Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Little Food or Comfort on
Long Railway Trip From
Paris to Bordeaux.
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UOnUnAtN. Sept. .
'Follow Hie French (lovermnctil fioni
Fnrla to Bordeaux." nld my Instructions.
It sounded simple enough There uere
trains running-, three a day. "Why not
Motor?" n. friend In I'm Is suggested.
"Oct there miioker by train." I s.tlil.
" How little I knew'
f First of all, there was nn afternoon
ipent In obtnlning permission to le.ivo
that same night. In the ordinary way
tickets had to be taken 4S hour In nil
Vance. At the Murt-to (Scotland Yard)
they referred me to the War Olllce. from
the War OITIce I was passed on with a
recommendation to the KorHcn Ollloe.
The Foreign Ollleo g,it tne a letter to
tho station master nt the Gare d'Orsay.
end tho st.itlon master filled up a form
Instructing a ticket clerk to sell me a
ticket. "Tvont-o!ie o'clock four," said
tho clerk (meaning 9:01 p. m ). "Aus
terlltz Station. Be there In good time."
1 hent mv bag there nt half-past T and
arrived myself at a quaiter-past , after
a melancholy drle throuuh tho dark
streets, dark In case a Zeppelin should
come. The entrances to the station ucre
barred against a big and angry crowd.
I got through with my Foreign OHlce
letter and found In the hall thousands
of people struggling to get on to the
platform. The train was waiting. Wav
ing my letter again. I slipped through a
back w-av. But I could not find my bags
or my messenger. He was evldenly In
the Jam. It had not occurred to any one
to let tho unfortunate crowd through.
Not until SO minutes to n .i3 the barrier
opened, and then all had to squeeze past
n narrow "gulchet," dragging theii bable'
nnd their bundles after them, struggling
worse than ever. In a scene of Indescrib
able confusion and heat and noise
I stood on a chair and by good iiick
spotted my messenger "Wet through,"
he said. Wc set off to ilnd a carriage.
I only had a third-class ticket. Big bills
all over the station announced that no
others were Issued. "If oii can Ilnd a
first-class caiii.ige, pa the difference."
the ticket clerk had said. I did tind one,
but it was "retcnue pour Ies blesses" (re
served for wounded) Lu.kily I got an
empty second-class. It was also reseived
for somebody, but as "somebody" did not
come I Induced a guard at the last mo
ment to open It. I shared It with a post
man (one of many summoned to Bor
deaux to reinforce tho local staff), and
we chuckled to ourselves to stait so com
fortably. Ecry other carriage was chock
After the first stop ours was. too. Some
young men of 10 going to join the army
Kot in, and four drovers who had been up
from Orleans with cattle for tho army
commissariat. Their blouses, all blood
stained and byre-filthy, filled the carriage
with an appalling smell. So we Jogged
along, packed four a side in a small
corridor carriage, and so we remained
all the wa Xot all the time with the
eamc companions, though happll '
At Orleans about 7 in the morning the
drovers took themselves and their blouses
and their little cask of red wino from
which they refreshed themselves (they
-were quite decent fellows) away. After
that we had among other fellow passen
gers two joung gills fleeing to the At
lantic seaboard, with two kittens In a
basket; an officer's widow and her maid;
the wife of an artillery captain and her
tiny bab (with lu nurse) and her two
brothers and her father and mother
(after this X lost consciousness and came
round asking to be told the worst. An
other postman joined us. too. We all
picnicked together and shared our scraps
of food In tit most affectionate way.
Luckily I had brought some buttered
rolls and a bottle of wine. Scarcely an
thlng could be bought on the way. The
refreshment rooms were closed or turned
Into hospitals At Poitiers, late in the
afternoon, a "buvette" (bar) was doing
business, but a sentry stood before It
to keep customers out. 1 bought some
bread and chocolate there, though, and
near Tours toward midday I managed to
Ret from a man beside the line some
little cantaloupe melons, deliciously Juicy,
for twopence each.
In the ordinary way It takes seven
hours to run from Paris to Bordeaux.
It took us Mj Our Immensely long
train crawled slowly and stopped often,
sometimes for an hour or more at a time.
Yet my experience Is not b any means
the worst I have heard of We passed a
train at Tours which had left Paris a.
whole day before we did! Several, in
spite of persevering efforts, hove not
reached Bordeaux at all Even tho one
which brought the Ambassadors and
their staffs took Si hours. A starving
struggle for cups of coffee and chunks
of bread at a waside station showed
diplomats In an entirely now light.
It is troop trains and horse trains and
trains cans ins food or ammunition for
the troops which came the d?la. and
therefore one cannot complain "After
oil," said tne artillery captain's wife,
"there are man worso uff than we Ls
pamrca blesses (the poor wounded', for
instance." The colonel w idow stretched
her hand ut quickly There were tears
in both their ees. At Brettgny in the
niKht I hf-iid shouts that sounded
familiar and found we were alongside a
train of British soldiers. They were in
the highest spirits, a great many of them
riding outside their carriages on the foot
board. Tu my "Are we downhearted"
thty gave back a btentorian "No" At
another place was a tram of wounded
British horses Ev?ry bis station had Its
lied Cross staff of nurses and doctors
busy In waitine-rooma full of bed At
Lea Aubrais, close to Orleans, a priest
etert and an acolyte with, center headed
a bad profession of utretcliers. the builal
procession of those who had died during
the night.
The tun of the South filled midday with
8. parching heat, but the eeninsj made
cool amends, und toward night a. violent
rain fell with thunder und lightning.
I.ueklly it hdd ceased when we dragged
wearily into Bordeaux 81 ?.3tt a in
Luckily, because few of those arriving;
had any place to go to. "Every hotel
crowded" was the callous announcement
of the few tubmen who met the train,
and It was hardly the hour to seek for
rooms In private houses. Most people en
camped outside tho station They were
not Ullawed to remain Inside unless they
had tickets to some destination further
1 was fortunate After sitting on my
big for an hour I bribed 4. cabman, re
turning after other jiurnv). to take m
to the famous Hotel de France. Here J
made friends with the night porter and
"was allowtd to struUh myself on three
chairs In tht hall I slept oundl till
the sleepy hotel stranls began tu dust
me at T o'clock Then I remembered that
fur two nUnts I had n l had my clothes
off I ln'iu'rid for a swlnrn'-g-bath and
made off to It w't't alt p jstbl speed.
A four-leafed clover, pressed, dried nnd
scented the same one carried by hit
grandfather U years ngo-Is tucked nway
In a pocket of Kaiser Wllhclm'a gray
Rieateoat theso days.
The little daughter of nn old court offi
cial. Ixnils Schneider, plucked this leaf
In the Hnynl Park, Kabelsburg, In July,
ISTt). After the German victory nt Sedan
the child presented the green spray to
old King William.
Months later the Schneider child and
her father wcio summoned before the
"Here I your little piece of clover,"
said tho monoich. "It lias won me vic
tory. 1 give It back to you, my child,
nml lion, t v 11 hi In., vnu nick too,"
The Kaiser then cut off one of his white
curls and handed it with the clover to
the girl
Years later Mlsn Schneider presented
tho tatlMit.ui to tho daughter of the
t'nuntexf tichtia ns a baptismal gift.
When the war, broke out In August last
tho Countess, through the (Impress, pre
sented the clover to the Knlser.
(The truth of this piece of news Is
vouched for by the Cletmnn War Press
A statement In the Btltlsh Ofilclal
Press Bureau says:
"The Germans rely on concentrated
and prolonged tntllleiy (Ire to shatter
our nerves, but the British soldier Is a
dllllcult person to Impiess or depress
een In Immense shells filled with high
explosives which detonate with terrific
violence nnd form craters large enough
to servo as graves for the horses. The
Gel man howitzer shells are eight nnd
nine Inches In callhie. After Impact
they send up column of giensy black
smoke. On this account they nre ir
reveiently dubbed 'coal boxes,' "black
Mnrlns' and Mack .Minion".' Men
taking things In this spirit seem likely
to upset tho calculations based on the
loss of morale cmcfully framed by tho
German military phllosopheis."
A Masonic sign, ghon by n Belgian
reiidcnt of I.ouvnln, and immediately
reiocnlzed nnd honoted by a Geim.ui
olltcer. saved 50 Belgians from death In
Louvaln. All hid been arrested charged
with shooting at the Germans.
The Belgian Mason while facing the
firing quad gave a certain sign nnd the
Gorman officer Immediately engaged
Mm In conversation. He explained mn
sonlc.ally that he was not guilty and
that not a single one of the piity had
boon guilty of any atrocities. The Ger
man officer Immediately ordered them all
Although he recehed nine wounds In
the chest nnd back nnd lost a finger a
tew weeks ago. Kozma Krjutchknff, a
Cossack, who nttnckd 27 I'hlans single
handed, has leturned to tho ftont nnd
Is again with hli regiment.
Krjutchkntf tpgnrded his wounds In
flicted by I'hlan lance' with contempt.
"They are not wjiinds," he Insisted,
"for the Herman cannot fight."
The Cossack killed U of the IT men
against whom he fought nlone and was
standing out against the rest when five
comrades came up and assisted him In
dispatching the others.
"The t'hlans thought I was cornered,"
said Krjutchkoff. "But T gave them no
time to attack me. An officer tried to
cut mo down, but 1 hit him over the
head. Ills helmet protected him and
then t got nnRry nnd killed him. They
were charging me with lances, so I
Htlzed one, too, and tliovc It In one after
another. I was too nngry to feci the
thrusts they gave me. Finally five corn
fades arrived and tho Germans who
were not killed or wounded fled,"
Belgians nre telling with gicnt prldo
tunny stories of Burgomaster Max, ol
Brussels, who Is now icgnrded ns one
of the national heroes, ns n result of
his hnndllng of the delicate situation
piescntcd when the Germans marched
upon the capital.
One of these stories Is thnt when Mnx
met the German cummnndcr nnd It was
agreed that the Invading troops should
enter the city without resistance, tho
Germnn ofllcer laid his revolver on tho
table acros which they were to confer
with n grent nourish. Immedlntely the
Burgomaster whipped out his fountain
pen, nnd, with a gesture equnllv emphatic,
banged It down- on the table alongside
the revolver.
Klghteen-yenr-old Corporal t.upln, who
served In the regiment of Mnjor .lennne.
wounded during tho heroic defense of
Liege, will henceforth hold n place In
Belgian history ns high ns that accorded
any Individual. Corporal Lupin gave his
life to his countr.i. Tho Germans to
whom he gaxe his life paid for It with
the annihilation of a batery of field ar
tillery, hordes and men, and the decisive
defeat nf an attacking column of Infantry
Ma lor Jeanne tells the following story of
Corporal Lupin's heroism:
"We were on the right bank of the
Metise nt Bellalre, In cloe touch with
the Gorman battery. The musketry nn
both sides was terrible. All nt once the
Germans adopted new tnctlcs. They
seemed to withdraw from their position,
and we could distinctly notice their ranks
splitting ns If in grcnt confusion. It
was only to bring up more nrtlllerv which
had been rushing from behind Tho move
wns smartly executed, the rnnks closed
ngnln, nnd for a time they seemed ns If
thev were going to have the advantage
over us
"But now again young Lupin had seen
his chance looming, nnd what he did
altogether changed the face of things.
Like n finsli, the bov dashed off under
cover of n ditch to the left of the Ger
mnn battery. At ."0 metres distance he
found shelter behind a wall He took aim
nt the battery In enfilade, nnd his Mauser
brought down In quick succession tho
chief officer, the under officers and the
artillerymen. This time real confusion
took place nt the German battery, which
was neirly silenced The Gcrmnns, think
ing thnt a whole platoon was now at
tacking them, directed their Inst piece of
artillery on the wall, and with a terrific
crash the wall came down, burying the
brave Corporal Lupin The boy's bravery
had weakened the Germnn position, and
It did nnt take us long to scatter them
nnd put another victory on our list."
rtant Changes Include
Establishment of Separate
School of Education.
Many Professors in Europe
The 174th annual session of the Lnler
slty of Pennsylvania was formally opened
this morning in Wcightman Hall. It was
begun with a devotional service In the
Chapel, conducted by Provost Kdgar F.
Smith, who delivered tho address of wel
come to tho students.
Vice Provost Pennlman, dean of tho
nine University schools, also extended a
Important unnouncements. Among these
was the announement that the new School
of Education, under the head of Ur.
Frank 1'. Graves, will bo conducted this
year as a separate school having Its
own faculty of 13 professors and teachers
In thus recognizing eduatlon tho Univer
sity is following out tho general policy
of Proost Smith in raising the stand
ards and ofllciency of the L'nlvreslty.
Another new dean. It was announced,
will be Professor William E. Mlkell, in
place of Dr. William Draper Lewis, who
is one leave of absence for one year.
This Is the last year when the old re
quirements for admission to the law
school will be accepted. In the future
only a degree from colleges and univer
sities of recognized standing will be taken
in lieu of the entrance requirements.
In the medical school for the first time
in the 1M years of its history women aro
being admitted to the general courses
A number of professors who have gone
abroad, It was announced, have not yet
returned, being unable to get passage
for home. There were 77 members of
the faculty who were abroad during
the summer. Of these Paul Cret, pro
fessor of design, and Lon Arnal, as
Istant protessor of design, have gone
Into the French army, the former as a
private and the latter as a lieutenant.
Walter Fischer, instructor In French,
has entered the Oerman army as r
sens lieutenant. Frederick Maria Ur
ban, lusl.tant professor of psychology
has entered the Austrian army, and
Mctor Emll Sahary instructor In Ger.
man. the Austrian army.
Jn the dental school announcement was
made of three new professorships which
are destined to mark an epoch In dental
education In America.
c'i1 ,h wnn School and Graduate
fachool Dr Leo S Bowe, professor of
political se'ence. u on leave of absencf
during the first term. He is In South
America studying conditions there, pur
ine his absence Dr. John H Latqne, pro.
fessor of History at Johns Hopkins, will
give pr. nowo'e lectures In International
5?u "n,,,,n schools of tho What ton I
School will he opened this fall In Ittad-
ms mm Jiurnsuurg.
Th- new building of the Evans Ui,ul
Institute and Museum will be rtady rm
oc.upHncv d'Tlne the mining winter It
will bj the largest and best equipped
dental laboratory In the world for the
purpose of pioviding additional quarters
for the Wlstar Institute of Anatomv the
old police station and fire house at Wood
land avenue and Spruce streets have been
htted up for the use of the Institute
The Clemean Dormitory has been com
pleted during the hummer and wll uo
commodate , additional otudents this fall.
Many of the old dormitoiirs have also
ben "tnovatcd Among the new fiater
nln tiousKt aie tie Phi Gamma li'-lta.
3th and opruce Htrtn. and the i'elta
Upsllon, at Mil L-K-ust street The sta-k
room of the Biddle Law Library has been
refitfd and Is now capable of receiving
1W.O0Q volumes.
Took the Best Picture of General
Grant Pifty Years Ago.
Frederick Gutekunst. who was one of
the first men to go to war with a camera
in lieu of a musket. Is celebrating his
e'chty-thlrd birthday today at his studio,
71: Arch street, where he started in busi
ness .",7 years ago.
Many friends called to offer congratula
tions. The aged photographer would have
been surprised at the number of his call
ers had h" not been forewarned. A friend,
knowing that Mr. Gutekunst generally
forgot the arrival of the anniversary of
his natal day. dropped Into the studio
yesterday to Jog the photogrnpher'a mem
ory. Mr. Gutekunst was called the ofilclal
photographer of the Army of the Poto
mac. Mnny years ago he experienced Just
such Inconveniences ns the present wnr
photographer Is meeting He wns not
wanted on tl.e battlefield, but he managed
to get whom the action oc?urred at Get
tysburg two day nfter nil the big excite
ment was over He "snapped." if there
was such a thing as "snapping" In those
days, the rarcasses of horses and the
scarred earth and got the pictures of the
wounded later In the hospital enmps
All the generals liked to pose for Mr.
Gutekunt't Mr Gutekunst took a plc
tme nf General Grant, of which General
Frederick D Giant said that It Is the
b, n likeness of his father ever taken.
Son of Minister nt Stratford Taber
nacle Preaches Striking Sermon.
Without the slightest sign of nervous
ness, nnd with all the religious fervor
nnd enthusiasm of one who has spent
many years in the pulpit, the 14-year-old
son of the Rev Charles Forbes, who
has been conducting a mission at the
Stratford Tabernacle, preached a strik
ing sermon recently.
Young Forbes began preaching at nine,
and he has since toured through severa.
American towns Some of his sermons
have heen printed and published, while
many more have found their way to
the hearts of American worklngmen
Curiously enough. It was at the Strat
ford Tabernacle that Miss Helen Coult
hard. who. as "Nellie, the Child Evan
gelist." has touched the emotions of
thousands, preached last Easter. Miss
Coulthard Is now 10 years of age. and
when she was nine spoke In the open
air at a church army meeting. Since then
her conversions have been many. She
Is a sister of Miss Llhby Coulthard. the
H.enr-old mill girl of Bolton, who haa
held large congregations spellbound with
the eloquence and simple directness of
her preaching.
Libt.v, like her sister Helen, began
preaching when she was nine years of
ag( ' I tvo preaching," she says, "and
it is very funny how sermons come to
me When I am at work in the mill a
text c-.iiies Into my mind and I think
utioijt it all da , and then I go home
and find t in the Bible."
v Vl WrJ
Last Call
Real aavinge
on things that
men wear. See
our stock before
you buy and be
Priestley Cravenetted Rain-Proof
Regular $15, $18 (t fj Q El
and $20 value, ft OD
while they last. ..
Earl & Wilson Red (Jjl "in
Man Collars, per doz. J A U
At These .ddrte Onljs
808 Ch.itnut St. 20 i 22 S. lith t.
Juniper and Filbert Sts.
Va Conncrtlun Willi Any Other Store.
Investment of Belgian City
Would Take One Month
and at Least 200,000 Men.
Food SupplyAlways
A month ago, or even less, n siege of
this city seemed not Improbable, but
things hae fared so badly with the
German army since Its rotrent from Paris
that this contingency Is no longer con
sidered. The mere nrcllmlnnn Invest
ment of Antwerp would Inst one month t
and require at least i'00,000 men, and these
the Knlser cannot spare Just now, mucn
as he may be inclined to get even with
Belgium for daring to dispute the passage
of his troops through her territory.
Thnt the seat of government should be
c nnged from Brussels here wns to have
been expected, for n retirement on Ant
werp hnd always been foreseen ns nn
essentlnl nart of the defense of Belgium.
As early ns 1S59, ns soon ns the fortifi
cations of Antwerp, erected In 1S0 by
General Brlnlmont, approached comple
tion, the principal port of the country
hnd heen officially chosen ns the military
capital of the kingdom, a- the "redlllt
national" where the Government would
seek refuge In case of invasion.
At that time theie was no thought
of barring the rond of the Mouse. The
field nrmv's action was limited to the
northern part of the country, tnklng Ant
werp as tho bne of lt operations. After
the first reverse It would have sought
refuge In the stronghold, which was
considered Impregnable.
This consisted of three lines of de
fenses the advanced line, with nine forts
scattered on the south, and on the west,
15 miles from Antwerp, the second line,
with II forts, surorunding the town at n
radius of about four miles, and the thlid
line, being the wall of clrcumvallatlon
The scare of 1S70-71, when tho Franco
Prussian War raged, showed tho danger
of this plan of defense. In order to
prevent an armed Invasion of Belgian ter
ritory nfter Sedan, the field army had to
be moved toward the southern frontier.
In spite of the advice of experts. After
fierce quarrels and long discussions, Gen
eral Brialmont's Ideas prevailed In 1S8S,
nnd Liege and Namur were fortified In
order to guard the Meuse road and to
shelter the main army during tho first
stage of mobilization.
Meanwhile the progress of slego artil
lery had necessitated a transformation of
the fortifications around Antwerp. Tho
military commission of 1000 Insisted
strongly on the urgency of such a work.
It was pointed out that the advanced line.
In spite of the flooding of part of Its area,
was far from complete, a gap of more
than In miles being left opon to the
enemy, toward the cast, between Schooten
and Licrre. It was also noticed that the
second line could not have resisted a pro
longed bombardment, and thnt the third
encclcnte had accordingly become useless.
It was finally decided by the Chamber,
In 1906, to complete the first line by the
construction of 30 forts nnd redoubts, to
transform the second line to an "encclcnte
continue," and to demolish tho walls.
It would bo difficult to say exactly It
every particular of the new program has
been carried out to the satisfaction ot
military experts. After tho Agadlr coup
very strong criticisms of the War Office
were made because the first line of de
fense was still far from being complete.
The general. Van Sprang, who command
ed the place, admitted that, In case of an
attack, he would have had to abandon
the first line. But since then very great
efforts have been made, and If wc may
Judge by the results at Liege, the posi
tion of Antwerp must be ery strong
Ab long as England is mistress of the
seas Antwerp can never be short of food.
Holland would, no doubt, oppose the en
trance of warships In the Schelde, but
she has already allowed, and will con
tinue to allow, the entrance of freight
All these circumstances point to an In
vasion of Antwerp, even If the Kaiser's
troops are victorious In France, as both
unlikely and unprofitable,
m" iWnHH i M 111, KH !' wp,lw&l
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1 1 1 . 4?-,., - iS&tK!3-? "JLflHBS f , ; , ,- ' X i v
i in ill m iih " u - ; .
Loss of Property Seeds in Fleeing
War Zone Prompted Act.
NEW YORK, Sept. 23. -The body ot
ErneBt Werthclm, 50 years old, a letlrcd
German merchant and a former Lieuten
ant In the Hth Belgian Infantry, was
found floating In the East River at SOth
He came to this country on September
7 and was a patient at the German Hos
pital In this city. He llvfd many years
In Belgium, and. In leaving that country,
he lost a trunk containing valuable papers
relating to property In Europe.
Wall Paper Dignified nnd Floor Has
Few Rugs, Well Plnced.
THIS period room Is an example of
good tasto In furnishing. The wall
paper Is restful und dignified, while
tho floor, oil-finished, shows the decided
advantage of a few rugs well placed.
Even tho most hopeless floor can be
made attractive with the use of a filler
and one of the many excellent finishes on
tlv market, at tho cost of a few dollars
and a little work. Tho rag rugs, which
arc so npproprlnte with old furniture,
may be purchased from u3 cents up to
!-cernl dollars for the small sizes.
Builded rugs, too, ore charming with
mahogany fuinltuie nnd may be easily
made at home. Our great-grandmothers
always used odds and ends rugs, nnd tho
cretonne curtains that you nre tired of
or faded a little can bo used most effi
ciently In this way.
The double doors of the closets In this
room offer opportunities for many ar
rangements of drawers and shoe or hat
boxes. Tho mahogany chest of drawers
of Sheraton style uppeals to the lover of
a nice old piece, while the four-poster,
with Its old hand-made spread. Is very
appropriately dressed. There has been a
decided eye to comfort Bhown In tho ar
rangement of the bedside table, with Its
reading light, clock and favorite books,
while the pictures are placed evidently
from a sentlmentnl point of view. Tho
cretonne cover on the old chair, of course,
must match the curtatns to finish this
well-balanced room.
Then He Sits on Cushions With Eyes
Certain odd marriage customs prevail
in Morocco. After a couple have been be'
trothed. free Negresses, whose business
It is to assist women on special occasions
of festivity, dross up the young man as a
brldo with tho garments which they have
brought with them. He Is then seated on
cushions placed on a mattress opposito
the door, and sits mere with his eyes
closed as If he were a bride.
In some country places In Morocco, the
bride on her part Imitates the appearance
of a man, by wearing her shawl thrown
over her left shoulder, or leaving her old
homo clad In a man's cloak, or having de
signs resembling whiskers painted on her
face. , , .
Many extraordinary tests are tried to
see which of the two, brldo or bridegroom,
will bo leading spirit nnd ruler In the
new home. The brldo may throw one of
her slippers at the bridegroom, or beat
him three times with It. and should ho
cry out. It Is regarded as an obvious sign
that she, and not he, will be master In
the home for the future.
