1STSS! $Ss iSS3SJ; jpnwajr? EVENING- J'EDaEB-PHILAPBLPHIA SATURDAY" SEPTEMBER J26, 1014. 15 TALK OF EXCHANGE OPENING STRONGEST SINCE WAR STARTED Conditions So Much Better That Six Weeks Hence May See General Resump tion of Active Trading. With tho passing of another week there has come a brljjhtenlnp; In tho financial Bklca which forcensta resumption at normal conditions earlier than has been ccnornlly loohed or. Tho most Im portant step Jn this dltcctlon, and one which has had a material effect In BtrcnHthcnliiK tho situation everywhere, was the decision of tho Now YorK Stock UxcIiriiro Committee to permit trading Jn unlisted securities at moderate con cessions from tho closing prices as of July 30, tho last day on which the ex changes of tho country wero open. Tho original restriction about not per mitting sales under those prices was jnado so as to prevent, as far ns pos sible, tlia liquidation which, It was jron crally believed, was to bo expected be causo of tho wnr situation abioad, This ruin continued in force for more thnn elx weeks. In tho meantime, there 1ib como a satisfactory clearing of tho forclBii debt situation and danger of liquidation, whllo It Is still apparent, Is not so pronounced as It was when tho order to closo tho exchanges was given. A wavu of optimism said to bo develop ing thrdughout tho United States gave rlso today to tho Impression that the way Is being elenred for tho reopening of the Now York Stock Exchange, the Consolidated Stock Kxchange and also tho Cotton Kxchange. It may bo possible to reopen thorn, especially tho llrst named Institution, by November 1, provided tho Federal Rcservo Hank Is working by that tlmo. The announcement that dealings In un listed stocks at moderate concessions Is believed as tho first step that ultimately may lead to tho resumption of regular business on tho exchange. Officials of tho exchange arc feeling out the financial sentiment of tho country. They arc also sounding tho loan situa tion and testing tho Investment demand. It is said the financial machlno is be ginning to move, and tbat tho sltuntlon Is beng developed under careful treat ment. Bankers hero today oxpressed tho opin ion that tho steps taken by committees here and In Now York that have been formed to supervise tho trading situa tion would do much to afford relief to financial conditions generally. The fact that trading may now be dono In stocks and bonds not listed on tho exchange at prices a few points below tho July closing, when approved by tho commit tees, makes It possible for Issues to seek the new level bases that must bo ex pected when .full resumption of trading takes place. No ono denies the possibility of a heavy offering of European securities as !-oon ns the necessary mediums nre made avall nblo for their disposal. llnch day that the exchanges arc closed, howover, lessens the amount of foreign .selling that may tako place. The present war crisis Is teaching Americans the advantages attached to a central bank In a country's financial sys tem. Tim efficiency and resources dis played by the Bank of England, In han dling tho situation in Great Britain, com mands admiration everywhere. FINANCIAL BRIEFS Philadelphia's share of JS.OOT.OOO n tho fiOO.009,000 gold pool to relievo tho foielgn exchange situation has been ovrtsttb dcrlbcd. This statement was made today by Ievl I. Hue. chairman of the Clearing Ifoubo Committee. Mr. Rue suid that re plies wore still coming In from Institutions to which the Jotter of the Clearing House had been sent asking subset iptions and that more replies weie expected, ns in some cases the directors uf tho institu tions had not yet met to act on tho matter. C. A. HUbee, Hccretary of the Tonopah Jllnlng Company of Nevada, todav sent a letter to stockholders explaining tho com pany's Intel est in tho Panama Mining Company. Th. letter says that tho Tono pah Mining Company has an option on the property of the latter company, nhlch is located In Nicaragua and has until next February to decide whether It will tako tho property. In ca.su tho option Is exercised a new company, to he controlled by tho Tonopah Mining Company of Nevada,' will ho formed to take title to tho property and operate it. V L. Abbott, of Pittsburgh, has been elected president of tho Southwnrk Foundry and Machlno Company, at 130 Washington avenue. Mr. Abbott suc ceeds II. Dell Bright who resigned sev eral months ago. Tho company Is operat ing about 25 per cent, of capacity at present. Holders of the collateral trust )' per rent, bonds of Hip International Mer chantlle Marine Company, Interest on which has been deferred, have formed a protective committee. The committee Is headed by Otto T. Dannard, president of the Now York Trust Company. Tho trust company has been named as depository. The Bank of Englnnd bought 14.000 in bur gold and 718,000 in United States jwld coin. The date for thu second payment nmountlng to 167 on Southern Pacific sub scription receipts has been extended from October 2 to November SO. RAILROAD EARNINGS MlSriOimi PACIFIC. 1014 Third week September Jl,lK.i,ocW JI7.0IV) 3'rm July 1 14.on9.UXI ."3rt,L,C ORANU TUITNK. Third week Keptenvber. .. Jl.ov.'.Slt SM.sio From July 1 1 if. 81',. (ill 72S.S2J CHICAGO AND AITON. fietonl week September. ., Sl'tiijiil tf.'.O'iS u-'roni July 1 Wll.Ml i.Kt.22S ST. LOUIS SOUTHWlJSTKrtN. Third week September.... Slftl.onn 72.W0 Fruni July t '..4TM.(O0 1CO.IHO MISSOUW. KANSAS AND TKXAS. Third week September fiE!il,BIA $.'m.,:i J'rum July 1 7.----MIU -'tia.SIS JH'KFAI.O AND SUSQUEHANNA. August gross SU.I,I.HI llOJ.-tn Nt" S'.i.UM ll.fsn Two months' Kross 2111.521 4S.a7H Net 37,fOJ 40,079 CANADIAN NOflTIIKIlN Third week September.... $500,700 478,KO0 From July 1 4,:m)7.4UU 714. WO CENTHAL It. It. OF N. J. July receipts f.'.T'-'I.UUl f.-.M.'JZ! Net I,12l,tiS Sll.iixi Surplus 440,201 10,M7 Increase. DETHOIT AND MACKINAC. Third week September K'i.ul'.i flirt Vrow Jilly 1 StCViw) 33.257 bUlTHKItN PACIFIC. August STOas 111.073,134 :,81,0.12 Ntt :i,ui7.tL)i ."in. m 'ro months' Eroa l,aiu,u7T Tlo.wi Jv.t T.itM.Wl WI,tJT KATES FOR MONEY The rate for money at financial centre to day wr quoted uu follow. Call. Time. Ih"adelpUla u -1rk . 08 78 Uoston ... , 8 0U8 1 " -.7 7 m . . ).. c-wv-t-M pp-r Iba to 8'vti' i. i'i'te. T 0414 sir coU RAILROAD EARNINGS ARE SMALLER THAN YEAR AGO Decrease for First Two Weoks of September Was 0.3 Pet Cent. Hallroad gross earnings continue to show a falling off from a yonr ago, the tolnl of nil roods making weekly returns nmountlng for the. (fl-st two weeks In September to $17,210,103, ft decrease of fl.3 per cent, ns compared with the earnings of the same loads for tho conospondlng period n yrar ago. Almost all roads In tho South report moro or loss contraction, ono notable ex ception being the Chesnnenko and Ohio, on which there Is still n substantial In crease, in tho West and Southwest tncro Is, however, somo evldonco of Improve menl, although most nf the leading sys tems continue to make smaller returns tha.ii In Mil. Tho losses In many In stances, hrwevcr, are much smaller thnn ft .hmt time ago, and In several Instances moderate gains nre reported. BANKERS PROTEST SECRETARY M'ADOO'S CHARGES Of 'USUARY' Criticise as Unfair His "Blacklist" Enumerating Banks Charged With Hoarding of Currency Reserves. Protests from bankers against being held up before tho country ns "usutors" and ns being guilty of wilfully creating financial stringency by alleged ho.trdlng of currency reserves began to reach the Treasury Department today. Some of tho letters used vigorous ttrms In criticising Socretnry McAdoo's campaign against hoarding and his publication of so-called "blacklists" enumerating banks having a surplus of legal reserves. That they would ho subject to scvoro criticism had they failed to maintain am ple reserves under present conditions wns the tenor of tho bankers' protests. For protection of themselves and their de positors, tho protesting bankers contend. It Is only prudent to maintain moro than tho minimum legal reserves during tho war situation. Despite the bankers' protests. Secretary McAdoo today evidenced strong Inten tions of continuing his campaign against money hoarding. Occasional additions to his "blacklist" are planned. He Is re ceiving many letters commending him for "showing up" tho banks guilty of hoarding and demanding cxcesslvo In terest. Some of the letters cite Instances of alleged extortion and refusal of credit. Statu banking commissioners of many States are also promising co-operation. The list given out by Secretary McAdoo enumerated somo of the national banks in each Stato of tho Union which are carrying reserves largely in excess of the legal requirements, as shown by their reports to tho Comptroller of tho Currency as of September 12. "Kach one of tho banks In this list Is required by law to carry a reserve of only 15 per cent. The resorves they aro holding range from per cent, to 74 per cent. If tho large amount of loanable funds that Is kept from active employ ment, as indlcattd by these figures, was Invested In commorclal or agricultural paper, or loaned on proper security, tho present sltuntlon would be greatly Im proved," said Mr. McAdoo. Some of the national banks In this city were included in tho Initial list. GULF4 OIL COMPANY ORDERS ANOTHER BIG TANKER HERE Crnft 406 Feet Long, With Capacity of 2,205,000 CJallons. Despite tho handicaps under which shipping Is laboring bceauso of the Euro pean conflict, tho Quit Oil Company con tinues to have ships built for Its norvlco between North Atlantic and, Texas ports. H has Just placed an order with tho New York Shipbuilding Company for the con struction of a Inrge tanker, similar In detail to the Culfoll, fJulfllght and Gulf stream, recently completed by tho '-a"1 den eh!pnrd for the oil company. Ths vessel will cost about a quarter million dollars. Llko her sister ships tho new craft, ns yet unnamed, will bo 400 feet 6 Inches In length, 51 fcot beam with a depth of 30 feet 2 Inches. She will have a capacity for carrying 2,203,000 gnllons of oil In her 22 tanks. Her engines wilt be llttcd to burn cither oil or coal. A powerful auto matic machlno will enable her to tow barges In safety whenever necessary. The officers of the tanker will have spacious quarters. MORE DIVIDENDS PASSED Depression Duo to Wnr Causes Cur tailment In Payraonts. Directors of the Aurora, Elgin and Chi cago Ilaitroad hao decided to pass tho quarterly dividend on tho common stock, which Is usually paid about October 10. The regular payments of 3 per cent', per annum were mado from October, H'07, to July last. The regular quarterly dividend of 114 per cent, was declared on tho pre ferred stock, payable November 1. Thu 1'orto ltlco Hallways, Limited, has passed tho quarterly dividend on Us common stock. The company has been paying I per cent. The Slmttuck-Ailzona Copper Company has passed the dividend usually paid In October. Three months ago 60 cents a share was -declared. LOWER LIVERPOOL . QUOTATIONS TUMBLE CHICAGO WHEAT Limited Speculative Interest Also Affects Prices. Marked Lessening in Sales, From .the Interior.' ;.-' SENATE "SLUSH FUND" INQUIRY GOES OVER Resolution Aimed nt Fenroso and Sullivan to Have Further Con sideration. WASHINGTON. Kept. K.-Tho Senate Committee on Privileges nnd Klectlons to day failed to rcacli any conclusion on tho Nonls resolution providing for nn Inves tigation of tho expenditures In the recent senatorial primaries In Pennsylvania and Illinois, and took u recess until nuxt Wednesday. Call S. Vroomnn, of Illinois, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, was again be fore the committee In connection with the cliaiges which h.ivo been made against Rogtr Sullivan, the Democratic, nominee for the Sonato In llinols. It had been ex pected that somo Pennsylvanlans would bo on hand tn testify that Senator Pen i o.i..-, tho Republican uomtneo in that State, had spent an excessive amount In his campaign, hut they did not tnatetlal ize. Following tho meeting. Senator Kern said an oppoitunlty would le given by the committee to persons making charges ngaliiKt those candidates to nuke good. "We will hear any persons who wish to come before the committee," said Senator Ktnv. "though, of course, tho committed at pieccnt Is not making an investiga tion, but merely passing upon tho desir ability of making an Investigation." Senator Hughes, ono of thu Demucrotlc members of tho committee, predicted that tho commltteo would not recommend an invLbtlgution. "So far nothing tangible has been pie seutcd ti tho commltteo In support nf the charges made," ho said. "Unless wu get somothlnS more tho resolution will nut receive u favorable report." AMERICA OFFERS BEST TRADE EXPANSION MARTS Bank Says Chances Here Are Better Than Those Abroad. Tho PiHiilclin National Hank, In Its October dlgebt of Hade conditions, Issued today, sajs: "The laiger part of the newbpaper space devoted to commercial possibility has been given over to the prospective Increase of our South Amer ican tiade. South America Imports ap proximately Jt.OOJ.ono.OOO wortn of goods a year, and It is unlikely that this coun try could get more than one-fourth of tho total under any conditions. "Leading business men are of tho opin ion that the gient trade opportunity for American manufacturers and merchants is In North America. Trade possibilities In Canada and Mexico aro taige, but the greutebt posblbllllka lie within the boundaries of the t'nlted State. "Tho total volume uf all crops Is satis factory, and practically all of them are finding u leudy sale except cotton, rt will bo nfctfss.iry to munufacturo our cotton In order t? sell it, although It will be possible to carry a few million bales over until next ear, as manufacturing fjcllitien can liaflily be extended sutll clently to tako euro I all of it." X NEW YORK BUUEB AND EGOS NEW YOHK, Sept. 20. Duller, atcady: re ceipt. &IM1; rreumrry extra, 30GJ30Hc-i State dairy tubs, -U'M.Dc, Imitation cream ery. Cru SJtiJite' Vtt3 k'tn&y. receipfe. 7257. n'irtor white faaiy, S3.'o . nearby imxcJ, fanty, SJO 28e , frtah nreti, ilJ90c- PHILADELPHIA MARKETS W1IKA1 UCLelpui 1D7.U1T buubola. The marKvt iuict una ic. luwtr. Cur lote In ux puii uiotutur .no. - reu, it una eDiUcniLir. 10!i'al.iai No. 2 Ilea votern, sl.12tfl.17; .No. I Isorthcrn Dululli, $l.lb'ul.--l. Ctno Ueuelpm iU41 busnum. l.Utlo trud Ing una prices declined lu. OrterlUKJ iiioueiutu tiut iiinpiu. Lui lute tor local truuu, uh to lu cr.tmn No. 2 yellow, 875jl',4c; meiuuor cl low, gtfteVSn:. OA'ta Receipts 0ll,r,42 bushels. Qulot and without important iIiuiiko. No. 2 while, olvj'U .Vic. laimurd wiilto, ulttf.'dHiC.; Mo. U while, MUV.Mc. li.Ol.Jt Receipts, 2770 bbla.; 2.003.C07 lbs. in puckn. Tiuuti quiet una price nom inally uncliunged. Winter, cleur, 4,IJU(i I.j ; Uo., straight, J.IIUruii.ln; do., patent, i.i.2.i& !.oi; Kuiibuu sirutynt, Jute suckH, su.-Uti..io, do., patent, Jute huilu, .o.uUtutu.75; spring, lit Nt, cleur, fl.i.'Hjo; do., straight, $o.lucji G.1U; do., patent, $j.o)IUS.8o; uo., favorite biands, Jijo.i'.'i; city mills, choice and lancy patent, U(iiU.2j; oily mills, legular graden Winter clear, $l.umi.ti; uo., ' strulght, J.UoiVio.l.'i; do., patent, $r.23&o.U0. H1K J'l.OLK Steady, but uulet ut S G.ou per LU., In ttood. riio visions (Julet nnd without important change. City Iter, In sets, smoked ana alr-drled, Jl'ija-c; tutcrn beer, hi sets, smoked, jLuJ2u.; city tut, knuckles una tendeis, suiokea ana ulr urled, .ll'u'.Hc. ; Western Locf, knuckles and tinders, sinoKtd, J-'uJtc; beer hums, JlOifU, porx, tumlly, V-tf27. Hams, ti. 1. cuiod, loone. lo'iu'jc.; uo., sKinuou, loose, lo'suioc; uo,, uo,, smoKed, lsuluc. ; other hums, mokel, city cund, as to brand ana average, lvalue, limns, smoked, Western cuicd, lb'oluc. ; do., boiled, boneless, 2srauc. ; picnic uhuulaers. iJ. 1. cured, loose, 12jl2Vic; do., smoked. UH It Vic.; bellied. In pickle, according to mcrJKe, loose, lUiiU 17c. ; breitktast bacon, as to brand anu acrugc, city cured, 2lt(2.1c; breakraat bucon, Western cured, .212ji.; lard, Western relineil, tlencs, U'.iallV ; do., do., do., tuns, ll'a'ulli'. j lard, pure city, kettle rendered, l.i tierces, llH'Ull'ftc.; ard, puro city, kettle renUeicd, la tubs, llhifjll'hc. SUGAll Dull ut former rates, dtandiud granulated, 0.M)t.; lino granulated, M.7SC.; powdered, IIMc; eunteitluiierti' A, O.tuc; soft grades, u.UOU U.iuc, DAIRY PRODUCTS CIIEKbli In moderate but umple supply ana tiuiet. New lurk, lud.cieum, choice, Ibj tUlf.4L ; do., uo., fair to good, lots'ulUc., do., part, slums, on He. JIUTTKM Trade tiuiet, but values lUutilly held on fancy goods. Western tresh, soua pttcked, creamery, fancy, specluls, :13c. ; ix tia. aic; extra firsts, JOc, hrsts. 