I' P Xfi' ! mi W 3vB ! SB $1. !H 3!i Rl H'i ,7 r r f8 r ' 14 Jl Ji 6 7ir",tTffTa . rTrrrm - j ate; R V 13 N I N ;&frD1 yrr v-V 'yr n5" t T v rf "P" Krllt-EI B-E-B- - 2fo 1011--, rr . i i ! .' Ml Wta-i Ffl 7?) e r99hM? its Warned eWirrov V to a gaping Zlge- CHAS.SPRGUE THEATRICAL BAEDEKER viust ximiT. Mr w in i-Tti' r- - f-'-tn." fcnirt'it; Mnraarel Anglin. Iiv n u Mnn.lai sthi:kt opKiiA wm-sf. - pi ';r ' ilrnli" play, by Fran. I- M n Iny nlnht. i ' in-i'hlii Montgomery ana In inn till. ntn . In Anne PaMur I ivtin BRUM i 1. nl-lit C1I1 1 Vi'T !nlp Inn I Kf-- ininir-stei.e. nml II ir liiim-i.. ulth mtittc hy iiaryii i-.'.rnwuy mam. OAUIII ' Nearly .M.iine.l." ffiree enier-i. by Kilcnr Kelnyn. Hartlne Itmce Mi Ha. Moh.ldv nUlit. KLITII'! Mr (imt Mr. Vcinon i'uMIp In orlnlnnl ilnncc. W'AtiNI'T "ItrlnRlnK Up Father," mul -m comedy. Inpil on 'tr.irr MeManug' trtomt by (Suit Hill. Monday nlRht. UnNTLSTIttci. ArMnuMY ! MU.tr-"UaMrln." m.n.ru-Plrtun- .lrnnia. by riabrlclle D'Annunln, ..f the tlilrt i-entury P.. i". A truly RliiMelmK fp-it n th.. reel, with a ronviticlnn .-,1. -. piim.ii n. Al li I-JI1 ' Th tlpnt." bv K.lnaM T.n kp. ptn-r1' i Mt'.-n W nri . lrlien .lemiprntp, a r .' .- 'n u t . X- t'TP lllty etllPVP.I a. .1 I" 'I'l1. '. Nr l.ii- an I Inn i-nns 'i mo SHALL LAUGHTER SUPERSEDE WEEPING IN THE DRAMA? r&$. Few Tragic Plays in Season's Output Indicate Growing Popularity of Lighter, Amusements. nr tpn now plnyn produced In New York dunriR tiin month of Auguit the majority wire llv'it, aomc pvanesoontly llffht, In i their i.ilihre of enter.alnment. This la! w .. " ' 'J&k. .,h y: Ms ...VJSi trur n,s" or thp plnya staffed d urine Sep- :SHil- Antoinette Walker and Bruce McRae, "Nearly Married," Garrick, nest week. -O 7he Untitling cMasquemcfe !'$ tembiT, ns well na thoaa promiapd lntpr In thp a'naon. Whpre fnrre comedy dop. not prpvail, thp notion hlnses generalty on cpn.ntlonul altuntlona, thp cluinu tors Including un array of polltlPlnna, prnftera and pollcrrnpii, and the acenpg bulnsr lnld In Brooklyn tints, where m-KleotPd wlvoa uioK.r with tippling stppmothers. court- ' room- and tocalltlc. of such topkul up- , frecj Stone's Whnt hns beonmp of the nM-fn.hlond prl.u dr.inin. wherein the stace Is ahuk- en l' Ihn tlimilttllilllM Ctltl imhani'nld .. th.. Kint emotional urtlate. und the net-! b rp" !"on,, w,, wltn DavW -Mont-tliiR ticmhlfd In the Busts of ptisaion ifomery, will nppear at the Forrest emnn.itlni; from the agitated bosom of the j Thentr, UVdnesday nmht. in the ataik-f:i I tragedian: Who doea not i premier performance of tiharles DU- "l""""' ine JOy WP naU in innrnr In mrhnn'i ! mmlnnl nknf..v i-'l,!.,- la noterl ns one of the uri-atest Jllsa lna .Nethersole's elephantine dls- t Chin." tres."