into
Macstrlch. owing to tho burning of
nearby village by tho Germans. Tlioy
say that eight Belgian soldiers succeeded
in cutting the railway, and that a Ger
man tiain In consequence was thrown
!!t0 J?e..Ultc,.V. In revce o Germans
burned tho village.
Unconfirmed reports stato that tho city
of Mons, headquarters of General Boohm.
commander of the German army sent to
. i. ",V" vo" KI,,K' ,s burning- and
that tho railroad bridge on the main line
between Mons and Brussels has been
blown up, cutting railroad communica
tion between tho German forces at Brus
sels and Mons,.
Traveler anlvlng from Ghent predict
heavy fighting there In tho near future,
as the Germans are making every cffoit
to penetrate to Antwerp. They huvo been
repulsed ngaln neur Termumie, In tho
vicinity of which they managed to de
stroy bcveral villages by a withering
schrapncl lire.
It is evidently the Germans Intention
to forc.i their way through to St. Xlcolns,
If pos-slble, ind complete tho ring of In
vestment around Antwerp. Their bom
bardment of tho city must be deferred,
however, till their big guns are brought
near enough to bo effective and tho con
crete emplacements for them have been
Mobile Army of 30,000
Men, Marching Against
Carranze, Occupy Zacate
cas Meeting May Avert
JUAREZ, Sept, 28. Despite the nrange
ments for a pence meeting botwecn Gen
eral Francisco Villa and commissions of
generals fro mhls aimy nnd that of
President Carlnnzn, Villa today continued
his military operations. Nearly all of his
mobile forco of 30,000 men aro now march
ing against tho troops of Carranza. They
have already occupied Zacetns, In tho cen
tral military zone, fronting tho Carranza
mobilization point at Tguas Callentes.
Reports that Vllllstas have occupied San
Luis PotCsl have not been confirmed.
A secret movement of troops Into
Sonora was discovered today when
Villa's personal brigade, commanded by
General Rodriguez, reached tho Sonora
Stuto line to co-operate with the revo
lutionary Governor, Mnytorena, In driv
ing out Carrnnza troops under General
The meeting between commissions of
genoials from the aimles of Villa nnd
Carranza will bo held at Aguas Calien
tes. They will decide whether Carranza
shall resign from the provisional presi
dency, to bo succeeded by Fernando
Faced Charge as Absconding Debtor i
to Extent of 917,510.14.
NEWARK, N. J., Sent. 28.-MrtJor Ro
land D. Crocker, of thft First Regiment,
New Jersey Nntlonal Guard, of Newark,
who Is a lawver, bank director nnd of
ficial In vnrlous Invcstmont ontcrprlFoa,
has not been henid fiom since nn attach
ment was seemed against lilm on Satur-"
day, charging him with being nn abscond
ing debtor to the. extent of $17,513.14 by the
Independent Investment Company, of
which ho was the president.
Mis. Oeorgo AV. Clark, nn aunt of tho
missing man, fears he may have ended
his life.
Mm. Clark also said that her husband,
who Is socretnry-tiensurcr of tho Hall,
Clark Company, leather brokers, haB suf
fered a nervous breakdown and fears the
loss of Investments ho has made In his
nophef's companies.
AT $50,000 BLAZE
Could Not Carry High
Pressure Streams to Burn
ing Plant of E. J. Spangler
& Co. Prediction Upheld.
Igleslus Cnldcron to avert tho threat
ened war.
In a statement Issued last night at Chi
huahua General Villa said:
"I solemnly declare I shall not ac
cept Carranza as President or Vico Presi
dent, nd Interim or constitutional."
WASHINGTON, Sept. JS.-Efforts to
patch up the break between Villa and
Carranza wcro scheduled today at
Zacutccas, according to a message from
Consul Carothers to tho White House
today. It stated that rcprcscnatlves of
both Villa and Carranza would be present.
Action Taken in View of BattleJJn
mlnent at Naco.
DOUGLAS. Ariz., Sept. 2S. Five more
troops of American c.-unlry took up posi
tions along the Mexican lino today to
prevent any violation of United States
territory In the battle now Imminent be
tween Carrnnzlstus nnd A'lllalstas at
Naco, Sonora, The Inhabitants of Naco,
Texas, Just across the line, were up at
dawn and hastened to get positions on a
string of cars In the railroad yards. Thoy
were driven awny by Colonel Gullfoylo's
troopers because they were within rango
of the expected fighting.
Tho Carranzlstus at Naco number
about 1S00 men, while tho approaching
Vlllalstas have 1000.
Carranza Men Paraded 40 Ecclesir
nstes With Ropes About Necks.
NEW YOItK. Sept. 2S.-A numlx-r of
refugees from JIelco were on boaid tho
Ward liner Esperanza when sho arrived
today from Vera Cruz. Mexicans tried
to prevent some of tho fugitives from
leaving the country, but were- unsuccess
ful, owing to the Intervention of United
States troops at Vera Cruz.
A passenger on the Esperanza was the
Rev. Gonzalo Cnrrn&co. who was nt a
college, Just outside of Moxlco City when
General Carranza entered the capital and
took over tho Government The priest
bam mm no anil aoout 40 other priests
were led through the streets of Mexico
City wit hropes tied nround their necks
because they had no money to give to
Carrmi-ia when It was demanded.
Inhabitants Fleing Austrian City to
Escape Plague.
ROME, Sept. is.
Private messages from the Austrian
city of Trieste report that an epidemic of
cholera has broken out tlu-rc, and that
residents of the city are fleeing.
J. V
o "
Carr's Coat Found on Bridge,
But Mrs. Carr Says He
Didn't Have Enough
"Nerve" to End His Life.
For Philadelphia und vicinity Fair
tonight and Tuesday, with frost in
low places tonight; moderate north
t winds.
r dttails, ttetpagt 12,
Whether Marry Carr, 510 North Tenth
street, Camden, Is a suicide or not Is ex
pected to be determined by a crew from
tho pollco boat Reyburn today. The
man's coat was found on tho Market
street bridge over tho Schuylkill River
early today, but his v.lfe, whom it Is
alleged he tried to kill last night, scouts
the suicide theory, saing her husband
did not "have ncrvo enough" to take his
This theory Is also shared by John
Levins, a Camden detective, who said to
day Carr was wanted In Camden for rob.
bory and he was still hunting for him,
despite the fact persons testified to see
ing the man jump from the bridge today.
I.ovlns says he believes tho cout left on
the bridge whs put there for a "bluff."
Carr was out on piobution under a
suspended bcnteuce for pictlous th, ft
uhen a new warrant was sworn out for
bis arrest, charging him with larceny
fiom It M. Mollliigshcad, a soap i. miter
of Camden.
According to the pollco of the 32d street
and Woodland avenue precinct, a small
boy came to them this moinlng, saying
he had seen a man Jump from the Market
street bridge and that his coat was left
on the ledge. The coat was found and
the polico boat Reybuin sent to grapple,
for the supposed body
In the pockets of the coat found on
Market street bridge wus a letter ad
dressed to Marry Carr, 153 Green street,
Philadelphia. Subsequent Investigations
have led the pollco to adopt a theory
that the owner of the coat was the sama
C'urr wanted In Camden for larceny.
Other papers found In the coat Dockets
I strengthened this Idea.
Favors Ship Purchase Bill
That Will Enable Capture
of New Trade Channels in
Every Direction.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. - President
Wilson came out flatly today for a mer
chant marine that would capture new
channels of trado and carry American
commerce to the far ends of the earth.
Me made this clear to callers when he re
Iterated hU determination to have tho ship
purchase bill passed at this session of
Congress. Much opposition to tho' meas
ure has appeared In the Mouse.
Tho President said ho acknon .cU tho
argument of those opposed tu mo bill,
that there were ships HUftlclcnt now under
the American flag to care for the over
seas trade. Me added, however, that he
hoped to see tho United State possess a
fleet of vessels largo enough to ucqulro
now business and tetuln It, This, ho said,
would bo uicompltshed through the me
dium of the legislation now being held up.
Majority Leader Underwood and Chuli
man Alexander, of the Mouse Committee
on Merchant Marino, are to tseo the Presi
dent later in the day. It Is expected
they will report to him on the present
Rotten hose, which burst when attached
to tho hlsh-pressuro flro main, a thing
rredictcd recently by Director of Public
Safety Porter, held up firemen early thio
morning at a $.",0,000 flro In the cnvelopi
and paper plant of E. J. Spangler & Co.,
1237 to 1219 North Howard street. A girl
who discovered the blaze fainted after
rousing neighbors, nnd a policeman,
whose homo Is across, the street from tho
burned building, ran eight blocks In his
bare feet to turn In two alarms.
Tho bursting hose this morning Is tho
second experience of that kind firemen
have had In less than 43 hours. Late
Saturday afternoon threo scparato lines
of hose burst while firemen wore fighting
a big blaze nt tho Rocsch packing plant.
Second and Brown streets, and In ono
instance spectators were drenched.
The fire this morning was discovered a
few minutes after 4 o'clock by Miss Irene
Yale, 1233 Howard street, two doors from
the burning building. She was aroused
by the crackling of flames and. when sho
saw the blaze she screamed "lire" and
then fell back In her room In a faint
Herm other, Mrs. May Yale, aroused
neighbors, Including Policeman Bender, of
tho Front and Master streets station.
Hurrying out to send In an nlarm, Ben
der fell down stairs, but was not hurt.
The bluecoat, !nhls pajamas and without
shoes or stoclflngs, ran two blocks to
Glrard avenue and sent In nn alarm.
When ho returned tho envelope plant was
blazing so fiercely that ho ran back
again and turned In a second alarm.
By tho time policemen and firemen
arrived the three floors of the plant
were ablazo and the flames wero threat
ening adjoining dwellings. Tho family
of James Schrelner, 1235 Howard street,
had persistently refused to heed tho
calls of neighbors to flee to tho street.
Policemen Cooper nnd Casper finally ran
Into the house and carried nut three
children, after which tho parents fol
lowed. Several firemen were partially over
come by the thick smoke, but after being
treated by ambulnnco surgeons from
three hospitals who came to tho scene
they returned to work. No one was In
The hoso that burst had been ran up
a small alley fiom a high-pressure plug
near Howard and Thompson stieets.
Firemen had Been using It to dliect a
strong stream of water on the rear of
the burning building. They hud to turn
oft thn water and run a line of new hose.
This Is tho second time tho Spangler
plant has been burned. Tho first was
about threo years ago and an equal
amount of damage was done at that time.
It was estimated today that the loss
would range from 5o.om to J75.00O. So
far tho origin of the blazo has not been
Firemen learned that the quick spread
of the flames was duo to the fact that
It started somewhere near tho elevntor
shaft. Tills acted as a flue by leading
the Are to the upper floors within a few
minutes after Its start.
Only quick work by the firemen In run
ning new lines of hose Saturday night
prevented the fire nt th- Roesh plant from
spreading through the neighborhood. Re
cently Director Porter declared that ho
would not follow the suggestions of the
National Board of Fire Underwriters to
test all hose, because ho would rather
lose the hoso In servlie than in testa.
Councils will not piovldo for new hose
that Is badly needed. Tho Director ugreeil
with the lire underwriters, who said 40
per cent, of the hoie being used In this
city Is defective. Mo went further nnd
said most of It la rotten. Intimating that
to test it would bo to Invite a ropltctlon
of tho Baltimore, tire in this city.
The Erin Xeaves Sails to Havre With
100 Nurses.
NEW YORK, Sept. ?S.-The steam yacht
Erin, owned by Sir Thomas Upton, an.l
which recently towed tho Shamrock IV
to New York, has been turned ovor to tho
British Government for hospltul purposes
according to a cable message received bi
Thomas Crane, the New Yoik repiesenu-
WHh Sir Thomas and 100 Rr.j Cross
nurses aboard, the Erin sailed i-sterday
from Southampton for Havre.
It la assumed the uurwu ... i.. ..
.,, .vfv.t ,u mum ui m rrraPnt I i ,. ... , . u w yvi-
.. MW Ul
?&&-&& ' y,j. s-i-ss
Fierce fighting today was reaumetl
ulonjr the entire battle lino lti north
ern France, tho sixteenth day of tho
great engagement. French official
statement Ptntes the CSermntis storm
ed tho centre at the point of the bay
onet, but wero repulsed. Tho Ger
mans claim to ho crossing tho Mouse
River in forco near St. Mlhlel, but
the French Wnr OIllcc says St. Mlhlel
still Is hold by tho Fionch troops.
Tho Allies have fulled to penertatc
the German right ut St. Qucntln.
Tho Knlser Is believed personally to
ho directing the offensive movements
of Ills troops.
Antwerp Is being bombarded by tho
Germuns lir'a llcrco assault to crush
tho flanking attacks of King Albert's
army. Two of the forts huvo been
shelled by heavy German artillery.
Tho Germans aro moving reinforce
ments In several directions to aid In
tho siege.
Russians havo seized Uszak and other
passes In the Carpathians, which
control tho entrance Into Hungary.
Possession of these prevent the pass
age of Austrian reinforcements from
tho south In any attempt to proceed
against tho rear of the Russian
troops, now actively moving toward
Cracow. A Russian force has al
ready penetrated to Turnow, on the
north, only CO miles from the main
objective of Cracow. The Przcmysl
gurrlson made an Ineffectual sortie
and In tho repulso was driven back
Into tho forts, tho Russians occupy
ing the town. Heavy bomhaidment
Japanese troops defeated tho Germans
in a 14-hour' battle on the outskirts
of Tslng-Tao, In Klao-Chau, accord
ing to a Toklo official statement. It
Is said the German garrison, with
supplies cut off, is about to surrender.
London War Ofllce announces that tho
Allies continue to hold the advantage
In France, although there has been
no declsivo victory. London hopes
the Ostend report Is truo that Mom
Is burning, as this would Indicate the
Allies have raided German commu
nications far to the north of any point
where fighting has been reported. It
also is reported typhoid has broken
out in tho Invaders' forces and their
horses aro suffering from glanders.
Berlin officially announces that tho
Germans in forco are holding tho
foothold on tho west bank of tho
river near St. Millie!. It is also
stated armies operating from Vu
rennes have forced tho French back
and now hold the main highways
nnd railroads In that vicinity. Tho
Allies havo been unnblo to break
through tho German right wing, it
Is added.
Petrograd AVnr Odlces report success
ful though slow eastward movement
toward Cracow and tho capture of
all the southern passes through tho
Carpathians Into Hungary. In tho
East PrusMa campaign the Wnr Of
fice reports repulse of tho Germans
in frontier skirmishes nnd a Gorman
"plan to mako a stand along tho
Thorn-Kallsz line, which Is heavily
intrenched, to prevent tho ocntem
platetl Russian Invasion of Hlleslu.
Vlonna War Ollloe announces repulso
of Allies' attack on Cnttaro nnd tho
departure of tho fleet engaged In tho
bombardment. Tho Austrian fleet
nnd a largo laud forco havo concen
trated at i'ola on the Adriatic, In an
ticipation of Italy's participation in
tho war.
Servian Government maintains former
claims of victory against Austrittns
on tho Drlna. Tho allied Fervlnn
Montenegrin forco Is reported ns
within 20 miles of Sarajevo, the Hos.
nlan capital. The bombardment of
Belgrade continues, hut tho Aus-
trjans havo made no attempt to re
cross tho Danube Into ServJun terrU
Itnly's early entry into the war is ex.
pected. Tho antl-neutrality faction
grows more powerful and popular
feeling has Influenced some members
of the. Government. Overt nets liy
Turkey, anticipated on account of
tho uctlvlty of Rumania nnd Hul
BurJa, will, It Is believed, change the
neutral uttltudo, otllchilly maintained
by Rome.
Germans Storm Line Between Aisne and
Argonne, But Are Forced Back Paris
Hears Report Confirming Invaders'
Success Aiona Meuse.
Kaiser Personally Directing Campaign, Is
Belief in France Typhoid Epidemic
In Teuton Camps London Hears
Mons is Burning.
-. . . A..,!,. . . . . . . .!.., . A . .
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Chamber of Commerce Members Plan
n Membershlup Campaign,
WILMINGTON. Del.. Sept. 3S.-Tomor-row
tho Wilmington Cliumbur of Com
mereo starts a campaign to Increaso Its
membership from 450 to 1J00. Commlt
tous of business men will cany on the
campaign to piopoilj boat tho citj.
Tho retmt huiiuuuy dinner. wbUh
uroUM'd much cuthusi im, as part vf
tho ucmpalgn to s iuiu members Tho
mercantile section nlono will endeavor to
get WOO member, who wr.i be- asked to
Join for threo ears to f . - .- -tfunds to
carry on the new vrk Tody has
planned. , ,
PARIS, Sept. 28.
The Germans today devoted most of
their activities to an attaclc in forco
along the line between tho Aisno River
nnd the Argonne region. According to
tho afternoon official statement, tele
graphed here from Bordeaux at 2:30
o'clock, thoy have tried desperately to
break through the allied line here, but
havo failed.
In tho effort, it Is stated, the Ger
mans have tried a scries of desperate
bayonet charges to carry the French
trenches, but In every Instance they
have boon repulsed with very heavy
In tho official statement it is de
clared that tho fighting at other points
has been severe, but hus not been
characterized with the ferocity of the
last two days.
Tho general situation, the ofllcial
statement sums up, remains un
changed, without any notable advan
tage to cither side.
Allied armies began tho sixteenth
day of the great battle of tho Aisne
by renewing despcrato efforts to force
a wedge In the German right wing,
while tho Germans continued their ter
rific bombardment of the Meuse fort3.
It Is rumored hero that tho Germans
havo made gains along tho Mouse and
that thoy are now In strong force on
the wcht bank of the river near St.
Millie, Military headquarters, in con
tradiction of tills, says that St. Mlhlel
.still Is held by tho French, but gives
no details.
The right centre Trench armies aro
under constant pressure in tho territory
east of Rhelms where tho crack Gor
man regiments continue to try to break
through tho linos. Woundsd olllcers
who have come back from there declare
tho lighting is like tho pendulum of u
clock, first ono sldi having tho advan
tage and then the other.
Kvcry effort of tho Allies to gain u
foothold either In St. Quentlu or in tho
territory immediately to tho north be
tween the armies of General von Kluk
nnd Yon Hochm has failed. As It Is
considered essential that tho Gertnati
lino bo broken there, additional rein
foreements aro being sent, nnd tho bnt
tlo cc 'Unites without interruption day
nnd night.
Sir John French, tho British flolil
murfahal, commanding tho iJrlilsh
forces. Is calling upon War Secretary
Kitchener for more men. Jf tho Allied
lino could bo reinforced with 100,000
flesh men at this Juncturo it Is be
lieved that tho bmtlo would seo Its
conclusion within IS hours.
That the Kaiser personally is direct
ing tho offensive movements of the
Gorman army in Franco was tho be
Hot expressed today nt the hendunar
tors of General aalllenl, French Mili
tary Governor of Parts. Evidence that
tho Government holds tho samo opinion
Is contained In tho following sontenco
of tho ofilcial statement Issued last
"Theso (German) attacks wcro made
with ft uniformity which denotes In- ho has constructed almost Impregnable
StrUCUOns irnU me whitest, wjuhiuhih
to scelt tho solution of the battle."
lost 200,000 men In killed, wounded and
captured since they invaded France.