2S'j(r 2'Jlic ; beconds, UHi-'V-jc. j ludle-paiked, 21 (i 2Jc, uh to quality, nearuy prints, lancy, :ue,; do., uverage extiu, 324j,y.le. ; do., tlrsiH, 2uy aic, uo., seconds, ..ru-bc. special runcy brands ot prints Jobbing at ;iHU-ldc. i:j(jS strictly fine iresh eggs pretty well cleaned up and steuily. In (tea cases, near by ixtrnu, aic. ier ilui. ; ilea l by llrnls, H.lll per standard case; neurby current receipts, f.20b7.uU per stundunl cuso; Western extra llr.fls, . ID per case; do., firsts, n.ZUUl.Zil Iier case; do., seconds, 3ll.UU'ju.!)il per case. Candled uud lecrutcd fresh eggs were Jobbed out at J."(aJTc. per do., as to quality, POULTRY 14VJ5 Sold slowly with moderate but am ple oiterlugs. 1'owis, l.ViilTc ; old ruusterr. ity, Hul'Jc. , ducks, old, l.liil'o.; do., spiiiig, H'lfluc. , guineas, per pair, )0uug, ueightnis 2 itia. und our uplice, iuc; uo., we.ghing l'j viP't lbs. upicie, oouoJe, ; au., weighing i lb. upieie, MIc, old, SOi , pigeons, per pair 17 iilki. UUKSSUl) Trade quiet, but values stead ily neld on choice stock. Fresh-killed tjivls, per bl , selected heavy, 2lc, luney weighing i'Ma't lbs. uplece, 2o)tij. ; no., weighing 1 Ids, apiece, 20c.; uo., weighing ,ih lbs. apiece, 17dlc. . do., weigh ing a lbs. and under. 10c., old roosters, dry picked, i;H!C,; broiling chlckeiu, neurby, weighing lViS- lbs. apiece, (H-'-'c; broiling chiikcns, nearby, fair to good, lOi&lno. ; chick ens. Western, a',-j I lbs. apleie, lUc, do., do, 2Vkua lbs. uplece, lolfldc. ; biolllng chickens. Western, 1VJ'- lbs. apleie, 17'olt,c; broiling chickens, Western, fair to good, lOiflUc; squabs, per doz. White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs., per duz., JI.I5UI.W, white, wcljh Ing u lu ID lbs., per doz.. .li.l,7.'; white weUhlng H lbs, per doz., fl.2Wl.S0; do., do. 7 lbs , pet doz,, Jl.'O'u'-', do., do., OQtfft lbs.', per doi., $l,2oUl,&o, dark and No. 2, COc.if FRESH FRUITS Quiet und without Important change. Ap ples, per bbl Oravensteln. II.5032.2&; lllusb, il.MD2.2A; other good eating varieties, tl.SUu 2.V.V, medium, Iliil.M, apples, Delaware and 1 ennsylvanla, per hamper, SuffSOc. lmoiH, per box, .!8jl. rincapples. per crate Porto ltlco, ft 2.1'ti. I. .'5. Florida, f t'u2..V). Cranber ries, Cape Cod, Early lllack, per bbl., I.305, cranberries, Capo Cod, Karly lllack, per crate. fl.7S42; cranberries, Jersey, per crate lurk, tl.7S'K2.2S, light, Jiai.2.1. Huckleberries, per Ut.. -MlNc, Peaches, Virginia, per 2l)-lb. basket, 25SSOC. , do., do., per crate. 7.V9I1 21 do,, Delawaie and Maryland, per basket. . 7ue.; do., do., per crate, 73c QH.23, peach -s. Pennsylvania, per basket l.arjo white or el low, SOS 75c ; medium, .TOJHOo.. peaches. Jer sey, while or yellow, per H-basket Kxtrit large, 75(l)0o. , inedlum, MfflOc. l'ears, ntar b). per bbl. Ilartlett. No. 1. fin & ."0; do., No. 2. 42 G4V30; Clapp'a Kov orlte. No. 1, f.'i.H)04..vi1 do.. No. 2, t2..Vlfi,'l. other varieties. f2S'J. pears. N. V. Heckel, per bbl., HlfO, pearw, llartlelt or Seckef. per bushel basket, Jltil.75. Urares, New York Concord, per B-lb. basket. I'lSlSc. do., per 4-lb. basket, Suliic; pelawares. per 4-lb. basket, 12iline. , grape'. Concord. er crate, 4065UO. 1'lums. per S-lb. basket, 2002.1;. Cantaloupes, Colorado, per crate, f tfll r0 do do., flats, 6utjM)c. Watermelons, Jersey, per 100, flfrS23. CItlCAqO, Ropt Z6.I Iowcr Liverpool quothtloftB. atfd flmllcd, Rpeculntlvc Irl torest .tribro than nny, particular selling prcssureori tho innfltet resulted In lower wheat prices hero today. Theic -la prt marked lessening In tho sales of wheat from tho Interior, particularly In tl)o Southwest nnd West, and a good export f bUsluesH tit Quif ports nt lcadt. Importers hero continue reticent,, Investigation discloses that on the days f when the board was ujnnblo to got Its Liverpool quotations this week they were suppressed by the llrltlsh Government. It also develops that on those days the llrltlsh. Gorernment bought wheat' freely In tho. United States. 'Incidentally It Is learned through com mercial channels that the making of the future murlict nt this tlmo at Liverpool In largely In tho hands ot one man, nnd that the spot prices are the; beat present criterion by which to go. The receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Dulutlt to day wero 1000 curs, against 1077 enrs a year ogo; nt Winnipeg 8S0 cars, against 1111 cars; nt Chicago 3IC cars, against W) cars. Futures closed Hi to l'ic. lower. Corn was heavy. Fine, clear weather, favorable for curing and lipeniitg of corn, along with limited speculative In terest, counted iigalnst . values. Cash sales wero C0.009 bushels. .Futures closed to c. lower. Oats weakened because of limited spec ulative buying and moro less week-end liquidation by smaller longs. Futures closed -7i to He. lower. Provisions wero stronger early. Some realizing nnd the weakness ot grains counted against values Inter. Leading futures rnngrd her nephew, nerrjamln Shoernakeri 3l North Owen nVcnuc, Lapsdowne. Jifr death was brought n by a. fainting spell. Miss Ilaldwln wns born at Downlnglown, Vd 78 years ago, nnd had lived for many years on tho old Baldwin homestead nt Bradford Hills, near Downlnglown. A alitor and a, brother, who live In the West, sutvlve. GHAHTEd M.M. KIMiEN Clmrlei M. .V. Klllen, who. for more it...,, nc, ,.,,' 'I, ml li engaged in the 'wallpaper busln6s9, tiled yesterday at his home, 4725 Hazel avenue, nc "" years old and had been III since tho first or August 'Thf widow and a sort, fJImilcs At X. Klllen, Jr., survive. funeral of' Mrs. S. Ht Hinfckley The funeral of Mrs. nlllo II. Hinckley, who died yesterday at her summer home Itt Swarlhmore, will be held next Tues day morning In the Calvary Prcsbyterln.il Chinch, Fifteenth nlid Txicusl streets. Mrs. Hinckley for years was the man ager of tho young Women's Christian Association, a member of tho Executive Committee and chairman ot the htn plovmelit nnd iUcrptlon Committee. I-or twenty years Mrs. Hinckley was man ager .of the Presbyterian Homo for Aged Couples nt Hala arid secretary und vlro president of the Hoaid ot Trustees. She organized and wns pn-sldent of the loth Stiect Station Pay Nursery, looked upon as a model. Her husband, one son arid tin en' flafighters survive. PRATItfl S)eatlj3 Whenl Seplemher Uccvmhcr , May ....... Corn (new delivery) September , December May OatB Ceplember ...,.... ' December ... May Lnrd Scplembcr .. October January .... ' nibs Hrittombcr .. October Jnmiaiy Pork -(September . . Januir Ilia. tAsltci Open. Jllgh. l.'U 1.1HV1 704 irjvi ft -tn; l.tKI'i i.mvi -mi . 73 li 47 4'lU follows: VCFtenlay's Low. cloMe. 11 ir l.dSJt 1.10 1.15'J tl.17 177 7.-.j; 721? 4i;ii 4!l .-.2M . fliV.' .10 07 ...II. .17 .'.'."ld.bii u.r,2 10.07 11.40. 10.50 II..VI 10 02 11.37 iil? 7!l'i 40 S2II, ta.30 II..VI lO.OU tli.:i- 'HI.7II 10. ir.Htio. in ..Hi Wi INomlnal 111.no. 10.73 17.22 tlU.77 DIVIDENDS DECLAIIED McCall Corporation, regular fiu,irtrly f per cent, on common, payable. November 11 la stock of record November 2. . Corn Products Refining Company, regular quarterly 1 per cent, on preferred, pavnblc October 1', to stock of recrtrd October .1. Westlnghouso Air Ilrake Company, regular quarterly J2 per share, payable October 1? to stock of record September 30. Perfection Steel Spring Company, reguijr quarterly 1?; per cent, on preferred, payablo October 1. BANK CLEARINGS Dank clearings today compared with corre sponding day In tho last two years follow: 1014 IPl.'l ioi I'lill.u'clphla. f20.Kil.7h0 ?2n. HHi,r,2r, Ji'.T Mi 'r,-, iioston.. .... I7.bm.no !,r!.n4.,-i Vsis'ils New iork. ic7.BH.ini7 3i:i,:k:o,7s-, ;i7.i,oi(;,u;r, NEW YORK CITY NOTES New York Cltv new , am n,,n,A.i ,..,,..". follows: ' "" '""JJ ua ANIir.nSON. At her renldencs. 202S Chrln tlan st-otf September 2S. ll. MAY LLKA NOIl, dadghler of Mnry r:. nnd lin late Waller C Anderson, llelatlves and friends nro Invited to nttend the funernl Hervlie?, on Monday afternoon nt 2 o'tloek, at the. Church Of the Holy Apostles, 21st and Christian sts. Interment at Mount Monnh IIAliHNCOPl". On Keplember 31, 1014, SAM- IJDL. husband of Hie Into Hcrtlm Harrncopf. In his nflth e.ir. Itelallvrs nnd frlemK nro Kroknuer Chevin. Hlslnej. Star Lodge. No. 120. T. nrltTA. M.: l'alestlno Chflpter. It. A ; Itnppnpnrt IOdge, Nn. 23, I, O. F. S. of I.; Har Slnal LodRO. I. O. n H.. nre In vited to nt'rnd tho funeral en Sunday morn ln. at lO'O'elock precisely, at his late resi de! Of. 4157 Lcldy alp. Interment at Mt. runnel rcmclorv. Klnillv omit Dnvvers. IHMV.MAN On September 21, 1014, JIAItT A. HOWMA'N, need 74 ear. daughter of the late John nnd Bujan Ilnwmnn, of r,er mnntnwn. .Funeral on Monday, at J p. m.. from Mrs. .Tame McCafterty's. at Midway. Hitckn County, Pa. Interment Hecinwood (."enietery. .Tr-i-i, IIOVII. On .Scntem ber 24, 10t4, ALn.NAN "lKll J husfiind of Mary K. k Hoy 1 (neo I'.arnihawjr Ftincral Monday nt s n m, from 524 S. Water st. Solemn .rtequlem Mnsi nt St. Joseph's Church Bt U 30 n. in. interment Cathedra! Cemetery. ..,. UKANNAN. On September 24, 1011, LLkA NOK, widow of Frederick W. Ilrnnnnn and itauitnter of Hleanor Shetzllnc anil late Jnmes -., nn..i jt i.i Knnernl Hunilnv. I P. iau, '.., . . . . Tntrrm.nt m.. train lino Mtweraw Northvvood Cemetery. Itltl t. St. Mnturlty. 1017 101(1 11'15 Wd. 102't 1011, 100 Asked. 1021), ion. PKItJ Last .sale. 102J.J Ult, 1MI1, OBITUARIES ALBERT COWEY BURIED Tho funeral of Albeit Covvev killed in a fall down an elevator shaft at his placo of employment Inst Tuesday, was hold from tho homo of his parents, 2301 ?outh Third street, this morning. Interment was made nt Holy Cross Cemetery, after cer vicen at the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Tho Itov. Father Jnmes Dalton. pastor of tho church, a great porsonal admirer of tho young man, celebrated the Solemn High Mass. Oscar C. A. Covvey, father of the deceased, is assistant cashier- in tho offices of the Ptmuc Lrookr Company. un September -. ivii. .i.ac..w., es Dolan' (nee Dougherty). FQneral ay, at is:30 a. in,, from 2243 Nortl. e st. Solemn Ilequlem Mass at St: HARRY D. LENTZ, SR. Harry D. Lentz. Sr., 1W-2 North Thir teenth street, died yesterday at his hum mer home in ocean city, N. J., from en laigement of the heart. He was ii. joars old nnd had been retired for many years. His father nt one tlmo owned tho site upon which tho Moyameuslng Prls m to day stinds. His one son, Harry v., Jr., and a grandchild survive. DOUGHERTY FUNERAL MONDAY The funeral of Hugh .1. Dougherty. 35 years old, who died of pneumonia nt Vera Cruz, Mexico, will bo held on Monday from tho homo of his brother-in-law, Wil liam rtiimsey, 2031 Cedar stieet. Dough erty was a private In the United Stated Navy. MISS REBECCA GIBSON Miss Itebecca. nt!3oii, sister of the or ganizer of the tiibsou Distillery, died yes terday from apoplexy at tho Aldlne Hotel. She was born In Philadelphia S5 yeurs ago, and spent most nf her life In this city. During her culler life she was active in charitable work. VEGETABLES Totatoes and onions null and weak other vegetables stead White potatoes, per bush -l'enns)lvanU, lOftille. , New York. 55li5.Sc white potatoes, Jersey, per basket, imijJ.5. Sweet potatoes, Kastern Shore, per bbl Nj 1. l1.TMi2.a3; No. 2, 73c ( l Hweet pola toe. North Carolina, per bbl No. 1, Jt 758 2, No 2. 7.1c T$1. Sweets, Jerey per bbl. -No 1. . 5UH2 73. No. 2. t501,73. do, do per basket, 10f50c. Onions. Weilern and Connecticut Valley, choice, per Inn-lb bit, il; do , medium, rer ltxi-lb. tuiir. 731iW)c Cab bane, domestic, per ton, J U 11(12 ivierj. New York, per bunih. liiiiSOc. Mushrooms, ir 1 lb basket. &nc SIV W UlSAl.JCbTA'rH KOH S Lll Suburban RIDLEY PARK On Hldley avenue, at the lake; new hunxa Uer; ltvlnv. dlnlntr, model kitchen. 3 bed rooms and bath, room for 2 rooms In second story; hot-waur Leat, laundry, hardwood tin Uh. front and side yorchet, let, SOxlGdl eU shade, lake view, price. 200; only one Urt. Uolr 1500 In cash required. Five inluutea' wlk from station Telephone E. L. MOORE 917 South 15th Street. Phlla, MISB CHARITY BALDWIN Miss Charity Ilaldwln. a prominent member of the West Chester Meeting i of the Society of Orthodox friends und ' of a family well known In Chester County history. Is dead at the liumo of i IttMVN. At bl residence, 1010 lluttonwpod St.. on Sept 2.", JAMKH, husband of Kllen llrovvn, need 14 years. Duo notice of the -..nrnl 1,111 h, p vrn. CAMI'ltKLI On September 25. 1014, JOHN (-AMPI'rci-L. Itelitlvcs and frlendi Invited to attend th funeral services, on Tuesday, nt 2 p. m.. nt his late residence. 572.T Mar ket st. Interment at Mount Moriah Cemc- CAI'i'.It On September 23. 1014. 1IEN- HILTTA. wife of the late Henry Cnspcr. a?ed ( jears. Itelatlvei and friends nr invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 10 a. m., from her lcto residence, ICO1 Diamond st. Interment at Adath Jcshurun Cemetery. Dal tlmore nnd New York papers copy. . CKMl'INI. On September 25. 1014. ALBERT CKMIMNI. son-ln-Iavv of the late Thomas nnd Almlra Dixon, In his COth year. Kunejal servlres on Monda, at 1:S0 p. m.. at fliLT Cnrllsl" nt. Interment private, at Mt. er- Cn?VILI ELIZABETH CHAPPELE. 75 ycari. 1241 Cambridge st. CI.AS11Y. On September 24. 1014, ELIZA 1JETII, wife of William Clasby. tunernl ' Monday, nt ":f!0 a. m.. from 840 N. 2Sth Ht S-olemn Mass of Itcmtlem nt St. t ran ds' Church nt 10 o'clo. k precisely. Inte. ment Holy Cross. Cemetery. CHCMVI.r.V. On September 22. 1014. JOHN J. CHOWLEY. husband ot the late Allco Crowley (nee Devlin), need 7.T years. Fu neral on Monday, at 8:30 a. m.. from 25X1 S. Juniper st. Solemn Jtequlem Musi at Kplpbany Church. 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Ctojb Cemetery. Cini.MlNti. On Septemher 2.1, 1011. MI CHAEI. W husband of Miry Cummlngs (nee Gallagher). Funeral in Monday, nt S H a. m., from 2125 W. Harold sU Folmn High Mns df Honuiem at St. Columba'a Church at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemstcry. DAVIS On September 24, 1014, M. ItE- HKCCA DAVIS, widow of S. Powell Davis. Relatives and friends ore lnvltea to attend tho funeral Bervlces, on Monday morning, at 11 o'clock, at her late residence, SOS Preston st. Interment private. Ilemalns may bo viewed on Sunday evening, from 7 until u o'clock. Chester County napcra plea5v copy. ntlLAN' Dn K.nf.nilier 24. 101 I. .TANE.Wlfe or unaries iioian (nee ioupneriyr. runemi on Monday, Lawrenca IMward's Church at 10. a. m. Interment at Holy Cros Cemetery. DONOIIOK On September 25, 1014, FltANK A., hUHband of Mary F. Donohoe. Funeral, Trcsilav. at R n. m . from 34.10 Sunnvsble av. Falls of .Schuylkill High Mass at Pt Bridget's Church, at 0 30 a. m. Interment S'estmln?tcr Cemetcr. 1'AHItAN On September 25, 1014, DAVID W., hushaml of clam M. Furran. Funeral services on Mnniiy. at 2 p. m . at US N Wilton st. Interment at Oreen Mount Ceme tery. Hemalns may bo viewed on Sunday, after 7 p. m riHI.D. On September 24, 1014. JOSHUA LA nt'E FIELD. ae;ed 80 years. Funeral services on Monday, at 12:30 p. m., at 1U27 North Camac st. Interment at Cheltenham M. E. Church ground. l'HIEDMAN' MAX FRIEDMAN', 38 years, 015 North 2d st. O.VLI.HiAN. On September 25.1014. PHILIP. feon ot tho late John and Mary rJAllluan. Fti ncril, on Mondaj. at 2 p. in., from HUP Bir Aramlngo ave. Ilniulem Maes ut the Churih of the Nativity, nt 10 ,i. m. Interment, nt St. Mnrk's Cemetcn'. Bristol. Pa (IIIIMIV On September 25. 1014. REBECCA ilIHSON. Funeral services nnd Interment private. (iOHDON. ELIZABETH FRANCIS, at 'iine. Pn.. September 25. 1014, In her Mst jear, daughter of the late Hon. David Framis aordon nnd Lydlu C. Diddle, his wife, fnrmerlj of Rea ling. Pa. Services at St. Mars's Church, Wayne. Pa., at 'I n. in., on Monday, the 2Sth. Interment at Charles Evans Cemetery. Reading. Pa., on nrrlvnl of the 11 Os train from Broad st GRADY. tin September 2.1. 1011. LUKE F, Jr., beloved son of Dr. I.uke P. and Mary K. irudj men I'euoti, aged in Mars :t months. Relatives nnd friends, ills.. B V M. Sodality, league of Sacred Heart and Holy Name So ciety of Church or our Iidy of Victory, tutrix Catholic Club anJ nss of PHI. ft C. II S, are Invite 1 to attend the funeral, on Monday, at H "O a, m . from the resldencu of his parents. 