1 1 I Ml ftaaaaMal aaaM gftaaaaaaMI F wWWi' 4F ' Jg. ft: f BVllttJ-Ntr' liBDBlt-PHlEAttEEPHlli flgtrftBBAY, SBPTEMBElf 2a,' 1914 OUR CHILDREN'S CORNER JtflClM,l,liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiniiiifinniiiiirnniiiiiritiiirrinimniiiiiMiiiiiii niiiiiinrnriiiifiirtii mm m-t-rninnifiiiiiiw .nniiTniwiMiiin'-ii "' -....tLatttetuhrMSmm "Well had the boding tremblers learned to trace The day's disaster in his morning face, Full well they laughed with counterfeited glee At all his jokes, for many a joke had he; Full well the busy whisper circling round Conveyed the dismal tidings when he frowned." (Goldsmith's "Deserted Village.") L BEFORE THE SANDMAN COMES WOULDN'T you like to be the sun?" "Dear me, no! I would much rather be the sunset. I like the whole sunset better than just the sun alone!" Now who do you suppose was talk ing? Birds? Fairies? Children? No, none of those; Two flowers were talking together and their talk was in the long ago fairyland time of the world. In those days all flowers were white white as the clouds and as snow, and every flower could talk so plainly that the fairies and birds and creatures could understand and talk back equally well. These two particular flowers who talked about the sun were cannas. Lovely white cannas that thrust their glistening petals above the green leaves like icebergs pushed out of the sea. "But the sun is so lovely and gold en," said one canna, continuing their talk, "I'd rather be yellow like that than any other color in the whole rainbow." The fairy queen was puzzled. "How stupid you arc!" cried the other. "Don't you see that yellow ia a flat pale color? Now, I like the flaming red of sunset, that is a gorge ous live color worth talking about you ought to wish to be red, as I do!" Just at that very minute, before there was time for the first canna to answer the fairy queen walked by. "Good afternoon," she said to the cannas, in her cordial, polite little way, "is there anything I can do for you today?" "Do for us!" exclaimed the cannas together, "what do you mean?" "I mean this," answered the fairy queen, "this is wishing day. I am around collecting wishes, every plant may make one. and who knows? maybe they'll all come trucl" "Then I wish to be yellow!" "I wish to be red!" Both the cannas spoke at once, and so suddenly the fairy queen was sur prised. "Dear me. how quick you made up your minds," she said, "you must have been thinking about it before." "We were," the two cannas assured her. "And I want to be yellow," the first canna repeated. "And I want to be red," added the second. The fairy queen was puzzled. You sec .she had expected to make each kind of flower a color, and now two flowers of the same kind wished to be different colors. "I don't know what to think about that," she said; "won't cither of you give up?" "I don't like red," said the first canna, "I'd, rather be white!" "I'm sure I don't like yellow," the second canna assured her positively. "Very well, then," said the fairy queen, making up her mind quickly, 'you may both have your wishes," and she waved her magic wand. Quick as a flash, the white of the blossoms melted to yellow and to red, and the gorgeous cannas faced each other. But alas! the canna that liked yel low had to look at a red canna, and the canna that liked red faced a yel low blossom all the day. At first that seemed very dreadful to them, but as the days of sunshine and shadow passed, each flower s,aw ungucsscd beauties in the other's color. And. would you believe it? When the fairy queen came by next time she saw streaks of yellow on the red canna and blotches of crimson on the yellow bloom. Tomorrow A Delated Sunflower. Copyright, 1014, by Clara Ingram Judson. THE MOON IN THE CLOUDS BY MALCOLM S. JOHNSTOtf." I havo watched when tlio moon goes so fast, Fnr above all tho trcea so high; And breathless ho rushes along and straight past All tho clouds, when they fill tho sky. And I've wondered Just why, when so swift In his flight, Ho never Is ablo to get out of sight. And I've wondered and wondered Just why, (And I novor can guess alone), When all of tho clouds have flown over tho sky, Then tho moon stands as still as stone. But perhaps ho takes rest when they've all gono away; Or, lonely, he's sad and Just don't want to play. And one day I watched while the rain fell down fast. For Lcerlo to nod passed; up to me as ho But I didn't see him nor hear his quick feet, Before the light shlned high up over the street. Why didn't I see him, when I was close by? And how did ho ever reach up thcro so hlRh? (Copyright. Malcolm J. Johnson, 101 1.) ANOTHER SLANDEB "l'ou should have heard Smith cracklnR up his wife's biscuits this morning." "I believe I did hear him. I thought at the tlmo he was chopplnj; wood." Fun. HEALTHY ONES "Hnw'll yen havo yer eggs?" demanded the busy waitress. "As well ns could be expected under the circumstances." replied the absent-minded physician. Puck. LABORER OVERCOME BY HEAT OF AUTUMN DAY High Temperature nnd Humidity Make for Summer Weather. For tho first tlmo In years a man has been ovorcomo by tho heat In au tumn, with the mercury hovering around tho 00 mark nnd extreme humid ity making conditions oppressive. The Mctlm, Santo I'olo, 1117 South Marshall street, n laborer employed by the Key Etona Contracting Company, at 15th street nnd Indiana avenue, succumbed yesterday. Polo was removed to the Samaritan Hospital ami physicians later decided that ho was well enough to go to hla homo. Predictions of a 15-degree drop In temperaturo for last night or early this morning by tho local weather fore caster -ero wldo of the mark, and this morning tho heat was little less un comfortable than yesterday. POSTER FIGHT TONIGHT TJnlverslty Underclassmen Hold Their Annual Scrimmage Tonight. Sophomores and freshmen of the Unl vmlty of Pennsylvania will give their own vorslcin of war this evening, when then- met ltl the traditional poster fight. Though not as well known as the bowl flsht, tho poster light Is considered to 1 the roughest of ull the University orops, nnd is the traditional method of burning tho incoming clous. Th. object of the fight Is for freshmen to tmr down n poster containing toph-om-ib Mens ns to tho correct conduct 8"'l 'fpurtmrnt of tho freshmen. This P k"r ' Placed on tho wall back of J1' UnrrUon Chemical laboratory, and n. si.'.lmmores. 'stripped to the waist n" vull smeared with lard, bank them iv. around It. At 1(130 tho freshmen ii'inge the sophs. If the freshmen do f 1,ilve tho poster dpwn by U o'clock tntr.- u an Intermission. At 11:15 the fight b-Kins again. If tho freshmen do not ravt tho poster down by 12 o'clock the toi.homorts ure declared winners, if xne ireshmen tear the poster down they r the winners. STEAMSHIP GOES AGROUND OFF QUARANTINE STATION Dense Fog: on the Bay Responsible for Bella's Mishap. Whllo proceeding up tho Delawnre River this morning the British stcanuhlp Bella, from Port Antonio, Jamacia, with a cargo of fruit, went ashore oft tho quarantine station nt Marcus Hook. Tugs have gone to her assistance, and It Is expected the vessel will be floated about 2 o'clock this afternoon at high water. Tho damage to the Btenmshlp, If any, Is not known. She Is not In any danger. Tho Bella, commanded by Captain Jame son, sailed from Port Antonio, consigned to the Atlantic Krutt Company, on Sep tember 13. She arrived at tho Delawaro breakwater shortly before midnight last night and picked up a pilot. Tho bay was overhung at tho tlmo by a thick mist. Cautiously the pilot worked the vessel up past Reedy Island. Sho reached Marcus Hook at 6:50 a. m. While ma neuvering to pick up tho quarantine of ficials she grounded. 30 DAYS FOR RINGING BELLS Man Sent to Jail for Jingling at Doors. aL.?. ln?'n-f?nof 1oor htXl3 struck Charles Aust, ,,. of 3,19 Uratz street, as a pleasant vi . spc'.'? hls tlmo- an(1 a ieult iXC """ r'mey- the Park and Le- Oil UVI'llllPH Hlallmi ... Mac bliih him Aust ItVPlliiao Cn,ln. . ,.... . M. . ..; """""' luuuy sentencea "'in to 30 davs In Mm !,,, .,., i,i. -. .. viaui ku mill iiimi riiiTi v i nn. ?.?r ' . Ile "l";"t some tlme lust "Isht be pf?, ,l,, a,rc'3t ringing door bolls on rn avenue. William J Marlon, of 21U Marvlna . Vi so ta"1Q '" or a 30-day sentence ?;... h ha"Js of Magistrate Kmely. aoVJn00 tne pledBe last week' bu' SMurtatly forgot, about it last, algal, JUDGE SUED AS A JILT Woman Asks $25,000 for Alleged Breach of Promise, PArtKBrtSBURa. W. Va., Sept. 21. Sult for J25.000 damages for breach of promise was begun here today by Miss Etta Shrowsbury, of this city, against Judgo Perry Nicely, president of the County Court. The latter last Sunday married Florence May Soule, of East Liverpool. Nicely Is prominent In politics hre and Is reputed to be wealthy. Miss Shrewsbury, who Is 8S years old, and employed In the office of a local phy sician, says that Judge Nicely puid mark et! attention to nor since 1305. and that they were engaged to bo married but that the Judgo postponed tho weeding on various occasions, saying he did not do sire to wed until his first wife, from whom he has been separated, died. Tha first Mrs. Nicely died ahout a year ngc in Indianapolis. MRS. REBECCA A. GOODWIN Film Inventor's Widow to Whom Fortune Came Too Late, NEWARK. N. J., Sept. 2t.-Mrs. Re becca Allen Goodwin. &! years old, widow of Hannibal Ooodwln, a preacher, who Invented tho photographic film, Is dead here at her home. In March last she obtained a settlement of more than Jl,0i,000 through her victory over the Eastman Kadak Company for Infringe ment of her husband's Invention. At the time the money was paid sha remarked "It came too late." Many years ago Goodwin formed the Goodwin film and Camera Company and sought to promote his Invention for films und cameras. Ills wife retained much of the stock, but the Ansco Film Com pany alto acquired a large block of it, and carried on the fight asalnst the East man Company, BREAD LOAVES MUST HAVE WEIGHT STAMPED ON New Law Will Let Buyers Know What They Are Getting. Every loaf of bread to be sold. In tho future. In this city, must bo marked ac cording to its weight. By authority de rived under tho new "commodities" net an order to that effect will soon be Is sued by tho Bureau of Weights nnd Measures of tho County Commissioners. The exact quantity of all goods sold In sealed packages will also have to be stamped upon tho boxes. In tho selling of groceries, for instance. It will no longer be possible to buy n "box of ttarch" but Instead the housekeeper will receive a "pound box" or a "half-pound box of starch." Tho traditional "box of candy" will also give way to the pound, for the rea son that tho law creating tho new Bu reau of Weights and Mensures requires that It compel nil merchants to sell their wnres according to an exact standard of measurement. Such measures as a "bagful" will hereafter be held Illegal by the bureau. The order concerning the solo of bread Is of paramount Importance. According to E. J. Cattelt, municipal statistician, about 1.00O.00O loaves of bread are sold In Philadelphia dally. There are about 1200 bakers, each of whom will be obliged to comply wltli tho new regulation. Olilclal notice has not yet been sent to any of the bread producers, but an at tache of tho bureau sal.l today that such action will soon bo tnken. Every baker will be notified either Indirectly or direct ly thut he must stamp the weight of tho bread ui each loaf. The putposo of tlio law Is to enable the consumer to Judge the amount ti,.,. h. fcho Is receiving for 5 cents. Heretofore a loaf of bread could be made In any size or weight without tho knowledge of the purchaser. In some States the law even dictates a definite weight for a S-cent loaf and unless that amount Is given the store keeper may not sell It as "a loaf." POLICEMEN EXONERATED Trial Board Acquits Four Accused of Beating Prisoner. Four policemen of tho 17th District, ac cused by Nell Pitts of having beaten him with blackjacks without provocation, were exonerated today at a hearing be fore tho Police Board, with Cnputaln Tempest sitting. It was testified by Policeman Wilson, Mcainty, Davis and Archdtaon that Nell attacked them after he had been ar rested at 27th and Federal streets for participating In a row in which two women wero cut. Wilson and MiGlnty udmitted fctnklng Pitts Tliey said they wero handling five prisoners In a patrol wagon and were hurrying tho injured women to the Polyclinic Hospital. Dr. Maxwell, of the hospital stuff, said that .i-iiis Kicisea mm upon hla arrival there. MERCHANTS AND EMPLOYERS ASKED TO WORK FOR SAFETY Mass Meeting Tonight in Bellevue Stratford Connected With Carnivrtl. A largo' mass meeting, under auspices of tho Home and School League, will bo held tonight at tho Bellevue-Strat-ford, In connection with, the "Safety Week" carnival and convention now being held In this city. lecturers of promlnenco wilt deliver Illustrated ad dresses on problems of safety and acci dent prevention. Mrs. Joseph It. Call, Director of Public Safety George D. Porter and Franklin H. Wcntworth, of Boston, nro to be the main speakers, Yesterday was devoted entirely to ex ercises In tho public schools. Addresses were made by representatives of tho railroads, the Philadelphia Rapid Tran sit Company, the Home and School Leaguo and the County Medical Society. During the day Mrs. Jessica V, McCall, of Brooktyn, N, Y assisted by Miss Catherine II. Bill, Mrs. William D. Lar abee, Miss Helen Stewart and Mrs. M. Van Blper, addressed the chlldrn of the Meredith School, fifth and Balnbrldgo streets; tho Randall School, Ninth and Balnbrldgo streets; McCall School, Sixth and De Lancoy streets; Kurness School, Third nnd Mifflin streets, and the Meade School, 18th and Oxford streets. In tho afternoon nn Illustrated lecture was given by Mrs. McCall In tho recreation hall of tho Athletic Recreation Centre, Sijth and Master streets. Every merchant In tho city has re ceived nn Invitation from tho Homo nnd School League to participate In the ob servance of "Safety Week." I.argo em ployers of labor have been asked by the league to lend their co-operation nnd inllucnco In tho great work of fire and nccldent prevention nnd conserva tion of human energy nnd effort from unnecessary waste. "Industrial accidents and tho waste of modern economics can be stopped. They must bo stopped. Accidents and waste nro Inexcusable. They are u. product of thoughtlessness, selfish greed and a lack of social consciousness." This Is the cry of the Homo nnd School Leaguo In Hh campaign, which hns nl leady won the symputhy and nttentlon of tho city. MERCHANT MARINE SUCCESS A NATIONAL TEST, SAYS MAGNATE Responsibility in Great Op portunity Rests on Govern ment and Business Men, According to Delaware and Hudson President. NEW YORK, Sept. 24. Judge L. F. Lorce, president of tho Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad, arrived hero today aboard the Southern Pacific steamship Antilles from Genoa. Speaking about the plans, nqw being promoted for tho expan sion of the American Merchant Marine, he said that not since tho Napoleonic wars has so great an opportunity been presented to the United States to build up Its shipping and to extend Its foreign trade. "The extent to which we utilize this opportunity to establish a Merchant Ma rino and extend our foreign commerce wilt be n fair mensuro of the capacity of our bupiness men nnd the Washington administration. Tho responsibility for any failure, partial or total, must reht upon ono or both of these forces." In referring to the economic losses sus tained by tho warring nations. Judge Lorro said: "The thing that most appeals, to the man whoso habit of thought has been along business lines, after mnklng due allowance for tho vast destruction of life and. tho distress which will naturally follow with tho loss of heads of fam ilies and the support of tho disabled, Is the tremendous waste of capital and tho effect of that loss on the future. Mod ern Industrial condition require tho capital Investment of about JKXO for each work man employed. "The total dally expenditure of the powers engaged hns tho proetlcal rrrpct of destroying the means through which ICOO men can be kept permanently at work. Tho Indirect effect must bo half again as large, so that tho ability to employ permanently COno men Is destioyed each day as the war progresses, uf course, this does hot mean that those men will be absolutely Idle, but rather that the loss must bo distributed over thoso who are kept at work. "The effect necessarily will bo espe cially severo on the younger men seek ing employment for tho first Urn. The destruction of capital through taxation of savings, tho Inheritance t.ixeB nnd the income tnx Is just as certain anil hns Just as baneful nn effect as Its de struction through war. "Tho uuthors of these taxes may not seem so culpable ns tho authors of wars, but considering the relatlvo periods of duration of their activities, these civil destroyers undoubtedly work more harm to civilization than the mili tary ones." BEATS FORMER SWEETHEART Man Chnrged With Making Brutnl Attack on n Girl. Archie Bonawitz, 1635 North 50th street, was held in jsoo ball for couit today by Magistrate Boyle, nt tho 33th street and Lancaster avenuo station, on the charge of making a brutal attack nu Miss Emma Adams, 340 North 65th street, his former sweetheart. The girl testified today that Bonawltz owes her $66 and because she would not let him telephone to her father yesterday to complain that bIio was annoying him, he attacked her In a drug store at 40th street and Lancaster atenue. Policeman Shannon heard her cries and arrested Bonawltz. Miss Adams said sho broke oft her engagement to the man some mouths ago because he boasted uf beat ing hts sister. TROLLEY CAR STRIKES WAGON PEACE IN AMERICA GOD'S BLESSING, SAYS CARDINAL GIBBONS Europe's Grieving Over Tragic Lot, He Praises Rescue of Tourists by LL S. Diplomats. BOSTON, Sept. 2.-"After witnessing1 the sad scenes of devastation and destruc tion and tho appalling loss of Ufo which 1b now tho tragic lot of a great part of Europe, wo havo reason to congratulate ourselves and to ebthankful to Almighty God that our beloved country Is enjoying the blessings of peace," en Id Cardinal Gibbons, who, with Cardinal O'Connell, returned from Naples today on tho liner Canoplc. "Tho United Stntes Government de serves great credit for Its splendid work In facilitating tho return home of so many American citizens In Europe as a result of tho war. Thcro wero thou sands of our fellow citizens there. Mnny of them had gono to Europe with only enough moony to defray their regular travelling expenses and were wholly un prepared for tho conditions they found thrust upon them. Our American ambas sadors and consuls deserve unstinted praise for what they did to help those people to return to America." Cardinal Gibbons nnd his traveling companions, accompanied by Bishop Corrlgan, of Baltimore, nnd Monstgnor Shahnn, rector of tho Catholic University at Washington, left Boston on tho 10 o'clock express for New York. They will proceed nt once to Baltimore to attend tho closing sessions of tho con vention of Federated Catholic Societies now In session there. Cardlnnl O'Connell gavo out tho fol lowing statement; "At last we nro homo again In our own America, prouder, still. If that were possible of her liberty, of her founders nnd of her Institutions. May God blesi our America, her rulers and her pcop'Js, and keep her ever prosperous and happy In the full possession ot national honor and lasting peace. TOO LATE FOR CONCLAVE. "Three of the American cardinals ar rived too late to participate in the elec tion, Cardinal Gibbons. Cardinal Begin and myself. The ancient regulation of beginning tho conclave on tho 10th day after tho death of tho Popo was made when cardinals did not reside ns such a great distance from Rome as they do now. nnd undoubtedly a new regulation will bo made In relation to the opening of the conclave that will enable tho In American cardinals to reach Rome time to participate In the election. "Tho cholco of Cardinal Delia Chlesa as Pope has nlrendy produced a most fa vorable Impression. At this particular tlmo there Is great need of a vigorous Pontiff, with a knowledgo of diplomatic relations and with wldo, practical ex perience In tho affairs of the Church and the State. "The present time Is a most trying ono In which to begin the arduous lahors of Pontiff, nnd Pope Benedict XV will at the very outset of his pontificate be cnllcd on to face ns serious and as difficult a problem ns ever fell to tho lot of a sov ereign Pontiff, but in his labors he will havo the prayers and cooperation of all his bishops, priests nnd people throughout tho world. "On throe separate occasions during my short stay In Rome tho Holy Father re ceived me In private conference, and I wns amazed at the wonderful qua'lties ho displayed. His readv and quick grasp of affairs, his Intimate knowledge of men nnd conditions, his gracious tact nnd courtly benrlng, his manifest love and burning desire for tho betterment nnd happiness of the people, his deep knowl edge nnd simple faith. Impressed mo In a marked degree, and promises a glorious reign for the Church nnd for tho peoplo throughout the world." GIRL JUST WON'T WORK Belief in Lnst Inheritance Makes Her Feel Independence. Believing tt.nt her father willed con siderable money of which she has bcon systerlously deprived, Elizabeth Lnn parter. ID years old, a domestic In the homo of Mrs. Ruse Tilberg, of 2123 East Clearfield street, refuses to work for her living, and so finds herself placed In chargo of Man- Gillette, of tho Court Aid Committee. At the hearing before Magistrate Camp bell, of tho Belgrade and Clearfield streets police Mntlnn, it wns testified that tho girl had been stealing smull sums of money from her employer. .Mrs. Tilberg, until tho latter could stand tho annoy, nnoo no longer. John Sleuhr. the girl's guardian nil n member uf the Roard of Mnnagers of the St. Vincent Orphanage, stilted that tho girl bad been placed In the orphanage and hail also been an In mate of the Housp of thp flood Shepherd, but neither Institution could keep her be causo of her refusal to work. Driver Hurt and One of the Horses Killed. A double team, owned by William J. Meehan. of Philadelphia, and In charge of Fiank Mnder. 966 Sarah Btreet. of this clt was struck by a, trolley car In Glou cester City. N. J. Mailer win, on his way to the immigrant station lit was thrown from the wagon and suffered serious Injury to Ins k-gs Tins wagon was damaged and one horse si badly Injured that he had to be killed Mader said ,the motorman. Louis Keebler. bcam frightened and left bis post. BARN BURNS. LOSS $30,000 Seven Horses and Cow Perish on Paxson Estnte. Fire destrocd the barn on tho rstato of tho lato Chief Justice Edward M Pax son, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, on Old York road near Bucking ham. Pa., last night, nntalllug a loss estimated at JSO.OfiO Colonel Harvey I). Paxson and Edward E. Paxsnn hurried to tho fceno from their summer homes at Hollcong. Tho fire was discovered at 9:30 o'clock last night, b Howard Ttb ben. of Poylestown, who was passing In an automobile. A farm hand drove a herd of cows from the barn Into a tiipiiriou, hut seven horses and ono cow wero burned to death anii a inrgo umniini or crops was de stroyed. Tho Paxson mansion was threatened for n time, hut moil employed on tho estate managed to prevent the flames from spreading. MARRIAGE LICENSES WlllUm O Harris. 5.'l 8. lBih jt., and Caro- lino Waieri. sv'ft Steuart 61 William fjchocr.emann, StST X. Park ave ami Charlotte II Moor Till S. Slit street Frank llur.nl, V'OVJ x J(qy m anii tu'i,. p,ihlln W.' N loth t ' """ Herbori V I'tlzenm ijer, 0110 Voriitock it and Blanche K Will., r,0l Lo:ti am ' BT"rM3IM,N:!,8"'- ",h " ' A'nDa rhirles J Urn, wfi-f Walter .. ami Ire'ni, M Parr .Vnduliulii. Pa. '"" Augustus JllmmeUbach, league JsUnd. and Plur-nee M Joiicn, ,'535 S. 13th nt John i: Durtleld. Jr. 3112 X 5th ,. anil Sarah Grae.. 30 Metmn av. sn Joseph H. Ilenltt. Jr.. I'amdtn. X. J ami Anna 13 I'aiurwn, 1'Jtl S. Jjucknall ' t William A. Hlwh 741 X. 2 ft? and Anna r" Schluenr. -.'720 V Man Int it l A n Itubln I.. Comer U'7 S. -jth t . and 1'annlt OaMOur, 41.J Dickinson t. ' tanm Jii" E. Tillman 1701 Kdwn, M .Bl Anna. ltalm-. 17"! Kin In t. ' " Morris Koi'twkln it.: Kiuwaur it. and Fan. nlo MllU-r. lil Kliiwater st. Klwur.1 E t-Uri) t.-Jt, V AMn it an I l.u. y Pank- lnli X U. ,, "n "' anl AlSen n lubb w nits iisi it l'. and F: r nut M Hill At'i,smsp rt pi ' r Qt 'rue mil. 2l4j Jnrou st . nj rura l.ucas, !Ht Jefferson si ""!?.! Andsrsoo 1807 6pr!nn Gardsn st and Kthlne m. jordaa. 733 OrritT FIGHT OVER A GIRL LEADS TO MAN'S ARREST Denied Admittance to Her Home, Visitor Tires ftt Her Brothers. A fight over a. girl he knew In Sldly six years ago, In which he Is accused of firing 'threo shots at her brothers, led to the arraignment today before Magistrate Carson, at the Second and qhrls.tlan streets station, of John Monte, 1122 Kater street. He was held In $500 ball for court. Tho girl 1 Miss- Jermle Ross, 18 years old, 721 South Ninth street. Her brothers ore John and Pletro noss. Tho family camo hero from Italy six months ago. Monte -had, been hero for elx years. Ho had known Miss noss as a child In their native land and he used this acquaintance, tho girl testified, to fdrco his attentions on her. Monte tyillcd at the Ross house last night and was refused admittance. Then, according to the girl, he called tho brothers across the street and a fight started. In tho middle of It Monte Is accused of drawing n revolver and firing three shots. One bullet passed through tho shirt of John Ross, Just grazing the skin. Policeman Isola heard the shots and chased Monte through streets and alleys to Delhi and South streets, where he captured 'the man. OBITUARIES MRS. HENRIETTA CASPER hbAthh Widow of Woman's Suit Manufac turer, Aged 60 Years. Mrs. Hnrlntta C.'nsper. widow of Henry Casper, for many years a woman's suit manufacturer, died yeterday at her homp, 1MR ninmond strict. She wns M years old, Though she died suddenly, her death was brought on b the Inflrmllli-ri of her age. For 12 years Mrs. Casper had retired from business and had devoted her time to charitable work. She was the oldest member on thn board of directors of the Jewish Maternity Hospital, Sixth and Spruce streets, and a member of tho con gregation KenescOt Israel. One son, Simon II. Casper, shirt manufacturer, 1003 Filbert Btreet, and a daughter, Mrs. A. A. Ballenbcrg, survive. ESTATE GOES TO WIDOW Ex-Select Councilman Cooper's Will Makes Her His Beneficiary. Ex-Select Councilman William II. Cooper, of tho Eleventh Ward, who died recently at 712 North Third street, be queathed his entire estate of $19,000 to his widow, Hannah M. Cooper, and four children. Other wills probated today wero: Kate Ltddcll. formerly of Philadelphia, who died at Worcester. Mass.. leaving an es tate of $15,500; George W. Chapman, 4918 Beaumont avenue, $15,000; Anna F. McGarry, 49 South 45th street, $3000. Personal property of Frederick C. Stein beck has been nppralsed at $2544.53. MRS. REBECCA A. WILLS Mrs. Rebecca A. Wills, n nurso during the Civil War, died yesterdny nt her home, 1227 Cambridge street. In her 73d year. She was the wife of a veteran of tho Civil AVnr, who, for the past sixteen years hns been the watchman at tho U. S. Mint. They were married, at the outbreak of the war. Mrs. Mills was a member of the Abraham Lincoln Lodge No. 4, Ladles of tho G. A. U.; Anna M. Ross Circle, No. 30; the Garfleld Lodge No. 19. nnd other associations. Three sons, Charles M., George E. nnd David H.. survive. MRS. ANNA E. WORMAN Mrs. Anna K. Worman died yesterday nt her home, 3142 North Broad street. She was 73 ears old. and had been In feeble health since last Easter. Her death was due to n paralytic stroke. The funeral will bo held on Saturday, when she will be burled in the Rlvervlew Cemetery. Lnmbertvllle, N. J. CHARLES SUMMERS Charles Summers, a veteran of the Civil War. died yesterday at his home. 2rtU Amber street. Ho was a member of the Captain Philip R. Schuyler Post. No. 51. G. A. R. : of the Kensington Circle. No. 4, 13. of A., and of several other societies. MRS. EASTER FERGUSON Mrs. Easter Ferguson died yesterday at her home, 1330 FaJrtnount avenue. Sho was M years old and her death was brought about by a severo cold which ndded to tho Infirmities of her ago. Five sons and two daughtt-rs survive. HAUElt. 4 years. eatijs AITKP.N On SptmriT 21. 1914. MAIt OAllKT I. AITKi:X. late of Atlantic City. Interment prHulc, ruruJlsa i'rtstiyterlan Cnurch Mimlnif Oroumls, at Lcamiin, I.an rnbtcr t'" , 1'J IIAllMirilST. On Psntember 22. 1914. i-ATHUMNK VlltfilXIA. wife of Jospin rtamiiurit. awed 7'1 jears Hel.itles and friends are Inxltort to atten.l th funeral terWccs, on Krl.Uy aftsrnoon at 2 10 o'clook, nt her lite r'ldfnc, 0.T.11 Jefferson street, Germaniown Inierment private. HAsrONE. on September 22. 1014, AMANDA, widow of J neph M nai, one, ane I 7f, seam. Funeral siTvl'ea on Palurduv, at 1 p. in at thu rislden o of Icr b.ui-tn-Ia, ir.ds id.ir st To 1 roreed to Fernwood Cemeterv Interment private H.U'HIi r.UZAIlETH 4W5 f-almon st. IIIKIli:C'K. On September 23. 1014, I.AUItA U. wife of Charles 11. Illrberk Funeral from 1 1ST Falrmount ie, on Friday, at 2 p m Inierment prUale at Northwood Cemetery HI.OOMlU'IKi On September 22. 1914. at her late reildenee Penn Widow s' As lum. 1401 i: Sufrjuehanna ave. Jl'LlA, widow of Cliarlea Hloomtmrir. nee 1 mj (pars. Pue no tice of thf funeral ill v glcn 1IOKTON. Xe.ir Mount Hnlls. X. J. on Sep. tember 2.1. I'll l. AI.WIUDA. widow of Will iam Ilorton aswl HO years. Funeral private, itn Saturda. September 2d. at 1 p. m. near Mi Holly, N J Interment at Kvergreen Cemetery. I.umbertnn. X J. HUKXNAN.- nn September 23. 1914. PAT HICK J IlKKNNtV. huiband nf . athurma (nee, lloab) and fn "f the lata Michael und llrldgei Hrennan Funeral nn Sgturdn. ot 7 :M .i. in. frnm 2'.' 17 !' mberton nt Soli ran Reiiutvm Mass nt ft. Chirl' Church at u a in. Internum at Xew Cathedral Cem tery. HISKKK. On September 23. 1014, JOHN, au of il.e late Juntos and ?ophU llrea r tne ! r ni. ageo ;m ears I'unerl n. id on .uurda at 2 p m at 2114 1. ut William Interment nt Uellevue Cemeterj. HltOTHKUHlN A LICK HOUSE VBI.T HUuTHl.l. i'X. UBixl year iuiii;et daushlHr of 'iroree i' br and draco llroth ert. n .n Ttomber S'.. 1014 Hue notbe of runeral will be giwn. trom parenta' real, den, . 4.7.U i"licir t IIIIUMN On Ninth Month 22d. 1D14, WH. I.IAM II I.. IIIUIWN Funeral MrlVi.MS SUtn 'lm tFriUw. v'.MIt Inn at It a. m at 172S Gtrard ave Interment private. CAhlT.K. On September 23. 1011. Hn.N ItlKTrV !' of l he lite Henry Cueper aged (M iur. ilelMltes and frlenda are Invite l tu utt nl tin f.neral an Suntss. hi pi 4 m from her let, I'oldrnre. lfiis Idamd tt Inlerine it ai A, lath Jeahurun Cerutterj. Bal. tin. ore an J New York fnycra iop l" J!KI,. -Suddenly, on September 22, 1914 at Sea Lie ilij N J.. MATILDA 11. w.iu'v of Charle II Caeel and daughter f the Ut Henry and Amelia Stiodtrk Itelatlvea ana friend are imlted to attend the funeral r k-. on Sturda afternoon at J , t n k ai her Uit residence Stenton and (lowen area Ml Airy Carriage 11 met the .irnal ut the 12 So n in train from the Heading Ter minal at Mi Airy Station. Interment uri te. at Weal Laurel 11111 Cemeter. t'H MIIElt!s. Suddenly on September 23 llll. WILLIAM CLOHKR. tw 'f Wlillim an I th late Mary A. Ctumhtri, aged 53 ur Due notiia of the funeral wilt ba given ((III. INS -In Wtn Cb.ei.ter. September 1 IBM MARV COLLINS i th 6P,u ? Vf hei K Funeral ffm her late reside 1 i-v North New t vi .-heitet l tr ,' ''JL",Nrr n "'sb at 1.. m In St Th m rutcb, Ivy Mllla In. terment cemeter adjoining. ". n- SSMMtaiS? COLo:?A- ' Vr.. 1313 COVVBy Suddenly, on September 22. 191. AI.BEnT V., son of Otcsr O. A. and Annlj W, Cower (ne Burn;), "fed J'iJ month.. Relative nd frlendi, lo ft V. M. Sodality nd Junior Holy Nam Society tM Church of Our Ldr of Mt. Crmel. r In vlted to attend the. ftiiwrtt. en BMurdidr mornlnr. at R o-elock, from his Mrntli reN dnce, 2304 South 3d at. Solemn High Mat of Itequlem st Church of Our Lady of Ml. Carmei at 0:30, preciaely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. CltOHm. On September 22. IBM. JOSEPH, hual.nnd ot Jennie Crosby. Funeral eervlcea on Friday, nt 2 p. m.. at 121 Kan Allegheny ave. Interment itrlctlr private. HAI.t.AB. Suddenly, on September 22. 1BH, JOHN J., htifbnnrl nf Nellie A. and sen of William J. and Mary E., Illa. Funeral rervken and Interment private- DUrriKLD On September 2.1. 1914, ELIZA JANB, widow of Champion Duffleld. ru neral arvrea, on Saturday, at 2 p. m-e RG02 Tlnlciim ave. Interment private. Frlenda may view remain Friday evening) after T o'rloek ELLIOTT. On September 23, 1014, HH HBCCA ELLIOIT, nged yeara. Funeral aervlcen on Paturdas. nt 10 a. m., it Utt South 18th t. Interment at Olaseboro, N. J. Remain may b viewed on Friday, between R nnd 10 p. m 'Automobile, funeral. rniNMAN TtOSIF. FMNMA.V, 32 year. 1329 South inth at. , .... l'r.ltui;.nx. On September 23. 1914, rJABTnn, widow of William Feriruaon. Fu neral sen If en at 13.10 Falrmount ave., on Fririny, at 11 a. m. precisely. Interment prl FLOOD On September 22, 191. THILIP P. Flood, huaband of Mary Pollock Flofld. aed "r, yean. Itelatlvea and frlenda. also Lodga No. 2, F. and A M . and Biirvlvor of Co. K., inth rn. Vol cavalry, are invited to at tend servke. Friday at 2 p m.. at hla lata residence, 47ld Wayne avenue Oermantown. Interment prlva'e Snellen Hills Cemetery ITTII8 On September 22 1914, HALTHA- HAH, husband of the late Pauline Furht. Funeral from tho Home "f the Little Sisters of the Toor. ISth and Jefferson sts . Friday, at 1 p m Mass at 0 p. m. Interment at Hnlv Crosi Cemetery. GAFI'NKV MICHAEL OAFFNET, S year. " Clyrner ,. UAKItintirv. v.n nepiemoer . jni (jr.OnOR MTEHS son of the late John and Judith Hampton Oarrlaon. Funeral on Satur day, at 10 a. m., from 002 North 10th at. Interment nt West laurel Hill Cemetery. OKNTNEIL On SeptniTmer 21. 1914. AU Ot'ST, Jiusbnnd of Christina Centner lnei Tlraun). Funeral on Friday, at R.30, from 1.112 N. 27lh st Henutem Mass at Lud wIk's Church nt 10 o'clock. Interment prl- CiLHSTLE. On September 23, 1014. W3 (UNA, widow nf Mever R Oerstle and ilearlv beloved mother nf J I. Snope, of New York rltv. nnd Carrie Oerstle Swope. In th Mlth year of her age. Relatives and friends aro Invited to n'tend th funeral eervlres, on Friday, at 2 p. m . ftt her lata resldenre, 900 North IBth st Interment at convenience of the. family. .New YorK papers please copy. . ...... ,.,. GOODWIN. On September 23, 1914. JAMES II. OOODWIN. nted 71 years. Funeral ser vices on Friday, at 8 p. m.. at 2412 Clifford st. Interment at Mt Holly, N. J., on Satur day, by 10.45 a. m train from Market St Ferry. ITAINHS. On Ninth Month.Md. 1914. HOW. ARD M HAINES, husband rf Katherine B. Haines (nee I!ezr) and son of the lats Hurr nnd Elizabeth V Haines. Service on Feventh-day (Siturday), at 11 a. m., at nls Inte residence, Magnolia. N. J. ... IIAltltlS. On September 22. 1014, FRANCIS A., husband of nmllic 11 Harris. Due no tice of funeral wil bo trlven. IIKNIIRKSON. At nis late resldenc. MSa MrCnllum St., Oermnntown, JAMLS F. HEN DERFON. aged r,8 years. Funeral eervlcea and Interment private. ,-,,., IIIIXIHMIN On September 22. 1914 JOHN F. HEND1WN, son of the late William and Hllen Heidron. Funeral on Saturday, ftt S 30 a m . from 2W8 Helgrade at. Solemn Itequlcm Mass at St Ann's Church, at 10 n m. Interment in New Cathedral Ceme tery. ,Ii:XNIN(JS At the S Edlnborough Apart ments, 42.VJ Chestnut st., on September 2.1. 1914, J. HARVEY JENNINGS, son of tho late D Ufford and Julia H Jcnnlnga. Fu neral eervice.i and interment private. KEEHLKIt. On September 21. 1914. LOt'ISA. wife of John O. Keebler. Funeral on Friday, at 2 p. m . from 2018 Heed st. Interment nt Northvvood Cemetery. KINGSTON. At Heverly, N. J., on Septem ber 22, 1014. ALHERT E.. oldest son of Al bert E and Alice O. Kingston, In his 18th year. Funeral on Friday, nt 2 ".0 p. m.. from rnrrnts' residence, Urnad st.. South Beverly, N J. Serv ices In M. E Church at 3 o clock. Interment Monument Cemetery. LI HATTY. M Alt Y LUBATTY, 22 month. UI2S X. Hilton at. LI NDEGAIll). On September 23. 1914. JENNIE H . dniiKhtcr nf Jennie and th Into Lawrnee LunriPKard. ftged 6 years T months. Tuneral on Saturday, at 2:30 p. m.. from GM Ent Llpplncott st. Interment pri vate, at Bellevuo Cemetery. 1,1'SDT. At Atlantic City. N. J., on Ninth Month 23d. 1914, GEORGE W. LUNDY. Funeral at Friends' Meetlni? House, corner Main and Garden streets. Mt. Holly, N. J., on Seventh-day 28th, at 1 p. m. Interment at Mt. Holly Cemetery MAEIITKN. On September 22, 1914, MART II., wife of Harry C. M.-ierten, aged 4.1 years. Funeral on Saturday, at 1 p. m , from lata residence. 128 South Rosewood at. Remalna may be viewed Friday evening. Interment at rernwood Cemetery. Mct'OHMICK. On September 21. 1014, MICHAEL, husband of Annie McCormlck, formerly of 1014 Tasker at. Funeral on Fri day, at 8 10 a. m.. from 2012 McKean at. Solemn Requiem Maea at St. Edmond'sj Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. McKWEN. On September 23. 1914. JOHN, son of th late James and Sophia McEwen (nee Breeser). nged 3G years. Funeral on Saturday, ut 2 p. m., from 2114 East Will lam st. Interment at Bellevue Cemetery. Re mains may bo viewed on Friday, from 7 ta 10 p. m. MrMAHON On September 23. 1914, JOHN T.. husband of tho late Ellen McMahon. Duo notlue of the funeral will be given, from hla latei residence, l',2 Green st. MICK1.E On Ninth Month 224. 1914. HOW ARD A. MICKLE. In Ms Stith jear. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Sixth-day the 2.1th. at 2:30 p. m.. from his late residence, 11 West Proapeet ave.. Moorenovvn. X. J. Train leaves Mar ket si. ferry. Philadelphia, at 1:2.1 p. m. Trolley, foot of Market St., Camden, 1:33 n m MILLER At Naples. Italy, on September 20. 1914. ANNA HARE MILLER, widow of the late E. Spencer Miller, in the R2d year of her age. Due. notice of the funeral will be given. MILLER On September 22. 1914. WILLIAK FI! A NCI hushnnd of Ida L Knauss Miller, In his 7'M ear. Funeral on Friday, at 0 a. m. ptpclselj. at 4.VII North Broad st. Interment private. MINOR. HJSEI'H MINOR, 7 years. 8719 Madison ave. NEl MEISKH. MOLLIE NEUMEISER. Tl jears. 2121 North Stanley st. NORTH. In Enst Branilvvvine. Pa., on Sep tember 23, 1914, M. FRANCES, wifa of George. It North. Funeral on Saturday, at in :io a. m. Interment Hopewell M. E. Cem etery O'NEILL. On September 21. 1914. ANNA M . wlfo of James O'Neill and daughter of the late John an I Bridget Maloney Funeral on Friday, at s 'to a. in from .134 North 32il street. West Philadelphia. Solemn Mass of Requiem nt St. Agatha's Chur'h at 10 a m Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. SCH.irFKH. At Burlington. N. J , on Sep. temher 22. 1914 ELIZABETH FCHAFFEU. aced 49 jears Funeral services on Friday, ftt 2 p. m.. at her late residence. Salem anl Mill roads, Burllrgton, N. J. Inierment pri vate. ( HW'EltTZLKI(.At Smlttnllle, N. J., on September 22 1914. 1'HEREsSA. widow of J.icnb Schwertzler Funeral from the rest, denca of Mrs William Simons. SrnlthvlIIe, N J . on Frida. September 25. at h a. nt. HlRh Mass at the sai red Heart Church, Mt. Hnlly, N. J. nt 9 30 b. m Interment at R. i Cemetery. Mt. Holly MII.I.ICK On September 21, 1914, CROSBY .HEI. LICK. Sr . .iRf.i 7u ears. Funerul ten lies on Frlda. at 2 p. m, at Ctd Elklna ave. near Hth and Olney ave. Interment striitly private. .ollKA On September 21. 1914, EDWARD J SHEA Jr.. on of Edward J and the lata Mary Shea (nee Walls). In his 23d ear. Funeral on Friday, at S 3(1 a m . from 4 12 J North l.aurenca st. High Requiem Mass at Churoh of th Incarnation at 10 a. m. Inter ment at New Cathedral Cemeterv. Mil III On September 23. 1014, MARY E-, wife of Wlllmm II smith ne Haiti, aged 41 ears Funeral on taturdn at S a m , from lis llt l.ura at , FeltonUlle. Requiem Mass ot tho chiirch of the Incarnation at 10 a m. Interment private, at Hly Sepulchra enitierv STAMMIIN4!. At Wlldwnod. N. J. on Sp. tember 23. lull. HANNAH, wife of William Siandrlng Kr . aged 01 sears. Funeral serv. I i n Frl lav at 1 p m at 2914 North Hantnk at Interment at Northvvood Ceme lr Phlla. si REICH EH On September 21, 1014. AM4.NDA I.1CE STilEICHER. widow of Frederl. k SireUhtr ard daughter of John and Alice tsher Funeral nn I'rl,l. at 7 30 a. ra from 273 Wi Thompson t. Solemn High Requiem Mass at St LudwU's Church nt 9 a m , sharp. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. .N'lllOilKL.-Oii September 22. 1014. CARO. LINE, widow of Js'Ot. Strobel. aged 7J eor. Funeral eervU.cu on Friday. Sep. lemlwr 2.1. at 2 n m . at 1711 North 25th i Interment at n!ngvl (' meiery VrrI, K LV1"- Su'J.lanly . on September 22. 1914, JOHN, husband of Helena Stuertz nfl Ger harni. at uf Si hill l Germany. Funeral service on Sunday, at S p. m . at his lata leslden.e. Ii.1 Caiiouhlll t. Intarmsnt st Mr Pe.iv e Ceraetcx). M MMHIIE-i. - On September 23. 1014. v UARLEs husband uf the late Kate Sum mere Funeral on Sunday, 91 ii p. m., .it 2031 Amber t TIIOUA-. - l.fc.NA THOMAS. 33, run, 40 Mil 1'FI.NTKJ.rA. ERNESTO VOLFEIN TESTA. 3.1 car. 73.1 South tth JtT UIIIIY- MARV WJLDY. 3S years, 2127 Hop at WII IS. -vt Mount Holly. K J . on Septem ber 21 1911 HEN.UAH V WILLS. i Mt sad ear Funeral from M lata residence, 103 High at . Mi Holl. it i . va Friday, September 2S at 2 p. m. Interment at Ml. IfulU i "iiwiery. WORMAN. Ob September 31. 1914, ANNA K. widow of iiaiuvl c VYurouu agl 71 yearn. Funeral rwi-e on iiaiurilay. at ,' a in pie Uel at ll i late ihUwi, II U North lir,.a4 nt Ititerrueot private at (tivrivl-v I , Mleler I .1 ill! I U II f ' J, Auto (line! ,! Olt.V i-r 1 -eptember .'3 UH MART M . wife ut Th"i 11 M W'rn on I laugin.- Wll'tam II anl S.hanli Nn . f ',ra) ,, 6turlay at 2 p to rr t 1 .17 North Mar, shall at. Intcrmtst at Frn3''J vtaJtUry, ill 1 -.i .,,--. ."V.