Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Cub Leader Opposed to Use
of Saliva Trick Chicago
Will Meet Phillies Again
This Afternoon.
Hank O'Dny, manager of the Cubs,
who will meet tho Phillies In the Inst
game of the seilcs this afternoon, the
weather permitting! Is nn avowed enemy
of the "emery bnll" and tho "spit ball."
Just because Jimmy Lavender, one of
Hank's own men, Is believed to hnvo
used emery paper against tho Wills re
centlj has no effect on the beliefs of
the Chlcngd leader.
In the appended terms Hank gavo
his views on the usa of emery paper
and sallvn, as first aids to tho pitcher:
"I have always contended that the 'spit
ball' wns out of order. It la foielgn to
the game, and I think that nnythlng
foreign to tho game should bo ruled
out. By the same token I think the
umphes, or some one, should prevent tho
further use of cmciy paper, which helps
the pitcher a great deal because tho
ball breaks peculiarly."
"A lot of people think that the 'emeiy
ball" Is a new Institution," continued
O'Day, "but It Isn't. Of couise, the use
of emery pnper Itself Is a novelty, but
as for rubbing tho bnll with a substance
that will have the same effect ns emery
paper, that Is almost as old as the
game I lcmcmbcr when a certain
pitcher back In the old National Leaguer
used to keep n brick, partly burled In
the box, on which he would rub tho
ball and get It fuzzy, so that It would
take sudden hops.
"Contrary to popular belief, the pitcher
docs not grip the ball where It has been
rubbed Doing that would no doubt
make the ball bleak moie shuiply, be
cause of the added spin which the
ptlehcr would get on It, but the Idea
of the 'emery ball' Is to havo a section
of the surface rough and to hold that
surface beneath the hand when the ball
cls delivered. This tuzzy surface offers
resistance to the nlr and ns a natural
consequence the ball will take a fast
Jump, whether It Is a fast one or a
"Juit to show how this thing works
out I on"e knew n pitcher who came
from the Teas League, whcio the dia
monds woie bare. In that league, after
a ball was hit i Tew times It became more
or less fuwy, and the result was that the
pitchers could curve them sometimes! IHo
or six feet When this tame pitcher was
Eln a chance In the major leagues he
was completely lost, because on the grass
diamonds tho balls remained smooth on
the suifjce and this fellow couldn't get
It to bicak because ho had been accus
tomed to grip ono which was not smooth.
The Golfers' Aftermath
George V. IZlklns, Jr , of tho Huntingdon
Vallcv Courtrs Club, had a rather unusu.ll
experirnc In the unnual Imitation tourna
ment at M Martin's last week. Mr. Klklna
has teen plavlnc excellent koIT lately, cuver
1ns iho iliitlcult voiirso at Noble In the
very ow ilghtlcs He was going well at .
Martin .t and when he came to the fifteenth
hole iliucd his partner's ball. Ho, ot umrse.
dltcrudllrtod himself, and It must hae been
uiueinx as he had a card f "- after ho
hai plavod out the remilnlng holes.
The taic May CJolf Club ilurliiB the past
ummT Imh proved to bo a sourte of ton
ilderat.lo eno merit and nrutlt to many local
flolfen. Tho shorty llttlo nine-hole course,
wlilrh bv the way, 1 toon to be lengthened
to tight, on lules, attracted man Phlladei
Ihlans during tho hut months, anil tho weekly
point oCorln handicap contests weio of such
Interest an to tiowd the cotirso every tftt-
urtj The ciuhIUv of golf was ot the highest
Class a gross b ores In the seventies were
riot at nil umomniun. Mam local plavers
vhi sen I th summer at tho seablde have.
li forei... tho pleasuiiH of the links and nro
CjUlte out of furm when nutumn cornea Tu
those who sp. nt tho summer at Capo May tho
pleasure w ls the greater, as they were able
to eniov their fiivorlto (.port and alio keep
In c ifiitl jn.
Last Season Veteran Was
Going Bad at Finish, But
Braced for Series A's
Meet "White Sox Today.
CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 23 -Eddie Plank,
Connlo Slack's veteran sharpshooter,
who, with Bender, Is scheduled to bear
tho main pitching burden In the world's
series, Is duplicating his performance of
Inst season. In 1011, Plank went well
after tho first few weeks of the t season.
until very near tho close of tho cam
paign, when ho was forced to retire sov-
oi ul times beforo ho had fairly started
his games. Thlfl was ono of tho reasons
why nil of the Information on the Ath-
letlcs-Qlnnts series was to the effect that
tho New Yorkers would havo beter pltch-Inc-Hut
Plank Improved nnd fooled nil fiy
pitching two of tho most brilliant gnmeo
of h's career. In yesterday a game here,
Kddlo started, but was relieved by Wyc-
koff In tho second Inning. A few days
ago In ctrolt Plank began pitching, but
had to have help.
Again today tho Athletics will go to
the grounds with tho White Sox. Tho
victory of tho Mackmen yesterday aided
them greatly In the pennant race. The
Red Box won paslly from Rickey's tookles
In St. Loul, but tho lead of live and a
half games romnlned intact ana me a a
weio nnother day closer to the flag.
Amateur Athletip Union
Junior Cross Country Race
Being Sought by German
town Boys' Club and
A MBk "lMtf IflwIiM Jb
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHk iawR flflfigfr r iBKBKKKbmEstE&sAr
JfS, sbbbbbHbb9bbbHbbbbeHbbM Isl "TWyl
y BBBKlMrlliiHnBlnyBg
i 'flHBfiHl
pot ( WPHH 'smssmsmaassm
" i MmlBmmmalm n
u ' .mmmwmaimm m
1 i$ . mlmiKMM 1
1 mmys ,MmSmm WmmKMi l
1mvI ' IHM 14 - . I
I WKMt i?M ' lmi K
Tho.. nh have long ndmlred the supremo
kill md tie if uial personality of "Oil"
Alch Us tho well-knonn piofuslonal at the
Tr.llrnlr1.5t n ivuntry Club, will be glad to
learn that th Injuries he suffered during the
lw dunlin. 1 win not inno as serious as
ttare I Me hat been tinder the care of Dr.
t. K 'finniuii of Atlantlu Clt, himself a
Salter 1.1 .imsldetablo ability, nnd there Is
en icd.f n to Ullic that one of the greatest
ol(er that this country has eer seen will,
iMth h. nhent of another spring, bo nblo
to wing a lub with (ill of the lgor nnd skill
of fu! in. r d i s
Th' neventf h ile nt tho Hala Golf Club has
een almost unlersall aeelalmcd the longest
Jml 1 lost iiltnmlt lon hole In this lclnltv.
Its Itiuih .il me iiiakis It a terror to all ex
cept Mi. uniisutll long nnd neeurate tlrter,
JnJ rvei, h. must plaj with extreme eaie
Measiu iib ,13 )t .lues nr jaj-ds, tho golfers
J"o 1 in u,t home In two uro few and far
mil. n tii ugh tin fe-it has been performed
Th. neiic, plajer Is well pleaseU If he
reah. h tin green eifely In threo. A deep
fulls exienllivt 2.1 jards In front i
naiar I No 1 Sit. 2 oii6lsts of tho three
'raps on the left whleh guard tho sixth green.
Jko. .. is a noss bunker with a deep trap, No.
Is the bnundury nlong tho right. No 5 Is
the r uci and the woods on the far loft. No.
Is 1 ,keu pit aliout W jards short of the
treen, an 1 No 7 Is the pond hejond tho
8"sn In addition, the green la rartially sur
roun 1. 1 a deep trap
The MMemth h de at Huntingdon Valley s
JUel . belns tHo j arils longer than the
B4I4 t.rr 1 uml while Its Uugth has been dls
fut I it Is nnloubu.lI a long hole. It Is.
nowoer, an easier hole to play, bei-auso ahots
tlut are not exaitlj tiralght are punished by
(tnling tho rough Instead of telng out of
sounds as Is the iae nt Hala. where the
Wlrw.n is narrow The brook and "the Alps"
tft N'ul le are furmldihle hazards, and so is Iho
trap lehlml tha green; but they can be eade.l
I1) spailim a shut, whllo at Hala no such pro
ceeding Is possible,
Terhiis no toirnament held for many sea
jons ptst Is of such uemendous Imporlanco
to Philadelphia and local golf as the junior
cluvmi liu,ihln now In progress at the Slerlon
triikit 1 lub. flolf Is a game for oil niel
Seuiii alike, hut our experleiues In tho na
tional ilUe pla, In lihUh tjuaker city golfers
'i"c nnnually gone in quest of Iho Lrovui
enly 10 leturn without glorj, would Indliato
that wo must look to tho jounger element for
luture con'iui'hts.
Euch plajers as Howard McCall, former
ffnn golf lantaln; Clement Jl Webster. Jr..
tno prestnt Ileil and Dlua leader, and. of
jourse. tho golf Juniors, who hao been show
ing to well at Merlon, will uphold the local
a1"; ln K"" ''i mora than one big tournament.
A featun of tho Juniors' tournament this week
a the fau that six of the elghtein who
qualltK 1 for tho ilumplonshlp are or hae been
lulents at Episcopal Avadenu.
Jatk Thorlngton, who has qualified for the
stnii nnal ruuua Is sjj undergraduate and
l-Plst. pa ma well It 1alni to thi gulf titio
anions the sthoolboss.Tur M. M. Jnck, who
Jefeatea Thorlngum esterda to decide whkh
Piajer shoull enter the Una! (light. U also an
Uideri-raauate. In the other seml-flnal C 11
s,!6",'- lr. who uiiheM tho Frienita' Select
school in this ei.nt will meet U M. Wash
srn. also from Kplscopal.
c(Ji!;MTUo''l"stori andWhl4den were ft trio
Loii.!!, n,l"d who are undergraduates at
f n ?.' ' "! gradual, J last jpring and
ltfi . h'"""' Hirbroik In 1911 Haes
The Li,,"h u',l,J ls I'Hient at IUciford
tours. " "'""J ' u" " l-'P Ia
tfce U-. ?i?d lvno ""e cxpnte.l to be uuioug
e .i,i'A.""lu!lllcr ,0f " ""'' "J"1 wl"
Epu?! ,luu.4lcl: "nable to enter are tls
Im haS i.A "'"UJ l,1 M M Jatkj show
th ViT.'.11 r' "'rkablv good Tho Fpls oral
JMtsrdTI' i'0u," t',b! n"UU with Thortngt-a
Thero Is some talk of bringing the
National Amnteur Athletic Union junior
cross-country championship race to this
city. Secretary Meyer, of the Middle At
lantic Association of the Amateur Ath
letic Union, announced that In all prob
ability the event would be held here
sometlmo this fall, as aeveral of the
local hustling athletic cubs were bidding;
for tho honor.
Tho Germantown Boys' Club, It Is said
upon good authority, Is eager to hold the
event, but the names of the other or
ganizations in tho field wore not named.
An Ideal cross-country run could be staged
In Falrmount Park, nnd It will be pleas
ing news to the local hill and dale ath
letes to know that there ls a likelihood
of tho national jace being decided here.
A number of local athletes are training
for tho track meet to be held October 3,
at tho Northeast High School field. The
Hale & KUburn A. A. Is tho piomotlng
organization. Entries close with E. J.
nankin, 1206 Chestnut street, next Monday.
"Bull," as he is familiarly known on the athletic field, is one of Penn's
strongest football players, and he is receiving consideration as halfback.
First of the Series of Golf
Contests Likely to Be Very
Interesting Personal of
Squad Announced.
NEW YOilK, Sept. 23. The personnel
of the golf trains which are to take part
in thf matches for the Lesley Cup, the
one of which will be decided nt
Baltusrol today, were given out officially
last night. Uv vlrtttp of being the holder
of tho trophy, tho Massachusetts team
stanrlo out today and will have to do
nothing more than practice, whllo Pcnn
sylvnnla and New York lock horns.
The teams are ns follows:
Pennsylvania W, C. Fownes, Jr., K.
M. Byer, George Oimlston, .1. B. Crook
ston, C. B, Buxton, Howard Pcrln, It.
S. Worthinglon, J. B. flosc, l. m. Wash
burn, Clement Webster, 31. A. Jones, V.
P. Smith.
Metropolitan Jerome I). Travers, Os
wald Klrkby, Fred HTcshoff, Max
Marston, C. J. Sullivan, Gilmnn F. Tif
fany, Archlo M. Reld, Flndlay Douglas
Roy Wobb, E, f. Barnes, A. P. Kmn
mer and Gardiner W. White.
Massachusetts Francis Ouimet, Rav '
Gordon, John G. Anderson, V. W. Whit
temore, S. K. Stoarnr, W. C. Chick, tl
It. Wilder, Perr-lval Gilbert, r. II. Hojt,
It. M. Brown P. TiVkC3bury and V. J.
BrtKTTON- WOODS N. H.. Sopt. V A
new professional ro-ord for the Biotton
Woods golf 'ouree has hen made by
"Jlmmle" Mnckicll, the Mount Washing-
ton professional. Playing In a fouiaome 1
with William Hltr, Davis Elklns and C.
Y McCormlck, of Washington, Macki-HI '
turned In a card of 68. going out In " I
and coming home In T3. "Alex" Smith
hold tho old record of CO.
Pennsylvania Opens Up Its Sea
son With Gettysburg Here and
Fur is Sure to Fly With Teams
in Shape.
If the national collegiate championship
cto's-country race Is decided in 1015 here,
nthletlc followers will have another big
feature of sport. An announced In these
columns several clays ago, the University
ot Pennsylvania has a splendid oppor
tunity to (.ecuro the event If It takes the
Harry Tryckberg. ono of Philadelphia's
moit popular hurdlers and Jumpers, will
appear lr. competition nt the police car
nival to bo held at the National League
baseball grounds, October 16 and 17.
C. D. Reldpath, who hai not been seen
in competition in tho metropolitan district
since ho won the Olympic 400-meter cham
pionship, will be a. competitor In the senior
championships to be held at Celtic Park
on October 3. The former Syracuse run
ner will wear the winged foot of the New
York A. C. nnd will compete in tho 100
and 'i'.0 nrd runs. He may not be able
to outfoot A Ivah Meyer In tho short dash,
but frhiiuld have a great chance In the
furlong race.
A record number of entries have been
received for the metropolitan track anI
field championships at Celtic Park, Sat
urday, October 3, nnd the entries are
still pouring In to tho committee. Prob
ably the most interesting events will be
the 100 and :w ynnl dashes, with C. D.
lUldp.ith, N. Y. A. C, Olympic cham
pl'in and Intercollegiate iiunrter-mllo tec
nrd holder, rompetlng against A. T.
.Meyer. I A. A. C, present metropolitan
champion; T. L. Stephenson. Trinity Club;
J. Ravenell, St. Christopher's Club: P. J.
McXallv, New York A. C; V. Kaufman,
I. A. A. C, and n. Maurer. N Y. A. C.
Another event of particular Interest will
be the half-milo run. with Homer Baker.
,V. Y. A. C, national and English cham-
pinu, rtinmni; iiguinsi a. jt. tvlviat, na
tional nnd metropolitan one-mile cham
pion; W. B. aranger, I A A. C, who
finiihed fccord to Baker at tho national
ch.implonshlps held nt Baltimore, V. S.
Fraser. I. A. A. C; Willie Gonlon Yonk
ers; O. AV. do Gruchy, N. Y. A. C. and
J. F. O'Connors, N. Y. A. C.
In the discus event there -will probably
bo a duel between E. Muller, I. A. A. C,
national and metropolitan champion, and
J. jr. Duncan. Bradhurst Field Club. prcs.
ent record holder. Both are In good
shape, and It will not be surprising to
see the record of H9 feet Ws inches bioken.
I Tannes Kolehmalnen, the world's great
est amateur distance runner, who re
turned to his homo in Finland four
months ago, unexpectedly returned to this
country on tha White Star liner Olympic
Tuesday The little Pinlander's return did
not become known until yesterday, when
lie repotted to Coach Ijiwsou Robertson
of tho Irish-American Athlotlc Club, un
der who?e colors ho ran white competing
in his native country.
