Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1914, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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crnxiB it. it. cunTis. rtiiiz!ft.
Cr,W. Oelrn, Beretry John C. Martin. Trfturjr!
Charltn H. Lucllngton, rhlllp S. Collins, John B. WII
lltmn. Plrrclnrt.
Ctsrjs II. K. Ccatis, Chairman.
I. IT. WTtALKT Executive Editor
its r riwi. n ...t nn.tn.ai Mnnitrer
mm .. ftirtHiinninMi.un'"'1' ..u.....--- - -
PublldhM dally, xept 8unday. at Prnito Lr.NlSB
nulldlnR, Independence Sn.tmri riilladelphia.
LinoM Csjmut,. , .Broad and Chectnu IS try Ms
ATtANTic Cm rrrn.rMfon nuiMinc
Nut York I70-A. Metropolitan Joxrn
CmoAOO,. ....... 817 Home Insurance IullIln
LOUDON. ...... ....8 Waterloo Dace, Tall Mall, S. w.
Kiw Ton ncwsAD The T "'' ""''J'";
IImm.i IlniKAD W FrledrlchPtraMo
Ixixmn BcmtAi; 2 rail Mall Ea.t. S. W.
Timu Bciiio 32 Hue Louis le Grand
sunscnirrioN terms
Br carrier. DllM Only, Ii cent. By mall, postpaid
cntalde of Philadelphia, except where forelfm postage
la required, Diilt O.ni.t. one month, twenty-five cents)
Diih Oblt, one year, three dollars. All mall subscrip
tions parable In advance.
ET Address all eommu(cn(on to Evening
Td0tr, independence Rqunre. Philadelphia. m
KNTKitro it the r Htr.ADxr rittA msTorrics as sfcoid-
rillLADELrillA, SATlini)i1, SKITEMIIEIl 26, 1914.
No Grab This Time: The Light Is On
THE loan bill calls for J40O.000 with which
to purchase ground for the proposed Mu
nicipal Court buildings. The land involved
Is scarcely one-fourth of what will be neces
sary If the whole scheme for palaces at the
taxpayers' expense goes through. Some In
terested gentlemen are looking for Invest
ments. There will be rich pickings later on
If the city can be dedicated to this adven
ture In so dubious a manner.
There Is a smell of graft In the entire en
terprise. The drawing elsewhere in the
Evening Lnrjcsnn tells the story. If thero
were any necessity whatever for abandoning
the excellent detention house already avail
able, if there were every reason for housing
the Municipal Court In the manner purposed,
ordinary business sense would require con
demnation of the whole plot of land, not a
part of it.
There was hurrying and scurrying to and
fro to secure the one vote necessary to over
ride the Mayor's veto. The full strength of
Penroseism was brought to bear in behalf
of this enterprise. The gang Is still at work.
It is making ready to take Its profits. The
plum Is almost ripe.
It is a pity, with things going along so
nicely for the gentlemen with itching palms,
that publicity should suddenly throw its
broad glare on the whole Infamous con
spiracy. There Is nothing for those soldiers
of profit to do now, of course, except give up
In disgust. A footpad cannot work in com
fort when a policeman's gun is against his
Quick Revolution in Mexico
VILLA'S capacity as a general is great.
There seems to be no commander in
Mexico who can contend successfully with
lnv not any body of soldiers which can be
relied on to check his wild troops. Carranza
is left In a position where discretion will be
the better part of valor. His courageous
stand against the demands of Villa marked
him months ago as a strong man. one likely
to take the bit in his teeth and awe even tho
former bandit into compliance with civil
edicts. On the other hand, Carranza, once
In the capital, has failed to distinguish his
personal fortunes from those of his country.
He has not clung tenaciously to the program
of the Constitutionalists. There is nothing
left for him to do but accept a compromise.
If Villa can be persuaded to yield at all now
that the die has been cast. "But this will not
do a long revolution. The result will be de
termined one way or the other within a few
months at the most.
Another Hostage to Health
NO CITY can be too well supplied with In
stitutions where the most expert medi
cal aid can be had at reasonable cost. The
hospital, especially when of modern construc
tion, pleasing to the eye, as well as sanitary
and complete in all its necessaries, Is vastly
euperlor to the average home. It gives bet
ter service; It promotes medical progress;
and It is cheaper in the end.