The desperate efforts of tho Germans
to smash the allied lino indicates that
thoy are endeavoring to conclude tho
engagement before Kngland can send
another army to reinforce the Allies.
It is reported from tho front that an
epidemic of typhoid fever has broken
out in the German army and that thou
sands of soldiers aro in the army hos
pitals suffering from this disease or
from measles or dysentery. The troops,
worn to the point of exhaustion by tho
continuous fighting and marching, fell
easy victims to disease when subjected
to the inclement weather which has
been prevailing.
The battle continues to rage day and
night. When tho soldiers arc not under
rlflo fire, they aro facing the hail from
machine guns. When they aro not in
machine gun range, they aro under
bombardment from artillery and howit
zers. Some of tho troops havo be under
flro continuously for more than 360
hours, and tho only sleep they have
ULl" uule t get is snatched In the
trenches while artillery is crashing
around them and bullets aro humming
Both sides havo all their forces en
gaged. The only means of strengthen
ing weak points on tho battlo lino is by
moving troops from some other point
of the front.
It ieems inevitable one or the other
of the armies must break under the
terrific strain. This week, tho third
of tho fighting, surely will see the tide
of victory swing to one side or the
At the eastern end of tho battle front,
where, it is generally helieved, the Ger
mans havo managed to secttro a foot
hold on tho v,cst side of tho Meuse.
fcouth of Verdun, tho Invaders are
struggling most vigorously to swing
their lino to tho northwest nnd thus
form a complete circle of steel around
Verdun unci its forts. ,
Still farther to the nest along the
Aisno and up the OJse, thero is con
stant fighting. The bloodiest struggle,
however, is taking placo in the trlanglo
formed by tho towns of Ribecottrt,
Hupaumo and Hirson.
Wounded soldiers from tho front de
clare that tho people at largo can have
no conception of tho tremendous nature
of the wnr operations. The meagro of
ficial bulletins convoy only n feeble Idea
of the vastness and vlolenco of the
Tho strain of this modern fighting i
something never known before, and
this conflict probably will go cloivi
in hibtory as tho longest battle kno
to mankind.
At every point where the hostile lines
aro within seven miles of each other,
the troops are under continual fire.
Somo times troops lie in their wet, cold
muddy tronches for days under flro
from nn enomy that cannot be ei-n.
The enemy's right wing is not only
strongly Jntrojiched, It is stated, but
Thus It would seemj for tho time
being, the German Emperor has as
sumed the task of his Gonoral Staff.
That tho losses are growing heavier,
due to tho increased ferocity of tho ut
tni'ksi Is shown by the greater numbers
of wounded that aro being brought
from tho buttle ground. Especially
heavy aro tho losses on the Olse,
Atsno and Somme Rivers, wher the
French are trlng to encircle General
von Kluk"s ui my und me met ting vwih
violent counter attacks.
It is impossible to estimate the stag
gering loss of life that has resulted in
tho present cmf'trr, but it Is unoiii
dally estimated that the Germans havo
barricades of barbed wire, saplings and
iron bars intertwined with the trees
growing in the road and at the sides
of tho fields. Thoso aro all commanded
not only by field artillery, but by rapid
flro jjuns and can bo attacked by the
Allies under cover of darkness only.
The international public has an ini
porfact idea, of the colossal nature of
the operations, The vast number of
men engaged, tho tremendous area of
the operations, the fierceness of the
attacks and counter attacks, the ter
rific bombardments und the reckless
d.th and bra. very urt not realized, till
txlMUbtton uf tho trwpa, the suffering
fri-m wet, cold weather and lark at
j.rwsKns aro not fully appreciated.
This .jreatesUWtte la th world'