Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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I: ""4
f Park
i fi
She Wonders What the
Future Now Will Bring.
A Little Widow Is a Dan
gerous Thing.
Tho woild pcemul such it utile ami des
olate plico when I stood qul(i nlone uut
elila tny uhcIp'b house, that llrst sad nlsht
in Philadelphia.
"Gone off to Uuiopc!" ratlK throliph nn
stunned brain. The hmise shut up for
three torn; motltho!" Where uns I now
to tuin.
I remember notlcliiR how the little
children rnced atom; the pavement, men
on one tollni skutc. In the light of the
street lamps how vcr early It arowi
dark in Philadelphia their little faces
shone with happiness. 1 think our little
English boys and Rlrl hae rosier cheeks,
but these Americans had pretty little sun
burnt faces.
Whoro whs t now to turn? I did not
know One cannot live foi lotiK on $S'
How foolish I had been to come this hum',
lone way on mere surmise! 1 saw th.it
cle.irl now it was too late, "lion on to
Europe'" und the house was closed'
A woman fiom the neM-doot huu-e
now canii upon the s.cene. She tn.i liaxe
wanted to be kind, I do not know 1
thought she had the shrillest, harshest
"Yos, he has Bone," said she, "are ou
his niece? From Knsland, do you sa "
Dear, dear, I thought ou had a foreign
luok! In niournhiK, too! What friend of
youri has died? I guess It's real nast
of your uncle going off like this, Just
when he was expecting jou! Ain't men
the meanest things'"
"Ho did not know that I was coming
here," I said dully. 'You see, I only wrote
three days before I sailed I sailed a week
ago. It's no one's fault except m own '
'Yes, you'o acted real foolish," said
this strange individual, staring Intently
at me, arms akimbo. "There ain't much
stylo to you cither. The way iou fix your
hair went out three cars ago' It sort
of suits your face, though, all the same,
that queer old-fashioned wa. I guess
you need a bit of rouge on those pale
cheeks I'll give you some. It's real cut
stuff! You'll neer get n beau here un
less you smarten up a bit'"
"Can ou give me m uncle's present
address?" I stlttly asked, for her strange
speeches made me feel confused.
"And that I can't!" said she. "Your
uncle came it rather haughty over me'
After that ailing wife of his died, three
years ago, I tried to be real sociable, oer
the back yard fence of nights. I pulled
three lathes of wood out. so'3 I could
keep a cheery e on him for I'm a
widow, and can sympathize with men'
You ought to get another wife." says I.
It ain't natural-like, for a man like you
to live alone!' Ho'd be sitting there of an
evening, smoking his pipe In his little
"oack yard, a real good-looking man he
1b' Bu whenever I'd come out. and trj
a bit ot conversation wiin nun, wny,
'd act real stiff and haughty, and then
iako some excuse and get up and go Into
:he house. 'I see the fence is broken."
e would saj, ahvas ery polite, 'I'll
send a man here tomortow to see that It
is repaired." Three times he mended the
fence, never gufssing I had made the hole
on purpose'" She sighed, with a rminls
cent look in ror hird eje "I guess your
uiicIb's IKed real elegant!" said she re
Bretfully. What could bhe mean! "Fixed up real
elegant'" I did not know, and did not
care. Where was I now to turn?
"I guess you have a goodlsn bit of
money with you, and would make It
worth my while If I took you here to
night?" continued th hard-eyed widow
craftily. "I'm expecting two gentlemen
frlemY", and they're bringing some bottles
of beer along, so we might have a partv
and be real sociable. I guess I could fix
up that hair of yours for once and make
you look real cute. Toil ain't at all a
bad-looking girl, if you only perked up a
bit ajul stepped around more lively! The
chaps here like a bit of fun'"
The prospect did not sound alluring. I
shuddered at the very idea of what her
particular conception of "a bit of fun"
might be!
"I think I'd better go to nn hotel." I
faintly said I felt so tired, and yt I
could not. would not enter that unknown
widow's house.
The brewing storm then broke upon my
head. Months of polite rebuff upon mv
uncle's part had own the wind and now
I, his unfortunate nlere, reaped the whirl
wind. The widow had a large vocabulary
and one great gift of metaphor That
buried talent was unearthed until it grew
A crowd of little unehlns circled
round "Just listen to her'" cried one
little hoy. "It's better than the movies,
ain't It. sister""
What were "the movies" I had never
heard the name" I sat upon my trunk
on that top step In sheerest weariness,
while the gentle lady on her step next
door harangued me in a ringing tone.
The little crowd was growing larger I
bethought ma of a Punch and Judy show
ot home'
At length a gallant knight came to my
rescue I saw his broad form push that
crowd aside. No Juliet In a thrilling hN
cony scene welcomed her Romeo with a
gladder heart than I upon those steps. He
was the local !e man, It Is true, but still
a Romeo to me!
"Ore whiz' ' said he. in no uncertain
tunes, fixing the widow "with a wrathful
eve. "Mnyhe you atn't the noisiest,
peskiest woman on th! street' I'd hate
to tell you what I think of you!" He
turned around to mo and his voire
rhanged "Come right along with me, I'll
j.ee you right to whore you want to ro,"
BJld he
Tn the twinkling of an eye he had
heaved mv heavy trunk from off that
doorfctep rl-'ht to the roof of his emptv
Ire wagon, hud helped me up beside the
driver's scat, cracked a long whip and off
we drose
Jm1 j H
If i II I
fiI III, I 1 Mil 11
I ffl Mi .1,1
i mm i j ii
Black Velvet Basque Was
Worn by Former Genera
tions, With Hoop Skirts
and Waterfalls.
Newest Dances Quickly Taught
lie out of the rooiI danc
.rs this ear Correct
piei-t and innovations
tuitht b exp-rt I'er
n il or rla&s lessons.
if The Cortissoz School
yt-SfT lFr"ieun-ii Cor tli-ohj
1V4U incyiut at.
Basque With Separate Skirt.
Sea Captain's Widow Proves Right to
Fortune of $25,000.
ELIZABETH. N. J . Sept. 2j. Mrs.
Josephine Robson satisfied the courts
esteiday that she wa3 the legal widow of
Joseph Robson. a sea captain, and In con
sequence will come into the fortune of her
late husband, who had her lllegallv com
mitted to the State Hospital for the In
sane at Morris Plains some years ago
Captain Robson t-ettled down at Rail
way, after retiring from the sea, but none
suspected that ho had a wife, and when
he died the estate, valued at Jl''O. w-js
bequeathed to a neighbor Then a woman
appeared who had Just been released from
the Morris Plains Aslum, where she had
tyen an Inmate under the name of Joseph
ine Bou'ard. She claimed she was the
legal wife of Joseph Robson: that she had
never been mentally deranged, and that
her commitment was Illegal Evidence
showed that for more than a year before
his death Robson had paid for "Mlsa
Roulard's" maintenance at the asylum.
Then she furnished papers to proc that
sh was married to Robson at Bridgeport,
Conn . In 1S00.
Any one who mnkes a study nt fash
Ions soon leaches the com'luslon that
theic me certain modes that recur fimn
time to time, mndlllrd or vailid, hut hot
too changed foi lecognltlon.
The black whet bnsiiuc that has come
Into uroinliioiKP again an one of the prus-ent-itnv
fa'ilnns wan wotn In our moth
ers oi giandmothcrg, iiceoiitltlR to the
generation to which wo belong.
It wrii worn with hnrmflltlrta htiii the
waterfall of the pellod, nhit It Is bellm
worn ngn n today, vciy little changed
and ictiillnc t" the wearer mnto of 111"
feminine nw "I of n ilend and (jntie dny.
The vehri usiiir in.uigiiiMlcs the ep.
ar.ite skin inriltabU. And fill, too. If
a I'ttuin of nn ohl style, t'rltli unit fur
belows must hau a pluoe vumcwlieie III
the n.aki-up uf the majority uf costumes
and the plain Imstiuo seems tu cull fo"
either plaited or ruffled skirts that '
furnish nn effective contrast,
Tho lllusti.itlon shows the blnck vel,
liniiG almost fcvoio In deign, hut mod
ernized bv the collar. Thin partluilm
st.lo of uilliiv ECCU13 to be n conipiomlse
between fashion ns oiUlsuiUj pMiind by
the inotlMe and the confoit demanded
by the woman who niiNt wear It.
It Is vc!.. high In tho back, but open
to n genet ouf dcgiie In liont nbole the
squ.ire-iut neck
The white facing to tho collai and the
white cuffs nie made of silk and count
a point as a fashion asset.
The skitt worn with the basque scoics
several points In un-to-dato modlshness.
It Is In tlen, or sections, and It Is full
that Is, full according to tho piescnt
Each ruction of the .skirt Is finely
plaited, though the fulness Is gicaleot
i In tho topmon flounce.
While both iris'iuc mid skirt arc con
ventionalized, they hne d'stl'ict piestlgo
among the ttyles especially created for
autumn wear.
The toque oi tm ban which complete
the loMunre is of blicl: velvet, trimmed
with gouta placed at an angle that we
might be Inclined to call uiklsh If we
were not determined to inflect tho spirit
of w.n In oin eveiv-day .ocabulatiea.
The milltmy air has been given de
llbci.itcl to ninny cuats and capes and
hats and bonnets, and where thcio Is a
certain kind of dash the tcim Is sure
to be used for the sake of its present day
Northeast Annex of Girls' High
Scene of Beautiful Display.
An elaboiate flower show was held thH
nfteinoon and will be continued tonight
at the northeast an ne k of the Girls' High
School, York and Memphis -streets, under
the auspices of the p.uent-tencher asso
ciation of the school. There aro three
distinct competitions, one for students,
tho second for members of the faculty,
and tho third for pnrentt and friends of
tho girls who desire to entei blooms In
the show.
The Judges are Dr. Bertha M Clark, In
structor In siietnce. Mlfs Caro M. Miller,
supervisor of public school, gordens; Mis
Contanco Templeton, instructor In art,
and Dr. Edwin R Greene. A special prize
will be awarded foi the best photograph
of a garden maintained by one of tho
school girl?.
S r 'Mzm xmmmiMMimPm JVrx
I ff-4 mm Warn JvZy MM
ZLL, -TTTrm- Will nMmi yzzZy
The Pilialn !oe the Frenchman, the
Frenchman loves the Russ:
They compliment each other with eng
nerated fuss.
The Russian love;, the Belgian, whodeaily
loves the Jnp,
Their love just now Is gushing like spring
time starts the -ap.
The derr,an lneS the Austrian The Iit
tei's featuies woik
As he mentions his affection for the un
utterable Turk
With all this bilhtooing, I hardly think it
Such lulng, klnrllv nations should ever
chide and fight Kansas 1'ltv Star.
Site for Proposed $100,000 Institu
tion Sought by Committee.
Plans nie well under way for a new
flOn'OI hosrltal to be built near the boun
dary lino of West Philadelphia and Dela
ware Countj. Several public meetings
have been held within the Inst few weeks,
and a subscription lund of $927 has been
lalsed. The inoiement Is fostered by
nearl all of the busness man on Wood
land avenue, from Kith sticet to Darby,
seven huge industtl.il plants and 21 phy
slcinns. Cliarvlt-w Mansion, at "3d street and
KImwood aicnue, would make excelltnt
tempoinry qu.uters until the now building
could be et'cted, It Is thought.
The following wuie eletttd members of
the tcmpoiary committee: Thomas Demp
soy, rasclrihllle, chairman; J. B. Slmp
bon, Dai by, secretary; George 5-haw, G217
Woodland avenue, treasurer, and Dt. Al
bert Smith, Colwin; B. V Magden, larbj ,
fcamuel HarUensteln, "1st street and
Woodland avenue, nnd the Rev. Allan
Ballllc, 1110 North Concstoga street.
The Rev. Allan Balllie said there Is a
great need for tho hospital In West Phil
adelphia and the surrounding territory.
"Gi anted tho new hospital Is to be located
near the boundary line between Delaware
County and the -10th Ward," said Mr.
Balllie, "tho nearest hospital to the east
Is the overcrowded University Hospital,
about four or live miles away; the near
est to the south Is tho Chester Hospital,
about 12 miles away: the nearest to the
west Is Media, which Is about 11 miles
away, and the nearest to the north is the
Homeopathic Hospital, about five miles
I-argo industrial plants west of Phila
delphia, such as Brill's Car Works and
Fcl's Soap Works aro back of the proj
ect. The dlstllct Intended to be served
by the new hospital are SouthweBt Phila
delphia Lansdowne, Darby, Colwin, Col
Ingdaic, Ridley Park and Sharon Hill.
A site has not et been selected, but a
committee. Messis. J. W. Canine, 62d
street and Woodland avenue; Joseph
Swope, Daily, and Dr. John Armstrong,
Colwin, Is becking a location. Reports of
the committee for sites and subscriptions
will be submitted at a meeting on Tues
day, September 29.
British Prisoners in Camp Yearn for
Tobacco and Whisky.
BERLIN, Sept. 25. Descilblng a visit to
the English prisoners at a concentration
camp near Potsdam, a reporter of the
Berliner Tagoblatt says they aro living
most comfortably In tents and that they
never complain of the treatment accorded
them. They look, ho says, as If they
belonged to Fnlstaff's army, and ho pro
claims tils conviction that many of them
have been 111 nourished, as their uniforms
are much too big.
The Highlanders, he declares, mako a
much better Impression. There are many
of them among the prisoners.
The German Guards have christened
them "the ballet girls," In allusion to
thilr kilt.
The reporter says that a military cele
bration took place outside tho concentra
tion camp on Wednesday, which tho Eng
lish "visitors" watched with tndlffeicuce,
smoking their pipes. "Their principal care
seems to be whether they can get British
tobacco when the last remnants of their
British shag have been smoked.
Winfred T. Denison Shows J
"Tt i M .' . T- r
inac iNauvcs rreter thP4
Schools to Feasts Amus
ing Incidents Witnessed.
The Hon. Winfred T. Dcntson, score. '
tary of tho Interior of tho Phlllppn, '
Islands, has been called the "Whit
Hope" ot the islands, Tho exact an.
pllcablllty of this term Is not perfectly
clear at this distance. Mr. Dcnlson
himself Is on record ns declaring hli
belief thet It Is meant to Imply a "whlt
Interest" In tho Philippines an dletn.
gulshed from a Filipino Interest. H8 ,
also on record .an saying: "I suppose I
was called tlicr 'White Hope' because I
used to belong to the Republican party."
Dcnloon, as Is welt-known, is tho Dull
Mooso member of the present rhlllppn,
Administration, and as such his exper.
icnces or me last few months In the
Islands aro of considerable Interest, Indl.
eating to a degree tho hopefulness ot
hopelessness of tho Philippine situation,
Mr. Dcnlson tins sent to friends In
this country copies of a speech delivered
by him at the City Club, Manila, on
Juno 30 last. The speech la entitled
"Democracy's Mission In the Philip,
pines." The speech does not give Iti
authoi's opinion on tho question of
Philippine Independence, but meiely dli.
cusses some of the questions which dally
come before the Secretary of the Inter
ior through tho administration of his
own department.
One of tho typical questions, Mr. Denl
son says, which come before him con
tlrmnlly, cropped up In the proposition
whether he should authorize tho ex
pendlturo of 500 pesos for the photo
graphing of mollusks. "Now, It happens
that I havu Just returned from tne
Mountain Proilnco," declared the Secre
tary, "where I found tho deep necessity
and a great demand for school teachers
and no money to piovldc them. I had
this choice: Should I spent BOO pesos for
photographing those mollusks, or should
I spend It for school teachers? I could
pay the whole share of the Insular Gov
ernment In one teacher, and a half of
the shnro of the Insular Government In
another teacher for the cost of these
photographs. I am not unaware that
the world outside the Philippines may
possibly prefer the photographs of the
mollusks to teachers In tho Mountain
I rovlnco, but can tli l,o nnv doubt In
tho mind of any one that my duty Is to
r!!p,n.d ""' mnP" for the Interest of the
Philippines, rather than to fmther what
may bo considered tho Interest of the
sclentlllc world at large?"
On another occasion -Mr. Denison reports
that he had been to Palawan nnd hod
found there -10,000 people without a doctor.
He discovered the same thing on a still
larger scale In the Mountain Province. He
learned that the Moros In the southern
end of Palawan wero eager for a school
teacher "even grown men wore petition.
Ing ror leave themsehes to go to school."
At tho Cullon I.opor colony ho was pell
tloned by six ilsteis of tho church, who
wero delng all the nurMng for 250 hospital
patients to send them two more nurses
and some money for their woik. Upon
returning to Mnnlla from this trip the first
thing that was put up to the secretary
was an application for leave to spend ,
000 pesos for printing the results of eth
nological research into the habits of tho
Bukldnoons and other non-Christian
"For 14,000 pesos," declared Denison, "I
could either coier the Mountain Province
with school tcacheis or cover Palawan
with doctors, or Jill Cullon with nurses;
will In thn nntuMn 'nilrl r it- nj ii
in peremptory need of this knowledge,
some way except In the pockets of the
x uipino people.
ytwiW' mml w'h -wt '
'? , '.jth .. ' a Wfr 'ff I
est music is n
"""m 'k, ' i tvi '' '''-
Corner 38th and Market Streets
Beginners' and Dancers' Class
in the Modern Dances
Tuesday & Friday, S t Per Month 1
Polite Assemblies, Mon. ana bat.
Watch This Column for the
Opening of Our Branch School,
loth and Market Streets
farther from you than
. """i 11
Vv'His Master'sVoice
the Victrola
The Shopping Mecca
of Philadelphia Dancers
Our Victor patrons, among whom are Philadelphia's
best dancers, tell ua that our service is the best in the city.
It has always been our aim to provide for our custom
ers every convenience and attention possible. We have
large, comfortable demonstration booths, complete record
stocks, trained salesmen and messenger deliveries. In one
particular we stand alone we are the only store to main
tain a separate set of records in our salesrooms for dem
onstrating purposes. The records you receive are abso
lutely new; they have not been used in demonstrating nor
have they been sent on approval to other customers
every Heppe record is new.
Real Victor Service
It is the real service at Heppe's which makes the
dancers of Philadelphia come to us for Victor dance
records and machines. We have dance outfits from 515
to $200.
It places at your
command the art of
the greatest singers
and musicians.
There are Victors and
Victrolas in great variety of
styles from $10 to $200
at all Victor dealers.
Victor Talking Machine Co.
Camden, N. J.
, ,, ,,,"' f ' '- -, ""
Yiui can get a Victrola at Heppe's for Cash Price
with Time Privilege,
Write for Large Illustrated Catalogs.
CT T-I.. JPr C 1117-1119 Chestnut Street.
. J. fieppe CZ OOn 6th and Thompson Streets.
Please send me
(Check whichever jou wish)
Victrola catalogs and terms.
Catalog of Pianola Pianos.
Catalog of New Pianos.
List of Used Pianos.
Led f-ss-u
C I HFPP1F &t QOM H17-1119 Chestnut Street
V. J. IILjIFJCj Gc UUP 6th and Thompson Streets
Mwmi 1 M Mm WmWi 1 iff Wmwm
mmm tie MW m mm wHI wiiilK&l
Victrola XVI, $200
Mahogany or oalc
IM).wi.'jjji".miUj.L " ' i ' ":i" '' ' -vmuulSSSSddMiir " ' V'" ''.' """W "Ts diV!JHiMiLMtiMti n n n.,.,...!.,,,,, , .. ,M ,.,.,,,, ,,. ,Jj. l
i vmmwu wwivM pKwiPrww; v w - - fw ,., , ,.,- -,..: r-, w-mmm... mmwmtMiffiTk' v mm M" , M 'mmm,,j, m wjrmm ir
- -"in i Iillllniir'" W ,ifi, , I, , fit , J. ' f.,i-" rf . llllllk, " f
f--tj imii, iliM-":i,iilTjiisfyg "mmmmimmmmtimss'mimmimmmmmmssssammmM i ''nMMBMMmBiiiiteg-1A. ; v. ,. - . - ---,.. .j m
- - - - TMrii-"-. i-'-r-iM i timmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmim