VTPqi ptyssspfxs7'ij'gtsrmn I BVBKiyO LimfK-PHILAPELPaiA-, FRIDAY SBPTEMBEB2B, Ipli. .. 9 SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA ...,tt-ts a ttnttutit?a trt-ufttri ...Hi MjlH, iiranu uv.u.uk, .,,,.. ,,,..,. ... entertain at luncheon tomorrow In honor of her ilcbulmile clruiRliter, Mlas Margaret Bcr wlmt. Her Ruests will Include Miss Katharine Aslihurst Howie, Was Susan 13. lngcraoll, JIIbs llutli Coxo nml Jllas Cornelia Carter Leldy. After luncheon Mrs. Bcrwlnd will take her cuosti to the hoiso bIiow nt Bryn Mawr. Mrs. Joseph 13. Wlilcner mid Mrs. Joseph Lcldy are nmonf? the riilladclphlans who are shopping In Now York this week. Mr, and Mr?. C. Hcirtman Kuhn are spending Mvornl weeks In Lenox, Mass., beforo return In? to this city for the winter. It Is under stood that Mrs. Kuhn's son-tn-tnw and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Cralff Ultldle, will nail soon from Jiuropc, where they havo been living for tlm past few years, and wilt spend the winter In Philadelphia. Miss Kmlllo Posey Kennedy, daURhtcr of Mr. end Mrs. Albert Edward Kennedy, will bo nnions the season's debutantes. Miss Kennedy attended school laBt year In Paris at Tvllss Ferris', togothor with Miss Jean Thompson and Mls K'sa Heath, who will also be debutantes this season. Miss Thompson will be Introduced at a tea which will bo given by hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, on December 3. Miss Heath will bo Introduced the nfternoon of November 18, by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodores W. Heath. Mr. and Mrs. John n. Valentine will give a largo dinner dance tonight at their home In Radnor. (J, Hclilo Korrls, of 2101 Locust street, Is stay ing nt Lenox, Mass., for a few days. The Misses Itnndall, of 1035 Sansom street, havo returned after a summer spent In Spring Lake and tho Poconos. Mr. and Mrs, Edward J. Bcrwlnd arc enter taining Miss Julia Bcrwlnd and her niece, Mlsi Margaret Vunlup, at their villa In Newport. Miss Bcrwlnd and Miss Dunlap returned lately from Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnton Co-c and Miss Until Coxo havo Issued Invitations for a tea, which will bo given at their country scat In J Pcnllyn, Thursday afternoon, October 15, from i until 7 o'clock. Coaches will meet all trains at the Pcnllyn station. Mr, and Mrs. Charles L. Borle, who havo been spending tho summer at Easthampton, L. I., will not return until October 7. They will moio Into town about November 1. Mrs. E. C, Jennings has returned ta her homo on Greenwood avenue, Jcnklntown, after spend. Ing tho summer at Denver, Col. Miss Dorothea Jcnnlnss has also returned, having been the guest of Mrs. John Grlbbcl at Camden, Mo., during July. Miss Jennings spent August as tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Nowland at their cottage In Konnebunkport, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Atherton, who have been tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwa. Crozler at their homo In York Harbor, havo returned to their home at 125 South 23d street. ALONG THE MAIN LINE 0Ennn0OK Mr and Mrs. Henry Esllng, who spent some time In New York State this sum mer, havo returned to their housa In Overbrook. Mr. and Mrs. John E. McNally, of G3S3 Over brook avenue, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Joseph McNally, born yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Monahan are occupying Mrs. William F. Hairlty's homo, Lancaster pike and Drexel ro.id. JlhliloN-Mra. William De Krafft, who spent tho summer In Maine, Is expected home early In October. Mr. Do Krafft has returned to Berkeley road. Mrs. Harry Bain, of Linden lane, Is spend ing several days In Brooklyn. WYlEWOon Mr. and Mrs. Roe't Coleman, Jr., of Kent road, havo returned from a visit to the Pocono Mountains. Mrs. Hnrrlson S. Gill and her daughter, Miss Helen Gill, who client somo time In Michigan this slimmer, have recently returned from tha I'ocono Mountains, and are now at their home on W'lster road. ARDMOitE Mr. nnd Sirs. Hobert P. Esty and their little son returned from Maine Inst week and opened their home, corner Llanfalr and Water roads. Mr. and Mrs. I. Newton Boyd and family, of St. Paul's road, havo returned from a. visit to Ocean Grove, N. J. IIAVFIIKMtn Miss Elizabeth Griffiths, who has teen visiting Miss Eleanor Cuyler In Ivialne, returned last week to her home In Haverford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Devenny and Miss Bea trice Devenny will spend the winter In town. u H vis MAWit air. and Mrs. J, W. Harrington, who formerly lived here and now make their home at Worcester, Mbbb., have announced the engagement of their daughter, MUs Ruth Kent Harrington, and Mr. II. Gordon Smytho, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Dolan and Miss Rose Holan have returned to Rosemont from Newport. ALONG THE READING Mr. and Mrs. Charles West Churchman, who have been on a camping trip In Canada for tha past three weeks, will return to their home on Summit avenue, Jenklntown, next Tuesday, Mr, and Sirs. Charles A. Jayne have re turned to their home In Elklns Park, after 'pending the summer at their cottage in Chel tea. Mr. and Mrs. "Wharton Slnkler are spending the fall at Thornbury, their home In Elklns Park. Mr. and Mrs. Slnkler spent August at 1'olnnd Springs, Me. Mrs. William Frazler, Jr., Mrs, Theodore Cul er, Mrs. Edward Bacon, Mrs. William Dallas nnd Miss Mary Goodwin form a committee which Is arranging a series of Instructive talks on the conditions of women in India and other Parts of Asia. Personal Invitations have been extended to hundreds of women In Jenklntown and tha bor oush to meet In the Ablngton Library on each Friday night, where the talks will bo given by women scholars who have Jived In the East. Tha series will continue until the first of No vember. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snellenburg and their daughter, Miss Gladys Snellenburg, returned from Europe on Wednesday to their home at Hydal. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anthony, of Eleventh street and Cliclten uvenue, Oak Lar.e, will Blve a dinner on Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chailes If. Eckman, of Oak Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Eckman have spent the summer at Spray Beach and will return to their home on Thirteenth street, above Ghelten avenue, today. Tho final danco of; tho summer season was MISS MARY CROZIEI PAGE Miss Page, who is better known a3 "Polly" by her friends, is a well-known fig ure at the Horse, Show. She always ex hibits in the jumping and cross-country classes. -j given at tho Bclflcld Club last night. Tho ver andas were converted Into nn outdoor ball, room and were beautifully decorated In order to simulate an Oriental garden scene. Quaint effects from shaded lighting were used to make tho outdoor promenades a part of tho veranda scene. At the North Hills Club tho season's nfter noon card parties will take place tomorrow, In honor of which the house will bo decorated In fall flowers, and tea will be served. Mrs. Francis J. Doylo will be the hostess and assisting her will bo Mrs. Franklin Mee han, Mrs. Lewis C. Block, Mrs. J. M. Hcns burgcr and Mrs. Frederick Henry Knssclbaum. Mrs. Francis H. Knauft and her son, of At lanta, Ga., will be tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Knauff at their home at CSth ave nue nnd Twelfth street. Oak Lane, for tho coming month. Mrs. Knauff nnd her son havo been spending the summer at Bclmar, N. J. They will arrive today. CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blair, of Graver's lane and Flourtown road, gavo a small dinner last night in honor of their son, Francis P. Blair. Their guests included Miss Caroline II. Pem bcrton, Miss Isabel Wurts Page, Miss Mary Frances Fisher, Scott Landreth, Jr.: William G. Cochran, Jr.: Julian Blddle and Charles C. Savage, Jr. Mrs. Richard C. Dale, of Ardmore avenue, who went abroad In May, will remain In Europe another month beforo returning homo. Mr. and Mrs. Adrlcn F. Wollens, who have been spending several weeks In Canadn, re turned to their home this week. Mrs. Wellens yeserday attended the Horse Show ut Bryn Mawr. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Dlllenbeck and their daughters. Miss Alice Dlllenbeck nnd Miss Genevieve Dlllenbeck, of Allonhurst, Willow Grove avenue, returned to their homo yesterday after a season at Ocean City. GERMANTOWN Mrs. Edward Smedley, of 606 West Rittenhouso street, has returned from nn extended trip to columbus, O., and has as her guests over tho week-end Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hutchinson, of Bethlehem, Mr. and Mrs. Smedley will enter tain at a theatre party Saturday night, when their additional guests will be Mr. and Jlrs. Wheeler Lord. Dr. and Mrs. John Hedges, of 5150 German town avenue, entortained Informally in honor of Mlsa Anna Hedges Tuesday evening. Their historic! old house was literally banked with asters, dahlias and gladlolas, while the color schema In the dining room was pink. Japanese lanterns gave tho old-fashioned garden a fairy Hke effect. Among the guests were tho Rev. and Mrs. William Porter Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Barbour, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ross, Mr, and Mrs. P. Brlce Lang, Mr. and Mrs. M, J, Deacon, Miss Florence Dock, Miss Virginia Lee, Miss Theodora Ross, Miss Beatrice Jus tice, Miss Jennie Powers, Mlsa Agnes Allen, Mica Mary Ollkle, Miss Martha Corkln. Miss Mary Mauley, Miss Amanda Wyeduwllt, Miss Martha Wyeduwllt, Miss Mary Knapp, Mrs. J, Warren Llghtcap, Mrs. Albert Smith, Mrs. W. a. Miller, Mrs. A. R. White, Melvln Biggs God win, John Lister, A. R. Elsassor, 2d, A, R. White, Jr., Caryl Warner, Russell Germon, Robert Germon, Albert Savery, F. P. Lister, F, C. Whitney, John Schramm, H. M, Eocleston, Charles Alcorn, Robert Cralgmlle. Mr. and Mrs. Judson A. Stltes, of 360 Pclham road, have returned home, accompanied by Miss Anna Stltes. They spent July and August in Beach Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brush, of 323 Earl ham Terrace, have closed their cottage at Ocean City and have returned to town. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wister, Jr., of iH West School House lane, have closed their Longport cottage and returned home. Miss Beatrice Flood, of Wayne avenue and Hortter street, has returned from Belgrade, Me., where she waa gamplng with friends. Miss Henen Gormley, of Lincoln drive, has returned from Virginia, where aho has been visiting friends. Friends of Edward Hutchinson, of Queen Lane Manor, will bo glad to know that he is recovering from an attack of appendicitis. J. Mitchell Elliot. 0r Greene trJ, returned "I fl Jiome from Europe last week on tho Lusltanla, after having gone through some Interesting ex periences, Mrn. Ayers and her daughter, Miss Helen Ayers, have opened their houso at 237 West School Houso lane, SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA John H, Paul nnd his daughter, Miss Martha Paul, of 1621 Tasker street, returned from Europe this week. They havo been touring tho Continent for tho past two months. Frank A. Hcaly, of Clleneon, Vn., will be tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCormlck, of 1730 South Eighteenth street, next week. Mr. Hcaly wilt stop at Washington en route. Mr. and Mrs. William McCoach have closed their cottage at Ocean City and returned to their home, 719 South 52d street. Mr. and Mrs. McCoach expect to "remain In town for tho winter. Miss Marlnn Botz, Miss Mario Duffy, Miss' Marian Ostcrly, Miss Mario Conway and Mlsa Helen Conway will entertain thla evening at an Informal dance, to bo given In tho Century Country Club, Mr. nnd Mrs. Burko and their children, of 1819 South Eighteenth street, havo leturned from Sea Isle, where they have had a cottage during tho summer months, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Sullivan, of 1714 Morris street, havo closed their cotlago at Plcrmont, N. J and returned to tho city for tho winter, Mr, nnd Mrs, I Murray and family havo closed their cottage nt Atlnntlc City and re turned to their home, 1C30 South Broad street A pretty wedding will take placo In the Cathedral on October 21, when MIbs Anna Fltz maurlcc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fltzmnurlco, of Seventeenth nnd Wood streets, will bocomo tho brldo of George J. Jeffers, of ISO." South Eighteenth street. Mr. Jcltora Is connected with the Pennsylvania Railroad. Jlrs. John J. Doylo has closed hor cottago at Wlldwood and returned to her homo, at 00G South Broad street. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Gllmoro Holsh, of 3J27 Walnut street, re turned to town on Monday after spending tho summer In Chelsea with her daughter, Mrs. John B. Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Balr, of 4232 Spruco street, havo returned to town, having spent the summer In Europe. Air. and Sirs. Charica Sedgwick Davis, who spent tho summer at Narragansctt Pier, havo returned to Hamilton Court. Mr. nnd Jlrs. Washington Ilcrsh and their daughter, Miss Bernotta Horsh, havo closed their house In Chelsea and returned to their home, 419 South 41th street, for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. David Smyth, of 3115 Race street, returned last week, having spent the summer in Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Sirs. William II. Copo have returned from Eaglcsmere, whero they spent the sum mer. Mr. and Sirs. Warren F. Buzby. of 4G1S San som street, leturned Slonday from Atlantic City, wheie they spent the summer. Sir. and Sirs. John SI. Bradley, of 440J Pino street, have closod their cottage In Chelsea and returned to town. Sir. and Sirs. Thomas A. Jnmoe have re turned to the Bartram, where; they will remain for the winter. Sir. nnd Sirs. Alfred SI. Slllander, of Stono lelsh Court, returned last week, having spent the summer In Atlantic City. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Sir. nnd Sirs. Edward Schoflcld. of Sixteenth nnd Oxford streets, havo returned home after paB3lng tho reason in Ocean City. Miss Carollno Brunor, formerly of 1721 North Eighteenth street, hai returned from a sum mer's visit to Atlantic City and has taken apirtmenta at tho Normandlo. Slrn. Mary Evana, of 1520 North Fifteenth Bticet, will return to hor home October 1, after spending the season in Ocean City. Sirs. Howard Doughor, of Park and Lehigh avenues, is spending tho autumn at hor sum mer homo In Saratoga. N, Y. Sir. nnd Sirs. A. E. Sillier have closed their cottage In Atlantic City and havo returned to their home, 18.7 North Seventeenth street. Sllss Elslo Reich, of 1204 North 24th street, will entertain at 500 tonight. Among those pres ent will bo Sllfcs Sleta Sippel, Sllss Bessie K. Buck, Crawford W. Hooven, Henry N. Mont gomery and Frank Rocroft. Sir. and Sirs. Albert W. Case have issued Invitations for tho marriage of their daugh ter, Sllss Frances Slary Case, and Edward Joseph Toner, Jr., Wednesday afternoon, Sep tember 30, nt 5 o'clock, at St. Edward's Chinch, Llghth and York streets. A. small reception will follow. Sir. and Sirs, nenry J. Heiser, of Slahanoy City, Pa., have Issued Invitations for tho wad ding of their daughter. Sllss Starlon Latham Heiser. and William L. Peter, Jr., son of Sir. and Sirs. William L. Peter, of 2235 North Fif teenth street, Wednesday evening. October 14, at 7 o'clock, at tho Srethodlst Episcopal Church of Slahanoy City, Pa. A reception will fol low at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Besslo K. Buck, of Seventeenth and Diamond streets, will entertain nt cards to morrow nlsht. Among tho guesta will be Sllss Mae KlIHon, Sllss Nellie Kllllon, Sllss Louise Flatmagan, Sllss Meta Slpple, Ma3 Elsie Reich Miss Elizabeth O. Buck. Howard Fralm. WIN Ham Aszmann, H. Stanley B.irnes. William Clark. Frank Rocroft, Crawford W. Hoover and Henry N. Slontgomory. ROXROROUGII Tha marriage has been announced of Mlsa Helen Rumsey and F. Heber Whlteman. of Rldgo avenue, on Saturday, September 19. Sir and Sirs. Whlteman will reside In Pittsburgh Mr. and Sirs. Wilbur Hagerman, of Bradley Beach, aro visiting Mr. and jrrs, Curtis E Hlln-Slnger, of Ridge avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones, who spent tha season at their cottago at Capo May, have re. turned to their winter house, 6639 Ridg0 avenue Sir. and Mrs. Frank I Thomas are taking an automobile trip to Greensburg, Pa. Eugene J. Morris has gone to Dallas, Tex. for a few weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pyie, Clinton Pyle and Miss Katharine Pyle. of m Rochelle avenue, Wlssahlckon, havo returned from Atlantic City! Thornton Taylor, who has been tho guest of his sister. Mrs. William Shappell, has returned to Brandywtno Summit. TIOGA Sllss Edith Sharp, of 1120 Jerome street, has returned from a fortnight's stay In the Pocono Mountains. Sirs. Elizabeth Scheible, Miss E. Bird, Miss Sallie Scholblo and Mrs. Josephine' Scheible, of Hantrynook, Nineteenth and Tioga streets, are passing the autumn at their cottage on Fifth avenue, Asbury Park. Mrs. Ralph Gibbon gave a luncheon yester day at her homo in Wverton. N. J., for the members of the Tioga Thimble Club. Her guests were Mrs. Frederick Jennings, Sllss Car oline Callahan, lira. John Hatler, Mrs. A. B. Garnbte, Mm, Oeorga White, Sirs, Jacob Sal Ada, Miss Ruth Sallada and Mrs, William Grimm. Miss Sarah Nannette Showaker, of 3033 North Broad street, gave a card party this afternoon, followed by n buffet luncheon. Fall flowers and ferns were used In tho decorations. Mrs. Harry It, Ayers, who has been spend ing the early fall In York, Pa., and Ocean City, has returned to her home, 1S20 West Ontario street. Mrs. William Slve), of North Broad street, has returned from Ocean City. Dr. Stalcolm Douglass, of West Tioga street, has gono to East Wareham, Stoss., to remain a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. West, of 3343 North Fifteenth street, havo returned from Chelsea, whero they havo been staying since tha early summer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey Weber nnd Miss Sleta Weber, of North Sixteenth street, have re turned from Beasldo Park, whero they havo their summer homo. Harry Terry, Mr. nnd Sirs. Harry Cobb and Sllss Edith Terry, of 4132 North Broad street, who have been touring tho New England States by automobile, returned homo Wednesday. To morrow they loavo to spend a few days at their cottago on Seaside avenue, Atlantic City, N. J, LANSDOWNE Sllss Olive Slnson, of West Lacrosso avenue, has left for Wheaton College, SInsfl. Mrs. J. M, Pugh, of 39 East Greenwood ave nuo, has returned from South Wyndham, Slass. Sllss Robccca Stackhouso has gone to Brook lyn for tho winter months. Sllss Slargarot Slorrlson will attend tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania next Besslon. Tho Century Club will glvo a dance on Fri day evening, October 2. Sir. and Sirs. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, of Lex ington avonue, havo returned from a tour through the Now England States. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mrs. S. C. Kceno and her daughter have re turned from a visit In Wlldwood. Sllss Eliza beth Keeno has returned from Clifton Springs and gone to Boston to college. Sir. Wallace Sheets has returned to collcgo nt Cornell, Ithaca, N. Y. William Henry Chamberlain, of 542 Penn street, who is a sophomoro at Haverford Col lege, returned to his studies today. Judge Frank T. Lloyd and his family, of 527 Cooper street, have returned from their sum mer homo nt Seaside Park. THE DRAMA WEDDINGS Sllss Florence Slao Hortman, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. John A. Hortman, of 3143 North Park avenue, and Christian Dcmmy, of Y'ork, Pa., were married last night at tho home of tho brldo's parents, which was decorated with palms, ferns and whlto fall flowers. The cere mony was performed by the Rev. Forrest E. Dager, rector of St. Paul's Reformed Episco pal Church, Broad and Vcnang streets. The brldo was given in marriage by her father. Sho was gowned In white satin, trimmed with duchess lace. Her tullo veil was fastened with orange blossoms and lilies of the valley. Sllss Lillian Gordon, tho maid of honor, was her only attendant. A reception followed the cere mony, after which Sir. and Sirs. Dernmy left for an extonded honeymoon trip, and on their return they will live in Scranton, Pa, LINTON-STAIt RETT. The wedding of Sllss Elizabeth D. Starrett, daughter of Mr. and Sirs. James Starrett, of Queen lane, and William H. Linton, of Ro chelle avenue, Wlssahlckon, will take place to night at 6 o'clock at tho homo of tho Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Steckol. 7205 Creshcim road, Slount Airy. The ceremony will be per formed by Dr. Steckel, who is pastor of tho Falls of Schuylkill Presbyterian Church. The bride will bo given In marriage by her father, and will wear a traveling gown of dark pur ple crepe de chine, mado with tho new basque effect. Her velvet hat, which will match the gown in color, will have a shower bouquet of violets and lilies of the valley. The couple wilt leave for a tour to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Washington, D. C. They will be at home after November 1, at 139 Rochelle ave nue, Wlssahlckon. GRACE GEORGE. COMING TO THE ADELPIII IN A NEW PLAY NORDICA THE SONGBIRD A PRODIGIOUS WORKER Earned Great Fees, But First She Ever Received Was Paid For Silence. Apart from her artistic achievements, SIme. Nordlca, for many years one of the most popu lar soprano vocalists on the operatic and con cert stage, whose recent death was so widely deplored on both sides of tho Atlantic, enjoyed the distinction of being tha greatest woman wage-earner In the world, On one occasion she received a feo of 600 (J3000) for one concert of one hour's duration at Washington, while it was her custom for several years prior to her death to sing at a hundred concerts during a period of 23 weeks an average of nearly four concerts per week for -which she received tha total sum of 33,0O0, or .ESSO for each appeai nnce. And so far from such a fee being prohibi tive, transatlantic managers were always anx ious to secure their services, and willing to pay whatever fee this "Queen of Song" demand ed. Curiously enough and Mm. Nordlca herself often told the story tho first fee she ever received waa not for singing, but for consent ing not to sing. As a little girl at her homo In Farmlngton, Mass., she used to love to try her voice at all times, and, much to the an noyance of her elder ststers, would persist In joining In with them whenever they sang duets together. So, In order to silence tho future diva, they resorted to bribery and gave her some money on condition that she promised to keep quiet. It was Mine. Nordlca'a greatest delight, how ever, to spend a portion of the huge fees she earned In providing for her old servants and pet animals. As a. matter of fact, part of her estate at Hempstead, on Long Island, was given over to tha use of her old servants, who lived in tha greatest comfort. No singer ever worked harder than SIme. Nordlca, who thought nothing of traveling three or four thousand miles In three or four months, and singing at times every night in the week. "You havo pained fame and fortune," her friends would sometimes remark to her. MWh do you go on singing?" To such Inquiries Mine. Nordlca would oty that art is to every artist the breath of life, and It was that passionate devotion to her art which chained her to tha stage and concert platform, when she might have been enjoying well-earned repose in one of her country homes To young aspirants for operatic honors who sought her advice, SIme. Nordlca was always kind. But, as she once remarked, "if j-oU aro a singer at all. you have always been one. All great singers will tell you that they have sung from their earliest childhood. If you have any future as a singer, you must have done something before you are 2t, THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADELPHI "Tho Revolt." by Edward Locke, starring Helen Ware. Should a wife take the Bame liberties as her husband? Sho should not! A sermon for derelict benedicts. BROAD "Drugged," melodrama by Owen Da vis, with John Slason as lallroad magnate with a penitentiary past. As like real life as the novels of Hall Corelll and Slarie Caine. Shows why you shouldn't accuse another man of murder If you'vo done the deed yourself. CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "Ca blrla." moving-picture drama, by Gabrlello D'AnnunzIo, of the third century B. C. A truly marvelous feat on tho reol, with a con vincing volcanic eruption. FORREST "Ziegfeld Follies," a potpourri of songs, jokes and spectacular effects; entor tnlnlng without consuming brain-phosphorus. GARRICK "Adele," French operetta, with cap tivating music. Reversals in love, with a husband falling in lovo with his wife. KEITH'S Sir. and Sirs. Vernon Castle-thelr dances aro the music of motion. WALNUT "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." by Kate Douglas Wlggin. Return of this popu lar, simple and appealing play. FLASHES FROM "STARS" A few weeks ago Sliss Slargaret Anglin, who will shortly appear at the Broad Street Thea tre, visited tho studio of a welt-known New York photographer. Tho young woman in charge of the ladles' department was a strange? In the studio and unfamiliar with theatrical celebrities. Sho was instructed to take the name of each visitor before they posed, as well as the name of the company and management. When Sllss Anglin arrived she was ushered to the dressing room. "Name, please," Eald the young woman. "Margaret Anglin," answered the actress. "Would you please mind spoiling It," said the young woman. Sllss nglln did. "Tho name of your manager?" queried the young man. "Sly own." replied Miss Anglin. "And the name of the company? ' continued the young woman. "Sly own company, please," said Sllss Anglin, highly amused. The pictures were made. When the bill came to Miss Anglln's odlce It was made out to "Margaret Anglin. SlY Own Company, Please, enre Slanager SlY" Own." "What Is fame," sighed Stlsi Anglin. "when one is unknown to photographers' clerks!" take a return check, being known to every doorkeeper In New York. When he camj back. after getting his glass of soda, he absent-mindedly wandered Into tho Fulton. , Tho curtain was up when he entered tha house, disclosing a pair of beds on the stage. "Groat Adolf," ho exclaimed, "tho 'Cordelia' authors have swiped the 'Twin Beds' idea." When Sir. Frohmnn reached his seat he found a stranger sitting In It. Instead of protesting. he slipped Into tho seat adjoining. A moment later another stranger claimed that one. Then Sir. Frohman began a personal investigation, and to his amazement discovered that he had entered tho wrong house. Sir. Frohman admits that even managers sometimes make mistakes. L..J An English comedy in three acts, entitled "Consequences," is now in rehearsal, and will shortly bo produced by the Shuberts. It is by H. F. Rubcnstein, o.nd was first produced at tho Gaiety Theatre, In Slanchcstcr, by Sllsa Hornlman's company, and was then taken to London, where it was successful at tho Coro net. Tho play deals with the subject of inter marriage between Jew and Gentile, Sllss Frances Starr will be presented by David Belasco late In December in a new play by Edward Knoblauch. Sllss Starr, who spent tho summer at Pine Lake Wis., and Lake) George, N. Y., Is now rehearsing for "The Secret," in which Sir. Belasco will send her on a 10 weeks' tour of the large Eastern cities. She will appear at the Broad In this city. AMUSEMENTS One night last week Daniel Frohman attended a performance of "Cornelia Blossom" at thd Oalety Theatre, New York. Upon leaving the theatre during tho first intermission ha did not AMUSEMENTS I.ant Matlnea Tomorrow BROAD Last 2 Nights JOHN MASON in Drugged NEXT WKUK- SKATS NOW SEU.INO MARGARET ANGLIN Ja LADY WINDERMEKE-3 PAN B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE THE SENSATION OF THE YEAH I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle Tha Coiipl Who Hae Set thu World Talking:. Tremendous Bill of Exclusive VnudMtlls Stars. HELDOVER! Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle Second Week, Beginning Monday. Sept. 28 r9'?,,T'X ELY TIIEIK I.AST APrEAHANCE SEATS NOW ON HALE IW1K UAHJ.Y CHESTNUT STREET TWICE DAILY - l.JST itc-w WorU's lireutejt Photo Spectacle OPEItA HOUSO CABIRIA With Orrhcatra and Chorus Ene:aEemnt rositlvelv Enrls Saturday. September 38. Prices - ilatinees 10. JS, use Uveninea 10, 23, BOc. BEG. MON. SEPT. 28 ,888!,",' SSJSl PILATE'S DAUGHTER Tha Farnoua Mlracla Play CAST OF Tfl HT MA py Francis L. Keru.l GARRICK Last 2 Nights :? Aw Nights Uood Seats on Loner Floor, fl 60 rh. Brilliant A D P T R n8t ulq Operetta rt U C L. t, in Years NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW SELLING COHAN and HARRIS Present euMwytf. NEARLY MARRIED With BRUCE MuRAE and a lirllllant Co. KAf LIBERTYTli47i"J-urB; AN AERIAL HONEYMOON feept. i' III'STER J1HOWN rn ORPHEUM"" Er-iK"-THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE Sept SS-BOLUiHT AND PAID FOR " EMPIRE MATINEE TODAY GLOBE TROTTERS NIXON'8 GRAND Today 2 15. T & B The Dream Plratee"; Schu. mann Four. Chas and Adelaide Wilson. Jack lltoree, Henrietta Wilson & Co.. ThoflifklnV.. tures- ,vi Alhambra r"Vuunn'derrtu01rri?pV.nSc" New Managementasi Sept. 28th DUMONT'S DS?ST3 IH-nLESQ.UB.PEARL3 OF PAUUNET ' CASINO " TOFipriNKuT.i5iyw TA.NW DANCINl, CV' tfc-7 aD.NJOUT Matinees. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. 25c. Boo 7ov. fl. SEATS NOW ON SALE IMPORTANT! ACADEMY OF MUSIC NEXT WEEK CABIRIA 1 oijiri -uu isg. tlAJltt I'KOlll CTION ...JEA.TS.ON' feA,'E AT ACADEMY BROAD AND I.OCIST STREETS, JIEllINNINQ l O'CLOCK TOMORROW JIOBMKO M T KnirL-rKrwlcr arcus Loew s -n,,,,,. Market Above Oth St. Continuous Perrorraam e from 1 to 11 P M. Mats. All Seats. 10c Evenlnirs, 10c. 13c. 23c. ZELAYA Son of Nicaragua's tz-PresIdenL Vaudeville's Greatest Pianist AND B OTHER SELECT VAUDEVILLE ACTS S AND SPECIAL I'HOOIIAM OF PHOTOPLAYS FORREST Last 2 Nights " &&& ZIEGFELD FOLLIES Beginning SEPT I9--SEATS NOW MONTGOMERY AND STONE
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