0 EVENING- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1014. m Wt I-Wi IAV ! KffBi, 1IP mm Sglds its Warped cM'rror to a ?apin& dft&e- TIIIiVTKH.VL UAEDKKKH KUIST NtOUT I i li W n i nc I in !i BrMic Matgmel Angiin M n!i mm r nieht CHESTMT -TliKIT uPrllX !!!- Ifltc'n Pnu iln nihn ! lni 1 i ! i I. Krnicl M ivlny HUM ronni ST Mn Mil r Jlm'tinur Stona, In nou ph ntixi ni p , nnd It II HurnnMr, nlth mu-i cnryll WclnrMiv night OAIIR1CK Nonrr Mirrld ft . by Ffljtnr Sdmii, Unrnns in i SfertiliW hlaht XLITH'.S-Mr nnd Mrs. M-rwn or Kl nil I dnnrci M'AkNL'T--' UilnRlne Pp F.iCirr n ul P0m''ly ImnKd nn apirup M-Manu iii'-- Djr ou urn. Mnttiav nisht. CONTINUING. ACADEMY nt .MI sic-- fiihlrln ' mmnj picture drama. M- 1ahfllle D'Annuniln, rf thp thirl century Tt i A truly imiriclnui font 'in tlj reol 11 1 h 1 I'nm'mins u ir rnptlon U'Kl PIM-- ' Tim pv.rt in K.lunxt I K Mnrrliw Ililm 1 nn UMirn .lfri'rnto, n n"R!o tnl vi'r. .. t c jrt vn,ii I a firtrnpntlw b hrr li m .i i 1 1: 1 11 . , nie rtr Hi t IT SHALL LAUGHTER SUPERSEDE WEEPING IN THE DRAMA? Few Tragic Plays in Season's Output Indicate Growing Popularity of Lighter Amusements. Of ton new plan produced In Now Vork durlnp the month of August the :nnirit were light, some evanescrntly light. In their calibre of entertainment This I true also of the plays staged durlne Sep tember, ns well ns those prnmlxeil Into In the .season. Where farce corned do not prevail, the action hinge Rinei.iIP on sensational situations, the ch.iin'ten Including an unnv of politicians, grartpr and policemen, and the seenex helng laid In Brookl.Mi flats, where neglected wives bicker with tipping stepmotheis. court rooms and loc-ilttls of such topiial ap peal What has become of the olrt-fnshloned serious drama, wherein the stage is shak en b the tuinultu-iys soul upheaval of the great "notional aitlte, and the set tings tremM.d In the gusts of paslon emanating f- mu the agitated bosom of the stark-face . ;i igtdian' Who does not remember the jo we had In sharing In Miss Olga Nethersole's elephantine ills tiss' I. nt alas Tamllle dies no more. Sappho weeps no salty tears, nor are we pleasurabl.i harrowed bv the turbulences of another Mr Tanqueray. "A few eara aun we heard more or less of Ibsen, ri.riml.iersr. Hnuptmann and Jlaetcrlinck in cur pla houses," sas the Hmmutlc .Mirror commenting on the lack of solid drama. "Madame Slmone came over and produced a play of Ros tand Mr. Frohman put on 'Chantecler.' Mr Olnnd trld out Ptrlniberg's 'Father.' Forbes- Robertson, Mr. Faversham and others were plu.Mng In dramas of Shake- epeare "The popularity of plays dealing with criminals and grafters, court scenes and police functionaries, and, next to these, plas with a strong far:ical tendency. Is not highly promising- for 'the serious drama ' "Miss Margaret Anglin mav and so may Mr. Hackett produce a Shake spearean plav hut with these exceptions we fall to des,frv an thing like solid llt erarv phenomena on th tnalrical horl ron.' It Is true "The Revolt." which will con- '. tlnue here next week, deals seriously with the problem of a husband's neglect of his wife, but it Is leaened with an admix ture of laugh-provoking humor if the new attractions to open next week "Pi late's Daughter' I the onlv serious plav, and that N re'.is!,mi Margaret Anglin, finding Shakespeare rmanciatb unprofit able, will appeal in Wildes amusing sa tire, "Ladv Windermerf'g Fan." nt the Broad "Nearlv Married." with Bruce 'McRae, deals farcically with marriage and divorce Montgomery and Stone, in their fantasy r'hin Chin," will be Jul lowed by oth-r mentally titillating mui cat amusement!, among them "The Pass ing Show of 1111 and "The Whirl of the World." Even Mis. Fiske. famous creator of Ibsen opes, will appear In a new com edy "Lady Bm Martingale, or Th-Adventures of a LKely Hubs," by John Luther Long and Frank Stavton. While theie will be serious dramas, and solemn drama, there. Is no prospect of another "East Lynne 'that most effective producer of copious tears nor of any thing with the tragic qualities of "Theresa lta',-iiln." Is the drama of loud laundlnK obl ing. lonuaclnu dyings and shri, k Ing heartbreaks passing" Do we tend to ward an era of emotional levity and laughter In our entertainments? Wli.-u. ever the future deirtopment of plays Mil be, there will h- some, of course, w ho wl'l maintain that wieplng Is more a.y. tarv than laugnter. others again, that laughter Is mor, seriously beneficial than eoul-rai.k!ng grief. Antoinette Walker and Bruce McRae, "Nearly Married," Garrick, nest week. 7tio Truth in ffi JHgsquemcfe ft J 'jfgjthe Statfe r -' vjy-f y ; ;, w" TKMmmmmm w.- i rzm1 - w mimm ...jwl '- s ..m' iaiem, xwg x Kb I . ww.- "nprH 1 i v l? .mmmmvmMimmmmwmmmmi. immMEM ? nil l y- j W"-v "smmml II 1 " '- I immmlsMtmmKmmmmmmi. ' " B V X f & MmL, k JmrnW II 1 tf I AmmaMfxSiiimmmWmmmmJlKii 1 K 'i;i J W Wb & ' WSmmMMMBm!P$&Hm!fs zmmmWl II i ' f . A i 'immmm.MWMns&jWMWmmmM,mmmK I isW I -''t. J " Ht - , ,?, '-'mWl:mmmMm7; mmr II , ! jgLf MmWLSSSfmWM ' HI YV mmmP Jffi&Mmi SfXOX v WJiSsK4 j7 ' "& f Of 7 1 M FmM sSmSSife mW 14- y- l- ''. V r MSmmWmmmm. . ,.we8?M,, ; jar! kla v w - , , cJWSSVarSWJiaB GSSi. KS: sBBl -- ;.;;.--:f-i H ''" fcail T fyHSiiiPir imP, n ' ii: BEsb. - A viiwpv7w 1 ' - i CONSTANCE FARMER, ' Wmlm BETTY MARTIN, Liberty Knickerbocker. , -I Ksfii'' H O Why Miss Anglin wWBL H W JBM Left Mr. Mansfield sB''1 ''.'i H ml " i4m Wk" 4 mm I -- - 2Jt, iy h L WYaudevUto, So popular did Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle In their original dances prove that Manager Jordan, of Keith's, has engagea them for a second week. That dancing Is still a popular pastime was evident by tho furore tho nppenranco of tho origina tors of tho box-trot created. Thousands thronged the popular amusement house Indeed, hundreds wore turned nway "Back to Whero They Started," a 6k.lt, with Sam and Kitty Morton, will head a bill that looks alluring. Among the features will be Raul Poricra, tho I'oMu igucso court violinist, supported by Ms own original string quartet of selected musicians; Edwin George, a comedian nnd "near" Juggler; a comedy of mod ern lfe, "A Strong Cup of Tea," by Con nelly & Co.; "Putting on Anlrs"; a new skit, with Mne Melville and Robert Hlg. gins. Mary Dorr, a comedienne, In , series of new song selections and charac terizations, nnd Fred Hencllo nnd sister, performing