Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1914, Sports Final, Page 13, Image 13

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    "jJfr'TT''"7' hlBJMi i " ""
Happenings That Throw Light on
, Present and Prospective Busi
ness Conditions.
Of paramount Importance In tlio com
mercial and flnJtnclat news of the week
are the preliminary steps toward a $100,
000,000 tfoldjpool for the relief of the
foreign exchange situation, the success
ful placing of tho $100,000,000 loan of tho
city of Now York and tho decision of
tho Intcrstato Commerco Commission to
reopen tho l per cent, freight rato case.
These favorablo omens In the business
.world wero further augmented by tho
lifting of tho ban on trading In New
York. Boston, Baltimore and Philadel
phia, providing that salesmen may bo
sent out to solicit business for listed and
unlisted stocks and bonds.
Following tho sanction of the Federal
Reserve Board of tho plan that the
1100,000,000 bo raised to place tho foreign
exchange market on a Ann basis, banks
throughout tho country came forward
with the announcement that they stood
ready to advance whatovcr amount It
was considered they should. This
amount, It Is bolloved, will only total
,nboUt $3,000,000. which will bo placed In
'the Bank of England's Ottawa branch.
Tho $100,000,000 loan In New York and
tho rapidity with which It was placed Is
one of tho best Indications of a gradual
return to normal conditions. Tho loan
was moro than flvo times oversubscribed,
and It Is understood that foreigners, par
ticularly British Investors, put In bids
for as large allotments as they could get.
Referring to tho threat mado by Secre
tary of the Treasury McAdoo that he
.would publish tho names of banks hoard
ing emergency currency and would with
draw Government deposits from any banks
found to bo doing so. tho now York
World asserts: "Secretary McAdoo's
warning to tho national banks against
the extortionate tiso of emergency cur
rency Is a warranted Interference by tho
Government In their practice."
On Monday Postmaster General Bur
leson announced that ho had under con
sideration a plan to mako tho 2-ceot
rato for lottor postage oftectlvo through
out the Western Hemisphere. This an
nouncement Is hailed with satisfaction
among business men, who arc now work
Inc to build un a South American trade.
Without a doubt tfils proposal should
become operative. "The plan, of course,
would result In smaller revenue for the
Government, but It undoubtedly would
lncreaso our trade wth the entire South
The New York Times says on this
ubject; "Postal treaties and conventions
looking to the establishment qf nn ef
ficient money order business with all
Central and South American countries.
Including tho British. Danish, French
and Dutch West Indies, should follow
tho measures already taken to extend
banking facilities to merchants' of this
country In South American cities."
Further to Increase the trado of the
United States with South America, steps
are being taken In Chicago for the or
ganization of a $5,000,000 banking and
trading corporation. Trado experts dur
ing the week took a trip on a special train
of tho Lehigh Valley, telling the needs
and' advantages of Latin America. Tho
N'ew York Sun holds that Americans at
the present time are not adapted to
trade relations In South America as the
Germans and the French nre, because of
tho fact that the latter "become In lan
guage, manners, etiquette, both social
and commercial, often In law by naturali
zation,' Brizllians or Peruvians. Longer
credit Is another condition precedent to
American trado In South America."
It is estimated that tho total wheat
production In the European war zone this
year will be about 2.601,000,000 bushels, or
FZ. per cent, of last years crop. Tills
should be encouraging to the American
grain man, considering that this country
will have a largo surplus of wheat over
her needs this year.
The cotton situation assumed a brighter
aspect this week. Five Cotton Exchanges
In the South, at Dallas. Memphis, Mont
gomery. Now Orleans and Savannah
opened. This should lead to considerable
buying of cotton throughout the country.
New warehouses are now under construc
tion to care for tho cotton bought, and
thero Is every indication that there will
bo ample room to store the cotton where
It can be held until tho price advances
and thero Is a demand for It. Tha South
ern Cotton Association will meet In New
Orleans nest Tuesday, and It will prob
ably name a minimum price at which
cotton can be sold. The prlco now being
held to Is 10 cents a pound.
- -
k " nimHMiin Li1.n.i,im.inMnMiii'j"''H""iiUnin iiiuuuninnn'iiminui"
' f
:- 'EKKiHilfe slow !
St. Louis Post Dispatch
"WHO, ME?"