251 North 32.1 St., West Phlla deli hla olemn Mas o! Ite.nilem at Church of Our I.tdy of Victory, at 111 a. m. Inter ment at Holy cross Cemetery. (;i:i:i:.N. On Seplember 22, 1014, CHRIS TIANA, widow of Peter A ilteen nged M cnrs Funernl se-vives in SundA. dep tember 27. nt I p tn , nt lull N. l"ront at. Intirment nt North cedar Hill Cemeterv HDI.Ml. On eptenlbe 21, 1014. .TAMES, husband nf Man M Holmes Funeril on Monday, nt 2 p. m . from L.'SS N Howard st. Servbcs at tho Norrls S.iuaro l'. P Clnrdi. at .'I p. m Intcrmunt private, at North t'edur 1 1 111 I'emeiers .lAl'ltETCHE. On September 21. 1014, PETKK E. JAI'HETCHE, at his residence 111) South 22d st. Requiem Mass at St. Pat rick's church Monday, at 10 a, m .M'NiK.-On September 24. 1014, JOHN J II husband of Amalle Junge ninernl on Hunda at 2 '!() p m rem his hit resi dence H2 App t Interment nt Hlllsldo Cemeterv via funeral tar KII.I.KX. -On September 25. 1014. CHARLES M. N. KII.LKN aiel 31 jears Fun. ral servUes. m Tuesila), at I p m . precisely, at his late ieldence, 17'I5 llarol ave Inter uient private KNAlllt. - MAKV KNAl'TH, 7 ears. 3517 lilllmnn st. LA.AKl S. rin September 25. 1D14, HAJIHY husi an t or sallo lazaius rtneral on Tuesrlily, at 2 X. m.i from 2.112 South HTM st. Interment prlrale. I.F.N17.. On September 25, 1014, nt his sum mer residence, Ocean City, N. .!., IMIlUV I). LKNT7,, fir., husband of Josephine S. I.entJ! (nee Slmp-on). city, residence. 1002 North 13th st. Duo riotlce pf the fttnernl will ho given, MVKZKYr Suddenly, on Beptember 23, 1014, 8AMPEL It., hunb.ind of, Mnrgaret B. Llvezey, In Jill C2d venr. Funeral, without further notice, ltonunx. It m.. from late residence nenr DavlMlIlc. 1. Interment private, Hathoro Cemetery. SfAfMILi On September 24, 1014. SAf.LIE E., Wife of Robert C. Mfldara and daughter of the late Oeorge Anil Snrh Ehrenaetler. Funeral on1 Rnndny, rtt-.Sp. m., from .11.1 Huntir st , Olou'cesUr City, N. J. Inter rrwnt t'nlon Ctmctery. JHflEE.-On Septembr 2.1, 1014. MABOA BET, widow of Nlcholo Mngee. I'itneral on Monduy. nt t .in a tn . from 10.11 S. Frnrler lerraCo (tilth and Chester nve.), West PhllA. Solemn lteipilem Mlim at the .Church of tho Mot lllessed JSnrrnment nt 10 a, in. In ternum CRthedrpI Cemetery MAKIAN.SKY. REffl.VA MAltlANSKV, .1 jears, 1020 N. Ahicrlcan st. Alnt'HLI,!.. On September 25. 11)14, MARY ANN. widow of Robert Mltehe.ll. Funeral on Tuesday, nt I p., hi , from 75-1 Ea.t Ontario st. Service-! at the Trinity Reformed i:p! copal f'hunli at 2 p. m. Interment nt Oak land cemetery NEV. In rhnrlntte. N" C . on September 2.1, 1014, ANNIE C. NT:Y, sued 05 years (nee Dotger), sister of ElUftlieth Wolrf. Dr,m Wer ner. Henry C. Dolger nnd the .late Andrew J. and 'William J. Dotger. Interment at Boston. MnK. I'ATTEIIHO.V. On September 2.,, 1011. .tO SEPH . PATTERSON, litiabnnd of the late Martha Pnttersnn, nged St year'. Funeral, Monday, Sept. 2S, at 2 p. m from 501 Hoy den St., Cnmden. N. J. Inteoiient prlvTite, nt Evergreen Cemetery. I'ETEHSON On September 24, 1014, AN DERS, husband of Anna Peterson, aged OH years. Funeral services en Sundny, at 2 p m . at 250 West Stella st. Interment at Hill side Cemetery. WINN. ROBERT QUINS'. 14 months. 211 Wed Jefferson ft. ItOSENlinitO HETTY ROSENBERG, U yenrs. 1.10.1 (lefmantown nve. Hi:Hi:ST On September 24. 1014. LEWIS J., htKhand of the lute Theresa A. Segrest, nEATHS. - "n Ms 87th yenr. Funeral on Mnnday. at 8t80 n. m. from a 1 20 Diamond M eolemn rt Onion Mass nt the Church of ths Most Tre elnus Blood nt 10 s. m. Interment private. SIIINHI.K. On September Sf(,10I4,MICHAEi SMIll.l'.. ninorni eervuiw ,m iHrouw at ttt. 2 ii 'm . ni the Post Booms, finth and Mifftet Is. Interment nt Mt, Morlah Cemetery. SI.MON. At her residence, ,220 North JSth et.. on Seplember 24, 101 . SARAH KVB. vvldnvv of Philip Simon, nged 00 years. Fu nernl services on. Monday, at 2 p. m.. At t h apartments of Oliver II. Ralr, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment strictly private. . rl.MITIL RUSSELL SMITH, 25 years, 2MB Mnnton st. KNVDEIt. -On September 21, 1014, at Trei liVtirlan Home, fHlh and tlrccnwsy av., AN TOINF.TTH P M widow of John 8. Hnyder, In her 7th year. Relatives nnd friends are Inv'ttil lo attend the funersl services, on Monday morning. 2Sth Inst . at 0 o'clock pre eifely. st ihe resilience of her eondn-Uw, Mr. Hsrmitn r. Horn, 11.12 N. 18th st. In terment at Drwlgshurg. Pn. RI'IVASK ROSE SP1VASK, lfi months, 031 Moore st. STEVENSON. At Sew-etl. N. .T., on Septem ber 21, 1011, O It., husband nf Sarah A. Stevenion (nee Snngp). Due notice of the funeral will be Riven, from his son's resi dence, Hnrry H. Stevenson, 0110 Viola St. (52d nnd Pnrk'lde nve ). STEWART, On September 25, 1014, nt Nevr Coniord, ' . ANNA J., wife of H. H. Stow nrt and daughter of the Isle William and Ann Hnrkncs. Due notice nf the funersl will be given. STOKES, On September 25, 1011. MOBDB CAI C. STAKES. Funeral, Monday, Sept 28 nt 2 .10 p. in . at Wrnonah M E church. Wenoneh N. J. Interment nt Wennnsh rvmclerv Train leaves Mnrket ft., Phlli., nt I'R" p rn MT1t.rS. Suddenly, nn September 2t. 1014, nt Mliml Fla.. WALTER STRAUSS, son of Howl and the Into Samuel Strauss, ngen nil yenrs. Due notice of funernl will be given later. VALENTINE. On September 24 1014, flEOIlOi: W. VAI.EVTIS'E. nged Vi .venrs. Relatives and rrlendp. also Radiant Stsr t ndire No '-12, I. O O. F . and Veteran Firemen' Association, are Invited to attend tre funernl servlres. on Monday, the 28th Inst., nt 2 p m pret lely. at his late rest det. e 1025 Vine st. Interment private. S!l KSTtTH I'OIt SALR HUM. i:STTB I'OIl SMtE nnAi, I Prettiest Part Bala-Cynwydl V U 4 tr7? IZft., !ov yTTS' A m!:m Ueautlful homes In n beautiful npitrhborhood Latches Lnnc or Union Avenue, Cynwytl. Kvery needful thln in them and on k plots, with Hpaclous grounds and porches, churches, schools nnd stores In the neigh borhood. Priced from $10,000 to $15,000 Terms convenient to present conditions, ciu bv Pennsylvania Rail road, Schuvlkill Vallev Division, or J'ennsylvania Iiailroad. Main Line. Or Market Street Elevated to r,2d street, then Hala nr to City Line. MAIN DFFITF c.mo.n avi:. ami l vnsti;h piici:, nALAj BALA-CYNWYD REALTY CO. GEORGE C. SCOTT, President. 000-901 MORRIS BLDO , PHI LA., V '3TMJl.',,' l-j?tri-Vin:'l'E,e'. nrPyy'M. iyn Overhrook. Overbrook. "Peace is Declared" McGarvey's rWERBROOK yJ HOMES 62nd St. North of Lansdowne Ave. Have Surrendered After withstanding a siege extending a little over 3 months by the home-buying public. Ry the terms of surrender each of the 21 satisfied purchasers retain their hom'S in exchange for tin.- rush consideration of J3700. We Have Only One Left out of 2" houses JOHN N. McGARVEY commander-in-Chief nf tho Situation tfi 1 AVest Philadelphia, JHe.t Philadelphia. NEW SEMI-SUBURBAN HOUSES . nu.vi. r.si'VTi: i-'ou sli: Suburban hi:i. i:s r I'm pun si,n Subiirli.iu AtHHIMNiJ Till: HIIAUTIFUI. OV CltimouK SECTION NAsSAl ROI). Itl I'ttKKN ' M) (!.-) il'lr-' Sir- r - u 1 ' ' ' - 1 - wtl I Mill K HMMIt'lllll IN IIOVII '"-vritt f TIOX I nee homes nre Imllt of ne rnmninlne suburbnn le w Ith i Ity nnvenlences. ue .:! ft front; Into 3,1 "l.i,. will satisfy the ei diserlmlnatlnic home t They have everv I. rn i-onvenlenee found ' I nmplete home nf to- Fine piiniuetrv tlonrs, rl I" shower Paths, ten i plint heat. etc. . PKItt'IVAI. .lOIINmtN liuilder ami (intitr in Premises, M iv he reaehed either via ' ited. passlni; north up ""th t. Overlirnnk ears on u. h t or P. It. n. from ' " rl rnok KtHtlOn. fti'riiuininvvn. r?a"ALcr 41& teK SKisiioi.n North IMIdvviind. NORTH WILDWOOD llKNIlY If OTTPN'S ANT) Wll mVlM.lt I.ANP n H HOLDlMiS Water Front Lots-$300.00 Five Mile lieu, ll nhona hd lu, rrn.e in as sessed valuations "f " PKH "TINT. PKIt A.N'NI'M KOH I I VKAIIS PAST. Pasiest growlne lesort. ItHiiks next in Atlantic City. H.ife wartime Investment. lle.lts t, Ks nr l.on.s No Inss of prlii' ipal possible. (Ireat pr.!U assured Iluild small apartments or bungalows, w hlch rent well. P,ir Inferm.iiinn Call, 'Phon or Writs. FARNUM & CONNOR (SfllltiK Went II II O'tenfc' pive Mils Ilea- h Iloldtriffsl 231 REAL ESTATE TRUST Dl.DC. PHILA. Hell phone Walnut "17 111 Peniisv Ux aril m Sunil.i. 7 in A M CT This Ad is Worth 15 00 on a l.ol Purchae n iiitiii:ts r SOsuassssSdas MSBBtBSMukuatfk nisiii1r THIS IS T1IK TIME TO llltV .MAIN LINK IIOJIKs V INISIAI Pltll KS NKVKIl Kl'l'H VAl.t'K ON MAIN LINK 1 1IL..VI lU'l I. HT DWlDs lKMIf Haudsomn new Upanlsh .UjIbii huusa Vv ,,1. Lt, i ,v Mh wn.i, in: compi.kti:u HBPT SSTII .MIITIIIITIMTI Hullt of hollow tlla. 0 rooms, a TI1.K11 " riim. i t.j ha ilni.lieU in nint anl PATHS with tillOWKIt Interior llnlsh "ia.h Fveijthnu molern anl in ex whits I.lvine room mission, nnd all '"'t "Jin n IP at from entral plant modern annolntinentB UleeulnB- l'nr. h Lot OOx'JIO In exeelleut ntighliorhowd, near station. 8iiou ONLY 7000 A NEW IIUUUI: Colonial rleslin 0 rooms, '1 baths Finished in white and mahogany, brkk porth steam heat and all modern ronv ententes l.ol Oox'JIO 1tlilii two blocks of station. telUnt eariv an acre o l h.iri. n,., d,mi..n and Suit vlub l,k at the' airl. s t,000 pin in; hp.vioiiki i:n jt small coal A very handsom old fasntoned brick house, rough t.ast . larce lot. tiKli'.'lll. vvlili b. autlful old shads irres, near iain and in tine residen tial se, Hon Huue has U ruorns bath all modern conveniences $7000 KfaREALCSrATORUSrBLOQr. fflm i ii initiiiii " DESIRABLE QfFICES EN SPITE OR 8IN01B HOOM8 MANHATTAN BUILDING S. E. Cor 4th arid YJuut St. FREDERICK SYLVESTER 729 1 ALNV-T 8T, $400,000 Live Money for Live Mortgages la I1BC0O to soooa anounl- r& a-iva- -i tisrid .111(1 pri -.'''irs Imroealv'-? I-JRACE K. READ 1l UUOAUWA.V, JiKW lOHK MODERN APARTMENTS l. lu stout and Jiil Sts lit. ' ' dii'N VU"I i A FEW VACANCIES jjsciu't'v f-"-ort anl rt'oe-n n, nr-t. Iiuft, I -i. not wat-r, I- ete. I--1 1 !i rU,. All f) , ! 3. J lftNPPItBON A'ti.-ce-M- I i n An Exceptional Opportunity iT!kLD Colonial Mansion, Va- in a most pictur esque section of Gerinantoun; one block from Tulpclmpkeii Station; also accessible by trolleys. Thi property consists of a 15-room bouse, surround ed by old sbadc trees; has hot-vsater beat, electric Iihts, hardwood floors and two batb; lot, 187x1.18 feet. This property can be pur chased at a little more than the value 0f the ground. For full particulars ad dress owner, Hox L 720, Ledger Office. (ienerul A New Operation 1 IP 'S. LOUGHRAN HOUSES Jl !' 1.1KK I III I I", I II VT V K UU1I.T AMj si n Ii I. ve-r v i.au See Sample Houses 4832 Norih Fifth Street Price $4000 A I.MJ 516 Eleanor St. Price $3200 Ti-r . e,i .. , . , , ,! mrjjcrn m pr. rn, is , -. , , , ,Mry rctra '"",' -ei f, rhat baa tn 1 - l ---. "") a ttirird t JOHN LOUrHRAN'S SONS 6TH BT., BEI IOCKI AND 6T I 1