!.' lU't aln Camllli- dies no num. Sappii.) wppps no salty tears, nor are we pleaaurably harrowed by the turbulences of another Mrs. Tanq'ieray. "A iVw yeUra ngro we heard more or less of Ibsen. Strindberif. Hauptmann and Jlaeterlini k In our playhouses," says the Drau.aiio Minor, commenting on the. lack of solid drama. "Madame Slmone cam( r.ver tand Mr. Frohman put on 'Chantecler.' Mr. Oland trlrd out Strlndbergr's Father.' Foibts-Ilobertson, Mr. Favershnm and .qUViis were playing In ilrumas of Shake speare. "The popularity of plays deallnc with criminal!, and crafters. court scenes and pi d Iiv functionaries, and, next to these. rias with a stronfr farvlcal tendency, is ,v ' Tssrxrvz r:,1 r i hiiz&vi rM war av3rAr jjfit&?vHfip. m tmj&r .js&vc -sa . . i .jss&air - jaw vl1?. . wui t v ijvr iT'rsi.sti5 xrixir.rV2,.tiKr!ve- r ims rar.n cvsv --' ; ' s&yaxHi xl-cw tm MJUpBml JSHk w ''-.r-yTfi .-'' - Hfm jSmm$mm, sn"i.i' a li-jfcWF Rii-vsj..'ii fyctT?pxv,7.'a.trjrKfliHi t& An, . i r- w ttr&rr4vw inzzrmv&rmw J HK m x, . v&gflHrilSB HUB , t - (IRS CSIS . Ai p HKSj. sALu s5i&rSi JiSfes' IHIf&vi. i . ;. ., x i Kf!.wne.-k r .jyAffy' i rf" i v v wf "'--" - t '-y yiuf m nwLr wmii r-' ia.r .iLvw ; :;;surT '. .-X3I MflBin -Ja -'i - ,: v, i '- i Tjnn'nT-nrnrii imtki ii i 1 Mil li m. TO?5Sr Jfe xfl MPK9U nf 7& - "5 .-" i i , . US 4.'iKlawnfi':wV MS JK& firs'--&4 &iw '' - lMll H jJI 1 x ,X 4 v. Kffii 'I iHl " m WW r rV 7 'i CONSTANCE FARMER, 'c '':,'ffiIii BETTY MARTIN, Liberty. Knickerbocker. .'-', i;,'l O , 0 . i Jj' HSH Mod ;--.; i, 1 HE Erf:'?! ' f e$ BBSs the diania ubmEm !- J ir IKS irspoiulent." PB .'-' v r yQudmlleM So populnr 'did Mr. nnd Mrs. Vernon Caslle In their original dances prove that Mntmgor Jordan, of Keith's, lias eneaged. them for a second week. That dancing Is pllll a popular pastime was evident by tho furoro the nppcarnnco of tho orlglna. tors of tho box-trot created. Thousand! thronpred the popular nmuscmciit house; Indeed, hundreds were turned away. "Hack to Whero They Started, " u skit, with Snm and Kitty Morton, will head a bill that looks alluring-. Amoiur th fontiircs will he Haul 1'erlcra, the Forlii. isucso court violinist, supported hy Mi own orlglnnl fstrlng iiunrtct of Helocica. muslrlalis; Kdwln acoige, a comedian and "near" Juggler; a comedy of mod. em life, "A Strong Cup of Ten," hy Con. nelly & Co.! "Flitting on An Ira"; n new skit, with Mno Melvlllo and Itobert lllj. gins. Mary Dorr, a comedienne, In i scries of new song selections nnd charac terizations, mid Fred Itcncllo nnd sister, performing n routlno of picturesque nnd hnzarduus fents on n bicycle. Mttle Inez McC'nuley will apiiear In a playlet of rent life, "The Girl iom , C'hllds ," at Loow'h KnlckerbocKPr next week. Miss McCnulcy, ns nn ex-waltresi, Unfortunately married nnd divorced, tlndi ! herself cngngeil as a servant In tho horns i of her ex-husband, who hus married ' again. The nctlon hinges upon her effort I to make the husband nppreclnto his wife. Tho rest of the bill will Include th 1 character comedian, Murray