-f. EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 19J4. M ZEPPELIN FLEET HOVERS OVER NORTH SEA AND THREATENS INVASION OF ENGLAND were erected to repel the German at tack, thoro nro no less than IB forts around Verdun, on both sides of the Mcuso River. The most of theso oro fortresses of tha flrst-clnss, which were erected when the German advance niralnst the city began. They aro pro tected with the finest artillery In the French army and the garrison contains an army In Itself. It was learned at the War omco to day that the French havo captured Hvo aeroplanes, although tho location of this exploit was not divulged. The quintet of German Taubes wero taken by a French cavalry patrol. Twenty cavalrymen entered a clearing whero tho prize awaited them. The aviators and a number of mechanics at tho ttmo wero engaged In overhauling tho machines. The patrol made a dash to round Up the lot, but the German air men drew their magazine pistols and began nrlng. Twelve cavalrymen were killed before the aviators wero over powered and the aeroplanes seized, SURRENDER OF VERDUN CERTAIN, BERLIN BELIEVES wm msm BBIIL1N, Sept. 25. That tho main lino of tho French forts, extending from Verdun to Tout, Is being battered to pieces by tho German siege guns tho 42-centItnetro mortars was nnnounced by the War Office today. Official announcement Is mado that elcgo guns havo been taken from Metz to bombard Verdun and tho strong French forts In the vicinity of that stronghold. Tho official statement is: "Tho German troops are attacking the entire lino of the French fortifica tions along the French eastern fron tier from Verdun to Toul. In an at tempt to raise tho siege and prevent the demolition of their forts, already suffering severely from the German Bhcll Are, tho French have made sev eral attacks In force on the German lines. "All have been repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy, who has also been driven back on his main supports. "Tho right wing of the German army has been under severe pressure from the combined British-French forces, but at no point has the enemy succeeded In making an Impression on our lines. The main chain of de fenses along tho River Olse and tho Alsno Is Intact, and tho efforts of tho enemy to carry the forts by night at tacks havo proved futile. "Along the line from our right through the Argonne forests no Im portant engagements havo taken place. Fast of tho Argonncs tho German lines havo been extended through Varcnncs, which was taken by a series of bril liant assaults, In which tho enemy lost heavily. "The French are striving to prevent the arrival of the guns from Metz, but the guns are steadily approaching nearer. The reduction of Verdun can not be averted when they reach a posi tion where they can bo operated with full effect. "Tho situation In Belgium and the eastern theatre Is unchanged. "In French Lorraine and on Alsace frontier, lighting proceeds, but there has been little change there from tho situation as previously reported. "Summed up. It can be stated that, while a series of violent combats have, and are. taking place, at no point is the battle seemingly approaching a de cisive stage. The spirit of the German troops Is wonderful. They have met the most desperate attacks with coun ter assaults and have inflicted great damage on tl.- enemy." the AMIENS D PRESENT GERMAN UNE, EXTREME LINE. OP G-EPMan ADVANCE. l SEPT. 6TH, ANGLO -FRENCh ARMIES "Vr" SCALB. OF MIUPS HOYON TOVEROUN HO M. FWRIS TO MON 75 M. LAON To NAMUH 9o M. PARIS TO ME.TZ. SO M, O ULLE RE-OCCUPIED BY int t-KerscH Bv UtMy-wvvcc flJ?TtV X rJJ T ft ' ,x n - pootjcAAtNS v rA 1 X- J f xoMQcoiN&m ft 1 I s 5f (AUJES) j AcirfbAt yS VN. 1 KAISER AT I x V S&. J M v f .... jT S- '. X GERMAN meabLv; i earn Jf1 s, zy R? toss ee '?7ww The encircling movement of the Allies is continuing and their occupation of Peronne is confirmed. There is stiff fighting all along the line of General von Kluk's right, and General von Boehn's advance guard?, who are defending the Mons route are in contact with the French and English forces all along a line running from Cambrai, north through Bouchain, Denain and St. Amand to the Belgian frontier. In the centre both sides entrenched are hold ing their own, with little change, though the French claim to have made a slight advance north of Bcrry-au-Bac. On the German left their attacks on Ver dun and the Verdun-Toul line of forts are said to have been repulsed, and their activities south of Thiancourt near Beaumont, Domevre and Nancy without special advantage. VERDUN SITUATION GRAVE IS LONDON ADMISSION LONDON. Sept. 25. Slight gains for the Allies at Pe ronne and before St. Quentin on the German right in the last 24 hours are offset by advantage gained by tho Kaiser's troops against the French right, southeast of Verdun. The Germans are undoubtedly rush ing reinforcements from the garrisons left in Belgium to bolster the defenses of General von Kluk and. despite tho optimistic reports from the roar of the Allies, apparently are succeeding in holding their positions there. Dis patches received the day before yes terday told of tho occupation of Pe ronne four days previous by the French and English. Today's dis- SCHWAB TO FURNISH ARMORED TRUCKS TO WARRING NATIONS patches assert Just as Jubilantly that the Allies have occupied Peronne. That the Germans have, on the other hand, made substantial advances against the French right is shown by the olHclal statement of the French War Office this afternoon. "The Germans have occupied tho , heights of the Mouse and are marching i In the direction of St. Miliiel," says the statpment. This can mean nothing but that Verdun, long the object of a -stubborn attack by the Germans, is now attacked on three sides, with the rail road to Chalons, to the west, open still tb its line of communication and source of supplies and reinforcements Tho ' Germans hold the heights east of tho .Mouse on the banks of which Verdun i stands, and hold the river both north anil south of Verdun agedmjshprIce" ! is detained as spy IN RUSSIAN CAPITAL CRACOW IN PERIL AS RUSSIANS GAIN OUTER DEFENSES Austrians Are Pushed West of San Przemysl Sortie Repulsed Winter March on Berlin Planned. had planned tho reduction of France In five weeks and then to utilize the main Germnn army in a defensive movement along the enrtern frontier, there i a be lief here that Germany Is not supplied for an ai: winter flKht. And the Russian General Staff Intends to take the most complete advantage of this fact. ADVANTAGE ON VISTULA IS CLAIMED BY VIENNA Said to Have Been Commis-! i sioned by Two European ! Countries to Supply Hun dreds of Equipped Autos. BETHLEHEM. Pa., Sept. 55.-DurinS the lost few days a large number ot representatives of automobile concerns have been hre. and the reason for tholr presnce was Indicated today in the re port that two European countries now at war have commissioned Charles M, Echwab to have built for them several hundred armored and gun-equipped motor trucks. The order will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mr. Bchwab will not talk about tho mat ter, closely adhering to the policy of the State Department, which recently Is inert directions to concerns in thi coun try whose business U to manufacture munitions to avoid publicity in matura uhere they have dealings with European countries nom at war and thus avoid poa. flble violation of neutrality. It Is believed Mr Schwab wm com. missioned to give out the order fir mo. tor trucks because he is well known by heads of many European countries hav ing built warships for them. The armor plates and guns for thwfe war truclts vlll be made by the local steel company ad also tho axle work for tho cars. Court-martial Awaits Reich-, stag Leader Berlin Also j Reports Resignation of j South African Leader. 7AR WILL PROFIT JEWS BY EXTENDING LIBERTIES. rael Zangwill Foresees Enfranchise, ment in Russia. NEW YOHK, Sept. Si -In a letter writ. ten by Israel Zangnill, noted author, to Human Bernstein, who Is to edit the Day. 0, new Jewish dally newspaper that will be started here next week, Zangwill says the present European war probably will result In the political freedom of Jew In ituasla. After referring to the post, ponement of the Ito conference, whi''h was to have be?n held in Zurich several days ago, Zanswill sa)s: "But the World war mut so seriously transform the Jewish question that It is impossible to ra now what should be the next ktep in the war of Jewish liberation IVrsonally. I think It should be th en franchisement Ot the Russian Jew anJ I hare been working at that even at the risk of belnp called 'anti Uruisli at this ' terrible moment BERLIN' (by wireless to Sayvlllo, I.. I). Sept. "J. German Polish residents hore have re calved word that the ased .Prince Hadz! will, leader of the Tollsh party In the flerman Reichstag, who was arrested In Tetrosrad by the Russian authorities, is now flatty charted with bolng a tpy and is to be couu-martl.iloU. Th German Government's Independent Inquiry Into the happeninss at Louvaln continues. It Is being held by a lawyer, who has been given full authority to In. vestiKate the military reports. Witnesses o far confirm the report that on a slven signal from near the L,ouvain railway station, through the sending up of red and green rockets, tho civilian population started tiring at the German troops Thi- German prss prints emphatic protests against the bonilardmunt by a British cruiser of th open port of rar-e-8alaam in Geiman East Africa According to the newspaper I'etit l'a rlslen the French .'mmauder-in-chiei has been compelled to send back the iui'tn troops to atoroceo as they are not fitted to winter campaigning. The South African comrnunderln-chlef in explaining his reasons for resigning his command, the War Qtlleo says de clared that even part of the British mlnlnters were not convinced that there was any justification for war with Ger many. Inasmuch as i.ngl.tnd had ri pratedly violated the inderndnee of oth-r nations, and in the rioutii African Rar perpetrated eerj possibio atrocity. LORD KITCHENER CONFERS WITH CHIEFS FROM FRONT Army Officials Work Oyer Plans of Campaign UiN'DQN, Sept. X. Important dispatcher. which were brought from th front by the Duke of Westminster and the Duke of Marlbor. ouKh. were delivered at the War Office immediately after their arrival late last night. XJarl this morning Ijrd Kitohener. the .Secretary of State for War. conferred with rremU-rs of his ataft on the con lnt of lhxv dispatches which undoubt edly deal with the progress of the Allies ogiinst the Germans in France. PETROGRAD. Sept. 23. That the Russian armies marching against Cracow hao nlrcady pushed on almost to the oufr fortifications of that strong Austrian position is unnounced here. Th troop are moving along the main lin of tho railway thnt extends from Jaroslaw". The main body of the nrmv is reported in the neighborhood of Tarnow. with another army which crossed the San at a point sou'tli of Przemjsl, and has already occupied Wlslol: and Snnok, moving to effect a Junction with It a'.ong the southern railway line from rianok. According to a Rome report the Rus sians have seized all the passes In the Carpathians and hav. occupied Stanlhlav and Kolomea. both of which ure cities of considerable s!o and both Junction points on the railroad that crosses the furpathians into Hungary from eastern U.ilieU. The fiercest fighting pieUous to the capture of Jaroslaw by the Russians was at Sadowa-Wlsznla, whero a battle was In progress for a week. i Sadowa-Wlsznla lies on a railway line extending from tho RubsUn frontier through Prwmyal. It Is SO miles south east of Jaroslaw and about the same dlktance northwest from I.emherg.) PR55EMVSL SORTIE FAILS Russian troops have captured several fortified tosvns In Gallcla. opening the wa to a final assault(on C'hyrow, an Im portant railway center, and have de feated the garrison of Przemysl, the lasi Austrian stronghold on the River San, In a sortie that it made In an attempt to raise the siege that has been In progress for live days. The Przemysl troops aro now bottled up within the fort- The Russians are keeping up u (.easeless bombardment. Tho moln Russian army, under Grand Duk Nicholas, seconded by Oenernls Kukzlty and Brusstlof, is operating 4tt4msi th Austrians and their German reinforcements, and the General Huff be lieves the Austrian last stand "111 take pUce at i.'racow, and after that It will be pubiMule far tho Russians, to devote theli entire attention to the Germans. The following olltrial fctatemetil was Issued by the general staff today: On our southwestern front Russian troops have occupied the fortified pokitwna of Krukenics and Felaztyn. which commanded the district, with all the enemy's artillery. Tue garrlsun of l'iz.-my.-l attempted a sortie, but was defeated 4nd driven back within the line of forts, which uie being bom barded night and day. Medyka, a few nlh-a east of Przemysl, was evacu ated without a fight, and we took Urge iiuanlltlcs or supplies. i The pursuit of the Austrian west of the river San mill continues The RussUns advane lapldly. desptu the destruction of bridges by the Aus. trlans. who are retreating to Cracow The Germans and Austrians will de fend Cracow to the last minute, be cause Its surrender would Jeopardize the German positions in East P-j.sla. That a winter march on Berlin is plannsd Is iow a certainty. The winter eupplles are being sent to the entire uctive arm of i.360.( now in the field H Is believed by the ottlcers of the Gen eral SUIT that In a winter campaign the Tlusslans will have all the bost of it. Inasmuch as it is realized the Germans "War Office Denies Victories of Rus sians and Servians. VIENNA, Sept. S3. It was officially announced today thnt the Austrian troops had come In con tact with Russian forces in northern Gallcla and driven them back across the Vistula River with heavy losses. Our position against the enemy Russians and Servians is meeting with success everywhere, says tho official statement. The troops In Gallcla. now on the offensive, are enthusiastic. Heavy rnlns prevent them from pursuing the beaten enemy far, but they have taken many prisoners. Fears of an epidemic of cholera and dysentery are no longer felt. The meiiienl staff reports that tho situntlon Is in hand. Since the beginning of the war thou sands of refugees havo arrived here from Bukawina and Gallcla. They have InctPiieed the number of unemployed, which otherwise would have been com paratively small. SPAIN ENLISTS U. S. AID IN MISSION OF MERCY Proposes Plan for Expediting Hospi tal Supplies to War Zone. WVSHINGTON'. Spt. 25 -Spain Is en deavoring to make an arrangement with the I'nlted States, whereby shipment of hospital supplies to the warring coun tries of Europe will he expedited. This Information was conveyed In offi cial mei-fliiges here today, and authori ties were Inrllned to believe that the reported conference between King Al fonso and Ambassador WilMrd, at Mad rid eierdny, Interpreted ai a pence conference, dealt holely with this question. ITALIAN ARMY NEEDS SHOES Government Wants to Buy 500,000 Pairs in This Country. Five hundred thousand pairs of regula tion army shoes for the Italian Govern ment form a conspicuous pait of a large order of army ond navy supplies which that country Is attempting to buy In the I'nlted States through the medium of pizzottl ft Ghlo, a large Italian con. trading concern They have inquired at the Foreign Trade Bureau of the Phila delphia Commercial Museums for bids on the consignment. The Trade Bureau has forwarded copies of the order to manu facturers In this country and antlclpata tnat Uttlo difficulty will be encountered In filling It. Doctor Wilson, of the Trade Bureau, sas that large shoe manufacturing con cerns are located In Boston, New York city. Philadelphia and St. Louis, and be hoves that Philadelphia manufacturers will be In a position to compete success, fully with those of other cities. GERMAN FINANCES SOUND PETROGRAD "NEWS" FALSE, AVERS LOCAL AUSTRIAN CONSUL Discounts Reports of Exten sive Action in Galicia and Announces Continued Tri umph Over Serbs. ? Deutsche Bank Assures Country's , Ability to Go Through War. tlEULIN. Sent S I At a meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the Deutsche Bank It Is stated that its sound economic structure and splendid and economic moMlUation will enable Germany to tight throughout the wnr until Germany's future is politically jnd economically secured. dEVEN DEATHS FROM PLAGUE CATANIA Sicily, Sept 3S. -Seven per sons have died here from the plague and 10 other cases have been reported In suburban towns MINE SINKS AUSTRIAN SHIP ROME Rr M The Austrian steamship Uaron Gautch 1 has been sunk by a mine In the Adriatic. ' I Official news of great victories by the Austro-Hungarlnn army over the Ser vians was received b wireless today from the Foreign Office at Vienna. The Austrians have penetrated Into Scrvla more than 20 miles and captured strong positions on the Drlna River, according to the icport. Like messages conveyed the news that the attack of the French Ileet on Cattaro had proved a falluie, only slight damage being done. In Philadelphia this afternoon George von Grivlclc, Austro-IIungnriuii Consul General, gave out this statement, an nouncing tho successes of the Austrians: "Accoidlng to wireless news received r.c light occurred In Gallcla during the last few days except soma unimportant skliinlshes. The w cither Is said to bo very unfavorable, but the tioops of the Austro-Hungaiiun tinny are in excel lent condition. "News cliculating and asserting that the Russlnns were defeating and cutting oif General Dankl's irmy near Przemysl end that his troops were In dissolution pursued by tho enemy, is therefore ng.iln pure Inventions with the avowed Intent to Imput.s public opinion in neu tral countries The allegid two days' battle of Jaroslaw probably was not more than an engagement with outposts of the Austro-Iluugnrlnn army, the main forces of which uie concentrating cast of the fortress of Cracow, while Its light wing Is using the foi tress of Przemysl as a basis. "Equally Incorrect is all news which persistently contend that n timlii- had broken out In A usti la-Hungary, and that H dipicssfd feeling prevail among tho soldiers of the army and among the il lation of the monarchy. A wiioless tcl. gram Just received emphasizes to tin contrary that thu people, an well as the armv, uro in le6t of piilts and have full ci-nildi ni-M In llnal victory. 'I'aitlc-ularlv pleading was news of re cent successful engagements with Servi ans After several das of hard lighting impnrtunt .Snrvlnn positions west of Km panj, a town ubout 2o miles Into HtvIuii territory east of .vornlk on the lirlna River, were taken and many Servian guns captui.d, while the attacks of the 1'icnch (hot on the loitltlcatlons of the harbor of 'attaro during more than four weeks proved to hi a complete failure, tile only rinmnKA done bring a doftiuctlun of two 'Ightl.ouset on a smnll Island whereupon said squadron left the Adriatic. 'Extraordinary courage was displayed by our forces lighting on the Servian borders, among tin-.-, the CM C-oit'ini Honved Division. This news Is significant and is the best denial ot the repeated statements made liy the Russian and Servian Governments claiming that the toaihern Slavs are anxious to Join Servla. 'It lh reported. tinall, that the Rus sians brutalize the- Jewish Inhabitants in all occupied plates in Ualtci.t nnJ in lie the ituthenlan ptasants aga'nt the Jews The cruelties of Russians against Jewish Inhabitants are grttlng worse and worse, and are In striking contnut to the Char's It anifesto to his 'beloved Jew-.'" FRANCE PROTESTS AGAINST PRACTICES IN GERMAN WARFARE Embassy Statement to United States Declares Violations of Hague Convention Were Premeditated. MONSIGNOR FISHER HOME FROM SOJOURN IN ITALY Rector of St. John the Evangelist Church Attended Pope's Coronation. Monslgnor N F. Fisher, of the Churih of sit John the Evangelist, Uth ubove Chestnut street, returned to Philadelphia last night after an extended stay In Italy, where he had been with Bishop Thomas F Kennedy, rector of the American College In Rome, who had been ill for some time, but Is now in a much Im proved condition WASHINGTON, Sept. 2S.-Tcn official reports, showing German barbarities In French territory during tho present wnr havo been committed systematically aru upon Instructions from officers, rather than by tho chance excesses of the sol diers themselves, have been communicated to tho Powers signatory to the Hague convention, according to a statement is sued by the French Kmbassy here toduy. The United Slates Government has been given ono of the scries of reports. Tho statement fiom the Embassy reads: "By order of the Government of the French republic, a series of ofilclul ie ports, implying incontrovertible, testimony ns to the way in which tho present war is being carried on in French territory by German troops, has been communi cated to ,the Powers who signed The Hague, convention, the United .Status be ing one of them. "These documents, ten in number, show that the destruction und ns.s.iislnatlonf, which huve taken placo have been sjs tematlc, and performed In accordance with orders from the officers, and not as a result of an accidental lack of disci pline. "The facts quoted aro given only as sumples and not as complete t-mimcru. tlons; they cover, moreover, only the llrst line week.-, after the beginning of hoi tillties (two weeks of actual warfare) and worse deeds have Uec-r. committed ".Such as they are, they show, among other things that wounded soldiers have been finished in laige numbers, by shots llled right against the faces of tho wounded, that l-ont-a-Mom-Hou. an open and undefended town, was bombarded, tha hospital which Is an historical build ing, having c-sp. clally aulfercd. a M . MYievn "i-3- !"",J"e w,,Bh ''"" " 1 AlTlcvlIe have been methodically de stroyed, house by house, soldiers being as It seems, provided with linpleme ts enabling them to perform that kind o" work with a minimum of trouble; nurses .oaring conspicuously the badge of the Red Cross have been assassinated; num. eious inhabitants have been put to Sh without pretext or pi evocation, among whom at Hadenvlliier, tli- wife ,,f the Major; In some cases, notably at III fly on August 10. the German troops ".& hoy marched out of the place to charge ..;,..., . "' '""' or them. : Attention Is called ns regard such deeds to two texts. Artie e 3 of , vent.on t of the Hagu !h,t-h wa pr -" ms.d by the Geiman delegates thc-i . ft,f tbat the Lllteerw,,1 w ,V, might cause micI, deduction ,,, mentioned above would lie bound to n dtmnlfy the Injured parties and would be responsible for any acts committed by members of ills army. "In the second place, even If clvH'ann had taken arms upon the Invasion of rrench territory by the Germuiis, which was nowhere the case, they would havo been within the-r rluhts. and thu killing of them wholesale v.'nnl.i i,,,t... i .... def-nduble, for Article J of th-s same con vention res-ivcd to the population of a non-occuplcd territoiy tho right upon the appioarh of the enemy spuntaneoiibly to take arms and repel the invud'ng troops "Appended to this convention, besides the signature of the United States, Fiance und manv other countries, is to be found that of Gcimuny " ITAXIAN BAN ON AIKSHIPS ROME. Sept. a. The Government Issued & decree today forbidding aviators from dying over Italian soil. SCANDAL OF JURY WHEEL AGAIN HEARD BY GRAND INQUEST Delaware County's District Attorney Submits Fraud Charges Against ex-Sheriff and Two Commissioners. Tho cose of ox-Sherlff '& E. Sproul and Jury Commissioner Jacob Wise and James Stuart, charged with malfcasanca In office, was called before tho Grand Jury In Media today by District Attorney John B. Hannum. Until a late hour this aft ernoon no decision had been reached. In December, 1912, the community of Media was shocked by the discovery that moro than DO names had been found In tho Jury whoel which had not been select ed by the court. When this discovery was made by tho court It was pointed out that a Jury solcctcd for the trial of crim inals would not bo an unbiased one, but would consist mostly of those whose names, It was alleged, had been improp erly placed on the list of Jurymon. Tho reason given at tho time of tin exposure was that tho names had been placed there to protect several prominent Republicans accused of forging Washing ton party and Bull Mooee nomination pa pers. A petition was presented before Judge Isaac Johnson In Media this morning by the Bnr Committee of Delaware County, asking that tho court permit the "bod slips," which were discovered In the Jury scandal, to bo turned over to an expert for Identlllcatlon. The Judge held tho tequcst under advisement. Tho expert who Is to be named by the liar Committee will examine the slips, which will remain In the custody of Dis trict Attorney Hnnnum, ns soon as per mission Is grnntcd by tho court. This Is thought to be a matter of only a few days. Tho petition was presented to the court by A. B. Geary, H. A. Howell and Frank n. Rhoadcs, who formed the committee named by the members of tho local bar association which Is conducting the Jury scnndnl Investigation. This Is the fourth or tlfth time the Jury senndat has been aired in some way or other since early In 1913. John B. Hannum, Jr., tho present Dis trict Attorney, has done all In his power to bring the guilty persons to Justice und with the experts' expected testimony as to the handwriting on the many alleged fiaudulent slips, many men prominent In affairs in Media and surrounding towns will be called to explain. SENT TO THEC0RRECTI0.7' Man Brenlcs Promise After Wifj Gives Him Another Chance. Failure to keep his promise aflci i-n wlfo had given him another chance i week ngo, resulted today In James Dono hue, of 2136 North Clarion street, bcl:-: sent to the Houso of Correction for thr o months, by Muglstrato Emcly, at I a Park and Lehigh avenues station. Donohue was arraigned In tho Deseitii i Court on the complnlnt of his wife f ccntiy, but she ngrecd to give him a -other chance. She testified today til t ho took a sho was saving toward the lent of their home and went on a spre-o with It. According to his wife Donohue had not worked for a year. HELD ON TnEFT CHARGE Man Accused of Including Fire E: tlngulsher in Rubbish Collection. A lire extinguisher collected, tho police say, by William McLaughlin, of KO North Klevcnth slreet, along with a pile of papers and itibblsh in the carpenter shop of Iiwln & Lelghton. at IK North Twelfth strict, resulted In the arrest of the man today. He was held In $C0O bail for court by Magistrate Kuiely, at the Eleventh and Winter streets station. McLaughlin cleans out the shop each morning and after ho left tho oxtlngulshir was missed. Policeman Gurt found tho man hiding It under his coat JURY FAILS TO AGREE In Fnrmer Ware's Suit Again Rall wny Company. After being out all night, tho Jury in the casii of George V, Ware a farmer, agnlnst tho West Jeisey ond Sonshnrs Railroad Company, failed to ngreo In the Camden Circuit Court today. Ware was Injured sorao tlmo ago while crotslng the tracks near Berlin, N J. He contended that a whlstlo of a loco motive freightcned his horse, throwing him out of tho currlago and Injuring hl neck. Tho Jury was discharged nnd an other trial was ordered by tho court LEWIS J. SEGREST Lewis J. Segrest, S7 years old, dlel yesterday at the homo of his son. Lewis F. Segrest. 3120 Diamond street. He had been III splendid health until two years ago, when he broke down on nccount of the death of his brother. Segrest retired thirty cars ago from his business ss contractor nnd builder. One son, Lewis F , n drugglM, who has been retired for the last fifteen years, survives. SIR JAMES WHITNEY DIES TORONTO, Ont., Sept. 25 -Sir James Whitney. Premier of Dutaiio, dixi at noon today. He was 74 years old Ho succeeded to the leadeishlp of the Coiit servativu opposition In U and becanio I'luinltr In l&ul MAN DYING, HIT BY BOARD Richard Chambers, of 1527 Wood street, a laborer employed on a building opera Hon nt Thirteenth nnd Cherry street', was stiuck on the head this morning by a ten-foot board that fell from tlio sev enth llorr of tho structuie The maij Is dying at tho Hahnemann Hospital Sev eial other workmen narrowly escaped be ing hit by the board. WAR WORRY CAUSES SUICIDE LANCASTKR. Pa. Sept. 23 -Two pnlnu-is today found tho dead bod still warm, of Charles Groubner. a German furm laborer. 70 eais old bai.gins from n rafter In the carriage shed at Stein inetxV Mennonlto Church, near Si-hoe-neck Fiom icmurks mode by him yes terday. it is believed he committed sui cide through brooding over t.. jubicJ of Geiman WORKMEN INJURED BY CAR While loading dlit In n cable cmt al the Belmont Tumping station tills alteinoon. l.,jr. iiio i. tllia. of 6M FiUwatei atrre'i vv.es struck unconscliua b anothr t which Jiad broken awa IXtllla Is H t" German II sp!Ul with contusions c' ' ' shoulder and breast. 53225 - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers