Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. I-NO. 11
Reorganization Democrats
Point to Affiliations Be
tween Old Guard and
Liquor Ring of Machine.
Bipartisan deals between tho Old
Guard Democrats find tho Republican
Organization In Philadelphia through a
communion of Interests In tho "liquor
ring" are expected to be brought to
light bofore Un5""Senato Committee on
privileges and Elections when that
committee meets in AVnshlngton today
to dccldo Upon an Investigation of Sen
ator Penrose's primary campaign "slush
rtcorganlzers point out that he Old
Duard Democratic City Committee, which
frequently has been a party to biparti
san deals, le bound to tho Republican
Organization and the liquor Interests by
financial and marriage tics through Its
chairman, B. Gordon Bromley. a
Bromley Is secretary nnd treasurer of
the Continental Browing Company, at
jlst street nnd Washington avenue.
3ohn Gardiner, president of the brew
try, Is his brother-in-law. Gardiner
lives at 1800 Pine street. In tho 17th
division of the Seventh Ward, and was
enrolled at tho last election as a Re
publican. Gardiner, according to reports, has
been called to appear as a witness be
fore the Senate Committee as the presi
dent of tho Pennsylvania Brewers' As
sociation. The reports state that the
committee has also called Charles F.
Ettla who manages tho mahogany-furnished
offlces of the Pennsylvania Brew
ers' Association at 1501 Land Titlo Build
ing, and Nell Bonner, of 22d and Car
'xpenter streets, president of the Penn
Vsylvanla Federation of Liquor Dealers.
,i uuuiii-i nda ftB&uuiilieH wiwi me OKI
n Donnelly-Ryan organization 10 years
t flETO. nMll lfttPr hprntrp flu IllrtanDmfhH,
F Democrat. Last spring ho leturned to
the Old Guard fold. Immediately after
the primaries ho announced that he
was a Republican, and that he would
support Senator Penrose and the Re-
TUDiican ticket. Ettla has always been
a "liquor man" In politics.
It has been through the Influence of
Bromley, Its chairman, and his connec
tions Vlth a Republican, a "liquor man"
and a former Democrat, that the Demo
cratic City Committee has obeyed the
dictates of the liquor Interests by re
fusing to support tho Democratic party
of the State In Its local option pledge.
Biomley and Vance C. McCormlck. tho
Democratic candidate for Governor on
the platform, which tho organization
headed by Bromley refused to Indorse,
were delegates to the last Democratic
Rational Convention and voted together
for President Wilson. Thry both worked
to swing Pennsylvania in line for Wll-
VIicn McCormlck became a candidate
for Governor, however, on n platform of
TJhlcn local option was a principal plank.
Biomley broke wlt'i McCormlck because
or his financial and other connections
win the brewery Interests, nnd the Dem
ocratic Cltv CommlHim. iinrim. nv., !,.
Jeadersnlp. failed to Indorse the Demo
cratic State platform because it favored
local option.
Political leaders who are watching the
effort being made for a Senate investi
gation of Senator Penrobo's campaign
fund3, today recalled Bromley's views on
the liquor question, expressed by the
Democratic City Committee chairman
three weeks after the primary election.
At lhat time Bromloy, In answer to a
ljucstlon regarding the probable attitude
er the City Committee toward the Demo
cratic State platform, called local option
"an attack upon personal liberty." He
said that he did not know the views of
the members of the Democratic City
Committee, but that this wns his personal
Policemen Testify They Saw Girl of
10 Peddling Opium and Moiphtne.
Mrs. Anna Alcock, a striking young
woman 19 years old, caused a ci fining
of necks among tho tnoio sordid prison
ers when nrtnlgned today nt tho Tenth
nnd Buttonwood streets station on a
chnrgo of peddling drugs to Tenderloin
habitues. It was testified by special
pollen Hint sho wns taken Into custody
at 13.11 Haco street with her husband,
William Alcock, with ?50 worth of drugs
In her possession. .
Mrs, Alcock appeared Indlffetent to the
gravity of tho charge against her. She
was picttlly gowned. She declined to
make a statement. Tlib girl nnd her
husband were held in $S0O ball for a
further hearing.
Policemen tobtlflcd they obtained evi
dence Hint the girl nnd Alcock were sell
ing opium and morphine sttnlthlly on the
streets. They watched them nnd then
followed the pair to their room, whore
the arrest wns mnde.
President Says Such Action
Would Take Advantage
of Present Extraordinary
Situation for Personal Gain
Sai dto Have Been Commis
sioned by Two European
Countries to Supply Hun
dreds of Equipped Autos.
BETHLEHEM, Pa., Sept. 25,-Durlng
the last few dnys a large number of
representatives of automobile concerns
have been here, nnd the reason fdr their
presence was Indicated today In the le
port that two European countiles now at
war have commissioned Charles M.
Schwab to have built for them soveial
hundred armored and gun-equipped motor
trucks. The order will cost hundreds
of thousands of dollars.
Mr. Cohwab will not alk about the mat
ter, closely adhering to the policy of
the State Department, which recently is
sued directions to concerns In this coun
tiy whose business is to manufacture
munitions to avoid publicity In matters
where they have dealings with Euiopcan
countries now at war and thus avoid pos
sible violation of neutrality.
It is believed Mr. Schwab was com
missioned to give out the order for mo
tor trucks because he Is well known by
heads of many European' countries, hav
ing built warships for them. The armor
plates nnd guns for these war trucks.
-will be made-bjr-tho local steel company
aim uiso mo axie worK ror tne cars.
Indian Prince Reported Sunk Off
South America.
LONDON. Sept. 15.
The British steamship Indian Prince has
been sunk by the German nuxlllury
irulscr Kronprlnz Wllhelm, the former
North German-Lloyd liner, off tho South
American coast, according to a news
asency dispatch received form Rio do
Janeiro to day.
It states that the German ship Prussia
has landed the cnptaln nnd fifteen sail
ors of the Indian Prince at Santos.
This is the first definite word received
irom the Kronprlnz Wllhelm. which has
mn r.cportC(l ecently as cruising In the
jwantlc with coal for German cruisers.
-.. 4Yiuupriuz wimelm sailed from New
?,l ', ostenslbly tor Bremen on Au-
B.r!tUh s,,,ps attempted to give battle
lit. ,le converted cruiser, but the Kron
prini Wllhelm sped away, showing a
"" pa'r f heels to the men o'war.
r.V1? I"("a" Prince sailed from Rio Do
wanelro for port of Spain and New York.
t "n UEU3t 25, sl18 was a vessel of 1775
Henry Tomkins Charged
With Being Member of
Class of Crooks Now
Operating in Various
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2,-..-Pros!dent
Wilson today declined to nllow tho Dem
ociats of Now Jeiscy to Indorse him for
a second term.
Ho believed that such an Indorsement
mlgh't look as If ho wcie "taking advan
tage of the rxtrnordlnary situation now
existing tn gnln some personal advantage
through such an expression of confidence
by them."
Ho directed his secretary, J. P. Tumulty,
to write n letter to Edwald E. Grosscup,
State Treasurer of New Jersey, outlining
bin views on the matter.
The letter suyst
"My Dear Grosscup:
"Vou were generous enough to consult
me js to whether the Democrats of Now
Joisey should at this time endorse the
President for u pound tcim. I lmd n tnlk
with the I'icddont about It und ho deeply
appieclates the gcitorosit of th sugges
tion, but Now Jersey is Ills own state,
the men who would act In this matter
nro his own personal fi lends, nnd he
feels that It might seem as if he wore
taking advantage of the extraordinary
situation now existing to g.iln some per
sonal advantage through such nn ex
pression of confidence by them.
"This would bo Inconsistent with his
whole thought and splilt, nnd he shrinks
from It ns from something that would
embarrass rather than help him.
"He feels confident that you will know
tho splilt In which he says this, and that
In uiglng the Democrats of New Jersey
not to do this he Is not abating In the
least his deep appreciation.
"Very sincerely yours,
"Secretary to tho President,"
Held for Court on Charge of Reckless
A woman SO years old was held in $600
bail for court todny by Magistrate Emoly
on the charge of reckless driving and
assault and battery, "after she had run
down, In her automobile, Langham Tor
, ranee. '7.5 North Sixth- street, a city
surveyor. She Is Mrs. Isabel Cox, 5315
Cottage street. Wlsslnomlng. '
Torrance was riding a bicycle west on
Lehigh avenue this morning. At Broad
street the automobile driven by Mrs. Cox
enmo up behind and crashed Into him,
dragging him 15 feet. Torrance nnd other
witnesses declared it wns being driven
at a high rate of speed and that a
pedistrian also narrowly escaped being
The woman was arraigned nt the Park
and Lehigh avenues station for a henr
liig Torrance had his injuries treated
at the Samaritan Hospital. He received
cuts and bruises.
Forces May Be Sent to Hammer
German Bight; Wing.
PARIS, Sept. 25.
Reports that fresh British troops were
being landed In France and rushed to the
front havo been confirmed by tho War
It Is expected that the new army will
reinforce the Allies which are attacking
tho German right wing and that it may
advance between Cambral and Mons,
where the Germans havo only a screen of
cavalry to guard the rear of their lino.
The War Today
Attack on Ostend Believed
to Have Been Primarily to
Test Wind Currents.
Dirigibles Assembling.
ANTWERP, Sept. 25.
Attacks In force by a great fleet of
Zeppelins on England arc predicted here.
It Is said that these German uerlal bat
tleships are being assembled for a flight
cross the English Channel, with a thick
curtutn of fog to obscure the movement.
It Is known that Count Zeppelin, In
ventor of the giant dlrlglblc3 that bear
his name, has volunteered to lead a Meet
of th(.so vessels over the Channel and
across the city of London.
With tho coming of the foggy autumn
season the danger from this cause Is
certain to be acute, and the British are
already mnking preparations to forestall
such a raid.
A number of the officials of the Brit
ish aviation squad havo been at Ostend
for the last week, and it is understood
they have a fleet of armored biplanes in
readiness, prepared to take tho offensive
when the dirigibles are sent Into action.
It Is believed that last night's raid on
Ostend was a trial crulso to ascertain the
prevailing wind currents across the chan
nel. It Is also stated on good authority that
virtually all Zeppelins have retired from
activo assistance in taking fortifications
and are centred abound tho North Sea,
where thty ara to assist in an attack on
the British fleet. The. outcome of such a
battle -will beWghlY-tmPrtatit.-,Or it-will
detcrmlno-whether a dirigible, 'cab. meas
ure VP against a warship. If it can, the
German fleet will not be greatly outnum
bered in the conflict about to take place,
for tho British fleet Is insufficiently sup
plied with balloon guns, only a few of
these being In existence.
Tho bombs used by the Zeppelins are
said to bo 12 incheB In dlamater nnd 2 feet
long. The damage they can do Is terrific.
Houses In the neighborhood of the ex
plosion collapse as though made of cards,
and they can tear up streets for a dis
tance of scores of yards.
Centres of tho bitterest fighting In
France today aro Verdun and along
tho Olse nnd Alone Rivers, German
forces havo captured Varennes, west
'of Verdun. The Allies claim slight
gains In the enveloping movement
against General von Kluk. English
reinforcements aro being rushed for
ward to strengthen tho Allies' left.
Terrific bombardment of the Verdun-
Toul Iln6 of forts continues.
Belgian forces defeated the Germans In
a sharp encounter near Antwerp,
says the Belgian official statement,
nnd forced them back toward Brus
sels. A troop train was captured
with $00 prisoners. Alleged peace
proposals from Germany again were
Russians continue pursuit of the Aus
trlans In Gallcia, despite ceaseless
rains and difficulty In traversing
marshy land. Smaller fortified posi
tions have been taken, opening the
way to the capture of Chyrow, an
Important railway centre. The Aus
trian garrison at Przemysl made an
Ineffectual sortie and were driven
back to the fortress with great loss.
The main Russian army Is reported
at Tarnow, midway between Cracow
and Jaroslaw.
Zeppelin airships are raiding coast
towns along the North Sea and Eng
land fears an early invasion. A
bombardment of Ostend last night
was regarded ns a preliminary move
to an air attack on British towns.
The Indian Prince, a British steam
ship, is reported to have been sunk
by the1" Kaiser Wllhelm off the South
American coast. French warships
are reported to have successfully
bombarded three Austrian towns on
tho Dolmatlan coast.
German aWr Office reports the Ver-dun-Toul
line of forts Js being bat
tered to pieces by the German siege
guns, and the sorties of theFrench
Crown Prince Occupies Varennes, West
of Verdun, While Kaiser's Big Siege
Guns Continue Raking Long Line of
French Forts.
English Reinforcements Are Rushed to
Strengthen Forces Opposing von Kluk.
Paris Statement Says Left Wing Still
is Slowly Gaining.
Magistrate Holds Men After Hearing;
Story of Collision.
Drastic steps to stop reckless auto
rnobllo driving were taken today by
agutrato Morris, at the 26th and Tork
reels station, as the result of an ac
-'icni in which
Howard Hatt, 215S
hurled trom an under-
dWocatrH i n .? us ,lrlvhiR. getting a
B colllson SS Uldvr aml ot,,e- "'Juries in
Th. n wUh uu uu, truck.
Aspen "1g wte ,5'0t ml heM Albert
toTn Jf ".f"1" s,ree- Oennan
ent'.?.8Uit0S2?'Je llriver to- a ,lcPart-
83 " hi M bf ' for court' but ,,ot-
other dr f '"Plovers to produce an
Uv binr W,lth whonl he Is said to
0h trmSa!WK ,nt1 h,s stttble at
hen th ?. &usuenanna avenue,
"Mhed 1n.malne' Urlvc b- Aspen
ti.TT?.'a Into the undorf:,v..'i v.,,,.
Jfiwuw wth,i7,r rrom h's " hi.
rtherlnjuru. "is'ocaa and ho received
h hearlni fi'i Ue ana other testified at
mother .?,? . 'norntng that Aspen and
Wi5S?!; Hyf" w tate4 at the
Chief Postal Inspector Cortclyou to
day caused the arrcu of Honry Tom
kins, at tho Keystone Hotel. 15th and
Market streets. Following the action,
postal authoiltles declared that a land
swindling scheme, which Is being oper
ated by a gang of hlgh-class crooks in
various cities, will probably be broujjht
to a halt.
The prisoner, who Is believed to bo
ono of the directors of the organization,
was arrested In his loom by Postal In
spectors Wynne and McVlckar, accused
of conspiracy nnd using tho malls to
defrnud. Ho seemed greatly surprised,
but took his arrest coolly, "
He was arraigned this nftornoon bofoio
I nlted States Commissioner Edmunds.
While the plan resorted to by Tom
kins and his crowd wns an old one, their
daring methods In most cases caused no
suspicion, and, It is saldthey had highly
profitable results. They workmi .,...,..
tho name of the James rteaJty Company
and had offlces at 2093 Webster street
New York.
The company first published a block nB.
lire puKle In tho newspapers, and no ,.
ter how It added It gave tht solver a total
of 15. To every one who solved tho pus
zlo a lot was offered as a prize. There
foie, overy solver won. They sent tho
puzzles to the oftieo and were informed
mm mty eie winners.
Following a notice from the company
they were culled upon by ono of Its agents
and told that before tho lot could !
delivered it was necessary to buy an ad
joining lot for $53. ThcM lots, according
to the company's advertisement In the
New York papers, wero situated In a
place known as Grand A'lew at Hound
Brook and Somerville, .V. J. Glowing ,it.
scrlptious wero given concerning street"
driveways and up-to-date homesteads.
Many winners, on being Informed that
it was necessary to buy an adjoining lot
In order to obtain their prize, refused, to
do so. But the optimistic ones bought an
extra lot to go along with the one they
got for nothing.
But whn the buyers went to Bound
Brook they found there was no such
place as Grand View and no lots that
compared with the announcement. In
fact there was no laud owned by tho
company .
Inspector Cortelyou eald todav that .,
head of the company was James Uot
tenus. who, with Rose Stack, was arrested
for a similar charge on September h
Mora Tsta will 'follow. 9r "
German Reservists Seized Aboard
Dutch Ship Amstelclyk.
QUEEXSTOW.V, Sept. 25.
The Dutch liner Amsteldyk has been
captuied by a British cruiser. The liner
has a number of German reservists
Physician's Son, 2 Years Old, nnd
Servant, Strangely Missing.
BETHLEHEM, P.I., Sept. 25.-Tho 2
j car-old son of Dr. It. E. Heacock, of
this city, is tho victim of a sensational
kidnapping, and n colored girl, employed
as a servant In tho doctor's home. Is
suspected of tho crime. Both the serv
ant and the child disappeared Into last
night whib tho physician nnd his wife
weio away from home and so far noth
ing has been heard or either of them,
although tho police have wired broad
cast tho di.sappfarance of the pair ami
ini-mia nnu ncigiiDors have searched the
city In vain to locate tho servant nnd
the child.
Eetiro After Six Hours Bombard
ment; Also Defeated on Save.
NISII. Servla. Sept. 25.
Another attempted Invasion by the Aus
trlans has been repWsed aftor bloody
fighting, according to an official nn.
nonncement of the Servian War Office
today. Belerado was the Austrian objec
Violent ftshtlng took place all day Tues
day nlrjng a battle lino extending through
Zvornlk, Losnitza, Mltrovltza and Sha
bats. (All these tow ns are in northwestern
Servla. on tho Austrian frontier. Zvornlk
Is on the Drina Itlvor. about 70 miles from
Belgrade, l.otnltza Is also on tho Drlna.
between C3 and 70 miles southwest of Bel
grade. Mitrovltz.i Is on the Save Hler.
m w ii, -w nines iiormivrst ,-if ii.,i-
Kiade. Sh.1b.1ts lies upon the Bute, obout
W miles from Belgrade, at a point where
the river makes u deep bend )
The otlicial statement follows :
"Violent fighting occurred on Tuesday
on the Kvornik-Losnltza-Mltrovltza-Sha.
bats fronts. Tho bltuatlon continue, fa
vorable. On the Save River the enemy
commenced an artillery and infantry at
tack, but was repulsed. On Monday, Aus
trlan artillery bombarded the forts and
city of Belgrade for six hours, also the
quays on tho Save. Then tho Austrlans
attempted to cross the Danube' near Bel
grade, but weio driven bacK."
Zeppelin Attack, However, Does Lit
tle Material Damage.
OSTEND, Sept. 25.
Hundreds of the residents of Ostend
fled fiom here today In terror, follow
ing a raid by a Zeppelin airship, that
dropped three bombs In the southeastern
part of the city last night. Panic pre
vails everywhere and an order has been
Issued to burn no lights later than S p. m.
No extensive damage was done by the
aerial bombardment, which Is believed
here to be the German reply to the chal
lenge of the British aviators who flew to
Duesseldoif and dropped Domos on mo
Blckendorf aerodrome, headquarters of
the Rhine Zeppelin squadron.
One of tho bombs dropped by the Ger
mans nnrtlally wrecked the bridge on
the Avenue Smet do Nnleyer nnd shat
tered tha building occupied by Hans Wil
liams and tho tlsh market, and the third
dropped In the harbor. Tho bomb that
wrecked the Williams building also dam
aged surrounding housea and tore up the
street, breaking electric wires and plung
ing that section of tho city Into dark
ness. The Zeppelin made its appearance
about 3 o'clock In tho evening, coming
from the direction of Thourout. Tha
first news of the raid came In a mes
sage to the burgomaster from a house
near the Canal de Terlvatlon. This ro-r-orted
that a bomb had been dropped
from the Zeppelin, then at a height of
about 500 feet, upon the Smet de Nnleyer
bridge over the canal and that the air
ship was traveling north.
A few moments Inter came the- news
that a bomb had dropped In the Mlnque,
or fish market. After this the Zeppe
lin turned to the east, dropping the
third bomb in the Avant-Port. part of
the reconstructed harbor.
The last seen of the great airship It
was disappearing In the darkness in
the direction of Thielt. Its starting
point Is believed to have been Brussels.
have been repulsed. The official
statement admits severe pressure
against the right wingr, but Insists
the Allies ha.vo made no progress.
The capitulation, of "Verdun is pre-
' "dieted 'when 'tho "bYgisTeBe (runs ar
rive from Jletz. The capture of
Varemos. east' of Argonne, Is an
nounced. Pctrograd reports reaching the outer
fortifications of Cracow. Repulse is
announced of a sortie by the
Przemysl garrison and continued
pursuit of the Austrlans along the
Ktver ban. The General Staff ex
pects stiff resistance at Cracow, as
Its occupation would jeopardize the
German positions in East Prussia
and Silesia. The present Russian ob
jective Is Chyrow, an Important rail
way centre. A winter march on Ber
lin is planned to follow occupation
of Cracow.
Servian War Office announces repulse
of Austrlans, who shelled Belgrade
six hours. Victory, after bloody
fighting, is reported on the Save and
Danube, Austrian forces being re
pulsed in an Invading movement.
China, chafing at Japan's proposal to
build a narrow guage railroad for
carrying war supplies to Klao Chau,
has mobilized troops in the northern
coast provinces. The Government is
anxious lest this become a perma
nent line, following the precedent of
the Mukden-Antung line in the
Russo-Japanese War. Movement of
the combined British and Japanese
rorces in an assault on Tslng-Tao is
expected this week.
PARIS, Sept. 25. It is officially
announced that the battle continues
on the left wing of the Allies where
French troops are being opposed by
German reinforcements coming from
the north by way of Liege.
The Germans have occupied the
heights of the Meuse and are march
ing on St. Mihiel. The French have
occupied the opposite heights before
Bombardment of Verdun and the
forts linking that stronghold with Toul
today continued with unabated fury,
opening the 13th day of the gigantic
battle of the Aisne.
The most desperate fighting was on
the Allies' right, although the German
right wing is still harassed by the
French and British.
The battle along the Oise and Aisne
hns resolved Itself entirely into night
attacks. The day is devoted solely to
artillery duel, but during the night
the assaults continue, with mad
rushes, in attack and counter attack
that have, it is insisted at headquarters
here, resulted in continual ground
The German army commanded by the
Crown Prince is reported to have suc
ceeded in occupying Varennes on the
Aire River, almost directly west of
Verdun. This movement, It is believed
here, was to prevent the French forces
relieving Verdun, which has now been
under siege more than a week.
It was emphatically denied at head
quarters, however, that by this move
ment tho French centre has been
broken. Instead, it is declared as solid
as ever, and it is asserted that another
movement, details of which are sup
pressed, is already in progress which
will have important results in the near
The first statement issued from
headquarters this morning added little
to what was already known. It said:
The fighting on the left continues,
a .i . v. , OENKVA, Sept. 2S.
A dispatch received today from Lugano
states that Prince William nf wih i .
ioijud the German rmy volunteers.
Forts Terrific Fire Works Havoc
Among Besiegers,
PARIS. Sept. 25. Reliable reports
reaching Paris today, which have not
yet been otliclally confirmed, state that
the Germans lost 30.0M men in assaults
against the forts at Verdun, 10,fno 0f
these being killed and 20,000 wounded.
The Germans suffered the heaviest
losses in fighting which has followed sor
tle3 of the French army from the forts
surrounding the city.
Tho forts are keeping up a heavy ar
tlllcry Are in reply to tho German bombardment.
Colleagues and Lodges to Attend
Obsequies of Veteran.
The funeral of Alexnnder J. Boyd Phil
adelphia's first police patrol driver, will
be held on Monday At the Third Dhtrtet
n ,nin .hT t0llay """nlttee was
chosen to honor the veteran patrolman's
memory. Police officers, members of St
Joseph s Cnnimandery and the Kniehta
wlM,VJ,,,n-,'J1 atUn', tha fneral. which
Will be held from his home. 5.M South
Water street. Mass will h plv,r.
St. Joseph's Church. Interment will be
in the Cathedral Cemetery,
For Philadelphia and vicinity
Cloudy tonight, Saturday fair,- con
tinued cool; moderate north and
northwest winds.
For detail, tee page 12.
Police Seek Name of Man Who Shot
Himself Near Media,
The body of a man who committed sui
cide by shooting himself in tho head with
n shotgun is at the morgue U Media to
day and the police are trying to Identlfv
him. The body was found In the grounds
of the Klwn Training School for Feeble-
iiiiiiuvi) iiwiuiiif, near .Mc-fUa.
Initials "J. P " in the man's hat and the
name of a Philadelphia octullct on his
eye-slasi, case afford the only clues ob
tained by the polli. Several German
newspapers were found near the body
Thomas Galbralth, 8 Asbury terrace
Oak Lane, died yesterday at the Samari
tan Hospital. Broad and Ontario streets
He was W years old and had been In
good health until within a few dnys of
his death. For V) yiars Mr Galbralth
had been engaged In the carpet manii
facturlng business He was retired for
the past 20 years. His widow, a on
Thomas Galbralth. Jr.. professor of bl
tory at tS Central High School, and a
daughUrj Mr. Anna Cotton. urvlve
being marked by almost constant
artillery fire, and the Allies have
made another Blight gain. On the
heights of tho .Meuse fierce fight
ing continues. The enemy con
tinues his bombardment of the
Meuse forts, but they are maintain
ing their defense.
On the whole the situation shows
a steady Improvement from our
standpoint. The enemy is heavily
Intrenched, but at no point on the
left or centre has he been able to
assume the offensive. Tha morale
of our armies is excellent.
Evidences continue to multiply that
the I.aon-St. Quentin-Cambrai road,
the scene of one of the most hitter
struggles of the earlier days of the
war. where the crack Irish and Scotch
regiments of the British expeditionary
forces were terribly decimated, will be
the scene during the next few days of
a supreme battle.
The army of General von Boehm.
which now holds the extreme German
right, is centred at Mona and holds the
main circular highway that extends
through Valenciennes, Cambral to St.
Quenttn The French hold Peronne,
but they are under constant attack
from the Germans, who are In force
directly to the east of that town and
west of Vermand and Rolsel.
Fresh British troops havo been
landed in France and are being rushed
to tho front to support the exhausted t
soldiers who have been under fire con
tinuously for more than a month, ,'
It is reported the British reinforce
ments are being placed along the Olse I
and the Aisne to-support both the left i
flank and the centre of the Allies. I
Fighting with the fury of demons, 1
the French of General d'Amade'a v
army are pressing northward and east-
ward, never ceasing their poundlns (
against the German lines. With Pe,-
ronne in their hands, they resumed tho j
offensive at dawn today, only to bo I
met with a fierce bombardment from '
the German guns around Roisel.
The German left, which is supposed l
to contain the armies of the German fi
Crown Prince nnd Crown Prince Rup
precht of Bavaria, are making violent
assaults on the fortresses of Verdun.
The bombardment is described as even
more vigorous than that at Liege.
Gigantic German siege guns, sent for
ward from tho German fortrese
around Metz, are being ranged-upon jj?
me upianas around tho French city
ana are sending In a tornado of shell.
Tho Germans blievo they soon will
be able to reduce the Verdun fort,
claiming that no defensive work in tha
world can be impregnable against th
tremendous power of the Krupp siege
guns. ,
More than 5000 shells, each about fivo
feet long and nearly 17 Inches in diam
eter, are being hurled against the Ver
dun forts every 24 hours.
The cannonade goes on nlht .mi
day. Trained gunners, whose life
work has been the study of scientific
artillery fire, are at the German front
at Verdun directing the bombardment.
The Germans have more than 100
heavy guns In action there, not count
ing the light artillery which is beln
used against the French troops when
they make sorties.
The French troops have constructed
a series of elaborate redoubts. De
fensive works have also been erected
for the protection of the batteries upon
the hills.
Rows of searchlights have been
erected on the heights around Verdun,
and at times as these pencils of light
nash skyward at night they reveal
some intrepid aviator scouting over the
beleaguered city.
Counting tho fresh works, which
were erected to repel the German-attack,
there are no less than 15 fort
around A'crdun, on both sides of tho
Meuse River. The most of these aro
fortresses of the first-class, which wero
erected when the German advance
against the city began. They are pro
tected with the finest artillery in the
French army and the garrison contains
an army in itself.
It was learned at the War Office to
day that the French have captured
five aeroplanes, although the location
of this exploit was not divulged. Tho
quintet of German Taubes were taken
by a French cavalry patrol. Twenty
cavalrymen entered a clearing whero
the prize awaited them. The avlatorg
and a number of mechanics at tho
time wera engaged In overhauling tho
machines. The patrol made a dash to
round up the lot, hut tha German air
men drew their magaxlne pistols and
began firing. Twelve cavalrymen were
killed before the aviators were over
powered and the aeroplanes seized,
BERLIN. Sept. 25.
That the main line of the French
forta. extending from Yerdun to Toul,
Is bing battered to pieces by the
German siege guns tho 42-centimetre
mortars waa announced by the War
Office today.
Offlcial announcement la xxuA4 tijat
ga.pgfc feA-jgrae