Bonnetl ' Scott and Wilson, acrobats ; Lon Smith nnd Constaiu-o Fanner, In comedy and aonca; Unvld Kaleokoa, nn Hnwnlan mu sician, nnd Frevoll, a shadowKraphlst., tlllllllllllM,llllIHI,tH,ttt Amazing Make-up masters of the art of theatrical make-up living Nuiie who have ever sppii Stone's In Imltnbl.; "Scnrpcrow" can foret the bizarre art thereby demonstrated. Since "The Wizard of Oz" day, .Mr. Stone has steadily progressed in his remark able skill until. In his recent appear ancca. it hn not hppo nnnatini far liim and produced a play of Ros- to assume half n dozen neraonnllHo. dlfrerent In every essential, voice, man nerism and even size, in a single even ing. " 'Makeup' In the actor's vocabulary Is by no means confined to the use of paint and powder," says Mr. Stone. "It has to do also with eostumlnir. personality, and often with physical appearance. A int actor must make himself seem lean, not highly promising for 'the serious drama.' "Miss .Margaret Anglln may and sn may Mr. Hackett produce a Shake- I spearean play: but with these exceptions we ran to descry anything like solid lit crarv phenomena on the theatrical hori zon. " It is true "The Revolt," which will con tinue here next week, deals seriously with me proiMi'iii oi a nusuaiM s neglect orlftr ,he nrnjr,on n. ..fhi,, 'hi., his wife, but it is leavened with nn admlv. ' flT. ln Proauctlon or h n- hin tun- of laugh-provoking humor, of the new attractions to ojn next week. "Pi late's I laughter" is the unly eiious play, nnd that Ik religious. Margaret Ar.glin. finding Sliakespeare tinamially unprortt able. will ipiear in Wilde's amusing sa tiie. "Lady Windermere's Fan." at the Broad. ' Nearly Married," with Bruce Mcli.n', deals farcically with manlage and divori . Montgomery and Stone, In their furita,. "Chin Chin," will be tol . Jiweii by other mentally titillating musi- ail jjmuieinents among them "The Pass- :i thin actor become fat. a tall one short. To achieve sueh results should be an essential part of the actor's ambition, al though In these days of incomplete edu cation for the stage the art of 'make up' is frequently sndly neglected. As an yxamplo for the tim needed for the development and eonip'etJon of a comle opera before it may he offered to the public, it Is cited that preparations bejran last January, the work p.-ogrecslni: t brutish a period of more than eight months. While the title suggests a Chines.- setting. It Is not located In the Celestial Kingdom. It is interesting to nous that there is no lending lady in "Chin-Chin." although a number of beautiful women are in the cast, which numbers more than a hundred, and in cludes Relle Story. Charlew Aldrloh. R. K. Oraham, Violet Zull, Holen Paleoner, Mnrjorle Montley. Rosa Valerie, Selma Why Miss Anglin Left Mr. Mansfield Miss Margaret Anglin, wh" will appear in Oscar Wilde's satiric drama, "Lady Wlndemere's Fan," at the Broad Street Theatre Monday night, made her debut under Richard Mansfield In ICdmond Ros tand's "Cyrano do Bergernc." Miss Ang lin was a distinguished success 'n the part of Roxnnc a success all the more marked by her abrupt and unexplained disappearance from the cost. Miss Ang lin's success, was Indeed almost as great as that of Mr. Mansfield himself. When, therefore, after the company had started on tour and .Miss Anglin vanished, many and various were the suppositions as to why the charming original Itoxanc had sone. Only a short time ago was the mys tery solved In the discovery of a letter written by Manslleld to a Chicago news paper. It is characteristic of the great actor, and rends thus: "Virginia Hotel. Chicago. Oct. 0. 1902. "My attention has been called to the contlnunl reference to Miss Anglin and the usual Innuendoes as to why she sev ered her connection with my company. Miss Anglin played Roxone In 'Cyrano de Bergerac' very charmingly, and Im mediately after her marked success In the role received ' an otter of twice the sum I had contracted to pay for her ser vices. Miss Anglin accepted the offer. "I am sorry that tho facts arc so sim ple nnd uninteresting really almost sor did, but 'tis true. It would have been more exciting, and no doubt more agree- able, to have been able to relate how the poor creature was taken hy the hair and dragged a'jout the stage, or how she was, iifti r a stormy rehear.-al. kid napped and confined in a dark room, where the monster squirted ink at her through the keyhole punctually every 15 minutes, or how she was sandwiched be tween two boards like the lady in ioi stol's rustic tragedy whllo the beast sat ETHEL AMORITA KELLY, "Passing Show of 1914," Lyric, Oct. 5. "BUSTER BROWN" Vaster Harold West will be seen in the title role of. "Buster Brown," a musical comedy founded upon tho famous "Bus ter" caricatures, at the Uberty Theatre next week. Master West will be sur rounded with a notable cast of comedians and singers particularly fitted to Interpret their various roles. Company I. Second Regiment. .V. G. P., will be the guests of Master West Mon day night. The company will bp headed hy the Buster Brown Boy Scouts tlMIMMIIIMIMIflllMIIIIIIIII A NEW CHARACTER IN DRAMA In "Nearly Married," Kdgar Sclwyn's farce comedy, which comes to the Garrick Mondny night for it week's run, Cohan A: Harris, the producers, assert they In troduce a character new to fiction and 11 Is the "professional co- "The character is taken from life nnd .s nlmost, if not quite, confined to New ' Vi,rk," declares Edith Campbell Walker. ' who will portray the part. ' "As in Edgar Sclwyn's farce, these girls I are secretly engaged by married couples, seeking an Immediate divorce. They are girls of good character nnd only pretend to tllrt with their client, the married man I who hires. them. , . , j I "Mr. Selwyn has caught tho humor of this sham, and at the same time has I created a type never brought out lieic- tofoio. cither In the drama or In fiction. I Mr. McRae will be supported in "Near- 1 ly Married" by the original company ap- , penrlns at the Gaiety Theatre In New York last season. Thoy Include An- I toinettc Walker, in tho rolo of Betty 1 Lindsay; Edith Campbell Walker. Alice i S. Elliot, Beatrice Ingram, John Sparks John Butler. De'.mar E. Clark. U.inny Dav. John McCabu and Harry Loraine. IMMIIIIIIIII David Montgomery and Fred Stone. To appear in "Chin-Chin," Forrest, next Wednesday. BROADWAY Mne West, known ns the "Original Brinklcy Girl," will head the bill at the Broadway Theatre, In South Philadelphia. Among the other attractions will be the "Cabaret Review." a tabloid musical com edy, produced by ten people. mi i, i ii ii ii ii i in in ii 1 1 it ii i (III IIIIHIIMMItl IIMIIIIHMIIIIIIIIIIMIIMMIMI X I X ( X ' s GRAND Ttrond St. and Montgomery Ave. FltKD. U. XlXU.S'-XiUDI.I.VUUIt.lfpn.Mg NIIXT WKKK rpronrlnua "Mnthpr r!nnt;r" Comedy offerlnc mullH-' UUUjjL With .1. C. .MACK and JIM CIII.DUA. MILLS nnd MOILTON i'HIXCKSS " EI.I.AIlI'.i'll 3 1 OX VHCI1 "O.YIKIIV rorii II, I. ISC II nml AM'l'A Ja, .j."' iamb's Manikins .si'ifeiArT motion I'lfrntiis Daily lmti ,nnn srats wim in' Greatest Photo Spectacle Will Move MONDAY To bo seen for Limited Bngagcmpnt at Academy .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIItlllllllllltlltllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIOAD AND LOCUST STS. SViirllONY OltCIIKSTItA OIIAND Ol'KItA CHOIU'S OUCI1KSTRAL ORGAN MATINLES. 2:1." PRKCISELV Reserved SeutH. 10. lfi and -.'i ceni-'. BVn.N'INaS. 8:1.1 PRECISELY Reserved Scats. 10. IB, L'." and ."u i-onts. IJOX-OI'I-'ICE AT ACADEMY OPEN DA1I.T AT 0 A. M. MltMIIHIIHIIIIIHIHIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII ' llllllMIIIIMIIIHIIIIIIIll IIIIIIHIHIII CHESTNUT STREET ? TWICE DAILY- LAST WKKK World's (irenicst J'hnto Sp.iiaclo C IJTTJT Willi Onhfstra AlilXVlfV nnrt i-tinrua Encatreiiien: I'osltively En-Is Tonlaht 'rices Mini . 1U. in. l'- EvRS- U. -' -i"r- Rawiston. Kvelyn Conway, Lola "urtis. ti.g .-show of 19! i" and "The Whirl of the '" no iaue. t.agar ixe nay. George troTid." K en Mrs. Fluke, famous creator ' '"W ljene "evere, uouglas btevt-n-an lhs.:n tpes. will appear in a new com- ' soni e'L'' ly-"Litdv Uet'y Martingale, or The Ad- ,."r-..u" m noa nrrangeu wiin nnn ,innn . ..., ...... his nmyer book, and en t urea of a Lively Hussy." by John '""" w Ann "-aldweu ond R. II. ( , hf p lmt ..Ver after Luther Long and Frank Stayton. , urnald. composer and librettists of the , j', to reveaI thJ tnysterv of her stif- Whlle there will be serious dramas, and j ntay, for the song. "IVs a Long, Long , f,;rincs for fPIir n tll0 vengeance of the solemn dramas, there Is no prospect of. " a' '3 Tipperary," to be interpolated j blood-th'rsty tyrant! another "East LynnV'-that most effective lnto tht comedy and autw by the two M(jis A' ,n wll ho supported, nlso, by producer ut copious tears nur of any. comedlana, and a big chorua. This is tho Klore'iu-o Carpenttr Carolyn Darling, thing with the tragic qualities of "Thereae "nf that the British soldier are singing . Catherine Alnsley, Louise Ullmore, Helen Uaci'iln." Is the drama of loud aounditig all over the battlefields of France. Jostffy. Sidney Greenstreet. Leonard aobl-intr. lonunrioua dyings unl shrl-k-' Mr. Lullinvham ii said to hove paid wiu.-i." ' WuIIhch Widdei-ombe. Donald IIIIIIMtlllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIII-MM. ,,,,,....... TILATE'S DAUGHTER" Ing hcuithreaks passing? Do we tend to- I '"-" ,or the exclusive stage right ward an era of emotional levity and Amwtca. laughter in our entertainments? What- I ' - ever the future development of plays will n . be. there will be some, of course, who Ui'iiiiUiX IfcArRE will maintain that weeping Is more saiy. ! William A Hrady's original New York tarv than hughtrr: others again, that ! J I'-ducti n of "Hmight and Paid I-'-.r" a laughter Is more seriously benefltlal than j dram. of American life, will open at tli-eoul-r.i. kin grief. iirph.um Thi-atn, (i.rni.intiwn i.et j Mmidav. T!i- pl.tv Is based ui-i-n th. I marital . - j.-ri. r i--. of a New York mil ! l:oiniu and a litil- J10-a-wiek ti-'i nlione In ViaiK-is L. Kener miracle play. ; oi- rar.ii "Pilati .-. I laughter," which wilt open at ... ,....,..,,,.,.,,,.,,.,.,,.., , the Chestnut Street Opera Houkft Mod day nL'ht, theatreuoers will be offeril -t niAflt in di.iina. The play Is tsstntull-. reliuii-u.s in iu appeul and la based upon nn .il. I lett. i.. Mui h hikionral research was n.s-.r. to Ble .11' liiiimte !-tage iirtllf- of :..-linn-, boil- iii Jerusalem and Roci.e. Tl.t play ..- TimI-'I into wi-n .vi-ws a-d SllnW 'hi- I i-lse of P-jll'lUS f'.lute thi- Mannrtiii- ri.-.,n and the i;,l.ne of tie Kmpiisb .'.gripiuni In pud'H .r.g ll. e appiai.tiii - of tie -I. -e-iiU i. ir- - s. t.i lemai kabli- ilotnul ifTi-' ts will t.u used Cameron and Harry Barfoot. Miss Ang- 1 II n has given a great deal of attention to , 1 the detail of the production of Wilde's , i pUj, anil it will be given exactly as it . was during the New York run. ,, , M.,ll,llll ,,tllllllll I BROADWAY In . FORREST Last Mat. and Nicrht ZIEGFELD FOLLIES Bein.,.,, Wed. Ev'g, Sept. 30 ' MONTGOMERY and STONE ,,... chin.chin;! , .;, BROAD Last Matinee and Night John Mason in Drugged m:. r mi .-rT.- iw -ki lis-: MARGARET ANGLIN in I p'i U 'M 'f I'.'IKI i. . HAN GARRICK Last X s ,,; ,";. '..-.;';.' Tit. h, i.r.. f.jis , I...AT K i ,.r $1 'h Th- I Mi in' A r C I P I!' , M'--' Or i . ftf tili'i In Yeari .Si T lll'I.K .-.EATS SOW SELLlNi; 'IMS' & II Vl.lll.- Present '& s " " NEARLY MARRIED Wltn . Hi V. VI V..W. ir I a Hrltllant i o imnjuiinii , in , AlUAMRRA piiuiik M.irrU i. ISth Ma L.rlAlTlnI H.,.n,i Impravtnwnta New Management pSS"--,.ii,iiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiii,ii,,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iM,,HM MATIM I- ''"!' W 10. AN1' -in XJUVTPI-. M VT HAM.Y IO.-ti.LAM. ijHILd .. ....iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiii.iiiii M TINKI0 TOIAV GLOBE TROTTERS Advanced 'audevllle liroad and Snyder Auc. F'r.p Fr. Iti-n pt ' '.imeilienne .MAE WBST Th- Orlrlnal Ilrlnkley Olrl TUB CAHAKRT HBVIKW Mmlial TiM'M f'fmiiany c.f Ten Flr-i Tline at Pr.pijhtr Prices FISH Bit & GHBBN In The 1'artnerj" WBHH & HL'HNS Th lul.dii Mirmtrela HBNHIBTrA WILSON CO. Nmel k'eats i.f Markmr.hip "corrBH & Hoi.nBx In Tl Whole Hhi.w" THREE I .' . ' ,? DAILY . 1" Kifi 157- I ". SO. -0 3i Jc. iaKiK Nicee.eoce. TeATK.e -ilert Vnudellle and Plmtnplaya AfterniiiinB, Two o'tiiirk. All Seot 10c h'vrning. Tho Complete Shown, II.IS to 0 P. M. D tu II P. M. Prlieii 10. 15, 2-1r. ( nnilmc Monday Inez McCauley & Co. In "The filrl Fr'im C'hllda' ". MURRAY BENNETT In New Siinas and Stnrlea. I.on Smith & Farmer Constance In llalnt) lllti of Comedy and Kong. ' SCOTT & WILSON llie Krcentric Laimlimakrrn. DAVID KALEIKOA Hawaiian Munlclan. FREVOLI The Mauler Shailowgraplilaf. a P1IOUS DAILY- ill - i MATS AT SU M . v KLI- III .STltl-.Ll'S l.ii A: .".in MlillTS At s p. M . L'.V TO 1 U EXCLUSIVE VAUDEVILLE Ll HELD OVER ONE WEEK MORE MR. and MRS. T Vy R M m crn THOUSANDS' TURNED AWAY ! EDWIN GEORGE Almost a .lugk'ler I MELVILLE & HIGGINS I "Putting nn Alra." PAUL PEREIRA'S STRING SEXTETTE rAMOL'SlNSTnt'ME.NTALlSTS IX POPULAR AND CLAtiHICAI, KKI.I-K'TIONS JANE CONNOLLY & CO. ROEDER'S INVENTION FRED RENELLO & SISTER MARY DORR HEAKST-SELIfi NEW WAR .MOTION IMCTUUES ' Z$1&41S$SU SAM & KITTY MORTON" PCIPCLAL FAViiUITHS In ' HACK Tu WIIKItK THKV bTAHTKD" "satiTAla a Week In Adv-ame -'Phone, Illl Filbert .'IliUri: Keyjtone. It.ice't'ii. VISITOILS TO NEW YiiUK .SHOULD .S'oT FAIL To VIHIT B. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE '"K-V WONDEIU'L'L KIIOWS JN THE M'IST HBAl'TIKl'I. HOUBK IN TUB WOULD ADELPHI A1ATINEE TODAY BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY TONIGHT AT 8:20 POSITIVELY LAST WEEK Till Its. ItKfit'LAK MAT. SAT. t- M IX l-r.- nls (XHP Pill". SI JI 1 I I-1 II fn fr v? k W m fines' k sty P n& WM fi w ? w Hun- W -A St-ir Wlmnp pr,. n..i..n I Stellar Honors In III. hly Deerv i .1 " I-re.s. "Hi ten Ware In ii lilt "Star. A Maiterlv PI iv That tain.- Interest "- TeleBr.tph. A UIILAT HUMAN t- KDWAKD LOIKI-: "A Pluy W'Hh Kx. . II. i t Q ti. That (lets Arross K Ledger. ntenselv Interpt!'ic Or Splemlldlv Pri.ilurcd.' It r' SSo MONDAY, OCTOBER 5th WINTIIHOP AMES PnCSKNTH GRACE GEORGE IN f'LVDH riTt'li S vnitY UNUSUAL t'OJILDY "THE TRUTH" SLAT SAI.L OpHNS THUriSDAY. II A : on I mr BefflnnlnR Monday, October 5 $$1,-? ill 111 WAN i-pKOARIlll S UPIIKAVAL OF LINflBHI K AND L.U'UUTLH The PASSING SHOW of 1914 THi: MA.