Oj- fl EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA", FRIDAY,' SEPTEMBER 25, 1914. te SECRETARY DANIELS INDORSES ATLANTIC WATERWAY PROJECT Tells 700 Delegates to Con vention It Would Develop Commerce and Be a De fense in War. FLUTTERING WINGS MAY DISAPPEAR FROM CITY HALL IH-- ti, P Btrl V balHtf fit 1 19 i dect s UUJ' ALDAN V. N. Y.. Sept 23 -An ovation was given the (itcambo.it Berkshire when he arrived here today with more than TOO delegates to the seventh annual con vention of the Atlantic Deeper Water ways Association and their quests. The day's proceedings were signalized by an enthusiastic Indorsement b Secretary of the Navy Daniels of the projert for an inland waterway from Massachusetts Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. Carrying a big FprearJ of 11a ks and bunt ing, and with scores of visitors lining the clocks, the strangers received enthusiastic greetings until the Berkshire came to a atop here Leaving Hudson at 9 o'clock this morn ing for an Inspection of the upper Hud son River Improvements undertaken by the United States Government, the steam boat made good time to Albany. Break fast was served aboard, and at 11 o'clock the rrgular business eslon was opened. Congressman '. Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, president of the assotla tlon, presided. Aftr .i brief address. John H Bernhaid of Nmv Orleans, was intro duced as the first speaker. "Modern Barge Navigation" was the subject of the Southerner's address The other speakers were Ln.jls J. Altelder, Ambrldg. Ha , on "Stool Barge Construction"; Henry V. Hill, president of the New York State AVaterw.ivs vjsoclatlon. on 'New York's Waterways' . Major Michael J. McDon ough, of the I'nlted Ptate-s Knglners. on "Local River Improvements," and Com modore Frank Kesscnd-n ''nne. Qulney, Mass.. on ' Progress In New England." A committee appointed by local busi ness organizations met the delegates upon the arrival of the Berkshire, and es corted them to the State Kdueatlonal Building, where the afternoon session be gan at 2 o'clock. Josephus Daniels. Secretary of the Navy. Prankltn K Lane, sVerctary of the Interior. United States Senator Wil liam Aid-n Smith, of Mlchlcan. Governor Martin H Glvnn, of New York. Charles R. Miller of Delaware, and Congress man Teter G Ten Kck, of New York, were the speakers DANIELS BOOMS WATERWAY. Secretary Daniels, In his address ap proving a waterway stretching along the Atlantic coast, said Not only will this waterway lend Itself tremendously to the develop ment of Internal commerce and tend to brlnir down the rates of transporta tion, but It also will provide unusual facilities for self-defense In time of war. In any conflict between nations which have navies, the all-important consideration is to secure Immediate control of the pea. In such case the navy of the weaker Power takes refuge in some well-defended harbor, where It seeks to wear out its enemy. If this weaker Power, having thus taken refuge in a safe harbor, can maneuver its ships through Inland channels to other exits. It enjoys a great advantage The submarine has long been con sidered a source of great effectiveness, and If even the submarines alone of the navy could have free movement through an inland waterway, the power whose navy was bottled up would be in a position to make a lonsrer defense until It could bring Into play the resources of its coun try The whole n.vure of a war would be greatly affected by avail able inland canals HONORS TO VISITORS. Beginning at S o'clock, tonight will be Sevoted to a round of social r.iI, ties The t . ' ' ZUttCJs&zXTX . 11 - , it r n i in irm BELGIAN INVASION OF ENGLAND A SAD; EPISODE OF WAR Flight From the Scourge ( That Devastated Their ; Country Included Persons of High Degree and Low. j By STEPHEN BLACK The BelPian Invasion of England ac- cording to the London Dally Mall, is one i of the saddest chapters In hlstorv Dur- i Ing the last month nearly 3 "" people J from that unhappy country have crossed the English Channel, many of them, once well-to-do. now entlreb destitute, robbed of their monev, their houses and their means of livelihood. Were It not for the helping hand of Great Britain their pres ent and future would be entirely hope U?s. The refugees embrace all classes-Belgium doe nut boast manv leisured citi zens The people am essential!) a tlve and hard workers at Industry or agricul ture. At the other end she ha In nrdl narv times few or practically no poor people In Belgium nearly eer cltlen, either of small or large means, owns his -n. Unt..- T-t.c-tf IC Tin TBTl (i.lV ffiT him. ?' .w; r?3T m'?rar:..i?n nheCv ! Handful of Determined Wo- HI lll'iuatnf'B uf i fc .,' - - - - venture, which he dearly loves. The fire and sword of the Germans, the devastated towns and ruined hamlets, have, therefore, come doublv hard on the gallant Belgians, and every r ass of citizen has to face temporary ruin In one form or other THE BELGIAN TREK. The great Belgian trek began shortly after the war started. After the first flush of success, when the Belgians held bnck the advance guard of Germans, a few of the wealthy classes made a pre cipitate removal to Folktetone, not. how ever, without bringing with them plenty of money their Jewels and other portable property. They were well-to-do mer chants whose supply of ready cash and liquid securities were easily negotiable at that time. They put up at the better class hotels at Folkestone and remain there to this day. The sudden fall of Liege rhansed the whole situation Ger man heavy artillery which could reduce CITY HALL PIGEONS COO HAPPILY WHILE DESTRUCTION PENDS men All That Stands Be tween Birds and Official Decree of Extermination. When Director Harte, of the Depart ment of Health and Charities, begin his crusade against the pigeons of City Hall Square, If he doe3 shoot one, he will find he must contend with Mrs. M. M. Halvey, office manager of the Women's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The crusade na to h.ivi- b,un todav, but Mrs Halvey headed a delegation of women who called upon the Director. Ho listened to their remonstrance against killing the pigeons and then stated ljo' would hold the matter under advisement. Mrs Halvey says thero will be no CZAR'S CAPITAL ROSE ON NEVA'S WASTES BY PETER'S ORDERS Autocrat's Aladdin Spell Crowned Unfavorable Site With Mighty and Beauti ful City Named in His Honor. She Is this fortress in so short a time became a compelling menace to the wnoie or I s,.JUghtcr of the pigeons. ueiKium, anu mere in-w u-uiuwii--;i . rush of Belgian refugees to the safe shores of Great Britain Mled with the wealthier classes there commenced to arrive a large number of mtrlrtla n19s mprrnaniH. snoi KeeiMT:, itriu i artisans Liege Is one of the wealthiest Paeons are a nuisance. Others say the o: tne neigian towns, it is ine ci-nuf , -,cuwa i. uunospnere to city Hall In the centre of the Admiralty Square. within the shadow of the K.izan Cathe dral, stands the e'iuetrlan statue of Peter the Great, founder of St. Petersburg, "the 1 City of Czars." Perched upon a huge i granite rock weighing 15,0f) tons stands I the gorgeous monument to Peter, survey ing the elream he conceived, and whose i name Czar Nicholas has changed from "Sankt Petersburg," as the Russians call ,i it. to Petrograd. In his effoit to purge the , city from Its Teutonic appellation, i Unl a century and a half ago, says the New York Sun, that little peninsula i w here now stands one of the wonder ( Itles ' Of t!in wnrM una n..ln .A-n !.... .. nr., .,-. !.. i -..,..., I . . "" "'- "" a ..... i.ii'o.rjjih in uiuiuue or i arearv GERMAN REVERSES RENDER UNLIKELY ANTWERP INVASION Investment of Belgian City Would Take One Month and at Least 200,000 Men. Food SupplyAlways Available. anjthin,' like that, but her one aim is to save those birds r-ome people &ay that the City Hall of an es.ten.slve coal and iron industn and contained wealthy coalmasters and Ironmasters, whe, along with their hordes f nrtrUmon. thMr wives and famllle". flelegates and their g jests will proceed , f Rth haste to the coast, leaving be In parade formation to the St.ite 'apltol hind them practically all their belong tor a reception by the Governor. After ! Ing-s. The boats from Ostend to Folke Itisprctte.n of the- Capitol, which is to be I stone hetfan to show the dire straits of Illuminated in their honor nvrnl fc-i, these rieonle. and many of them wno were , -- .. J.-. . ,.,.. -, r --, -- . , . , . . speeches w 11 bo made a buffet supper able to scrape togetner tne necessary wei nisnways ana necause a certain Bill will be served by the Albany committee j passage money landed on our snores Shakespeare wrote a drama concerning a FLEEING FROM SCOURGE. j mercant of the place. The fall of Bruscels accentuated the j There are a few friends of the plgtoni rush. Ostend was threatened, all Bel- , een In City Hall. Sheriff A. Lincoln glum was at the mercy of the Huns. Then , Acker ajs: "Let the pigeons sta. Drive the rush to Folkestone reached a climax. I out the rats. I sIm those little pet of the Square, They liken them to pigeons of rit. Mark'd Cathedral in Venice. Who would ever hear of s't Mark'a If it were not for the pigeons, they ask. If It were not for 6t. Mark's, it is argued, who would ever hear of Venice. A few people, perhaps, mlpht remember It because of Its .r the Hotel Ten Eck. The Berkshire will remain over night, but the deiecatcs will tranfer to another iteamboat for the run to Troy early to morrow morninc for an inspection of the river work in that vicinity. r? r Ka li's .i.it NEW RECORD AT ALLENTOWN Xhls Year's Crowd at Fair Largest In Event's History. ALLENTOWN, Pa.. Fept. 15 -After the. welcome; shower last night the Allentown Fair began Get-away Day This morn ing with renewed zejst, despite the cry Df honl times, this fair has surpassed those of all former years In attendance .nd receipts. Friday is Allentown's day at the fair, ft Is a sort of reunion day for the towns people Todav also is politicians' Diy, from a local standpoint, when the candi dates on the county ticket will t jn evl ience. A truco has Ix-em declared between the luffragettes and ami-, wno hve been con ducting lgorous campaigns at the fair. The would-be voters were seen yesterday In a lolly social gathering at the camp of Ihe antis and when questional declared life was toe short to b fighting all the time It ts ad'ultted that mot uf t), pretty Allentown girls were at tne booth Df the sutfs, but they admitted their rhlBf concern was tiers, who are mue-h more fleslrable than otes BETHLEHEM BOY KIDNAPPED t Physician's Son, 2 Years Old, and Servant, Strangely Missing'. t BETHLEHEM. Ii . Seif liY-The 2- ear-old son of Pr R E Heacock. of c.hls city, is the victim of a sensational (kidnapping, and a colored fjirl, emploeri tas a serwnt In the doctor's home, Is suspected of the crime. Both the serv ant and the child disappeared late last night whlla the physician and his wife were away from homo and so far noth ing has been heard of either of them, although tbo police have wired broad cast the disappearance of the pair and friends und neighbors have searched the city in vain to locate the servant and the child. USA FORMER BELGIAN OFFICER SUICIDE IN EAST RIVER JLoss of Property Deeds in Fleeing War Zone Prompted Act. NEW YORK. Sept 25 -The body of Ernest Werthelm. 60 ear old, a retired German merchant and a former Lieuten ant In the 11th Belgian infantry, was found nouting in the East Rher at 50th itreot. He came to this countrj on September I and wai a patient at the German Hos pital tu this city. He Uvtd many years Id Belgium, and. In Uavinc that country, htt lost a. trunk containing valuable papers biyxUB 19 profierir eft autc- All sorts and conditions of people, all sorts of nationalities fled the country. Followed quickly the sack of l.ouvaln, the fall of Namur. nnd the tragedy of Mahnes. The rush became a rout. Three steamers a day bringing as many as 20 refuge, s arrived at Folkestone from Os tend. Who can describe adequately the medley of peoples from the devastated districts mingled with other fugitives from Ghent and Bruges and Antwerp? Louvaln. a short time ago a seat of learning, with its famous Catholic Uni versity, now a heap of runs, contributed some of Its most learned professors and teachers to the rush, and many of its 3y) scholars Louvaln also boasted a large railway construction Industry whose artisans swelled the debacle. There were also the wealthy shopkeeper and his ruined assistants side by side. Belgium, like Great Britain, Is a naton of shop keepers. Many of them are able to makes small fortunes in twenty years and they have come to us with what remains of their gains From Namur, which, like priceless Uouvatn. was a tourist centre with a "season," camo lodging house and hotel keeper, also the ubiquitous shop- Keeper and artuans or a tnriving cutlery ""--" """ '"" "-" " v u nen wu Industry which provides steady employ- Assistant Director of Iubllc .Safety, got """ " r"'w iwi" puseons ail me way from the homing variety to stool public nearly lfrj pounds of feed each wcck. inere are a number of rats In the City Hall that should be disposed of," said the Sheriff with a wise nod. What ne meant can only be guessed at. When the City Hall was completed, and before even the officeholders could select comfortable chairs and desks that were not meant for hard usage, the pigeons arrived. They looked that big pile of stone over und decided that under the eaes was Just the place for them. It was and bas been for jears. THE FIRE HOSE AGAIN. Director Harte is contemplating aiming a high-pressure fire hose at the eaves and drowning the pigeons. That was tried once before during' the Reyburn admin istration. While "constant readers" wrote to the newspapers protesting against the cruelty, the wet pigeons, with cries of protest and anger, flew over to Broad Street Station and lighted upon the train shed. There they dried off, groomed themsehes and returned to the f'lty Hall as soon as the ho"e ceased to be a menare Whn a fire hose did not discourage. inuju i irjs i im u i.urt ment all the year round Mallnes, with Its WW Inhabitants, which boasted a large wagon and car construction works for the State rail ways, and a tnriving furniture Industry, fcnt over its quota of well-to-do citizens and clever craftsmen, many of the latter now In poert and distress I'ltUens of Termonde. whose chief industry Is Jute spinning and weaving for the making of ropes were also among me refugees One day there arrived at Folkestone by steamer GW Russian Jews from Antwerp WEALTHY "EMIGRES." One also came across among the refu gees agricultural laborers from Ghent, where there U a great horticultural and arborlcultura) Industry In palm and sim ilar plants, which were exported largely to America and Germany, and there also arrived hotel and lodging house keepers and storekeepers from Ostend Add to this mlsielianeous list wealthy diamond merchants from Antwerp, who have brought with them their precious stones, and opulent bankers one man alone ar rived with tf,( francs in gold and you get some Idea, necessarily only a cursory one of the pot-pourri of peoples who have sought refuge In England. The Folkestone hotels are full of Bel gian women and children whose fathers are fighting the great fight for their homesteads. The little ones romp about while the mothers cherish them anxious eyed A telegram arrives. A whole fam ily is plunged Into mourning by the toss of a father or brother. The children's game cease and an unmitigated sorrow claims them, the details cr.whjch are too punim 19 Jrme, pigeons He know as much about them as ho did about race hornet, and that was considerable. O'Leary Is the man who devised the wire-screen scheme that Is today seen over all entrances to City Hal! The screens, all credit to O'lary, did baffle the pigeons for several days. Some b rd Hew home late In the evening, and In not the best mental condition bumped against the screens They became brulfeel and wiser birds. Then the pigeons got used to the device and cleverly duckexl under the screens to rind their roosting places A janitor of the City Hall came near solving the pigeon question. He fed the birds every morning and as they ate from his hand on the city Hall roof he would wring the necks of a half dozen or so. He did It quietly so os not to frighten the flock It ! said that Janitor ate pigeon pot pie even for breakfast He died from appendicitis The death certifi cate did not state what effect a steady diet of plKeons had upon him. John Ritchie, a former detective, feeds the pigeons every day He will miss the birds if they are exterminated. So will a tall, slender young man who feeds the pigeons every time they are photo graphed. It Is remarkable how he can bob up at the ps etiological moment and get ln'o the camera's range WILLIAM OF WIEP TO FIGHT GENEVA, Sept 25. A dispatch received today from Lugano states that Prince William of Wled his joined the German array volunteers. itfwgMaMmiji'itf marshy waste, surrounded hv inicKeis ana loiests and Inhabited by a few lonely Finnish fishermen. On one of the Islands encircled by tho pellucid Neva, commanding the entrance of Lake Lagoda, the Swedes maintained a strong fortress, the possession of which was un nvalllngly contested by the Russians. Peter the Great, realizing the advantages of the Swedish position, waged a reient Icsh war for the possession of these little Islands. In 1702, after the capture of Neysschants, the Swedes were driven from the fortress, and, even before peace was established, Peter gave orders for the erection of the city which he named after his patron saint, St. Peter. NAMED FOR PATRON SAINT. The building and maintenance of St. Petersburg marks d continuous struggle and conquest of nature. The soil is a marsh so deep and spongj that a solid foundation In many places can only be attained by a subterranean scaffolding of piles. The highest spot of the city Is not more than 15 feet above the sea level. The weather is severe nnd Is marked by bitter frost In winter and scourging heat In summer For six months each year, from October till May, the Neva is frozen solidly, and Is as Impenetrable as the Chinese wall. All traffic stops then till nature releases the port from Its frozen grip An old legend has It that after Peter the Great chose the site of Petrograd he noticed a heavy ring above the trunk of a tree. He turned to one of the Finnish fishermen who stood near, asking him to explain the meaning of It. "That." remarked the fisherman naively, "Is the spot to which the floods of the Neva reached last spring." "You're mad"' shouted Peter. "You're mad! It can't be! It Is Impossible!" It was not long, though, before he was convinced of the truth of the fisherman's statement One year after the work upon the city had begun the western winds drove the water from the Gulf of rinland down to the Neva, making a funnel of it, flooding the nucleus of his dream. Al though a century and n half has passed, nature has not changed her course In 1712 the Hoods were so severe that Peter the Great nearly lost his life. Thou sands of people died In the course of It. and the whole city was nearly destroyed. Peter, however, was undismayed by the misfortune, and in 1714 he gave strict or ders to proceed with the work, notwith standing the complaints of the Inhabit ants. Every building had to be con structed in a particular manner suited to the dignity of a capital city, and St. Pe tersburg wan proclaimed the capital of Russia. Historians claim that 100,000 peo. pie died In the first six months after the work had begun. PETER'S MARVELOUS ACHIEVEMENT Peter the Great, with whose reign the spirit of western Europe was introduced in Russia, had a definite object In the con struction of St. Petersburg His travels and studies abroad revealed to him the lack of culture In his own countrj Rus sia was still under the Influence of the I ar baric Mongols It had no navy. It had no public newspapers. In fact, it lacked ever thing pertaining to culture Not only the peasants, but even the noblemen were nothing more than barbarians To Peter the Great the construction of the city meant a "window to Europe," through which the ra8 of the Germanic culture might penetrate the uncivilized Russia. But he was not satisfied with a mere window. As soon au the city assumed definite proportions he began to institute many reforms In the lives of the people calculated to shake It from Its Mongo lian habits. He was the first to publish a newspaper for the general public, The SL Fetersuurg uazeue. ANTWERP. Sept. 25. A month ago, or even less, a siege of this city seemed not improbable, but things have fared so badly with tho German army since Its retreat from Paris that this contingency Is no longer con sidered. The mere preliminary Invest ment of Antwerp would Inst one month and require at least 200,000 men, and these the Kaiser cannot spare Just now, much as he may be inclined to get even with Belgium for daring to dispute the passage of his troops through her territory. That the seat of government should be changed from Brussels here was to have been expected, for n retirement on Ant werp had always been foreseen as an essential part of the defense of Belgium. As early as 1S39, as soon as the fortifi cations of Antwerp, erected In I860 by General Brlalmont. approached comple tion, the principal port of the country had been officially chosen as the military capital of the kingdom, as the "rtdult national" where the Government would seek refuge In case of Invasion. At that time there was no thought of barring the road of the Mcuse. The field army's action was limited to the northern part of the country, taking Ant werp as the base of its operations. After the first reverse It would have sought refuge In tho stronghold, which was considered Impregnable. This consisted of three lines of de fenses the advanced line, with nine forts scattered on the south, and on the west, IS miles from Antwerp, the second line, with 14 forts, surorunding the town at a radius of about four miles, nnd the third line, being the wall of clrcumvallatlon Itself. LESSON FROM FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. The scare of 1870-71, when the Franco Trusslan War raged, showed the danger of this plan of defense. In order to prevent an armed invasion of Belgian ter ritory nfter Sedan, the field army had to be moved toward tho southern frontier, In spite of the advtco of experts. After fierce quarrels and long discussions, Gen eral Brlalmont's Ideas prevailed in 1388, and Liege and Namur were fortified in order to guard the Meuse road and to shelter the main army during the first stage of mobilization. Meanwhile the progress of siege artil lery had necessitated a transformation of the fortifications around Antwerp. The military commission of 1900 Insisted strongly on the urgency of such a work. It was pointed out that the advanced line, In spite of the flooding of part of Its area, was far from complete, a gap of more than IB miles being left open to the enemy, toward tho cast, between Schooten and Llcrre, It was also noticed that the second tine could not have resisted a pro longed bombardment, and that the third encelentn had accordingly become useless. It was finally decided by the Chamber, In 1908, to complete the first line by the construction of 30 forts and redoubts, to transform the second line to an "encolente continue," and to demolish the walls. ANTWERP PRACTICALLY SAFE. It would be difficult to say exactly If every particular of the new program has been carried out to the satisfaction of military experts After the Agadlr coup very strong criticisms of the War Office were made because the first line of de fense was still far from being complete. The general. Van Sprang, who command ed the place, admitted that. In case of an attack, he would have had to abandon the first line. But since then very great efforts have been made, and If we may Judge by the results at Uege, the posi tion of Antwerp must be very strong Indeed. As long as England is mistress of the seas Antwerp can never be short of food. Holland would, no doubt, oppose the en trance of warships In the Schelde, but she has already allowed, and will con tlnue to allow, the entrance of freight ships All these circumstances point to an in vasion of Antwerp, even if the Kaiser's troops are victorious In France, as both unlikely and unprofitable. TAGGED BY NUMBER, IDENTITY IS SURE OF GERMAN DEAD "Clean-up" Squads Bury Slain So That Battlefields Shall Tell No Tales to the Enemy. By KARL H. VON WIEGAND LIEGE, Sept. 25. Here where the tide of German advance for a time dashed on the rock and steel of Belgian forts, I saw something which affected me far more than nny of the Borrows ot war I have yet encountered. It was a good sized basketful of metal tags, under careful guard at military headquarters. "They are all that Is left of 'unsero 1 braven Jungc' (our brave boys) who foil j In and around Llcge-thelr Identification mark," said the officer, I asked permission to examine one. It wao a small tin tag with two holes for tho string or ribbon. A large number was stamped on it, and, below, the num ber of the regiment. This little metal tag then that I held in my hand represented a human life. It was the "remains" all that was left of that life of that husband, father or brother. It was the monument and at the same time the metallic tag and num ber of a human life in the Indexed cata logue of an army of human lives. Just a metal tag with a. numberl This afternoon I saw the "rest" of that tag and many others like It rather, the place where that "rest" or remalndet of that tag was. Between the forts Bar chou and Evcgnes it was in the trenches where the Belgians received the Germans with a murderous fire when they stormed those two forts the first that fell there by getlng an entrance Into the city. It was here that these men went down like grass before the scythe. Here Is where tho metal tags wer gathered. Each man and officer wears one around his neck. That of the private Is usually a tag with a number correspond ing with the number opposite his namu on his company and regimental rolls. Many also have the number of the regi ment on the tag. The tags of the officers usually are of aluminum and besides the number have the name and rank, some times also the home address. After the battle, when the Germans find their dead, the collar on each shirt Is opened, the string cut and tho tag taken and sent to headquarters for Identifica tion. At Liege, probably for the firBt time In German wars, death obliterated distinction in rank. For the first time, so far as I can learn, German officers and common soldiers were burled lu the same trench. A noncommissioned officer -who com manded a burial at Liege told me there was not time to take much pains in burying. Tho fallen of the enemy are not burled In the same trenches, but are placed together In n. separate trench. Even In death there shall be no brother hood between those who fought and took each other's lives. One of the features of the German side of a battlefield In this war Is the thor ough manner In which the Germans "clean up" the field after a battle. It Is not only the natural sense of "orderli ness," which In so characteristic of the German character, but there Is method and purpose. That Is, the battlefield shall reveal no tales. It shall give nothing from which a conclusion can be drawn as to losses or any other Information. There Is little trace of graves from tho size of which conclusion might be drawn an to the number burled. In shnrp con trast to this are the sections of the bat tlefields over which the French fought. At the last analysis It Is the"metal tap" with a number, the symbol of a human life of a sou! sent out In carnatre. It rep resents the "ashes" of the battlefield. It Is the reverse side of the glory medal of war. BRITISH CAPTURE LINER German Reservists Seized Aboard Dutch Ship Amsteldyk. QUEENSTOWN, Fept. :5. The Dutch liner Amsteldyk has been captured by a British crulacr. The liner has a number of German reservists aboard. BELGIANS KILLED ' FOR REFUSING TO ' GIVE UP WEAPOHS German Novelist Hoeckcr Now a Landwehr Captain, Describes the Harrowing Scene and Says There's Much Sniping. , A letter written from the field by paU Oskar Hoccker, one of the leading Qtt. man novelists, who Is serving as a cap. tain of tho Landwehr In Belgium, glvM a vivid description of the searching n4 shooting of Belgian civilians nt Hoecktr'i own order, when they wcro found to ba In possession of weapons. The letter which appears in the Berlin LokaUAn' 2clgcr of August 27, reads, In part, u follows: "Our assignment Is heavy and grievous. Wo arc not yet to get Into the first line . we do not even know where the first lint Is wo aro not yet to tight with hon orable foes In the field. But we are to clear tho territory of the Meuse of snipers. Each day shots are fired from cover upon our troops ns they pass, csps dally upon small groups, couriers, cycli officers and the military motors. So t last It Is a question of dealing sharply, A clear nnd cnergotlc proclamation liai warned the Inhabitants of nil Belgian territory so far occupied by us to deliver over to us all weapons, ammunition anl explosives In the next few hours. SOLDIERS GIVE CHASE. "No house In these parts is without a German flag. Just as wo open the gate a young fellow makes a break for the near-by woods, I give chase, but th white thorn bushes, high as a man's shoulders, mako pursuit impossible. "A woman appears In answer to our shout. Is she alone In the house? Alone? No; she has a daughter of 15 years with her. No one else? Hesitatingly she adds, yes, her husband Is at home, too. We must search the house from top to bot torn. "A last word of warning: 'You know, Monsieur, that every civilian who Is still found In possession of weapons must be shot forthwith?' They answered: 'We havo no weapons!' "My men divide Into groups and search cellar, living rooms, barn and stable, and ransack the garden. " 'Who was the fellow- who escaped Just as we came in. Monsieur?' I ask. 'Have you, in this last moment, a con fession to make to me?' "The old man clasps his hands: 'No, Monsieur Officer, as a man of 72 yean I swear to you ' THEY FIND A SNIPER. "And then tho horrlblo happens. A guardsman and a sergeant drag a young fellow out of tho house. They have found him hiding In the straw on the ground floor. He had a Belgian gun in his hands, loaded with five cartridges. "From the attic window he may have aimed that gun at many an honest Ger man's head or chest. Tho young fellow had been forced to raise his hands. He stands there trembling, pale aa cheese. " "Who Is this young fellow?' I ask the old man. "All three have fallen upon their knees, as a. thunderbolt might have struck them, and are raising loud lamentations. The woman Bcreams: " 'He la my son! For God's sake, you do not n. .n to take his life?' "And tho lfi-ycar-old girl Is howling to that our hearts almost break with pity for her. The delinquent tries to break away, but Is caught by our men. "I nm obliged perforce to bring up Into my mind the picture of the poor Germans on patrol, riding out, true to duty. In the night, around whose heads the bullets of treacherous snipers whizzed; must perforce conjure up In my mind the bright eyes and handsoms figures of our good Gorman boys In or der to keep my nerve In the face of all this misery and lamentation and to obey strict orders. " 'He will be shot. Three men for ward!' I Fried for Assaulting Fatrolman John Moyeskl, a giant Italian fruit vender, who attacked Patrolman George yanch wli.n nrr-ARted for neddllnK with out a license, was fined J7.50 by Magis trate Uorle today in tne ivranKioru punt, station. Moyeskl Jumped from his wagon cn,l t.lA1 trt pwennn whllo HaUCh W&S driving him to the police station. He struck at the officer when pursued and refused to accompany him until Haugn used his club. Columbia Still Celebrating NEW YORK. Sept. 2i The Columbia's crew which carried off the laurels at the intercollegiate rtgatta on the Hudson last n T Tlir iniTffr-. rii.T;,xirtm-ft-i-,jt&Simmm HI vj - .' '" ' ' W i' I ' 1 lirJfc kl -, : . -. - - ?-j3iBfe -.,.Sge--,'.-. -izr ..-- . r 'ssWtHP " ' '"Vi ' "" Trial"- -- --m- .i nm fi. , 1 ..J&SMB f3 mmmtmmtEV .j ! miaMIMMMMMMBMPmMglMMMaaMMaMaaaa,flKMMMBMaMMiMgg35...s ..gg ... -.-Trt tthtt , '.i.aajMadM June received another ovation last night when the undergraduates and officers of Unlike the present Czar, he was a man the university fathered at ths house at of wonderful ability and marvelous intel I the Phi Kappa Fit fraternity lor a eU- jtcc, l prauon oz tea event. Typical Soldiers of Warring Nations In Sunday's Intaglio Soldier types of the warring nations, with a page of Great Britain's famous Indian commands, are shown at close range in Sunday's Intaglio. There are page-wide panoramas of the Knights Templars' recent peace exercises on Belmont Plateau, and photos of Germany's war lords and American treaty advocates. Pages, too, of gay county fair scenes, beautiful studio poses, artistic bed-room settings and prominent women contributors to the season's social entertainment. Because of its wealth of authentic gridiron in formation, the Sports Magazine has been converted into a special football number without slighting other sporting activities. Among its articles on the possi bilities of new football are special contributions by Parke H. Davis, Glenn Warner, R. W. Maxwell and Geo. E. McLinn. Wm. H. Rocap discusses "Who Was America's Greatest Lightweight," and Paul W. Gibbon tells of Philadelphia's new star in the tennis firmament. "Ty" Cobb discloses the object of his personal interview with Connie Mack. PUBLIC j LEDGER