Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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MS r iDt '
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I li-H . 1
M&44 .. tSf
einrorco the German rlsht. An a r-on-'frequence,
they must remain nn the de
fenelvo, although the French are keep
Ing up their assaults, feeling out tho
weak place In the line.
On tho extreme French right, ao.
cording to the latest Information, the
Hermans arc giving ground before tho
French at the northern part nf the
French right where It Joins the centre,
but It has been found Impossible to
prevent the advance of the defmans
dlons the Metiso In the direction of St.
.vtlhtel. They havo not, however, been
able to cross the river. livery time
they string their pontoons the French
artillery, which commands every point,
blown the bridge to pieces.
The German lino now begins at
Mons, in Uelghim, swings west to St.
Amand, south through Cafnbrai, St.
mediately north of the Alsne, as the po
sition to which they have fallen back
! infinitely stronger. The key to tho
position of the German risht Is a nat- '
ural horseshoe of stone quarries ex- ,
tending around the oise from Glrau- '
mont and Anthetilt to Machcmok. The ,
ivnoio position is marked by Mom
Gauclon, opposite ComnU-gnc, from
which the steen sides of a timirnn rv.
tend toward tho northeast and tho
There seems to be evidence for tho
belief that General Joffre, the French
eommandef.m.ehlef, and Field Mar
shal Sir John French, tho Urltish
commander, are rallying all their
strength for a final effort against tho
German lines. Every available man
is being sent to the front, while the
commanders of the nllied tmnne ..
Quent.n on the main road through the lwo wflM hftV- bcen o
Ham to Noyon. and then Is unchanged rwloub,e lne)r Mml0tt8 , thclf ef.
I forts to turn th German nanks.
The schemes .,f the German General
Staff, of course, arc secret, but mill
tary men who have so far studied th
German campaign believe that it Is
;he object of tho Kaiser'-? fr.r-r-s to ;
allow the Allies to wear th-mlvr . out .
In attacks upon the strong j,r.it s,.-t- I
held by the invaders. It Is nfossary '
for the Germans to assume the r,tr-n-
slve In a certain dei-rhe n? nmf rm,.tu
.1....... . .u- .....- ...... i...-. "
Hut the real German offensive mov
ing up a terrwte nomoarument against
the works about Verdun.
from the past few days at any material
point in Its spread across France in a
southeasterly direction, following th"
heights of the Aisne to a point north
of Rhelms and then directly east to
Varenncs, taken on Thursday by the
Germans. Prom thre the ln of the
Mcuse l. fois.wed with the Germans
threatening the forts nf the Toul-Ver-dun
fin the eastern edge of the western
To tho south of Wrdun a heavy
-French force, sent northward from
Nancy and Toul, Is pressing vigor
ously against the army of Crown Prince
Huprecht of Ravarla, Attack follows
nttack In quick succession.
The vulue of German strategy Is
becoming more and tn'tv apparent. It
now seems certain that the German j to hold Ornay and Thann. both of
did not intend to hold h- heights im- ! whkh places thev claim to h.-ive r.-,l,-en
ment all along the line has not yet
been attempted.
As the result of a four-day fight,
beginning September 1, tho Germans
have been forced back from the Wes-
serllng Valley (In upper Alsace) to
Reports of desultory fighting are
coming in from the Vosges. but It Is ;
not certain that the French wero able
" 'WW I't1 WW iiiiiiiiMMiiiiii in ,, '-''",''sgWMPglSs
f, 'W$wmlmF mmiKUKKMmMmBmmmmmmmmi
Main Army Moves West.
ward on Cracow, Where1
L n r t :
me vjunnan oeneral Slajf'
Has Superseded Austrian
BERLIN i by way of Amsterdam!,
Sept. 2.
Oillcial announcement was made to
day that the western end of the Ger
man forros In Frunce h.vl token the
offensive against the Allien and had
an von tnem back 5 2 miles. It also '
was stated that on the eastern end the ! f"'en no declslvc result. Tfre German
XJermans had ascemled the Meuse i armies of the centre and left are
xieignts atter nan! sighting southeast . slowly but suroly breaking down the
ing was severe. Wo continue to
advanr-e. while our artillery main
tains Its bombardment of the
French forts.
The general situation In France re
mains favorable to the Germans, the
War Office says, although there has
of Verdun and wefe, advancing stead
, .Vy despite strong 'resistance.