The steamship Robert Dollar sailed
from Rio de Janeiro, Wednesday, flying
tho British colors, Two weeks ago tho
Robort Dollar made, application at Bio
for a transfer of Canadian registry to
American, undor tho registry law of
August 18. Tho British Consul protested
and tho transfer was refused. Tho inci
dent dorives Its Importance from Its ex
pression of tho British nttltude toward
President Wilson's plan tor tho purchase
of foreign steamers to be operated by a
government-controlled corporation. Tho
President, on Thursday, sold that tho
ship purchase bill would not be taken
from the Administration's legislative cal
endar. It was announced In Washington that
President Wilson had determined to toler
ate no longer the offensive public com
ments of foreign dlplomatla representa
tives concerning matters of domestic con
cern. This announcement relates particu
larly to the alleged statements of Sir
Lionel Cardcn, former British Minister to
Mexico, criticising our Government's Mex
lean policy; of Baron Wllhclm von
Schocn, of the German diplomatic serv
ice, who Is said to have declared that
Japan wants war with this country: and
of A. Rustom Bey, tho Turkish Ambas
sador to the United States, whose refer
ences to lynchlngs In the Southern States
and "water cures" In the Philippines
were not Kindly received at tho White
House. It Is believed that the American
Government has asked for Rustem Bey's
recall, or will do so, and that It will
tnko official action with reference to tho
von S"hoen and Garden Interviews.
Russia and Sweden this week Informed
Washington of their Intention to sign
pcaco commission treaties with tho United
States. These treaties will be like those
which have been negotiated with Great
Britain, France, Spain, China and 22 other
nations of the world, and which provide
that nil disputes which cannot be set
tled through the ordinary diplomatic
channels shall be referred to a perma
nent commission, nnd that hostilities
shall not begin within a year after such
refctence of tho questions nt Issue.
Is not a time for reckless squandering of
money, when that money must be raised
by extraordinary means, but It Is not a
time to abandon all Its Improvement
work." Besides, "thero arn millions of
men out of work. In times of depression,
who can be made self-supporting It they
can find employment in theso public
At the traveling convention of the Atlan
tic Deeper Watonvays Association, tho
rivers and harbors bill was discussed.
Mayor Mitchell, of New York, as well as
tho speakers who followed him, deplored
the successful filibuster and declared that
It would work against tho best interests
of the country, especially at the time
when tho United States was reaching out
for her share of the world's trade. While
favrlnu economy in municipal nnd na
tional government, ho decried this move
ment to kill now waterway projects, and
termed it unwise economy. Continuous
Inland waterway routes connecting Phila
delphia, New York, Cape Cod Canal and
Southern points by the means of a ship
canal across the State of New Jersey
were advocated.
On Monday evening, after a week of
continuous fighting, the allied filibustering
forces In tho Senate overwhelmed the ad
vocates of tho rivers nnd harbors bill and
forced them to nn unconditional surrender.
Tho motion of Senator Bankhead, of Ala
bama, Democrat, to recommit tho bill to
the Commerce Committee with Instructions
to report a now bill carrying a total ap
propriation not exceeding $20,000,000, was
debated eight and a half hours. The
motion prevailed by a voto of 27 to 22,
exactly a quorum. Sixteen Democrats
and eleven Republicans voted to recommit
the bill Seventeen Democrats, four Re
publicans and one Democrat registered
themselves us In favor of It as It stood.
The success of tho filibuster, which was
led by flenatois Burton, of Ohio; Ken
yon, of Iowa, nnd Norrls, of Nebraska,
was warmly applauded by ndmlntstiutlon
newspapers as well as by the press gen
erally. The New York World and the
Brooklyn Eagle, which have been con
spicuous In support of the Wilson ad
ministration, Joined with the New York
Fun, the Buffalo Commercial nnd other
papers in declaring that tho filibusters
had done a real and lasting service to
tho country. There seems to be what
approaches unanimity of opinion on tho
ethics of "poik bills." Tho now maxi
mum of $20,000,000 was set by Piesldcnt
Wilson, but, says tho World, "It Is great
ly to be regretted that he did not take
earlier a dellnlto stand on this out
lagcous measure." Tho SprlnKfleld 1'nlon
harks hack to tho Domocintlc national
flatform in theso woids: "It must seem
to all fair-minded critics that the record
of the Senate Democrats is a flagrant
abandonment of tho party's professed de
votion to economy."
