WB ' 'Wr'Hol"S$iW iyvwmmjiwwmwv EVENING Hi jj urn it VOL. I NO. 11 PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT HESITATING HORSES REFUSE TO LEAP BUT MUM AT HEDGES Thoroughbreds Show Shock- ,. ing Presence of Ordinary Appetites Heavy Skies Threaten, But Crowd Braves. 5 LC the clinging (town mllndy wears tvlth charm- Injt. lisaome KMce, The dainty feathere.I, pert chapeau that frames her classic face, The shoes, the dove and ffms she near at Bryn Mar's s early ho. Tell why aome never see the hore who to the turnout go. BRYN MAWR, Pa.. Sept. ri-Danclna nd hungry horses which did the hesi tation, chewed hedge Instead of Jump ing over them, and otherwise performed In a manner decidedly unelubby, fca hired the hunters and Jumpers' das' which was first judged today at the Bryn Mawr Horse Show. During; the ntlre Initial compeltlon there was not one spill from a Held of 3$ entries. Thli 1 a remarkable thins "hen one con siders past performances. The first arrival. acting In a decldedl.v Uncalled for manner considering his birth, was Benjamin, en entry of Hubert U. Gerry, of New York. Benjamin stopped hort when ho came to a hedge in fnnt of the grandstand and began to partake Of a late breakfast. Horrified Judges rushed to the rescue of the hedrp nml the horse was turned off the oval for bad manners. Benjamin's conduct the last two days has been quite naught v esterday he upset Lurman Stewart in a spectacular manner in front of the Xrandstand and otherwise cavorted In a manned decidedly unbecoming to well bred equlnes. Xaplay showed terpslchorcan proclivi ties. Hermanus, a Highland Farm entrv of John It. Valentine's, danced about the tan bark In a mannr which would have occasioned the envy of a Vernon Castle. Every step was hesitation and despite the lashings aJminlstered by I-urman Stewart, his ridr, Hermanus tripped about the ring in recklees fashion. Not until he had finished the dance did the animal consent to take the jumps. MR. TOWNSAND THROWN. TVhat at first looked like a serious acci dent happened early today at the Bryn JIawr home of John R. Valentine, when J. Taylor Townscnd, of New York, was hurled to the ground by a vicious horse belonging to Robert L. Gerry, of New York. Mr. Townsend, who Is a house suest of the. "V alentlnes, was trying out the animal when It threw him. His ear "was badly cut. but he Insisted the Injury yas not bad and rode a horse in the first ""iters and jumpers' class, wearing a .tndage over his head. "Robert L. Gerry's Hamsah, winner of the Radnor Challenge Cup on Wednes day, captured a blue ribbon In the hunt ers' and Jumpers' class, the first judged today. " None of the horses whose peculiar performances featured tht con test took a prize. Second honors went to Branton. of Stronla Farms, a Balti more stable, while Huntley, another of the Gerry horses, took third. Hard, Mrs. Eobert Wadsworth's horse, came in for fourth prize. One of the Interesting mounts In the first class was London Smoke, A. Henry Hlgginson's horse, which took every Jump in fine style but one His aversion to this particular obstruction caused him to halt tfddenly In front of It. and Instead of jumping, stepped deliberately over the Tails. Laughter from the stands greeted this. HE4.VY SKJES THREATEN. Gray skies and surly clouds greeted early morning arrivals. But It takes more than these uncertainties to dampen the enthusiasm of a typical horse show crowd once spectators got the habit of being present at the Judging. The possi bilities of a spill or the thrills of excite ment when sleek hunters, handled in a masterly manner, go gracefully over dlf Jflcult Jumps, far autwelgh any misgiv ings caused by a possibility of rain. And so people kept coming into the Otands and walking about the rails. Tr ue, ttraw hU and other Palm Beach attire jave way to raincoats and typical fall keadsear, but all that goes with the hange in climatic conditions, and ruin or Ihine, warm or cold, the Bryn Mawr show Mover fails to attr.ict crowds of hunting nthuslasta and lovers of the horse. The attendance this ear is augment d by tlw odmbinatlon hound show, which Is being' beld in conjunction with the other fash la nabl e event. Disappointed horse owners whose saddle fcerse entries have failed to come up to tije expectations of admirers, will hae Mother opportunity today to enter their trbring of non-winners in the consolation lass. This event is open only to non Hnners. The horse show catalogue doe mt record the names of those animals "Wtdch are to compete In this event, and ae of the chief topics of conversation attong typical rail birds naturally is Jlch horses will b entered. INTEREST IN TODAY'S PROGRAM Today's events comprise In their en tirety probably one of the most Interest Sajf programs of the week. Hunters and Jttmpers figure particularly In the list. Sa th obedience class, run off shortly xfnre noon, awards were made to the BSIM making the best showing over a aeries of nine successive jumps, threo truer at a walk, three at a trot and three a a canter Manners in this contest Hrefe especially considered. The ladles' obstacle driving class, which U tn be seen shortly after the noon re eu, is another contest in which grace ful driving and skilful handling of horses ttnier difficult conditions are shown to a great advantage. The prize in this event la lven for the best driving by a lady Ja a two-wheeled cart through obstacles placed at certain distances and agles In kr path The cup Is presented by Mrs fr. Lyttel! White High steppers In harness are also ex. pected to please the afternoon crowd tt tii show The famous Pandora, from guiuel M. Vauclaln's Broadlann Farms, t Rosemont. Is an entry. This, horse hi taken prizes several times during the irrk. Another well-known horse which ariO be seen in this class Is The Whip, from Broadlawn Farms. Charles R, Hamilton's Senator is another entry. Shetland ponies will be shown by chll flren this afternoon. HUNT CLASS WITH HOUNDS. Just before the closing event late this Afternoon, a hunt class with hounds will 1m shown over the oval in front of the grandstand. X similar event was run off on Tuesday, tut so late In the afternoon that many parsons had already left the grounds. The hunt rlass with hounds is on of the most picturesque events In today's Judg ing. Three hunt clubs with riders and dogs aro entered. The prize Is for the best three hunters from any recognized club to be shown with five couples of English hounds by tho master and two whips In hunt uni form After a ride about the Inner course, the dogs nre kenneled and ludged The competition In this class today Is between the Middlesex fox hounds. Bran dwlne Hunt and Hnrtford County hounds. The cup Is presented by the Brllevue-Stratford Hotel. The Coilnthlnn class, open to nit hunt eis qualified or green shown over the outside course, will conclude the day's Avonte THU iMnsa Ih also to be ridden t nmh... nt l.m.t ,'1nlia In rnqtume I Nearly every horse which has accom plished nti thing during the week will lie enteied Willow King, RnlU neither and St Winifred, from aim Riddle Farms. Louis C. Clark's Tcmplnr Maim and High Hall, belonging to K. B. Mc Lean; Robeit L. Gerry's Hams.ih, win ner of the Radnor Challenge Cup. Sloe Gin and Wild Irishman. Tallan, Lone Ben nnd many other famous hunteis will be among the competitors. HOUND SHOW ENDS TODAT Todav marks the last of the hound show, and special prices are being award ed to winners In the various competi tion'! Among the hounds, the principal entries are from the Middlesex. Hart ford County and Brnndywlne hounds, while Brandywlne. Cheshlie Hartfoid Comitv. Ukridge Middlesex, Green Spring ValW and Pickering hounds are entered In the fnx terrier class. The fn terriers will compete In an In teresting evnt known as digging. With each pack of hunting dogs there Is nl wns a small terrier used to chase the fnx from drain pipes or other covers. The ability along this line will be dem onstrated by entries In the working cla-s today Clas S2. quallfled or pren hunters which hae never unn a prbe or rltibon at any rccml7eil show Won hv llnmah owned hv Robert L. Gerry, second, llr.intoti, from Strontla Farm, third. Huntlc:. owned by Robert t. Ocrn . fourth. H.ird. owned bj Mrs. Herbert