-.THDON riK MUSICAL LXTUAVAHANZA rnmimiiy lnilu.i.8 liLnlliii: W. MuNIti iK, IIAHI1Y FISHI-:il. ItoUrt nmn' " Friiiiies Doinnri-l. Aril.- M. till nt- r. M.iriUnn Miller. Lew Hrli e. Ulln-I Aiieiri' ' Muriel Wind. .. Fr.-i.-ii,. in aiei Dunham, June UlrlilKP. llaiiknft and iiirlle. Ll -lUUn rariiiiKion, .m-l TIIK UNSIRPASSABLK WIXTEK GARDEN CIIOKlb hi:T SAI.K (M'KNS MONIIAV, AT ii A. M. .. IIMIMIIIMMIIIIIIIHHMMt IIMMMIIMHIII tttMIMIIItllMlltlt IIIIIIMMHIH MMIMMtHMMIMIMM MMIIHIIIIIHIII ItlHMIIIMII CASINO . JUjM'li'"" EMPIRE h 'lIMMllllliniHIllllH ItllllMMMM TU WIM..- Nights 25c, 50c. 75c & $1.00 1 lie VValnilt Mats-Tues.. Thurs., & Sat., Ninth and Wilmit 25c and 50c. NEXT WEEK ' rU-T M' fH MEDY A I . i tvEfil'SfeSJSxJLX :: t- Hi-j-ftt tiii- si j- i-"-n Puji of ihe H V'i e Ij !-" t Ill's -S tentu-bir tiiru. TODAY PKIKCCA OP ;R .NNYPltOOK KABM Chestnut Street ?!! BEGINNING MONDAY EVENING OPENING OF THE REGULAR SEASON THE ALDAN CO., GEOKGE II. DKENNAN, .Managing Director, Presents THE FAMOUS MIHACLE FLAY n I I I rfllTfr VJ( U ft fi II ll H I Dy FRANCIS L. KENZEL CAST OF 75, Including Marion Barney, Constance Molineaux, Sai-a Biala, Agnes Mapes, Ethel Gray and Eleanor Russell PT?TPFC! EVENINGS, 23c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 1 IVAVjUO MaTINEES, Tuts., Thurs. & Saturday, 25c, 50c, 73c, $1.00 The ADVANCE SALE for this production was SO ENORMOUS that an EXTRA DOX OFFICE was opened at this theatre. JOIN the LINE EARLY MONDAY if you wish to secure desirable locations for any of the opening performances. THE J. FRED. ZIMMERMAN, Sr., THEATRES JinSiMiMwr Germantuwri arvl Ctielten Aunueb mmM p.an. r-ii V ,. Funu . FOR THE WEhlv DK(.INMN(J MONDAY. SEI'TE.MHKR 28 WILLIAM A HR.IDY, LTD. PltF.Sh.ST8 TIIK iMtllil.NVL MJ nltl 1'iti'D' ' III' llF.illtliK KltiiAKIU'ltr S STUOtlXii DltAMA 1F AMLHI-VS I 1 1-I (7 ZJ 'j v u CTP 11 UU4J i c3 n 1 ornm u i .i .i Ll LLi rr Ml-.ltllS '11:11 il 11 LS STAi.i: UBAI.ISJI ONE SOLID YLAIt AT W SI A DUADY'S I I..V1 Illll'Sh, NKW MvTisKus 'runs, tiiurh. sat., 'j"- .Sliitrrs l-lllll-;.-, 25,-. a.V. title unit 7 a Scats one AVcek in Advance October 5 DUSTER DROWN Dell Phone (i't'n aou IILNF.FITrt' f'AN AURANiiKD IIY APPLYINII TO TUB MANAOLMBNT I'OLUMHIA jr i --", N- i j ' N I i r VVTT SETS l W A III Lh l t s. t. FOR THE WEEK DEGiNMMi .MONOAY. SEPTEMDER 28 Till: LLFFLUIt-llllAITn.S i'.i. ISf. 1 i: ll'.S IS V lilt. ltklAL i '1- l'IK i.s i'.i . I si-, t i:ir.s is l in, .us mi ,-H'M. r llli. 1U-.N l Al. mi:ih ilLWITt'llINt; tiiltLS. TU.SUFUL MUall' lillAI'EFUI. DANCLS. STINM'Su t'lIUItl'S. COMPANY OF Sl.STY 1TNMAKKIIS Willi li fur Dall i'l.nivri .ml Pji.id. uf liu-tcr tiluvni Iluy Siouis' HaO'J Evenings 8.15 25c, 35e, 50c and 75c BENEFITS SOLICITED NL.T WKKK Bought and Paid For .Mats. 2.15: TueSl Tl,ur' 3 Sat. AH Scats 2ac ' Bll Phone Diamond W3 ao.- s itnrfifTgnffiiiffliniiiiiraB