IP PtilM,r.:t:t I tfel NIGHT EXTRA EVENING LEDGER f NIGHT EXTRA 1 vol. iisro. 11 PniLADELPniA, !FITAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT? STUDENTS SHED ENERGY AND TOGS IN "CAMPUS FIGHT" University Freshmen Again Defeat Sophs in Annual Struggle of Underclassmen. ' Cloning Gives, Too. Freshmen students of the Unlversltv of Pennsylvania ng.tln defeated the sophn- mores shorth after 12 o'clock todn b winning the annual "campus fight" in Just two minutes of terrific battling Th Freshles lust night won tho annual poster fight on the samp Held. In Justice tr the sophomores It should be said that thev were outnumbered four to one Shirts nnd other articles of wearing apparel were strewn all over the campus when the victorious freahmen and the downcast sophomores departed from tho fceno of battle Ray Young, p;-tpft end on the Central High School foclball team, covered him self with gloiv when hu was first to reach the oblong drawn on the walls of the Harrison Chemical Laboratory. As In fottner voara, the light was di vided into two halves In the first the freshmen must displace the sophomores guardlns the oblong chalked on the wnll and In the second the endeavor to re move tho troineis fiom the captain f the sophomoies. Tho Freshmen won the .second half at easily as the did the Mrst, firmly but not Kentlv, diverting the sophomore captain of his 'i outers Then ltn Voting, who 1 a brother of the ex-Pc-nn football ap taln. and several otheis of the Freshmen lenders were hoisted to th shoulders of the:r comrades nnd borne off In triumph. Manv of t ii several hundred conUwt nnts from bull clasps took advantage of the opportun'ty to get some Rood football practice b; appearing In gridiron toe Others woie old clothes The few who started In ih buttle with oompaiutlvolv whole suits eir rged !n inpp PLAN TO SAFEGUARD BUILDING SOCIETIES FROM LOSS BY THEFT CT ' 1 in j in. .in 11 1 1 i. ,n m 1 1 1 . - - 1 - , 1 ii.iii 11 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 i I L ' 'I: T '"" ' '" ." ' . " "'1 1 '1 ' ' 1 1-1 1 -r- -"" ... ' .. . I, y;'- ! 1 : -! 1 -.. . ; I,, ., ... 1 .::..-. ..,.:., , .. ...S ,....-. t...,m,..L. Wwiijmiit-T;: HVKwtP'M,M "ti'JMi'imX- 1 rjHaBiFSTr..s'i,XMLrjftKKLiHrr-vi s?riKHr.ttCir t.'r-- jv-a " HKjjkvBiiKw w: x n jmn. mimt-mmijk2&mnmTjLrTMir!rwmmwBinm.M j PENN "FRESHIES" SMASHING THROUGH SOPHS IN CAMPUS FIGHT The photograph shows the fight at its height and the chalk mark on the wall protected by sophomores. The freshmen fought their wny through the guard and succeeded in placing their hands inside the mark. Nine Alleged Embezzle ments Since April Prompt Suggestion of Compulsory Auditing of Passbooks. l Compulsory auditing of the passbooks of shaieholders at I-ast once a year was advocated today b State Banklnc Commissioner William H amith. as an effective safeijuard analnst defalcations by bulldlnt; and loan asocatIon officers The plan has been recommended to William Brown, Jr. counsel for the commissioner In Philadelphia, nnd he said that the time vas ripe for a leg islative, enactment coverins the ground Mr. Brown has handled no fowei than nine i.ases, involving grven defendaut building loan officers, since last April. He said that In moat of the cases minor officers of the associations wore Involved. Several of the cases Brown hns handled had their bezlnnlni; before he took up the commissioner's work. Th list follows. Samuel Krepi, now nwltlns trial. Al leged shortage, ::C0'.3 as secretary of the Northwest Building and Loan Associa tion, and SiJ3.91 as secretary qf the Ea3t Park Building and Loan Association. Joseph W. Wouley. awaiting trUl. Al loged shortage, J17T1.TE as conveyancing agent of the Bouvler Building and Loan Association, William W. Still, awaiting