"""VJS'wcr ." Tra TTIftlTO-PHIfcAPBLPHIA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1D14;. 9 1 SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA fcllllllllllllllfllWlljlIIM jlglllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll MRS. WARREN WALKER Mrs. Walker entertained a house party lately at her home in Milford, Conn. Doc tor and Mrs. Walker and their little son are at present the guests of Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliston Perot, at their home in School House lane, prior to moving into their home, 246 South 22d street, for the winter. MB JUAN CHRISTIAN BULLITT, who is with her parents In London, will be among the debutantes of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Bullitt and Mi's Bullitt expect to said from Europe about October 17. Miss Bullitt will bo Introduced at a tea In early December. A number of entertainments havo been planned In her honor. AmotiR others will be a debu tnnte luncheon, which will be given by Mrs. James Francis Sullivan. Miss Mary Frances Fisher, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Fisher, of Alverthorpc. Jrnklntown, will mako her debut In the lato fn'l. The date for her tea has not yot been selected, Clement Buckley Ncwbold and his daughter. Miss Mary B. Newbold, who were among those maroonrd In Europe at the beginning of the war. anlved in New York yesterday. They reached their home, Crosswlck'a House, Jenkln town, yesterday afternoon. Mr. und Mrs. John R. Fell will glvo a Pierrot nnd Pierrette costume dance tonigljt at the Whitcmarsh Vulloy Hunt Club. About 100 guests will attend. The first of a eeiies of three subscription dances will bo given tonight at the Delaware River Club' in Torrehdale. These dances will ba given under tho caro of a special committee romposed of Joseph M. Patterson, 2d, Walter W. L. Fottcrall and A. B. Mitchell. A number of ladies will act as chaperones for the dances, among them being Mrs. Walter S. Massey, Mrs. Henry D. Patterson, Mrs. George It. Bower, Mrs. William B. Chamberlln. Mrs. C. A. L. Fottcrall, Mrs. William Wiltshire and Mrs. Thomas B. Coale. Several dinners will bo given before the dance. Among those who will entertain will be Miss Mary Victoria Green. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Johnson, who spent this month at their Cape May cottage, have re turned to their apartment. 261 South Sixteenth street. Mr. Johnson's daughter, Mrs. Thomns C. Sims, and her little daughter, Miss Sally BIms, who were visiting them at Cape May, re turned yesterday to the Lindenwold. Radnor. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Russell Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wellington Shannon havo returned from a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Richard V Mattlson, Jr., at their home In Ambler. Peyton Boyle nnd his family have given up their apartment at the Burlington and have taken a house In Atlantic City for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Rhoads, who have been spending some time In tho mountains, have returned to their homo In Bryn Mawr, where they will remain until the late fall. Mrs. Cralgo Llpplncott and her daughter, Mrs. Samuel K. Reeves, are spending a few days In New York at the Wolcott Hotel. Miss Josephine L. Borle, who has spent the summer at Crcsson and Atlantic City, will return next week to her apartments at the Morris. 311 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. J. Parker Freeman and her daughter, Mlis Hllzabeth Grlllltts, havo returned from Long Lake, after a stay of several weeks. their camp at SoVithwest Harbor, Me"., and opened their homo on Highland avenue. Mrs. Shepley W. Evans, of Highland nvcnuo, returned home this week from a visit to tho Mnlno coast NAnDERTH The Narberth Assembly, com posed of tho younger married set of Narberth, will hold Us first dance of tho season on Halloween. This will be tho first of a series of seven dances to be given In Elm Hall until February. Tho Narberth Assembly was organ ized in-tho early beginning of that Main Lino suburb, but had been discontinued for several years, until last winter, when tho younger married set started a series of most successful dances. Mrs. Edwin P. Dold, llttlo Miss Mary Vir ginia Dold, of Chestnut avenue, and Mrs. Guyon W. Gray, of Elmwood road, returned this week from a two weeks' visit to Atlantic City. WYNNEWOOD-SIr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Huber, of Hathaway road, are receiving congratula tions on the birth of a son, Nelson C. Huber, Jr. Mrs. Huber will be remembered as Miss Alice B. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Donnell Lee, Jr., and children havo returned from Chelsea and opened their homo on Kent road. Mrs. Leo will leave for AVashlngton the Inst of next month, whero she will attend the wedding of her sister, Miss Mary McCauley, nnd Naval Constructor Herbert Howard, of Boston, which will bo solemnized November 3, In St. John's Church. While In Washington, Mrs. Leo will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCauley, of Rhodo Island avenuo. AUDMORE Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lowry. who spent the summer at Chelsea, expect to close their cottage next week and return to their home on Old Lancaster road. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Lawrence Miller, Jr., have returned to Simpson road, after visiting Mrs. William P. Ellison this summer at her Cape May cottage. HAVEItFOHD Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hastings have returned from Kennebunkport, Me. Georgo Phlller, of Booth lane, is homo from Dark Harbor, Mc. where he spent the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moseley Swain, who have been at Avolon during the summer, have opened their home, Ilinglila, for several weeks. They have taken apartments at the Haver ford Court for the winter. Mrs. John D. Mesary, Mrs. Freeman nnd Miss Anna Megary, who have been spending tho summer In Cape May, have returned to their home at 131 South 23d street. ALONG THE MAIN LINE OVEHUHOOK The Ladles' Committee of tho 0erbrook Golf Club will give tho last of its Septembor teas this afternoon. Despite the leljn of "King Horse" a little further up the line, a number of the members and their friends nre expected. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Sharp Munson have returned from a visit to Eagle's Mere and aro now at their home on Merlon avenue. The Rev. W. R. Tulmcr and his family, of CIH Drexel road, have icturned from Mount Klneo, Mc , whcie they have been spending ' tho summer. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Reading, of Latch's lane, have returned from Cape May, II. J. McDermott, of 63T0 Woodbine avenue, aro home from Atlantic City. 5ILHKIN -Mr inu Sirs, George J. Do Armond, of Ldtchptlune are spending the week-end at Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs. Christian Feblger have closed ST. DAVID'3-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nellson, Miss Sarah C. Nellson and Harry Nellson aro at Cambria Court. They returned from Europe several days ago. Mrs. Richard Tllghman and Miss M. Gabriela Tllghman, who spent the summer In Maine, have returned to their home. Tulip Hill. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Baer, of 413 West Chelten avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Flora Baer, to Julius Ad ler, of this city. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Camp, of Lincoln drlvo and Westvlew avenue, will entertain at dinner tonight at the Philadelphia Cricket Club In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Jackson. Tho other guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Robin MacDonald, Miss Marion Irwin and Mrs. G. C, Chance. Miss Emily T. Brown, of Knox street, Is spending a fortnight at Marshall's Creek, near Stroudsburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs, Harold McNeil, of Boston, are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, Louise McNeil. Mrs. McNeil will b'e remembered as Miss Virginia Bowen. Mr. and Mr. George R. Ayres arc at present the guests of Mrs. G. Ralston Ayres at her home, !43 West School House lane. Mrs. Ayres and her sister, Mrs. Coylo, have Just returned from Camden, Me. Miss Helen Ayres was one of an artist colony at Vlnal Haven, Me. Among the other members of the party were Mrs. George Atlea. Miss Elizabeth Gest, Miss Mary Gest and Miss M. Price. Lawrence Bowen has returned to town from a trip to Bass Rocks and Magnolia, Mass. Miss Edith Hartwell has returned from Ocean City, where she spent the summer. Major and Mrs. H. Walter Fehull gave a fare well dinner to a. number of their friends on Wednesday evening at the Germantown Cricket Club. Among the guests were Mr, and Mrs. Edward L. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dudley and Nav.al Constructor and Mrs. Kltner, Wlssahlckon avenue and Quen lane slnco the nrst of Inst December, during which time the Major has been stationed nt the nkford Arsenal. Ho will bo transferred to Springfield, Mass., tho beginning of next week. Mrs. EllloU Burton, of Charleston, S. C was the guest of honor nt ft bridge party given by Mrs Edward Francis Hcnson yesterday after noon at her home at Mnnholm street and Wlssa hlckon nvenuc. Among tho guests wero Mrs. Henry Booth, Mrs. Georgo K. Brown, Mrs. Roland Taylor, Mrs. S. Howard-Smith, Mrs. Morris C. Burton, Mrs. George Ralph Green, Mrs. Edward Orne Mcllenry, Mrs. M. G. Jordan, Mrs. J. II. Whit ham, Mlsa dtadys Hethcrlngton and Miss Fellna Mcllhenny. , Miss Elizabeth MacCuen Smith, of 218 West Chelten avenuo, spent Thursday In New York on a shopping tour. Mr. and Mrs. John Jollcy, Jr., and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Starr Jolley, of M East Gorgns lane, aro making a week-end trip to Atlantic City. Among tho entertaining which wilt be done for Miss Leonora Dcnnlston will be ft luncheon which will bo given for Miss Dcnnlston and her bridal party by Mrs. D. English Dallam, Jr., at her homo nt C12 Wost Rlttenhouso street, on Wednesday, October 7. Miss Dcnnlston Is tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Evnns Dcnnlston, of West School lane, and she will bo married to Henry D. Booth on Saturday, October 10. Mlsa Ethel Jones, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Normnn Jones, of 420 Strnfford street, will re turn to her home at tho end of next weok nfter spending tho summer nt Bermuda. Mlsa Jones' engagement to Edmond Gosling, of Bermuda, was announced last spring. Mlsa Fcrcna Klrkpatrlck, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglass Klrkpatrlck, of Birming ham, Ala., Is tho guest for sovcral weeks of Miss Katharine Potter at her homo on Lincoln drive. An unusual season of social activity la being planned for the Stenton Country Club by the commltteo on entertainment. Mrs. Charles II. Thackara Is tho chairwoman of this commltteo and of all tho associate com mittees. Assisting her on tho entertainment will bo Mrs. Frank M. Harris. Jr., In charge of all card parties; Mrs. Horace H. Burrcll will have charge of the season's luncheons; Mrs. William H. Mocnch will be tho chairwoman for both golf and dancing, and Mrs. M. F. Hanson chairwoman of the house commltteo. Tho first of this sot of entertainments will be a luncheon on Wednesday, October 7. CHESTNUT HILL Mr and Mrs. John C. Gilpin, who havo been spending tho past week at Atlantic City, havo returned and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Grant, 2d, for a week nt their homo on Chestnut avenue. Chestnut Hill. Mrs. Gil pin will bo remembered aa Miss Lucy Dlsston before her marriage In May. A. Hurley Pancoast, of 7141 Creshclm road, Is spondlng tho week-end nt Atlantic City. Mrs. Charles H. Jackson, who lias been tho guest for sovcral weeks of Mr. nnd Mrs. Pancoast. has returned to her home at At lantic City. Miss Helen Redmann, of 21i" Sast Gorgas lano, left Thursday for Swarthmoro College. Mrs. Walter II. Jarden, of East Mermaid lane, will entertain the Mount Airy Literary Club at her home on Thursday, October 1. when tho club will have its first meeting of tho season. Weekly sessions for the study of English masterpieces will occur, with a different mem ber of tho club acting as hostess for each meeting. Tho officers for tho coming season aro: President, Mrs. Edwin Hand, Jr.; vice presi dent, Mrs. Archie V. Wntmh; secretary and tre.-isuror, Mrs. Horace II. Burrell. Other members will bo Mrs. Frederick W. Abbott. Mrs. Alfred Burton, Mrs. D. C. Donoghue, Mrs. Max IJ. Feldmann, Mrs. Alfred Burton, Mrs. S. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Thomas B. Ham mer, Mrs. Walter II. Jarden. Mrs. Allen F. Horton, Mrs. G. Ogdcn Loxley, Mrs. William Mllnes, Mrs. George S. Woller. Mis. Adrlen F. Wellens. Mrs. W. H. SIrnrns, Mrs. Ansley G. White, Mrs. Thomas Philip Hammer and Mrs. Holman White. ALONG THE READING Mrs. J. Howard Gibson, of Washington lane, Jenklntown, has as her guest for several weeks her daughter, Mrs. J. Norman Henry. Mrs. Henry will bo remembered aa Miss Mary K. Gibson. Mrs. Gibson will not open her town house at 2001 Wnlnut street until December. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hunter, of AVyncote, havo had as their guests for several days their son nnd dnughter-ln-law, Mr. nnd Mrs, J. Fletcher Hunter, of Columbia, Pa., and Mrs. B. K. Coyle, of Pittsburgh. Mrs. William A. Faulkner, of Coronndo Beach, Cal., formerly of this city, has been tho guest for several days of the Misses 0 theimer, at their homo on Washington lane, Jenklntown. Mrs. Faulkner left yesterday for Wilmington, where bho will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. Charles E. Swift. Mrs. Faulkner will be remembered as Miss Eliza beth Shlppen Swift. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert, who havo been spending tho summer at Saranao Lake, N. Y., will return to Red Top, their home at Rydal, on November 4, instead of November 15. Miss Louise Brock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Urock, who has been spending some tlmo in Baltimore, returned to her home In Wyncote yesterday. Mrs. Frederick Coopor and her family, of Jenklntown. who have been spending the sea son at Ocean City, returned on Thursday and are occupying their new home, at 131 Town ship line. Miss Ethel Pigeon Lester, who spent a week In Atlantic City, returned on Tuesday to her home In Glenslde, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barton, of Oak Lane, who hsve been at Ventnor all summor, will return to their home on Tuesday. I 51133 Madeleine Asbury, daughter of Mr. and Sirs. Charleu Asbury, of Oak Lane, returned to her homo estotday, after a month's s.tny with relatives in Pittsburgh, Pa. Sir. and Mrs. Edward R. Whitney, will re turn on Wednesday to their home In Oak Lane Park, after spending several weeks in Boston. SHss Emma Crow ell, of Oak Lane, will spend the week at Harrisburg, where she will attend the nnnuul State Convention of the Daughters of tho American Revolution, which will open on Wednesday. The Regal Club will give its first dance of the season on Friday etenlng at the Belfleld Country Club. In chargo will bo Alexander Cunningham. ABsMIng him will bo Joseph P Dougherty and J. B. Christie. Sir. and Sirs. Slaxwell 'melons have returned from their wedding trip and are living at their new home, 1301 Elinor streot, Logan. They will be at home on Sunday afternoons after October 17 Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Ilitchner, of Oak Lane, will spend the coming week at Bridge ton. N, J Mrs. AU-o Flaherty. ot Glenslde, enter- ; Mr. and Mrs. Christian Feblger have closed Major and Mrs. TehuH have beau, living at i JfcjjfiijgiaiBiMJiMS - i i liiw. talned nt a musicals on Wednesday evening, at her home on Cliveden avenue, In honor of the birthday of her daughter, Miss Kathleen O. Flaherty. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwrfrd Frlcker, of Glenslde, enlcrtnlned at a muslcale on Wednesday even ing. Among tho guests were Miss Marjorle Cole, Miss Gladys La Peer, Mlsa Gwendolyn Cole, Miss Anna Kennedy, Miss Muriel Cole, Donald McSloBkey, and Brvln E. Hill. Miss Lilian Marlon, of Onk Lane, returned on Wednesday from a month's trip through Canada. Mrs. John Halsley and family, of Washing tonw, D. C, who havo been tho gunat of B, C. D, Nouhauscr during tho summer at his homo In Oak Lane, returned to their homo on Thursday. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jordan, of 4933 Chestnut street, returned lost week from Wlldwood. Miss Edna Moorohead, of tho Normandle, hav ing Bpont the summer at Capo May, haa re turned to town for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Botts ahd family, of 3G26 Hamilton street, havo returned home, hav ing spent tho summer In Chelsea, Judge and Mrs. Utley Crane, of Hamilton Court, gave a dinner party, followed, by bridge whist, on Tuesday evening. Dr. and Mis. Charles II. Thomas, of 3631 Chestnut street, are spending tho early fall In Portsmouth, N. II. The Rov. and Mrs. George H. Ferris, of Ham ilton Court, who spent tho summer at Chester, Mass., havo returned. Mr. and Mrs. Archlo E. Hughes havo returned from a fortnight's stay at Narragansett Pier. Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. A. Buzby, of 622 South 46th street, having spent tho summer In Atlantic City, returned to town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Qulnn and their fam ily, who havo been spending the summer In Point Pleasant, will return to their home at 3322 Sansom street by October 1. Mrs. Mnry J. Lee, of 821 North 63d street, who summered at Haddon Hall, has returned to her apartments. Friends of Mtss JcsbIc Thompson, of 752 Pres ton street, will bo sorry to hear that she Is suffering from a brokon ankle. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA The wedding of Miss Edna SI. Raho, daughter of Sir. and Sits. Harry L. Rahc, of 2121 Van Pelt street, and Charles R. McDowell, Jr., ot 3132 Diamond street, will take place on Wednes day night, October 7, at 7 o'clock In tho SIo morial Church of tho Advocate, Eighteenth and DIamund streets. Tho rector, tho Rev. Dr. Henry Slartln Sledary, will perform the cere mony. The bride will be attended by her sister, SIlss Florence E. Rahe, as maid of honor; Sirs. Roy A. Slanwarlng, tho brldegroom'B sister, as matron of honor, and Sliss Elizabeth Steinmetz aB bridesmaid. The bridegroom has selected his brother-in-law, Roy Manwarinff, for best man, and his ushers will be Emll Bahls, Herman Schrelner, F. W. Stohlcr and Ernest Phillips. On their return from a wedding Journey the couple will live at 726 Annsbury street, and will be at home nfter January 1. Sirs. Adelo Carman, of Fifteenth street and Susquehanna avenue, will return from her coun try home In Sylvanla, Pa., early In October. Sir. Charles W. Schock. of 214S Master street, will entertain a stag card party this evening. Those present will be John P. Levering, John W. Kommer, Llewellyn Hunslcker, Harry P. Mauser and Robert W. Grlssom. Sir. and Sirs. Georgo Zelgler. of Sixteenth and Oxford streets, havo returned from Atlan tic City, where they spent the summer at tho Denis Hotel. Sir. and Sirs. William Tinker and children, of 1520 North Sixteenth street, have closed their cottage at Twelfth and Wesley avenues, Ocean City, and returned to tho city. Hnrry Fricko, of C3d and Vine streets, has returned to college at Cornell. SIis3 Nina Potsdamer will give a muslcale tomorrow night, at her home, 1610 Diamond street. In honor of tho birthday of her fiance, Amos E. Joel. Her guests will Include SIhs Julia Silver man, SHss Cecelia Stein, SIlss Gertrude New man, Roso Greenfield, Isaac Levlne, Nathan Saxe, Jack Grccnberg Irving Newman, Ed wurd Welscn, Sir. and Sirs. Joseph Pollock and Sir. and Sirs. N. Potsdamer. TIOGA The S. S. C. Association gave a miscellaneous shower on Tuesday night at tho home of Sir. and Sirs. J. A. Hortman, 3US North Park ave nue, for their daughter, SHss Florence Mao Hortman, whose marriago to Christian Demmy took place last evening. The guests were: SHss Emma A. Campbell, SHss Llna Newiands, Sllsa Slarlan Bcrtolet. SHss Edith Clarke, Miss .Mil dred Haag, Miss Simpson, Sliss Bessie Simp son, SHss Slario Schultz, SIlss Lillian Gordon, SHss Edna Culbertson, Sliss Edna Lindner, SIlss Virginia Humes, SHbs Florence Nuttall, Sliss Slargaict Stapleford, SHss Katharine Shalbert and SIlss Slary Kaufman. Sirs. Samuel High, of 1E05 West Ontario street, has returned from Ocean City, where she passed the summer and oarly fall. Sir. and Mrs. John Llvfzey, of Nineteenth and Venango streets, are taking a trip up the Hud son to Albany nnd Troy, N. Y. Sliss Florence Young, of 3I0S North Seven teenth street, and SIlss Lillian Kline have re turned from a two weeks' visit to Old Point Comfort and through the South. Sirs. Georse Stockman, of IS24 West Tioga street, li visiting her daughter. Sirs. William Raudenbush, In Denver, Colo., and will remain through the fall and early winter. Sir. and Sirs. Harry Lewis, of 4607 North Broad street, returned during the week from an all summer's stay In Chelsea. Miss Slabel Kchr Donnelly, of 51U North Thirteenth street. Is entertaining a house, party nt her cottage In Chester Heights, Pa this week-end. ROXBOROUGII Sirs. Clarence Dengler, of Ridge avenue, Wis. sahickon, entertained at "500" on Slonday even Ins at her home. Her guests were Sirs. Fer dinand Davis, Sirs. Walter Fancourt, Sliss Edith t Fee, SHss Gertrude Field, Sirs. Ralph Pope, i Sliss May' McKlnney, Sirs. Milton Smith, Sirs. ' Elta Shuler. Sirs. Edward Shappell, Sirs. Joseph Robe, Mrs. Clayton Thomas, Mrs. Louis Wagner and Sirs. J. Johnson. Sir. and Mrs. Ralph Goettman. of 421 Green lane, have returned from tho Delaware Water Gap and will take a week. end motor trip to Atlantic City. Sirs. Annie S. Shoemaker, who has been the guest of her niece, SIlss Elizabeth Simpson, pf 417 Green lane, has returned to her home in Newark. CHESTER AND VICINITY Sliss Gertrude Buckley, daughter of Com modore John J. Buckley, of the West End Yacht Club, was given a TOO" party In commemora tion of her birthday last week. Miss Evelja Rook, of West Third street, is home from a week's visit to friends at Bristol. Mr and Sirs. Robert Stalnton have returned to their bof'e oa 'e Tblfuti-eet from Ocean I .J$ ' , ' & f w?t $ t " ' - ' - ft 4 4 MISS JEAN N. THOMPSON Miss Thompson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, of 1816 De Lancey place. She will make her debut at a tea which will be given by her parents the afternoon of December 3. Miss Jean Thompson and Miss Alice C. Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman Thompson, of Merion, will be guests of honor at a small dance which will be given at the Merion Golf Club on October 27 by Mrs. W. Percy Simpson, of Overbrook. City, N. J., where they wero entertained for a week by their son, Howard Stalnton. Sirs. John A. Wallace, who spent tho summer In various parts ot New York State, has re turned to her homo on Kcrlln street. Sirs. Thomas Warren, of Hanover, Pa., Is tho guest of her sister. Sirs. William Tompkins, of AValnut street. SIlss Sllrlam Cowley, nf Edgmont avenuo, has returned from a week's visit to friends at Coatesville, Sirs. S. T. Vantlne. of Bristol. X. J., is the guest of Sirs. E. A Rook, of West Third street. WEDDING BELLS AFAR AND NEAR Miss Musaer to Become Bride of Samuel B. Eckert, Jr., at Doret, Vt. Other Brides Here. The wedding of SIlss Agnes H. Slusser, daugh ter of Sirs. John Slusser and the lato well known Doctor Slusser, of this city, and Samuel B. Eckort, Jr., took placo today In tho Epis copal Church at Dorset, Vt. SIlss Slusser, who was unattended, was given In marrlngo by her brother. Dr. John Slusser. She wore n lovely gown of soft white crepo do chine, trimmed with rich lace, a tullo veil, and carried orchids and lilies. Mr. Eckert had for best man William Berry. The wedding was n very quiet affair, and was followed by a small reception at Klbbycote, the homo of Sirs. Slus ser. After a wedding trip Sir. and Sirs. Eck ert will live nt 2034 Da Lancey place. A num ber of Phlladelphlans attended tho marriage. Among those who left yesterday for Dorset wero Miss Anna Ingersoll. Sir. nnd Sirs. E. R. Tatnall, Dr. and Sirs. John Slusser and others. BOYLE MAcrmc The marriage of SIlss Marion Genevieve Sla gulre and James Downey Boyle, of Fredericks burg, Sid., will take placo tonight at the Church of Our Lady of Slercy, Broad street and Susquehanna avenue, nt 6 o'clock. Miss Slagulro will be given in marriage by her father, John Russell Slagulrc. She will wear a gown of soft lvory-whito satin, elab orately trimmed with real lace, and will curry a showor bouquet of roses and lilies of tho valley. Her tulle veil will, be fastened with orange blossoms Her maid of honor will bo Sliss Slargaret Slaguire: she will wear a frock of white taffeta made in a basque effect, and with a skirt which will bo composed of three tiers of lace. She will wear an Irish crochot Castle, cap, trimmed with pink chiffon rosos, nnd will carry a bouquet of Slnrylnnd roses. Tho bridesmaids will be SHss Knthryn Sla guire, Sliss Genevicvo Slaguire, Sliss Josephine Etsenman and Sliss Frances Slaguire. They will wear pink taffeta basque frocks, and pink bonnets topped with white tullo bows, nnd will carry pink cosmas. Sir. Boylo will bo attended by Frank Boyle, of Baltimore, as best man. and his ushers will be Henry Boyle, of Emmettsburg. Sid.; Joseph Boyle and Albert Boyle, of Baltimore, and Sidney Sappington, of Fredericksburg, Sid. The ceremony will be performed by the Hov, Gerald P. Coghlan, rector of the church, and will bo followed by a supper and reception at the home of tho bride's parents, 2113 Uber place. On their return front a wedding trip Mr. ami Mra. Bayle will Uvo at SOU Calvert street. Bal tlmore, and will bo at homo after October 15. iiRAnnritY-JoiiNso-V A quiet wcildinu will be solemnized toil ay In New Orleans, when SIlss Althea Johnson will become the bride of pr. Samuel Bradbury, of Wayne avenue and Coulter street- Sliss Johnson Is tho daughter of Mr, and Sirs. Wllmer Johns.un, and Is immensely popu lar In Xcw Orlenna. After an extended ed fling trip Mr. and Sirs. Bradbury will live at 20 East i7th street. New York. SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. J. 31. Huffy nnd her daughter, Sites Slario Puff, will entertain at curds thU even ng, at their home, JUS Castle avenue. About SO invitations have been iMuwl, and among thoi-o expecttil aro Mr. and Sirs. Q. Ouegeoo, Sir. and Mrs. A. Slcll'igh. Sliss Marian Bels, of Roxborough; SIlss Johanna Swoeasy, ot Germantown: SlUa Slario de Vauss, of Laos downe; MIm Agnes Comber. Slura Helen Con way. Al Kcll, Jair.ts Bonnet, Hudinun Ilup, Stanley Hopi. Miss Anna RoLlnon. Mlt Utr trude MiUov, Miss IKtoUi 1'uwei Mli HiU Kinnan, Al Cunlngham, Frank Donnelly, Ber tram Wolfe and James Gould Cat"i a'i !r. sieCoach bate closed their cottage at Ocean City and 'elurnd.)tt,1,; home, 2439 Carpenter street, whero they will remain for the winter. Their son, Edwin 0, SlcCoach, who has been vlslUn them to tho laat month, returned on Tuesday to Annap- oils, whero ho will complete his acnlor yeart Mr. nnd Mm, George Kolb and their chUdrert, who havo spent tho summer months In the cottago at Wlldwood Crest, have returned td their home, 2323 South 21st street. Mr. and Sirs. Frederick Hesse, of 2223 Cath arine street, announce tho engagement ot their ' daughter, Thelma, and Paul Wendt Tho wed- ding will tnko place In Old Christ Church earlj; In February. Silas Louise Schaefer and Miss Helen Schaefer will leave tomorrow for Now York, whero they will ho tho guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Krouso for several days, With tho return of cooler weather, many ot the private dancing elates have resumed meet ings. Among thesa tho Tango Social Is one lo which many of the most popular of South Philadelphia's younger eet belong. Tho cla will meet on tho first Wednesday of November, and promises to bo Just as popular as In for mer years. Tho members, among others, In cludo SIlss Nan Furey, SIlss Ada Long, Mlsi Catherino Dillon, SIlss Claudia Blnghart, Sliss Starle Maroncy, SIlss Catherino Grayhead, Miss Slay Furey, SHss Catherine Furcy, Edward. Flynn, Joseph Felix, Lawrcnco Doran, Charlea Struckblne, Albert J. Schell and Dr. Charles Furcy. Sir. and Sirs. Stack, of B313 Cedar avenue, aro receiving congratulations on the birth of ft lit tle daughter, Slay Catherino Stack. Sirs. Stack will bo remembered nH SHss Slay Burke, of 1438 South Broad street, whoso wedding last fall was one of the social events of tho acaooii. WHAT MILADY WEARS Dance Frocks and Afternoon Gowns Worn By Women of Fashion Attract the Artistic Eye. With the sudden changes from cold to heat nnd back to cold again, which havo been thai order of the day In tho weather theso past weeks, every style of frock may bo Been. Tho evening gown is, of course, much In evldenco at the many dances which aro held In tho clubs and hotels of the suburbs, which form so Im portant a part In tho life of Phlladelphia'a maids cmd matrons. SHss Katharlno A. Bowie, a debutante of this year, wears a girlish gown of creamy lace, tha skirt of which Is mado In a three-tier effect. The dainty bodice is cut in a surpllCb shape, and Is joined to the skirt by a wldo girdle of shirred satin. Another dainty white frock Is worn by Sliss Paulino Dlsston, who Is a pctlto and dainty type of young girl. Tho llttlo gown Is of cobwebby lace, and Is trimmed here and there with tiny bunches of rosebuds. Another attractive evening gown Is that worn by Sirs. Gilbert Harvey. Tho skirt Is mado of soft folds of white satin, while the bodice haa a Jacket effect and pannier of old rose cut velvet. Soft lace Is used about the neck and sleoves. Mrs. Harold Roberts, of Haverford, wears a carmlngly slmplo and cffecTlvo evening frock; at tho club dances. Tho foundation of tha skirt Is soft whito satin, over which falls threo flounces of shadow lace; the top flounce) Is outlined by heading of tiny rosebuds. A ktmona bodice of soft loco Is also trimmed with rosebuds. A chic white straw hat. tho crown of which Is encircled with small dark blue velvet flowers and a large pink roso at the side, completes the costume. White and black-and-white costumes ar extremely popular for the street for early fait Sirs. Robert Learning srontgomery has chosen a becoming costume In white. The skirt la rathnr plain, and over it Is worn a cape-coat, which falls almost to the knees In back and shortens at the front. The whito Is relieved by a small, close-fitting hat of black velvet, with upstanding goura frathers. SIlss Hope Bealc. who is tall and statuesque, has selected an outdoor costume which la charming for Its simplicity. Her frock Is of white ci oss-barrod crtpe. devoid nf trimming; with it she wears a small black velvet haft with a slnglo hugo scarlet flower nt the front. A smnrt gown of black chiffon taffeta haa bevn selected by Sirs. Slahlon Hutchinson. Tho short Jacket is worn over a blouse of black chiifon, and Sirs. Hutchinson's hat is of black velvet. Sirs. George R. Yarrow appeared re cently In a becoming gown of pale gray taffeta, with a small black hat. SIis Elslo Slorris Brlnton wears n good-looking blue serge cont-suit. Tho skirt is narrow and has a fhort tunic. A short roundod coat, trimmed with a smart bluck satin collar re veres and cuffs stitched in n lighter shade of blue, completes tho costume. With this SHss Brlnton wears a largo black velvet -sallor-shapa hat. with a slnglo feather lying close to tho brim, tho ends of which cross on ono side. Sirs. William J. Clothier, who has been a conspicuous figure every day nt tho horsa slow In Bryn Slawr this wcok. has chosen an extremely chle gown of white laco, which la made with a gathered skirt and wide soft gtrdlo. The hat, which seemed as if specially ch'.sen for this frock, had a rather full crown of black velvet and a wldb brim of shadow lnce, 'which was wired and gave nn upstand ing halo effect. Another lovely creation which wns scon at the horsn show was that worn by Mrs. Robert Kelso Cassatt. who returned last wek from a summor spont In Newport, The frock was fashioned of garlands of laco. which wero out lined at the top with bands of French blue shaded ubbon. The bodice was open at tha neck and finished with a do Medici collar. Sirs. Cassett's hat was largo, and was niada of cream-colored lace, and was trimmed with small bunches of gay (lowers. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Sir. and Mrs. B. U. Royal, f cj3 cooper street, have announced the engagement of their woqnd daughter. Sliss Ruth Royal, tn Dunisl X'rury, formerly of Chicago SHss Royal was graduated from Mini JJOI's school in I'm, and was president of her class. Sir and Sir. Royal and family have returned to their Cam den home from Ocean City, whcie thoy oc cupied a cuttone this season. Mr and Sirs. Charles Bhimer Uuyor hsiva returned to their Cuo()er street house from Sa sld Park, litre they have occupied a cottaga for several seasons. Mis. Ikr' pariits. Sir. and Mrs. t,ou( nora-. of .Vorth Sixth stiaet, were lltfi gtit fur part of the summer. lr. and Sirs. Puul Mecrav. of Su5 Cougar street, have cUmd ttoir cottage at 'ap jy and roturnej to town Mr. and Mr- IwvW Juter and Ulr son. j Sitll and l.lndia streets, ttuve rios4 their apartment on (hv Umirvalif ttt Ortan City Wl returned to ilu tlty. Mrs Jestn's mother and slater spent Ibe suunn. e with u t. t tha seaibure. 5Il und Mis. IUrvc iJuiir.lii. :, uii.i Ui ! dreo. of i ,ritli ul l'.'ptr M.'.cu tmv 13 turued t..un I'hil, v'i! th. t t t,, p bUlltlll' l Sir ai . Mr ! J i ,. tr. 1 1 t. . . . ' t 1 tl fh . Garde is a. id ir nlo.i' at W'.i' .reMllt t&