EVENING IEDGEB PHTEADBIiPglA', FKIBkY, REPTEMBEE 25, I01&. MM CREDITORS HAVE FINAL PLAN 'OR REORGANIZATION Creditors Will Gel 15 Per Cent, in Cash and Balance in Interest-bearing Notes. New Corporation. thaff m rii nt f j the fe , wa; M rata lit tiifi Final plans, for the leon-anl2allop of the H. B. Claflln Company, which re- rtitljr went Into the hand.i of rcceler, ave been completed and will be pre sented" today for final approval by the Merchandise Creditor' Committee, which will meet In New Yolk. James S. Alex ander, president of the National li.ink Of Commerce, ts chairman of the N'oti.- .holders' Committee which formulated the plans. Failure of the Clillln Company was ,ne of tha worst blows received by th business world for many years The company opeiated a chain of 23 larire itores throughout the country and millions of dollars of Its paper was out standing at the time of the collapee. A large nmount of this paper was held In Philadelphia The reorganization plan provides that the Cladln creditor shall receive 15 pe: cent. In cash and the balance In three- year Interest bearlntf rollnter,l notes of a newly organized corporation, re- oenabln for another two cars This new company will be known as the Mercantile Stores Corporation and It will acquire the atsets Of the H 1" Claflln Company, the assts of John Cladln or such portion of them as may be deemed by the committee to be ad- jVantageom, including all of the capital ctock of the 13 companies now In the hands of rccelers. all of the capital tock of McCreery & Co., of Pittsburgh, of the, WIIkcs-Barre Dry Goods Com pany, and of MacCallum At 'louthlr, 2,2M,6M par value of the capital stock of the Scruggs. Vandervoort, Barney Dry Goods Company (2,103,0.7) of com mon and UST.OOO of pi ef erred), !WI,ii par value of the capital stock of the Hlgbee Company Jiro.OOO par value com mon capital stock of James H. Dunham tt Co., $8,268,0X1 par value of the com mon stock of the United Dry Goods Companies, and other assets and euul- fc'tles owned b John Cladln. which have been transferred to representatives of the noteholders' committee for the benefit of the Mercantile Corporation. THE NEW CORPORATION. The Mercantile Corporation will eaus" to b organized a new corporation to be known as "The H B Cladln Corpora tion," to carry on such portion of the wholesale business now conducted by the H. B. Cladln Company, a New Jersey company, as may be deemed by the board of directors to be advisable It Is con- Jjltemplated that there will be transferred to this new corporation approximately lnftnnA nt annattt nf t,n fifManr )t ti JClaflln Company In .ixchance for IU capital siock, ail or wmen will b owned by the Mercantile Corporation. The value of the assets transferred to the H. B. Claflln Corporation shall be as agreed upon by Its board of directors and the board of directors of the Mercantile Cor poration. The notes will be dated December 1. 1314. nd will be Issued In 21 separate series. ono series to be delivered to the general creditors of the H B Cladln I'omnany and each of the other St series to be de livered to tho holders of notes exeeuted by one of the several companies and In dorsed by the H B f'ladlti Company. The collateral trust notes will b se cured by stock collateral to be denosltr.d under a trust agreement with the trus tees to be selected hy the committee. Th rotes received by the direct H B. Claflln Company creditors will be secured by one-sixth of the capital stock of the proposed II B Haflln Corporation, tho wnoiesaie trading company Each of the remaining il series of col lateral trust notes, being the notes re ceived by the noteholders, will h . cured by the entire canlt.il sin. i, ..r i.. particular companv. which exeruted the notes to be exchanged for the new notes REPORT OF RETAIL STORES. A summary of the assets and liabilities of 20 of the 23 stores that executed notes Jn favor of the H. B Claflln Company j follows: BRITISH TRADE CRIPPLED IN FIRST MONTH OF WAR Manufacturing Centres Are Hit Hard in the Midlands. LONDON. Sept 25 The trade returns for August the first month of the war h.ivc Just been Issued As was to be ex pected, they reveal a decline In trule without precedent In the lecent commer cial and Industrial life of England Corn- paled with the corresponding month of last enr exports show u falling off of fl3.0iO.000 (TO.OOO.CiJOi, or something like d per rent., while the Imports are down b.v 13 0X1,0(0 (,(iv,i00. or like n. quarter of those received In 1113 It Is the manuf-ictiirlng trades which have been haidest hit, and the way Lan cashire has been punished Is shown bv. the fnct that the exports of cotton goods have declined by nenM 5.ft.om Iron and steel, mnrhlncrv, ships, wool, chemi cals, till, to use a vvord which has now a rent meaning, are "going" The Continental trade cannot, of course, be recovered while the war continues: but niiieh of the disaster that has befallen British Industry Is due to apprehension and dislocation, mil Is therefore tem porarv. Alrendv trade Is beginning to nrlapt Itself to the new conditions. In inn directions there are signs of new 11 r, and it Is dear that the loss in some directions will be bat.ilic.ed by gains In others Trn.ro will be much rnshlftlng and reshaping, and those will do best who are able to take occasion by the hand and adapt themselves to the new condi tions tt will eo hard with those who have got into grooves and find their routine suddenlv destroyed, but for the man with u quick and adiptnble mind there will be a period full of opportune and rich in reward FEWER LOCOMOTIVE DEFEOTS INFLUENCE ACCIDENT DECREASE 0LNEY BUSINESS MEN FINANCING NEW BANK Site Still Undecided, But Charter Will Be Granted November 30. Olnev business men are organizing the Olney B.n-k, for which a charter will be granted November 00 The site has not et been selected, but the bank will be in the centre of the German-American population of Olney. It will be some where between Rising Sun lane and Broad street and between 4W and 5V) north. The capital stock a III b" 0m This has already been subscribed at I'O a share among Olney residents. In ad dition there is an undivided proilt fund or .) A. L Stilton, who organized tho South Penn Bank at ."ith and D.tuphln struts. Is at the head of the temporary board directing the prellmlnar.v work. "The bank will be In the centre of the bus iness section," said Mr. Stilton today, "dnd It will All a long felt want In Olney. There Is no bank near the loca tion we are considering. Those Interested In the plan, who prob ably will be on the board of directors, are Alfred Stelnhou.se Slth street and North Tabor road. 11. A. Kuhhach, Klfth street and Olney avenue L Pianck, J13 North Tabor road, John H Coon, " North Tabor road, Thomas Tans'-y, RTI Rising Sun lane, and Henry Franz, 2303 North Front street PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Sun and Tides .".0 a m Sun sets. ..II SI p m PHILADELPHIA. I" a m HlEh water. H 1'p ra 41 i m Lor water. .12 r,3 p. m. BEBDV ISLAND. Hlh water 2 34 a m Hltfh water, 3 07 p m Low water. 011 a m tLow water. !).,l p. m BREAKWATER ..am illich nater 12 52 p. m 4.m m Low water.. 0 .'10 p. m Sun rices Hljth tater Low uiter Hlph water Luw water. Sailing Today D Rockefeller, White. ianriei Dr.). Kiddie. HtdjfO. Coren-Joteph Str John hazen. Joseph Sir Bellucla C Uahrlel Sir A A Ban. Becker, .New Orleans. Phlladelphla-Ncw ' rleans Transportation Com pany Str. Sun. Oekelman, Sahine, via Newport News, S-un Company. Str. Delaware. French. J.ew ".ork. Cde Government Inspectors Re port Greater Care Being Taken by Railroads of Country to Insure Safety. Greater care Is being taken by tho railroads of the country In keeping their loromotlves In good condition. This Is shown by lepoils of the Interstate Com tneitc Commission coveting the Inspec tions of locomotives by the commission's SO Inspectors In the last three Jeais. The reports show that the numbei of locomotives Inspected has Increased and the number found defective in tiny way has decreased. Kor Instance, their were "1,2.14 locomo tives Inspected In 1012. Of UiIh number 6") 7 per tent, were found with some slight defects. Last ear the numbei In spected was 00.3.'';, and 603 per cent, were found defective. This jenr 02,715 have been Inspected, and onl.v r2 9 per cent were found with defects Many of then defects, however, were not In violation of the law. The delVrts that vverc In violation of the law represented 15 pes cent. In 1512, 5 2 per cent, last jcar and .! (! por cent this ear The eieatcst trouble from accidents has been, according to frank McMan amy ihlef Inspector of locomotive boll trs of the Interstate. Commerce Com mission, with the failure of arch tubes, and four out of live of the accidents aie caused by their Improper application. The gientet care being ierclsed in this direction by the railroads s rellected in A material reduction In the number nf accidents due to the failure of loco motive boilers and their appurtenain.es The accident record for the last thieo years follows Number of nccl. tents Killed Injured una s:,p, nt inn.-, i:n .'ii R'l ill I t'llt .Ml 21 "I the United Slates Aimy In tho Mecican War. died nt the Simon Apartments, 220 North KIghtcenth street, yesterday. A son, I'hltlp II Simon, nnd two daughters, Sarah K, Simon and Mrs. Bertha McDow ell, survive CINCINNATI BUYS COTTON Starts Movement to Take S200.000 Worth to Help South. CINCINNATI. O. Sept. K -Cincinnati business men have started a movement to buv Simoon worth of cotton nt f a bale The Merchants' Association has initiated the movement to purclmse the cotton In th Interest of the South. Moie than 2J00 bales have ben subscribed for at the standard price of 10 cents a pound. A committee has been appointed to tollclt subscriptions. DAIRY PRODUCTS CIIKEB Off Tins moderate and alues trnrl, but trnl iilft. N Vnrk full rrnam nhoiop Wiflflc , do., do. fair to .fowl, 1V-jfil,c . do part skims, !iUC POULTRY I.I K In amptp supply and rut nt frtrtiiT THtfiF Yr fVHO;,, old rooMers, 12$ lie ; fjirinsc fhlckMW. according l qual it, Mtflfr . rlurks old. Hflllr , do ffnrln? HM1.V ulnaf. per pair, ounR weiRhlne J lhB and ni,er aflre T', do, wclchlnc V? 'Sl'Ji Ibi apfct. ifitV do. uflchlnc 1 lb iiplor, ;,r , old, r.dt , plsccns. per pair 1" NOTES OF THE RAEL Battrman Co., Brooklyn 1512,011 Th Brtford Co . ilrooklyn tin enn Ctner - Knott D. Goods Co , .Vahvil 710,eiJ iU J Connell Co , Rutte, Wont 0i 6S3 Defender ManufaLtur- Jnr Co.. .New York. 33 0S llenn.aiy Co , Hutte, t JIonV, 1.03T.CST Jonea Store Co., Kan- u city ... i,::n,iio The Joelln Dry Ooods Co., Denver Tt3,r,a; Kline Bro Altoona. SQS.SS'i ion Dry Ooo Co , Toledo ... Sir) ana rd 0. Readlnc -133, IKK Geo W MrAlpIn 1 , Cincinnati . 330,700 wcall L. Pouth k Co, .Seattle 011,119 iomery Fair. Mont ornery. Ala . . ist n.s& People' Store Co . facoma. . 025,013 jrlns Dry OnoO. Co . Grind Haplde . 133.S00 Vatt, R.ttew & CUy, '"" Inc. Norfolk . . 30 sat ho. C. Watkln.. I.W , Hamilton, Ont . S76 TO I J. B White Co, q' ' Auruita. tia. 41; (sq Whltehouee Co , hpo- ' kane I0O017 I.lahliitl-s. tt, 115. 073 l.ifiQ.SM 7;.1.03.1 1 105,(73 7.171.115 ",0fl.ll7 J.0'I7.78() "2 IU 1 WV 'IR-, .' 11 7ni! 1 7 1 ) !! 133 V 032,1 VI 1,3.17.711 '.'.039 Ha 1.331, .00 1.338 3J 1.350 t 1.T7S 748 1.01S..'0fl IS .'lVt.77 ?trfmshlp fompany. Str. ieor! vv. t'lyde. Forrest. Norfolk, etc., Driaton, Baltl- U A. Civile Stcmnhlo Ccimnany Str. Antrony firoies, Jr. mnr,. Krii Huon Ilne. Sihr Hllon Lltile Veizle. Humacna, P. A D fummlnn & Co. Si hr Fr4n Ii "iowlnow, Blaine, Boxton, O fummina & t-o. i-i hr Delaware Sun, Januen. Newport Nas iln tow a"r. Sun, Sun compani. Steamships to Arrive PASSENGKB. Name From Date M'.nrollan Gl-uow Sept. 10 Ktamralta Naplca Sj)t, H Dominion t,hrpool . ...EeM 13 FHEIGHT. ftty of Durham Talrutta Sept. 1 ZuW'Hyk . Rotterdam ... Bpt 13 Amateldvk Itutu idam ... Spt. 1.1 htart P-iint Ixndon Spt IU Man Mariner Manchester ...l-it IU Adolfo Huelva ifept 14 Eturmfels Calcutta .... Sept. fanartia .tavan'r ....eept 15 Zer'nbergen 'ar'ilff Sept. IS Bai.KUn Ll'h Sept 10 '"VlfcrnU 1 'u; 'nhage n .. Oet Ml.eourl Ixindon ....... Hpt. 23 nakntan Hllo fi-pt. Greennii-h . attl N.B Sept. '."S Vlnlaton Ht.Vineent.c v.fitpt, 17 Steamships to Leave Nam cartlarftnlan Dom.nlon . .. Starr.4llt .. 1'renlenbor: Maine ..... Vulflerdyk . , UlU . . ... Weil Point . lanadla ... Calllornli ... rAMKN'OEtl For Date Glaizow , ... g,,t so f.erpj3l Oct ,t Nple Oct. 8 1'BKIGHT ,. Copenhagen ,.,Pnt. Komlon Sept 211 Botteriiim . ..S.l 20 citnhaaen ...Sept SI , Ixndon ..... Sept, jo , hrwtUnls ...Oct 3 uonnhagen . ...Oct. , Total I13.a70.jill .j,. f- not JJc,S?e J nacr,n Kn l.oul. Vllle. Ky . Th Fa r I'nmwinv cin.i .. .. and the Boot Drv f.mili ..-.." Haute, Is4 "'" "rn , RAILROAD EARNJKCS tjf .' !J j m m hi i s E WHEELING AND L.VKB UBIK inn ru Auruit rroai J'.in.-.ii i ..n ,n 'Net 110 isx rlT ZL Two months' arroee 1,07,(VJI .'i I.111 ' 29S7 IW'.SICI MISSOURI PAt'lfir Third week Sept JllS3 0uij tlToui I yrora July 1 1 1 000,033 358 -'Ou LEHIGH VALLET iucuil oner rev. 13 770..1IH .Net . ... 1 w3 O'.'l rsjperaiini; income 1 iij.tli llStl.U!) 3B.83S SS.' 7l 1 15.73.' 1ST.03I F To month! oper rev 7 333 127 s Net .... 2 3.10.32S ' Operating Income 3 fll.id0 CHESAPEAKE AND OlMO. ThlrU week Sept ill.5l3 'I37,13( Prom July 1 l,037.7ll "833 SO-'l - ,BI(I1, CENTRAL OF GEOItGIA Tear ciideil June 30 Opcrftltnc revenue 111210 7(3 .To3 STg Net , .1 IT, 171 R til : tlurplua lMl.ul.' 113, J.-.' CHINESE PLAY VICTRIX TEAM The) ChlneM University team will make ' It final appearance In this sectlun at the country tomorrow, when It lines up aguitut the Vlctrix club at SSth ana Vine strctU. PORT OF XEW YORK Vessels Arriving Today Kir, Maureianla iliri, Charlni Liverpool Sept lh to the 1 tntrt .Steamship fa Lt. with pam-nir malls a n't merthnlliie Dake'l , a tn Steamships to Arrive lLK lOtiAV. Nana Fr m S-al I, A'lrtfci.i . . . , . f.ier ol , .S-cpt 1 DT'B SATI RI,AV fhllsdel) Jila . . . Uvrj-wl . Sept. in Du a V Ar.ua N.p s'pi J'! Stfiairtghips to Leave Nme. Par JtV- ' -Nsplts A Tier la I ameronUv . . . . ilrnrc Vllnneuaaka .. VlrElnt .V AiuKiTilam New York SUurnitnl.v Airlatl. NPl. SepfsB Hlf gett.20 Naples 8epi.su llaauow . Llv erri,.! . I on I. n . , Bordeaux . imi.r.larn Llverpoel ., lAt-Fitnl . . Liverpijrvl fiBLt. "K . g0M. 2(S Sept. 2t pt 20 Sepi 2tl . Hept TO . hept so fccl 3U FRRIOHTS A-ND CIWnTBRS t eteam mjir!, ..a itn rat wen ,MP. Ku'l irgu bualneaa la tha ateam ,n,r!,. .... Itrm ami .lead, wllh "..r; -?; ""- l rifi ao itiiAmat n L,en .ho, tii j Tin' tanil,ird of olfir-lfncv of train soiv Ice men on the Pittsburgh Division of the Pennavlvanla has hrcn rnlscil as the ip stilt of a method known as the "progres sive plan" 'I hev have to pass a first, toconrl and thinl far rxamlnntlon on air hral9, inachinerj- and knowledge of a locomotive. The new shops of the f'hlcaso and Alton nt HloomliiKton. Ill, to cost Jl.'OO.OOO, nre nearlns completion Thoy will rejilace old buildings of small slz; that wjie elected 30 years aso. What han henn known for many years as th Amerlean Association of General Pasg'tnRer and Ticket Acorns has been ihanted to that of American Association of 1'asst.nirer Traffic Officers, vvhith l more In keepinir with its mombershlp. The president Is Cernt Port, pa&sengor traftlc man.as.-er of the I'nion Pacific The Massa' husr tts Public Service fom mlKion hx Misryndvl to Novemlter 1, 1911, tht prnpo.rd chatiKos In certain pas senger tariffs on Boston and Albanv Rail road. A heaiinc vvtll be held October 13 The tariffs suspended uithdiavv fiom sale 1'0-rlde intrastate and 10-rlde tickets The thances would make certain Increases in rato of fores. Two railroads have ordered locomotives from the Baldwin Locomotive Works for exhibition purposes. They are thf Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fo and the Southern Pacific Effective October 1, M E. Wells has been appointed senior Inspector of motive power, division of valuation. Intestate I'ommerte t'om mission, for the Southern district His headquarters will be In f'hattanooKa He is now ngir.'ed on the appraisal of the Pere Marquette for the .Michigan Railroad Commission. Automatic block slsnala are helns in stalled bv tho Texas and Pacific Railroad on Its line between Addis, Ui , and I'on- I aldsonville, a distant..; of St mile. . The I'inrlnnati. Hamilton and Dai ton plans to butld 105 caboose isrs in its own shopx. The company is also tn the 1 market for twelve all-teel eoa'hes. eignt all-steel passenger and baggage pars, four I Hll-te,'l bagg-ige and mail cars, iln all. ' steel baggare earn and one dining and j two wre king cars M A MulliBan. trainmaster of the Le, 1 high Va'le. Hailrnad at Jersey r'lty, ha ' been dppointtd neral vard inspectoi His oftiK. will be in Sofjth iiethlehein the 4ii matket STEAV1.-.1IIPS Harrovian ifl, 1 Montreal 10 H kei nort. "! m ,ot'e,rS,1,""' S"LiU- " 'ter..PSi! Perelam, tBri, 2Sa quarter. araf. Taor i.Nor t. W,' tone New Vori a , j 2$ """" "n"1 C""' '' . prompt ru a ,ia a lunto 1 il tone, me. toni, am, M.tober. N' r SluniUiUl iN'ori. lfl: I labrand iN'nr 1 1 ',3, nn. ..' lrey I.S'or.j. 1017 ton tr'anntUntle trad, one trip. but. 7. . .lellvery JluWK r.a?ery Siandlnavla, prompt w r-lla M " 7r, ton. .-4lannab or Bel f.t .a 1. Bot n limber iri.t. term. Marlon N t'oob. 3j) trm, . suri...nH .- Inrth of Hatter... klln-Jrled' (warb private 0UIMET ON WINNING SIDE i Amateur Champion, With Low, De- I feats Travers nnd IHarston, 5 nnd 1. j NEW VORK Sept 23. -A gallery of nearly lora) golfers saw rrnn Is Oulrnet, 1 the amateur champion, figure on the winning side of a four-ball match at lialtusrol jcstertjqy. Oulrnet, paired j with Oeorge Uw, tho home profes- j sional. took on Jerome Ij Travers of ' fpper Montclair. the formr title holder. 1 and iUx It .Marston, of the home club, ana at the nnish of the round Oulrnet and Uow had won by 5 up and 1 to play. DEATHS OF A DAY HARRY W. DOUTY Harr vV. Iiouty. of TM North ftroad street, who was widely known in railroad circles, di'd esterdy at his summer home In Allenhurst. N J He was 6S years idd, and his death was due to a complica tion of dlseas s Kor many years flouty was a real state agent for the f'entral Railroad of ,Vw Jersey, with offices at 112 Liberty street. New York Two sons and two daughter survive MRS. SARAH EVE SIMON Mrs Sarah Eve himon 56 eai old and the widow of Philip blraon, who served In MRMS. REBECCA DAVIS Mr. Rebecca Davl yesterday tiled at her home, 865 N'oith Preston street. She wits the daughter of William J. Kegels, well known In educational circles In this city. Mrs. Davis was a. teacher In the Jnepli Lelily School, and taught up to within a few days of her death she was a niembei of the West Hope Pres bvtorlnn I'hlirch four children, two bos nnd two girls, survive. catfjs AttNr.W. On September 23, lOU, MATHIAS hujKniii of Sarah .A.now, nml eon of the lute I.ilwnnl mnl Mary Agnow. Tunernl frvlcf, en SamrrlA nt .1 p m nt 122H s. Ilnnrnll si Interment Odd Fellona' fern otci) II.WlUJvMHT. On September 21. 1011, MV.M I'lJf. hufbuml of the Isle llsrtlia lUernrnpf, In his r.dth vrar. Holntlrs anil filemlK. nlo KMknuer '"lievtn, Iilslns; Ptni tj'l,e, No. 1211 F. and A. t . Palestine fhapter. 11. A , lltppxport lo.Ue, No. 21, I o. V. S. of I. Ilnr Mnn.1 Lwlne. I O. II II , nrc In vited to Bt'rn'l tlin fvinernl on Sittnlsj tnnrn ItiK nt 1" o rlork ireelsely. nt his lite resl-ilUM-e. Il"7 ll'lv nir. Intrrmenl nt Ml. I'trmr-I 1 pTrlr . Klmllv omit Unwr IIXI.DWIN.- At Lnintlonne on l-'lftli-ilav, Ntnili Month 2ltli CHAItlTY IIALDH l.S, in the TIMli venr of her nse Kunernl I r ni th resMeni e nf her nephew. Iletijimln II Shnrmflker, .11(1 Owen ave . r.ntipil iw ne. on ei-on l-'la. Ninth Month 2th at In o'tlork Interment prliale llAltMll'BST On September 22. 1814, rATin.iiiNr: inotiA. wife or joa,m IMrnlturst aRed "0 le.tra lielntltrs nml friends are invited to attend th" funeral rervlces, on iTl'lay afterniun at 2 SO o'clock, at her Hto re'Ulenee, (il.1l .leffersoti street, tlrrnisnl nvn Interment rrlvate IIIHIIi:(K. - On i-eptemher 23. IM-I. LAURA II, wife of Charles II. Blrlierk Punernl from II.'" Kiilnnount nve, nn Friday, at 2 p m Interment prlvat at .Northwooil I'enieterv IIIIIIION Near Mnunt HolH, N ,T , on Hep. temt.r 2.1 Bill ALWILDA. widow of Will, iam llorton. aired U'l yearn funeral private on Sn(iirdi. Septeml'er 2(1. at 1 p m . near Mt Holly N J Intrment at Uvcrsrcen Ccmeter Luinlierlnti, N J. IIIILNNAN. On September 23, 1014, PAT BK'K J BHIINXAN husband of Catharine (nee Heap) and son of ihe late Miguel ami lit IrtRel llrennan Funeral on Stturdav. nt 7 10 1. ni. from 2217 I'f niberton st Solemn lteqtilem Mas at St. cimrles Church nt 'I a m. Interment at New Cathedral Ccm- nitf)THi:itTo. Ai.ici: itoosnvni.T HHorill.BTd.V ant. I S irfr. snuntteil lniKhter nf (leorao c . Sr an 1 rjrace llrnth ertun ent. red Inio rest after .III ilavs uf pain ful "ufferlns. septcmher 2.1 lull. Due notkc "f the funeral will he given from her parent!' leiilden e. 172(1 Cherrv Ft. t XSl'Klt. On Peptember 23, 1014, HEN ltlUTr.V, 1', of the latt ltcnr Capper, auod f.0 ears. liel?tlvci and frltnds ore Invited to attiivl th funeral, on bundav. at 10 a. m,, irom her late residence, .'(w Dlamonl st. Interment nt Adatli Jeihurun Cemiterj. Hal tlr.iore nnd Ncn YorK parer-i np r.sshl Huddenlv, mi Septemher 22, 1914. nt Sea idle Clf N J . MATILUA II.. widow of Charles II '.iiel nnd daughter of tho late Henri an I Amelia h'ttoldk. Itelathes and frlen N are intteil to atten 1 th funeral ser vltc on aiurilu afieniiiin at J o,ok, nt hr late reldem.e, Stenton and Oowen aves., Mt Alr Carriages will mctt the arrlial of the 1.' "0 p. ni. train from the Bcaillng Ter iiEAtita mlnal at Mt. Airy Station. Interment pri vate. At tVeet Laurel Hill Cemetery. CHAMllBltfV Suddenly, on September 33, 1014, WILLIAM OLOHEB. eon of William and the late Mary A. Chamber, aged 03 ear. Due notice of the funeral will be COLLINS tn We;t Chester. Sentemher 52. 1011, MABV COLLINS, in the Slth year of her sbo. Funeral from her late, residence, .115 North New t., Weet Chester, l'a on Krldey, September 23 Illsh.Maa" nt IU a tn.. In St. ThomaaV Church, Ivy Mills. In terment cemetery adjolnlnc. C'BtlK. On Keplemher 22, 11)14. FBED lllllt K ci. cmK, In ids 02d vear Tiineral services will bo held at tho Old Mnn's Home, "nth nnd Barlns.sts, on FrldAy, the 23th Inst., at 10 o'tlock precisely. Interment pri vaU, tlVKY. Suddenly, on Replember 22, 1B14, ALBBItT L., eon of O'car C, A. and Annie W. Covtey (nee Burns), aired 1(1 years I) months, Belatlves and friends, also II. V. M. Sodality and Junior Holy Name Society of th Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. are ln vlted to attend the funeral, on Saturday morning, nt S o'clock, from his parents' resi dence, 2.104 South 3d st. Solemn High Masi of nenuiem at cntircn nr our Lady of jit. Carmel at !) 30, precisely. Interment at lloiv Cross Cemeterj. CI .St Kit On September 23, 1014, WILLIAM A CUS311B Services and Interment at Al toona Ia CI Ml lilt. WILLIAM CURTHB, 04 soars, 81)1 Preston si. tiAtl.S On. September 21, 1014. M. RE BECCA DAVIS, widow of fi I'onell Davis. Ilelatlves an I friends are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Monda morning, nt 11 o'eloek at her late residence, nn." Preston st Interment private. Bemalns may bo timed nn Hundav evenlns, from 7 until I) o eloek Chester County papers please copy DOCTl. At Allenhurst. N. .1., nn September 21, tl(14. IIABIIY W. DOUTY, on of Hie laie Henry Browne and Helen M. Doutj, aged "A j ears Due notice of tho funeral will be alien lit I'l ILLD On September 2.1, 1014. ELIZA JAN'R, widow of Champion Durrield. Fu neral sertlees, on Saturday, at 2 p m., SH02 Tlnleiitii ave Interment private. Friends mav view remains 1-rlday cvenliw, after 7 o'clock. llfrn On September 22. 1011. ANNtR prri'Y, daunt ter of Mary and the late Thoma Duffv. of tho Parish of Kcrrv Cas tle Count Mavo, Ireland Funeral on Sat urday nt & 10 a tn., from 2O.10 Annln st. So!e-nn rcpilem mass at St Charles' Church at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Ceme tery r.ltLAIN, THOMAS RBLAl.V, 30 sears, 2210 (IlietHVll h St KLI.IOTT On September 23, 1014, BK lti:C nt.l.iriTT, aged jears. Kuncrv Krvl rs on Saturday, at 10 a. ni . at lilt South 1 h st. Interment at fllnssboro, N. .1 ltemalns mi l)e viewed on i'rldav, between s and 10 p. m Automohlle funeral I'LOOI) On September 22. 101s, PHILIP T, 1'lood, busl nnd of Mary Pollock Flood, aired 7" ear Belathes and friends, also I.otlgo Nn 2, V. r.nd A M., am? survivor" of Co K I 'lh IM Vol Cavalry, ire Invited to at teiii -ervlie", Friday at 2 p, in., at bis lato reih1en' e 171(1 Wnvno avenue, (lermanlown Inler'i e it ptnate t holten Hills Cemetcrv (,i;ils'ILK.--On S-eptember 2.1, 1014. BR- UNA. widow of reeS (lerstln nnd dearly lelmed mother uf .1. L Hwope, of Now York cll nn I 1 arrle (ierstle Swope, In the votb star d her age Belatlvcc und friends are invited tn attend the funeral services, nn Ftidav nt 2 p in., nt her late residence, pon Noun l"th st Interment at convenience of the tamlli. New York papers please topi (iOODiWN. On September 23, 1011, .IAMBS II (10ODWLV, aged "1 eurs, Funeial ser vices on Fridav. at 8 p. m., at 2412 Clifford st Interment nt Mt Holly, N. J., on Satur riiy, bv ID 13 .1 in. train from Market St. Ferry. I.BADV.-On September 21. 1014. LFKI3 F, Jr. licl.iied son of I-)r Luke I and Marv K ttiadv me. I'crrot) aged II' iai .1 month. Belatlves nnd friends also B. V M. Sodality, Lingiie nf -aired lleirt and Ilolj Nmie s.. clttv of Chilli h of Our Lady of Vlctorv, VlitrlN Catholic Club, and class of 1011, It J)KATHJ! ' C. 1 8., srs Invlted'te sjtend the funeral, on .Monday, at a..m., J from the re. d er.ee nt nm oarenii. .,t iuim ,.-n ,11 '?-.-.v" . delphla. Solemn Mass of Requiem nt Church or victory, at iu a, m. annu late, at He evuo cemetery. I.fMlV, At Allnnlle C llv UKUIUH Month 21d. 101 Funeral at Friends' nt np TlllV ment al Helv Cross Cemetery. 1IAINBS. On Ninth Month..22d, 1014. HOW ARD M, IIAINBS, husband et Katherlne K, llaines (nee Belter) . and eon of the late Burr nn.rEllr.beth, It. HalneV. Services on Peventh-dsy (Saturdav), at 11 a. m., at his late residence. Magnolia, N. J. HUNDRItSBN. Suddenly, on September 23, 1014 .IAMBI ROY, ton of William A. and Alint Iltnderson, aged 0 ears. Funtrsl on Saturtlay at S'3f).n. m, from 40 N. Dewey St., West Philadelphia Solemn mass of renulem a1 Our Church of Lady of Rosary, at 10 A. ni. Interment Holy cross Cemc- jrNNINfi.S At the Kdlnborough Apart ments, 42fiO chestnut st , .on September 21, 1014, J..HAUVBY, JKNrVlNOS. son -of Iho late D. ttrford and Julia II. Jennings. Fu neral services and Interment private. JOHNSON. RLtZABUTH JOHNSON, 71 Sears, 1020 Beed at. Itinil.VAN. On September 31, 1014. Miss MABOABBT KIF.IINAN. Funeral on Fri day nt 7'.10 a m, from 211 Orcen t Mass at tho Church nf the Ascension, at 0 a, m. Interment at Holy Crosi Cemetery Ll'NDBIlAltl). On September , 23, 1014, .II.NNIi: B daughter of Jennie and th late Lawrence l.undegard, aged 3 years 7 mnnths Mineral on Saturdav. nt 2 .1(1 n. m . from nc.s Bast Llpplncott st. Interment prl- N. .!., on Ninth w. I.lINDy. Meeting House, corner .Main and Harden streels. Mt. linny, M. J , on Seventh-day ZHtli, at 1 p. ni. Interment at Mt. Ilollv Cemetery LAON.S. On September 2i, 1011, WILLIAM V , son of the late John and Margaret Lyons, aged 3" vears Funeral on Saturdav, at fl jd a m, from 0327 Palmetto St., Lawndate, Phlladelphli. Solemn neipilcm Mnss at St. Cecelia's Church Tox chase, Fa,, nt 10. a, m Interment prltate, nt Holy Sepulehro Cemclery MAKinRX. On September 22, 1014, MARY Tl , wife of Hnrry C Mucrten, aged 45 jears Funeral on Saturdas, at 1 p. m , frnm late residence 12S South Rosewood st. Remains may be ilewcd Friday evening. Interment al Fetnwnod Cemeteri MAHKMAIlll. On September 2.1, 10I4.MAB. OABF.T B, wife of Bernard V. Markuard, aged "s ears. Funeral sen Ices on Saturday, at 2 p. m . at the parlora of William A Dun. lap. northeast 1 orner 10th and ralrmount aie Interment prliate JleCLKAHY. On September 22, 1014, C1IAS B, huslnnd of barnh nnd eon of the lato Jacob and Josephine McClearv. Funeral i-er-lees on Friday, at 2 p. m., at 420 Bast Flora st Interment Palmer. McBR UN. On Heptemlier 23. 1014, JOHN, eon of the Into James and Sophia MuBwen (nee Breeeer), aged 3d ears. Funeral on Saturday, at 2 P. m , from 2111 Bast Will lam st, Interment at Belleiue Cemetery. Be milns may be vlcwel on Friday, from 7 to 10 p. m JleMAIION On September 2.1. 1014. JOHN T.. husband of the late nilen McMahon. Duo notice nf the funeral will be given, from his Into residence, 132 (Irccn st. Mlf'KLB On Ninth Month 22d. 1014. HOW- ABO A. MICK LB in Ids fsflth Jcar. Bela tlves nnd friends arc Invited to attend the funernl. on Slxth-dni. the 2"tli, at 2.10 p, m.. from Ills late lesldence, 11 West l'rospect aie.. Moorcstonn. N. J. Train leaves Mar ket si. ferry. Philadelphia, at 1.2.1 p. m. Trolley, foot of Market at., Camden, 1:13 p 111 MILLKIt. At Naples. Italy, on September 2l, 11)14, ANNA I1AI1B M1LLBB. widow of Ihe lato B. Spencer Miller, In the S2d jenr of her ago. Due notice of the funeral will he given. Ml BI'IIY On September 22, 1014, MARY BI.LK.V Mt'RPHY, daughlerof Annie ami the late Dennis Murphy, aged 10 vcau. Funeral on Situral nt s .In a. m . from her lato trsldeme 17 Madl-on aie. Lnnsdowne, Dela. ware Counts I'a High Mass nt St, I'hllo iiieni' t hun h at 10 a. m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetcrv. 'i:Y. In Charlotte, N. C , on September 23, 1014. HEATHS ANNIB t NEY, ssed 03 Dotger), sister of Elisabeth Wolff, Dora wef" ner, Henry e, Dotger and the late Andrei j. ana .William J. woiger. interment st Boston, Mass. JiORTH. In Rast Brandy wlneiPa.) on Sep tember 23, 1014, M. FRANCES, wife ef George R. North. Funeral on Saturday, st 10130 a. m. Interment Hopewell M. E. Cem etery. RKTKftS. On September 22, 10i4, FRED BRICK, husband of Wllbelmlna refer, (nee Tcjsner), aged 04 jears. Funeral services on Fridav, at 2 p m., at M20 North Front tt. Interment prliate, at North Cedar Hill Ceme. tery. rol.IHI. LETLA TOLlsr, Id years, 1022 Tnsker at. I'OTTH Suddenlv, on September 22. 10U, MATTHEW POTTS, sged S3 yearn. Funernl sen ices on Friday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, 2177 East Adams st. Interment prliate. at Belvue Cemetery. ROSENTHAL. ISAAC ROSENTHAL, 68 years, B17 Catharine st. RUSSELL. At Broomall, Ta., on September 22, 1014, MARY OUTHRIE, widow of Will lam Russell. Due notice of the funeral will he elien. RUTCHER. IDA RUTCHEB, 70 years, 40T nnrhlll st. SCIIOrr. FREDERICK SCHOPP, R4 years, 271(1 North darnel st. 8MITIL On September 23, 1014, MARY E, wife of AVIlllam II, Smith (nee Holt), aged 4l jears Funeral on Saturday, at 8 a. m., from lis West Luray st., Feltonvllle. Beoulem Mass at Iho Church nf the Incarnation nt 10 a, m Interment private, at Holy Sepulehro Cemetery. SNFXL. On September 22, 1014, PATBtCK. husband of the late Theresa Orace Snell Funeral on Saturday, at 8 a. m., from 313 Monmouth st., Gloucester City. N. J. High Mass nt St. Mary's Church at 0 a. m. In terment at New Cathedral Cemetery. 8TRIZIK. HELEN STRIZ1K, I year, 840 South Front st, .st'MMKRES. On September 53, 1914, CHARLES, husband of the late Kate Sum meres. Funeral on Sunday, at 2 p. m , at 2031 Amber at. SI'MMKBH. MAY SUMMERS. 2 years, 1824 East I'assyunk ave, TAflOABT. On September . 24. 1014. BE BECCA N., widow of William J. Taggarl. Funeral services on Monday, at 2 p. m , at 1313 South 18th st. Interment nt Mt. Morlah Cemetery. TAYI.OIL.On September 23. 1014. OEOBC1E W. TAYLOR, aged 02 years. Funeral ser vices at 700 Strahle at.. Fox Chase, on Sat urday. September 20, at 3 p. m precisely. Interment prliate. TORItELLI COLUMBO TORRELLI, 4 years. 102(1 Ellsworth st. VALENTINE. On September 24. 1014, OEOIIOE W. VALENINB. aged IS sears Bclatlics and frlenda, alsi Radiant Star l edge, No 2.12, I. O. O. F., and Veteran Firemen's Association, are Invited to alien 1 the funeral aenlccs on Monday, tho 2lh Inst., at 2 p m precisely, at his late resi dence 102' Vine st. Interment private. VnU'EINTESTA. EBNESTO VOLPEIN TESTA. 35 sears. 731 South 7th et. WASMAN HERMAN WASMAN, 34 years, 017 North Rth st. WBISEB LOUISE WEISEB, 02 years, 2100 South College aie. WH.nY. MABY WILBY. 33 years. 212T Hope st. "A ILLS. On September 2.1. 1014. REBECCA A . wife of Charles M. Wills. Funeral ser vices on Saturday, at 1 p. tn.. at 1227 Cam bridge st. To proceed to Hillside Cemetery via trolley. WOLF. Suddenlv. on September 22. 1014, OEORC.E II., husband of Delia Wolf, aged 47 S'ears Funeral on Friday, at 1:30 p. m, from 13S7 Bast Oxford st. Interment at Oaklnnd Cemetery. W rrri'Il. On September 22. 1014. AUGUS TUS, husband nf the late Margaret Wupper (nee McCormlck), Funeral nn Saturday, at R.30 a m., from 1210 South 12th st. Sol emn Renulem Mass at the Churih of the Annunciation at 10 n. m. Interment al Holy Cross Cemetery. Germany's Side of the War Question In an authoritative document by noted statesmen, financiers, pub licists and political leaders of the Fatherland, the German viewpoint of the circumstances leading up to the present war and why the Kaiser and the Reichstag were compelled, in self-defense, to enter into the conflict is given. Here is a list of the men who acted as the committee and board of editors in preparing this document : Ballin, Chairman of the Board Directors, Hamburg-American Line. Prince von Bulow, Hamburg. Dr. R. W. Drechsler, Director of the American Institute, Berlin. and Cathedral General Field Dr. Dryander, Chief Court Preacher, Berlin. Dr. Baron von o'er Goltz, Marshal, Berlin. Von Gwinner, Director of the German Bank. Berlin. Prof. Dr. von Harnack, Berlin. Prince von Haufeldt, Duke of Traehenberg. Dr. Heineken, Director of the North German Lloyd, Bremen. Prince Henckel von Donnersmarck. Paul Dehn, Author, Berlin. Dr. Drechsler, Director of the American In stitute, Berlin. Matthias Erberger, Member of the Reichstag, Berlin. Prof, Dr. Francke, Berlin. HONORARY COMMITTEE Dr. Kaempf, President of the Reichstag, Berlin. Prof. Dr. Eugen Kuhnemann, Breslau. Prof. Dr. Lamprecht, Leipsig. Dr. Theodor Lewald, Director of the Depart- ment of the Interior, Berlin. Franz von Mendelssohn, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Berlin. Prince Munster-Dernburg, Member of the House of Lords. Count von Oppcrsdorff, Member of the House of Lords and of the Reichstag, Berlin, Count von Posadowsky-Wehner, Dr. Walther Rathenau, Berlin. Viktor, Duke of Ratibor. BOARD OF EDITORS B. Huldermann, Director of the Hamburg American Line, Hamburg. D. Naumann, Member of the Reichstag, Berlin. Count von Oppcrsdorff, Member of the Prus sian House of Lords, Member of the Reichstag, Berlin. Dr. Schmidt, Ministerial Director, Berlin. Prof. Dr. von Schmoller, Berlin. Count von Schwerin-Lowitz, President of the House of Deputies. Wilhelm von Siemens, Berlin. Friedrich, Prince of Solms-Baruth. Max Warburg, Hamburg. Siegfried Wagner, Bayreuth. Von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Berlin. Prof. Dr. Wundt, Leipsig. Madame Goldberger, Princess Henckel von Donnersmarck. Duchess von Ratibor, The Baroness Speck von Sternburg. Madame von Trott zu Solz, Dr. Ernst Jackh, Berlin. Count Reventlow, Author, Charlottenburg. Dr. Paul Rohrbach. Teacher in the Commer cial High School, Berlin. Dr. Schacht, Director of the Dresden Bank, Berlin. This important statement will be printed in full, covering four entire pages, together with a splendid large portrait of the Kaiser, in Sunday's lUJO September 27th Order a copy from your dealer today EDGE i-L VV jiii WTiii i ; ii - g in liBifiMMiMiMWMh Till H