a routine of picturesque and hazardous feats on a bicycle. Little Inez McCauley will nppenr In a. playlet of real life, "The Girl From Chllds'," at Loew's Knlcketbockcr next eelc. Miss McCauley, as an ex-wnltrcs, unfortunately mairlcd and divorced, tlnd herself engaged ns a servant In the horns of her ex-husband, who has mnrrltd again. The nctlon hinges upon her tffort to make the husband npproclatc his wife, Tho rest of the bill will Include the characler comedian, Murray Rennet; Scott nnd Wilson, acrobats; Lon Smith nnd Constance Farmer, In comedy and songs; David Knlcokoa, nn Hawaiian mu sician, and Frevoll, a shndowgraphlst,. ll,,,lt,,llt(,,,,,,,,t(,lil,,,t,,l,,(,MI,lt,,, David Montgomery ant? Fred Stone. To appear in "Chin-Chin," Forrest, next Wednesday. i V2 U ihl u red Stone's Amazing Make-up Frd Stone, who with David Mont gomery, will appear at the Forrest Theatre, Wednesday night, In the pr mler performance of Charles Dll llngham's new musical phintusy, "Chln Chiti," is noted as one of the greatest masters of the urt of theatrical make-up liv ns. Xone who have ever seen Stone's In imitable "Scarecrow" can forget the bl?ane art thereby demonstrated. Since ''Th Wizard of Oz" days, Mr. Stone has steadily progressed in his remark able skill until, in his recent appear ances it has not been unusual for him to assume half a dozen personalities, cime""!!' in every essential, voice, man- i nensm ana even size, lug. Miss Margaret Anglin. who will appear in Oscar Wilde .s satiric drama, "Lady Windemere's Fan," at the Ilroad Street Theatre Monday night, made her del 'it under Richard Mnntleld in Kdmond K -tand's "Cyrano de Bergernc " MIj. Ang lin was a 'distinguished .succc-s in th part of Roxane a success nil the m r marked by her abrupt and unepl.unel disappearance from the cast Miss Ang lin s success was indeed almost a g'nt in a single even- na that of SIr- Mansfield himself W hen. tnereiore, aner xne company n.ui miu ic. A NEW CHARACTER IN DRAMA In ' Nearly Married," Edgar Selwyn's farce comedy, which comes to the Garrick Monday night for a week's run, Cohan te Harris, the producers, assert they In troduce a character new to fiction nnd the dr-ima. It Is the "professional co respondent." "The chnincter Is taken from life and Is almost, it not quite, confined to New York," declares Edith Campbell Walker, who win portray wie pai i. "As In Edgar Sclwjn's farce, these girls 1 .. ,.,..ntl. n,mqi,oi1 vv mnrrled counleH. i seeking an immediate divorce. girls of BROADWAY Mne West, known ns the "Original Hrlnkley Girl," will head the bill at the Rioadwav Theatre, In South Philadelphia. Among the nthi r attractions will be the "Cabai et Review," a tabloid musical com edy, produced by ten people. I, ,,,,,,,,,, l ,11, 1, 1, 1, 1 Ml, I llt,l,l,,,l,,l,MIHI,M,,ll many i Mnkeun In the actor's vocnhnlnrv la I on tour and Miss Anglin vanished by no means confined to the use of paint ' and various wore the suppositions ah to and powder," says Mr Stone "It hns ! why the charming original Roxano had to do also with costuming, personality am-! often with physical appearance A fat actor must make himself seem lean, a thin setor become fat. a tall one