jf tv" m"r 'tvr,r'' r5'?v 3 BVBNIfrCt, LBDGEtt-PHlLABBLPHlA, FRIDAY, SEPfEMBEB 25, 101-1. S SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA . .. ma iiBMnv nniNTnM rnVtn Mil. JV11U ii". ... - . " nnd Miss Kuth Coxo navo Issued Invlta , t(ong for a tea, which will bo given at their country scat In 1'enllyn, Thursday ofternoon, October 15. 'rom i until 7 o'clock. Coachca will meet trains at the Pcnllyn station. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I Borle, who havd been' spending the summer nt Easthnmpton, ' L I., will not return untlt October 7. They will move Into town about Novombcr 1. Mrs. H. C. Jennings has returned to her home on Greenwood avenue, Jenklntown, after spend. Ing the summer at Denver, Col. Miss Dorothea Jennings has also returned, having been tins iest of Mrs. John Orlbbol at Camden, Me,, during July, Miss Jennings spent August as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Nowland at their cottago In Konnebunkport, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Atherton, who have been tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwn Cro2ler at their homo In York Harbor, have returned to their home tit 125 South 23d street. ALONG THE MAIN LINE oVEnnnooK Mr and Mrs. Henry Esllng, who epent some time In New York State this sum mer, have returned to their house In Overbrook. Mr. and Mrs, John U. McNally, of 63S3 Over brook avenue, aro receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Joseph McNally, born yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Monahan aro occupying Mrs. William F. Harrlty's home, Lancaster pike and Prexcl road. MERION-Mrs. William De Kraftt, who spent the slimmer In Maine, Is expected homo early In October. Mr. Do Krafft has returned to Berkeley road, Mrs. Harry Bain, of Linden lane. Is spend ing several days In Brooklyn. WYNNEWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Bohert Coleman, jr., of Kent road, have returned from a visit to the Pocono Mountains. Mrs. Harrison S. Gill and her daughter, Mls3 Helen GUI, who spent soma time tn Michigan this summer, have recently returned from tho Pocono Mountains, and aro now at their home on Wlster road. AltDMORE Mr. and Mrs. Bobert P. Esty and their little son returned from Maine last week anil opened their home, corner Llanfalr and Wlster roads. Mr. and Mrs. I. Newton Boyd and family, of St. Paul's road, have returned from a visit to Ocean Grove, N. J. IUVEItFOnn Miss Elizabeth Griffiths, who has been visiting Miss Eleanor Cuyler In Maine, returned last week to her' homo In Haverford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Devonny and Miss Bea trice Devenny will spend the winter In town. BRYN JUWn Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barrlngton, who formerly lived here and now make their homo at Worcester, Mass., have nnnounced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Buth Kent Barrlngton, and Mr. H. Gordon Smythe, of New lork. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dolan and Miss Boso Dolan havo returned to Bosemont from Newport. ALONG THE HEADING Mr. and ;Mrs. Charles West Churchman, who hao been on a camping trip In Canada for the past three weeks, will return to their home on Summit avenue, Jenklntown, next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. Jayne havo re turned to their home In Elklns Park, after (pending the summer at their cottage In Chel lea. Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Slnkler are spending thi fall at Thornbury. their homo In Elklns Park. Mr. and Mrs. Slnkler spent August at Poland Springs, ale. Mrs. William Frazler. Jr.. Mrs. Theodore Cul er, Mrs. Edward Bacon, Mrs. William Dallas and Miss .Mary Goodwin form u committeo tthlch Is arranging a series of Instructive talks on the conditions of women In India and other Parts of Asia, Personal Invitations have been extended to hundreds of women in Jenklntown and the bor ough to meet In tho Ablngton Library on each Friday night, where tho talks will be given oy women scholars who havo lived In the East. The series will continue until tho first of No A vember. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snellenburg and their daughter. Miss Gladys Snellenburg, returned from Europe on Wednesday to their home at Rydal Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anthony, of Eleventh treet and Chclten avenue. Oak Lar.e, will Elo a dinner on Saturday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Eckman, of Oak Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Eckman havo spent the summer at Spray Beach and will return to their home on Thirteenth street, above Chelten avenue, today. The final dance of the summer season was len at the Belfleld Club last night. The ver andas were converted Into an outdoor ball, room and were beautifully decorated In order to simulate an Oriental garden scene. Quaint 'ttects from shaded lighting were used to make the outdoor promenades a part of the veranda icene. At the Xorth Hills Club the season's after noon card parties will take place tomorrow, In honor of which tho house will be decorated In fall flowers, and tea will be served. Mrs. Francis J. Doyle will be the hostess and assisting her will be Mrs. Franklin Mce han, lira. Lewis C. Block. Mrs. J. M. Hens burger and Mrs. Frederick Henry Kasselbaum. Mrs. Francis H. Knauff and her son, of At lanta, Cia.. will bo tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Knauff at their home at 68th avc nue anil Twelfth street, Oak Lane, for the coming month. Mrs. Knauff and her son have been spending the summer at Belmar, Js J. They will arrive today. GERMANTOWN Mrs. Edward Smedley, of 606 West BlUenhouse street, has returned from an extended trip to coiumbiis. O., and has as her guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Hutchinson, of Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. Smedley will enter tain at a theatie party Saturday night, when their additional guests will be Mr. and Mrs. wheeler Lord. Dr. and Mrs. John Hedges, of 5150 German town avenue, entertained Informally In honor f Miss Anna Hedges Tuesday evening. Their rtoric old house was literally banked with er. dahlias and gladlolas, while the color it) me inning room was pink. Japanese wireri MISS MARY CROZIER PAGE Miss Page,' who is better known as "Polly" by her friends, is a well-known fig ure at the Horse Show. She always ex hibits in the jumping and cross-country classes. tire. Miss Jennlo Powers, Miss Agnes Allen, Miss Mary Gllkle, Miss Martha Corkln, Miss Mary Manley, Miss Amanda Wyeduwllt, Miss Martha Wyeduwllt, Mls3 Mary Knapp, Mrs. J. Wnrron Llghtcap, Mrs. Albert Smith, Mrs. W. G. Miller, Mrs. A. B. White. Melvln Biggs God win, John Lister, A. B. Elsasser, 2d. A. B. White, Jr., Caryl Warner, Bussell Germon, Bobert Germon, Albert Savory, F. P. Llstor, F. C. Whitney, John Schramm, H. M. Ecclcston, Charles Alcorn, Bobert Cralgmllc. Mr, and Mrs. Judson A. Stltes, of 360 Pclham' road, havo returned home, accompanied by Miss Anne Stite3. They spent July and August In Beach Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brush, of 32S Earl ham Terrace, havo closed their cottago at Ocean City and havo returned to town. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander -Wlster, Jr., of 421 West School House lane, have closed their Longport cottage and returned home. J. Mitchell Elliot, of Greono street, returned home from Europe last week on tho Lusltanla, after having gone tlirough some Interesting ex periences. Miss Beatrice Flood, of Wayne avenue and Horttcr stiect, has returned from Belgrade, Me., where she was camping with friends. Mlrs Henen Goimloy, of Lincoln drivo, has returned from Virginia, where she has been visiting fi lends. Friends of Edward Hutchinson, of Queen Lano Manor, will be glad to know that he 1 recovering from an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Ayers, and her daughter, Miss Helen Ayers, have opened their house at 237 West School House lane. Cathedral on October SI, when Miss Anna Flts maiirlce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Michael Fitimaurlcc, of Seventeenth and Wood streets, will become tho bride of Georgo J, Jeffers, of 1605 South Eighteenth street. Mr. Jeffers Is connected with the Pennsylvania Ballroad, , Mrs. John J. Doyla has closed her cottago at Wlldwood and returned to her home, at SOS South Broad street. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schofleld, of Sixteenth and Oxford streets, have returned home after passing tho season In Ocean City. Miss Caroline Bruner, formerly of 1721 North Eighteenth street, has returned from a sum mer's visit to Atlantic City and haa taken apartments at tho Normandle. Mrs. Mary Evans, of 1628 North Fifteenth street, will return to her home October 1, after spending the season In Ocean City. Mrs. Howard DoUgher, of Park and Lehigh avenues, Is spending the autumn at her sum mer homo In Saratoga, N, Y, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Miller have closed their cottage. In Atlantic City and havo returned to their home, 1827 North Seventeenth street. Miss Elsie Belch, of 1204 North 24th street, will entertain nt 500 tonight. Among those pres ent wilt be Miss Meta Slppcl, Miss Bessie K. Buck, Crawford W. Hoovcn, Henry N. Mont gomery and Frank Bocroft. Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Case have Issued Invitations for the marriage of their daugh ter, Miss Frances Mary Case, and Edward Joseph Toner, Jr., Wednesday afternoon, Sep tember 30, at 5 o'clock, at St. Edward's Church, Eighth and York streets. A small reception will follow. Mr. and Mrs. nenry J. Helser, of Mahanoy City, Pa., have Issue'd Invitations for the wed ding of their daughter, Miss Marlon Latham Helser, and William I,. Peter, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Peter, of 2235 North Fif teenth streot, Wednesday evening. October 14. at 7 o'clock, nt tho Methodist Episcopal Church of Mahanoy City, Pa- A reception will fol low at tho homo of the bride's parents. Miss Bessie K. Buck, of Seventeenth and Diamond streets, will entertain at cards to morrow night. Among the guests will be Miss Mae Kllllon, Miss Nellie Kllllon. Miss Louise Flannngan, Miss Meta Slpplc, Miss Elsie Belch, Miss Elizabeth C. Buck, Howard Fralm, Wil liam Aszmann, H. Stanley Barnes, William Clark, Frank Bocroft, Crawford W. Hoover and Henry N. Montgomery. talned for two weeks by relatives at Harris burg. , Mrs. B. M. Harvey, of nldley Park, haa gone to Atlantic City, where she will sojourn for a month. Miss Florence Cox, of Wilmington, Del., Is spending two weeks as tho guest of Mrs, Wil liam Smith, of Edgmont avenue. Mrs, Maude Evans, of East Fifteenth street, Is visiting relatives at Blchmond, Va. Harry Oglesby, of West Second street, Ir homo from a summer's stay at Atlantic City. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mrs. 8. C. Keens and her daughter have re turned from a visit In Wlldwood. Miss Eliza beth Keeno has returned from Clifton Springs and gone to Boston to college. Mr. Wallace Sheets has returned to college at Cornell, lthacn, N. Y, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nash and their son and daughter have returned from their summer homo at Island Heights to their residence at E03 Cooper street. William Henry Chamberlain, of 542 Penn street, who Is a sophomore at Haverford Col lege, returned tn his studies today. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Janke, of 216 North Sixth street, have returned from a month's stay In tho Poconos, Mrs. Harold Bottomley, of the Oaks, Mcr chnntvltle, has been entertaining her mother and aunt. Judgo Frank T. Lloyd and his family, of B27 Cooper street, have returned from their sum mer home at Sensldo Park. THE DRAMA n cave tliA nU.fDi,inH.j .i . . ml ffCCt' Amone the gues,ts were the Bev. ,' J,rs- William Porter Lee. Mr. and Mrs. aru c. Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boss, J to)" MfS' K Br,ce " Mr- a"a Mr?- M- Lte m"' JIUS Florenco Uc-ck. Miss Virginia ' "" Theodora Boss. Miss Beatrice Jus,- WEST PHIL a &,LPHIA Mrs. Gllmore Helsh, of 4427 Walnut street, re turned to town on Monday after spending the summer in Chelsea with her daughter, Mrs. John B. Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Balr. of 4232 Spruce streot, havo returned to town, having spent the summer in Europe. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Sedgwick Davis, who spent the summer at Narragansctt Pier, have returned to Hamilton Court. Mr. and .Mrs. Washington Hersh and their daughter. Miss Bornetta Hersh. havo closed their house In Chelsea and returned to their home. 413 South 44lh street, for the winter. Mr. and .Mrs. David Smyth, of 3415 Raco street, returned last week, having spent the summer In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cope hae returned from Eaglesmere, wheio they spent tho sum mer, Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Buzby, of 4616 San som street, returned Monday from Atlantic City, where they spent tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bradley, of 4401 Pine street, have closed their cottage in Chelsea and returned to town. Mr. and Jlrs. Thomas A. Jamce have re turned to tho Bartram, whore they will remain for tho winter. Mr. and Mr3. Alfred M. Mllander. of Stone lelgh Court, returned last week, having spent the summer In Atlantic City. SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA John B. Paul and his daughter. Miss Martha Paul, of 1524 Tasker street, returned from Europe this week. They havo been touring tho Continent for tho past twomonths, Frank A. Healy, of Gleason, Va will bo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCormlck. of 1730 South Eighteenth street, next week. Mr, Healy will stop at Washington en route. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllum McCoach have closed their cottage at Ocean City and returned to their home. 719 South 22d stieot. Mr. and Mrs. McCoach expect to remain In town for tho winter. Miss Marian Belz, Miss Marie Duffy, Miss Marlun Osterly, Miss Marie Conway and Miss Helen Conway will entertain this evening at an Informal dance, to be given In the Century Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Burke and their children, of 1819 South Eighteenth street, havo returned from Sea Isle, where they have had a cottage during tho summer months. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan, of 1714 Morris street, havo closed their cottago at Plcrmont, JT. J. and returned to tho city for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. P. Murray and family have closed their cottage at Atlantic City apd re turned to their home, 1630 South Broad street. A pretty wedding will take place In tlje TIOGA Miss Edith Sharp, of 1420 Jerome street, has returned from a fortnight's stay In the Pocono Mountains. Mrs. Elizabeth Schelble, Miss E. Bird, Miss Sallio Schelble and Mrs. Josephlno Schelble, of Bantrynook, Nineteenth and Tioga streets, are passing the autumn at their cottage on Fifth avenue, Asbury Park. MrB. Balph Gibbon gave a luncheon yester day at her home In Blverton, N. J., for the members of tho Tioga Thimble Club. Her guests were Mrs. Frederick Jennings, Miss Car oline Callahan, Mrs. John Hallor, Mrs. A. B. Gamble, Mrs. George White. Mrs. Jacob Sal ada, MJss Buth Sallada and Mrs. William Grimm. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Wright, Jr., of 4913 North Camac street, returned on Monday from Seaside Park; where they have been staying since the early summer. Mrs. William Jones and her daughter, Mrs. Clayton Stllz, of North Broad Btroet, will re turn from Chelsea early In October. Miss May Campbell, of 1305 West Allegheny avenue, will remain at her country home In Fort Washington through tho autumn. Miss Sarah Nnnnette Showakcr, of 3033 North Broad street, gave a card party this afternoon, followed by a buffet luncheon. Fall flowers and ferns were used In tho decorations. Mrs, Harry H. Ayers, who has been spend ing the early fall In York, Pa., and Ocean City, has returned to her home, 1S20 West Ontario street. Mrs. William Slvel, of North Broad street, has returned from Ocean City. Dr. Malcolm Douglass, of West Tioga street, has gone to East Wareham, Mass., to remain a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. West, of 3343 North Fifteenth street, have returned from Chelsea, whero they hae been staying since the early summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Weber and Miss Meta Weber, of North Sixteenth street, have re turned from Sensldo Park, where they have their summer home. Harry Terry, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Cobb and .Miss Edith Terry, of 4132 North Broad street,' who have been touring the New England States by automobile, returned home Wednesday. To morrow they leave to spend a few days at their cottage on Seaside avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. WEDDINGS Miss Florence Mac Hortman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John A. Hortman, of 3143 North Park avenue, nnd Christian Demmy, of Yoik, P.a-. were married last night at the home of the bride's parents, which was decorated with palms, ferns and white fall flowers. The cere mony was performed by the Bev. Forrest E, Dagcr, rector of St. Paul's Beformed Episco pal Church, Broad and Venango streets. The brldo was given in marriage by her father. Sho was gowned In whle satin, trimmed with duchess lace. Her tullo veil was fastened with I orange blossoms nnd lilies of the valley. Miss ' Lillian Gordon, the maid of honor, was her ... uuonoani, a reception followed tho cere mony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Demmy left for an extended honeymoon trip, and on their return they will live In Scranton, Pu. M NTON-STA n II ETT. Tho wedding of Miss Elizabeth D. Starrett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stairctt. of Queen lane, and William H. Linton, of rto chollo avenue, Wlssahlckon, will take place to night at 6 o'clock at tho home of tho Bev. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Steckel, 7205 Crcshelm" road, Mount Airy. Tho ceremony will be per formed by Dr. Steckel, who Is pastor of tho Falls of Schuylkill Presbyterian Church. The brldo will be given in marriage by her father, and will wear a traveling gown of dark pur ple crepe de chine, made with tho new basque effect. Her velvet hat, which will match the gown In color, will havo a shower boukuet of violets and lilies of the valley. The couplo will leavo for a tour to Buffalo. NJ.agar Falls nnd Washington, D. C. They will be at home after "November 1, at 139 Bochelle ave nue, Wlssahlckon. ROXBOROUGH The marriage has been announced of Miss. Helen Bumsey nnd F. Hebor Whlteman. of Bldge uvcnuo, on Saturday, September 19. Mr. and Mrs. Whlteman will reside In Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hngerman. of Bradley Beach, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. Curtis K. Blln-Slnger, of Bldge avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones, who spent tho season at their cottage at Cape May, have re. turned to their winter house, B639 Bldge avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank L. Thomas are taking an automobile trip to Greensburg, Pa. Eugene J. Morris has gone to Dallas, Tex., for a fow weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ple, Clinton Pyle and Miss Katharine Pyle, of ill Itochelle avenue, Wlssahlckon, have returned from Atlantic City Thornton Taylor, who has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. William Shappell, has returned to Brandywlne Summit. NEWPORT NEWPORT. R. I., Sept. 23Soclety appeared In large numbers at the Horse Show, held at the Newport County Fair. In Portsmouth, this after noon. Blchard Cambrlll. riding his exhibit. Diana, In the hunter class, was about clearing the Jump when his horse caught a bar and' fell to tho ground. Just before landing the animal sent Its owner over Its head to tho ground. Spec tators, believing Mr. Cambrlll was injured, were quickly calmed when he arose, assisted his hunter to arise and continued in the contest. Alfred G. Vanderbllt was the big winner of the afternoon In harness classes. Philip A. Clark won with hunters he rode. Miss Julia Berwlnd and Miss Margaret Dun lap, of Philadelphia, recently returned from Europe, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Berwlnd. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Frlck, of Baltimore, who returned from Europe on Wednesday, nr, visiting Dr. nnd Jlrs. Henry Barton Jacobs. Mrs. French Vanderbllt and Mrs. James P. Kernochnn, who Is entertaining Mrs. JTerbert C. Pell and Mrs. William H. Sands, gae a dinner tonight. BRETTON WOODS BRUTTON WOODS, N. H.. Sept. 25.-Miss Eugenia Kelly rode over from Crawfords today for a luncheon given by Edwin A. Oliver for Mrs. Edward Kelly, who motored over. Mr. Austin entertained at supper in the cave grill last night for Mrs. Kolly. Miss Kelly, Mrs. F. E. Thompson and Willis Todd. Henry Clay Frlck left here today In his pri vato car with his daughter, MUs Helen Flick, and their guest. Miss J ay Allen Dixon, of Baltimore. 1 . . ... KyiriZ.yS'txTZfy' irjp m--V s ,ffi5MrWVw, wmt-k 447tt5(&MStx3&99MKKtmm GRACE GEORGE. COMING TO THE ADELPHI IN A IS'EW PLAY LANSDOWNE Miss Olive Mason, of West Lacrosse avenue, has left for AVheaton College, Mass. Mrs. J. M. Pugh, of 39 East Greenwood ave nue, has returned from South Wyndham, Muss. Miss Rebecca Stackhouse has gone to Brook Jn for the winter months. Miss Margaret Morrison will attend the Uni versity of Pennsylvania next session. The Century Club will give a dance on Fri day evening, October 2. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, of Lex ington avenue, have returned from a tour through the New England States. CHESTER AND VICINITY Samuel Whlteley haa returned to his home on West Third street after a several days' vlalt with friends at Conshohockeu. Mr. and Mrs. John Hlldeblddle, of Eddy stone, aro aptndlng several weeks as the guests of friends at Collegevllle. Miss Doris Helneman has returned to her home at Bldlcy Park after a sojourn at At lantic City. Miss Elizabeth Jordan, of Prospect Park, has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Abram Stackhousc, at Medforcf, N, J. Miss Katharine Benson has returned to her home tit Llnwood. HelghU after U4ng enter- EUGENICS ANpjIARRIAGES Wisconsin Law Has laterally Lessened the Number of Weddings. There wcio 1534 fewer weddings in Wiscon sin during the rlrst five months of this yeur than during the corresponding period of 1913. This decrease Is laid entirely to the new eugenics" marriage law, says the Chicago Journal. Probably tho effect of that law Is even greater than these figures Indicate Until tho outbreak of the war, this year has been a more prosperous than last, and good times always mean an Increase in tho number of marriages. What has happened to the 3000 or 1010 young people of Wisconsin who,se natural nnd proper desire to founil new homes has been checked by this new law? The well-to-do among them havo mdo a little excursion, and been married outside the rftdie. That Is a very easy method of evasion fur those who have the price. A certain number of others havo contracted common law marriages, which. In tho opln.on of at least one judge, aro not nft'ectert by tho new luw. A few more have decided tn delay their nup tials for mouths ami years, either In tho def. Inite hope of being married outside tho state or ,ln the vague expectation that "fame, thing will turn up." A few have broken off their engagements altogether. And some-let us hope the number is not larco-have formed Irregular, clandestine unions. The mating Instinct Is too strong to bo curbed by any law. it can bo guided and regulated only; and even this cannot be done with ad. vantage unless the law s backed by a strong, enlightened public opinion Tho attempt to Improve the race by legal enactment Instead of by education Is foredoomed to failure, The Qualifying Praise -3&? ls that soclal llou ln he music THEATRICAL BAEDEKER ADELPHI "The Revolt." by Edward Locke, starring Helen Ware. Should a wife tuke the same liberties as her husband? Sho should not! A sermon for derelict benedicts. ' BROAD "Drugged," melodrama by Owen Da vis, with John Mason aa tallroad magnate with a penitentiary past. As like, real Ufa as the novels of Hall Cnrolll und Mario Calna. Shows why ynu shouldn't accuse another man of murder if you've done the deed yourself. CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "Ca blria," movlng-plrture drama, by Gabrlollo D'AnnunzIn, of the third century B. C. A truly marvelous feat on tho reel, with a con vincing volcanic eruption. FORREST "Zlegfold Follies." a potpourri of hongs, Jokfs nnd spectacular effects; enter taining without consuming bralii-phosphoru3. GARR1CK "Adele," French opeiotta, with cap tivating music. Reversals in love, with a husband falling in lovo with his wife. KEITIPS-Mr. nnd .Mrs. Vernon Castlo-thclr danos aro tho mustc of motion. WALNUT "liebecca of Sunnyhrook Farm," by Kate Douglas Wiggtn. Roturn of this popu lar, simple and appealing play. FLASHES FROM "STARS"' A few weeks ago Miss Margaret Anglin. who will shortly nppvar at the Broad Street Thea tre, visited the studio of a well-known New lork photographer. Tho young woman in chdrgo of tho ladles" depaitment was .1 stranger In the studio nnd unfamiliar with thentrlcal celebrities. Sho was Instructed to take tho namo of each visitor before they posed, us well as the name of tho company and management. When Miss Anglin arrived she was ushered to tho diessing room. "Name, plonso," said tho young woman. "Margaret Anglin, ' answered the actress. "Would ou please mind spelling it." said tho young woman. Miss tnglln did, "The namo of your manager'.'" queried tho young man. ' ".My own," replied Miss Anglin. "And the namo of tho compan ? ' continued tho young woman. "My own tympany, pli-ase," said Miss Anglin, highly amused. The pictures were made. When the bill came to Miss Anslin's otllee It was made out to "Margaret Anglin MY Own Company, Please, cart Manager MY Own." "What Is fame," sighed Mise Aneltn. "when ona Is unknown to photographers clor'-s!" take a return check, being known to every doorkeeper In New York. When he cams J ack, after getting his glass of soda, he absent-tTlnd-edly wandered Into the Fulton. . The curtain was up when he entered the house, disclosing u pair of beds on tho stage. "Groat Adolf," ho exclaimed, "the 'Cordelia authors have swiped the 'Twin Beds' Idea." When Mr. Frohman reached his seat he found a stranger sitting ln It. Instead of protcstlr.-r.-he slipped Into the seat adjoining. A raoraJ,' later another stranger claimed that one. Thee Mr. Frohman began a personal investigate J and to his amazement discovered that ho haal entered the wrong house. Mr. Frohman admit! that oven managers sometimes make mistakes. An English comedy ln three acts, entitled "Consequences," is now ln rehearsal, and will shortly be produced by the Shuberts. It Is by H. r. Bubcnsteln, snd was first produced at tho Gaiety Theatre, ln Manchester, by Miss Horniman's company, and was then taken to London, where It was successful at the Core net. The play deals with the subject of Inter marriage between Jew and Gentile. Miss Frances Starr will be presented bj David Belasco late ln December In a new pla by Edward Knoblauch. Miss Starr, who spenl the summer at Pine Lake, Wis., and Lak George, N Y is now rehearsing for "Th Secret," In which Mr. Belasco will send he on a 10 weeks' tour of the largo Eastern cities, She will appear at tho Broad In this city. AMUSEMENTS One night last week Daniel Frohman attended a performance of "Coroelia Blossom" at tho Galty Theatre, New Yoik. I 'pun leaving tho theatre during tho fltst IntermUaitm he dirt not B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE THE SENSATION OI" THE YEArt! Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle HELDOVER! Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle Second Week. Beginning Monday, Sept. 28 ''"r1? YTIIEln i.VST APPEAnNCE ""tAT.- .NiV iS .SA1 n rvuiG EARLY CHESTNUT STREET l M H . IIA11.Y W- I Or. i!.m 1 CABIRIA TW li E L1A11.V I.A.-.T UTi.f V- U Or. i!.m l'lioto Sni-ciaiM, OPERA IIOUSS Enc.ts.-ri. r r'i-ii-' En K I'm p. M i'in Hi 1. - Wltn Drchfftra an'1 Ohor'iH at'i"1a September SB, Eentngb to, 25, 60c, AMUSEMENTS The Famous Mlraclo PUjf Matinee Tomorrow BROAD Last 2 Nights JOHN MASON in Druaged NEXT WKEK-fEATS. Now sEI.I.IN?j MARGARET ANGLIN Jr, LADY WINDHtMrilLh KAN GARRICK Last 2 Nishls las J&.'fo NiBhts ooo.) beHt rn Lii Floor. $1 S ADEL E BEG. MON. SEPT. 28 ,8K5!y ,.'.".: PILATE'S DAUGHTER T", in lu.mu MARION' HARNEY rnv. M! IVEVI SAUV niAUV AOVK .. .. .-... -- !'J F'-"' ' ' Kernel ST V.Si'E M Wi:- ET fUli i:s Fm nlr,K Mtln Ttiela .... SI OR ni'KSRT.r. '" ft and 11 A.,. The Urtlltant Operen i t AJic ' i , V "Between ourselves, he's a -ohody and has ?TStnln' bUt h6'5 '-snlflcen? NEN.T WEEK -.SEATS Now -Fl 1 ivn LUHAN ,,nl II WU!. l-u-.i, " ; NEARLY MARRIED JVllhJWl-E M.ilAE k,,, a Hrl.Uaat Co ftM'1 LIBERTY su,i IT- ..!!: AN AERIAL HONEYMOON THEJUNDNESSOFVIRttje , Tb fram Piru": s,.h iln. Jiii-ls i itan- itliTJil.. Alhambra '''"XSAEZSr New ManageincnL?iwJKr Sept. 26th DUMONT'S "?, WttW, Rlltirtsi' E ft. Mil d OF fAl LINE CASINO '"WPe, AUi TANUU DA.NCI.Na CWMfcl UVNIUUT mi fO' NIXON'S GRAND T, .! '.' 11 T 8 ru.u Thurwlay ani Saturday. 25c BOo K'l. Sow os tvi.E ' IMPORTANT! ACADEMY OF MUSIC NEXT WEEK " CABIRIA J-Ml. PRICKS sun PRODI rrtON -hISnS s u l- l AotiJY LIlOAl, ASl l.oci -T BlKMIp. PtailNNlKO U'H'Im'K ioMoRiiun MOKNINO Marcus Loew's KnffcT .. ,, Mork-l At.M tilth St . m ,onllnHuu 'r""iin. from to II p M. MU. All M ,tk to- m. !Oc. "&.. 53s. ZELAYA Bon of Ntiaraem Prenideot. i ;iuueIU a i.rcatest PlanUt I EST-Last 2 Nihts " .$ ZIEGFELD FOLLIES l.rf.i.iiu .KJJ : oKVTS NOW MONTGOMERY AND STONE B&iTC-u CHIN-CHIN ftSar I I-Ur-t Jrft saa&aa&site tbSiaMaftiliAdW