trial. Alleged shortage, I5673.0S as secretary of thi Berean Building and Loan Association, organized b Negro church workers. Samuel Slmpklns, awaiting sentence Alleged shortage $2172 as secretary of the Philadelphia Itapld Transit Building and Loan AKsoclation William Macdonald. awaiting trial Al leged shortage 113.00ft as conveyancing agent of the Genera! I'asimlr Pulaski Building and Loan Association . Frank A Friend, under bail Alleged shortage of US3 a secretary of the old Hickory Building and Loan Association, and HX as secretarj of the Creston Building and Loan Association Harry Foster, missing Alleged short, age, 3?2, as oonveanctng agent of the German-American Building and Loan Association The total of the shortages, approjl. matly JS.ltt, it was said by Mr. Brown, has been greatly reduced- Among tha accused who restoted all or a substan tial part of the funds taken ore Sitnp Klns, Still and MudonaUj. "By making the auditing ot the shnre holdei.v pass books compulsory the de falcation evil, particular! so far as the . flehonest secretory Is conn rued, will be positively checkmated." Mr Brown said. "The secretaries Involved In the cages I have handled norkod a simple Hjstem. They accepted monny from shareholders, gavo the shareholders credit on their passbouks, then pockoted tho monej a number at loan associations do, have an unnunl compariscn of the pas bonk with the books of the associations, and the shareholders are safeguarded The j tern h one. that all of the associations should bf more than willing to adopt, and In any event there should be a law to enforce It " ,...,..... Foster, it was explained by Mr Broan, evidently obtained the money be j8 charged with embezzling by juggling funds coming into bis hands la flrst mortgage transactions la conveyancing work. inS FINAL BEQUEST They had arrested the moving picture manager as a spy He was drum-head-ed, found guilty and sentenced to be hot ., ,. .. "Have you any rafting requestr the boss of the firing party asKed. "Don t make it too long " The mole nun nolded '"My operator ' he said, 'has never seen a real execution Just lei nm turn the machine on the last scene and dont hurry it any- -Cleveland Plain Dealer. SAILORS SHDMIM SUSPECT BOATS FOR FEAR OF CAPTURE "SOCIAL WORKER" FAILS TO APPEAR AT HEARING N orwegian Steamships, Watched by British War ships, Are Compelled to Remain at Anchor in Dela ware River. Pallors who have learned that tho Nor wegian steamships Fram and Sommor atafl, now lying at this port, aro liable to capiur? by British uarahlpa, refuse to soil, compelling the vessels to jemain at anchor in the Delaware River. It is be lieved that the ultimate destination of the Norwegian steamships' cargoes is the German cruisers Karlsruhe and Dresdon in tne Caribbean Sea The masters and agent of the steamships nre anxious to hae them sail. Tho Sommerstad cleared nearly two weeks ngo and was followed several das later b the Fram. Both hae cargoes of ship supplies, coal and fn-sh water on board. While the cargoes are of suspicious character, custom houso of ficials declare that as both have cleared for neutral ports they cannot be pre. vented from sailing. Tho SommerBtad cleared foi Cadiz, Spain, and the Fuim for Pernommico, Prazil. Four other Norwegian steamships, each carrying similar corgoos have left here during the past two months .Shipping men have asserted t:jat thty believed the cargoes weio never intended for the port of clearance, but wore being deliveied at sea to German cruisers. Their deductions were based upon the fact that the Karls ruhe and Dresden which .ire pring upon British and French commerce in the Cnr ibbean have never had to put into any port for supplies since uar was declared; that this port never shipped suoh cargoes prior tu the outbreak of hostilities, that the frah air. more than a ws. is ordinary supply for their own use. was placed on board and tho nonrepurt of the vessel" having reached tlitir destma. tion. Ths United States Xlmernment, Jt wag etud at the custom Houoe. Is powerless io stop the sailing of the steamships, even though the circumstantial evidence a stroDgly m favor of the cargoes going to Uet.utii sltitia All rule of neutrulio . t was said, ore observed Tho vessels would have to be followed by British warships and c&urfhl la the act of delivering car goes to German warships before the jfutit would be established. Woman Arrested by Vice Sqund Called "Intolerable Liar." Mis. Ruth Wilcox, uho, nftci her arm-'t on September 2 as a disorderly character, .T-seiUd that she uas n social worker, suffragist speaker and short-story writer, did not appear in Ouartei Sessions Court todav to attempt to disprove tho charge brought against her by members of the vice squad. Last week the woman, in appealing fiom a ftno of $12 V) imposed on her by a Magistrate, declared that tho vice police man gave fnlie tetimonv against her Judge Carr, In dismissing the woman's appeal, upheld the vlc squad and char acterized the woman ns an "intolerable liar." The case was postponed fiom Inst week in order to give Mrs. U'ilcox. who is a pionnunced blonde, nn opportnnit to piove that she was a much maligned womnn. Instead of appearing In toutt today the woman sent a telegram, sup posedlv fiom Charlottesville, -n , statins that she had been called home bj icason of the illness of her mother. Asslsnnt District Attorney Mnna ghan, declaring that tho woman s tes timony had pluced inrmberh of the vice sqund under a cloud, asked Judge Can to hear from witnesses procured sln J last week's hearing. Mrs George Sis son, of Ogden street near IMh, denied Mrs. Wilcox's assertion that she had paid a charitable visit to tho witness rnd was returning to her rooms In the Ulncliam House on the morning of her .inest Miss Sarah Weber, foimerlv mp'oyed at the hotel, said that Mrs Wilcox had a "reputation" about th" hostelry Dete -tlve Lee, head of the vice siuad aid that he had obtained Infoimatlon from chauffeurs that tho woman fre quentcd certain hotels with men l-.ee rlso testified that he had sent a letter addressed to the woman at Ilillkdolo, a, th nddretH she gave In cnuit last wr. 1c, hut it wa. returned, there btlng no -nich n place in that State TILTS FOLLOW FAST WHEN POLICEMAN SURPRISES THIEF Series of Tussels Start When Pursuer's Shoes Give Rob ber Warning While at Work. WOMAN FAINTS IN COURT Wife of Man Arraigned for Shop lifting Startles Spectators. A woman fainted at iVntiul Station this rnining when her husband was ar raigned before Magistrate Renshnu on a i barge of shoplifting. She Is Mrs. Frederick VW.ning. SfJtl Wallace stteet Weining. formerlj employed In u de partiiK nt store, wag accused of stealing two suitk, u t'uinera and other in Holes from the store. e uaa arrested when ho attt in;iled tu pawn the stolen goods. w lun the man was ailed to the pris oners' doib. Mrs Welnmg, who had be traved signs of irrvuiunca, st-ri-amed and ftU bacb in her chair in a faint Policemen carried her into the corridor nil atiit unt. revived bv a noHco kurccon. t Mag strate Itetishaw released Welnlng In SCO bail, permitting him to sign HI own ball bcml WOMAN HIT BY AUTOMOBILE Pepartment Store Employe Suffers Prom Contusions and SnoeH. tlit b an automobile at Twentieth ana Market streets last night Margaret tn non. & years old, an emploje In a Market street department store, was taken to the Medico-Chirurgtcal Hospital, nhere she as found to bo suffering from severe coBtustons and shock. The automobi e js drhen by Howard It .-catbor 10 hust Third street. Wil mington tli- tt ai rested bv Police man Sullnai of tht Fifteenth and Vine streets station. LAQIA HELD FOB MURDER Charged with Killing Countryman in a Quarrel, I.ettlrlfi Uacla. 21l! Cambria street, was tcidaj held without bail to appear befoio ih Oraud Jun. iharged with the murder of (llovinnl SiunLt-llo, ;o;'l Indiana ac nue, who died .September II. in the lVoin in's HuintoiJotblt liospltul from wounds indicted by luSa At the Coroner's lii'iucst this niormsg it was testified that the quaitel started through Scancvllo insulting the wife tf Uicia. SKULL CRUSHED BY ICE Four Hundred Block Sends Victim to Hospital. Steven K.ibilos fv North American I street, is at the Hoosvelet Hospiul with j a possible fractured j.kull. as the result lot beinc stiuck on the head with a M 1 pound bloi k ,,f jie today at the Delaware I Kreeiin,; t'ompanv tneri' an and Callow . hill streets j rtusiuans say the mans condition la serious. Although he was released from jail only a few days aso, Alexander Wat ton may serve another Ions; term bi cause of the cjulclv action of a wuman nnd a downtown pollcman. Ho was filtering the homo of Mrs, Anna Rosen at G3 Itltner street, yes terday afternoon by waj of a rear cellar window when Mrs. Sophia Jlffen, who leMdes In a rear street, paw him. She tnlit rinlli.or.in n irnmlsln.,!. n .1.. . .w... w..w. ..,. .lUtlUJlUllll, ill IJ1.. fourth nnd Snjder avenue station, and ho also squeezed through the window. On reaching the second Hoor the police man came upon the man ransacking a buicau. Hnndsforth walked stealthily toward tho Intruder and was Just about to grab him when Ills new shooi squeaked. The thief turned, grappled with Hnndsforth and both lolled on tho floor. "I'll go with you," Watson said finally, nnd hlic captor took him to the street 1 wniie tne women In tho neighborhood eneereu. J-or n tew janis the prisoner walked complacently, but when Hands forth ielacd lilt, hold xllghU), Watson tripped him and, as the policeman fell, ran out Hllncr street. A cinwd of men mid bus, with Hnndsforth In the lead, pursued Watson. The policeman fired sev ernl shots, hut the man ran right on. At Klftli street, Iluudiifortli rec.iptuied him. but tho thlof was still in fighting mood nnd tried to knock ht captor out with vlclaai blows whkh went wild. Tho mmi was finally landed at the police sta tion. On hnlng searched, jewelry valued at BVflinl hundred dollars was found In Wation's pockets. The buoty included eight 1 In?.", a gold watch nnd a stick pin. Iho prisoner had several souvenirs of lits fights, u blnck oyo and n swollen car being the moot prominent. He mid he lesldrd at Prom nnd McKean streets WuUon was held under J15U) ball this morning by Magistrate Carson at the Fourth street ard Snyder avenue station JUROR OUT ALL NIGHT Court Decides to Dismiss Man Froln Further Service. Wtllinni J. Mc-Glone, n paperhonser, UIS Vorth Klftenth stieet. who wus em paneled to serve ns a juror for the Sen tember term of Quarter Sessions Court Nn 1. appealed In Court today showing plainly the effects of an all-night party. Crlei I,ei Halt was the first to notice McUlone When Court was convened it wiiB with considerable effoit that Mc (jlone stood up. and then it was neces sary foi two of his fellow Jurors to sup port nim "You have been out on an all-night party, haven't ou?" asked Judge Scarle when the juror wrs called to the bar of tho court Mctilone admitted it and started to ex plain He stopped suddenly when told that he was excused from further serv ice, without pa He was ordered to ap pear in court on Monday, and If he does not then show better control he may face contempt proceedings Held on Charge of Burglary Morris Hayes, of 34 Sloan street. Frank ford, who nub caught b a trolley car conductor as he waa trying to break into the home of Oeorge ti shock. 