The statement follows:
Following repeated attacks along
the oiae by the eu..mj. who seem
to haw; been strongly re'nforred,
our troops took the offensive and
drove tho foe back IS milea. Fiht
lng continues on the western end
of the opposing lii)e.
-iong tne Meuse, soulie;,..-t nf
Verdun. we have nu. I the.
heights on the east In... Th
French oppose,! our advam e there
with fret, troops, ind the tiht-
Frunch defense, and important dc-
i velopmentu are hoped for in this sec- ,
tion of the battle line.
Reports in the foreign newspapers t
that Pope Benedict had protested to
Elmperor William against the bom
bardment of Rheims are ofllcially de
nied here. It Is stated that the Ger
man Knvoy In Rome was asked for in-
formation as to the damage done to'
athedral of Xotre Dame and that
k win l wMk v " 1 wwMfflra
; ' J I S -1 ff wmS
- eir-ZL- - '' "is-,-ff-'WSi.i''y ' ' '? ' - - - -A
Raids on Ostend and Bou
logne Increase Vigilance
Across Channel Belgians
Protest to United States.
French Use Bombs Filled
With Turpinite, as Most
Humane Destroyer.
Death Is Instantaneous.
i erii-
!' tli
ejf c.
'. Ill Its Ho it,
t'-.i to i, ti,(.
K'-pt. IM.-itcn-i.-kaM,. il.
of novel ergi,,,, . anr .,. ntm.nnt.
In all parts of Kuio,,,.. thin!f M ,
,in.x PMUMIV1 l,ot., .Jf'llll.d oi,
trig nw j-.Jn-. UM.ii l, the pM-ii .,
ing turplntti, a hiirmtnnrA -tn-i to
Inst.intiiroui. and i.iUi,t
everv Uvtiig thlnif fth!n ls
Although it is k.( .1. ,
turpinite raijl.ot be ot
fc-roniiM it vioi-tle. hi). (,!i. ij,l s, of
war. In fu t. It In - , r ,mtle m.,si
not b 'onfiie1 'U. ' dil.t,. ;,nd oti r
nploivi which l,.n-e ile.4.)le futn'
tlll.l ellt.re Hies , f . i, . -,,, .ojiller
dead In their tr- u h.- uh a ie.iji
fume from the mitiieri ,!.- tur(ii, t .(, .
CtlUrged liy Kiff.h i .ni;.lH.'loe1( I,:,,,,..
the Ma' A'- tntant.ui. o.i ,mrtr i-
sld to havi Utiu i.tiiMi'i , liiinitit.
The I'lciicn nun ., t. -i-,. of i i-;i n
Ite Ii .shmm'd i, -i.-.-ii rr.'.l.. ios
tuii'initt Itsilf. l-.s, jk it- .u. i(4iit-d it
In riald. for the use ul tl.t nr ail nuni.
Hoc arid the UMi.ipiiluii'i, of th. li.uiie
gun j.o leientl) hioubt il. i.. u-e li wt
lle. MlHt.nv tuiM-rU urt no sii tU'ltitf
ulifthrr turpiJiltf ti U ltd it-, ii to ,.e
in ueiojiWiie.-,. I.vddili i bulU to t.( ;iuui
ullf for th Uji of iiillituj) uiii'iam'
and Zeppelins. A4 'At t.il' aiv ;irMl':
i nis repiy was received without com
, li. r.t.
belgian Aviators Report
New Lines of Entrench
ment Designed as Haven
for Right Wing, Shattered
by Allies,
l'lm g .i,hs r..) lighted. 1!14. hy i:. K Wclrle.
In the upper picture arc shown French prisoners at Hieir morning ablutions. In the lower picture are shown type
of I'rcnch, Belgian and Turco prisoners of war.
ANTVVKItl'. Wept i.
That th. 'i.inmns are planning a new
'hd in -..uthern Hfivium whh will
tla-i- lhel- rewrves dimctly .jn the plalr'
'f W'Mterloo h bKl.Vvni eertaln hec. ,
ti'lgi.ii aviators who have mude fon
r.ab.v.'.. v,.r the ierniu iu.lMot.
leport tin; "instruction of imei of en.
iKn.hnientu n'.rth of Ut,m and hi poinu
o.. ie hencjut, fn,, antf H)n lthWl)
U,i.. the .nttre line of Ule .Smhr 4)jo
Ii-, heit maiie i'aw,t t .1..--t...
i'""' 1 ! irituuia
"'Ii Vhil It ih Hdm.tted tht t,e r
' 111' ' I ifllv the ,.r..,.o,.., .,...... ,. . ., .
. -.., ,....,, llieinofl.H Hfillll
"i' arm, should take. i Mievecl
'it no hwe that Uw- qerniKiw hv pf-
j..,...,i ., ),v t whl.h their ntlr..
riKit Kinf, nam bring hard praM4 by
the ftllie),, ,.,. tttfc! refuge. 'fj, fjer.
ii.n entrenehej tH.uMws, th retwrte re.
eiVfd by the IhCgiw, qi,n.rw Wtt my
' U-mn hunt with umjmwi tFtitto
."'d ..).- plainly itttenrttd fr winter
i.tntpmirn j
('intliiuetl from 1'uee I
li-fl. I..I 1: .1 . . h' "k. li'iil.r
arouicr.-. . 1 ' ..1: . nvoy of tin .Stut' i
IwritttmrM. v. -nt to fhlhu.uiiri . -t i -..
v to i-ot.fer with Villa. It v.d It,
' .tiled -i vMirnintf to the north'ni
'adir. It !. ttflievetl he will endeavor
to K"t Vllln to agree to a conference
ith t'arransa lepiesontBtives. 'ar
ranza aifenti-- here were udvhxd that
i. neral Currunza had naked Villa for
ji oft reni.e. and that Hoberlo V. I'vf-
lU'irn, formerly ('iirrnnxit't repr. -eiitu.
tiw here, will probably com" to confer
with Villa leprt'Sentativt'Si. It is Mild
that farransH is WilllnK to retire fioin
I'lid'TKhip of the Consititutionalltts uud'-r
ceitmn cndititins.
Whether Qeiii nil Alvarn fihnson Is in
th" .state I'eriiu-iulary tt Clijhu.ilmti or
!,,is h'-eti executed In Torroon U a (U'K
PR KIN, ,ept. 2.
Japanese troopH have Mdaed the fhiuene
town ol Ve!-llen. In Slmn Tims jrov
inee. ulul the !hloef l,n,...ifn .h.. ...
.t, ...UI..I. I. 1 !..- ' " "-"' ".." l-
ro'r.. Am-rlran iviuihIok twm Huhim- ; lwlMlnu .. .. ...,., ,. ',.
outside ihe som. 0f Hghtlng flxuil for the
i.unimlstn aitaintit Klaa-fhuu.
iVtl-IlBn 1 ahout mileia from Tslns
'I'.io .jtid twenty mile west f the hound.
'i.v 01 the Uurroan tenitoiy of Kino.
1 ban. It in m the railroad runnlmt to
Tlk! .I.'iii.'ineee took poBstssloii of the
Censor Stops Sale of Paper Contain
ing' Cartoon of Emperor.
I." 'Nljil.V, .Sept. 2fi.
IVrs0n.1I dttackx on the Kuiei-i' nro
i' in. uiuu uy me uiittiorities. . news-
. I 1..1 per the other day isued rt varieaturo,
I not at all violent in uh.iracter. depietlnp
Or-iinifi",-, nC Y: !I i lh" KtllKW thlowlnir down his mulled
CCUpatlOn Of Wei-riSien, f'.mtlet and striking hia foot with it.
I .... i'wi.i.u iittic iuru:uucn ine snio 01 11
1 in the htrects.
! 'I'tf. Int-Ht fliizctte. the nttlehil Itrlilth
oriMn, contaliiK no fewer than twenty-four
paR.u -of uppulntnients of Vrtlleers to
c'liiimunds. Htulf and units of the army.
What ftrilies the outsider most ill the tp
poliitmentH is the recurrence of mimes
that have hardly been out of the riiixotto
.lme ever there wus 11 Gazette. The Itilu-
...--I.U.IIII iim. ineiu'ies i-riuee .Artnur 01
CommuKht and three members nf Pa'a
nient. Cciloncl Seely. late Secretary for
War, Is giuetted as "special service of.
licer." Near his name occur the names
80 Miles From Japanese
Operations Against Tsing
Tao, Regarded as Aggression.
hw say obretron was. tnotiht from Tor
re n hy order of Villa, after th- lutt.-r
Ki Hrmittrd him In start f..r .e.lio
t'.l nmt that he now t( In the I'hiltda-h-4i
! niteiitlary. Heftisees lr)ll' Tor
re it, ,.,i.v ii' was ti.tei, from -( train
tlm-. atid that fvport" Wtfe curr tit that
h'- hid been eSeeuted.