The proposed new hospital, for which funds
are already accumulating. Is particularly de
sirable because of Its probable location. Situ
ated near the boundary line of West Phila
delphia and Delaware County, it will serve
a distinct district The overcrowded Unlver-
"g if Blty HoaP'tal, the nearest to the east, is fully
iuur jimva nwiiy. wiiiih wio vjosesc institu
tions in other directions are from Ave to a
dozen miles distant. In the case of many
accidents and sudden Minuses, speedy access
to a hospital means everything.
Calm of Germany
AMEIUCAdoes not take kindly to militarism.
. Prusslanlsm or any of the relics of the
Dark Ages which see.n to have drawn what
Is otherwise the moat progressive, finely
cultured nation of Europe into the black dls.
aster of war. That Is only natural. Our
whole inheritance Is . gainst it. Wo stand
with Schiller, Ooethe, Beethoven; not with
Von Kluk and Prince Frederick William.
Rut have we given Germany the benefit at
the doubt? Have we helieved the best of the
land of the great poets, philosophers and
musicians of the 19th century? It Is only
now that sober second thought la beginning
to draw from our minds the animus that waa
natural to the first news of war. We are
beginning to contrast the dlfferim, spirits in
which the combatants have undertaken the
struggle. We are learning more and more of
the petty hysteria that fooded England and
France with confusion worse confounded. We
are discovering from returned tourists that It
did not extend to Germany. It does much to
bring back sanity when w - learn hat Berlin
proceeds on almost it i normal course, with
theatres open, trams running, ready money
st$r all and no moratorium. We must at least
xesftcct such signs of civilisation in the face
of world-wide vituperation and hysteria.
Captious Critics of Capable Artists
ONLY In such small matters as wars and
the fate of races are the American peo
ple given to snap Judgments. Everywhere
i.& a,at ilnwn tn fnshlona nnil thp ' mnvlps "
KHC ..- ...... .. .. ...v..vv.
h r rhnrv of nulck vituperation. Thev
have learned their lesson. A few Wagners,
Ibscns and Darwl.ns, misjudged yet tri
umphant, have been enough. Now it is the
fciuvo or the foolish man who takes the slcdgo
hammer to tho new artist with tho new
message. As an English critic has written:
In music, In literature, In the conduct of
life, our fathers used to build the tombs of
tho prophets whom their fathers had stoned,
Now, even If n stone Is picked up, it drops
from the half-hearted fingers of the critic,
who doeo not know whether In a few days
he will not havo become a disciple.
Too hasty, too violent criticism has turned
asldo many a sensitive artist from tho ac
complishment of great things. It has never
deterred tho "bounder." The creattvo llfo
of society depends on never-ending experi
ment. It must not be stilled; It must not bo
hampered. Accept or reject, but do either
with consideration. That Is what tho critics
havo learned.
Highest Expression of Penroseism
THE highest expression of Penroseism In
Pennsylvania Is the Organization, which
has been Impeding and hampering the devel
opment of the city for so long that It has
come to be accepted by citizens, who do not
realize what a pack of cards It is, as a Phila
delphia institution. There Is no apologist
for this machine except among Its beneficia
ries. Indeed, ordinary citizens elsewhere are
so satisfied with simple Americanism that
they would ridicule the Idea of substituting
for it In Washington the trickery nnd loot
which so often In Philadelphia have gone by
the name of government. After an cxpcrlenco
with a mild form of Penroseism In Wash
ington the nation repudiated It utterly. It
will not now take any part In a conspiracy
to revive the political system Penroseism
connotes. Pennsylvania can recover her
prestige nnd political Influence or she can
cut herself oft from her sister States by lash
ing herself once more to a sinking nnd rotten
Put a Feather in His Cap
SENATOU BURTON can well afford to be
abused for his superb work in defeating
the extravagant Harbors and Rivers bill.
Undoubtedly many meritorious Items were
lost, but the country congratulates Itself
that still more unworthy ones were stricken
from the measure. It is not a good time for
"pork." It Is a period when national econ
omy Is Imperative. Senator Burton pre
vented a raid on the Treasury. Put a
feather in his cap for it.
Stifled National Ideals
INTERNATIONALISM is not a denial of
nationalism. On the contrary, It presup
poses the free and unretarded assertion of
national powers and qualities. The race
hatred fostered In Russia, in German Poland,
in the Dual Monarchy, Is merely the logical
result of the stifling of national Ideals and
aspirations by oppression and despotism.
Thero can never be peace in Europe, there
can never be an end to race hatred, until
every people, from the weakest to the strong
est. Is given an opportunity to assert Its man
hood and in the light of freedom lay its
contributions upon the altar of mankind.
There can be no Parliament of Man until
every nation learns the lesson of democracy
and self-government in a parliament of Its
own. If out of the holocaust In Europe there
shall arise a redistribution of national ana
racial boundaries compatible with the aspira
tions of the people's yearning for emancipa
tion, the price of the achievement will not
have been too dear.
Making Ready the Leaven
THE cause may be war or bad business,
but the colleges report record enrol
ments. The auditorium at the University
was crowded beyond its capacity during the
opening exercises. The State College was
compelled to refuse admission to more than
200 applicants. No country need despair
when Its educational institutions are flourish
ing. They are the true foundations of pos
terity and prosperity. They make ready the
leaven. Industrial depression is always a
passing phase in the nation's progress, but
the uplift from education is continuous and
without Interruption.
Rip Van Winkles in Citizenship
PRELIMINARY to the November balloting,
the better element in politics must always
face that deadly enemy, popular apathy.
Ironically enough. It is not the ranks of boss
ism that are blind to public duty. Their
registration lists will be full on October 3
full to overflowing. It Is the weakly-good who
barter their privilege for ease.
In an effort to bring out a big i-gistration
a table has been prepared of the number of
assessed citizens in 1913, the number who reg
istered on the three allotted days and the
number a full third who failed to register
and who thereby cast a silent vote against
the public good. If Penroseism does not go
down to tinal defeat this fall, the blame can
be laid at the comfortably closed doors of
the somnolent third. Theirs is the power,
and theirs may be the guilt.
Rewards of the Commonplace
tF you want to go anywhere jou have
X to start from where you are," said Burke.
First steps aro as Important as la.st steps.
Starting from where one Is Involves a right
understanding of the commonplace.
A great motive Invests every deed with
significance. Murlllo painted "Angels'
Kitchen." The convent porter, faithful to his
humble duties, finds the kitchen filled with
angels, each doing a simple service. The
monk's vision was his reward for ordinary
work wll done. Commonplaco tasks become
groat achievements when performed wtth all
our might. The soldier dying In the trench
Is he not cno.ua! to the king on his throne?
To do common things in a perfect manner Is
a truer sign of religion than to do great
things in an imperfect manner. The de
spised ordinary relationships of life may be
the rounds In the ladder that reaches to
the skies,
The Organization looks a long; way ahead
for its profits.
The area of Asiatic exclusion does not ln
elude the theatre of war.
Probing Penroseism may bo a good thins
for the Democrats, but knifing it would be a
better thing for the Republicans.
Director Harte, of the Bureau of Health,
wants $79,000 for tho protection of the health
of the children of Philadelphia. To the ordi.
nary cltUcn this would seem to be a more
Important project than the building of
palaces for a Municipal Court that does not
need them.
Tht decision of the United States District
Court upholding the right of the city to
maintain the Parkway route throughout the
entire distance without taking immediate
physical possession of all the property in
volved Is a great triumph for the city, A
contrary decision would have required the
Immediate expenditure of a treat amount or
a vastly larger Jnvestmeat later on.
METAPHYSICALLY speaking, Britain's
mental viewpoint Is best reflected In tho
"agony" or personal column of tho London
Times. At present, when tho land Is dis
tracted by war, the column Is a veritable
mirror of human emotions, running the
whole gamut, from pathos to bathos; from
love messages to the sale of an auto. Most
often, "Brown Eyes" appears;
I LOVE you, speak. Yours, Brown Eyes.
The next day she apoko thusly;
BltOWN EYES probably off shortly. Don't
phono me 116 tilt I let you know. B. E.
But she was misunderstood evidently, as
tho following notlco Indicated:
BROWN EYES, for whom Is your messngo
meant? Be as explicit as you can. B.
But "Brown Eyes" was not tho only one,
for there wero messages from the front,
tincensored, and from the heart:
LIEUTENANT J. McD. My heart Is with
you. JEAN.
ADA V. M.-Ara still well nnd unhurt, doar
cst. Every one In best of spirits nnd very
confident. All my love. ARCH.
But we are not through with women as
yet, though this one Is of a different type
perchance a militant:
DOCTOR'S WIFE, mlddlc-ngcd, will under
take to perform the work of nny tramway
conductor, coachman, shop nsRlRtnnt or
other married worker with children, pro
vided that worker will undcrtako to enlist
nnd fight for his country In our hour of
need. All wages enrned will bo paid over'
to the wife and family. Apply Airs Lowry,
I Priory terrace, Kcw-grcen, S. W.
Then comes a plea:
BOY, 7 months, son of ofllccr going to war,
wants some one, good family, to adopt
him; R. C. preferred. Box II 140, The
There arc many others, some begging for
funds for hospitals; others asking help to
obtain military equipment. One, extra long,
denounces Englishmen for staying home at
their work instead of getting themselves
carefully killed. And at tho bottom of the
column we find:
TO THE CLERGY Sermons supplied each
week. New, fresh, simple and drawing
lessons from the present war. Send for
full list and specimen, sixpence. Ouston,
43 Page strect,WestmInster, S. W.
ON THE Isle of Capri, beloved by tho mur
dered Empress Elizabeth of Austria, is
an Inn some 50 years old, conducted undor
the will of its founder, an nrtlst of the school
of intemperance and 111 fortune. The will
"The charge a day, two bottles of red
Capri wine included, shall never be more
than six frnncs ($1.14). If any nrtlst Is too
poor to pay he shall paint a picture on some
wall space, receiving all the accommodation
accorded those who pay the highest price.
If any German artist shall come to tho inn
he shall bo accommodated and shall receive
the amount of his fore to Germany upon his
promising never to return to Italy."
What grudge the proprietor had against
German artists Is not known perhaps he
was one himself!
AMACHINE politician and an independent
XXwere discussing the Penrose candidacy.
"Don't you like the way I'm dealing with
the question?" growled the machine man.
"I don't mind the way you deal," retorted
the independent, "it's the way you shuffle."
LORD KITCHENER'S press censorship Is
mild compared to that exercised in 1663
by Roger l'Estrange In London. Being placed
in charge by the Government, ho advocated
a reduction in the number of master printers
from 60 to 20; ordered periodic inspection of
print shops; closed their back doors and
issued an order that all printers guilty of
even the slightest infraction of his law be
compelled to wear insignia of their disgrace.
But his special aversion was the newspapers,
because "reading of them makes the multi
tude too familiar with the actions and coun
sels of their superiors, too pragmatical and
censorious und gives them not only an Itch,
but a kind of right nnd license to Le meddling
with the Government." He was so success
ful In suppressing newspapers that he elicited
the admiration of the Government, according
to contemporaneous accounts.
SARAH BERNHARDT is raging at the
nefarious Germans, but never again will
she be as infuriated as she was once upon a
time, many years ago, when she visited
Vienna. At that time the Austrian capital
boasted of a wit named Saphlr, who edited
a weekly and wrote all of its contents. Then
Mme. Sarah was as thin as the proverbial
rail fence. The day she arrived Saphir's
paper contained the announcement:
"An empty carriage drew up to the hotel
entrance and out stepped Mme. Bernhardt."
The actress threatened nil sorts of dire
things, but the worst was yet to come, for
when she announced that she was learning
to play the flute Saphir catno back with:
"Mme. Bernhardt is learning to piny the
flute. In order to distinguish the Instru
ment, she has decorated It with a blue
But it was as an Impromptu wit that
Saphlr shone. Once, when he turned a street
corner he bumped Into a stranger.
"Donkey!" thundered the stranger.
"And MY name is Saphlr," replied tho wit
politely bowing.
ONCE upon a time an ex-President of the
United States and tho Governor of a
Middle West State wero taking luncheon at
the old Astor House In New York city. The
country was anxious to know how the ex
Presldent, who was soon to be renominated,
stood on the free silver issue. But tho tx
Presldent was as silent as tho grave, so
far as public utterance was concerned.
Now It so happened that a reporter on an
evening paper had Just received his salary
and In a moment of mental distraction had
decided to eat at tho AMnr House. Kate
willed It that ho sit at the table adjoining
the ex-President, to whom ho was unknown.
"Suppose Congress should pass a fice sil
ver bill, Mr. President?" asked tho Governor.
"I'd veto It," thundered the ex-President,
bringing his fist down on tho table.
An hur later the newspaper on which the
temporarily rich reporter worked had an
extra on the street, announcing the ex-Presi.-dent's
attitude on the stiver question.
And to the day of his death, the ex-Pres-dont
suspected the Governor of abusing his
"Pot wallopers." the idiomatic name for
dishwashers, was originally applied to a class
forming the constituency of tertaln English
boroughs, or housekeepers considered suf.
flclcntly well established to boll a pot within
the limits of the borough over a fireplace
erected In the open air.
The phrase, "who steals my purse, steals
trash," is not original with Shakespeare,
after all. It appears originally in the "Hom
ily Against Contention," set forth in the
time of Edward I, which says,
"For the one takelh away a man's good
name, the other taketh away his riches, which
is of much less value and estimation than his
good name."
Tho superstition that certain persons have
tho "evil eye" has Its strongest hold In Italy.
In Carnlola or Naples, or In fact In any part
of Italy, if you tell a. farmor that his crops
aro good or his cattlo fine, ho will expecto
rate at your feet to avert the evil. It is said
that once, when driving through Rome,
Plus IX, one of tho best beloved of modern
Popes, looked up and smiled nt a baby In a
window, A little while later tho nurso
dropped tho infant to tho street. Ever nftcr
tho superstitious looked upon Plo Nono as
the possessor of tho evil eye.
The Point of View
The days are getting short and dark, and
winter time la near,
The optimist Is filled with glee nnd Joy and
goodly cheer;
He docs not have to swat the fly nor mow
the weedy lawn,
And he may sleep In pcacefulness, for
'skectors now are gone.
But, ah! tho peevish pessimist Is quivering
with Ire,
Ho must nrlso at 6 o'clock to fix the furnace
Ho has to shovel snow and fit the doors with
weather strip,
And live In deadly terror of the little bugs
of grippe.
He hates the work he has to do, the cold he
does despise.
That thrills the optimist to whom it's merely
On the Riefcl Track
A seedy-looking man walked slowly up to
the farmhouse.
"Madam," he said to the farmer's wife,
"may I chop some wood for you? I'll do It
for nothing."
The lady looked at him suspiciously. "Do
you be necdln' exercise?" She Inquired.
"Not exactly, mndnm. The only thing I
require Is that you let me sit by tho woodpile
and paint for a few hours. I am an artist of
tho old school, and I have been commissioned
to do a futuristic Impression of an aeroplane
I wish to use tho woodpile as a model."
Slaughter Ahead
And then Turkey may bo superstitious, in
which event thero "Will be no Mohammedan
participation in tho war until after Thanks
giving Day.
The Horrors of Peace
This is a neutral land of ours;
No foe is nt our walls:
But spite of alt our vaunted powers
Niagara Falls!
Lines to the lien
O most serene, O calm, prosaic fowl;
O Hen, thy laziness makes millions growl.
O barnyard bird, O dawdling, dowdy hen,
When shall the laying mood seize thee again?
O loudly cackling and complacent bird.
By what elixir may thy blood be stirred?
Source of great wealth, so plain, so simply
Each day wo see cold storage eggs exhumed.
Each day we hear thy queer, discordant cluck,
But find no egg as motive no such luck!
And so a nation waits upon thy will,
Or with the grocer runneth up a bill,
For eggs "fresh laid" by thee and thine, O
"Fresh laid." the grocer salth aye, but
A Rara Avis
A worthy man
Is Thomas Woller;
He never wore
A rubber collar.
Boston Transcript.
A sturdy youth
Is Guy Geblatz;
He never woro
A pair of spats.
In 19 Fill in to Suit Belief
The woman presidential candidate had
Just concluded the keynote speech of her
Hoarse rhoprs from the multitude shook
the rafters of the big auditorium, and as
to the poor old welkin, It could ring no more.
An enthusiastic man, standing on a chair In
tho rear, threw away his hat and coat nnd
slapped a glum looking neighbor on the back.
"Some speech," he yelled. "What?"
"Fair," said the glum man, "but not the
kind that mother used to make."
One to Carry
Teacher Who knows what triplets are?
Bright Pupil I know, miss; It's twins and
one left over. Boston Transcript.
Where We Come In
When Europe wants peace and a meal
ticket she will see America first. Chicago
All the Sjiiic in the End
Hotel Walter Come, sir, you really must
go off to bed, sir. 'Yawns.) Why, tho
dawn's a-breaklng, sir.
Late Reveler Let It break and put It down
in the bill, waiter. London Punch.
An Ideal Match
"Are they well mated?"
"Perfectly. She's afraid of automobiles
and he can't afford one." Detroit Free Press.
In the War Zone
"Venus de Mllo is In the Louvre's vaults
for fear of aiv.shlp bombs." Naturally, being
unarmed, Wall Street Journal.
Old Dan'l ll.mkB he ays this town
Is Jest the best on earth;
Ho says tliero ain't oni, up nor down,
That's got one half her worth;
He imjs there ain't nu utlirr State
That's good as our'n, nor near;
And all the folks that's good and great
Is settled rlsht 'round here.
Says I. "D'Jer ever travel, Dan?"
you bet t nln't!" says he;
"I tell you what! Tho place I've got
Is sood ciioubIi fer me."
He says the other party's fools,
Cause they don't vote his way;
Ho ays the "feeble-minded schools"
Is ihcie they ou;;l!t tcr stay,
If he was law. their mouths he'd shut,
Or blow 'cm all tcr smash;
He says their plntfrm's notliln' but
A great big mens of trash.
Says I, "D'jcr ever read it, Dunl"
"You bet I alnt!" says he;
"And when I do well, I tell you
I'll let you know, by gee!"
He sny9 that all religion's wren?,
"Cept Just what lie believes;
Ho says than ministers belong
In Jail, the sumo as thieves;
Ho says they take the blessed Wqj-4
And tear It all to shreds;
H says their prcnchln's Jest absurd:
They're simply leatherheads,
Says I. "D'jcr ever hear 'em. Dan.?"
"You bet I ain't!" says he;
"I'd ncer go to hear 'em, tig;
They make me sick ter see,"
Some fellows reckon more or less
Before they speak their mind.
Aril sometimes calkerlate er guess
But them ain't Dan'l's kind.
The Lord knows all things, great or small.
With doubt he's never vexed;
He in his wisdom knows it all
But Dan'l Hanks comes nextl
Sas I. "How d'yer know you're right?"
-How do I know?" says he.
Will, n-jw, I vum, I know, by gum I
I'm rlht becuusc I be."
Jeacpa C. Lincoln
who has! been hero for a few days In
preliminary research for her biography of
Poe, told me that her life of Fenlmore
Cooper, which silo published last year, had
required seven years of travel and research,
and that when the book was ready for tho
press It had cost, on nn average, more than
$21 a page As thero were 400 pages In thnt
very excellent biography of the author of tho
Lcatherstocktng Tales, tho reader who Is
quick nt figures will note that It Is not
always a profltablo undertaking to write n
In the course of a conversation I had with
Miss Phillips sho mado several remarks
about Poo that surprised me. Probably tho
most astonishing was that tho Poe family
had declared to her that of all tho biog
raphies of tho author of "Tho Raven" to bo
found on library shelves, not one really was
authentic Evldontly, we shall have to study
tho subject all over again.
MISS PHILLIPS has mado authenticity
her standard in biographical writing,
and she assured mo that not only will she
bo able to correct many errors nnd falBO
Impressions about Poo thnt havo becomo
familiar, but nt least one-quarter of her
book will be absolutely new.
Already she has traveled from Maine to
Virginia for materials. She has corresponded
with I do not know how many porsons who
are believed to possess untouched manu
script material, or pictures that aro un
known, but when I asked her when she ex
pected to Issue tho book sho ropllcd that
sho would spend three years more on It.
I found she appreciated the Immense Im
portance of those flvo years of Poo's llfo
which the poet spent In Philadelphia, and
sho assured me that her present visit was
a mere rcconnoltcrlng of tho field; that sho
cxpocts to return nnd spend a considerable
period hero studying such data as are avail
able only In this city.
DURING the period in which Poo was a
resident of this city, from 1839 to 1844.
virtually all the work that recalls his name
to fame was written. Those wonderful tales,
such n3 "Tho Gold Bug," "Tho Murders In
the Rue Morgue" and "The Purloined Let
ter," to name only a few, and his greatest
poetical work, "The Raven," were the prod
uct of Poe's pen while he was a poorly paid
editor of Philadelphia magazines.
For the Inst year of Burton's Gentlemen's
Magazine Poe really was its sole editor, for
Burton was busy with his theatrical enter
prises. Poe not only edited the magazine,
but he wrote tho book reviews and an articlo
or story for each number. When tho mag
azine was combined with Graham's, Poo was
taken over with the property, and was nn
nssoclato editor, reviewing books, writing
lltorary criticisms of popular authors, add
ing a tale now and then and writing an
occasional poem. In addition to this labor,
he was occasionally asked to revise tho
poetical contributions of talented Indies who
could pay for the revision, and the writings
of some of these laflles wore found to have
deteriorated after Poe's death.
Ono of the Impressions about the poet
which seems difficult to eradicate 13 that Poe
was a drunkard. Miss Phillips assured me
that this Impression was a very wrong one
and was not borne out by the ovidence.
Neither, she lnforrricd me, was It true that he
had died In a fit of delirium from drink, as
has been so often stated.
POE mado many friendships during his
residence here; nnd there undoubtedly is
a great deal of interesting material about
this period of his life that awaits the Indus
trious seeker.
Unfortunately, there does not appear to bo
more than one residence of the poet's re
maining that may have any claim to tho
attention of tho investigator. This Is the
small back building to the house nt Seventh
and Brandywlne streets. Some claims have
been made for a building at 25th street and
Fairmount avenue, but without much evi
dence. It seems.
But thero still may bo seen at tho corner
of Moravlnn and Dock streets the building
whore Burton published his magazine while
Poo was his associate editor. Then, too,
there were until a year or two ago the former
homes of Burton himself. One of these was,
and may still be, on Ninth street below Vine,
and the other on Thirteenth street north of
John Sartaln, who died about ten years
ago, when he was nearlng the century mark,
mentions In his book of reminiscences that
Poe lived for a time at Sixteenth and Locust
streets. There is now, however, nothing
left of that frame house, for the neighbor
hood hns Improved both In value and archi
tecture since 1S39.
POE was also a frequent visitor to the
home of Henry B. Hirst, who lived in a
house that stood on Sixth street below
Chestnut, but waa effaced In 1866, when the
Puiilic LKDOKn Building was erected on the
site. The old Fairmount Reservoir, where,
Just a week before his end In Baltimore, I'oe,
showing signs of nervous strain and excite
ment and, accompanied by Sartaln, spent
part of a night, has been transformed! Sar
taln went with the poet to quiet his fears of
assassination and to protect him against his
fancied dangers.
There seems to be little of Poe's Philadel
phia remaining, but what there Is has not
attracted the attention it probably deserves,
for the city has cause to be proud of having
had the poet for a citizen, even If It was for
only five years of his brief life,
Recently I overheard an Intensely Inter
esting conversation between a young man
who appeared to be in tho middle twenties
and an older man, whom I later found to be
an eminent business man of a largu Eastern
The younger man was plainly despondent
nnd was freely unloading this spirit upon
his elder companion. His progress, ho said,
had been far behind the hopes and antlcipa.
ttons of early youth.
It was with a sort of disgust at the young
man's ravings thnt tho merchunt in a few
trite words laid down a simple campaign
for him to follow.
"You say you've made no progress in tho
last three years. Well, what Is three years!
Do you know, young fellow, that if you had
gone on stepping upward each month of
these three years your progress would
have developed into nothing but a monot
onous process? For one thing you wouldn't
be as aggrieved, or as spirited, about your
future as you are today. You've got the
advantage over a good many others of your
age In that you really aro excited about It.
"When you go back to your desk this
afternoon ?o with the expectation of finding
Hometmne to uo that will mean the first step
in a higher future. If you dofVt find It this
nfternoon, look for It tomorrow morning.
But never go to your desk without fully ex
pecting that your opportunity Is going to be
right there before you. For tho very mlnuto
you dccldo that It la not going to bo thero
you nro doomed,"
Tho motive of tho advice was plain. Tho
merchant hhd clearly brought out tho vast
difference between sitting around and wait,
lng for opportunity and actively looking for
Waiting Is a passive process; looking
means actldn, .And action Is creative.
Contributions Thnt Reflect Public Opin
ion on Subjects Important to City,
Stale and Nation
To the Editor of tht Evening Ledger!
Sir Now that "Gormanophobla" has some
what subsided, I should like to cnll tho atten
tion of your readers to two fields of human en
deavor in which Germany hns set the world's
pace. They are architecture and the theatre.
In Germany ilone has there been a distinct
contribution to the art of public building In
the last quarter century. Sho has evolved a
rare and beautiful new technique for tho hand
ling of massed stono and tenuous steel work.
German theatres, court, State and municipal,
as well as private ventures, havo similarly
pushed the technique of scenic production years
nhcad of the rest of tho world, That Is why
Max Relnhardt's name Is a byword for the
beautiful and the unique In the theatre. Is a
nation that has perfected two sucfi arts, among
dozens more, barbarian? Are theso arts to be
still furthor hampered In their spread abroad
by tho victory of the Allies? Both aro ques
tions worth the attention of all Americans.
Phllndclphln, September 25, 19H.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir I am a saleslady In ono of the largest
department stores In this city, and, noticing
that you publish letters in your paper, would
like to draw your attention to a certnln matter.
I think that most salesgirls will agree with
me when I say that the 'thoughtless attitude
of women purchasers Is making llfo very hard
for us. These women treat us ns If wo wero
some piece of machinery, ordering us to show
them nrtlcle after nrtlclc, when It Is qulto
obvious that they have not the slightest inten
tion of purchasing anything. Combined with
this thoughtless nttltudc Is a good deal of In
civility. Why cannot women be more polite
and kindly toward working girls? A kindly or
appreciative word would greatly lighten the
day's ask, nnd would surely cost the woman
buyer but little.
Philadelphia, September 25, 1914.
To the Editor o the Evening Ledger:
Sir Mny 1 suggest that for the enlightenment
of unthinking votcro you place In some con
spicuous position as standing matter until after
election a list of Councllmcn who hold county
or Stnte Jobs and namo the yearly pay of eachT
Over It all let the caption be "Good Republi
cans are we."
If the space required Is too great for Its dally
appearance, how about several times a week?
It makes one weary to see every effort work
ing toward business methods frustrated, not to
say anything about downright Btcallng.
1915 North Camac street.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir I am glad to see tho Evening Ledger
calling Philadelphia's attention to the shock
ing state of non Franklin's face. As your re
porter truthfully says, the head Is streaked
with the weather, the waistcoat with what
might pass for gruel. Suroly Philadelphia is
neither so poverty-stricken even with a Muni
cipal Court to pay for nor so shameless, as to
begrudge the small courtesy of a bath to so
eminent n man. F. K. L.
Philadelphia, September 25, 1914.
To the Editor of the TubKc Ledger:
Sir Tho Engllbh have tho advantage because
thoy use our Janguago and we print their
poems. If some of the stirring verse which has
been written In Germany could bo published In
the United States so that everybody could read
it, thero would be a very great change In opin
ion. Wo only get the London point of vlow In
this country, and the London journalists never
let nnythlng get by that Is not favorable to
their cause. S. T. LEINBEKGH.
Atlantic City, September 2.', 1911.
To the Editor of the .Public Ledger:
Sir There should bo some law forbidding peo
ple who have eaten garlic to ride on the sub
way until the effects have dissipated them
selves. Lnst Sunday the odor was eo objection
able thnt 1 was compelled to leave my scat nnd
walk to the front car, where fresh air came
through. Can't something be done about this?
Overbrook, September 22, 1911.
Down With the Dreadnought
From tho New York World.
When one submarine can sink three 12,000-ton
ships In 20 minutes, tho forethought of the
Germans In keeping their dreadnoughts In forti
fied harbors becomes apparent. If big navies
cannot go to sea we shall not need them, for
they are altogether too expensive to maintain
as mere ornaments.
King Cotton vs. King Coal
From the Detroit Free Press.
To a man who is figuring where next winter's
ten tons of coal are coming from, that "buy a
bale of cotton" slogan sounds like sarcasm.
Whatever the truth of tho charges leveled
nt Southern national banks by Secretary
McAdoo, wo cannot but feel that his method
of making them was seriously 111-udvised,
Baltimore News.
The National American Woman Suffrage
Association hns appropriated from its slender
fund $700 to buy ono bale of 10. cent cotton
In each of the 14 Southern States. Fine
womanly helpfulness, sound economy, ad
mirablo politics! Winning hearts beats
smashing windows. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Those self-constituted advisers of the
President of the United States who urgo the
Chief Executive to drop diplomatic repre
sentations and take some stops to "compel"
the contesting nations of Europe to put an
end to tho war should reulUu that beyond
the usual methods of diplomacy there is no
way to persuade the fighters to stop fighting
save making war on them from these shores.
Boston Post.
Tho order of the Secretary of the Navy to
close tho Marconi wireless Matlon at Slas
conset. Muss., for violation of neutrality will
be contested after a fashion In the courts.
Enforcement of neutrality in war is hardly
a Judicial function. If a court disagreed
with the Commander-in-Chief, who would
execute its decrees? Neutrality subject to
litigation would be belligerency and iiutlilng
else. The Marconi people may as well sur
render gracefully. They will hao to sur
render anyway. New York World.
.So long as it is rcK.ii'ilcil as good national
morals foi a country to bar other touutrlfa'
trade by means of tariffs, there Id iin to re
main a possible muse of war. Kuusas City
President Wilson is doing a gieat thins for
the country in his effort to inntto Congressmen
believe that "America is greater than any
party." The Picxldtnt may succeed in inakliw
some CongrcFfmcn believe tills, but ho ttl"
never be able to muke Tammany Hall believe
it Albany I'teyg.
Sound sense and sound patilotlsm are dis
played in wiual parts by I'res dent Wilson w1' 3
he refuses his consent to a second-term In
dorsement by the New Jersey Democrat1.
York World. r
I, fn.-.j!. . . ,,s- .a., .
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