WJiPMflPPW wl VI ! ffl 'tf 1 ' L I 'WWiipPIWIi WmmUMIf 1 'ii HI HJtWpH EVENING LEDGEB-PHirAPEI.PHTA, S'ATURPATr SEPTEMBER jffi-191: 14w - BVBNiyg LEDGER-PHILIP EkPHI J 1914 FOOTBALL SEASON USHERED IN WITH SPLENDID PROGRAM FOR OPENING DAY FRESHIES AT PENN HAVE BIG TIME IN MORNING CONTEST First Freshman Eleven After Lots of Struggling, Man ages to Score a Lone Touchdown. The Pennsylvania-Gettysburg football game this afternoon at Franklin Field was not only the only local gridiron frame of today. This morning tlus freshmen first and second teams held a battle royal. After half an hour of hard fighting Ross, halfback on the first freshmen team, was lushed through tackle for the only touchdown. This v.ts made possible when New berry, full back en the first freshmen team, made run of 40 yards. Peoples, guard on the first Freshmen team, showed Up well. Time and again Tcoplcs would hurtle through, breaking plays and smashing Interference. Freshmen Coach Lou Young tutored the. first freshmen tenm and Jack Keough the second team Voting Is fast whipping the under fre-shmen In shape for the hard struggle next Saturday against Exeter, at that place I3ete has the reputation of being the best jirldlron prepaiatory school In New Hampshire. John Diggln. quarterback on the Tacoma High School team, reported this morning for the freshmen football team. Dlggln weighs 155 pounds and Is excep tionally fast on his Ceet. Should he be i nble to tepcat his performance in tne East, he will become a valuable acquisition. Albert Crane, holder of the world's in terscholastic high jump record, will re port for the freshmen football team Monday. Crane comes from the same school as Dlggln. A physical examination of all freshmen football candidates lias neon announced for Monday. TOffiLY SPOKT SKETCHES AS THEY APPEALED TO THE CARTOONIST LOOKS LIKE VT MIGHT rati A WRESTLER WITH OWE. OF "THOSE PORTABLE VEST POCKET sijigfaxm . &'4X'JIK$2lV6 OF. mirffw fcftTii y-oO BEAT """ THAT? HEY'-" COME BACK HERE VWTH THAT BAUU-THr PLAYS l,L OVERJU TUE.ONliW THING . STOP HIM S -ruts. FENCEl aztf&M&i VXHATVS THE. IDEA OR THOSE NEW PILLOW THINGS 0 .SAFETY FlF2ST MRS. E. H. FITLER OVERCOMES BIG LEAD KM WINS Captures Berthellyn Cup From Mrs. Caleb Fox Af ter Being 3 Down at Turn. Final Score 2 Up and 1 to Play. NOBLE. Pa.. Sept. 16. Mrs Edw.n It. Fltler, Merlon Cricket Club, today won the Berthelln Cup in the annual Invita tion tournament at the Huntingdon Val ley Country Club, Noble, defeating in the final round Mrs. Caleb F. Fox, Hunting don Valley Country Club, 2 up and 1 to play. In order to win this coveted trophy, Mrs. Kltlcr had to beat three of the best women golfers in this section. In the second round sho defeated Mrs. K. II. Barlow, the Philadelphia champion, 1 up, anil In the semifinal yesterday Mrs. Fltler won from Mrs. C. II. Vanderbeck. Philadelphia Cricket Club, who was run ner up to Mrs. Barlow In the city cham pionship. In today's match Mrs. Fox was 3 up at the turn, and her lend was principally due to Mrs. Fitter's poor putting Going to the sixteenth, the match was even Mrs. Fltler exercised tine judgment in playing this- hole, fur 'instead of trvlng to carry tne mounds half way down sho was content to play short, and set well over with her third. She won the hole, and also the seventeenth, after Mrs. Fox played her third into the pit in front of the green. The cards: Mn. Fltler out t 5 7 n ,1 5 5 .1 0 II Mrs. Vox. out 4 -I a A .1 I T A I 1-1 Mrs. Fltler In... 3 S S .1 0 T S Mrs. Fox, in S 7 S 5 S 0 The Noble Cup for the ecnd sixteen was won by MIT's H. Ethel Moule, of Merlon. Miss Maule's opponent in the final round wui. Mrs. V. W. Justice. Philadelphia Cricket Club, at d the result was 2 up and 1 to play. Mrs G. II. Stetson. H-t par golfer from Huntingdon V&lUv. defeated Mrs. F. W. Morris. Huntingdon Valley, in the final of the third sixteen, S up and 8 to play. MUs Mlld-ed c3verl Philadelphia Cricket Club. defeated Mtos Edith Ster ling, the golden-haired youns ladv from Atlanta. In the final round of the ilrst defeated eight 1 up and I to play summaries. Bt.RTlgMYX ''PP. Mrs. K. II Htlr. Merlon, lftril Mr f! T. Fo. Ilumlns'ln Valley. S UP anil J je. play. SnrONI 1.TKKS FIVM. BOf.N'li Miss H ntl. Maule iirio,i defeated Mrs TV. V Justi' Philadelphia i ink' i 'ul-, S up and I in pUy ADIM riT TJIini MXTKHN FIVl. KOI'S'li Mrs CI H utets n Hum Ins Ion Vallev !e. fented Mrs V W Alurils Huntingdon Val!, C u;i (jrwJ a v !"' FIRST IJKPEATKU FIOHT FINAL H"l .U. Mls Mildred '4rl. t'hil.i.1. I.hl i rn-liet "luh lirfralMi Mini Kdiih tn-irm, aiijiiIj, 8 up and l tu play u ii ' Mqnday's Havre d Grace Entries First W'. purse Moo 3- ar--l . in ui . iiiaMrnx, ellins 5' rurlongi-Bill u ImI.i KiT: Froniiei U1 ' arammw I'll ildrgr r MV(C. 1'iT. Tl I'Jrsuo luT .tu in. lu. slat fin 107. l.4-llor, 101. I.4SU1I. tfl't. ''4li-. 107. Vellchsn. t'7. decosd raoe. i.ur , ::-v4r-u, dn.1 up. maWcns setUni. 3'. (url. ii 'Uj,lln i .. JOS. tjoiaier WT, K n WU lf. '4.f1 utor, 107 SiuiHy K'J lk 14 lI Pr4lrt. 107: yukU. Start. l. ''..14H. l7. ';in'.i. 107. Uartu Knight. Wl Ttilnl rai. pur ' -4i-lli Alii aud jsNtnsf, wllins. fu-lnz t'nltv Ink FJUbri4fry. JDS lir, lUi Uv luy, (ui Encore. 1 El4tifi'. )' Mlw Hno. Ins. ilullo K Wi. rtu. . M-ll.l ! Aim kill in I'mlitn. I"" VuluP4 !. J H lUnoli. Iflft. UdU V. lOS. Kutllus towik. IJeil. O.: JlalUrrt. UV5 rout'h ra.f. Hurt 5SiJ, all 4gei. hsnduiu. urtoa Wmklns l.4.d. H. A4t3d. Wj. "ltMier Prnne in t'omniuite BUu, JOB .j-.-IuM l M4fJ rl V., US. Ju-tje Wrtgti. HA. Iilf4. MM. s4n B-. Hi. Harirj iJtww. til Fatboiu. MS tlwiioo &l. lf-i. lioublis VssU. K- Flttk r4n- pursii iStti. 1-ivar-oM aivj nn. nilla au4 7(1 jr'i I'ar-ol' lU'H lUi Aaa-e, 10S. l.rwln. V". Asaivr U K lrt iHner, 1. vgullla at jlr rvarah M1- siuoto. IPS- Hlh Mark. HO. Hau l'er IKi. U4rry lA'JJr. loji :t He. w ,if u.; .-, 4r4.ui.- 8 Vukv u' ll l'1 l'i" iHitn'iir !' 4Hu4S r 1iJ"' " f"'ii u-i lu i;.,ln Cut1 llfi 'Sctruiket l sim ra 11 "' !" i v4r ill r a i 1 .,11.; '; " . '"J : Hr, i! I -.t l"l Tn ml 'n H'1.1: ') H'i 0l la 1 1:- i- 101. it 11 Siva, Fl 'r 't 'he S-a li 1 APe" olUwanc tjliced. CltJJ. flit. T 1 rTrSSSSSSfeCi. S. . . 1!L ,rti52?S5s?$X52S-iO' MnJT 0 $S ,? mam&im imrm m ,.. -- 4. - -'f nniiM-cf--fcc4i,hM --a r 1 ' I'l 1 ntft fswn a i i n i xy i IV- 1 lVL' fVIf I I MA.' I t '-V- I h! T'l Hv. l.TW k 111 J f f I J sail . r 1 js-k n. ati a 1 1 v rA x'TMKKi aul-footra. ' ff A ViiT m&dVto flPlt. 'Ml: mn fi&W ' . t .sdr-wr 3 w3If fcT &,;4 M If 4 ' I ' H3WAR0 8ERRY SPMAMS ,N MMt. i h WaA IS IN PEON'S TOWNNETEEK. yVyWm llA o,k.- l VWIXH THAT CAP AND fjmMWMl 5A 1 P v STR.1NG-! f BATH ROBE ! 7 WMKk M I Hwra RICHT-CROWD I' AMONG" TH6.VRg.VAUS 5' ' " f XyF" ALMOST OUTH! 1 NEW YORK GOLFERS WIN FOURSOMES IN LESLEY CUP TESTS Massachusetts Representa tives Are Defeated in Finals Today, 3 Matches to 2, at Short Hills. SHORT HIl.I.S, X. .1., Pept W -Metropolitan took the lead In the foursomes over Massachusetts by three matches to two In the final contest for the Lesley Cup over the links of the Haltusrol Colt Club today. In a way the Bay State golfers were bettor pleated In that their two leading palls won over their oppo nents. Francis Oulmet, the national amateur champion, bore the brunt of the contest, for hi partner, F. H. Hoyt. was awfully weak at times. Ouimet's good gulf, lion ever, was largely responsible for the defeat of Oswald Klrby, the Metro politan champion, and Fred Herrcshoff by - and 1, John G. Anderson and Samuel K Sterne won oer Jerome D. Trnvers and Gilnian P Tiffany In a match that went to the home hole. The Metropolitan pair was two dosvn by the time the third was reached, but through fighting hard they leveled the match at the turn. From there on It was a ee-uw affair with the Hostonians winning the seventeenth and halving the eighteenth for the match. Max R. Mnrston and Gardiner W. White won on the home gieen from Ray R. Gor ton and V. C. Chick They were all even tn the turn with many halved holes, and the Metropolitan pair, through good golf, won two out of the next foui holes. This margin was reduced by one when the seventeenth was reached, and half at the eighteenth left Marston and White win ners by 1 up. Marston hd to negotiate half a stymie to get a five Rny D. Webb and August F. Knmmer had an easy time with H. Wilder and I'erclval Gilbert, taking an early lead and being 4 up at the turn. The winners had a margin of 6 up and 4 to play. Archie M. Reld and FIndlay S. Douslas were also easj winners by 3 up and 2 to play. .Matc-h tla summary Oulmet unl Hnyt heat Kirktiy and llfrres l.off. .' up an1 1 to pUy. AniWmn an.! Mrne bfat Traverj and Tlf fnn 1 up. Marston and White heat Gorton an! Chick. 1 up. Webb and Rammer twat Wilier and Gilbert. 5 up ani 4 to play. Hclii and Douglas heat Tesbur and Law n nre, 3 up and '- to play. The sumriary METRnPOI.lTAXF. oswall Klrlihy anil Fred lirrrcshoff 0 .T n Trovers and O. P. Tiffany 0 Max rt. M4rstnn and O W White.. 1 ftov Webb and A. F Hammer 1 A. M Reld and Paul r. P. Douglas t TotUs , .". Mriii-iirrT?. Frani es i"nilmei Tml V. li. Hnyt I J. O, Andtrsnn and P K Sterne 1 Roy Gorton and W r, rhiilc 0 H. II. Wilder mil Peri-hill Gllhsri o Paul Tcwkosbuiy and Vln' ent Jjivronee.. . 0 Total! . RACING AT TRENTON Annual Pair at New Jersey's Capital Begins on Monday. ,NT.W YORK Sept. 26-Kntiy blanks for the running races .it the oming In terktatr Fair to be held at Trenton. .V. J, befchmlner Monday and ending with tin pro.'ram of October 1. were dis tiibuted anvng the horsemen ut Km pire iitv track jesterday. Thrre races will be given a day, covering a perlml uf foui das- The pursts are to lu ! a rate and no entrance fee will Ue ilmrcd. The rules of the Jo 'key Club ii'l soyarn tho running of all races Horace P. Murph, the racing secrc tar. is in chaise at this fair, and he txpeets hiah-i'Iass ra.lns and interest iim contest-. H. P. Colliding, who is clerk of the ialg, said yesterday that mgnv of the hoi mi n now racing at the 1: npire fitj tr.-u lud annciqneed their ititfrtlm of shipptns to Tr ntnn Arning' ment- are r uelng maJe to aciommodat. tin UrKi nriwd thrft is rx. pitted ti attftnl :mial tr.iitis and trolleys will added tu the regular service PHILLIES WIN BOTH GAMES CAREY GETS AN EVEN BREAK Substitute for Yolle Holds Freddy Kelly to Draw. Kil Velio, of llnsiun, refused to meet Freddy Kelly, of this city, in the vWml-up at th Hvningtim .. c. iat night, when the Utter imaid the -.tales at JU pounds insteao f !''. at which tlie match was made. An effort was made to have Tom my Carey meet It-He. but t'arey ,vas also (ou heuv tn meet the fioston buy, and oas pitted against Kelly. They boxed sis uninteresting round with honors about even ( the er.d. Frertdy Uration of Manayunk. awj Jark Farrell, of the ITth Ward, put up the best bout uf '" msht K.tUi kiored iw 1. knork down. aim at the end at a fierce tontest. neither could c'aini the honois, ulthough Fjriell mhsi tntd at the Hnlsh and wab holding on. In the preliminaries, Mlko Daly had the tatter of Eddie Cavanaugh, Juhnny McKee was tested by Harney Mo Farland and Ton.my f)lxon had the worst ot six tuuuds with Kid West Grays Win International Flag1 I'Ru IhK.N'i'K. It 1 Sent ju-Provl-dtiiie. bv d fir.,ting batu.nui catrrd.t. apt iti the luleri.jll ip.i L. uguc pen ti . t Tne .-.easun d-jes not ena until Sun day but Providence will play its last game 1 today, Continued from Tage 1 tiled to Daniels Cravath popped to Kellogg. No runs, one hit, no errors. SECOND INNING. Nlehoff singled to left. Miller popped to I re Ian. Nlehoff took second as Byrne threw out Gonzales. Kellogg fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. Heckor fanned. Luderus filed to Miller. Irelan struck out. No runs, no hits, no errors. THIRD INNING. Graham singled through the box. The ball bounded to Byrne, who made a wild heave past first, Graham tnklng second. Lear. Daniels and W. Klllefer fanned In succession. No runs, one hit, one error. Lear threw out B. Klllefer. Nlehoff threw Alexander out. Reed hit In front of the plate and was out. Gonzales to Gra ham. No runs, no hits, no errors. FOCRTH INNING. Reed threw out Uroh. Nlehoff singled to cemre. Miller also singled to centre, Nlehoff going to third. On Gonzales' grounder Nlehotf was run down between third and the plate, Alexander to n. Klllefer to Byrne to Alexander. In the meanwhile Miller wnt to third and Oon-' zales went to second. Kellog struck out. No runs, two hits, no errors. Lyrno walked. Groh booted Magee's grounder so far that Byrne made third bate and Mngee second. Cravath made his eighteenth home run of the season when he drove the ball over In the left Held b'eachers, storing Byrne and Magee ahead of him. Becker beat out a bunt down the third-base line. I.uderus sin gled to efntre, Becker taking third. On the throw-In Luderus went to second. Irelan fouled to Gonzales. B. Klllefer lined to Nlehoff. who stopped on third, doubling Decker. Three runs, three hits, one error. FIFTH INNING. Alexander threw Graham out. !ar fanned. D.inlels popped to Klllefer. No runs, no hits, no errors. Alexander singled to left. Reed sacri ficed. Lear to Graham Byrne's fly diopped safely tn the diamond, while the Cincinnati players gathered around it. Magee's drive bounded Into the left field bloachers for a home run, Alexander and Iij mo scoring also. Cravath tiled to F'anlols. Becker lined to Miller. Three runs, three hits, no errors. SIXTH INNING. Hrne throw out V. Klllefei. Groh filed to Becker. Nlehoff was safe on Bjrne's low throw. Fittrrj running for Nlehoff. Miller out. Alexander to Lu derus. No runs, no hits. Flttery playing centre field and V. Klllefer third base and Glockson catcli iig for fin -inn.tti. Luderus singled tu light 1 1 elan hit into a double play, Groh to ilrnhani B. Klllefer singled to centre Alrxardrr H'ed to Fittcry. No runs, one hit, nn i-irors. SKVKNTH INNING. (ilockson and h'elloic fanned. Graham popped to Irelan. No runs, no hits, no errors. Reed singled to left and took second on a passed ball. Byrne filed to Glock ion. Heed stole third. Jlagee walked. On the attempted double steal Reed was cut down at the plate, Glockson to Kel log to (ilockson. Magre taking second Mateo stole third. On the attempted steal home Mngee was out. I.ear to (ilockson No runs, one hit. no errors. EIGHTH INNING Irfar smg'eij to left. Ii.iniels singled to ught. Lear stopping nt second V Kllle fer doubled to left, scoring Lear, and Daniels taking third Uroh singled to centre, scoring Daniels and W. Klllefer. Fitter' was safe and Groh took second when Lud'rus let th' former's grounder go hj Miller filed to Magce. Glockson walked, tilling the bases Berghammer batting for Kellog Berghammer forced Glockson. Groh scoring, and Flttery stop ping at third Aiexandei threw out Gra ham Foui runs Four hits One error. Berghammer now plailng second. Becker beat out a hit to W. Killefer and went to third on the latter's wild throw. Becker scored as Berghammer threw out Luderus. Irelan fouled to W. Killefer. B. Killefer tripled to centre. Alexander was thrown out by Berghammer. One run. 2 hits, 1 error. NINTH INNING Lears grounder bounded from Reed to Irelan and the latter threw him out at first Djniels popped to Alexander W. Killefer flltd to Becker No runs, no hits, no errors. FIRST GAME OF A DOUBLE TREAT IS WON BY PHILLIES By a Sensational Ninth In ning Rally the Dooin Club men Nose Out the Visitors, 10 to 9. FIRST GAME. PHILLIES. v AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Byrne. 3b 4 1112 1 Reed, ss 4 0 12 6 0 Magce, If 5 2 2 10 0 Cravath, rf 4 2 110 0 Becker, cf 5 0 2 10 1 Ioiderus. lb 5 2 1 14 1 0 Ifelan, 2b 5 12 2 4 0 Burns, c 5 0 3 5 13 Tlncup, p 10 0 0 10 Oeschger, p 10 0 0 10 Mattlson. p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Klllefer.f. 10 0 0 0 0 Totals 40 S 13 27 16 4 CINCINNATI. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Daniels, If 5 0 14 0 0 Kllleter. cf 4 2 3 4 0 1 Groh. 2b 3 4 12 3 1 Nlehoff, 3b 414 0 2 1 Miller, rf 5 0 2 10 0 Gonzales, c 4 0 1 3 0 1 Berghammer, ss. .. 4 1 1 2 3 1 Graham, lb 4 1 2 9 0 0 Ames, p 4 0 0 0 3 0 Schneider, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 37 9 IS 25 U 5 FIRST INNING. Daniels out, Irelan to Luderus. Klllifer was thrown out by Reed. Groh was safe on Bryne's wild throw. Nlehoff singled to centre. Groh stopping at second. Mil ler doubled to right, scoring Groh and Nlehoff. Gonzales filed to Cravath. Two runs, 2 hits, 1 error. Reed walked. Byrne hit Into a double play, Gtoh to Bergerhammer to Graham. Magee tripled against the right field wall Cravath drove a home run Into Broad street, Magee scoring also. Becker (lied to Klllefer. Two runs, two hits, no errors. SECOND- INNING. Berghammer beat out a hit tu Irelan and took second when Graham rolled out to Luderus. Ames was thrown out by Irelan, Berghammer taking third. Dan iels singled to centre, scoring Bergham mer, and took second when Becker fum bled the ball. Klllefer beat out a slow one to Reed, but Daniels was retired at the plate, Reed to Luderus to Burns. One run. three hits, one error. Berghammer threw out Luderus. Ames threw Irelan out. Burt' hit bounded off (roll's ihanks. Tlnuip forced Burns, Groh t-i Berghammer. No runs, one hit, no errors. THIRD INNING. Groh singled to right. Niehoff sac rificed, Tlncup to Luderus. Miller sin gled to left. Groh taking third. Gonzales singled to tentre, scoring Groh. Miller stopping at ecnnd Berghammer hit Into a double play, Reed to Luderus. On.- run, three hits, no errors Ames threw out Reed. Byrne walked. Magee singled to right, Byrne stopping at second. Cravath "bunted In front of the plate and Gonzales threw to third to force Byrne, but Nlehoff dropped the peg. TVervhodv safe and bases full. Decker ' singled to right, scoring Byrne and .Ma. 1 gee, Cravath stopped at second. Luderus i fouled to Gonzales. Irelan filed to Miller. Two runs, two hits, one error. FOURTH INNING. I Graham singled to right. Amrs fanned. Daniels was called out on strikes Kll lefer singled to left. Graham stopping at second. Groh walked, tilling the bases. Nieholf doubled against the right field wall, scoring Graham, Klllefer and Groh. Retd threw out Millar. Three runs. 3 hits, no errors. Ames threw out Irelan. Ames threw out Burns. Tlncup was safe when Groh fumbled his grounder. Reed fanned. Byrne lined to Daniels. No runs, no hits, one error FIFTH INNING, Oeschger relieved Tlncup. Byrne threw Lout Gonzales. Berhamjner filed .to. Becker, Reed threw out Graham. runs, no hits, no errors. Magee flltd to Daniels. .Cravath was hit by a pitched ball. Klllefer diopped Becker's high fly, Cravath taking second. Luderus was called out on strikes. Irelan lined to Groh. No runs, no hits, one error, SIXTH INNING. Burns missed 0 third strike on Ames but threw him out at ilrst. Oeschger threw out Daniels. Klllefer walked. Kll lefer stole second. As Groh walked Kll lefer stole third and continued to the plate, scoring when Burns made a wild throw to third, Groh tnklng second. Nie hoff singled to right, scoring Groh. Miller fouled to Byrne. Two runs, one hit, one error. Gerghammer threw out Burns. Oesch ger filed to Klllefer. Reed popped to Groh. No runs, no hits, no errors. SEVENTH INNING. Reed threw out Gonzales. Bergham mer lined to Reed. Graham singled to right. Ames was called out on strikes. No runs, one hit, no errors. Byrne, was thrown out by Nlehoff. Magee Hied to Daniels. Gtoh threw out Cravath, No runs, no hits, no errors. EIGHTH INNING. Daniels fanned. Klllefer singled to centre. Groh lined to Irelan, who threw to first, doubling Killefer. No runs, one hit, no errors. Nlehoff threw out Becker. Luderus doubled to centre. Irelan beat out a hit to Berghammer, Luderus taking third. Burns singled to left, scoring Ludorus, Irelan stopping at second. B. Killofer bat ted for Oeschger and filed to Daniels. Reed singled through Graham, filling the bases. Byrne beat out a hit to Berg hammer, Irelan scoring. Magce Hied to Daniels. Two runs, live hits, no errors. NINTH INNING. Mattlson went In for Phillies. Nlehoff drove a single through Luderus. Miller filed to Magee. Gonzales hit Into a dou ble play, Byrne to Irelan to Luderus. No runs, one hit, no errors. Cravath was i'afe on Berghammer's low throw. Uecker singled to centre, Cra vath stopped at second. Luderus filed to to Klllefer, Cravath taking thlid. Ire lan doubled to centre, scoring Cravath, Becker taking thltd. Schneider relieved Ames. Lobert running for Irelan. Burns doubled to light, scoring Luderus and Lo bert. Dooin bitted for Mattlson Gon zales dropped Dooln's foul. Hilly running for Bums DiMilu 'liighd to left, ncorlng Hilly. Four ri. ' '- 'wuenois. MISS CRESSWELL NEW DISTRICT TITLE HOLDER Beats Mrs. Potter Two Out of Three Sets in Final for Local Singles Champion ship Scores 6-4, 2-6, 6-4. HAVERFORD. Pa., Sept. 1.6 -In the final round of the mixed doubles of the Women's Philadelphia and District Chumiuun Tenuis Tournament, now bilng htld on the courts of the Merlon Cil ket Club, nt Havcrfoid, Miss Dorothy Dlsston and Mr Richard Harte were scheduled to meet Miss Agues Kennedy and her brother, Kenneth Kennedy. When play Marled at about 2.15 p. m. the wind was very high, and although the courts were protected by the club house, the gale worried the players verj much at times. Miss DUstuu and Harte started off In w Mil wind style and reeled off four games In the first set before the Merlon entrants could capture one Miss Kennedy and K. Kennedy took the next game, but it was a belated rail) and Miss Disston aid Dick Harte captured the next two games and set at 6-1. Miss Disston and Mr Haiti- started the second set with a rush, taking the tlrkt three games, -,Ml33 Kennedy and her brother were quite wild by this time, many of their strokes landing bcond the base line When games were three love the Marlon entries roped a game, making the score three to one, Miss Disston and Mr. Harte leading. Here Miss Disston and Harte ran out the next three games ,wlanlus same, eel and match at six one. P EN N -GETTYSBURG FOOTBALL GAME Continued from Vast 1 pass was tried, with Murdock on the re ceiving end, but McKee batted the ball down for Gettysburg. Here Matthews replaced MofTItt In the Pennsylvania back field and Marks took McCullough's place on the Gettysburg team. With 16 yards to go on the fourth down. Carter tried a place kick; but his kick was poor. Swope caught the ball and raced bock to his 35-yard line. In two runs directed nt the Pennsylvania flanks Swope couldn't gain an Inch, but on the next play he got around end for 5 yards. He kicked to Irwin, who fumbled on the Qunkers' 23-yard line. Matthews, on the next play, shot ahead for 4 yards. Here Ballou took Irwin's place at quarterback. Matthews took the ball again, and this time went ahead for 4 yards. Jones was thrown a yard short of a ilrst down, but Matthews made It a first down with 3 yards through the line. Here the first half ended, with the ball at mldfleld. Score: Pennsylvania, 7; Gettysburg, 0. Carter kicked off and It was Gettys burg's hall on their lS-yard line. Swope punted to Avery, who started In place of Hughes In the Quaker backfleld. Mof fitt started this half In place of Matthews. Mofiltt fumbled on the first line-up and In two more plays gained only six yards. Other changes in the Pennsylvania team were Tucker for Murdock. It was now Gettysburg's ball on dowps on the 30-yard line. Gettysburg couldn't gain In three plunges, and Swope made a short kick to Avery, who ran It hack to the Quakers' 35-yard line. Moffltt fought his way off tackle for two ynrds. Here Rockefeller replaced Jones In the Quaker backfleld. Weimcr, the Gettysburg half back, was hurt on the last play, ho being the ilrst man to ask timo out for Injuries. But he continued In the game, however, Ballou had a clear field for a long run, but allowed himself to be tackled from behind for a loss by McKee. On a clever ly executed double pass, Avery skirted his own left end for 20 yards, taking the ball to Gettysburg's 40-yard line. Ballou fumbled on the next play, but recovered It. With four yards to go, n forward pass from Avery to Ballou was fumbled by the Quaker quarterback. Mofiltt on the next play cut through tackle brilliantly for 20 yards. Once more he took the ball, but this time he could get only three yards on a centre plunge. The Quakers tried the double pass, Moffett to Avery, but the play gained only a yard. Ballou took the ball on the next play, and while he gained only two ynrds, he put the ball squarely In front of the goal posts., Instead of try ing for a goal from field the ball was passed to Moffett, but Wehncr nailed him on the scrimmage line, and It was Gettys burg's ball on downs on the 15-yard line. On the first play to Ballou. who ran the ball hack to the Quakers. Here the third period ended. FOURTH PERIOD Merrill replaced Ballou. On the first play the new quarterback got ahead for six yards. He took the bnlfcon the next line-up and raced 25 yards down the Held before Hoar brought him down. Full back Mofiltt took the ball on the next two plays and smashed his way ahead for 14 yards, taking the ball to Gettys burg's 16-yard line. On the next piny Rockefeller went ahead for 3 yards and put the ball on the 1-yard line. Here Hughes came In for Avery. ' On the next play Merrill went over for a touchdown. Carter kicked the goal, which made the score: Pcnn, 14; Gettys burg, -0. Here Pennsylvania sent on a flock of substitutes Vieeland took Selboch's place. Pepper replaced Journeny, Withe row for Harris. Swope kicked off to Rockefeller, who ran the ball back to his own 3S-yard line. In two plays, Moffltt and Merrill made a first down. Rockefeller cut through for u first down. Jones took Mofiltt's place. Rockefeller fought his way through for 5 ards. Here the game ended final score: Penn, 14; Gettysburg, 0. Rockefeller, stopped by Tltsell, pro jected himself through the line for 5 yards Avery could get only a yard on a double pass. Referee Langford ruled that Moffltt's next play was a hurdle and the Quakers weje penalized 16 jards for the offense. Merrill took the ball on the next play, but offside by Gettysburg gae hte Qunkers 5 yaids. A forward pass from Merrill was stopped by Swope. Swope kicked to Ballou, who made a free catch on the 3r-yard line. The crowd yelled forth a great wt-lcomc to DorUas, the Greek, when he icplaced Russell In the Penn sylvania line Moffltt fumbled on the neit play, but tcruered for a loss of 5 yards Little Men 111 sprinted around end for 7 yards on the next play. Then Mofiltt hurled his big form through the line for 15 yaids, taking the ball to Gettysburg's 5-yard line. Gettysburg braced, and Rockefeller got only a yard. On the next play Rockefeller went ahead for 3 jards and put the ball on the l-yard line Here Hughes came in for Aer on the next play Merrill went over for a touchdown Carter kicked the goal, which made the score. X'enn, 14, Gettys burg, 0. HOMER BAKER NETS- NEW WORLD'S MARK' BEATING MEREDITH New Yorker Defeats Penn Runner by Two Yards in 600-Yard Event in Re markable Time of 1 :20 1-5; TRAVERS ISLAND, N. Y Sept. 26. "Ted" Meredith, of the University ol Pennsylvania, the Olympic champion, was beaten by Homer Baker, of the New York Athletic Club, in the special 69)4 yard event of the New York A. C. today. It was tho most exciting match of the day. Bakor started on tho pole with Ollle De Grouchy, Now York Athlctlo Club, the third man, In second position, and "Ted" Meredith on the outside. Ds Grouchy rushed In tho lead, but did not lRSt long. Meredith camo up In front, running for all that was In him. On th back stretch Meredith wont at a whirl wind pace, with Baker about four yards In the fear. Tho Now York man made his bid for leadership at the start of the last turn, Inch by Inch cutting down the flying Quaker. Sixty yards from home they were even, with both runners put ting every ounce of strength Into their work. Baker drew away In tho last fifty yards and won by two yards In tho new world's record tlmo of 1:20 1-6. The pres ent record la held by Mel Shephard. Time -1:21 2-5. Lebanon Practices Today ANNVILI.E. Pa., Sept. 20. Members of th Ibenon Volley team hold their first pracllcn after the IndUn ganio Thursday, As th result of an appeal made to tho student bojy at chapel by Coach Guyer, 40 candidates re sponded for practice, and the work yesterday ai better than at any time thli seaeon. No game W scheduled today, but next week the team meets the Carlisle Indian rteservn, ahd the following week p)ays Its first blj gam of tho year with Franklin and Marshall. Now Sonus and cheers are being prepare! for this game, and a special car will carry the. rooter to Lancaster. ATHLETICS WIN OVER CHICAGO WHITE SOX Continued from Page 1 lng Weaver, Brctton going to second on the throw In. Baker threw out Russell, One run. Two hit No errors. CORNELL LOSES ANOTHER GAME ' TO PITTSBURGH Western Pennsylvania Lads Defeat Sharpe's Ithacans for Second Time in Two Years by Score of 9 to 3. Cornell University entertained Univer sity of Pittsburgh's eleven at Ithaca, N. Y this afternoon, the guests turning ths tides of victory against the host 9 to 3. Pittsburgh got the leud on tho Ithacans In the first porlod by scoring G points to 3. The last tally was made b ythe Pitt burghers In the third quarter, when they scored 3. Trlnccton University defeated Rutsers 12 to 0. Tho play of tho latter camo as a grent sifrprlse to the followers of foot hall. Princeton scored 3 points In hte first half and 9 In the third. MAROOTOPENS SEASON Crowell's Men Will Get Initial Try Out Against Delaware. MARCH FIELD, Baston, Pa.. Sept. W.- Lafayette opened her football season t1 day under the most perfect weather con ditions. The fact that the opponent of thp Maroon and White Is Delaware State College, a team coached by "Bill" Sic Avoy, famous In Lafayette football an nals, and that this game Is affording the Knstonlnns the first glimpse of , the team which will icpresent them on the gridiron this fall, helped to gather the unusually laige throng In attendance a8 the game. In this game Wilmcr G. Crowd!, the well-known Swarthmoie player of some years hack and one of the most promi nent officials In Intercollegiate footoall ranks, will make his Ilrst appearance before the public as the coach of the Lafayette team. Delaware. LaMiette Oroff left end ... ,I,'h Wilson lefttackle Fu'7 Pepper left guaid . . . uu,"lckk, Cruihers centre , ..... . ''u , (iiiee right guard. . W00.jw!!vf Camn right tackle . . MaineM Lonbls right end . . D Diamond Finance quarterback J llami;J T. Wilson left halfback Kf,nn'"1 Sanr right halfback nB, Hanilrlck fullback . hfJW Referee (illilnder, of I'cnnsltanlu Ul plre Morfatt. of Princeton Head linesman- Mulford, University of Pennsylvania. betFjlehemTeads Penbody Societies Scored on Twict by Home Team. BKTHLKHKM, Pa., Sept !6 -Bethlehem soccer had lor Its opponents IVabouy V, C, of Philadelphia, here tod.n tM first half ending bj scoie of J goals to 0 In favor of Bethlehem Clarke for Bethlehem, scored the first goal a'W S3 minutes of play, and Fleming foiioive 10 minutes later with tho second -oai by a shot In the left side of the net, completel beating the goal kc-epei Tn Penbody goalkeeper sawl no less than half a dor.cn scores in tho first half e defensive work of the visitors ba. Ks ana the aggiesslve wgorward work of He"1" lehrem's team fentured In the t-e-on'i half Penbody played against a ""on wind. The superior work of the ia team was evident throughout the game. SWORD WALLOWER HURT Boy Cuts Piece Out of His Mouth in Earnest Attempt. Thlrteen-yeur-old David Drehi of l-j Herb street, who aspires to be a " swallower. Is in the Pennsvlv.ini." M plial today for the third time within a year as a result of his attempt to lofe'j himself In the art This time lit t to swallow a long stick. homcthliiK lauM him to Jump and he gouged a im oiij of his mouth. Physicians fciy In "' recover. . Openlnr ofrootball Scaioii Toili University of Pennsylvania Gettysburg College FltANKI.IN FIKI.lt, 3 I". , ... fonie out Mini tf th lie ""'""" - OLYMPIA A. A.nrJniU! MONDAY MUIIT. SKIT !ll . Kill 1VIM.IA3IS .. Kill '?' ViJl Adm. Me Bal. lies. Mcs Area J5e ' 'I jfc. -,4 -sl, ZS?ra- ttma&tnm&iH&Bmm mn iimffiiUmT -- rtmT ffl