Advn es r oelvid In Jtutrex hint i.i'fht
t.'v tlslttlritj hi- been i)i prusrui at
j Jdpam e.
Then, ari- al imJiraUoiw ttwt the (jr
inani a ajfiiln pimmJur Ba ai,nnt to
of carrying guna of onl4'rtle in, u Hm k Arawero. Khoul.i iit. i r........
is cori.-eivuhli. th iixiiol MUi.ue tuipmlf. j hack ml. MIhu this will b Alutt
Hovvmer, III the ...seiit W4r militaiy ,,,. "' JUMWHIWHjf
experts do nut -xict to m any f "' ""W. h vB thouifh they bQuJJ
I'ruUiB's cnemiud du-cover tnojgh about wk h- fiirtltli.'iti,pa wth a strong
l.iriiiiiiiM io iraiimi a u UK vun armj, tny would at 4(1 lnis tut U
nZZon uMtum.y hearllf ,,, J i " t I ,, M ,
, - .- w ,r M, yopiti any
Ml4leli; umv Irani h. ,.ytJ, 4,1 toe
Hiitutb and Bflgian Uitor wim eouta
m . m an u nuse.
of the terrihle enlne-t r itrriny
will wind over the Hutish eiiplnl, ami
bombs coiit.ilmxg hotilhlc aws r
anion? the ni'.poiis It is predicted the
Germans may drop upon darkened lion
dtn streets,
ilut such nonet ;iuj tittle undsliwss.
bacause of the ei;.eileiuo of 1'aris ith
German bombs few iiriaons nr
klllttd thre. tout th i'arlsluns la a tvy
eniayiri the visits of the Uernmn i!r
shlaj. ulihli oiiiin.'ii il . .-. j 1 1 . I over the
atfwuf lones of iMna,.. . r.poftixl
north of ,hnt ana also directly iu the
est o this city . y U lW
Jirs, Raymoaa Wins PJnals
NEW VtinK. Sept. KoJtowliiK up
Pit arli slK-eCkce. in tli.. u...,,,r.,. ,.
I.- ....1. .....I., I ,. . " 41... ....II ' - ,"",U-
.,..... v.. ,....., ........ . ., . ,,. ,,- 1 ,...,,. a.. ;.i.j,its , naiiiiiloiisrilii on the
afturnoon. lireat r..d thioned int.. u irts of t!,e t,.,i Sid.- Tenm i-luu at
th str.'fM f. fw tlf u. 11 visitors and letr.st ipn, 1 , iltg Kdward' ii
fthawed Ult'e. fear pf the Uoaus droci'ed itaji'" .4 ti. r,r. ,. m,Ss i-iarn 1 asset i
rroaj the k- 4 te title rojna in stmlcht sets. 6.3. e.o. J
- ' -I! w "
S.V.V A.VTM.Mft Tex., SepJ. S. -lls.
IMti he r. tilvnl here ' Samuel HcMm.
hu.it r pivBentittive for tlenerttl I'aii.ir.a
fii m It. V reiujra, hk in the nt irf
Mexico, anm.itne that a Hoard ' ij.li.
tary 1 hi.fs pus mb apiHilnt. d to nmli.
ate the nriVttAva toltt Currt.n.;, and
VMIIA 'ltr!, iIJ(le, Stut. M-Con-ktitiitlniMtlst
trft'.ii suit to th nort'i
Ol tun ITttJI t'l hecK the nunpore,! lev- 1 I
itiuii"iinrc rouvwmwi iirnur uio.jhi
Agmlar at r-M.ited to h'-- (tit. 1. i th.
niourtaitite 11 v, Aia i.g, wIvh tit
f-.-rdeiil yrnvrail ..d pis fure.-s wete
ll SMH, Agililur U M4)tiiS'l t h-
movinB towapl Vta 'ru. He oe'.upied
KsjTip'!i-, 11 mill', west nt Vr Uiwt,
iivinv out a luikt of S5 men, eight of
ftllOltl eli klih-ll.
no attempt to oppose th
-ntea ilnrliis the dy, A. ViUa has " ' " !"lr't""' ina '" frs. Thnutth
r- iiooft :it Zanite.as and has "ept rope ! there uere t'hinese troops at Wel.llsj. n,
t that tttv. .luareit omt'Ittls Wile. '1 . tiiey made
mutli'S has wcurtfu in III 1 utistitut.iott.
utist-- i.-anip.
i'Ula lias continued to frttfy Tmreon
and to nit ti'Mips th in from tin- north.
'iura,t xti, foreis art. !v;ioiteti nivlna on
Toriefin ftom tnite (ilrwtions.
Offlcors tSnia to Have Sot New Ex
amples of Barbarity.
... , , . , N's. mcpi. s.
Wogielid Xervi.11 Mildiers, who hav
reached this city, t.ll tarriWo tulea of
IJw csuetty f tbefr Austtian foes. All
these at- daily published in the netis
iM.r and, a.s n matter of course, tend
to Inn inn. ..oiw.thltijr ijbe fc-iay n
popular hailed of -Vttna. This ihe qui -.
i-ii.'-Pt Henina-ies, .uid in eumi.etioti
uith the 4-turlcs of Aij3tii4i hfutlitlt.s
have i.'ii I thfc folbultig statt-nu'iit:
I'lemiiiutloii c,t in,. tfttiier, ou
'nun!l ..-.una to Hutu inoub ,,Jt)s tbat
iinf outrajtr ciJHlpitt4'iJ by tiie rtu-iny iy
not me.-. 'y tint, wfuks of the rank and
rtle, out aleo f tim wtttcfi'it. t apnears
that th" onvieiion, eaitfuily fostered hy
li suiMiiots, was twdii In tb,e Austrian
army, that the Servians were cruel to
wards thoii pilaemts. tt'iuwit they mu
tiuta, ,imJ that Servians poiaonw) food
omj uuitk. iin-i..mi wir, .t-rerywb'i.
Ttte enemy's oflicers set thei 1,1. n .1...
. xur.iuiif to IimJu. thtta tu tiunniit atiot-
! ill.h.
I'AHIS, e,.. S3. It'iia Uator 'hiiier, of the Sith Heal-
The Figaro ays tkua fUn the ar is ! -t, klltwt with Bis own hand .ilsomi
aerman Send Jfotne for expert A0
vice, Figaro Charges,
over the nanp tit a city can be kIvwj
Which nut. tuken liy the German., and
ftrwrdi utaUn b the t-'i.tieh. fiuni
tttiich liu' lit't'iiiun utlkeis bnt for their
wives iii ord.r to nave theli Kuidanee
in the s. le. 1.01, linen and j. ,', . ...
v.hUh win lo be ptlldged iioui in
li-n-f '.(.tettl .-In" name can t"
aiul iaant bronaht l.tiort- (jim.
"Weteiiaht Brtteb. of the ym, jc!l.
uvut, b,illd gtvtn iiino.tut ptaants at
Columbia Soccer Men Out Early
xi:v luith. s. t a -.iiun, iu,
too. tt 111. loionrt,, v, t,, t.am. ,,.
. vprftt irreratts jt .. .-..-i. ,.... .
ytvelt Wii '" ,.l"le to DrQVO thlM e.ui. I I'lebt vewlermi ..fi.r,... ... ...... ..'
jugal intemiition. the cliltlal call next Monday. ttuvan,;q OI
of the two Gouffhs, Col. ,1. K, Gouuh and
'ol. H. do la 1'oer Goucli.
I.loyd Georce's decision to call n the
on p.iund nml ten shilling notes, with a
view to the re.i.ssUR uf better ones, has
come n n relief to bankers. Th -o
films v hits of paper have been freely
foiRt-d sine they came Into use us a
lecal tender.
I.ady N'njlor.t.nylnnd, who li one of
the uinbt popular of the AnRlo.Ameiican
hoHtessep in London, has isone to North
Wales, and Is iHiuippltig Xantelyd If nil
a h It-I I'rt.ss hospital, "to be used
If needed. She hiis ulso offered Hyde
I'ark Itnuse, tho sewne of many hrllllunt
it'e-puiiiuien. .ir me. Himi intrpos.
j apanese"deny "charge
Embassy nt Washington Deolaros
Traps Well Behaved,
WASIIt.N'iiTH.V. 4eit. M. -Iienlal ..f re.
pons from China that Japnne.M- troops
riimm tti'il exctaises uhjlc .tiBifc-ed in
nperatluni. ueainst Klnn-l.'lmu tiwlay Was
madf hy the Japanese ,embaaa- lm. Tho
gtatemsnt was:
"Recent cwbtottranw frwn t'hina can
only h taUen with a wralu of salt. Tjh.re
a r sinister effurts now being uswl in
China as elsewhere to iV color to the
icpnrU and ttltBmis uolus abioad.
(Inmitdltiui Wljorts asiKid to east 4
slur upon the retmtm.un of th .ap4iese
fct44tw are thus m re or its abiaeiui
t;ntt.t, "Th ulleped ruthless cw4ut ol tlte
Japani-se troups in blian Tun. sab tu
h- enntaU'iul In a ttur coming from
LuM'huu. is nolhlmf moro ur less- than
a imtlicious ci.nard.
,4.V dispateb addi.ssd tu the Shanghai
llervury by a ten Uncr -iivinii in i'iu-ttii
sm In Wirt. -Tiie ritid dun-lptlne of the
iapuu.se rtuy and tht! decortnii of ttu
rank and tib- are simply Unliable. After
tiw lon4iu of the .lapaiuse tnoii the
iJlUeUK rv at ac atsl marhtls are
mint. As to the l'hiuee Uoiuen. the
Januuese arc takinv scriionliniu ,nr.. ,,,..
to anuuv them 111 an.- ivite Th.. i-.i. I
antse soldiers are m-eivelt everywhere
ilh barty welcome."
"In bin. .Iap.111.se Mildurs are living
up lo their Herniation as c.-Wbli:,lied ,tt
I.OXDOX, Sept. K.
London is nervous over the constantly
inereislnjr raids of tho German Zeppelin
balloons, and there Is n feeling of appre
hension that .1 flight may be made over
this city.
The precautions taken by tho Govern
ment, f-uch a.s the ceaseless bwlng of
i?ear hliKhts over the city at nglht, the
darkening of the streets and the patrols
of aeroplanes by day have not tended
to decrease the fears of the people.
News of recent fllBht of German bal
loons over O.stend, Boulogne and Jut
land make. plain the poss-ibiUty of a Ger
man balloon reeonnnlsance over London.
The for is not that the Germans' will
drop bombs upon tho city, as they did at
Antwerp; the feelinc; of panic, Knlch
would jiiobubly follow the appearance of
u Zeppelin hero would arise from the
heightened possibilities or danger from
the air.
Gcimun balloon raids arc becoming the
busitboo of a blj; part of tho people,
especially since the mornlnf,- papers told
of a German aeronaut dropping bombs
upon the shipbuilding yurd at n-JuloBnc.
It Is easy to equip a Zeppelin with
sufficient file! uml other supplies for a
viuor.) of from 500 to 700 mile3, and the
distance from tho Cierman strongholds
in Uelglum and Franco to London and
return is less thun that. The Admiralty
has ndopiotl strinsent precautions to
protect the coast nnd the warships lying
III the North Sea and Kngilsh Chnnuel.
At night till unneoesenry lights on both
sea an dlund are oxtliigulslied. The sUy
is combed with scurcnllghts nt Intervals
and aeroplanes nro held ready d.iy and
irfght for a itlght aloft to give battle
to an invading uirshlp.
If nh airship raid over Knglish inll
should be attempted hy the Germans,
tho balloons probably would be convoyed
hy aeroplanes to give battle to the i;ng-
lish planes. A Gerumn nvlutor dropped
bumhs upon tho rac o.urso nt Amiens
on Thurnday night. 1 vldently misfiUlm;
th course for a Uritlsh or French mili
tary aerodrome.
The Xeppelln observed over Jutland
v.-ns seen by persons In Thuno. wiio sold
I" was traveling In a southeasterly di
rection and at an enormous altitude,
A German aviator dropped u bomb iuto
a uhlpbuilding yard at Boulogne Thurs
day, js't, person wus Injured and slight
damage uyas done.
ltdlt.rta also have reached hen. of a
dul in the air la-tween aermuji ntjil tb.
Sian aviator over Mtnssels,
The two tnnehlnes ascended -i u sreut
altitude, and, after it awlft t'ight, the
ttVlntois exehansfd shots at close, range.
Suddenly tho tleiinan machine turned
turtle and fdl. and the R.lgian biplane
returned toward Antwerp.
,- aispawii rtcelVMl today from Uastl
Advices from the Gallclnn front tod.
Bay that tho capture of Przemysl Is J
llevcd Imminent. All noncombatants j,. '
lng been permitted to leave the clt.
The nusslan bombardment contlnw,'
from all sides. Already weaknesses kv '
been noled In the eastern fort?, Wh, '
the fire of tho Russian artillery l.. w!
exceptlonally deadly. Two of the out.,
forts nre reported as taken.
Meanwhile the main Russian army 1.
............. ...-, , oovemeni niong the rail,
rond llnnn l.ntu . . . . "
Przemyal. toward Cracow, it 3 M
known that a desperate resistance win
ttn enr.n. tntnMn.1 . - '
.. .iivmiintni lLl irncow.
A strong German force has
sinned the work of defending tint im 'I
poitant fortification and a C?erman IT
e,, uemiieti rrom the German GcnVrii'
stafl has rcnlnreil ft. a.. , "cra'
'tZ'cli;-: nccordlnff t0 ndv,CC3 r's;
Russian troops on the southwest fi
IIIVI. nnettoln.t .!, 1 -. . ki
. -"I'.v- ... imporiant ra roait"
centre of chyrow. southeast of PrzemyjL1
without opposition, following the can. 5
uro of Krukenlco and Fctoxtyn. accX
ng to nn ofllclal announcement Issued'
hero tnrlnv Tl,lo ..t. .1.. ii ..' .ue.a
undisputed control S, all the rX
.. ..,. ak v-vnirai uancla,
Dynow. on the San ntvor, west o(
Trzemsyl, has also been taken. Severs
fighting took place In tho vicinity of
Dyr.ow before tho Austrians retreated
10 me wislolta River.
On the right of the southwest front, tha
Russian forces are resting at Rzeszow,
on tie -vVisloka. while the troops from
Uaranow and Ranlzow are moving to
ward Tarnow nnd the bombardment of
Prezemysl continues. Some of tho Rm,
r ruli.,dVnnco U!'-t's have tried to crow'
the -tt Isloka near Rzeszotv hut have been
driven hack by superior forces
me reports current that Cracow has
been taken over by the Germans, because
of their dissatisfaction with the Austrian
plan of campaign, arc given little crcd.
eoi... a 1 me uar umce.
Interstate Commerce Com
mission Provides Method
to Meet Exigency in South
Caused by European War.
V?UJt Xtli . (,t thB u"nlb" lroip..i
the KnglUh aviators who iu-w oy. ,
able dunuige. um of the rbnis. it is
kuM damaged oi at the hun Keppdln
airships. hll th.. second landed 01, a
machine it-a a. destroytd manv tiu.ili.
tate piwea of mat-bittery for t!,e uir.
TImi raW mart- by the llritlsh ti.rlal
scout, ha causea 8l cathedrals m,
u m'w ,4,lvr u "" hit itass,
ibliu th dlmejisions of tlit Rt Cross
f'as o thf tuMpitrthj in n,.iog,e 4d
tmsbuig b4V been greatly umd.
n,e ... . TKNii. Sept.su
rte burgomaster luOa ptewutetl to
,th,iU,Ktk'tto ","ul lwr irmumliNriii
i'." lu ,'-:Jo' Wilson of the
Ltnit.ti btaks j foimai iei.u. ti.. A;..
tl-us t.r the ti.nuan iieppellns. 1,, the
yoiomuiilcahw tht. burrfouu.st.l- sets
forth that iistenj i4 tt ,,on fortiLd m,
that the in-.loi-ity f it... Inhab.Unt.s .,,c
noii-i..iiihai,uts 411.J that bonii0 i,ac
" ' II IIIJIIIH II llll I, lilt. 111,..
' ' " '""I'lll,
in. tine, of the ltuso-J..Paiiese war and ' mlhi-try I,..- ,,.," '
"' tiuuul'S The stri-U t man,- , -The "t ,, ' t ..' ' , " ""' """'"""
t...,.- of mintirv discipline and -m ' i.,", fln 1,'Tn' "ii", 'frD""
n.i rbi-trntlon from umv regsary 3t. to tho pMi i,M w n uni -,t 1Z1 HV"
i'uuw is their wd0 of bcoavior- latlw pf tn rieuu of e ,UDTe V'"
ia5aSg3SL-44ML , .emrj-HfAtmrn
WASllI.VGTO.V, Sept. M.-Ruh 1- govern,
ing the itorago of cotton in order to
meet the eMgcncy in the South ..re to b
put In effect by the railroad., by a
special order of the Interstate fomnxrw
Commission made puldic today.
The Commission nnnounctd tat thes
rules were for the purpose of ..o!,jstln
the cotton people nnd carrier- nt tha
South to meet extraordinary demand for
the storage .of cotton occasioned bv th
I.uropoan war; for the purpose of pro.
idlng temporary warehousing srwee for
the sttirng.i of cotton under arrangements
approved by the Secretary nt the Trea.
Ury mid the Federal Reserve Hoard, and
or permitting the carriers to re'Ognlza
tho wntohouses as points for the storags
1 c;,tt'n- ln Tiler that sip b point
shoti d bo given the bencllt of transt
The regulations governing the storaga
or cotton during the . otton vc.tr emiinS
August Jl. 1015, In substance ,are as fol
lows: "I. I'OttuIl Sllinneil fnr Rrli.llllnS
and rcshlpment must be consigmd to tha
. lieiiouslns point and freight thereto
I- .'. on oasis or the full local r.te upon
ivniiii tip. delierlng agent will h v liil
fielght receipt, which the holder . ' tha
cotton would retain for the nurpote of
securing reshlpping privilege.
.. 1 ion reshipment fi.mi the ware
housing point, the fchlpper All be re
mired tn suriender to the .i-!.r ..r the
inie nringing the cotton into n. v.ire.
housing point the paid freight hi I ...er.
lag that identical cotton The tui'th- rof
bales, marks and weight nt , .,tt ,n as.
(oiv, anted from the warehousing point,
must conform to the paid fr 1 lt b 'i and?
hi ndtlltinn the shipper will be required '1
i ceruiy on the back of the paid freight'
i-.iii.i... . ..... .. . ..... ...
.t, mm inu cuiton lenuered Is the itienii.
cal cotton received thereundei. 'lite oliip
per will also be. mtpiireil t .unfinl" t
the railway agent at the time of 1 hlp.
mint the bill of lading rnveilng the nov
liiBiit of tho cotton Into the warehousing
point, unless tho bill of imiintf f..i uch
shipment sutll have Iteen preiiousli aur
rentloied to the railway.
"3-Thereupon the agent will issue
through bin of lading to the turth.i rtnal
destination, at the through rate fiora tha
point of origin to such further final Je
I nation, In effect at the time of the orlS
U4l shipment Into the watehousing i"int.
thtis three wnts per ni pounds 1 1 ouded
such further final dentin:. tlon 1, .1 pulnt
to whlth theio arc established il.iougll
rates, in effect from the i.m.imiI p..iid '
Uhlpmetit via the waiehuut-mts ix.ini 'l'ro"
Vided. tliat at lbM r.i.ll. 11 ,il t,n lltttl-
ested line the minimum thiuugh r '"
to that from the warehousing po 1. p's
the stoppuKe charge of tine. . . ut pel"
100 pounds). Where the Lit. lioni tlia
"liginul point of shipment to .-u. h fuither
Htiol destination is less th.in the rate
from the original point t s'.ip-iient to
tho wurelioiiaing point, the lawful i.iriff
ratp to Hie warehousing pu'ni. piu tn
stoppage clufrge of three tenl.- wr ,l"
pQUIlils, will be churgctl Jb a iiiti..miii-
"1. tJhlpment Villi lie way-hilled "
of the nnrchouslng point nt the halan'4
of Ibd rate, plus the stoppage charga
of three cents per K) pounds The "13
trihiitlon ot leveuue between iuiioevt
ing lines shall be on basis of througa
rates and division, except that "
three-vent stppiage charge shall ccr
o lli. line bniiglng the cottun ",,
warehousing point- It being a cot..JI'wn
of tlH privilege th4t the II n" l""1
lh" bill or lading out of th" 'f H,
Ing point shall bo the line brins'i".' n
cotton Into the warehousjpg peiat,