Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1914, Sports Final, Page 9, Image 9

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.. wtmuta ri AntfrnM tmIII crlt,A n
tuncheon tomorrow at her country sent,
Jleclleaf, Wynncwood, to bo followed by a box
party at tho liorso show, In honor of her de
butante niece, Alias Emma Ashton Dorr. The
guests will he from tho debutante set.
Mr. and Mrs, Bcauvcau Borlo, Jr., and Miss
rattle llorle, who have been abroad all sum
mer, aro now on their way homo on board the
Maurctanla, which Is expected to arrive in New
York today or tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Boric
were on the Continent when tho war broke out
and left Immediately for England, whero they
bnvo beeh awaiting departure. After their re
turn they will go directly to Ablngton to bo
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henuvcau Borlo, 8r.
Mis. Samuel Frederic Houston will Introduce
her daughter, Miss Charlotte Harding Brown,
at her home, Di'ulm Moll-, Chestnut Hill, tho
nflcinooti of November 27, at' a dancing tea.
Mlt4 Uiovvn is the daughter of tho late Charles
AV'ardell Brown, of Mount Holly, N. J., a de
scendant of Itlchard Stockton, of Morven. Al
though tho homo of her forebears haa been for
more than 200 yeara In Burlington County, she
Is closely connected through her father with
old Philadelphia, being a grea great grand
daughter of Sir Francis Bowes, a Judge of
Colonial fame, nnd a great grandnteco of Gen
eral Joseph Kced, president of tho Supremo
Council of 1'onnsylvanla.
Mrs Henry Hobart Brown will Introduco Sties
Hope McMlchael at a large dancing tea which
will be given at the Hltz-Carlton the afternoon
of December 7. Mrs. Brown will chaperons
Miss McMlchael during tho winter.
Miss Helen Audonrlcd, of this city, who has
been spending some time In Lenox this sum
mer, entertained at dinner last night. Her
guests Included Mrs. Charles II, Howell, Miss
Beatrice H. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. William Fit
ler. Miss Helen Coatcs and Miss Irene Cramp,
of this city.
Friends of Newbold Hutchinson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John P. Hutchinson, will regret to
learn that ho Is 111 with typhoid fever at
Cloverdalc, his home In Georgetown, Is". J.
Mr. and Mrs. Hodman 13. Grlscom havo re
turned to Dolobran, their home In Haverford,
after spending the summer at Watch Hill.
Mrs. Itlchard Y. Cook and Miss Nancy
Wynne Cook aro staying at Jefferson. N. H
where they will remain until tho beginning of
ncU month. Mr. Cook left yesterday for his
home in Lunsdownc.
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assisting her are Mrs. Allen F. Horton, of 171
Gowen avenue) Mrs. LuclUs F. Doming, of 1W
Boyer street; Mrs. II. C. Clapham, of 227
Gowen avenue, and Miss B. l. Miller, of 730
Gcrmantown avenue.
The Social Servlco Is nn organization started
early In tho summer nmong a number of In
fluential women In the locality of Chestnut
Hill, Mount Airy and Germantown, tha object
of which was to do helpful neighborhood work
nmong tho poor, mostly foreigners, who havo
settled In tho by places of that section of the
Individual work has boon dono since the or
ganization started In Juno, each member ac
cepting one or moro families, with a. vlow to
bettering their living conditions, and tho feto
on Tuesday Is expected to create a fund that
will meet tho extra needs of winter without
overtaxing the Individual workers.
Miss Elizabeth Brocklc, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Warden, loft yesterday for West
over, Conn,, where sho will attend boarding
school during tho winter.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kurtz, of Innhelm
street, aro at home, having closed their Vcnt
nor cottage.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Wayne, Jr., of 6iI0
Wayne nvenuo, will return to thidr home on
Saturday, after a season spent at Atlantic
Mrs. Henry Kenrn nnd Miss Harriet Hunt
ley, of Gcrmantown, who havo been traveling
for two years, returned on Monday nnd will
mako their home nt Wayne avenue and School
house lano for tho winter.
Mrs. Kenrn and Miss Huntley havo been
making a tour of tho United States, the Orient
nnd Europe, nnlshlng in Egypt and the Holy
Miss Carolina Itoscngarten nnd Miss Clara
Itosengartcn returned on Wednesday to their
home In Germantown, after spending the sea
son at Asbury Park.
Mr. n.nd Mrs. Itobort A. Nocly and their
daughter, Miss Frances Xeely, of West Tul
pehockon strcot, returned to their homo on
Saturday, after three months In Europe.
Miss Ida L. Douglass and Miss Gertrude H.
Douglass, of 6116 McCallum street, returned to
their homo yesterday, after a season nt Vcnt-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Slckels and tholr
daughter, Miss Ituth Blckots, are occupying
their home, 5206 Diamond Btreet, having re
turned from Chelsea where they pasted the
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Edmonds, of IBM
North 33d street, who spent the summer tour
ing through New England, left yesterday for
n motor trip up the Hudson,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B, Felgcl, of 2403 North
Broad street, have returned to their city home
from Gcrmantown.
Mrs. Edward Schofleld, of Sixteenth and Ox
ford streets, has returned home from Ocean
City, where she passed the summer.
A pretty wedding will tnxe place at the Boose
volt, 2027 Chestnut street, October 3, when Miss
Minna E. Kllgus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G. Kllgus, will become tho bride of Otto F,
Schoenhut, son of Mrs. Emily Schoenhut. A
reception will folllw the ceremony.
A mock trial will be held by the Young Men's
Division of the Pannonla Beneficial Association
In their clubhouse, At Franklin and Poplar
streets, next Sunday nlglit.
The playlet given will be "Breach of Promise,"
by J. II. Friedman Tho cast will Include S. Cohn,
ns Judge; I. Grlvcr nnd L. Marmorsteln will be
attorneys, II. Marmorsteln will act as Inter
preter. A Hungarian count will be H. Stern.
Tho defendant will ho represented by D, Odell,
nnd II. Lewis will be a cllont. The Jury of 12
will bo headed by H. Uchln as foreman.
Mrs. Henry Itothschlld with her children,
Henrietta Itothschlld and Leonard Itothschlld,
of 2222 Green street, returned home last
night after spending three months In Roches
ter, N. Y.
Miss Mary B. Pelrce, of 1616 North Broad
street, nnd her slBter, Mrs. R. Taylor, havo
returned from a tour through Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelso Cassatt will give
a small dinner danco tonight at the Rabbit
Among tho guests will bo persons from New
York and other cities who aro hero for tho
horeo show which Is now going on nt Bryn
Mrs. Walter H. Bryant nnd her daughter,
MIsh Eleanor Bryant, who aro motoring
through New England, aro stopping for a
few days In Lenox. Miss Bryant will be a
debutante of this season.
Mrs. J. Hicks Conrad and Miss Jean Conrad,
of 2011 Chestnut street, have returned from
Chelsea, where they spent tho summer.
Jlrs. J. Nelson Purvlance, of 240 West School-hoiii-e
lane, had as her guests nt Manhclm last
night, beforo the regular weekly dance, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Evan Taylor and Roland Foulke.
A number of persons socially prominent
are much Interested In the St. Francis
Home for Convalescents at Lansdowne, and It
has been decided to hold a Country Fair and
Market Day on Saturday, October 3, from
morning until night on the grounds.
The homo was stnitcd a little over a year
ago unci haa already accomplished a great
work. Over 600 patients were cared for this
summer. Tho property on which the house
stands was originally tho Lansdowjie Country
Club. Among those who are interested in the
affair aro Miss Frances L. Sullvan and Miss
Lta Livingston Sullivan, Mlm Emllle M. M.
Illvlnus, Miss Mary M. Rlvlnus, Miss Mary
E. Sltmott, Miss Matilda L. Jenkins, Mrs. James
Slundy, Mis. M. McMlchen, Miss Jean Row
land Lfvls. .Miss Agnes R. Levis, Mrs. Francis
Patterson. Miss Gertrude Fettermnn and very
many others.
Miss Mather may be always counted upon
as an enthusiastic prombter of outdoor
sports. She is a great lover of horses and
usually exhibits at the various shows.
Adlrondacks, have opened their house, Roberts
and Wlster roads. Mrs. Durant returned this
afternoon from a short trip to New York.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles J. Mcllvalne, Jr., have
closed tholr summer residence at Watch Hill,
R. I., and are now nt Pine Hill.
WYNNEWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.
Koons have returned homo after a month's stay
In Chelsea.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Llttcll White, who with
their children spent the greater part of the
summer at Cape May, aro back In Wynnewood
again. Mrs. White Is an interested visitor at
the Horse Show each day.
Mrs. Charles A. Waterall nnd her four chil
dren havo returned to their Penn road house
after a visit to Chelsea.'
Mr. and Mrs. P. Wllllnmson Roberts, who
havo been spending tho summer In York Har
bor, closed their house yesterday and will
fetum to town by motor, reaching hero Snt
U'd'iy. They will occupy tho Craig Diddle
house nt 1711 Locust street fqr the winter.
The Roberts nro building a new house on the
old Uarrett property, which they purchased
last ye.ir. n is expected that the house will
be ready for occupancy about next May.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllll'jn H. Horstmann, who
r"nt July cruising wlih Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Llpplncott, on their yacht Lady Betty, have
returned from Northeast Harbor, Me., where
they were visiting their daughter nnd son-ln-law,
Dr. nnd Mrs. Fr.derlck Fraley. Dr. nnd
Mrs Fraley will close Halcyon Monday, and
will spend two v.rcks with Mr. and Mrs.
"orstman nt Xorwynden. Ovorbrook.
Dr. and Jlrs. Alfred Reginald Allen will re.'
turn Saturday from Lake George, where they
nave spent tho summer.
Miss Placid Vogt Is at present the guest of
ner brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and Mrs.
Richard Norrls.
,nt,C.' "" ,Inrbau6h, of this city, Is staying
m Uhlte Sulphur Springs. W. Va., for a few
Tho Neighbors' oiub. a prominent socla.1
organization of Lnnsdowno, ra. met nt the
home of Dr. O. victor Janvier, on Runnemede
JMjue. Tuesday night. Muslo formed a part
the program. About 30 members attended.
HEKION'-Mr. and Mrs. B. P. nifc r(.H
yesterday to their homo on South Highland
avenue after a three week's visit to Atlantic
Mrs. Salter W. Hartcl. of Wynncwood and
union avenues, who recently underwent an
operation. Is convalescing, and Is expected home
the second week in October.
MHUEimi-Mr. and Mrs. George M. Coles-
otthy, of lona avenue, wilt be among the
suests at the house party to be given over this
week-end by Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jaeoby
their Capo May cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaeoby, who have opened their
cottage several times this summer for a two
or three weeks' stay at Cape May, will return
w tsarbcrth the first week In October.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Wilson and Miss
Wliabcth Louise Wilson have opened their
nome at the corner of Chestnut and Narberth
avenues, after a summer spent at Kennebunk
Port, Me.
iHDMOHE-Mr, and Mrs. F. Clark Durant, Jr.,
veut tho summer at their ap la U
Mrs. J. Milton Colton, of Wyndhurst, Jcnkln
town, hns as her guests her son-in-law nnd
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Hand, of
Wllkcs-Bnrro. Mrs. Hand will be remombcred
as Miss Margaret Colton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel B. Wentz have returned
to Tho Orchard, their home in Wyncote, after
spending some tlmo at Eaglo'B Meie, Pa.
MlfiK Mary Hohn Dern hnB returned to her
home In Jcnklntown, after spending two years
In Berlin.
Mies Susan RIdgway has returned from Bush
kill, Pa nnd Is tho guest of her sister, Mre.
Sumner H. Cross, at her home on York road.
Mr. and Sirs. Henry Edward Drayton, who
spent the summer In Rockport, Mass., are at
their home, the Cedars. In Pcnllyn, for the
winter. Mrs. Drayton, Jr.'s, niece, Miss Anna
M. Heckshcr, will be among tho debutantes
of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Smith will movo
Into town from their placo In Gwynedd Valley
about tho first of November.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Norrls have as their
guest Miss Bond, of Baltimore.
Mr. and Jlrs. Charles p. Fox are nt their
farm In Sprlnghouse for tho fall months. Later
they will take a house In town.
Mr. nnd Jlrs. Frank Schoble, of the Oaks,
Wyncote, have sent out Invitations for the'
marriage or their daughter, JIIss Clara Irene
Schoble, nnd Willis McDonald Powell, of Jtont
clalr. N. J on Wednesday evening, October 7,
at their home. The maid of honor will be Miss
Jlarguerlte Bradway. Mr. Powell has selected
his brother, Stephen Powell, for best man
The ceremony will be followed by a reoeptlon!
On their return from an extended wedding
Journoy the couple will live at 622 Valley road,
Montclalr, N. J where they will receive after
November 15.
Miss Hazel Barke. of 3639 Old York road, will
leave Saturday for her summer home at Sell
ersvllle, Pn., to be gone about ten days. While
away. Miss Barke will entertain a house party
over the week-end,
Miss Elizabeth P. Dallas, who has been spend
ing several weeks In Konnebunkport, Jle., has
returned to her home In St. Martins.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Rowland. MUs Frances
Rowland and the Messrs. Rowland, who ,.
the summer In Bay Head, have returned to their
homo on Navahoe avenue, Chestnut Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Reeves Walnwrlght,
who spent the summer in the Adlrondacks, will
return to their home on Che tnut avenue about
the middle of October.
... im wuiveu -. Hivlnus and her
daughters, Miss Emllio M. Jr. Rlvlnus, Miss
Jlary M. Rlvlnus and Miss Edith C. F. Rlvlnus
have closed their house on Rex avenue and
returned to their home, 2119 De Lancey place
JIIss Virginia Schley, of Shepherdstown. Va
will be the guest for the winter of Jias jjis'
at her home at 303 East Gowen avenue. JUss'
Schloy will arrive on Saturday.
The first of u series of club dances for the
fall season took placo last evening at the Sten
ton Country Club.
The Social Service Committee, of Mount Airy
will give an afternoon and evening entertain
ment on Tuesday, September 29, at tho Sten
ton Country Club.
A lawn party and bazaar will occupy the
afternoon, which will be followed by supper
served In the clubhouse. The early evening
will be given to "a muslcale, and a dance will
conclude the day's program
Mrs. Thomas H Ball, of W t Mount
Airy av.nue. , ta char or
Mr. nnd Jlrs. Claronce S. Miller, of 430 West
Brlnghurst street, returned to tholr homo on
Wednesday, after a season at Pocono, Pn,
The Rov. and Jlrs, Clarence Wyntt Blspham.
of 4220 Pino strcot, will close their cottage at
Ocean City ubout October 1 and return to
Jlrs. Charles B. Fritz who spent tho sum
mer nt Great Barrlngton, JIats., has returned
to her home, 3003 Spruce street.
Jlauilco Horter, of 211 North 36th street, has
Just returned from n motor trip, thiough Pennsylvania.
Jlrs. Frank T. Anderson, of 7123 Woodland
avenue, who In spending some tlmo nt Ocean
City, N. J., will return in October.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Frederick Howell, of 39tli and
Pine streets, hnvo closed their house at Ocean
City, nnd returned to town,
Jlr. and Jlrs. Charles G. Jlyers, of the War
rington, 36th nnd Wnlnut streets, returned from
Occnn City, whero thoy spout tho summpr with
Jlrs. Jlyers' mother, Jlrs. Edwin Clinton.
Mr. nnd Jlrs. William II. Arrott have left
Jefferson, N. H.. and aro at Briurcllff JIanor.
New Yorl'.
Dr and Jlrs. Jraxwell Langdon, of Locust
street and St. JIark's place, havo closed their
cottage at Cape Jlay, whero they spent the
JIIss Dorothy McDowell nnd JIIss Jlnrlnn
Blanchard Smith left for JIassnchusetts. They
have entered JIt. Holyoko College nnd will
study music and the classics.
Miss Nina F. Lewis and JIIss JIargaret L,
Bodlne. of Hamilton Court, who are motoring
through New England, have teached Water
bury, Conn.
JIIss Teresa Burko, of H3S South Broad
street, who has been spending tho summer at
Atlantic City, teturned last week, very much
Improved In health.
JIIss Jlary Fallon entertained nt euchro on
Tuesday evening at her home, 1731 jrorrls
street. Among tho guests wero Jilts Jlary
Jcffers, JIIss Mnrgerlo Jeffers. JIIss Jlary Han
rahan, J. XV. Burke, J. Maroney and Dr. Jnmes
Jlr. and Jlrs. Bennett Hollard. who havo
spent tho summnr nt Atlantic City, havo ro-
lurnea to their home, 1717 Jllfflln street.
Mrs. Eva Veldt, of 2225 Boachwood street,
announces tho marriage, on September 10, of
her daughter. Jllsa Evelyn Oortrude Veldt, and
Joseph Edward Fox. of Terro Haute, Ind.
Mr. nnd Jlrs. John J. Carr nnd their chll
dren havo closed their cottage at Ocean City
whore they have been since June 1, and re
turned to their home. 2419 Carpenter street
Miss Winifred Cosgrovo. of 1732 Jloore street
has returned f.om Europe. MUs Cosgrovo left
about May 1 for the British Isles. , touted
the continent during July and August.
.Mrs. neorge H. Wobensmith. chairman of
the Executive Committee of the Buffm. n
of the 23d Legislative District, entertained tho
members of her committee Tuesday night at
her home. 1S13 West Ontario street. Her guests
wer Miss Laura G. Cramp. Miss Florence T
Bernhelmer. Jlrs. Josephine Paul, Jlrs Lydla
Whltmore. Jlrs. E. Bernhelmer. Jliss Frances
I.lchten, JIIss Blanche Barton. Miss JIarlo
Weedstrom. JIIss Gladys Watson, Jlls Nettle
L. Hahn nnd JIIss Helen Lukens. Arrangements
were made to secure headquarters In Tiogn
Jlr. and .Mrs. Raj nor Bowman, of West Tioga
street, left on .Monday for a week's motor trln
to Stroudsburg and the Delaware Water Gap.
Jlr. and Jlrs. David Bucharach, of 4153 jsor'tn
Broad street, have returned from an all summer
stay in Atlantic City.
Jlrs. Edwin J. Wilkinson. Jr.. gave de-
llghtful luncheon today at her home, 1303 Hunt-
...K urn nvenue. Asters, combined with ferns
formed attractive decorations. The guests
were: Mrs. John Costello, Mrs. Thomas Poole
Jlrs. Thomas H. Jackson. Mrs. Henry Baiber'
Jlrs. Phy. Mrs. Frank Thomas. Jlrs. Frederick
j. nmwrnno, .urs. iienry Dadlng, Jtra. w.
Ham K. Grauer. Jlrs. Louis Jlelnhardt, Jlrs
Edward Glltnore, Jlrs. Thomas Kay, Jlrs. WIN
Ham XV. Smith. Jlrs. Franklin Sheib and JIIss
Jlary F. AVilMnson. The luncheon wusfol
lowed by cards.
Robert D. Lodge and William S. Brogan have
arranged a tally-ho party for this Saturday
They will leave the JIalta Boat Club In the
park late In the afternoon for Lansdowne. On
their return they will stop at thu Willows,
where an elaborate dinner will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Maharg, Jlr. ancf
Mrs. Harry P, Cochrane and H. Hather Slaharg
havo returned from fcn automobile trip to Lake
Hopakong and the Delaware Water dap.
Jlrs. Charles Bennett will ontert.aln the mem
bers of the Roxborough Auxiliary of Camp
Devltt, Dcor Jlountaln, Allenwood, Pn., on Tues
day afternoon, October 6, at her home on
Mnnayunk avenue. The association will give
several largo affairs during tho winter In aid
of the work. Tho business meetings, which
will be followed by luncheon and cards, wilt be
hold monthly. Tho olflcors and members aro:
Jlrs. Clarence C. Kcever, president; Jlrs. Ben
jamin Johnson, vice president;: Jlrs. Chnrlea
P. Martyn, secretary; Jlrs. William Devltt,
treasurer; Jlrs. Harry D. Rarlck, Mrs. Charles
Bonnctt, JIIss Florence Bennett, Jlrs. Joseph
JIcManus, Jlrs. William Shappell, Mrs. Harry
Carty, Mrs. Louis Wagner, JIIss Elizabeth Earl.
Jlrs. Ellwood Beatty, Mrs. Frederick Whitney
and Jlrs. Albert Rommel.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Frank 8. Ward, of 661 East
Loverlngton avenue, have returned from an
automobile trip to Long Island and Connecticut.
They were accompanied by Jlrs. Charles Scho
fleld and JIIss Ellen Schofleld, of 620 East Lev-
erlngton avenue.
The Rev. Dr. John B. Champion, Jtrs. Cham
pion and tholr daughter, JIIss Una Champion,
of 561 Lcverlngton avenuo, havo returned from
a summer's visit to Prince Edward Island and
Ontario, Canada.
Jlr. and Jlrs. C. JI. Simpson, of Ridge ave
nue, returned yesterday from a motor trip
to the Delaware Wuter Gap.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Frank Wilkinson, of 432 Lyceum
avenue, havo returned from Ocean City, where
they apont tho summer nnd early fall.
JIIss Amanda Keely, of Lakemary, Fla., Is
visiting Jlrs. James Walter Keely, of Green
Ian". JIIss Kcciy will roturn South tho end
of October.
Jlr. nnd Jlrs. John Bowker have returned
from a summer's stny at Eaglesmere.
An nutomobllo party that returned on Tues
day from a week-end trip to Stroudsburg nnd
the Delaware Water Gap, Included Jlr. nnd
Jlrs. D. Adams, of Ridge avenue, and Jlr, and
Jlrs. Georgo G. Littlcwood, of 445 Lyceum
Jim. William Burhouso is spending the fall
In Piovidonco, JIass.
JIIss Hettlo Elizabeth Sheldrake, of Lyceum
avenue, will entertain the Current Events Club
on Friday night, October 16.
To appear in "Pilate's Daughter," Chestnut
Street Opera House, next week.
Blockado of German Ports Keeps Dirds In
Those who may havo been under tho Im
pression that canary birds Imported Into this
country como from tho Canary Islands will suf
fer a severo disillusionment at this time, es
pecially If the family thinks that a canary bird
la needed, and someone proceeds to "buy" a
canary. The fact is, that In times of pnce ca
nary birds como from the Hartz Jlountains, in
Germany, where thoy nro bred by the peas
ants in gnrrets and spare rooms of their cot
tages. Ono New York firm alone Imports
100,000 canaries annually.
At present no canaries can be bought In tho
j bird stores becauso of tho blockado of German
ports. Ordinarily, these birds sell for J35 to K0
per dozen. Tho Individual bird Is sold on his
merits, ns indicated by his looks nnd his voice.
The female canury is a poor singer and sells
for hulf the price of the male. The birds sing
best between Vho ages of a hnlf-year and nix
years. Frequently they livo to bo 12 years old.
The bird dealers also suffer from lack of Helen War, star of "Tho nevolt," the cur-
cages for other birds. Tho canaries are shipped rcnt attraction at the Adelphl Theatre, says)
ADELPHI "The Rovolt," by Edwnrd Lock,
starring Helen Ware. Should a wife take thu
same liberties ns her husband? She should
notl A sermon for derelict benedict.
BROAD "Druggod," melodrama by Owen Da
vis, with John Mason ns lallroad mngnnta
with a penitentiary past. As like real Ufa na
tho novols of Hall Oorclll and Jtarlo Calne.
Shown why you shouldn't nt'euso another man
of murder If you've done the deed yourself.
blrla," movlng-plrture drama, by Gnbrielle)
D'AnnunzIo, of the third century B. C. A
truly marvelous feat on tho reel, with a con
vincing volcanic eruption.
FORREST "Zlegfold Follies," a potpourri of
songs, Jokes nnd spectacular effects; enter
talnlng without consuming brnln-phosphorus.
OARRICK "Adelo," French operetta, with cap
tivating music. Reversals In love, with at
husband falling In love with his wife.
KEITH'S-Jtr. and Mrs. Vernon Castlo-thelr
dances are tho muslo of motion.
WALNUT "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," by
Kate Douglas Wlggin. Return of this popu
lar, simple and nppcallng play.
A. F. JlncCollln, who plays the gentnl and
delightful stage driver, Jeremiah Cobb, in
Kato Douglas Wlggin and Charlotte Thomp
son's comedy, "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm,"
at tho Walnut Street Theatre, Is one of ths
oldest living actors, Jlr. MacCollln was ono
of the organizers of the Whoatley Dramatla
Association In Philadelphia In 1865, which en
rolled such nnmes as John JlcCullough, IX H.
Hearn and D. W. Farrell. Ho was a member
of the famous Ford Company, producers of
standard operas, and originated the part of
Ralph Rakcstraw, tho leading tenor role In
Gilbert and Sullivan's opera, "Pinafore," in thla
country. After soveral years with this organ
ization ho joined D'Oyley Carte at the Fifth
Avenue Theatre in New York for tho produc
tion of tho "Pirates of Penzance," and played
the principal comedy role. Whn "The Mlkndo"
was produced, the part of Koko was assigned
to the late Roland Reed, who opened, but after
two performances was compelled to give it up
on account of Illness. Jlr. JIncCollIn succeeded
him. and was accredited aa tho originator of
this role. For flvej years ho was a member of
tho Stetson Company, playing a repertoire of
tho light operas. In tho last few years Jlr.
MacCollln has been Identified with the Savage.
Frohman and Shubert forces, playing princi
pally dramatic comedy roles. He Is now suc
ceeding the late Archie Boyd In the part of
Jeremiah Cobb In "Rebecca of Sunnybrook
Farm," a most congenial role.
in individual wooden cages made In Germany
nnd are sent In Iota of 100 to 600. These birds
havo to be fed dally on canary seed and hard
boiled eggs as well as given fresh water. A
skilled attendant haa to accompany them on
tho voyage nnd frequently n young peasant
earna his traveling expenses to this country in
that manner.
Slight Decrease Shown In VTorld' Aggregate
Last Year
Tho quicksilver production of the world dur
ing 19t.) is estimated at 4171 metric tons, ngalnst
she once owned a pot Egyptian scarab, an In
sect resembling the cricket. "Above, all things
else," paid JIIss Ware, "the scarab Is noted for
its longevity, often living ns long aa 300 years.
Jly scarab died a year ago In its infancy it
was only 100 years old. I had It for only three,
years of Its life. It waa the most unlquo pet
I ever had, and I got terribly attached to it.
It lived in a little cage, and I fed It on sugar
water. Once I gave it sugar diluted in cham
pagne, nnd you should have seen that beetle
it got quite tipsy. Itn antics were terribly fun
ny. Sometimes I wore the scarab attached to
a thin gold chain. I called It 'Amenotcph.' Tho
Egyptians used to worship the scarab, yott
know. I ndorcd my net, and wept at Its demise.
12 tons in l?l2 nnd 40S3 tons n 1911. The
countries of production Inst yenr were: United ''d thought of having a little tombstone mad'
States, 688 tons; Austria-Hungary, Sfi. tons; It- 0VPr a tiny urn: but I lost the dead pet in trav
Jlr. and Jlrs. Stanloy C. JIuschnmp, Jr., of
North Sixth street, have returned from a two
months' stay In Massachusetts.
Jtrs. Thomas West Cloggott and her small
son, of Baltimore, came over to welcome Jtrs
Cloggett's mother, Jlrs. John F. Starr, on her
return from Europe last week.
.Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hlllman, of Haddonfleld,
havo returned from their summer homo at
Pocono Pines.
Jlr. nnd Jlrs. S. Conrad Ott have returned
from Jtoosohead Lake. Jle., to their apartments
at Third and Cooper streets.
Jlrs. John II. Heaton entertained nt luncheon
and a card party at the Ocean City Yacht club
neroro returning to her home on North Fourth
street last week, having spent the season In
her cottage nt Ocean City Gardens.
JIIss Janet I. Jtowry, of East Broad street,
is spending a fortnight's vacation with friends
In Pittsburgh.
Joseph Lane Is entertaining James F. Ham
mond, of Chicago, in.
JIIss Jane B. Provost, of Walnut street, haa
.eturned from nn extended tour along the Pa
cific coast. She also visited Alaska.
JIIss Edith Campion has returned to her home
at Leavenworth, Kan., nfter spending the sum
mer as the guest of her aunt, Jlrs. Henry JI.
Hlnkson, of East Fourth street.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Thomas Hannum, of Upland, are
entertaining Jlrs. Oscar Lewis, of Anselma, Pa.
O. Lloyd Mlson has returned to his home in
Ridley Park, after a summer's stay at Ocean
City. N. J.
JIIss Oretta Kerr, of Eddystone. recently en
tertained a party of friends on the occasion of
her birthday.
Jlrs. Anna Herbert, of Overbrook, Is visiting
at the homo of her mother, Mrs. D. W. Jlackel
duff, at Prospect Park.
aly, 083 tons; Spain. 1490 tons; Jlexlco and
others, 160 tons. Thee figures wore gathered
by the United States Geological Survey.
Quicksilver Is used mnlnly In tho manufacture
of fulminate for explosive caps, of drugs, of
electric appliances nnd scientific apparatus, nnd
in tho recovery of precious metals, especially
gold, by amalgamation. A new use In .Scotland
Is the floating of lights of lighthouses upon a
body of quicksilver. A use in England, In tho
United States nnd possibly elsewhere, is the
coating of ships' bottoms with a pnlnt contain
ing quicksilver to prevent organic growth. Jler
curlc oxldo fred oxldo of mercury) Is tho ac
tive poison In anti-foullng pnlnt successfully
used on ships' bottoms. Tho metul appears to
be little employed In silvering mirrors, as ni
trate of sliver Is now chiefly used for the pur
pose. Increasing use of quicksilver Is probably
to ho expected In the manufacture of electrical
appliances and of fulminates, and tossibly of
paints for protective coatings on metnls.
The demand for quleksiiver for amalgamating
gold and sliver his greatly decreased, as Is well
known, with tho d-creased supply of free mill
ing ores and tho Increased application of nv.-ini.
dntlon to gold and silver ores. Industrial chem
istry nnd Inventive genius nro to be looked to
for Increasing the demand.
Getting Even
The teacher was telling the children a lone
highly embellished story nbnut Santa Vln?
?11 WJ,"IOnJonP!' rnn k'sbIIi"; with mirth,'
j hvt 1'vjiMiit ms control
"Willie! What did I whip ynu for y,
rinv9" nalsA1 . nni .- .
"Fer lyln'!" promptly nnawere
tuveruouy s.
ered Willie.
ellng. On the tombstone I would have had,
'Here lies Amenoteph, who died In his infancy
he was only a hundred.' "
"Alns," sighed JIIss Ware, "if only the youth
of plays wero no less brief!"
In Lawrence Eyre's play, "The Things That
Count." presented last season at William A.
Brady's New -York Playhouse, one of the per
sonal successes was mndo by Violet do BIccarl,
a child of 12. Georgo T Urennftn. managing di
rector of "Pilate's Daughter." to open at the
Chestnut Street Opera Houre next week, was
ono of the thousands who admired the work
of the child. When It came time for organizing
the cast of "Pilate's Daughter" Jlr. Brennan
sought Jliss do Blccnrl, and, fortunately, wai
able to placH her under contract for the pro
duction. She will play the leading role In tho
first net of tho play. Violet is proud of tho fact
that frhe has the famous prima donna, Jlarcells,
Pembrich. as godmother and that Caruso,
Scottl and Andreas Dlppel are among her
friends. Violet's father Is a boyhood friend of
Caruso and a fellow countryman Like other
tnlented children of the stage, JM.ss de Rlccarl
has made n success In poMng in motion pic
tures and she hns also a numlter of stage suc
cesses to her credit. She plover! In "The Top of
the Jlornlng" nnd "Hop o' My Thumb." Her
ambition Is to become a great singer.
Not So Awfully Plain
An Irish girl called at Jlrs. Green's to net
the place as cook "
"Are you a plain cook?" inquired .Mrs
"Well, mum." replied the girl, "yeZ m...
t'tnk so. but Ottlcor Mulligan war afther VPI1
in' me thot me es w r lolko the' Lakes av
Klllarney." Ladles' Home Journal.
Variety of Steps In Fox Trot and Tingo at Mtn-
heim Show Different Summer Resorts.
Early as it Is for much Interest to be dis
played in social functions, the dinner dances
at tho various clubs are growing In popularity
every day There was a noticeable number of
people from the different seashore resorts last
night at JIanhelm. each resort having Its own
version of the fox trot and the tango. Thoso
noticed dancing were Jlr. and Jlrs. E. T.
Flood, Jlr. and Jlrs Burton Etherlngton. Jlr.
and Mrs E. L. Reynolds, Mr. and Jlrs. Wil
liam Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dudley,
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts. Jlr. and Jlrs
Herbert Tllden. Mr. and Jlrs. John Blakley.
Jlr. and Mrs. H. Evan Taylor. JIIss Helen Van
Dusen. Miss Helen Gormley. Mlu Louise JIc
Cale. JIIss Florence Bear. Sargent Robinson
Wheeler Lord. Charles Riley, George Pur
vlance, Frank Green. Orne Goodwin, Logan
Howard-Smith. Jack Mofflrt Harold Ewlnr
Rowland Foulke, James A. Walker,
FORREST Last 3 Nights &,?
UfSlnnlns SF.PTEJinEn ja MTS TODAV
iV'-'iWv. CHIN-CHIN. flSi'i-K,,,
BROAD Last 3 Nights i""!"
JOHN MASON in Drugged
alRfS-n1:; "THE REVOLT"
THAT GETS ACROSS - Ewnlns I.e.fjer T '
MXON'S 7h J'rMn' PMte' . Schu-
VJPVAM W . VVIUoh A Co ThVi:,'... "'"""
tainiuia I-IC.
Vernon Castle
Beginning MONDAY. Sept. 28
VV..rll .Jr. ,nt photo Hnn't.lPi,
T'la I ISU 0 uir
Uiu.J uti'l
Th Famous
MlracU I'Uy
Mau. Tum, Thur.
f zoo
S'c'Kuir" ORPHEUM""! ISf-iso""-THE
?' ?i'0HT AND PAID FOIt 7
Alhambra & K!fVK. 8,""
New Management&mm'.VnrSept. 28th
BEG. MON. SEPT 28 ijffl' j,
t-AK-r . i Fntncls I. Krnl
STAGS' &u'n,e'aV g' ,;iALAEYVGC
f llli bii Lviiinr L-v ,Vk TVs. fi nd llin
Marcus Loew's "rti?7
r..i 'rkt Above oih 81.
m continuous l'rrlwmarn. from l to 1 1 n i
au. All .-n 10. Evfiiln in., li. ".
vaudvlll- i,rn. Planiit
GARRICK Last 3 Niuhts J-!,M" frt
5 '':aPELEroAys:v.itr
Wllh BRCCB MiRA urf aruOant c