short. To nch'eve such results should be an eseri'il part of the actor's ambition, al thou.h In these days of Incomplete edu cation for the stage the art of 'make up' is frequently sadly neglected. As an example for the time needed for the development and completion of a comic opera before It may be offered to the public, it Is cited that preparations for the production of "Chin-Chin" began last January, the work progressing ihrnuch a period of more than eight month While the title suggests a Chi nese e'ting. It is not located In the Celestial Kingdom It Is interesting to note -hat there is no leading lady In "f'lun-C'hin," although a number of 'beautiful women are in the cost, which numbers more than a hundred, and In clude,, Belle Story. Charles Aldrlch. U. K. Graham. Violet Zell, H.den Falconer, Marlorte Bentley, Rosa Valerie, Pelm.i Rawlton, Evelyn I'nmvaj, Iola Curtl.s, I.nravno Tslie, Edgar I.e Hay, George Phflp-, Gene Revere, Douglas Steven son, etc Mr Idllingham has arranged with Ivan 'arU. Miss Ann Caldwell and R H. Rurnsido. composer and librottlsts of the fiuitay, for the song. "It's a Long. In Wav n Tlpperary." to be Interpolated Into the comedv and sung by the two comedians, and a big chorus This Is the sons that the British soldiers are singing all over the battlffiHrls ,,f France. Mr Plllinirham is said to have paid fiftj for the exclusive stage rights in America, "PILATE'S DAUGHTER" In Francis L. Kensel's miracle plav i "Pllato's Daughter," which will or en at ' the Chestnut Struct Opera House M day night, theatregoers will h rff. , i novelty In drama The plu, is. ...-, it il' religious in its anpeal ami .s I, is, ,1 uin ' an old legend I Much historical research is mrtssii to give an acuiHt" "tage it r 'f the time, both in Jerunlein and Ri ice Tht pla Is ilKlddl Hit i ".even ri s ml shows the houg of Pniius I' I it the Mamertlne prison and th (hlice of the Empress Agrlppina In pr'liic.ng the appearance of the rrir I'lilnij (p-" 'roe remarkable electrical tfft-1 ts will tie used ' FORREST Last Mai. and Nitjht ' ZIEGFELD FOLLIES Buinning Wed, Ev'g, Sept. 30 v' '' MONTGOMERY and STONE In a New CHIN-CHIN M '' Mujlcal Fnm. ll-nil1 , , BROAD Last Matinee and Night John Mason in Drugged N'EXT WEFK St-ATi- N'jW .-miiv. MARGARET ANGLIN lnLAli MM'FRilI.HI 1 S fiARRICK Last n'ln"' M-nr- i uv Tonight ixl Seats ,,11 I nn-r P r It Mi Tht Mrllllunl A D F ! F ''"' M-"" Oiir n " XJ " - - in V.ir NEXT I-HK M-.ATI) ntt --KI.l.l.Si, lull AN' A. II Kltli- 1 r. nl E,nr kh.v,,. NEARLy MARRIED with lllillK KK an I a Hrilliant ORJKEUM THEATRE William A Hradj s original New York prodiictlon ot ' Kouirht and Paid For." a iiram.t of American life nlll open at th 1 imb. um Thcatr. (Si rmantown rtxt Mun lav Th- (ili is tiaseil upon th m irltal rp,-rli n' - r,f a Vew Yolk T.il I'onalre ind a link fl0-a-fck tel'piioni ' I '!uH r BROADWAY gone. Only a short time ago was the ms ten solved In the dlscoverv of a letter wrl'tten by Mansfield to a Chicago news paper It Is characteristic of the great actor, and reads thus "Virginia Hotel. Chicago. Oct 9, 1M2 "M attention has been callrd to the continual reference to Mls Anglin nnd the usual Innuendoes as to why she sev ered her connection with m company. Miss Anglin plaed Roxane In 'Cyrano do Bergerac' very charmingly, nnd Im mediately after her marked success In the role received nn offer of twice the sum I had contracted to pay for her ser vices. Miss Anglin nccepted the offer "I am sorry that the facts nre so s'm ple and uninteresting realty aim 1st sor did, but 'tis true It would have been more exciting, and no doubt more agree able, to have been able to relate how the poor creature was taken by the hair and dragged about the stage, or how she was, nftir a stormy rehearsal, kid napped and confined In a. dark room, where the monster squirted Ink at her through the kevhole punctually cvwy 15 minutes, or how she as sandw Iched be -tweon two boards like the lady in Tol stol'B rustic traged while the beast sat upon her and read his prayer book, and then how she escaped, but ever after refused to reveal the mystery of her suf ferings for feur of the vengeance of the blood-thirsty tyrant! Miss Anglin will bo supported, nlso, bv Florene Carpenter. Carolyn Darling, Catherine Xlnslcc, Louise Cilmore, Helen Josff, Sidney ireenstrect, Leonard W!lle, Wallace Widdt-c nmne. Pounld Cameron and Harr Barfoot Miss Ang lin has gUrii a great dial of attention to the det.nl of th. pi oduction of Wilde H plav nnd it will lie gn.-n exactly as it wiih dm ing the New York run. 11,11,1 ,, ETHEL AMORITA KELLY, "Passing Show of 1914," Lyric, Oct. 5. "BUSTER BROWN" Master Harold West will be seen in the title role of "Buster Brown," a muMcal comedy founded upon the famous "Bus ter" caricatures, at the Liberty Theatre next week. Master West will bo sur rounded with a notable cast of comedians and singers particularly fitted to Interpret their various roles. Company I Second Regiment. N. G P., will be the guests ot Master West Mon day nlsht The company will bo headed by the Buster Brown Boy Scouts ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,1,, 1,,,,, 1, ,,i, They are 1 ood character and only pretend to ilirt with their client, tht married man who hires them. 'Mr. Sclwyn has caught the humor of this sham, and at the same time has .! ,, imi-nc lirnlicbt out hl'ie- tofore, either In the drama or In fiction Mr Mcltae will be supported in "Near ly Married" by the original company ap I penrlng at the Gaiety Theatre In New I Yosk last season. They Include An tln..ttp Wnlker. In the role of Betty Lindsay; Kdlth Campbell Wnlker, Alice S KUIot. Beatrice Ingram, John Sparks John Butler, Dolmar B. Clark, Danny Div, John McCabe and Harry Loralne. IMItlHIIMMIMIIIMMMMIItMII "" '""""""" NIXON'S GRAND nroad St. nnd Montgomery Ave. ritnP. O. XlXOX-Xlltm.l.NGEK.Uen.Mgr. 'i:T WEEK Uproarious "Mnihpr fJnn;p" Coined! OfferlnK iUltllltr UUUM. With .! C. MACK anil JIM OILDEA. MILLS nnd MO.VAHCII MOl I.TOX rUMKIlY FOUIt PHiNrnsu vii,i,iscii ni,l.AIlirnt nnd ANITA lmaAnn8! iiiL"!1'?. Manikins M'ECiAL MOTION riCTUUES n.iiij s.ir, Eicnlnss ' S.0 3000 SEATS jo: lllltlMMItlllllllllMlllhllllhMlilltintlll Greatest Photo Spectacle Will Move MONDAY To be seen for Limited Engagement at Academy of Music BROAD AND LOCUST STS. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA GRAND OPERA CHORUS ORCHESTRAL ORGAN MATINEES, 2:l.r PRECISELY Reserved Seats, 10, 15 and L'S cents. EVENINGS, 8:1B PRECISELY Reserved Seats. 10, 15, 2S and 50 cents I30X-OFFICE AT ACADEMY OrEN DAILY AT 0 A. M. ,t,,,,,,,,IIM,IM(l,,,,,l4l,H,,Mt,,,l,M,,l,M,l,l,,IMIIII CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE TWICE DAILY LAST WEEK World's Greatest I'holo si'itailo r TJTTJT A With (in-lieaira stumm- nnd I'hnniB Entrapment loltlely Ends Temlsht 'rlie -Mats . 10. 15. 'J.'c Etgs 10. a 5. '- l,,,l,l,,,l,,,ll,l,,,l,MM,,l,lt,,,,l,,,l,,,l,,,,,,l,li,,m,l,)HI,l,,t,M,,IH,,),,IIM,,l,' ll" S DAIL1 III 1 MATS AT 1 I AND 'IMELFTII STULETSi . 1' M J.lc & 50c NIGHTS T H V M . 2.1. TO $1 H EXCLUSIVE VAUDEVILLE HELD OVER ONE WEEK MORE MR. and MRS. n? Advanced Vaudeville Ilroad and Snyder Ave. It 1 rr r I' , C ,r Hi-epitat I'h i 1. i;,t a H F, -11 1 nnvdienn MAK WKST Th e,r(Km-tl Rrini,,. Qr THE CAHAUCT HRVIEW Mi ji T.llold I'nmtany of Tn Kir" Tlm- at l',piiir Prlcts riSIIEK t GHEEN In Th, I'arinrs" WEHH & HL'K.VS Th li il.jn Mlntr(s HEXKIETTA WH.SO.v'cO."" s f Kt-A'-t t Marksmanship corrEii & noi.iJEN $m&m KNiceaeocR. THeATfcS orln I iiuile lib- und riintnplnji, Aftcri n. Two ii'Clnrlc, XII "euti. 10c I irnlngs '!' (iiinplite iii, II IS n ' I' M. U t 11 ' XI- l-riit'i. Hi. 13, 'ilc. ( niniiiK Mmidny Inez McCauley & Co. In I lie (ilrl Prom hll'ln' ". Ml'RRAY UENNETT In .Sen soiiki and Stnrlm. I.on Smith & Farmer Constance In llulnlj '''' "Li."""'1'1 "t"1 S""M' SCOT!' & WILSON The Pe centric LmiKlmmkern DAVID KALE1K0A lliimillun Mullan. FREVOM I In- Muli-r .sliadowgrapliUI. Nights 2Sc. 50c, 75c & $1.00 Mats Tues.. Thurs., & Sat., 25c and 50c. ALHAMBRA vVw"l.Drul ImiruMniviT New Management N'kWlnVSJJ "53?" ' DUMONT'S ' WIi'VnI m".TO MATINEF TOHA1 V AM- Jo MAT IiAlLi jaKIJVND uliiW MVTINI- Ts IV GLOBE TROTTERS cTsi$o"ii' HliHM4tHtl" EMPIRE I "Hl'.l h -II i- hill I j i', -J o I I M - A s,,i I t oy 3, I I I I . ! " ' ' ' J ' u.nm.m,..., , ,n..,i. iinmni iminiiiiniimnn""" F The Walnut i virti -in i Willi ut m-r&J NEXT WEEK ! I , tTf i i l M I I I 1 i sin. V I I I T- ( - - .- g ' llJCl,l-e tMi i J ''l" l'U vt the i 1 I i,, 4, -.., 15 t-K ll J5 l-tti-Wr tin I J - l Tr"l f F' Pco i-K f -,-,WI'Or!4 KMIM I JE11 i zs N M rl fa V C71 miEMHELVESi THOUSANDS TURNED AWAY! I MELVILLE & HIGGINS ' "I'uttlns on AlrH ' EDWIN GEORGE Almext a Jugfler PAUL PEREIRA'S STRING SEXTETTE FAMOfS INSTRUMENTALISTS IN FOl'ULARAND CLASSICAL SELECTIONS ANE CONNOLLY & CO. BOEDER'S INVENTION FRED RENELLO & SISTER MARY DORR HEAEST-SELIG NEW WAR .MOTION PICTUIIES SAM & KITTY MORTON EXTRA AUUKt) ATTIt ACTION I'ori I.A1I FAVOUITES In HAe'K Tu WHERE THEY STARTED" "Hean Altta a. WetH In Allium e I'huna, Hell Fllbe-rt .'1305 Kemtone, Rme Sl',0 " " VISITORS TO NEW VOKK MIOUI.D .NOT FAIL TO VISIT B. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE nnu&rAKD MONDERFt'L SHOWS IN THE MOST HEAl'TIFVL HOUSE IN THE IMiltl.K ADELPHI MATINEE TODAY BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY TONIGHT AT 8:20 I POSITIVELY LAST WEEK l'Ol'. SI MAT. THURS RKOn.An MAT. SAT. I FI.rEOEI.MAN Preent MW TriJM 7 c&w)- I'rnnintlnn tn V ' Kkhly Deserv- Wf I V n 'The Revolt' In W" Sun- V ' A tar U hne stpllur HnuorN Is c! Trei 'Helen M'aro .i Hit " Stnr "A Miitcrls rinv Thtt inlnfl Interest TMeRraph A CHEAT II I'M AN EDWARD LOCKE "A Play With Excellent Qtnli ties That aet Across Eienlns Ledcer "Intensely Interestlnc I)rnn Splendidly I'rmlticeil "--ltecf.nl IBS MONDAY, OCTOBER 5th WINTHROF AMES PRESENTS GRACE GEORGE IN CLYDE FITCH'S VERY UNUSUAL COMEDY "THE TRUTH" SEAT SALE OPENS THURSDAY A :vi I YRIf RcR-inninp: Monday, October 5 BP?g8MrSrN'?SVwi 1-1 lIV' AN I I'ltoARIOlS UPHEAVAL OF LINGERIE AND LAUUHTEIt The PASSING SHOW of 1914 THE MASTODON OF MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA . Company 1m Imlrs UEuRliE W MONROE, HARRY FISHER, Robert Emmetr hwn Frames lii-niurest, Artl .Melillnger. Marllvnn Miller Lew llrlce, Ethel Amnrliu Ketiv Muriel wiiuU.u, Freeman and Dunham. June Elrlilge. llankou" anil Ulrlle. Llalo H1'" Helen Cnrrlnt'iun, unil THE UNSURPASSABLE WINTER GARDEN CHORUS hKAT hAI.i: OPENS MONDAY. AT 0 A. SI. HIIHIIIIIIMIItMIIIIIMIMIillMMIIMIHIMMIIIIIMIMMMIIHIII ..H...II.IHIHIMIMHIHHMIHMI iMIHIIMMMUmMIMIIHI MMIIOHIMI IIIIOIMIIH Illll Chestnut Street K BEGINNING MONDAY EVENING OPENING OF THE REGULAR SEASON THE ALBAN CO., GEORGE H. BRENNAN, .ManagiiiK Dirtclor. Presents THE FAMOUS .MIRACLE PLAY n nn rvhr$r mrnnrlrri B FRANCIS L. KENZEL CAST OF 75, Including Marion Harney, Constance Molineaux, Sara Biala, Agnes Mapes, Ethel Gray and Eleanor Russell TT?TPTT EVENINGS, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 1 1V1VAU MATINEES. Tues., Thurs. & Saturday, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 The ADVANCE SALE for this production was SO ENORMOUS that an EXTRA BOX OFFICE was opened at this theatre. JOIN the LINE EARLY MONDAY if you wish to secure desirable locations for any, of the opening performances. rnrin "I tnnMI 7TTIVTT?rlVT XT O.. ePHPATniJOM W TAY IUU J. i-lV-JlV, SJlilliTIUlVlTl.lCI, Ol., illUilllWJU(,.ne, nit. nil Milliliter GerinunioAii unit I'helun Ait-nued rn)ro)j UiUUP o) u i I n H r n A? a v , tmSLAAL pli foi the Whole Family FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 .1 M A HIlADY, LTD PRESENTS THE ORIGINAL NEW Yllltlv PR'.'H' HF 1,1.1)111.1; HltuADHlRSTS STIRltINO DRAMA OF AMERICAN LIU. ) Jl fl fMmit mi id nv AMERICAS TRHMPH IN STAGE REALIbM dm: .sulid nun AT WM A IIRADY'S PLAYHOUSE. NBW 'HK MATINEES TUES, THURS. SAT. 25c I n .. p.nne Mt.lITh- PRICES 25c. So. 50c anil 7Bc "11 "one Advance I Octolier 5 BUSTER BROWN I G't'n 309 Seats one Week in ARRANGED BY APPLYING TO THE MANAUES1ENT IlEM'.i' IT.S I'lN HE ,'Ol.l'MIIIA '-" -1 tS8tax ;. y -,X-jgn SEA.TS NEAR XIqW 3 ra i ) xt U fclK 'N HK'AI..T UUUJmlJUSUU VlJ FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 HIE I.EFFI.EH IlllATTON C) INC PRESENTS A IIIQ RE l AL I'F THE "111'1' t AMU1 S MUSICAL COMEDY HliWlTllll.Nu l.lltLS TLNEFUL MUSIC GRACEFUL DANCES, STlNMf I'HOltlS, COMPANY OF SIXTY FUNMAKEHS Wat' h for Dally Com ert anil I'arwU ol Duster lllonn Hoy Scouts' PanU Evenings 8.15 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c BENEFITS SOLICITED NEXT WEEK Bought and Paid For Mats. 2.15: Tues., Thur. 5 Sat. All Seats 25c J Bll Phon Dlroond i ?,. -.( wnwi tmm i-it a" w-(
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers