-iv -jTr v 1 -. 1 HiVEa t:P.HTBLM SAOTBflAY, SEttTBB 28. 1014. 13 STtTThiiAY F.VF.N1NC KRvTEV OF THE WEEK'S EVENTS HERE, THERE AND EMSKYyHEBg IN COMMERCE AND FINANCE Happenings That Throw Light on Present and Prospective Busi ness Conditions. Of paramount Importance In th6 com mercial and financial news of the week are the preliminary steps toward r $100, 000,000 gold pool for the relief of the foreign exchange situation, the success ful placing of the $100,000,000 loan of tho clty of Now Ydrk and tho decision of the Interstate Commerco Commission to reopen tho 5 per cent, freight rato case. These favorable omens In the business world wero further augmented by the lifting of the ban on trading in Now York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadel phia, providing that salesmen may bo sent out to solicit business for listed and unlisted stocks and bonds. Following tho sanction of tho Federal Reserve Board of tho plan that the $100,000,000 bo raised to place tho foreign exchango market on a firm basis, banks throughout tho country camo forward with the announcement that they stood ready to advance, whatever nmount it v'as considered thoy should. This amount. It Is believed, will onty total About $25,000,000. which will bo placed In the Bank of England's Ottawa branch. Tho $100,000,000 loan In New York nnd the rapidity -with which It was placid Is one of tho best Indications of a gradual return to normal conditions. Tho loan was more than five times oversubscribed, nnd It Is understood that foreigners, par ticularly British Investors, put In bids for as largo allotments as they could get. Keferrlng to tho threat mado by Secre tary of the Treasury McAdoo that he would publish tho names of batiks hoard ing emergency currency and would with draw Government deposits from any banks found to bo doing so, the new York World asserts: "Secretary McAdoo s warning to the national banks against the extortionate uso of emergency cur rency Is a warranted Intcrforcnco by tho Government In their practice." On Monday Postmaster General Bur leson announced that ho had under con nlderntlon a plan to mako the 2-cctJt rate for letter postage effective through out the Western Hemisphere. This an nouncement is hailed with satisfaction among business men, who are now work ing to build up a South American trade. Without a doubt this proposal should become operative. The plan, of course, would result In smaller revenue for the Government, but It undoubtedly would Increase our trade with the entire South America. ... Tho New Y'ork Times says on this subject: "Postal treaties and conventions looking to tho establishment of an ef ficient money order business with all Central and South American countries, Including the British, Danish. French ml Dutch West Indies, should follow the measures nlready taken to extend banking facilities to merchants of this country In South American cities. Further to Increase the trade or the United States with South America steps are being taken In Chicago for the or ganization of a $3,000,000 banking and trading corporation. Trade experts dur ing the week took a trip on a special train of tho Lehigh Valley, telling the needs and advantages of Latin America. Tho New Y'ork Sun holds that Americans nt the present time are not adapted to trade relations in South America as the Germans and the French are, because of the fact that the latter "become In lan guage, manners, etiquette, both social and commercial, often in law by naturali zation, Brizillans or Perdvlans. Longer credit is another condition precedent to American trade in South America." It is estimated that the totRl wheat production In the European war zone this car will be about 2,001,000,000 bushels, or 12.S pf-r cent, of Inst year's crop. This fhould be encouraging to the American grain man, consldcilng that this country will have a largo surplus of wheat over her needs this year. The cotton situation assumed a brighter aspect this week. Five Cotton Exchanges in the South, at Dallas. Memphis, Mont gomery, New Orleans nnd Savannah opened. This should lead to considerable buvlng of cotton throughout the country. New warehouses are now under construc tion to caro for the cotton bought, and there Is every Indication that there will be ample room to store the cotton where It can be held until tho price advances end there Is a demand for it. Tho South ern Cotton Association will meet In New Orleans next Tuesday, and It will prob ably name a minimum price at which cotton can be sold. The price now being held to Is 10 cents a pound. WATERWAYS AND PORK On Mondav evening, after a. week of continuous fighting, the allied filibustering forces In tho Senate overwhelmed tho ad vocates of the rivers nnd harbors bill and forced them to nn unconditional surrender. The motion of Senator Bankhead, of Ala bama, Democrat, to recommit the bill to the Commerce Committee with Instructions to report a new bill carrying a total ap propriation not exceeding $20,000,000, was debated eight and a half hours. The motion prevailed by a vote of 27 to 22, exactly a quorum. Sixteen Democrats and eleven Republicans voted to recommit the bill. Seventeen Democrats, four Re publlcans and one Democrat legl-stercd themselves as In favor of It as It stood. Tho success of the filibuster, which was d by Senators nurton, of Ohio; Ken yon, of Iowa, and Norrls, of Nebraska, was warmly applauded by administration newspapers ns well os by the press gen erally. Tho New Y'ork World and tho Brooklyn Eagle, which have been con spicuous In support of the Wilson ad ministration, Joined with the New York Bun, the Buffalo Commercial and other papers In declaring that tho filibusters had done a real nnd lasting service to the country. There seems to be what approaches unanimity of opinion on the ethics of "pork bills." The new maxi mum of $20,000,000 was set by President Wilson, but, says tho World, "It Is great ly to be regretted that he did not take earlier a definite stand on this' out rageous measure." The Springfield I'nlon harks back to the Democratic national f'latform In theso words: "It must seem to all fair-minded critics that the recora of tho Senate Democrats Is a flagrant abandonment of the party's professed de otIon to economy." The compromise plan for tho remakln; of the bill calls for the reduction of tho total appropriation from $53,000,000 after It had been cut from one original $9J. KiO.000, and authorizes expenditures only for projects that have already received the approval of Congress. The Wash ington Times comments: "Tho heretofore authorized' clause makes It possible that pork heretofore apportioned may continue to be paid for from tho new appropria tion. Nobody knows Just what projects are needed and righteous. A step has been taken in the right dhectlon. but a longer one Is needed. There should be b. general and sweeping overhauling of the whole system" of apportioning money for purposes that come under the head of rivers and harbors improvements. Tho reduced sum, by the terms of the com promise, Is to be spent "on existing water Way projects In the discretion of the Sec retary of War and the Board of Army i-ngineers." Rivers and harbors bills are not all of tho character of the one now under dis cussion, we are reminded by the Detroit free Press, "indeed, they have inaugu rated many' of the most advantageous In ternal lmDroVpmpnta Mint wa haVfl todav in the. United States." Seeing some good IIWJWWWIUilll.lWl,lHIUHlHWlH'WWlil'HP.'V I y - : : ' 1 ' X - "WHO, ME?" fit. Louis Post Dispatch. Is not a time for reckless squandering of money when that money must be raised by extraordinary means, but It Is not n time to abandon all Its Improvement work." Besides, "there are millions of men out of work. In times of depression, who can be made self-supporting It they can find employment In these public works." At the traveling convention of the Atlan tic Deeper Waterways Association, the rivers and harbors bill was discussed. Mayor Mitchell, of New York, as well as tho speakers who followed him, deplored the successful filibuster nnd declared that It would work against the beat Interests of the country, especially at the time when the United States wns reaching out for her share of the world's trade. While favcrliifj economy in municipal nnd na tional government, he decried this move ment to kill new waterway projects, and termed It unwise economy. Continuous inland waterway routes connecting Phila delphia, New York. Capo Cod Cannl and Southern points by the moans of a uhlp canal across the State of New Jersey were advocated. EMERGENCY TAXATION The war tax revenue bill, agreed upon bv tho Democrats of the Ways and Means Committee and frnmed In accordance wth the President's suggestion that "such sources of revenue be chosen as will be gin to yield nt once and yield with a certain nnd constant flow," was Intro duced Into the House of Representative.! Monday. On the following day the com mittee presented its report, saying that "the necessity for this legislation grows out of tho reduction of revenues derived from customs receipts, caused by the disturbed conditions resulting from 'the war In Europe." It Is estimated that the now taxe3 will bring $103,000,000 Into the Tteasury In a year. In geneial, the measute follows the lines of the Internal revenue law's of the Civil and Spanish Wars, but while It imposes many of the old nnd some new stamp taxes. It omits altogether bank checks, some other kinds of commercial paper, also medicines and perfumes. In place of these are taxes upon gasoline, parlor car and sleeping car tickets nnd vatlous kinds of wine. Beer pays less than heretofore, whisky Is Ignored and tobacco's burden Is not much changed. Bankers, brokers and amusement pio prletors are levied upon, nnd Insurance pollrles and telegraph and telephone mes sages ate Included among sources of rev enue. Republican opposition to the bill has been manifest In Congress and In tho press since It was first proposed. Tho Boston Herald calls attention to tho fact that Canada, which Is a partici pant In the European struggle, Is Im posing a war tax no larger In proportion to our own. The Chicago Herald objects strenuously to the provision concerning Insurance policies: "A tax on life and casualty Insurance policies Is a tax on small savings. Why don't the lawmakers put a tax on savings bank deposits and bo done with It? They aro doing about the same thing." Limited praise for the bill is gtcn In the Now York World, In tho remark that It does not Increase the exactions upon incomes and omits wholly tho mischievous Idea of taxing domestic freight bills. Support and opposition, both In Congress and out of It, Is divided on strictly partisan lines. The principal criticism of the war tax moasuro Is that It is wholly uuncccs-tary- '(The new tax 3 not a war tux," Bays the Brooklyn Citizen, 'it is a tribute to Democratic Incompetence and extrava gance." The Albany Journal calls It "a war tax In tlmo of peace," and declares that Congress framed It In tho hope of concealing the effects of "Its free-trade-ward policy," The proposal for tho es tablishment of a taxation commission, to which would be committed the entire subject of revenues by the Government, is seconded by the Ohio State Journal as tho way out of such muddles ns that which now exists: "It will ba a forward step when Congress yields Its right to legisluto for revenues, for then such laws will be based upon principle and not upon selfishness, which characterizes the field today." Yesterday the war tax bill came up tinder a iule limiting debute to seven hours. This rule, reported from com mittee on Thursday, was denounced by the opposition as a "gag" rule. The bill passed the House by a vote of 233 to 136. re-employ nil striking miners not found guilty of violence, rejected tho scheme for nn Impartial grievance committee, and claimed thnt they had never violated tho "constitutional" mining laws of tho State. Tho New York Evening Post, which, like practically all otgans of opinion, had urged the acceptance of the truce, regret ted that tho rejection "makes tho pros pect of a return to normal conditions less promising" and that tho companies should show a lack of a "hearty nnd sin cere desire to bring about a settlement." At the same time It felt that ns the truce terms wero only "tentatively" submitted, the President might be able to adjust them to the desires of the operators. The New York AVorld wrote editorially: "There Is nothing In the plea of Mr. Wel born which changes in the slightest dc- FOREIGN RELATIONS The steamship Robert Dollar sailed from RIo do Janeiro, Wednesday, flying tho British colors. Two weeks ago the Robert Dollar made nrpllcallon .at RIo for a transfer or. Canadian registry to Amerdcarj, under tho registry law of August 18. Tho British Consul protested and the' transfer was refused. The Inci dent derives Its Importanco from. Its ex pression ot the British attitude toward President Wilson's plan for tho purchase of foreign steamers to bo operated by a government-controlled corporation. The President, on Thursday, said 'thaf the ship purchase bill would not be taken from the Administration's legislative cal endar. It wns announced In Washington that President Wilson had determined to toler ato no longer (ho offensive public com ments of foreign diplomatic representa tives concerning matters of domestic con cern. This announcement relates particu larly to tho alleged statements of Sir Lionel Carden, former British Minister to Mexico, criticising our Government's Mex lean policy: of Baron Wllhelm von Schoen, of tho German diplomatic serv ice, who Is said to have declared thnt Japan wants war with this country! nnd of A. Rustcm Bey, tho Turkish Ambas sador to the United States, whoso refer ences to lynchlngs In the Southern Stales nnd "water cures" In the Philippines wore not kindly received nt tho White House. It is believed that tho American Government has asked for Rustem, Bey's recall, or will do so, nnd thnt It will tnko official action with reference to tho von Schoen and Cnrden Interviews. Russia nnd Sweden this week Informed Washington of their Intention to sign peaco commission treaties with tho United Stntes. These treaties will bo like tlios-s which havo been negotiated with Great Britain, France, Spain, China nnd 22 other nations of tho world, and which provide thnt nil dispute which cannot be set tled through tho ordinary diplomatic channels shall be referred to a perma nent commission, nnd that hostilities shall not begin within a year nftor such reference of the questions at Issue. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS Tho way Wilson maintains peace sug gests thnt ho would have been a holy terror on tho firing line. Columbia State. Mrs. Young wants peace taught In the public schools. Incidentally, the school board might note that Chicago wants tho public schools taught In peace. Chi cago Herald. The German Emperor has conferred 18 Iron crosses on his soldiers, nnd no telling how many of the other kind on the help less ones at home. It Is tho way of war. Nashville Banner. And Colonel Cyartah, of Cynrtahsvllle. strolling forth to gaze upon "the finest mint-bed In V'glnla, suh," slowly shnkes his head, too sad for utterance. New Y'ork World. The problems of politicians may be ""SfV- Vn'Q. Now 1'urk Sun. BORED THE MEXICAN UNREST Mexico's restlessness is manifest again, and Indications point to nnothcr revolu tion, unless It Is prevented through Frcs i.i -u'ltmn's moral Intervention. Tho Tho shifting lines of battle-torn armies have advanced nnd been repulsed, first one and then tho other, with tremendous losses, on the whole 120-mllc fiont. On rain-befogged fields they have fought, each day being marked by carnage prob- POLITICS In politics tho wcok brought about ft start In tho Investigation of the primary cnmpnlgn "slush fund" of Senator Pen rose by tlfo Senate Committee on Privi leges and Elections, a stronger organi zation of the opposition to tho Fllnn Van Vnlkonburg machine in tho Wash Ington party ns tho result of tho Washington-Democratic fusion on tho Gov ernorshlp, nnd the announcement that Philander C. Knox will come to the aid of Senator Penrose In the campaign and that he Is planning to bo a candidate to succeed Senator Oliver In 1916. Tho Henato Committee, meeting In Washington yesterday to decide whether the Senate shall Investigate Senator Pen rose's campaign fund, called before It cetera! Phllmlelphlans, among them tlm officials of tho Pennsylvania Protective t'nlnn and the heads of the brewers and liquor dealers' associations. Talk of fusion on the Scnatorshlp was slopped on Tuesday when Glfford Plnchot, Washington party nominee for United States Sennlor, and A. Mitchell Palmer, Democratic nominee, each announced thnt he would not withdraw to combine the Democratic and Washington party right against Penrose. Washington potty leaders In Phlladel- 1 phia nnd several wemrn counties, In ! rinding Washington nnd Fayotte, on ( T 'osday anj Wednesday assured It. R. I un, of Pittsburgh, who led the revolt j ag.iln.'t the Fllnn-Vnn Vnlkenburg lead 1 crsMp following tho completion of fusion I with tho Democrats on the Governorship, thnt opposition to the Flinn clement Is being well organized, nnd that Colonel Rnoeetclt will be appealed to in an ef fort to overthrow the present party lead ership. ll during tlm week men of the stand ing or Haiti- II. Clothier Hocked to tho Htnndatd of iJr. Martin G, Brumbaugh. Republican nominee for Governor, In evetv county in the State. Doctor Brum baugh continued his campaign through tho centrnl counties of the State, lie cnlWI upon the people to "stand tip for Pennsylvania," nnd pledged the up holding of moral standards In politics a well ns n business administration. Philander C. Knox, it wns announced on Wednesday, will enter the campaign on behalf of Senator Penrose by speak ing at u Manufacturers' Club dinner on October I", on the eve of Colonel Roosfl velt's entry Into tho campaign. It be came known on Tuesday that the former Secretary of Stnte will soon po to Jitts- , , of the breach between Carranza I ,, "ay oe ' marKCU u ror"IB1 ""T ! burgh to live Political leaders In Phllo causes of the breach "" ably unparalleled In hlstorv. Neither the ,,el ha look lnN actlon to mcan thnt Mr. nnd Villa date back to the latter uajs German forces nor the Allies, have gained Knox , preparing to be the Republican of the revolt which gave Carranza con trol of the Government nnd have to do principally with conflicting ambitions, perhaps not entirely personal and with divergent conceptions of what form and character should be given to the new governmental system. According to ac counts yesterday, Villa has massed from 40,000 to 50,000 seasoned troops In Chi huahua and Sonora, many ot them cx Federallsts. Tho attitude of the United States Gov- THE CASE OF COLORADO At the end of the first year of the Colo rado coal and Iron strike, September 2, the conference of operators virtually re Jected the terms of truce drawn up by Secretary Wilson, of the Department of Labor, with the aid of a mine operator and a miner, submitted by the President to both parties In conflict, and accepted by tho strikers. Mr. Wilson, represents tlve of the mine owners, gave President Wlllson an acceptance of only 'a nortlon fcUhaJaUL the, yo Press pjmaUa; ''rOiAifit & &"13-. Xba-cerotaniva refused.! 1 decided advantage, The great battle of the Alsne has te solved Itself Into nn artillery duel, and the result cannot be foreseen. A victory for the Germans would enable them ngnin to menace Paris. A victory for the French virtually would n-iaute the re tirement of the Invaders from France. Out of the conflicting official state- ments concerning the eastern field of 1 war, and weighing Vienna's geneial de- nials against Petrograd'.s specific details, advantage is indicated for tho Russians ' In Gallcla. Tho high point In the Gallclan j campaign was the captuio of .Inroslnu. In ' tho North. This important fortification, behind which the retreating Austrian ! army of DaukI found u protection while its Investment occupied the Russians' attention, opened the country west of the 1 San to the invading forces and gave them control or many miles of railroad. Tho Russians also occupied WIsIok. another important railway centre on the Hun garian border, and moved toward Tar now, on the north, occupation of which will afford complete mastery of communi cations to Cracow. Next In importanco Is the Russian advance on thin ancient nnd strongly fortified city near the Junc tion of the German, Austrian and Rus sian borders. Cracow, affoiding a short route to Berlin, is aheatly In peril, ac cording to Petrograd official reports, which state that troops have penetrated to the outer fortifications. Tho f anion university Horary has been removed to Vienna. 210 many of the Inhabitants have fled. Cracow Is of vnct mriteirie importance, as its possessors control the road both to the German and .j-uiiui , apuulii. Ttie Russian plan of campaign contemplates fulfilment of the Czar's threat of last cnndldate to succeed Senator Oliver. , Repretontatlve Palmer cnrrled his fight aealnpt Ponroe and penroselsm Into the anthracite regions. Starting on Tuesday, , he iJallv took up new counts of his "In dictment" against Penrose, nnd on I Wednesday drew from Penrose a reply In which Penrose called his attacks "garbled, Inslncero and Intentionally misleading." ; POLITICAL BREVITIES i The voters of Virginia this week de cided to put the State with the nine 1 others In the "dry" eolumn. State-wide i prohibition, which will go Into effect I November 1. 191fi, won by a majority ot Xj.OdO. The Issue was decided by the ' country districts, though only four lm ! portant cities voted In opposition to tho constitutional amendment on which It hinged. In the New Jersey primaries nenrly all of the present congressional delegation of Wllcon men wete renominated. There were few contests on any ticket. The Progressive vote was verv light. Hardly one-thiid of the fiOO.000 registered voiers In Mnssachust-tts went to the polls on primarv day. Ex-Consiessmun Sam uel AV. McCiill was nominnted for Gov ernor by the Republicans, Governor David I. WalMh wns renominated by the Demo crats and Joseph Walker, formerly Re publican speaker of the Massachusetts miles fcouthwest. whither ! House of Representatives, was the choice Wl LUU l iUftlnj.,c.-., . vii,iv"iiiiii, -i.wu ncr. In the Sixth District, wns renomi nated by a narrow margin over A. Piatt Andrew. At the Progressive eonventlon in Dela ware the Hov. George Edward Reed, for- week to enter Berlin ut the head of his ' mer president ot Dlrklnson i.otlege ana troops. Possession opens the way to nt present pastor or mo urace .Memoatsi IT'S GOING TO BE AN INTERESTING WINTER 'hlcago News. grce the upiniun whiih most men have formed an to the true situation in Colo rado. He Is pleading a bad case. He represents absentee owners. Tho Rocke feller family is behind him, and if the lssuo of civil war In Colorado must be mot by the National Government the peo ple of the United States should know nt once who Is making tho war and for what purpose." In answer to the operators, the Presi dent summarily refused o change his at titude and Indicated that they must ac cept the truce or stand responsible before tho country for tho result. Supporting the President, the New York Tribune said: "The mlno operatois will have to show stronger objections to it than they have If they expect the public to sympathize with them In their refusal of its terms." grouped under two general heads: How to get money Into the public treasury and how to get It out. Life. Cutting tho pork out of the rivers and harbots bill seems almost like cutting a pound of flesh from next to the heart of many a statesman. Indianapolis News. There Is one consolation. New York will not have uny worry about ticket speculation at the world's championship series. New York Sun. Senator Burton won his great fight against tho liveis and harbors bill with out making n single humorous speech and should guide his future conduct ac cordingly. Ohio Journal. I I i't A'fil '? "S. Vi- fli .' . Nw York World. ' . SHE-JSIEGEJ - 1. 1 ' - - .. ,: , -j. 1 .... ,u.... ernment Is known to be strictly neutral. It is reported from Washington that the evacuation of Vera Cruz b the troops under General Funston will proceed an ordered. In discussing this newest phase of the Mexican trouble, tho New York Sun, which has been consistently antl-adminlfl-tratlnn, savs: "On no battlefield where Villa triumphed was Governor Carranza evee seen; the way to a new capital was alwuys hewed for him, as It were, by the Illiterate man sprung fiom the people for whom he had a pemonal dislike, which was reciprocated with Interest." The Boston Transcript declares: "The decla ration of Villa that he will not Siibmlt to the rule of Carranza Is a most lu minous commentary on the failure of ot'f administration cither to keep out of Mexico or get out of Mexico" It Is a somewhat different view that Is tnken by the New York World: "Tho President Is to be commended for his 1 refusal to change his Mexican rollcy as la result of the teportcd quarrel between Carranza and Villa. So far as the I'nltcd States Is concerned theso men represent the same Idea. It is the principle of self rule. If they mubt tight In order to settle the personal Issue, the fact Is to be regretted, but ttie principle remains the same." That the revolt will be less serious Breslau, which Is 100 mile from Berlin, i to which the Russians aio preparing a . j winter march. The Investment of Prze j mysl, still under heavy bombardment, has . been left to a surriclcut force, while the main Russian army replaces bridges across the San in order to move through I the marshy territory nn tho south, where the Austrian, under von Auffen beig. are endeavoring to shnpo their shatteicd forces for a last stand before falling back on Cracow. Occupation of I'rzemysl Is no longer essential to the main Russian ohjectlo, Cracow, but af fords passage Into Hungary through the Carpathians. More than a million Rus sians are now nctlve In Gnlicia, whore the third great battle of tho campaign Is e tpected shortly. Fighting In Gallcla during the week has been confined to skirmishes, with the exception of the successful storming of Jaroslau. The Austrian War Office minimizes nil re ports of Russian progress nnd says that the Austrian armies have united between the San and tho Vistula and uro prepared to take tho offensive. Paiallellng tho great conflict on the AlMie in point of numbers cngnged and sttatfgle importance. Is an Impending bat tle on the Poland-East Prussia border, where Russia has massed a force of l.KO.OOO n'ons n ISO-mile front. Vlctoiy In this contest wilt mean the cheeking of ttie German campaign against Warsaw, which wns announced iarlv In the week to be General Hlndenburg'a objective. The Russians under Rcnnenknmpf lurej thn enemy south to the Polish frontier, but on receiving heavy reinforcenuuts fiom the Inteilor have taken the agrei. sive, as dewrlbed. success In this move ment will upen another road for the Czat Into llerlln. The chief naval engagement of the week was the destruction in the Nauh Sea of three Iirltlsh cruisers by German sub rrprlne.v It was stnted In Berlin that a single submarine had wrought the havoc but other reports said five. The Brit ish lost nvro than 10 men. including many officers. The disaster fallowed im mediately a. statement trom Winston imirciiiii, first joru or the Admlralti Episcopal Chur.h at Wilmington, nominated for Congress. IN PHILADELPHIA l IIUIL 1U1I11UI ilii;.a N HtU ULIIII1UII ML LIIU . . rf-a . . ... '- t Washington Times, which remark, that hi and s win,. , I Si In n wi J there will bo no foreign pressure this ftH ' "l f" Tjfo rl "U '" " h- time. The New York Times Intimates ,iiram i-i ? overcome hat financial Interests are behind Villa. u'fl'lU ow.. ?ort uiaMnrTn?1 " ,nd that In all probability tho "angel." "r ,J1' 2j , r , . ... o "' u- the principal backer is called, Is the "T '! Wk 1 fvlao.0 ,4ti. On rldy .ame who financed Carranza . revolution l'Y.X !' ..u.. ..........w .;..( .ituiuuil', aillMtt strong, i that an American oil syndicate Is 1 ,mc-nting the new revolt. Declaring that it l not too late for th- I nited States to Intervene "psycho logically ' the Baltimore Sim advocates tht tendering of tho good ofllces of our government to avoid bloodshed. Two opposite opinions o' the President' ' Mexican pone, as j ii iir i-vi-iua, niv IUU80 or me Now lork Trmune and the New Huven 1 niun-Journal The Tribune usfer's that It has utterly collapsed, while tho I nion-Journal thinks that the outlook is reassuring and hopes for the con fuunding of the opponents of "watchful waiting " in the barb r about Tsln-To evidentiv have kept the Jo pane lltet at a ,4(4, tamv Kuring the ve, liowrwr, Japa nese aii.hlps have passed over Hid forts and inttutvil minor damauu 10 the u-okk Phlna continues In a fvrnuat beiauc of the neiivitles of nir propug&niiitit, and It is lliev!d in tome quarters thu'l udged In the iibIii I lllc "m"'r' "'" 'et b Pluiwwl Into tb , tiany's Wind hose of ,hB Now I ?"' J? A fclgnlficant event was the beginning of work on the new shlpways at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, at which Secretary of the Navy Daniels broke ground early In tho week. The work Is now going forward. It has been announced that ships from New Oi leans, Seattle and San Francisco are being inrefull watched bv Dr Hu 1 to. director of the Health Depaitment. In his effort to prevent nn outbreak of bubonic plague here. The disease Is car ried by rats. In the textile trade, conditions wero considerably Improved by tho reopenlnjr of the Dobsou mills to fill large blanket 11 nil cloth orders from the Canadian and r nited States Governments Tile at tii n of tl.e 'ojnt Commissioners In preparing an order requiring that thn weight be stamped on euch loaf of bread sold in this city wns hailed o a victory for the local civic organizations Councils, at a speclui meeting, passed the tll.:tO0 0OO loan bill, including desplto the Maor"8 veto, the Item for a new Municipal Court building Frederick A. Fenton, sccretar of the luvedlment lUnlierw' Association wan here this week planning fur the Kather lug of bankers to be held in this cit at 1 date to be name,) later. It was an nounced that Philadelphia' share in the tlOO.000.000 void pool being formed to re lieve 1 lc fori-lisn ex. lnn, JiluuUon will be JS, 000.000. the first pavmenl of u Inch will he ?.i.00o. National banks ure to contribute. Two prm asked for lecoivuis thl week, and in "no iu.se. that of Meiritt d. Co., a Cftmden lion toncern, the rea son given was the Kuiupean wni Thn other firm In Irish Brothers, cool dealers of this city, the reii.-Mui ndshrued being' a de.lie to protect the onsets of the firm. I'i'l.ir t'oittial - to tullil ll.nr.' M Flasler'n dream of dirtet rail conmttlon Ik tween the t'nlted st.ite and I'uKi was lituiichfd ut Cramps this wwk. Slipping (Ircles also were inUresttd in In news that Collector of the I'ort l:rr has heen authoriMKl to reetlve applicitlons from ; steamship owners for war r.sk insur j ttt tor vrsscls sat'.init under the 1 mted ante. Ha. j A pluu for a farmers' market tn MMh stul elevated unuinjl w.t ,ul vanint till Heck, The Phlladelpln 1 an 1 Wist in Had Mm lhigh Valley Tianslt Comii.iiiy ore expected to io-optrate in the routement IMiectur of Publio Works Cooke wan noilfltil that ttui Publi,' l'tllities comini sion Mill bar ,iid lomplaint oxulnst the I'liiiiuUiphUt Elect tie Company November IT The complaint (trew out of the coin- tor eieclrlu lltjriting in has ktlrretf Hie cuuntn On Frldav m. noiini'tnicnt was made that the Japanese uonlil tunstruct a railroad on Chinese you to transport troops . ,r the si iru ..f 1 Tuirw-Tao Drastic m.asuies wtie tak.n ! by lie Mui and now 1 ,- . iwkiui 01 ' lima 10 Mop ar- ' voted Th !.:;u'.i l"n bill vomainlnu pro Vision for IJi). for eti hoik pre lluunatj to subwav extension was passed this week by Select Council unit sinned Is iniilv to be uenctal com un by the people 111... lit? mririitt r.itlnnL H.t a ...,. ..a ... ' ..... ( tutors b.lng ordered fu , ptt!tmn. the lu,.W item f.o a ew ltumanla trembles on the brink of war. Mimical Cuuit iw r the Mdw,r et and should that country take up arm. Lo.al .oiiim. 1. ul 11111 were i..irtM in the Allltk iaiw- otlieii, ,,r ih. u.-iiu,,,, 1 ... .1... ,.!.,, f, m, ,1 ... ,unl. ...... ... States would be precipitated into the .on- ' II It curl,,, 'oinp.u, 11" gnat hew fcWM tta Unc. now ,. ,. Mth Uy. 1 them to a comVou c """ WM XT." J THE WEEK IIS THE WAR This week has seen the continuation. with unremitting vigor, of the fierce bat- U l,l 3. I t ! X ( 111 S1 cjgra.'?f.--,-aJ. iiijut "1