The compromise plan for tho remaking
of the bill calls for tha reduction of tho
total appropriation from $5l,X,ooo after
It had been cut from one original $91,
dOO.CrtO, and authorizes expcndltuies only
for projects that have already received
the npproval of Congress. The Wash
ington Times comment:,: "Tho heretofore
authorized' clause makes It possible that
pork heretofore apportioned may continue
to be paid for from the new appropria
tion. Nobody knows Just what projects
nre needed and righteous. A step
has been taken in tha richt iiii-a,.tiei
but a longer one Is needed. There should
be a general and sweeping overhauling of I
the whole ystem" of appoitloulng money I
"i purposes that come under tho head
of rivers and harbors improvements. Tho
reduced sum. by the terms of the com
promise. Is to he spent "on existiiiK water
way projects In the discretion of the Sec
retary of War and the Board of Army
Rhors and harbors bills are not all of
the character of the one now under dis
cussion, we ate reminded by the Detroit
tree Press. "Indeed, they havo Inaugu
rated many of the most advantageous In
ternal Improvements that we have today
la tM United States." Seeing some good
to.Jha.WUrth.q EreaPrwa. jewarka ;- -"3fci
The war tnx revenue bill, agreed upon
by the Democrats of the Ways and Means
Committee and framed In accordance
with the President's suggestion that "such
Fourccs of revenue be chosen ns will be
gin to yield nt onco and yield with a
certain and constant flow," was Intro
duced Into tho House of Roproseiitatlve.i
Monday. On the following clay the com
mittee presented Its report, baying that
"the necessity for this legislation grows
out of tho reduction of revenues derived
from customs receipts, caused by the
disturbed conditions icsulting from the
war In Europe."
It Is estimated that the new taxes will
bring $105,000,000 Jnto the Treabiiry In a
jear. In general, the measure follows
the lines of the Internal rovenue laws of
tho Civil and Spanish AVars, but while it
impose many of tho old and some new
stamp taxes, it omits altogether bank
checks, some other kinds of commercial
paper, alfo medicines and perfumes. In
place of theso aro taxes upon gasoline,
parlor car and sleeping car tickets nnd
various kinds of wine. Beer pays less
than heretofore, whisky Is Ignored nnd
tobacco's burden Is not much changed.
Banker, brokers and amusement pro
prietors are levied upon, and Insurance
policies nnd telegraph and telephone mes
sages aro Included among sources of rev
enue, Republican opposition to the bill has
been manifest In Congress and in the
press since It was first proposed. The
lloston Herald calls attention to tho
fa. t that Canada, which Ih a partici
pant In tho European struggle, is Im
posing a war tax no larger In proportion
to our own. The Chicago Herald objects
strenuously to the provision concerning
insurance policies: "A tax on life and
casualty insurancn policies is a tax on
small savings. Why don't tho lawmakers
put ii tax on savlngB bank deposits nnd
brt done with it? They aro doing about
the name thing." Limited praise for
the bill is gien In tho New York
World, In tho remark that It does not
Incrcaso the exactions upon Incomes and
omits wholly the mischievous Idea of
talng domestic freight hills. Support
anil opposition, both In Congress and
out of It, Is divided on strictly partisan
The principal criticism of the war tax
measure Is that it is wholly unneces
rary. "The new tax Is not a war tax,"
says tho Brooklyn Citizen, "It Is a tribute
to Democratic Incompetence and extrava
gance." The Albany Journal calls it "a
war tax in time of peace," and declares
that Congress framed It In the hope of
concealing the effects of "its free-trade-ward
policy," Tho proposal for Uio es
tablishment of a taxation commission,
to whloh would be committed the entire
subject of revenues by the Government,
Is seconded by the Ohio State Journal
ns the way out of such muddles ns that
which now exists: "It will ba a forward
step when Congress yields Its right to
legislate for revenues, for then such
luws will be based upon principle and
not upon selfishness, which characterizes
the field today."
Yesterday the war tax bill came up
under a rule limiting debate to seven
hours. This rule, reported from com
mittee on Thursday, was denounced by
the opposition as a "gag" rule.
Tho bill passed the House by a vote of
233 to 130.
ro-employ nil striking miners not found
guilty of Violence, rejected tho scheme
for an Impartial grievance committee, and
claimed that they had never violated tho
"constitutional" mining laws of tho State.
Tho Now York Evening Post, which,
like practically nil oigans of oplnionhad
uiged the acceptance of the truce, regret
ted that the rejection "makes tho pros
pect of a return to normal conditions less
promising" and that tho companies
should show a lack of a "hearty and sin
cere desire to bring about a settlement."
At the amc time It felt that ns the truce
terms were only "tentatively" submitted,
the Piesldcnt might he able to adjust
them to the desires of the opnratois.
Thi New York World wrote editorially:
"There Is nothing In the plea of Mr. Wel
born which changes in the slightest de-
The way Wilson maintains pcaco sug
gests that ho would have boon a holy
terror on tho firing line. Columbia
Mrs. Young wants peace taught In tho
public schools. Incidentally, tho school
board might note that Chicago wants
the public schools taught In peace. Chi
cago Herald.
Tho German Emperor hn.4 conferred 16
Iron crosses on his soldiers, nnd no telling
how many of the other kind on tho help
less ones at home. It Is the way of war.
Nashville Banner.
And Colonel Cyartah, of CyartahsvlIIe,
strolling forth to gaze upon "the finest
mint-bed in V'ginln, suh," slowly shakes
his head, too sad for utterance. New
York World.
Tho problems of politicians may be
Nfl Ynrk Sun.
Mexjco's restlessness Is manifest again,
The shifting lines of battle-torn armies
have advanced and been repulsed, ilrst I " behalf of Senator Penrose by speak
In politics the week brought about ft
start In the Investigation of the primary
campaign "slush fund" of Senator Pea
rose by tho Senate Committee on Privi
leges nnd Elections, a stronger organl
zatlon of tho opposition to tho Fllnn
Van Vnlkonburg machine In tho Wash
Ington party ns the result of the Wanlt
Ington-Democrntle fusion on tho OoV
ernorshlp, nnd the announcement that
Philander C. Knox will come to the aid
of Senator Penrose In the campaign and
that he planning to bo a candidate to
succeed Senator Oliver In 1916.
The Senate Committee, meeting In
Washington yesterday to decide whether
the Senate shall Investigate Senator Pcn
roro's campaign fund, called before It
several PlitlndPlphlHMs, nmnng them the
offlViaio of (he PennsWvnnla Protective
t'nlnn and the heads of the brewer, nnd
liquor dealers' associations.
Talk of fusion on the Senatorshlp was
stopped on Tuesday when Clifford Plnchot.
Washington natty nominee for t nlted
States Senator, and A. .Mitchell Palmer,
Democratic! nomlnre, each announced that
he would not withdraw to combine the
Demon ntle and Washington party tight",
against Penrose.
Washington party lenders In Philadel
phia nnd several western rountles, In
cluding Washington nnd Fayette, on
T'esday and Wedtiednv assured R. R.
W'ia, or Pittsburgh, who led the revolt
aglnt the Fllnn-Vnn Yulkenhurg lead
ership following the completion of fusion
with tho Democrats on the Governorship,
that opposition to tho Fllnn element Is
being well orgunlzed, nnd that Colonel
ItnofxvOt will he appealed to In nn ef
fort to overthrow the present party lead
ership. .l dining th" week men of tho stand
ing of Isaac II Clothier flocked to th
standard of Or. Xlnrtln O. Brumbaugh,
llipublliMti nominee ior Governor, In
oeiv county in the State. Doctor Brum
baugh continued his campaign through
the central counties of the State.
Ho rail m! upon the people to "stand up
for Pennsylvania," nnd pledged the up
holding of mornl standards In politics aa
well rs n. business administration.
Philander C. Knox, It was announced
on Wednesday, will enter tho campaign
. , ..., .1 .. .- .. ... . . inrr ar a .MnnurneLiirers' i- nt, .nnner on
and Indications point to another revolu- j """ "- "' i omer. wun tremenuous Octobep ,. on the if , ;oloel JRoo-i-tlon,
unless It Is prevented through Pres- l0",ei!' "' whole 120-rnllo front. On veil's entry Into the campaign. It be
Ident Wilson's mornl Intervention. The , raln-l)efogBed fields they have fought, came known on Tuesday that the former
. - ... t. .... -.. .,., ' ' ". "iiih umritrii uy rjnrnoc nrou- - - ,.. -. .-......- ..... .-..,.. w ...., . mr-
causes oi cne. o.e.icn uci.c .. ,,. ... ,,,..". v..,v, ' .... . burgh to live
-J -C'llto Jl- UnnL- t r. lV,,. totter rim' ..."'. ""' " '" '""'. ..-ll-..-i ill.-
l.iU ....". o.. ... . ... - . c.ermnn forces nor the Allies have gained
of the revolt which gave Carranza con
trol of the Government .and have to do
principally with conflicting ambitions,
perhaps not entirely personal and with
divergent conceptions of what foim and
character should be given to the new
governmental system. According to ac
counts yesterday, Villa has massed from
40.000 to 5U.O00 seasoned troops In Chi
huahua and Sonoru, many of them ox
Federalists. The attitude of the United States Gov-
a decided advantage.
Uie great battle of the Alsne has re
solved Itself Into an artillery duel, und
the result cannot be foreseen. A vlctorv
for the Germans would enuble them again
to menace Paris. A victory for the
I-reneh virtually would assure the re
tirement of the Invnders from France.
Out of the conflicting official state
ments concerning the eastern field of
war, nnd weighing Vienna's general de
nials against Petrogrnd's specific details,
advantage Is Indicated for tho Russians
In Gallcla. The high point In tho Gnllclan
campaign was tho capture of Jnroslau. in '
the North. This Important fortification,
behind which the retreating Austrian '
nimy of Dankl found a protection while i
Its Investment occupied the Russians'
attention, onenerl the cmmi,.., ,....u, .-.? t. i
San to the invading forces and gave them
' control of manv miles nf mii,r,,i ti,..
I Russians also occupied Wl-Iok, another
Political leaden) In Phila
delphia took this action to mean that Sir.
Knox Ls preparing to he the Republican
candidate to succeed Senator Oliver.
Representative Palmer carried his fight
against Penrose and I'enroselsm Into tin
anthracite reglonf. Starting on Tuesday,
he ila'lv took no new counts of his "In
dictment" against Penrose, and on
Wcdnoj-rlay drew from Penrose a reply
In which Penrose called his attacks
"garbled. Insincere and intentionally misleading."
important railway centre on tho Hun I hinged.
i uracil norcier, ami .moved toward Tnr-
now, on the north, occupation of which
will afford complete mastery of communi
cations to Cracow. Next in importance
ls the Russian advance on this ancient
and strongly fortified city near the junc-
i Hon of the German, Austrian and Rus
sian bordeis. Cracow, affording a short
route to Berlin, is ahuacly In peril, nc-
cording to Petrograd official reports.
1 which state that troops hat penetrated
1 to the outer fortifications. Tho fumuil
univeislty library has been removed to
, Menn.i. 240 miles southwest, whither
many of the inhabitants havo fled.
I'rnoow Is of vn-t -tiategi. Importance,
as us possessors control tho road both
The voters of Virginia this week de
cided to put the State with the nlnn
other in the "clrv" column. State-wide
prohibition, which will go into effect
November 1. 1910, wen by a majority of
Co.0"O. The Issue was decided by the
country districts, though only four Im
portant cities voted In opposition to the
constitutional amendment on which It
Tn the N'ew Jersey primaries nearly all
I or the present cuiinresMomil delegation
I of Wllon mu wen- lenomlnated. There
were few contests on nnv ticket. The
1'iogreg.slve vote was icn light.
; Hardly one-third of tne COO.iOO registered
voier in Massuohusc tis went to the polls
,' nn primarv dav. EN-t'oiiuri-ssinnii Sam
, uel W. Mel "all was nominated for Gov-
ernor by thp Republicans. Goernor David
r. WaNh was renominated ov the Demo
crats and Joseph Witiker. formerly Re
publican speaker of the Massachusetts
House of Representatives, wns the cholco
i of the Progressives. 'ungiesm.in Gard
ner. In the Sixth District, was renomi
nated by a narrow margin over A. Piatt
I'hiciffn Neus.
gree the opinion whn.li most men have
formed as to tho true situation in Colo
rado. He Is pleading a bad case. He
represents absentee owners. Tho Rocke
feller fnmlly Is behind him. and if the
Issue of civil war in Colorado must be
mot by the National Government tho peo
plo of the United Stntcs should know nt
once who is making tho war and for what
In answer to the operators, tho Presi
dent htimmarllv refused .o change his at
titude and indicated that they must 'ac
cept the tru;e or Btand responsible before
tho country for tho result. .Supporting the
Plt-bldent, the New York Tribune said:
"The mlno nperatois will have to show
stronger objections to It than they have
If they expect the public to sympathize
with them In their refusal of Its terms."
grouped under two general heads: How
to gut money Into the public treasury and
how to get It out. Life.
Cutting the pork out of tho rivers and
harbors hill seems almost like cutting a.
pound of flesh from next to the heart of
many a statesman. Indianapolis News.
Theie Is one consolation. N'ew York
will not have any worry about ticket
speculation at tho world's championship
series. New York Sun.
Senator Burton won his grnu fight
against the rivers and haibois bill with
out making a single humorous speech
mm Biinuia guide nis iiiture conduct no
cordlngly. Ohio Journal.
to the ftermari and u.tr!un capitals. The ' Andrew.
Russian plan of campaign contemplates I At the Progressive convention In Dela
fultllment of tho Char's threat of last ' Ware the Rev George Edward Reed, for
week to enter Berlin at the head of his ! mer president of Dickinson College and
tmonS. I'OSSe.S.SlOn nnAa Mia .en.. ,. ' nt r,laeenr r.BBIA, n tha n,.AA tA,kA4i.
, Hresdau. which Is 190 miles from Berlin, ( Episcopal Church nt Wilmington, was
to which tho Russians aro preparing a nominated for Congress
I winter march. Th investment of Przo-
invsl. Ktlll MMrler liunvi' H.ml.n..,ln.. i
been left to a sufficient force, while the I L PHILADELPHIA
"e1r.n, Jh"!! .nrn'V ,vnliUt"' "-"lgeH i A Hi.-rilficant event was the beclnnlng
ociois the han In order to moe thiouuh nf un, .-.. n.e .....v .i,i,... ....-
tile murtliv I !,.. .. .,. . .-; "... "-" v. ......... ,... ... ,,.c
...i . . """. iiiu buuen, i i nuaueiphiu Navv
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I '
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crnment is know n to ho strictly neutral.
It Is reported from Washington that tho
evacuation of Vera Cruz by the troops
under General Funston will proceed n
In discussing this newest phase of the
Mexican trouble, the Now York Sun,
which has been consistently antl-ndm'.nl-tratlon.
says: "On no batllotleld whero
Villa triumphed was Governor Carranza
ever seen: the way to n now capital whs
alwuys hewed for him, as It were, by the
Illiterate man sprung from the pcoplo for
whom he had n personal dislike, which
was reciprocated with Interest." The
Boston Transcript declares: "The decla
ration of Villa that he will not submit
to the uilo of Carranza Is n most lu
minous commentary on tho failure of
oi'f administration either to keep out of
Mexico or get out of Mexico."
It Is a somewhat different view that U
token by the New York World: "Tho
President is to bo commended for his
Yard, nt winch
Nay Daniels broke
sb,e,.er.fo,"",earr,nff, l" , th,'r uroundearlv , n the k .The work 1
shattered forces for a las,t stand before now oing forward.
... ...., unwi mi i ruraw. occupation Of
Przomysl Is no longer es.sentiul to the
main uussian oojectlve. Cracow, but nf.
It has been announced that shins from
New Orleans, Seattle and San Francisco
are being carefullv watched by Dr.
afflS? Moro'tnanT "Z?"0 ""director' or the Health DeparLen
carpatmans. .Moro than n million Rm. i i i,i . . . . .. ..:, , ;
Jhr'ntinft b-ut'r ',,?'. -horo , ,,, 'pta.u. he.1 The dlsea eT car!
tho tliird great battle of the campnign la , ried bv iats
S.V.ned.,."h",.lt ,.I,B!,tl,,B n aMla In th- teulle trad-, conditions wer
during tho weclc has beei
succes'-ful storming of
i pnnflti.nl ti-t 1 . .3.-...... ..
ui-iKmi.i.a. ...t .i. , vi'HFmri 41,0 iiiipi uvvu ov iiic reoneninff
aUlrmishes, with the except on of th.. e ,i. nt JUm- ... .m ..,...,".
torinlin? of .lnVn.1,.,. ni. I "..." ""'"'"" ii.-.'i-'
Austrian War Office nflnlmTaU ! i I " ,H," "o vernUnt- na,,mn 'lUa
ports of Russian p,ogres and says that Th, m I .. ', ', V."o I Vomm..one,,
sold lu thl it a hailed a a Ictory
for the local c-hlc ori;aiilZHtloiis
CouuciU, at a special meeting, passed
J": ?i, IXlu'"1" Rni1 "re !-- rU welthi be gtampert ..., each loaf of b,
w mm. i'.v iiin-iiiuti;,
PaiallMIng the gioat eonrtlct on the
Alsne in point of numbers engaged and
,iL .i, n , .... Hiiiieiming oat. the IH.3U0000 loan bill. Inciudlng. .lespit-
tie en the Polami-East ITuwIa border. the Maor' vet... the ium for a n.-w
r.iTrr KussU "' "! a force ,ii Municipal Coutt building.
7 a0"-" l-mlle from. Vlctou ! Kieileric-k A. F.nton, s.cietarv of th
II. this contest will mean the ehecklnj uf Invf tmem Hanker' Ao.ncutlon, was
tie l.erman campaign nteuinst Warsaw, ! heio this w.ek pluiiuing for the Hihnr.
which was announced eatlv In the week tug 'f banker to be h.Id In this ut at a
to be General lllndenbuii;' nbiKctiVe i date to be named lat. i Ii wdB an
Tim Russian under Renmwkampr Iure j nouncvtl that Phlludeli hia's shaio in th
the. enemv ..uth to tho PoIhh frontier. 1W.00 gold pool bein formed to i.
but oi. reoeiune heavy rrtnf,rcem nt I Heve the toitltsii exiling, .-imatiju II
rrum the inteiior have taken the Bgr.. bP U.om.om. the flrdt
At the end of the first year of the Colo
rado coal and Iron strike, September 22,
the conference of operators virtually re
Jected the terms of truce drawn up by
Secretary Wilson, of the Department of
Labor, with the aid of a mlno operator
and a miner, submitted by the President
to both parties in conflict, and accepted
by tho strikers. Mr. Wilson, representa
tive of the mine owners, gave President
WHUon an acceptance of only a. nnriinn
fit- WWjAeims -TUorcojtaoAPleq-refuaacitot '
r tc","il,4''- ,l WHS i,'' In H-r.ui thai
i tin "ni'le "'-'hniarine had wro.ight the hav
,a hut other repot tat Mid five The Hi
t a
llli llletlt of M htch
refusal to change hla .Mexican policy m sivo. as de Tibed. Suceetu tn thi move I wi" "" J.w DO. National bank an to
i-llll tblllt
Two tn 'ns asked for receivers thi,
week, and in one case, that of Mr: rut
c ii . a i iuiinen iron r'tliiei n, the iea-
snti Btven was the hurotH-un war The
Kill, I i,rm i- lii.dt Hiotlurs, coal dea!er
ii. t?iU city, tlie letsmi ,i..riijiiil hong
I a dei-iie tn puueit the as-et.i of the nun.
! '! . ir ' xt f .t - t . ,i. l hi ' . M
Flajl r s driniii f due-1 rail count, tlon
I'i'Iuwii the 1'pRnl tate and t'uh.i w.ta
lauii' bed at ('ramps this week. Ht,l,piii
clrU also Wfltf ml.-l. at., in the ne ti
thi' i'ulk-ctoi of tlie IVut Reit has btn
a'Uhnnir.-d to icie applications tmin
team.-hlp owner- for w.tr rmk uiHur
.uii. : r i'i s In ...i tug uudei tlie I imed
atali , t:.ir
plan fir
lull lout
a result of the reported quarrel betweei j""1 wm opon inotnep rood for the o,at
Carranza nnd Villa. So far as the Pnltoci 't'L B,thi'fn ., ... . .
, ... "e chief naval encasement of the u-ei;
Slnteq la enncerned these mn ronrAnn i .... . ..... . .. . .".."" ' "" eK
- '" " "" J" w; 'eruciii,n in tnc xoith ajea f j
CilP 9.A.lie IHUiV. ! . V" J l.V J llU U( ftPlf ill'l" (HICIKII ITUIIVU ll tjet'm'in
itile If they must nsht In order
settle the personal Wiue, the fact
he regretted, but the principle remains
tho same."
That the revolt will b less serious
than foi mer ones is the opinion of the
Washington Times, which remarks thflt
there will be no foreign pressure this
time The New Y.uk Times intimates
at financial Interest.-! are behind Villa,
ii.l thm in all probability tho "angol."
- th- principal backer Is culled, la the
(ine who financed c'nrranza's revolution
i he st Louis Post-Dispatch hints strpns
that an American oil syndicate Is
' menting the new revolt
Declaring that It U not too late fot
ih. 1'iiited State to Intervono "...wh,..
' gunilt ' the Baltimore Sun ndvocate
tt.o tendering of the good ofHces of our '
Ucveimnent to avoid bloodshed. t
.i.iuaiu- opinions o' th President.
Mexican policy, as judged In the light I
new events are those of the N'ew '
ork Tribune and the Now llaeii
i n.on-Journal Tha Tribune aeser-s
that It has utterly collapsed, while the
I mon-Journal thinks that the outlook
cj reassuring and hopes for the con- I
founding of the opponents of 'juatchful
waiting ' W """'
Tn aiKii.
fp'Te than l.Wft men. Im...,.i. .
manv officena. The ansaiH..:- followed Un
meUUitelv a ntuuni'-nt trom Winmon
Chmvhill. Kirst lrd of the AdmlraitT
that the Qeiraon warshna. did not ,i.,re
ftBht and were like ",ati- in a, hole '
dimciiittu) of travel tuul niar.iud elM
Uion the oatr foitificali..ni of the ii, ..
man leasehold of Kiao-Chau. , ... w-Ji .
u tc-rridc hombardineiit Uwm tii.. ti , x '"' ' "' '' ' rr" ,""rlt th,
mon dfwidr replvins viKoauuVv Aii... 'u 1"' '"'" tcfm.nai . u,i
in th harbor abcat T.iii-Tu ,Vli , k ' I"" "' ll"' u,k " u '' 'phiu an.i
have k.pt Iha JfipawVc, ;Va Al1 ! )v' ,"1 "1,J Ul" '' ttih Vu", y T"i,lJ,e
taiu-e tluhnc th week, h.mevl, iJr! ' omi.any r- M.M4 lu co.ptirate l.
ness un.hip. hav uaiiJ.1 ..v-J...'. .!: ' ii'...--i.t
ties uii.hip hav uaatktd oiv ..'. t.Kz".
an I jiiflii'td minor dainasfg tu i,0 wu,tj"
Chtntj eoiitini.et In a ferment haiL
c,f the n. tivitlV. of jyqr piopaui.dttL
and II is bivrid In iaae . VjL t!Ti
tl einpir ,d! jet be Plue4 iHtu
v-anrttrlplj.w.1 a Ulan-iaira of iicuuatut
has d th cumitrj , Friday au.
nuunc .nt was iuaU that iw Jaw.iu.1
would onstitut lailrcaa TJJJ
Soli IJ i llJtlbpoit lr.0, .. the MI.Tof
IsitiU-T.co. Dta.tn mea.aiM w, ,". "
l. the 1'r.stdent of c-h,,ltt ,., Alp ar'
like oemonstratlotu,. the arrcaii ail V-i
ul to ?
i the-siege;
Kew York World.
THE WPFFC IX' 'PHI? Vt7 4r l itumania trembles on the brink ..r
1UL. Wl-.L.rx. 1A lHh WAR und should that coumiv uk"ui,
.. .. nas seen tne contlneatmn I ' "" n,"l, ''' citu a t' tt,
with unremitting vigor, of the. twee ,.. , SJatea would be precipitated lnto ., ',
1PMm now la , m .!' -,
iJitk-.tir oi initiii Huts.i I'uake wait
m.ut'icl th.n the Cit.i.ci I'lilitlea'Ciiinmn
!'.n wtl1 h. a i -ii- i itiiplaint uvtiinat tin
Phii.i'li lilu.i KI'Mtu Company Novemlier
IT Th- oinplaiM - rtw out of the coiu
pii'. I.it l, d ii electili- lighting lit
tbia 1 1 1
Th ti at hill, i onialiilng pro
vision for fen K.'er uork P'e
llinlai tuiiiiv . .. eltrtialun. iim jiameil
tlata cek b aUfU-i t t'ouucll aiid igne I
b ll. . Ua)ui and nut a i-ad to bo
Voted 'in l tlw mople Genatial eti.
ittut a. au-d i., u, i,' tion of Coi. I,
i.. ........... .i . -.
i in Mwaviiut tin h,-imi I, j,, ltJ -i , ,,.
M i
M i
i k et .
iti ,i i f
t. at New
v i re-.
cvict.a ttsi npim';i e-a tcyntha bS?,