5523 Frank- i ford avenue, was held toda under WO , bail by Maglstnte H'rie for a further hearing October J Waller H Da. the conductor, went Into the Shock backyard i for a drink of water and found iiayes ( tryin? to force open the door, I WOMAN AUTOIST RUNS DOWN A CITY SURVEYOR Held for Court on Chnrge of Reckless Driving. A woman BO jears old was held In $600 ball for court today by Magistrate Kmcly on the cliargo of reckless driving and nsnult and buttery, nfter she had run down. In her automobile, Langham Tor rance, 723 North Sixth street, a city iiirvejor. She Is Mrs. Isabel Cox, 5S15 Cottage street. Wlsslnomlng. Toi ranee was ildlng a blcjcle west on Lehigh avenue this morning. At Broad sticct tho automobile driven by Mrs. Cox came up behind and crashed Into him, dragging him 15 feet. Torrance nnd other wltnossei declared It was being driven at n high rate of speed nnd that u pedestrian nlso narrowly escaped being Ktruck. The woman was nrtnlgned nt the Park nnd Lehigh avenues station for a henr Insr Torrance had his injuries treated nt the Samaritan Hospital. He received cuts nnd bruisea CHINESE CREW FACES CHARGES OF SMUGGLING Tried to Get Countrymen Into V. S., Say Officials. Three Chinese from tho crew of tho Castle Bruce, a steamer that docked ftt Chester two daya ngo with a cargo of Iron ore fiom the Dutch West Indies, will be arraigned before United States Commissioner Edmonds In the Federal Building today. They are charged with attempting to smuggle two of their coun trymen Into tho United States. A thrilling story of n narrow escape by Inpcctor George Allen, of the Im migration Bureau, was brought to light today rollowlng tne arrest. He went to the Castle Bruce two days ago after receipt of word from Captain Ei nest Ho wo that he had two stow aways aboard nnd that his crew seemed to be In league with the men. Lining the eighteen Chinese up on the deck, Allen picked the man he thought most likely to weaken under a cross-examination and went Into the cabin with him. Ed Lee, a Chinese Interpreter, accompanied the lnppector. A fow minutes later there was a knock, and somo one told Allen that the cap tain wanted him, ns the crew wanted to settle. Allen, opening the door, found tho crow crowded Into the narrow com panlonway. At their head was a big Chinese, known ns the "No. 1 man." Tho Inspector pulled his revolver and threw tho ringleader Into the cabin. Ho slammed the door and bound the man hnnd and foot. AVhen he opened the door ngnln the crew was still there, and Allen forced tho 17 men ahead of him up (to the deck. Then ho Jumped to the pier and escaped. The men arrested today arc Lonn Yce, Iilng Hung and Shaw Chung. Two Chinese stowaways are now In Irons on the ship. RECKLESS TRUCK DRIVERS MUST ANSWER IN COURT Magistrate Holds Men After Hearing Story of Collision. Drastic steps to stop reckless auto mobile driving were taken today by Magistrate Morris, at the !6th and York streets stntlon, ns the result of an ac cident In which Howard Hyatt, 2158 Dover street, was hulled from an under taker's wagon ho was driving, getting a dislocated shoulder nnd other Injuries In a colllson with nn auto truck. The maglstrato not only held Albert Aspen, 44 West Tenn Btrcet, German town, an automobile driver for a depart ment store, In ?S0O ball for court, but noti fied the man's employers to produce an other driver with whom he is said to have been racing and enter tho same amount of ball for him. Hyatt was driving Into his stable at 30th street and Susquehanna avenue, when the machine, driven by Aspen, crashed Into the undertaker's wagon. Hyatt was thrown from his seat, his shoulder was dislocated and he received other Injuries. Ho and others testified nt the hearing this morning that Aspen nnd nnother auto truck driver had been racing their machines. Hyatt was treated at the Women's Homeopathic Hospital. YOUNG WOMAN HELD FOR SELLING DRUGS ON STREET Policemen Testify They Saw Girl "of 10 Peddling Opium nnd Morphine. Mrs. Anna Akoclc. a striking young woman 19 years old, caused a craning of necks among tho more sonlld prison ers when nitnlgncd todnv at the Tenth nnd Buttonwnod stieots station on a cliargo of peddling drugs to Tenderloin habitues. It was testified by special police that she was taken Into custody nt 1331 Race stieet with her husband, William Alcock, with ?50 worth of drrfgs In her possession. Mrs. Alcock appeared Indifferent to the gravity of the charge agnlust her. She wan prettily gowned. She declined to make a statement. Tho Kill nnd her husband neie held In JS00 ball for a fin titer hearing. Policemen testified they obtained evi dences that the girl nnd Alcock were sell ing opium and morphine stealthily on the streets. They watched them nnd then followed the pair to their room, where tno an est was made. LAVADER HELD FOR MURDER Negro Held Responsible for Police man Snnkey's Death, t the Coronor's Iikiucm this morning, Henry Invader a Ncio. fS'4 Summer stuet, wus held without bail for the Grand Jury, charged with the murder of Policeman Frank A Sinkey, of the 61st and Catherine tticets stati m, who died Sept. mber IS in the Wcht Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital from n gun wound In tho abdomen, inflicted bj Lavader. Fanny Meer, it Neguss. who lives In the same m-lghbnrhood ns Imnder. was hold without ball ns. a mateiiai witness. n Sunday morning September 13 San key walked up to L'tvnder and Fanny Mejer, who were standing on a corner Hi.cl told them to move on, and in the aigument Utvndei fired the shot which resulted In the policeman death. Lavu der was later arrested nt his home. AUTO CRASHES INTO CAR Driver Disappeared, Leaving Ma chine Standing In Street. During the heavy i-howeis, early this morning an automobile crashed Into a car at LIghth ami Muikct streets smash ing Its hood. inudKUU'ds and windshield. The owner of th- machine Is not known, as the police have no record of Hie accldout At noon the automobile was still stand ing ut the corner of Eighth nnd Market stieets. MANY AFTER CITY BERTH Sixty-one ippllcants for the JSrt) to J1000 position as storekeepei In the Water Bu reau are taking the examination before the Civil Venice Commission today The cxamlratlcn for checker In the transit department at flSOQ a year la bo Ins taken by 21 applicants. MISSING BOY FOUND; RETURNS HOME TONIGHT Located at "Wildwood, N. J., on At lantic City Hike. Edward Mullin, 13 years old, who was found last night by Chief of Police L. "W. Smith, of Wildwood. N. J., after hav ing been absent from his home, 6 East Silver street, slnco Saturday, will return to his parents here -tonight. Tho boy's father, James Mullin, sent money to friends In Atlantic City this morning to defray the expenses of the return Journey. The boy, with his brother, 30 years old, started last week to walk to Atlantic City, his former homo. James, the joungcr, became tired nnd stopped nt a farmer's plnce nenr Hnmmonton, N. J. He was returned to his homo on Monday, but nothing had been heard of the elder brother until last night. POSTAL INSPECTOR ARRESTS MAN FOR BIG LAID SWINDLE u nr- i . i icnry i oniKins Uiarged With Being Member of lass ot Crooks NoWl Operating in VariouJ Cities. '' Chief Postal Inspector Cortelyo,, tj j.v u.uara is arrest or Henrv t. kins, at the Keystone Hotel ?sih m; Market streets. Following the I JH postal authorities declared that . loB'' swindling scheme, which Is ting JwA ated by a gang of hlgh-class c,7.Zl' various cltlen. win ,i.u."". cr.00kilil to a halt. ""u,y e 6rouSht one of the "doctors oft, ?' oZlu" of conspiracy and" usinV t. '',-' t'.n? c1 - -d 'M"y surprL' rr. ., arrest coollv. "I afTo0 Wf." fe'l "? IM0 n thltt Being, ,ab,e to producTZ,riitUct1 ho will be sent to New York cltv l r.'.1' " rCCC'Pt f - -"ant'-Sl; WORKED OLD 8CHEMIJ. While tho plan resorted to by Tom.' kins and his crowd was an old one, th,i! dating methods In most cases caused m suspicion, and, it is said thev had hi.J? profitable results. They wor 2d ,'r the name of the James Realty' Cornpr' Kow- York?"1"8 terTrSX; The company flrn published n block fir. uro puzzle In the newspapers, and no m.? ter how It added It gave the solvoA 5i of 15. To every one who solved th pw zlo a lot was offered as a prize. Th fore, every solver urn n...... 1.ne", puzzles to tho offtco and were inform! that they were wlnne. niorme Following a notlr,. imm ,i, they were called upon by one of Its agents u.,u .u.u umi uuioro me lot could fas ,i delivered It wainecesrary to bu an ad-TJ joining lot lor w. rnese lots, nceordlni i to tho company's ndvcrtlspmom i- .c. t New York papers, weie situated In a place known n Grand View nt Bound urooK nna eonierriuc, .n, J Ulowlng de scriptions were given concerning streets, drlvownys nnd up-to-date homesteads. LOTS MERELY OX PAPER, Mnnv winneis, on being Informed that It was necessary to buy nn adjoining lot In order to obtain their prize, refused to do so. But tho optimistic ones bought an extra lot to go along with the one ther got for nothing, Hut when the buycis went to Bounl J place as Grand View and no lots that Jf cumpiereu wiiii icie iinuuuiicrinem. in, fact, there wns no land owned bj the company: Inspector Cortelyou said toda that ths head of the companj wns James Dot tenus, who, with Rose Stack, was arrested for a similar charge on September 1L More arrests will follow. SILVER DISH UNDER HIS COAT Policeman Arrests Negro With Al leged Stolen Article on Person. Accused of stealing a valuablo silver tegetable dish from the home of Mrs. Charles J. Cohen, nt 331 South 21st street, John Patton, a Negro of K05 Lombard street, was held In WOO ball for court by Magistrate Rooney this morning. Pntton was arrested at 19th and Locust streots last night by Policeman McDevttt, of the 15th nnd Locust streots station, when he believed the man whb attempt ing to hide something beneath his coat. Investigation disclosed the silver dish. At the hearing, this morning, May Rooney, a domestic In the Cohen home, testified thnt the dish was iMrs, Cohen's piopert. She suld Patton was engaged In cleaning the stove In the kitchen and stole It while she was out of the room SUICIDE NOT IDENTIFIED Police Seek Name of Man Who Shot Himself Near Media. The body of a man who committed sui cide by shooting himself In the head with n shotgun Is nt the morgue In Media to day and the police are trying to Identify him. The body wns found In the grounds of tho Klwjn Training School for Feeble minded Children, near Me-dla Initials "J. P." In the man's hat and the name of t Philadelphia oculist on his eje-glass case afford tho only clues ob tained by the police. Several German newspapers wero found near the body. GLASS CUT MAY BE FATAL Child Injured In Contest With Play mates May Die. As the result of a children's quarrel over a piece of glass, A vie Shrager. 5 cars old, 334 Cantrell street, lies In the Mt. Slnal Hospital In a dying condition. Ho was playing on the steps of his house with kcveral other children when a discussion started over the i 0 lershlp of a piece of glass. A little girl friend In stiuggllng for Its possession. Jabbed It Into the neck of her playmate very clote to the Jug. ular vein Tho child bled profusel, and hospital physicians say there Is slight hope for recovery. A WHISTLER STORY While a draftsman In the coast survey from November, 1851, to February, 1SS5, Whlttler, the artist, boaraed at the north east corner of E and Twelfth streets. Washington lie is remembered as being usually late fur breakfast and always making sketches on the walls To tht remonstrating landlord he replied "Now, now, never mind' I'll not charge you anything for the decorations." Exchange, USED FIRE EXTINGUISHER TO ELUDE HIS PURSUERS Man Accused of Theft Gives His Cap tors a Path. When pursuit grew too hot for safety this morning, William McLaushlin turned lite lite extinguisher, for the theft of which he was being chased, on his pu sucrs In nn attempt to nvold arrest 17V enn.A ,t,nn fl , A rtx 1 ,1 lll all AM hsVI her, illannt,Anplnr r.ciilnrtv frnm .1 Tap. tory building at Twelfth and Cherry 'j streets. i nis morning c ji saunacr the superintendent, met McLaughlin com. Ing out of the place canying a larje bulky bag. Ho accosted him nnd Mc Laughlin dropped his bundle, incidentally diopplng It upside down. Immediately there shot In all dliectlons and over everybody In range streams of an 111 Bmelllng chemical lluuld, excellent for putting out fires, but unpleasant as 4 douche. Mcl.nughlln recovered his wits first and dashed up Twelfth street Saunders with others gave chase, and McLaughlin be gan plajlng the extinguisher on his pur sucrs But It proved unavailing, for at Thirteenth and Wood streets Saunders caught him. "Let me got," said McLaushlin 'I have three children Here's la cents." "I would not let you go foi J1I.OX1, ' re- nllnH Qminrl.rfi. ftrvlntr lltfi face At the hearing nil the witnoses wen II still damp with the clieniuai uqui "Six hundred dollars ball for court, said Magistrate Tracy , . j THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHivnTOX. Sent 3. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer se -Cloud tonight. Saturd.u fair con tinued cool, moderate north and north west winds. Showers covered the tiantir States and most of the lane icgion uurms , II Unii nn,l T-filn .'AtilfnUS SlOnf the middle mid south Atlantic ilope Mi' morning. The snowers were ,n,cui..iw. L .,.! rnn In tffmnpmtlire lU &U of the Atlantic States The southern stotm has moved nortlieasiwaru "" ,....u. ,! lie. .iff lhA rnist of OtCTl' n ., inAllnn 1I n,n.nlnx IE llSI anil nueilll c-mumi.. i".- ...w. ..... - not Increased In energy and seemingly. will not develop dangerous uu Fair weather prevails In the central val-l leys and the plains aiaies, wwi -pcrnturcs slightly below the normal TT C Wonllior nMre.lt! Tllllletill Observation made at S a m, Eastern tiros; Uat Italn- Vflor Station. Ia PI n't " lr"1 ".' "lM ." K e &-, iisnurcn. .-.. - ;; .. . , , ,v ss .ct' siv I'tjudy ?? ... i .o fc, l, a Tf a i n r .Ml .w- r. ..- M 52 IS n,.Biitn Mail. llurtdlo, N. liiieaso, ill liev eland. O '""vr.ri."" t.' i if Detroit, Mich... B2 t Duluth. Minn j' l (.alvosion. in -- lfi v,P lUllera.. N. C . 70 i. .18 SB K s sw N N N V 1A I .loud? . S 10 lr S- i clear (4 N 12 PilouJf . N vv 10 lear V li, i !4f ;cp "ioudjf 12 e'lesr A e lear 2 i ou If 4 Clear K clear 8 ilr 4 elear Helena, Mont .. j 1 .Huron, o i " ;' . ,-, jHikfonvllle J" lh- Kan. City, Mo.. B4 M Louisville. K 2 ? Mtnu.hli. Tenn Wl fit SXjSfrVr. t 10e WJ' Oklahoma. OkU. y. gg jj lMf :&..:? s ti .j wr: ; s sw I'foiw . in 1 OS W .' V2 as " " Ft I'irilsml XI Portland, Ore Quteo CMn ht Paul Mlsn 4 42 PH i.aK? iwn " c f loir 4 '!"f S 6 PrtoiWi l noii' j I I ad ct.n B. n.lifv !t,l "t f r . t"v -;- - - Krranton Pi Rl li ?.. t imtfl Tamp , B'j 'J ,' uly Wa.hlniton ... M - J ,f tiMr Winnipeg U 3S .. 6 " WMinrT i iA