Wadsworth. First prize J3,"i, second prize fir,. FLUTTERING WINGS MAY DISAPPEAR FROM CITY HALL DEMOCRATS APPEAL FOR REGISTRATION IN FIGHT ON PENROSE I VILLA PREPARING i TO SEND HIS ARMY AGAINST CARRANZA Concentrating Troops at Chi huahua and T o r r e o n . Felix Diaz and Huerta's Successor to Aid New Revolt. By LEWIS T. MATSON EL PASO, Tex., Sept. '.'S The real situation south of the Rio Grande was hidden today behind the curtain of censor ship, and by General Francisco Villa, who has taken up arms against his former chief. Provisional President Vcnustlano Carranza. It Is known however that Villa Is hur riedly concentrating troops at Chihuahua City and at Torreon. Requests sent to Villa for an expression upon the statement Issued by Can-anza In Mexico City, in which the Provisional President expressed the belief that peace would soon be restored, brought no reply. Political leaders throughout Mexico are taking sides and it Is leported that General Felix Diaz, a nephew of the ex-President Porflrlo Diaz, and Francisco Carbajal, who succeeded Vlctoriano Huerta as President, are hurrying to El Paso to offer their services to Villa. Great activity exists In Juarez. Train loads of supplies are being sent south ward. It is evident that for weeks Villa has been preparing for this emergencj. His aides declared that the Vlllalsta army has enough ammunition and pro visions to last "until Mexico City is captured." VILLA PREPARING SURPRISE. There is a Villalsta Junta here and an other at Houston. There revolutionary headquarters are making vigorous efforts to cloak all of Villa's movements. It Is evident that Villa wants to deliver a surprise atack against the army which Carranza is sending northward from thi capital. The United States authorities arc con fident that there will not bo any fighting along the border, which would Imperil the lives of Americans on United States soil or American property. It la con fidently believed that the fighting will take place in the southern part of the State of Chihuahua or even farther south. Villa Is going to lead his troops In person, whereas General Carranza In tends to remain In Mexico City, leav ing field operations to members of his staff. There is a feeling of anxiety apparent on the part of the representatives of General Villa as to what side, if any the United States Government will take Since the embargo on arms and ammu nition was lifted vast quantities of war supplies have been shipped through the Juarez custom house. If the embargo U again established It will be regarded as evidence that the United States Is opposed to the Villa uprlsng Op the other hand, if this passive assistance is given to the one-time bandit. Villa prob ably wll look to the Government at Washington as his friend IF VILlA SHOULD WIN. The question now is: What will happen should Gensral Villa overthrow Carranza. The belief Is strong all along the border that Villa wl win, because he has the peope with him. But the famous Con stitutionalist general declares that he will not be President of Mexico no mat ter what haprens The logical conclu sion is that Villa will put a man of hla own choice In the National Palace and then compel him to put through tho re form measures which were formerly be lieved to be the essence of the Constitu tionalist party's principles. Chief among thrse Is the distribution of land among the peons. After this and other meas ures have been adopted Villa Is expected to disband the array. However, all this Is dependent upon his winning. Persons crossing the border declare that sentiment in Northern Mexico is strong ly in favor of Villa. Palmer-McCormick League Calls on All Voters to Qualify Table to Show Work in 191 3 Prepared. Alive to the necessity for a record registration on October 3 to defeat Pen rose, the Palmer-McCormick League has had prepared a table showing by wards the number of assessed citizens In 1113. the number who registered on the three das, and the number who entirely neglected their right of suffrage last year of falling to register and vote. The tablo will be used in nn effort to bring out every unregistered citizen on the last registration day, October J "The defeat of Penrose hinges to a great degree upon a very large regis tration on October 3," declared Roland S Morris. Democratic State chairman, this morning. "The facts and the figures tearing upon this will be placed In the' hands of our workers In every division In Philadelphia, nnd our appeal to the citizens will be to use the most power ful weapon known In the fight against Penroselsm, which Is their right to ths ballot and the obligation which de volves upon them to exercise this right." Speeches urging all independent voters to use their right of citizenship and re Ister will be made In this city just prior to the last registration day by Vance C. McCormlck and William Draper Lewis. It Is understood, further, that Colonel Roosevelt's speech here on the night of October 1 will be partly given over to an appeal to the Individual citizen to register and vote. In the first two registration days this yeir 152,510 citizens qualified. As the as sessors lists show 379,577 citizens eligible to vote If registered, there still remain 197 557 who can qualify October 3. On the first two registration days last year 131,i) qualified, and on the Inst day 115.979. The total number eligible to reg ister then was 372,t09. The highest number ever re glstered In this city wa3 in 1911, when the total was 29S.556. To equul this record M.OiS will have to register on the final day this year, which is nearly "Vi less than registered on the final day lost year. The table compiled by the Palmer-McCormick league, showing the a.ssessments, registrations nnd the percentage of voters who neglected to go to the polls last year, follows: Forcentase Re Els- Assessed. Registered, tered. O ! lllirgP?5C&3H WUHMIIld CITY HALL PIGEONS COO HAPPILY WHILE DESTRUCTION PENDS 000 Americans Leave Copenhagen. COPENHAGEN. Sept 2S.-The Scandl-navlan-Amerlcan liner Oscar II sailed Thursday with SCO Americans. The xodus from Denmark; la about over. Ward. First M 4,77S 5cond ...... 0,40" 2 0.1 Third I'.TSW -.1! Fourth L'.ta? -.'.ivvi Fifth ::.osn 2.ov. Sixth 1.401 1.002 Seventh 7.712 4 71 ElBhth 3.441 5,:lti Ninth 1.8VJ R03 Tcnti .1.052 3.3.10 Klu-entJi 1.72A 1.4V9 Twelfth 2.32 l.imi Thirteenth 4,144 2,71. Fourteenth ,1,217 3,1.!. Plftefnth 10,203 7,217 Sixteenth 2.4M l.ti4 seventeenth 2.724 2,134 Eighteenth .MS 4,721 Nineteenth 12.3'1 !.2 Twentieth 12,023 7,1.711 Tw emy-nret s.47 1.W.1 T enty-f e oml 17.4SO 11,720 Twenty-thtrd ........ ".100 fi.WJ Twenty-fourth ".211 K227 Twenty-fifth 0.432 fi.403 Twenty-sixth 12,112 S.27R Twemy-sesenth r,,124 3,273 Twemj.elBhth 13.172 S.2JJ Twenty-nlnth 7,031 B.132 Thirtieth 33l .073 Th!rty-nrt !? 5'SJ Thtrtj -second 10..1S1 fi.ST Thirty-thlnl 12.1H 7.W9 Thirty-fourth 14.402 s.aio Thirty-fifth 2.no 2.051 Thlrts-slxth W.73S 10.4V Thirty-seventh r.425 4.702 Thlrty-eUluh 14.10 n.o-W Thirty-ninth 12 SJ3 . rt.10 Vortieth U 71 2 Forty-flm 3.0 2.01T Forty. BePon3 ....... S.3TS .1.47. F-.rJ-thlrd 12.M4 s.W Forty-fourth Ml J2J, Forty-fifth .4n 3.7M T-orty-.Lth 1J.1S1 S.Wt Fort seventh 7,473 4,6.8 373.S.S 240.1W Handful of Determined Wo men All That Stands Be tween Birds and Official Decree of Extermination. 7.1 in OS 70 1.7 S4 2 IV) 11.' si 77 72 77 m 70 70 71 ITt fi 63 ft! C3 ts (11 74 A3 a tV) 73 ir, .i 02 7T. no n fil 71) fa Bl 61 CRANE LIFTS WAGONS New Method Hastens "Work of Foundation Digging, A new method of accelerating founda tion digging for a large office building is being demonstrated dally at Chestnut and Juniper streets. Thousands of pedestrians stop every day to watch a heavy dump wagon lifted easily from the street by a crane, swung over the yawning excava tion made for foundations and gently low ered to the bottom. By this method it is necessary to load but om-e. L'nder the old system-laborers tilled a big steel bucket at the bottom of the excavation. This was swung up and dumpt-d into the wagon A large amount of dirt was, spilled and another force of men had to be employed to handle the bucket at the street. By the new-way method the wagons are never delayed. HIS PINAI. BEQUEST They had arrested the moving picture manager as a spy. He was droro-head-ed. found guilty and sentenced to be shot "Have you any parting request?" the boss of the firing parti asked "Don't make It too long " The movie man nodded "My operator," he said, "has never veen a real execution Just let him turn thi machine on the last scene and don't -hurry It any." Cleveland Pta'n Dealer, -' ' J When Director Hartc, of the Depart ment of Health and Charities, begins his crusade against the pigeons of City Hall Square, If he does shoot one, he will find he must contend with Mrs. M. M. Hnlvey, office manager of the Women's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The crusade was to have bagun todav, tout Mrs. Halve? headed a delegation of women who called upon the Director. He listened to their remonstmnce against killing the pigeons and then stated he would hold the matter under advisement. Mrs. Halvey says there will be no slaughter of the pigeons. She lb not threatening In attitude or anything like that, but her one aim Is to save those birds. Some people say that the City Hall pigeons ate a nuisance. Others say thf pigeons lend atmosphere to City Hall Square. They liken them to pigeons of St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice. Who" would ever hear of St. Mark'n if It were not for tho pigeons, they ask. If it were not for St. Mark's. It Is argued, who would ever hear of Venice. A few people, perhaps, might remember It because of Its wet highways and because a certain Bill Shakcspeaie wrote a drama concerning a mercant of the place. There are a 'few friends of the pigeons even In City Hall. Sheriff A. Lincoln Acker sajs: "Let the pigeons stay. Drive out the rats. I give those little pets of the public nearly 100 pounds of feed each week. There are a number of rats In the City Hall that should be deposed of," said the Sheriff with a wise nod. What he meant can only bo guessed tit. When the City Hall was completed, nnd before even the officeholders could select comfortable chairs and desks that were not meant for hard usage, the pigeons arrived. They looked that big pile of stone over and decided that under the eaves was Just the place for them. It was and has been for years. THE FIRE HOSE AGAIN. Director Harte Is contemplating aiming a high-pressure. Are hose at the eaves and drowning the pigeons. That was tried once before during the Beyburn admin istration. While "constant readers" wrote to the newspapers protesting against the cruelty, the wet pigeons, with crjes of protest and anger, flew over to Broad Street Station and lighted upon the train shed. There they dried off, groomed themselves and returned to the City Hall as soon as the hofe ceased to be a menace When a fire hose did not discourage those olrds, Tim O'Learj. who then was Assistant Director of Public Safety, got busy. He Mild he knew pigeons all the way from the homing variety to stool pigeons. He knew as much about them as he did about race nortes, and that was considerable O'Leary Is the man who devised the wire-screen scheme that is today seen over all entrances to City Hall. The screens, all credit to O'Leary. did baffle the pigeons for several days. Some birds flew home late In the evening, nnd In not the best mental condition bumped against the screens. They became bruUed and wiser birds Then the pigeons got used to the device and cleverly ducked under the screens to find their roosting places A Janitor of tho City Hall came near solving the pigeon question. He fed the birds every morning and as they ate from his hand on the City Hall roof be would wring the necks of a half doien or so, He did It quietly so as not to frighten the flock. It ie said that Janitor ate pigeon pot pie even for breakfast. He died from appendicitis. The death certifi cate did not state what effect a steady diet of pigeons had upon him. John Ritchie, a former detective, feeds the pfgeons cver day He will miss the birds If they are exterminated So will a tall, klender young man who feeds the pigeons even.' time they are photo graphed. It Is remarkable how he can bob up at the psychological moment and set into the camera,' range. TILTS FOLLOW FAST WHEN POLICEMAN SURPRISES THIEF Series of Tussels Start When Pursuer's Shoes Give Rob ber Warning While at Work. Although he was released from Jail only a few days ago, Alexander Wat ton may serve another long term be cause of the quick artion of a womnn and a downtown policeman. He was entering the home of Mrs. Anna Rosen, at 633 RItner stieet, yes terday afternoon by way of a rear cellnr window when Mrs. Sophia Jiffen. who 1 csldes in a rear street, saw him. She told Policeman Handsforth. of tho Koutth and Snyder avenue station, and he also squeezed thiough the window. On reaching the second floor the police man came upon the man ransacking a bureau. Handsfoith walked stealthily toward tho Intruder and 'was Just about to grab him when his new shoes squeaked. The thief turned, grappled with Handsforth and both rolled on the floor. "I'll go with you," Watson said finally, and his cuptor took him to the street while the women In the neighborhood cheered, For a few yanls the pilsoner walked complacently, but uiicn Hnnds fotth relaxed his hold Mlghtl. Watson tripped hlni and, ns the policeman fell, ran out RItner stieet. A crowd of men and bjs. with Handsforth In the lead, pursued Watson. The policeman ill ed sev eral shots, hut the man ran right on. At Fifth stieet, Handsfoith itcaptured him. but tho thief was still in lighting mood nnd tiled to knock his cuptor out with viclaus blowC which went wild. The man was dually landed at the police sta tion. On being seaiched, Jewell y valued nt teveral hundred dollaia uut found in WntEon's pockets. The booty Included eight rings, a gold w,itch and a .stick pin. The prisoner had several souvenirs of his fights, a black eyo nnd n swollen ear being the most prominent. He s.ild he resided at Front and McKean streets. Wntson was held under Jlafw ball this morning by Magistrate Camon at tho Fourth .street ard Snyder nvenuo station. JAMES HOLMES James Holmes, who for ten jears had been sexton of tho United Prebbj terlan Church, at Norrls Square, and for 33 years had conducted Its choir, tiled yes terday nt his home 225S North Howard street. He was 71 years old and In apparent good sealth until six months ago. Hla widow, three sons, Daniel, auditor with Elsenlohr & Brothers; James, a clerk at the Frankford Arsenal, and Robert, and a daughter, Elsie, sur-vlve. SAILORS SHUNNING SUSPECT BOATS FOR FEAR OF CAPTURE Norwegian Steamships, Watched by British War ships, Are Compelled to Remain at Anchor in Dela ware River. New York Butter-and Eggs, NEW YORK. Sept 25-BL'TTER weak; receipts, 773S pounds; en amery, gjOVic. Suite dairy, tubs, :'3fi29c; imitation ciamery, firsts 24fi3ijc. EGGS, irregular and lower; receipts, 1010; nearby white, fancy, 33'g3Sc; near by mixed, fancy, 25$2Sc; fresh, firsts. 21fi30c, NOBLY DONE 'Bertie, dear liu, 1 can't enlist. I'm getting married. ' announced Clltfoid, Im pressively. Mairied1" echoed Clifford's pal. In rather rude amazement "Who over to?" "Little Miss Eardrop." "Why, jou've only known her a week." "Yes. but, Bertie, I saved her life yes terday." "How?" Inquired the other, suspiciously. "We were on the beach," recalled Clif ford, dramatically. "She was bathing. A great wave came and knocked her over, ' "Yes?" 'She came up once, went down again Then I nulled myself toother nn1 with a mighty effort Yes?" breathlessly, "Screamed for help, Bertie!" Harrtt- VUSf x-ainot. Sailors, who have learned that the Nor wegian steamships Fram and Sommer sUd, now lying at this poit, arc liable to capture by British warships, lefuse to sail, compelling the essels to remain at anchor In the Delaware River. It Is be lieved that the ultimate destitution of tho N01 w ugian steamships' cargoes Is tho Gorman crulseis, Karlsruhe nnd Drcsdm In tne Cailbbenu Sea. The m.istcis nnd agent of the steamships ore anxious to have them sail. The Sommerstad cleared neatly two weeks ago and was followed several days later by the Fram. Both have curgocs of ship supplies, coal and fresh water on boaid. While the cargoes aro of suspicious character, custom house of ficials declare that its both have cleared for neutral ports they cannot bo pre vented from sailing. Tho Sunnnerstud cleaied for Cadiz, Spain, and the Fr.un for Pernnmbuco, Brazil. Four other Noiwcglnn steanishlps, each carrying blmllnr cargoes have left hero during the past two montlis. Shipping men have asserted that they believed the cat goes wcie never Intended for tho port of clc-arance, but were being delivered at sa to German cruisers. Their deductions were based upon the fact that thu Karls ruhe and Diesdeu which are prying upon British and French commerce In the Car ibbean have never had to put into uny port for supplies since war was declared; that this port never shipped such cargoes prior to the outbreak of hostilities; that the fresh air, more than a. -vessel's ordinary supply for their own use, was placed on board and the nonreport of tho ve-ascls having reached their destina tion. The United States Got eminent, t was said at the Custom House, is powerless to stop the sailings oi tho steamships, even though the ciicumstunllul evidence was sttongly in faior uf tho cargoes going to Unman ships. AH 1 tiles 01 nctitialltj , it was said, are observed. The vessels would have to be followed by Biltlsh warships and caught In tho net of delivering car goes to German warships beforo the guilt would bo established. Although no protest against the vessels' sailings have been nmdo by the British Consul, It Is understood, that Its le-pre-sentatlvts aie- now keeping close walth on the Sommerstad and Tram. When they raise their anchors it Is expected that a way will be found to notify tho British cruiser now olT tho Delaware Capes and she will sco that the German waishlps do not obtain any supplies fiom them. It was icported here today that the British steamship Indian Pilnee was sunk by either the Dresden or Karlsruhe In West Indian waters several days ago while bound from Santos, Brazil, to New York. As It Is not possible for either of these German warships to take their cap tives to a friendly port they are content ing themselves by sinking them after re moving tho crews who are later put In small boats near land and permitted to row ashore A WHISTLER STORY While a draftsman In the coast survey from November, 1331, to February, 1S53, Whistler, the artist, boarded at the north east corner of E and Twelfth streets, Washington. He is remembered as being usually late foi breakfast and alwa making sketches on the walls To tlu remonstrating landlord he replied, "Now, now, never mind' I'll not charge yOU anVthlnsr for tha Hor-r,rllr,o ' T.- change, I "SAFETY" THE TEXT OF EARNEST PLEAS AT MASS MEETING'' Educational Campaign Pre j iimmary to carnival Which Begins Tomorrow Night Has Enlisted Public Interest. With the preliminary educational cam nalsn of "H.ifptv liMi-nt i. ... - -- ..,. ,vt nearly over, i the cltV 19 HOW ntvnltlm. .uu . . I 0 ...in gieai in- '1 terest tho opening of the. convention and ' carnival proper tomorrow night at Con. ' venuon mil, Broad street and Allegheny t avenue. The educational campaign was ' brought to a climax last night by a largo mass-meeting In tho ballroom of I tho Bcllevuo-Stratford. tinrtnr (, .... pices of tho Home and School Leaen Officials of tho league expressed great ' satismction today in tho Interest dls plajed In "Safety Week," not only by tho public at large, but by tho railroads, tho Rapid Transit Company nnd other large employers of labor who nre earn estly trying to solve tho problem of In- 5 dustrlal accidents, most of which are preventable. Tho problem of accidents nnd safety In general was brought Into strong relief at , the meeting last night when Franklin H. Wentworth, of Boston, shocked the audi ence by bringing out tho general ndmls- slon that few of thoso present knew where , the nearest fire box to their homes was or how to give an alarm. Mr. Wentworth said that tho great majority of fires In this countiy were caused by the careless use of matches. Amci leans, ho said, wers tho most careless people In the world In dealing with matches. The result of this carelessness, Mr. Wentworth said, is the great number of fires accompanied by los"5 of life. Director Porter told of what is bclng. done by the Department of Public Safety to protect the lives and piopert of the citizens of Philadelphia. Director Porter spoke of the many Improvements In traffic legulatlons, which, he snltl, have 1 educed the number of street accidents to a large extent, and to the fact that the thcacies of tho city have been compelled to spend $300,000 In Insuring greater safety. Mr, Porter, although lip gave great praise to the eiriclcncy of Philadelphia's lirellghtcrs, said the equipment of the Fire Depart ment In this city needed Improvement. He spoke of the defective engines held In reserve, of antiquated lire boxes In mnny parts of the city and of the de-" fectlvo file hose which firemen are com pelled to use. Mrs. Joseph R. Wilson, head of the committee In charge of the week's pro gram, made nn appeal for greater care In the prevention of accidents and dis ease due to carelessness. She said that while the Government, city State and national, had its duty to perform In this regard. It was up to the people to do their shate In exercising greater care and judgment In their homes. In their places of employment and In the street, SCREAMS PREVENT ROBBERY Woman Ignores Intruders' Threats of Death nnd Summons Policeman. Threats to kill did not terrify Mrs. Mary I.orrn when two men entered her room In the house at SSO North Franklin street with tho Intention of robbing her last night. Her screams drove the men out of the house and brought Policeman Belale, of tho Tenth and Buttonwood streets sta tion. He nrestcd James Martin, who said that ho lived at 2517 Waterloo street, and James Tithes', who gave his address as Ji-OS North Third street This morning they were held under J5C0 each for a further hearing next Tuesday In the pocket of Martin was found 3 which It was testified was stolen trom a 100m In tho house. MAN DYING, HIT BY BOARD Richard Chambers, of 15:7 Wood street, a laborer employed on a building opera tion ut Thirteenth nnd Chciry streets, was stiuek on the head this mornlns by 11 ttn-foot board that fell from the sev enth floor of tho structure. The man is dying at tho Hahnemann Hospital. Sev eial other workmen narrowly escaped be ing hit by tho board. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Sept 2. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey-Cloud tonight; Saturday fair, con tlnuetl cool; moderate north and norm- ufnat 1 Inilet Sl'owers 'covered the Atlantic States m and most of the lake region during tw i last 21 hours, and rain continues the middle and south Atlantic slope tm morning. The showers weie accompanies by a general drop in tempeiuture in of the Atlantic Stntes. Tho southern storm has moved northeastward across Floiida and lies off the coast of Gffr', and South Carolina this morning " not increased In energy and ""'' will not dovelop dangerous coridltionj. Fair weather prevails In tho central vj leys and the plains States, with tern peratures slightly below the normal. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observation mad Station. 8 a Abilene, Texas. Atlantic City... lllemarik. N. U. noaton, Mass... llurfalo, S. Y... Chicago, 111 rieveland. o.... Denver, Col. ... Deb Moliiea. la. Detiolt, Mich... Iiuluth. Minn .. Gdlvreton, Tcxae Hutteraa. N. C Helena, iloni. . . Huron. S D..-. Jacksonville Kan. City, Mo.. LouUvllle. K... Memphis. Tenn.. New Orleans... New York, N Y. N. Platte. Nb. Oklahoma. OkU. Philadelphia ... Phonlx. Arix... Plltuburuli. Pa Portland, lie. . . 1'ortUtid, Ore Quebec. Can Rt Insula, Mo St Paul. M'-in bait 1-ake. I'tah Ran I'rancUcJ Scranton, Pa. . Tampa. . ...... Washington ... "Wlanliifi , ;e at S a. m , Eastern " ,m..t,SiKv.ndW..Ir OS i . . n t . , 53 CS .12 N -I lUIn 41 44 ,. K 8 Clear t.0 BS .. W 0 riouJjr 52 53 .02 NW S ClouJy W .'-1 .02 NE S Rain M 52 .. N HI riouit Ut iS . SW 10 'J-ar 4S 4 N 4 ilffr ,',2 IS .01 N 1-' PJoudr 40 ;;n .. NW 10 near 70 os N in f'wf 70 us .1 NE 2" cloud 4S .l .. S 12 Clear 40 40 E Clear W TO 1.623 B Cloudf Rt 52 .. SW 4 Hear i r li n& 4 4B .. SB 6 g"J 8 S .i. .; ffi" !!' i, 4 42 k I trfi,y 5 SI is sw i t' '