Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1914, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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bin. W. Ochu, Rtentarr: John C. Msrtln, Treaiirrt
Charles II. Ludlfigton, rhlllp S. Collins, John It. Wil
liams. Directors. -
Ctnus H. It Ccnu.i, Chairman.
P. IT. WlIALtir ...,..., iatecutlveEflltnT
JOHN C. MAKT1N. ....... .0neral Butlness Monager
Fobllhd dally, excpt Sunday, ' W Uwra
nulialnn. Independence Square. Philadelphia.
Nw ToK 170-A. M'troPORjaY"
Entcioo 81T Home In8n.cI"111,uJJdf
ohbom... 8 Waterloo Tlace, Pall Mall, S. W,
NnWSDUnEAl'S! ,,,,
mmiiBj nrmiun..... Th5tPfl!j!? SS S R5
Waihikotom Bcawn w?hWfJi il, M n?
NlW Tonic nilUD.,. T,Rr.TmWrSn
London nrauD 8 P Mall Ea't, 9. W.
Pius Bumau. ....... as Kuo Louis lo Urana
subscription tkrms
By earrter. Dittx O.nlt, sir cents. I'r mall, ro'lfnld
entald of Philadelphia, except where foreign P""&
l required. DutT Oslt. one month, twenty-nvo cnt, j
Diiit Onlt, one year, thrco dollars. All mall sibscrip
tlons payable In ad nnce.
ET Address oil communications to Evening
Ltdarr, Jndependmnee Square, I'h lUiMpMa. ,
irrUCiTioN kidb it tub rniuniarniA rosTorrieu oa
The Knife in ihc Bowels of Reform
THOMAS S. T. MACKLEER voted In Select
Council to overrldo tho Mayor's veto of
the Municipal Court grab. Mr. Mnckleer la
employed by tho Municipal Court at a salary
of 260 tho month. Of course, ho was qulto
competent to take a Judicial view of tho
quostlon. It la even possible that ho oouhl
have been Influenced by argument or fact to
vol ngalnst tho source of his salary. But
ho was not so influenced; not a bit of It. On
tha contrary, ho stood "with the boys," first,
last and all tho time.
Mr. Macklocr Is but ono of many whoso
Jobs depend on their votes. It is never safo
for tho people to confldo their interests to
men whoso own Interests aro paramount. If
any citizen wants to know why the reform
administration is hampered at every turn by
Councils, ho has only to discover the means
of livelihood of certain "representatives of
tho people." They owo their sinecures to the
contractor bosses, to tho Organization, and
tho Organization is their first and only love.
When tho public asks who and what they
are, these sweetly coo, "We aro Republicans."
And tho remarkable thing Is that so many
peoplo believe them.
"Twill Be Dry in Olo Virginia
VIRGINIA has gone dry by a decisive
majority. The fight thcro has been going
on for years, the real battle having been to
persuade tho Legislature to submit tho ques
tion to a general vote. When that much was
won tho rest was easy for tho Prohibi
tionists. It would bo idlo to deny that In
the rural districts of the South prohibition
has achieved some splendid results, and it
would bo Just as futile to question its failure
in the cities. "Blind pigs," "blind tigers,"
"speak-easles" havo flourished. Violation of
tho law In most of tho larger towns is open
and notorious. Making vice a crime by
statute can never bo a great success. Local
option is tho real remedy for tho liquor prob
lem, for it restricts prohibition to localities
where enforcement of tho law is practically
Militarism No Worse Than Navalism
THE German people nro qulto right in
resenting a great deal of the unreason
able criticism of tho Fatherland. It would
be a pity If fair-minded men could have no
love for r nation which In tho last half
century has amazed tho world by its mate
rial accomplishments. That England and her
Allies havo been jealous of German achieve
ment Is too obvious to require comment. It
would be entirely illogical, therefore, for
American citizens to grow bitter over Ger
man militarism und not consider England's
navalism. German preparation on land has
not been ona whit more destructive of tho
peace of tho world than England's prepared
ness on the oceans. It Is six of one and half
a dozen of the other. The Kaiser's long reign
of pcaco is at least presumptive evidence of
his sincere aversion to war. The Fatherland
is, entitled to a fair show, and thero is every
Indication that it will got it.
Vital History Should Be Taught
CURRENT events should be studied in tho
schools in order to mako past history
more real to the pupils, and In order also to
promote among them such a civic Intelligence
as good citizenship requires. Current eventa
are history, and history is nothing except as
It considers civics and economies. In thoso
phases and aspects of tho war which belong
to American economic history, the schools
have a great educational opportunity which
should not bo neglected. To enlighten tho
young people In the questions that hove to
do with American dependent-iand Independ
ence in commerce and Industry Is to teach
them tha economic resources and possibili
ties of their country: and to show them how
these questions aro affected by tlm European
war is not to violate neutrality, hut merely
to give duo recognition to the flow of eventa
in the history of their own country.
Courage h the Conquest of Fear
WE DO not conquer the world by shedding
tho blood of others. Victories are won by
tho loss of our own blood. Such la the
vicarious law of progress. To do right when
there is every Inducement to do wrung Is
To have the courage of standing alone Is
the attribute of a strong man. Courage and
fear are related as Innocence is to virtue,
One makes possible the other. There ran be
n real courage without fear. Courage is
the conquest of fear; virtue is Innocence un
der temptation. The battlefield of every life
is the soul. Browning writes, "When the
fight begins within himself a man's worth
something." Life is not a promenade
through streets of cheering crowds, but a
hard march over rough roads
Running away from tha battleground of
one's own soul may be set down as a great
National Palace. Jealousies and ambitions
aside, there havo been signs of profound dif
ferences between tho great natural divisions
of Northern and Southern Mexico that spelt
conflict. Villa's revolution may bo nn at
tempt to put himself or his man In tho chair
at Mexico City and his Ideas Into operation.
Or It may mean the setting up of an Inde
pendent Northern republic. At any rate, It
means moro months of turmoil and destruc
tion. Whether this will bo worth the price
depends on Villa's sincerity In his stand for
a non-mllltary government nnd tho redis
tribution of the land.
Meanwhile, Vera Cruz becomes once more
a knotty problem.
No Stultification for n Mess of Toltngc
AT WATSONTOWN yesterday "Doctor
-ti. Brumbaugh assured his audience that
even the competent business administration
fell short unless sustained by high moral
purposo." Moral principles como flrst. It
docs not profit a man or a State anything If
tho wholo world Is gained and tho soul Is
lost. It Is only at this lato date In social
history that the contrary doctrine is being
preached. It Is only now that a mess of
pottngo is being dangled beforo the ojes of
tho people of Pennsylvania In the expecta
tion that It will tempt them Into stultifica
tion of their collective conscience. Doctor
Brumbaugh understands tho aspirations of
this peoplo und the deep purposo underlying
their offorts. It 's only Penroselsm which
Imagines that morality Is not nn Issue.
Stand Up for Pennsylvania
STAND up for Pennsylvania," says Doctor
Brumbaugh,' who has always stood up
for her himself nnd to whom the public Is
looking with full confidence for further serv
ices of the same kind. Stand up for Penn
sylvania! Aye, tnko away from her the re
proach which designing men havo fastened
on her. Sweep out the nntl-niorullsts, who,
by n conspiracy of plunder, have managed
to get control of the offices. Cleanse the
atmosphere, Which is pure in nil else hut
A great Stale, magnificent In its resources,
more magnificent In Its accomplishments; a
vcrltablo nation among nations, generous In
the complexity of Its endeavor, the industrial
prldo of tho hemisphere; a State founded by
a man with a vision, a moral vision; a Com
monwealth which owes Its greatness to
tho stern principles of right which nnl
mated and inspired its early and subsequent
Only ono blot is on her banner, only one
stain attaches to her name. Penroselsm, fit
successor to Quaylsm, is the Stato's solo
humiliation. Discipline It, e.tclso It, drive it
outl Stand up for Pennsylvania!
Dr. Bacon Overrules the Mayor
AN EXAMINER'S report, confirmed by
XXJudge Audenrled, declares that Dr. Wil
liam D. Bacon was never elected to Select
Council from the -14th Ward. Tho examiner
found that Dr. Philip H. Moore, fusion candi
date, received a majority of the votes cast.
By tho use of dilatory writs in the courts,
Doctor Bacon continues to hold tho office
which does not belong to him. It will prob
ably bo January beforo his appeal can be
disposed of by tho Supreme Court.
Doctor Bacon is also a dual officeholder.
Ho is n real estate assessor, a position which
puts $3000 a year into his pocket.
Tho Mayor's veto of tho Municipal Court
grab was defeated by one vote. Doctor
Bacon cast lt
"He WatcTicd"and"reptM
MANY a country parson has run his godly
raco remoto from towns without ever
wishing to change his place. His content
ment with his lot and his devotion to the peo
ple of his parish are almost incomprehensible
to men more ambitious for position and
power. There was such a man. perhaps, who
came into your life. There was such a man,
perhaps, who molded tho community where
you onco lived nenror to Christian ideals.
A man ho was to all the country dear
.... in his duty prompt at every call.
He watched and wept, he prayed and folt,
for oil.
Ho was tho burden-bearer and burden
sharer of his people. Ho was a soldier of
tho Cross, risking his health and exhaust
ing his strength In ceaseless toll and self
forgetful performance of duty. He came to
his whlto hairs nnd bent figure prematurely,
and there were thoso who spoko of him then
as a "broken-down minister" of no further
use. But the angels had kept tho scroll, and
the record of his deeds and character had
been written In human hearts forever. From
the modest little parsonage in tho village,
with lilacs in tho door yard, ho was called,
not to a larger snlary or a city pulpit, but
to the golden city and a mansion prepared
of old for his coming-
Tho hardships of peace proved too much
for General Villa.
The submarines have a way of getting
under things.
Don't despise consolations however sina li
the scrapple eeafinn la almost ready to open.
Hats manufactured in Philadelphia are
known all ovor the world and they covor a
multitude of sinners.
Senator Penrose ner has anything to
say about morality, but Dr. Brumbaugh is
full of it,
As a matter of fact, tbo Delaware could
get along without the Government, but the
Government could not get along without tho
Bath side rompluins that the other is
guilty of Inhuman cruelty In the conduct of
the war, German character is not un un
known quantity and a nation dots not change
Its qualities over night. War Is war. Per
haps the Allies do complain too much.
There hits been too much other escltement
fur the people to pay much attention to the
s ut M runt bills, but the conference Clay
ton measure seems to be about as sensi
ble as could reasonably be expected In tho
THERE arrived In Philadelphia this week
a copy of tho "Courlor of Political Exiles,''
the ofllclal paper of thoso sent to Siberia by
tho Czar. It Is printed in Russian, but for
obvious reasons Is publlshod In tho capital
city of Russia's ally, Franco. Tho Courier
contains tho flrst authentic account of tho
death of Dszhepnrldzo, ono of tho 160 Social
Democratic members of tho second Duma,
who wero exiled to Siberia for nftlxlng their
signatures to tho famous Vlborg manifesto
a Russian declaration of Independence.
Laying aside entirely the pathetic human
flldo of the story, tho account of tho last
hours of tho Russian sounds strangely out of
harmony with tho honeyed words of tho Czar,
addressed to his "Dear Jows" and "My Loyal
Poles." In part, the Courier says:
"At 8 o'clock In tho ovonlng tho train
nppronched a small station, Tamskaya, whoro
wo were to chongo trains. 'All out,' shouted
tho hend of tho convoy, opening tho doors.
Dszhcparldzo rose together with the, others,
but immediately foil to tho ground, crying,
'I cannot. I am all In.' Tzcretell nnd Machn
radzo picked him up and placed him on a
dirty rug nearby.
"'How dare you sit down, you dog
shouted n' gendarme, whoroupon his com
rades picked him up and carried him out of
tho car to tho station platform. We had to
wait fully an hour for tho arrival of tho
train for Kursk. Surrounded by a host of
gendarmes, beneath the open sky, In the hor
riblo cold and but the scant prison clothes
on our backs, wo waited In tho snow, shiv
ering, hungry and trembling for our lives
lest one of tho gendarmes take n fancy to
shoot us. Dszhepnrldzo alono was permitted
to sit down on the ground. Besldo him
stood his wife with her 2-year-old child In
her arms. After our arrival at tho Kursk
depot wo wero dispatched to tho prison.
"All of us, 45 men in nil, were locked up
In a cell 12 feet by S. All a'.ong tho floor lay
the victims of Russian barbarism. Not only
was It impossible to pass from ono end of
tho cell to the other, but it was impossible
for one to stretch out on the floor. In a half
hour the air in tho room became Intolerable.
Ono of us took a chanco and attempted to
open a little window, but the soldier on duty
ordered him back to the floor. In an hour
Dszheparldzo began to snore heavily. Wo
pounded at the doors and demanded that
somo of us bo transferred to another coll. At
midnight the warden of the prison, Kalml
koff, entered and ordered that membera of the
Imperial Duma be given room in another cell
nearby. That night Dszheparldzo died with
out having received any medical attention."
most vitriolic drnmatic critic In Chicago,
where he sat in theatrical Judgment for tho
Record-Herald. He was feared by actors
nnd managers alike, yet, when it was learned
that he had been captured by the Germans
In Belgium and was threatened with death
as a spy, even his enemies In tho profession
wero sorry. Of course, ho was released,
henco this story.
Tho other night two actors who had folt
the sting of Bennett's pen stood In front of
the Garrick Theatro discussing the war. Ono
referred to Bennett's visit to tho scene of
"Wouldn't It bo awful," exclaimed the other
with heartfelt worry, "If he didn't like tho
way they fought!"
THE original manuscript of Arnold Ben
nett's "The Regent," also known as "The
Old Adam," is now In this country, tho prop
erty of Edgar Selwyn, tho dramatist. How
Selwyn smuggled the manuscript out of Ben
nett's house nt Thorpe-le-Soken, In Essex,
England, is an interesting tale. Mrs. Ben
nett Is the femlnlno Cerberus who guards
original manuscripts with a zest and care
verging on tho fanatic. No manuscript has
ever been known to leave her possession be
fore. Bennett nnd Selwyn were discussing
things in general when the former offered the
desired manuscript to tho dramatist.
"But how will I get It past your. wife?"
queried the American.
"Hero it Is; Just put It under your coat
nnd walk out," responded the Briton.
"But it's a bulky package and she'll see it."
"If she stops you give her thi3." replied
Bennett. And seizing a pen he wrote on the
cover of tho bundle: "This manuscript bo
longs to Edgar Selwyn and Is the property
of no woman."
And that is how tho manuscript was smug
gled out of tho Bennett home.
X w
WAS in the Pocono Mountains the last
eek-end. A number of legal lights, mem
bers of tho Lehigh County bar, including
Judge Frank M. Trexler, were holding a
friendly debate on the fine points of the
law. Two men of the Poconos passed by.
"Aro all thofce lawyers?" queried the flrst.
"Most of them are," replied the second,
"and the others nro Judprs."
THE present nttempt on the part of Russia
to stop alcoholism In the army Is not tho
flrst of Its kind by any means, Czar Alex
ander made every effort to stop the drinking
habits of suldiers and especially of officers.
Whenever a cahe of inebriety came under his
observation the punlshtnpnt was swift and
severe. Ono evening an officer of the Impe
rial guards had dined neither wisely nor
well, and was showing decided symptoms of
intoxication. Knowing the fate thnt would
await him if caught, he took a droshky to
drive to regimental quarters.
Suddenly, to his undisguised terror, he saw
approaching tho carriage of tho Emperor.
Motioning the carriages to ttop, the Czar ex.
claimed angrily:
"Major, what aro you doing here?"
"Your Majesty," replied the fctlll quick,
wittcd officer, "I am Just taking a drunken
officer to tho guardhouse."
Tho reply so pleased the Emperor that he
pardoned tho officer there and then.
An authority describes a "ISohemlan" as
"a norgnn, man or woman, who does not go
Into society, but who Is happy-go-lucky, qn.
ranvontional. now llus.li, now short of money;
who, having money, spends it freely, and.
having none, hopes for it in tho near future;
who makes tho best of everything and takfs
life us it comes. Your true Bohemian U a
Re-enter Mexican Revolution
THE long expected has happened. The in
tolerable tension is over " This morning
H. G. Wells' words on the European explo
feion apply as fitly to Mexico Villa's break
with his "First Chief is now "official" He
hus dropped tho mask. Mexico is not to b
without its habitual revolution. Men familiar
with the situation In Mexico have long ex
pected just this mme All Villas protesta
tions of loyalty could not atur th fa. t that
t arranza was not the man t'x Northern ,
Litaeral and his people wanted to so in tho i
It Is an era of Indiscreet diplomats. Our
own gcrtlce seems to have no claims for i philosopher, and, in splto of his unconven-
superiority. In fact, tho rivalry among
tnvoya to say wrong things at the psycho
logical moment Indicates that we must exert
ourtlves if we expect to hold the championship.
The success of the buy-a-bale-of-cotton
movement la the ttouth has been remarkable.
If the people ni.sL-ad of the Government step
in the front in an industrial crisis of this
kind rw.t i.nl'. ate the results accomplished
it li.t ih. underlying principles of our
trntwiuii"rial sjstem are preserved.
tionaltty. he is at least as imciy to ue re-
fepsvtublu as a leader in onvenuonai society."
Th "dav of the came!" was Novomber I,
666, when Talhu and Zobohr, rebellious Arub
i-hleftains, wuro roasted to death by the
Caliph All. Ayesha. tho widow of Moham
med. i said to tune looked on from the back
of a camel, whence Its name.
Estotiland was an Arctic country existing
only in the imaginations of olden geogra
phers. It was plactd by them In the spot
now occupied on the maps by Newfoundland,
ljibrador and the Hudson Bay district. It
was alleged tu have been discoveted by two
Frlesland fishermen, driven out of their
course by adverse winds. In 1497 Cabot sot
salt to tho rhyatlo continent and discovered
Newfoundland. Milton, In "Paradise Lost,"
refers to this land I "The snow from cold
Tho term "Galway Jury" originated In
Ireland In 1685, during state trials held to
decide tho right of the English crown to
Mayo, 8Ilgo, Leltrlm, Roscommon and Gal
way, Tho four flrst named decided In favor
of tho king, with Galwoy opposing. In con
Requoneo the Sheriff of Galway was fined
$5000 and each of the Jurors $20,000.
The oxclamatlon, "God save tho mark," or
iginated In an Irish superstition. If a person,
on telling of an Injury sustained by somo ono
else, touched tho corresponding spot on his
own person, ho was ablo to avert similar
Injury by exclaiming "God savo tho mark."
Tha little taxpayer appeared worried. Ho
owed ono cent and was nervous and uneasy.
"If I wero ns easily affected by debt as
he," ssld the ruler of tho land nnd sea, "I'd
have St. Vitus' dance."
Which explains to some extent tho differ
ence between tho Individual and tho State.
On the Battlefield
"Wo shall conquer," exclaimed the general
to his troops. "Our hearts are In tho fight."
"But," queried tho troops, "aro wo In It?"
A Literary Color Scheme
Most poets nro blue because they are not
There's No Accounting for Taste
"Dies In a policeman's arms." Newspaper
The Deduction
"What foolish things a fellow will do when
he's In love."
"Oh, Margy, has he proposed?"
From Solomon Jr.
It doesn't pay to be too forward, especially
In a hend-on collision.
The Countersign
"Now mind, Mary, If a sentry asks you
who you arc, you must Immediately answer,
'Friend.' "
"Yes'm; but what nm I to say If ho asks
me how baby is?" Punch.
Applied Arithmetic
Puzzled Diner What havo you got for din
ner?" Walter Roasthecffrlcasscedchlckenstewed
lambhashedbakedandfricdpotatoo s J a m p u d
dlngmilkteaandcofiec. Diner Glvo me the third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, eighteenth and nineteenth syllables.
Ono Word, l'lcasc
Where'er 1 go thcro haunts me
A word of strangest sound;
It mocks at mo nnd tnunts me
And chases me around.
When I am getting sleepy.
About the morning bell,
The zephyr3 slug to me, "P-R-Z-M-Y-S-L!"
In enrly dawn,
Across tho lawn,
Tho crickets shrilly swell
That P-P-P
And Z-Z-Z
And U-M-Y-S-L!
When spurs of trooper rowel
Their horses In attack.
That town without a vowel
Gets up nnd slams 'em back.
When other hamlets skimpy
Such consonants repel,
I dearly love to hymn F-R-Z-M-Y-S-L!
In sound It is
The bullets' whiz
Where serfs at last rebel
This P-P-P
And Z-Z-Z
And R-M-Y-S-Lt
All, nie! the music verbal
That lies within the word!
Its consonantal burble.
Beats anything I've heard.
When guests aie getting gapy
You ring old boredom's Isn!!
By bidding them, "now, say !'
It brings the buzz
Of bees. It does
The droning of a shell!
This P-P-P
And Z-Z-Z
And R-M-Y-S-L!
John O'Keofe In New York World.
Horse of a French Color
The Groom Well, Bill, you won't see the
guv'nor's horse nny more; they've taken him
for tho army.
The Gardener Oh! I supposo now he's
going to be what the Frenchles call a "horso
de combat." London Opinion.
An Altcrnatic
Mr. Nowlywed Did you sew the button on
my coat, darling?
Mrs. Newlywed No, love. I couldn't find
tho button, and so 1 Just sewed up tho but
tonhole. Judge.
The Lewr Evil
Mr. Borem Shall wo tallhor dance?
Miss Weerelgh I'm very tired. Let us
dance. Boston Transcript.
A Culinary Sherlock Holmes
"Waller, glvo mo tho menu."
"Wo have none, but I can tell you what we
"You must have a Jolly good memory."
"Not at all. I simply look at the table
cloth." I'elo Mele.
Tales of Three Cities
There was a young man In N. Y.
Who never would cat with a FY.
Said ho, "All my life
I have et with n nlfe
Roast beef, veal and mutton nnd PY.
A fisherman from Terro Haute
Once bragged of n fish he had caute;
But the fisherman's dauter
Knew moro than sho nuter,
And cried, "It was one that jou baiita!"
Thero was a young fellow In Hullo
Who went on a butteful tutto.
Next morning in bed,
Hu put ice on his hend
And murmured: "Ohwhydldldutio!
New York World.
Hampered Ambition
Ray--As long as thero was another hoarder
at tho farmhouse you had somebody to
talk to.
Fay But as thero were only the two of
us there was nobody to talk about. - Judge,
Above the Swedish shore a bar of sold
Shows in the gray tho colored torches light i
Among tne riouus rose, azure, cnrysoi(e
Flame, glow and flicker In the young house
hold. Ohsldian-tlnted waves mo swift enfold
With glittering sprays of pearls; ti where
the night
Has left a biting coldness I take flight,
This warms my blood and makes my heart
moro bold!
Am 1 in sky. in water, or in air?
For ull seems one I glide through lucent
Through tuiquoise blue, through chang
ing hues of red
Vermilion, starlet, wild rose, and the glare
Of ruby fire, on golden stars I lean.
Then float 'mid tangled rainbows in an
emerald bed.
Maurice Francis Egan in Scribner's.
WflEN you como to think of It, It Is rather
remarkablo that wo havo had our old
friends tho minstrels with us for more than
60 years. They havo weathered every Inno
vation in theatricals! the decline and fall of
tho Btock ventures! tho advent of tho travel
Ing companies, comic opera, vnudevlllo and
now oven moving pictures. And they nro
going on, but not telling the samo old Jokes,
night nfter night.
All my offorts to run down to Its dark
origin tho libel that minstrel Jokes aro ven
erablo resulted in failure. Somo of the best
Jokes I recall wero first passed over tho foot
lights by a minstrel company. Only after
they becamo public property did thoy find
their way into periodicals.
HAVING becomo a venerablo Institution
many years ago, thore naturally arose
a dlsputo as to tho place where negro mln
Btrelsy had Its birth. Probably not so many
cities as claimed Homer for thotr own con
tended, but certainly Philadelphia and Now
York had their advocates.
1 nm willing to admit a projudlco In favor
of this city, and as no other placo on tho
globe ever supported minstrelsy for so long
a tlmo wo Beem to havo somothlng of a pro
prletary right In this form of ontortnlnmont.
Tho beginning was very modest. Beforo
tho word had been heard In connection with
such an entertainment thero wero black-faced
acts on tho Amorlcan stage. Ono of tho
first big hits was mado by Thomas B. Rice
In his "Jim Crow," which has got Into tho
vocabulary of tho language. No ono could
call that nondescript act minstrelsy as wo
have known it, yet It had Its Influence.
THEN camo black-faced banjo acts, such
as Billy Whltlock used to do; others simi
lar to Gcorgo Washington Dixon's "Zip
Coon," and still mlnstrols did not appear on
tho scene. All of theso nets wero familiar to
Philadelphia theatro-goers in tho 30s and
early 40s. Dixon resided hero for a time,
and during tho epldomlo of cholera In 1832
published a weekly "Cholera Gazette." Ho
sang "Zip Coon" at the Tlvoll Garden, on
Market street west of Thirteenth, and every
boy In tho city was whistling tho refrain.
Billy Whltlock In his autobiography gives
a version of his connection with tho organi
zation of tho minstrel show. During the
winter of 1S40 ho and his partner, Master
John Diamond, whoso real namo was Frank
Lynch, wero playing at tho AValnut Street
Theatre, nnd when tho night for their benefit
approached Whltlock conceived tho Idea of
Introducing a novelty.
Whltlock asked Dick Myers, a violinist, if
ho would play tho violin with them and form
a trio on their benefit, and Myers agreed. So,
on that occasion, for tho flrst time In public,
Whltlock said, banjolsts wero accompanied
on tho stngo by a violinist. And even that
docs not look llko a minstrel show, docs it?
Yet it was from this germ that tho big, sablo
semicircle which we recall with pleasure
grew Into the minstrels.
IN its early form minstrelsy was essential
ly musical. Tho first band of minstrels
that traveled around the country had Master
Ole Bull as one of Its members. Thero were
Virginia Serenndcrs and New Orleans Ser
enades, and while all tho acts were done In
blackface, they were of a musical character.
They gave somo clever travesties on tho
Italian opera, which was then attracting tho
attention of tho musically Inclined, and from
all accounts these burlesques were not only
bright and witty, but wero admirably set, so
far as musical numbers went.
Ono of tho flrst minstrel troupes which
performed In this city wns the New Orleans
Serenaders. They wero hero in 1849, and
probably earlier, and they gave a perform
ance In old Musical Fund Hall. In the com
pany was Nelson Kneass, a song writer and
musical composer, whose songs were sung all
over tho country at the time. There may still
bo persons who recall tho strains of "I Hear
the Hoofs," "Go Way Black Man," "Rosa
Clare" and "Nelly Wns a Lady." I feel con
fident that the last named at least will ba
remembered, for It was sung In the days of
Cnrncross Minstrels, In the little Eleventh
Street Opera House.
THERE ' were nlso In tho company Mnx
Zorer, George Swalnc, Thomas Burke,
Master Olo Bull, J. II. Collins, Sam Sanford
and J. C. Ralncr. Sanford, whose real namo
was Lindsay, took his stage name from an
other performer, Jim Sanford. His uncle,
William Lindsay, also was In the business.
Sanford may bo said to have been respon
sible for tho vogue negro minstrelsy has had
In Philadelphia. He opened Sanford's Opera
House, at Twelfth and Chestnut streets, in
1S&3. When the place was burned he took
the old church building on Eleventh street,
which had nlready been transformed into a
playhouse by Cartee. This was the begin
ning of tho history of tho Eleventh Street
Opera Houso. where minstrelsy wns pre
ferved for more than half a century.
IN SANFORD'S company nt tho time was
Jullen, ns ho appeared on the bills, hut the
singer subsequently revealed himself as Ira
D. SunkPy when he engaged In evangelistic
work with Dwlght L. Moody.
Tho last tlmo I saw Sam Sanford wns nl
niost 20 years ago, when ho dnnced Bob Rid
ley nt tho Walnut Street Theatre with Prim-rot-e
and West's Minstrels. He was then a
very old man, but very nimble on his feet.
The I'Vmale of the Species
Prom ilia Ohln state Journal
'It takes a man a long tlmo to get back Into
tho swin? of his regular work after a vaca
tion, but a woman without a moment's delay
resumes the Umrge on the ied ants In the ip
frlgcrator with all the zeal nnd verve wlfh
which she left off.
What Is the most powerful phrase in the
English language?
I put tho question to a gntherlrsr of folkl
whoso presence there Indicated their fa
miliarity with tho literature of hutory.
Of course, the phrases that havo thun
dered down through the years predominated.
"(JUo nit libeitj or civ me death!" "Don't
glvo up tho ship!" Lincoln's ennobling
"All that I am I owe to my mother" the
offerings seemed interminable.
L-p roso a mouesi-appjaring young
woman. rrienus. tmu Ham. "are we not
up loo fur among the mountain tops? Theso
suggestions are real thrillers, I confess, and
I rertntnly shall not attempt to detract from
their magnificent grandeur. lut give mo a
phrase that makes me happy each duy.
Isn't that the right conception of 'power
ful' V" We admitted it was. Then she ex
plained: "l am employed in an office where the
former I1033 was a tcrltuble grouch. And,
of rourse, his grouch was contagious. Every
body seemed scared; afraid to move out of
a clicumscrlbed path. Naturally, en
thusiasm and InitiatUe both lay dormant
That the highest efficiency was not secured
from the emplojes was attested when this
man was relieved of the office's management
by the company's president.
"In came a new man. The flrst morning
ho walked briskly down the long aisle be
tween our desks, but not too briskly to giv
a bright, cheery 'Good morning to each of u.
You would havo thought that a bomb r,t
Bunshlno had exploded. Typewriters weta
pounded harder, clerks moved about faslai.
and tho office boy nctually ran. Tho best
part of It Is that ho kopt It up, day nfter dav
In fact, he's doing it yet. And wo all swear
by him. It Isn't tho 'Good morning,' friends
It's the fac,t that theso simple words show
us that wo work w.lth him rather than for1
him, And "Good morning started It all,"
You employers who arrive In tho mornlm
with yesterdny's troubles still bearing you
down, try a simple "Good morning" to thosn
who servo you.
It will accelerate your own red corpuscle
ns much as theirs.
Contributions That Reflect Public Onin
ion on Subjects Important to City,
State and Nation.
To the Editor of the Evening Ltdaert
Sir "Dono In Philadelphia" promises to bl
an interesting feature of tho Bvbmno LEDann
but many of your readers, I bcllovc, would Ilka
to seo tho reviews lino a llttlo better with his
tory than tho Bradford artlclo did a few days
ago, A hotter view of Franklin can bo hftd
than the following extract gives by reading
Franklin's story of tho occurrence mentioned:
How Franklin managed to get this ofTlcs
and how ho turned tho tables on Bradford
by bribing tho postboys to neglect Brad
ford's Mercury nnd tnko caro of his Ga
zetto Is very characteristic of tho grent
philosopher, who was not all philanthropist
whoro business was concerned.
Franklin snys that Samuel Kclmer nnd David
Harry had both failed and left tho city, nnd
"thore remained now no other printer In I'hlla.
dclphla but the old Bradford, but ho was rich
and easy, did a llttlo business by straggling
hands, but wns not nnxlous about It, However,
as he hold tho postofllec, It was Imagined ha
had better opportunities for obtaining tho news,
his paper was thought a better distributer of
advertising than mine, and thereforo hnd more,
which wns prontabto to him and a dlsndvnn
tago to me. For though I did Indeed rccelva
and send papers by the post, yet tho publlo
opinion wn- otherwise; for what I did send
was by bribing the rldors, who took them prl
vatcly, Bradford being unkind enough to forbid
It, which occasioned somo resentment on my
pnrt, and I thought so meanly of the practice
thnt when I nfterwards came Into his position
I took caro nsver to repeat It."
As to another point: Wnllnco's History of tho
Bradford 'Family shows tho location of A.
Bradford's offices. SAMUEL W. HOSKINS.
Philadelphia, September 22, 19H.
To the Editor of the Eicntng Ledger t
Sir Americans In their attitude toward tho
present European war are not going to try to
judge tho German peoplo. They nro going ta
render their Judgment, nnd aro doing so now,
on tho question of Prussian militarism. That
was tho great foot behind all this conlllct.
Nowhere In this country Is thcro very much
hostility to the German people. Wo havo H3
great a liking for them ns for nny people la
tho world, AVo ndmlrc nnd are greatly In
debted to their achievements In nil tho arts
of praco. American publlo opinion has no an
tipathy toward them, only ciltlcism of tho feu
dnl Ideal of government that nro held by th
ruling class, nnd nny attempt to state the mat
ter otherwise, such as some wrltors have lately
made, Is a rank Injustice to the peoplo of thht
country. J. K. VARNUM.
Philadelphia, September 22, 1914.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir You state In your editorial that Scmtor'
Penrose voted for "pork." It is easy enough to
crltlclso men In public life, but when a man
has to go before tho peoplo and get their votes;
he would bo a fool If he did not try to carrt
their favor. Popular government means having
popular rnndldates. JUSTICB,
Philadelphia, Soptember 23, 1911.
To the Editor of the Evening Lcdaer:
Sir Last winter Philadelphia had the snotf
off tho streets days befoie Now York wns abl
to rleai her highways. But why Is It that
Philadelphia can never got the dirt off her
streets? These are thousands of citizens who
would bo glad to have you answer this ques
tion. W. B. 1ZZDAND.
Philadelphia. Soptember 21, 1914.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir Virginia has gone dry. I think It would
be a line thing for Pennsylvania to do likewise.
Local option may bo all right, but It Is a well
known tnct that gang politics nnd liquor always
go together. PROHIBITIONIST.
Camden, September 2J, 1914.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir You aro quite right, in the minority"
Senator Penrose is about ns weak a represonta
tlo of tho interests of this Statu ns could b
reasonably expected. Tho war he nant-d with
Mexico would have done no good, because Ten
rusclsm keeps Its followers at home to vote
September 23, 1914.
A Victory For Science
From the Savannah News.
What modern medical scienco can accomplish
Is shown by tho evident fact that the baltl
against tho bubonic pluguo at New Orleans has
been won.
Fifty ye.ns ngo the outbreak of the plagu
theiu would havo caused even moie wld. spisad
anil intense uneasiness than did lt ircent
appearance, and no doubt tho list of dead
would hne been vety lengthy. Reports from
New Oilcans now are that there Is not a slnil
case of bubonic plague under treatment in ih
That does not mean thnt other cases uill noj
appear, hut it is evidence that the medical
authorities know how to stamp out tiie plus"
and that this country need neor feur Hiat t"
will spinad from city to city and State to
State, killing hundreds nnd causins terror
everywhere, Tho victory of tho medicine man
has been accomplished without tho hurrahl1
thut would uccompany a victory on tlie battw
Hold, but It Is Just as worthy of praise.
The country Is heavily Indebted to Senator
Burton and his allies for a gin viu.ny
In Its behalf. Indinnapolla Nev.
If tho prohibition movement should nn" 'ai'
way in this section. It will be dlre.tad aa elia'P
ly against the hrewery-tlnnnccd saloon '" r""
tics as against the beverages which It bi"w'
New York World.
President Wilson does well to insist. i.poii
truce between Win i-uiorauu iinuu .r.. - .
their striking laborers. Tho mine op, mt .rs v i j
have to show stronger, objections to it "
they have If they expeut the publy 8",
thize with them In their refusal of its leiroa.
New York Trloune.
Ferocity may beget feioclly. is "'"1,0I
reprisal for Hhclins with shot and el'.-" "' '
torch if the Allies reach Uermai . " "
not unlikely that they will? If th" " "' " ',
of German feel that they must UM't "" "J
enemy's weapons If tliej aie to io i' ' '.'
a terrible example to follow. --N'eu ur' "
Discussion of the ponding rivers and ''
bill throws light on the current ideas of s
ernnwnt by commissions of experts i
that, no matter how maiiv M'i -,,
thtre will always bo work for publi; "P
and tho stuidy common sense of tl
citizen. Chicago Herald.
One year ago the improeslve fun.iol ' J'
Gaynor took place at Trinity i'h' lc0
then many. If not most, of the polklia lxi
he wa3 devolod have bcen-lt ma) be ror . ,
reason-changed His political and P"- ,
friends aro in many camps I he '"' '" ,,f
project lias been stalled Truly j, ,
Mayot of New York does not fill to re ,
sinister reputation of great dlgnUy ?',mi i)
plrlng man, but It is a grave) ad et I
hope. New York Herald.
4.-.1H .6 - -
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