The bridegroom, on his side, tries simi
lar little pleasantries of a somewhat pain
ful nature, and should his little bride pro
test, or In any way cry out. then he will
rulo tho roost for all their married life.
In Morocco, too, one wedding Is sup
posed to act as an Incentive to others, and
Is always regarded as the forerunner of
many other nuptials. It Is the custom
for seven girls to pour water over the
brldo at a spring, hoping to get married
themselves by so doing, and If any un
married woman or girl is living In the
house, of tho bride's parents when she
leaves It. tho brldo Is told to "drag her
foot" when she goes away, so as to help
the unmarried one to a husband.
die annually
from preventable causes."
Board of Health Report
t nv??
!Ta3 ' TTTifll aaUT" AMF
Would you like to STOP some of the needless acci
dents and diseases that are occurring in your neigh
borhood? Then visit The Home and School League
"Carnival of Safety"
Convention Hall
Broad Street and Allegheny Avenue
September 26, 28, 29
Afternoons at 2 Evenings at 8
Admission Adults, 25 cents; Children, 10 cents
Reserved Seats, 50c and 75c, at Gimbel Brothers
ONE fine sprin day a gardener
picked ttp a shovelful of Jap
anese sunflower roots.
"Where do these go?" he asked.
"Oh, let me see," said the other
gardener, "wc can put those here in
front of the hedge and behind the
golden rod that's just the place for
So the sunflowers were planted.
Now the hedge grew very high and
very thick, so that, no sun shone
through it at all.
And the golden rod grew very fast
and very tall and the poor little sun
flower roots down in between didn't
have any chance at all.
They spread out roots and sent up
green stalks and leaves, but they
couldn't get enough sun.
Finally, one day, the sunflower re
solved to ask the sun about it.
"Oh, Mr. Sun," she called, "what
is the matter; why don't you shine
on me all day as you used to in the
And the kind old Sun smiled doivn.
"Shine on you!" exclaimed the sun,
"I surely am trying to, but you sec
with the tall thick hedge at your back
and the tall golden rod in front of
you, I can't even see you most of the
day. But I'll tell you what to do; you
keep on growing the best you can and
I'll keep on shining the best I can,
and between us maybe wc can have
some flowers."
So the cheerful little Japanese sun
flower smiled and set to growing.
Every day, from 10 till 2, the sun
shone on the plant, and every' day
the roots grew stronger and the
stems grew taller.
But the golden rod grew, too
never was there such tall golden rod!
And the poor little sunflower was
completely hidden.
One day in late September the gar
dener went round behind the golden
rod to hunt for weeds.
"Well, well," he exclaimed, "if here
isn't that sunflower plant I'd forgot
ten atl about it. It's had a hard time
back here in the shade. I guess I'll
move it next year, for it won't bloom
before frost at this rate."
"Oh, dear," shivered the sunflow
er," "is it time for frost? I wanted
so much to open my buds they are
nearly ready now."
The kind old sun heard the sun
flower and said, "Don't you worry
minute. I'm going to shine warmly
for a few days yet and you can open
your flower buds."
So the sun shone warm and cheer
ful, the warm winds blew the frost
away and the sunflower worked very
At last, on a warm October day, the
first sunny bloom opened. And then
another and another, till the whole
bush was covered with miniature
And the kind old sun smiled down
and said, ".Vow just look at those
blooms we did that by working to
gether." jTonorrott; Jimmy South-Brccze and
its cousin.
Copyright, 1014, by Clara Ingram Judson.
Good night, little man, good night,
Rood night, little man, good night;
Far away Is the sun,
And our play Is now done:
All tho day we've had fun; dear,
Good night.
Good night, little man, good night,
Good night, little man, good night;
You must never once peep,
And you'll soon be in sleep
Safo and quiet and deep; dear,
Good night.
Good night, little man, good night,
Good night, little man, good night;
Just another big kiss.
And the light you won't miss;
Then a lost one like this; dear,
Good night.
(Copyright. Malcolm B. Johnson, 1011.)
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