Kolehmalnen, who is eligible for the
Russian army, had a difficult time get
ting out of Finland, and came here with
out bag or baggage mid little money He
was obliged to go through a number of
during escapades with a friend who ac
companled htm as rubber and assistant
trainer. As Kolehmalnen himself said he
"established a new record from sWand
VU oncuuu.
Every day marks some development
for tho better In the making of Penn
sylvania's backfleld. First Head Coach
Brooke brought about a decided Im
provement In the kicking. Tho return
of Avery gave the Quakers a backfleld
man who could get distance nnd lmlght
to his punts. In addition to Avery two
other promising backfleld men have
shown decided improvement ln the kick
ing line. They arc Iiwin nnd Bnllou.
rival candidates for the quartet back
position. Irwin haH been used at quar
ter with more regularity than Ballon,
and likewise has been used to do moio
kicking, but the latter has already made
his reputation as a kicker, and when
the time comes it Isn't likely that he
will be outklckcd by any ono, with thft
possible exception of Avery.
Yesterday Brooke concentrated his
preliminary coaching on teaching all tho
backfleld candidates to catch kicks and
run them back through a broken field.
In this work Men ill and Hughes have
been showing the best form. Biookc
used this kind of practice to teach his
men the art of straight-arming oncom
ing tacklers and shifting tho ball from
arm to arm .is they run. in order to
better protect thcmseUes. It was Mer
rill who stariod nt this woik in Wed
nesday's scrimmag", hut yesterday
Hughes did quite as well, making sov
cral sensational runs, in both of whleh
he outsprlnted a field of tucklers and
added to his effectiveness by his clever
dodging and straight-ai-mlng. A good
open Meld runner must master this art,
and It auguis well for the future of
the Quaker backfleld that so many of
the men are doing It so well In prac
tice. There -will bo no scrimmage today be
cause tho coaches wish to give the men
a complete rest for the Gettysburg
game tomorrow. The tremendous heat
of tho past week has resulted in 11 loss
of weight -with every man on tho squad.
To some of the men this was foi lu
nate, but others hae suffered. Still a
scrimmago practice was absolutely nec
essary to secure the hurdenlns tequlied
for a game.
Prlncetou men are showing a great deal
of elation over the fine work of liolund,
the former Lafayotto player now as
Princeton. Boland was tho Ufa of the
Tiger scrubs labt cnr nnd ho promises
to develop Into one of the stnrs of tho
varsity backlleld this fall, Ho Is so
fast nnd strong that It takes a mighty
good man to handle, him On top of this
ability he heaves tho forward pass with
unubual accuracy and skill. In every
respect he promises to glvp Princeton
the combination man thut tho Tigers
lacked in their backlleld last year.
All the big teams of tho East will set
into action tomoirow. Pennsylvania's
initial contest will bo with Gettysburg,
Harvard will meet Bates, Y.ilo will tackle
Maine and D.ittmouth will nl.iv thn m.
sachufcetts AgiU-iiltur.il College, whllu
Cornell will grapple with Pittsburgh
There ate old scores to sittle in two nt
these games Yale men havo not for
gotten the 0-0 tlo to which they were
held byMalne Inst fall, while the mem
ory of Pittsbuigh'a 0-T victory over
Cornell Is still fresh In Ithaca. Both
Maine and Pittsburgh have been shoved
up seeral games on their respective
schedules. Yale ought to win with some
thing to spare, and on form Cornell should
also bo tho victor oer Pittsburgh. But
the Ithacans have always been such un
certain quantities in their initial gatiit-s
... . j. '.us, ami Pittsburgh is known
to be so strong, that to h.u..id a pie-
2 Vk" ", tle 'Ci""t of u,ls contest would
be the height of folly.
Penn vs. Gettysburg, at Franklin
Harvard vs. Bates, at Cambridge.
Yates vs. Maine, at New Haven.
Princeton s. Rutgers, at rrlnceton.
Cornell vs Pittsburgh, at Ithaca,
Penn State vs. Westminster, at State
Amherst vs. Bowdoln, at Amherst.
Ijfhigh vs. F. and M., nt Bethlehem.
Foidham vs. Georgetown, at New
Dartmouth vs, 3Iass. Aggies, at Han
over, Mnss.
Some Big Football Games Are
Scheduled Tomorrow and Will
Mark the Real Opening of the
1914 Season.
crct, practice will start next Wednesday.
N'L'W HAVKN. Conn.. Sept. 23 Tho oren
Ing of tho season Saturday against Maine led
the Yale coaches jcattnlay lo put the men
through a hard drill, although tho scrimmag
ing in the heat of the tast few days has tired
thn men out, since they are not hardened after
their summer vacations. The practice was
secret, as it has been all the week.
ITHACA, X. v., Sept. 25. A mishap to tho
PlumMng In tho Percv rield Clubhouse jester
day drove the Cornoll football players Indoors
and a secret nr.lctlee was stared in th baso-
Imll case on Alumni Field, known as Uacon
Hnll All outsiders were ordered out and for
an hour nnd a half the team ran throtiRh the
plays to bo worked In tho Pittsburgh game.
AN-N- ARnOR. Mich., Sept. 25. For the
first time In the history of the Yost reglmfl
at Michigan, a drophlck was used In scrim
mage jestirda Slnwn booted a perfect goal
from the 20-ard line. Maulhetsch made tho
only touihdown ln a series of plunges, which
worn down tho second line.
W.NWPOMS. Jtd.. Sept. 2S With much
cooler weather as an incentive thft pace of
thu N.tv.il Academy football snuad was In
creased some sesterday afternoon. Head
CoHch Hownrd was nsslMed by Lieutenant
fihormley and Ensign Dalton. tho latter
couching Alexander Collins and other navy
baiks In punting.
RWAIlTHMOnn, Pa., fiept. S-. Crutch
Oelg has Inaugurated a new plan at Swarth
moro to mako the backfleld men more elusive
open-fMd runners. Tho students were very
much surprised to sro a long string of zig
zag posts at distances from tlve to ten ynrqs
npart on Whlttler Field. This devlco ha be
lieves will train the men to ch'inge their di
rection nt any Instant at full speed and still
retain their balance.
HAVEnPORD COI.I.ntlE. Haverford. Ta.
Sept. 25 Light scrimmaging and a good deal
of punting and running signals, as well as
hnishlng up -snmo elementary points of th
game, occupied Conch Bennett's Haverford
Collego rqund yesterday afternoon. The men
were In line condition, owing to their trip to
the Pocnnos. and wero full of spirit in spite
of tho warmth of the weather
AMHERST. Mass , Sepi 2.1 With a
squad of .1,1 men. Including eight of lust ear's
regulars, In dslly pnutlie and 11 team already
rounding Into rarlv season form. Amherst
Is looking1 forward with LOnltdenco to the
Amherst-Ilowilnln game here Saturdav. The
new co,Hh, Riley, who dlretted the Unlverslt
of Maine team, which Inst jear held Yale to
a scoreless tie, has already gained th con
fidence of the student body, and it Is believed
that his first season here will be a successful
system of district schools went into ef
fect, a large part of the players who
composed the teams came from the out
skirts and suburbs of the city
When nil of them were compelled to
go to tho dlsttlct schools C. H S lost
most of Its best material for the different
teams. Their places must be filled by
bojs from the central part of the city
who have never hod the same advantages,
and so it Is that much harder for tho
coaches to turn out champlonahip teams.
Chestnut Hill at Work
HHinffJ P F; Cnbe11, of ,he Chestnut
Hill Academy football team, has an
nounced the following schedule: October
3. Frankford Hlch Srhnni. r-.v:' -
Pi"" c"lartfcr: October lfi. De Lancey- Os
J'IA1: EP'sPa' Academy; October M.
Chicago, Ri I'lillllc, a (1st rnmf).
riiltlles, fl Clllrngo, 2 (2d game).
Boston, ft) Clnrlnnntl, 0 (1st Hfflfl.
Ilnslnn, Clmlnnatl, 21 (2d name! 8 In
nings! railed).
HI. I.otils, A 1 New York, X.
Ilrookln, 8 1 Pittsburgh, 2.
(.'hlcagn nt I'lillndelpliln.
ClnelnnCI Ht liostnn (2 games).
Ht. I.nnls nt New York.
Pittsburgh nt Ilrnnklrn.
Clnrlnnntl nt I'hilndrlnhln,
Chicago nt Ilnslnn.
Pittsburgh nt New York.
HI, I.nuls nt Ilrnnklyn,
tr. I...P.C. W. LTC,
Boston. ... R2 RH ,ft94 1'hllllf (10 74 .IBS
New Tork 70 (H .MS Brooklyn. 0B 74 .470
Ht. Louis. 70 flfl .530 Pittsb'gh. 02 78 .44!)
Chicago... 7S 09 .R24 Cincinnati 67 8 .401
Athletics, Ot Chicago, 4.
Jlnstnn, fit Ht. I.nuls, 1.
Washington, fi Cleveland, 2 (1st
Washington, R Cleveland, 0
(2d game).
New Vnrk-Drtrolt, rnln.
Athletics at Chlrngn.
Ilnslnn at Pt. Ixuls.
.New York nt Detroit.
Nnliliielon at Cleveland.
Athletics nt Chicago.
Washington nt Clerelnnd.
.New lork nt Detroit.
Ilostnn at H. I.nuls.
AV 1, PC W T, P r
Athletics,, 92 40 .AW Chicago 117 70 400
Boston n 14 .1114 New York 114 77 .1.14
IVush gton 7.1 (17 fiUHSI I.ouls i 7S .447
Detroit.... 7B OS .52.1 Cleveland i.'i HI 31.1
Buffalo, 1; Indianapolis, o (1st gnme;
II Innings).
HulTaln, 0 IndinnnpniU, 0( 2d gnme;
tailed in set nnd Inning; rain).
Ilroold.vn. S; Kansas (It, 2.
Chicago, R; Baltimore. .1
(7 innlngo; colled I.
M. J.ntitn-rittshurgli (postponed; mini.
(hltngnnt UronUl.in.
Indianapolis nt I'lttshurcli.
ht. I.imiN nl ItHlllniiire.
Knmat City at Buffalo,
Vv' I P c w r. I r
Indla'p'lls 70 02 ..100 Brooklv n. 71 07 SI I
Chicago 70 02 ..ion Kan City 0.1 7.1 .40)
Baltimore 73 114 .."..ID St I.nuls 00 70 43J
Buffalo... 72 0,1 .r,20 I'lttsb gh 5.1 bO 407
Toronto, 0; Itorhctfr. .1.
Providence, I; Baltimore, 2.
.rnirk, .1: dorses tilv. t.
Buffalo-Montreal (postponed: rain).
IV L.PC W L. r c
Provld'ce 03 BO 012Baltlmore 73 70 .4!m
Buffalo.. SO .18 .107 N'pnnrk . 70 70 . )7
Rochester. 81 02 ..10 Montreal .10 S7 .Id)
Toronto. . 73 OS .117 Jer Cltj. 47 101 311
Hal S. Will Campaign Grand Circuit
MII.WAUKB. Wis, Sept. 2.1 -Hal S
the r-year-old pacei, recently sold to
Tnmmv Murphy for $10,0h"i, will bo cam
pi'srn d down th Grand Circuit nc.t
Philadelphia Trapshootcrs'
League to Begin Its 1 1 th
Annual Program on Park
The preliminary trapshoot of
Philadelphia Tlapshooters' Leapue
tho Park boulevard Rrounds of
Camden HhootltiR Association will
staged tomorrow afternoon. The
gram will consist of 100 tarscta per man,
In five 20-tnrfe'et events. The Indications
aro that more than 100 shooters will ba
on the flilntr line.
The regular season of the league will
begin .Saturday, October 10, with the
follow Iiir schedule:
October 10 Meadow Springs nt Lans
dale, Highland at du Pont. Camden at
S. S. White, Hlen Willow at Cloarvievr.
Noember 2? Du Pont at SIudovr
Springs, Uansdalo nt Highland, S. 3.
Whlto at Glen Willow, Cloarvlew at
Dfcember 5 Meadow Springs at Glen
Willow, Camden at l.ansdale, Clearvlew
at Highland, du Pont nt S. S. White.
Januurj 2 Highland at Mttadow
Springs. Lansdale at du Pont. S. S.
Whlto at Cltarvlew, den Willow at
February 0 du Pont at Clearvlew, 3.
S. White nt I.ansdnli', Meadow Springs
at Carndfii, filen Willow nt Highland.
Match C Clearvlew ,it Meadow Springs,
("amdon nt du Pont, Lansdale at Glen
Willow, Highland at S S White.
Apt II 3 nim Willow nt du Pont,
L.tnsdale at flenrvfevv. S. S. White at
Meadow Springs Highland at Camden.
The conditions this year will be tha
same as Inst, tho number of shooters
entering from a club bolng unlimited,
onch contestant to shoot at 60 clay
i igeons from a 16-yard rie, and the 10
high scores of each club to be Its total.
The point system of the winning club
receiving a credit of two points and
the lo."ing club one point will ngaln
prevail. The ofilceis Hrcted to manage
th- 1314-13 smhon are nobert Greenwood,
Highland, piesident; W. A. Joslyn, du
Pont, vice president; William E. Robin
son, S. S White, secretary-treasurer.
Adams Sigs TJp With Cubs
CHICAGO. Sept. 2J.-Pltcher Adams,
of the Indianapolis American Associa
tion club has signed a 1015 contract
with the Chicago Nationals, it was an
nounced yesterday. Adams has won U
and lost six games thus far this season.
fiermantn..,, i. y" "."':. ' ULluuEr ".
"nwnii luiiuriiiv -vnAML- ,
fh1..,l .T,, ."' ". """'"""
..t..,mii rusn acnool
St. Luke's School
November 15,
This is practically the same schedule
as last year, with the exception That
n,raa,nkf?rf. V,sh Sch001 ls taken on in
Place of P. i. n , and Do Lance... Scn ' ,
In place of Haverford. '
rJn"'0 m1n rePrtc' yesterday to
Coach Dickens in response to tho call
Issued by Captain Gaillard. On v light
work was indulged in. Prospects are
for a light but fast eleven. spect3 are
F. and M. Loses Captain Diehl
LANCASTER. Pa., Sept. 13 -When
Franklin and Marshall mcS Lehigh to"
r!in7 V. wl" be "lthout Captain Dlehl
'"h'hc, ne.up The shoulder bruise
which he sustained in the first scrim
mage thi, jear will keep 1dm out of the
game. Wertsch. a Si.nn ,rVVlJl' ,..S..e
hitiWho Prrolle'1 at franklin and "lar
shall was in scrimmage here for a week
and then went over to tha Lohlgh sou-id
S,treUonifor) 8v!rrriSe by PIriwlnS
h Z ?S hrn "sterday. He will again
bo In togs for the Hluo and White? bi"
will not be In the Lehigh game
Wetzel Returns to Lansdowne
S';r',K ...l"'' I.nsdowne
-.V....U, o vcrauiup atniete, has
. kvuuui, nnu in s w n ho
Material Comlnp From Centre of City
Not Up to Mark.
Dr. Aleander Howell the Central High
School coach, has a difficult task to over
come in developing new man cnpahle of
filling tho places of the players lost by
graduation. Although the candidates are
very willing, most of them have a lot to
learn beforo they are of high enough
calibre to make the team Before tho
t tin, footh.in ;..:... ",r. .b Mi nor
tain of last ,eVVVotbi Tan A haU
earns, and also piajod on the basket ba
team. Coach Whelati has a likely Took
ins hunch of candidate... and from all
prospects Lansdovvne will he well nre"
sentetl on thn r-rinim,, .i... ,-,. " rePre-
"".. mi. j, in,
Roped Arena Notes
3d IbrhtnelBht contsst i
?nSi"fi" , F tonlKht.
tosthpp Ir.ti1 u-aii.
snstlon, and r-rt-.ld wile, the
n-n.l !.-.. .1 . .
.' F.Z',"V"neS"l eontMt I, chedUlrt
brlnsa togfthor I'reddv K " n u Pi e nl"A V
PRINl-'nTO.N', N J Kent ! Th r, i
ton varsity Had lLVi'g .'fill If.TrtaSfEJ-
en;rft sw-vSto?SS
guard. Hap left tackle Ballln ", ,''
llilantii lrv.nl.nwn fullbavfc. Lu
CAMBnirxit: Mui Sen 23 Svrnt-(le
irrd runs by Mahan and Wuklcj "av" Ha
ard' varalty two touchiovvns m a ten "in
telaj v-jkI pn only on tu i tm hVur. b.
k n
Xett Pn7imi.l
well balan.-ed, ,h foi;,n. '"",, '' " al"
taking part Kill,, 'a vanftuh i i" " h."xa
ton mlnitles with Mlk Hal" Ihf p.K. "
Ward. Jaok Karr.ll Hh, hA." ."""P'h
a tious adrp until he. mot Rertd. ff'," "M
aap punches with IMdl. rKV." 'f0!'-.."!
avunk. Kid W,i, nf Ktniinetnn ifi ,an
Tnmnu Dixon, of Rtehmond aid 't S"1 "Jc'et
Ke will tackta IJ.rney J Farffi frfh Mc"
ing bout. rwnii in the open-
.-.rnered tho hantarmv.lRlir ,Jmii5a 1nally
world Into algning artlrtM and ?JfJ0!!. ?f ,ne
l.wa will rlali T th" ti'fnfnia A ""?, ,el
and nalnbrldso .tr..et ni ',;- ro
Herman',, siuve.s o,cr . the, cra.L h." hl'
gave him the ilr,. ih, ,- . ..". .k bantanm
namplon and be ict ..,n ... ..'.'. Dt b
Somo guys don't have to have much
pep to make a llvin' on their rep an'
never do a tap. An" I don't blame 'cm,
understand. If he gets by I shako the
hand o" that there sort o' chap. Take big
Jim Thorpe, world's athlete champ. His
work'd hardly tiro a tramp. An' yet I'm
strong for Jim. He's in his third year
with McGraw an' I guess no one ever
saw a full game piajod by him.
Perhaps two dozen times a year you'll
see the Indian's name appear in Komi'
New York box score. In pinches Musssy
trots him out to run for somo one or to
clout when pitchers' arms go soro. An'
when he does get in tho fray he man
ages to get away with somethin' pretty
good. He bats up near tho ol' charmed
line an' though he gets no chance to
fihine jou sort o' b'lieve he could.
One baseball season's all he's played
An that was Tote hU rp was made as
Ilnas hills-down there where corn is fed
to stills for fear folks might set dry. If
all the Indian wanus is fam ho doesn't
havo to play the. same his rep Is saf..
right now. He copped off sportdom'o
Go'den Fleece an' with it wandered back
from Greece with laurels on hi hrr,u?
Copyrighted by A. M. Corrlgan.
Fred Clarke will retire from baseball nt
the close of the present senson. Ho will
not manage tho Pirates again until nost
Perchance you aro enthusiastic over
Jack Curley's plan to match Johnson and
Willard. If so, pause and reflect on the
fact that Curley once was a wrestling
Peep tienco settle, down upon the land.
The biisrbi.ll scribe lias little work to do.
And so he take hui trenchant pen in hand
And calml cans ,. manager or two
Allentown s fair Is proving to be the
grpntest event In the htstory of that com
munltv. The harness races havo oeen
real treats, and therefore from the sports,
man's viewpoint all that could he de
sired. Splendidly trained nnlmnls scored
down to the line, and fast limp was. marlo
in all of tho races.
A erod crowd is likely to be attracted
to Fmtiklln Pield tomorrow as Penn will
entertain Ottysburgs football band. Th
bnttlo should be a merry spectacle, and
not po one-sided, aa the visitors have
forac star players who will male the lo.
cnls hustle,
nampion and le jet Mil tor ivm c" Jn"
the latter avoids I him iinui m,om but
r-lwda mad He "h"mnl"i ,2 "hnaB0,,r "V
offer that ho conwnted. m. h." n "'"
have posted fortelS of 2. -iri e,n ",h
sni appearance the w eight to til f?S nelbt
""ui"i "'i ir il nrnm cae .
greatest battles between littl m.nLie ot ,h9
nosed In thla or ln invnh.'.,?" writ.
i.in iMil0J?.,?K,i,,!. niunK
r oinr st
t . all meets Dutch Itran It of w'v1' ,'n''
to h. the making of a ihimMon ork ''
entlv fousht a nii,mJiT,ut .i? ''aU
lounc DUiins of thu ilu Li N, v""
ral of N, York ,,,,' "..5.n ''" Mur-
Hubbard is to lead the Muhlenburg
football plavers on the gridiron this
yh?rft la. " provin8 a capable
Ns hit here two week. a nnd th. "?, mailf a
fr J. rolurn ma. , i.r,. A" ! fins ve el
present Young WtU.m ind ch2?iiJe ,?Pn
..v, jv.r.
Johnny Burns manas;e, of Jn n ,. .
authority for the. follnVinr Jl... "" 'he
M. Andrews, of Milwaukee nlidVf "' 'Tom
of ip.000 fo, the serVlc.a or ?L ' ".. "1"
Mr Mr Andrew, ,l hW, ,hi ?,";
anv foreign datM th,, r OPU
VEX?.'.'4 '" Apr" w n"l th me
Mr M H)s
viiiwaiiKee h
.. . .. --- ,or
u I ik " a-ccwed
on on
We. If
e fo,
men oh-
wnen tae trln ,a over i ,mi, ot..?' ' "nl
?.Y l.h th, leaneV tXni
aaeiphf. win
eant vlalm en the
vacant bio.
EK.1 ?J. rbaropion.hjr,
btftnlev Iv.trhl Ait n
tt5?aiTWrisr sk&
!. the jnoat ef It,
The Germans evidently Havo the inter
cut of Americans nt heart- They threw
Stanislaus OyganHwics Zbysikn into Jail
just m ho was about to visit u.
U K Nickerson received over 5fl0 ap.
plications for world's series tlckots Mi.
Nickerson is gecretarv of the Orave.
The tickets In Botton will be sold singl.v,
In pairs or in lots of three. Thoso mak
ing applications will have the best chance
to mako their purchases by getting th
lots of three, as the club management
states that such application.3 will havo the
A system is sahl to hav been rtevhwd
by the Boston Xntlonal League, manage.
mnt which will practically leave the
ticket scalper mgll nnct ury mis )r.
Just what the tlan is has pat Wrxx made
public, but the idea is. cerwini i"in'u
I.con 4-JUrdet. ta has just been ap
pointed to coacn the Penn basketball
team. wa3 tho sur member of tha Bed
and Blue nv In 1913 Jounlot was cap
tain and played guard His ability a a
player Is above uuostion. but so far he
has had little experience as a coach
Klefaber. another former Penn player,
had char? of the team last year, hem-e,
though captain. Jourdet had Uttla oppoi-
tunitv to coeoh.
las M-a .n Htr's Oavis htl rvi t
thousand aj'pln atlons from trt nds i
w rld's e-nes tKkcm Of that numbi
about one-third wanted passes. Evldentiv i
these persons did, not reallz that llarry
boucht and pall tor tho ticketa oa which
his family gained admission to Shibo Park
and the Polo Grounds.
Instead of playing In tho usual position,
in right field. Wilbur Good Is thlnki
of tnklng his sttnd in Broad street who.
aiapee, Becker and Cravath are up.
A Jwk of continued rain In Boston and
New York would give the pennant to tho
Braves and an unasallable alibi to thn
If Sherwood Magee keep hammering
the ball as he has been recently he Is
apt to be charged with professionalism.
In Frddio Hart, trainer, tho Chicago
Cubs have n perfectly paradoxical per
son. Things dismal, gloomy and funeral
delight the so?? this remarkable man.
He Is never happy unless he Is saddened
by somo mournful mission. Last even
ing he was in his glory because he was
called to witness an operation The pre
ceding evening was also gayly spent by
Freddie in X'hlladelphla's most palacial
undertaking establishment, situated only
a short distance east of tho Cubs' hotel
on Chestnut street. When Freddie re
turned he was armed with photographs of
satin-lined eoftins. "couches Vteantirni"
and mausoleums. On his trips to New
York, Doc Hart returns to his hotel
beaming with joy, for ho visits Grant's
tomb, the muruo nnd friendly disposed
hospitals. All things taken Into con
sideration. ,1'reddie is a unique sketch ns
Jo tastes, but tho Cubs overlook thesa
little peculiarities becauso the "Doc" is
iomo rubber,"
From August 5 to September ;, inclu
sive. Bunny Brief, who was tried out by
the at. Louis Browns last season, mndo
a hit Jn f-verv game Bunny is now with
the Ivans city lub of the American
Association He made hits in CO con
snutive games, breaking the record for
m'il held by Otis 'mer.
Charley Herzog has hoen suspended
again. This is the second time he has
drawn thi negative assignment within
umpire" Wn ,a'8 fr 4lspl,t,ns wltn the
Tho Federal Express-Washington to
I niladelphia, em h. vemns at 0 o'clock.
Th, Huminadon Valley fountrv Club
will entfrtnin a number nt vnM.t? ,"
tennis piave,, Hiav K,ru from Vew
fL" awl ""'"'""re sr schcduletl to via
Uh tlte Philadelphians in aiest of skill!
IttUZT'9 bttVO aJway8 "
Cooler wtather came as a godsend to
sufferlns humanity, oral no class was bet
ter nloasod I than tho footbaU players and
coaches. This sort of oeather inspires
William proved his stalling worth as tho
wor.d iiuting thampion b defeating th
oontunder. Directum I. at tiuind Itnplds,
Mich . eatcrday. On form DirPctum I
was due u win. but it was another enso
Where Londlllon told Ulum wa right
on edge for the race, evidently, and beat
tho rhallentrer In slower time than his bst
records show Wlllsam is rated a S-mln-ute
horte. while Inreetum I has a mark
under that It must havo been a wonder
ful ionti st.
OLYMPIA A. A.,ir.v'"'on'IlI''"'!"i''e
llurrj Fdwardk, JIct.
MOMIW Ml. in MIT 'Nti,
Mil UI 1 I M v. Kill lli:i()l N
.diii. .'V. Uul. lti- ioc, Arrnu Ur. 7So it Jt
KENSINGTON A.C.1 p';. ht ,.
1 , " . . lum,nlr t'nn, I'rop.
i Other Mtt, Bout. - "thtr BUr Qouta
Horse & Hound Show
September 21 to 26, inclusive
Polo Grounds, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
L, I I " " MM