- ft'ei'fW"' 'laetfd U D irl Boil'! C . IX aa,M tirrr ti.k uart rait it in jf w :.-i i' Hill, IK . 'it. UJL 10 mil "i?K i"l ma 'irli JT7 ?4 Si for fflfi"10 iB,TO EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA THtJBSPAY, SEPTEMBER &, 1014, 4 " EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA THUBSPAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1914 S RUMANIA TREMBLING ON BRINK OF WAR, MOBILIZES FORCES TO AID ALLIES' CAUSE ARMY OF RUMANIA MOBILIZES FOR WAR T ji nnnmj maid nil ij1 runuii iwinu TERRIBLE WEAPON ON SIDE OF ALLIES , IN HANDS OF FRANCE if Algerian Contingent Is Made Up of Grim Fighting Men, Relentless Toward Foe, Devoted to Officers. King Carol, Overruled by Cabinet, May Abdicate. Balkan States Probably . Will Be United Against Turkey. BUCHAttEST Itumnnla Sept 21 High official circles today declared Hn mnnla had now flnntly decldftl to p-irtlcl' pate In the war on the side of the Alllm It Is Btated that tho ne' Cabinet has fit last succeeded In overcoming the oppol tlon of Kins Carol, at least to tho oUent of agreeing to thy mobilisation of the Eumhnlnn army. Orders to this otfeet have been Issued and the moblllzntlon take place within a week The mllitarv council believes tint ltd mania will declare war nnd nt once will proceed to the occupation of Transyl vania. The army Is anxious to get Into action. It la In excellent shape, having kepi out of the Balkan strusgle. The King, however, has opposed Rumania's siding against Ormanv for famllv rei- j sons. He Is a Hohenzollern son of the ' lato Prince Karl of Hohenzotlern-Slgma" ; rlngen. His family Interests, even his i f their attacks and absolutely fearless private fortune are entlreh German. ' xiy noser sunemler. Their wonderful Practically all tho money Is Invested i physlnue and almot total ImiiervPniFnoss I'AHIS. Sept JI "I.n i'orco Nolir-,' the "Ulnck Arm of France," ns the Turvos now lighting Utli the Allies nre called, was organized by Colonel Mnintln In 19H. The Turcos nr Arabian light Infantry recruited In Alfltftlft. Tint fiipnn In W? rnnl4til nt ! onlv about Mm Senegalese. Colon! Mau gnlti raleil the number to 50,nr) enuitpra recruited from Donegal In the Soudan, from French aulnen, Dahomey, Algeria, Tunis and Mnroivo The supply of men fiom this source H almost lnehauttble, and furthermore, thl source of silpplj Is out of enemy's tench It is declared that so long ns only one French port letnnlneil In French hand these terrible African fighters could be poured In streams Into France The oldlore of these districts ate born lighters. Deith In battle Is, to them, the highest distinction one can achieve As a result they are iclentless In the fury hi iW An fill 45 set f! RhEUil Fi '..' till Ji te "n I" B lis: St. L r four : I's3l In Germany. Reports that he was to ab dicate have been widely circulated and there Is a strong belief here that If tho War Office carries tho day ho will with draw from Rumania. The reat obstacle to a united Balkan confederacy against Germans and Austria has been Bulgaria. The latter his b-en Inclined to sympathize with Germany. Her armies have had the asslstai ce of German milltarv experts The German diplomatic methods have m?de a favorable Impres sion. And Germany had confidently ex pected that Bulgaria would side with Turkey and in her fnor if It became necessiry. The CJir was quick to ralUa this fact. He rushed confidential agents to Bulgaria and the. at tlrst pleaded for the absolute neutrality of Bulgaria Then the Czar sent a personal appeal to Prince Boris, who is his godson, and the latter ha ever since thrown his influence en the side of Russia It is now believed that when war comes Fu'saria will be lined up on the side of the Allies. It has been pointed out to Ualv that If she entered the war and brought 1n the Balkan principalities as her allies, her every future demand must have reeog nltlon. Russia has. it is understood here, suggested to Bulgaria that If Turkey enters the war on the side of Germany, the prize for Bulgaria if she sides with Russia, will be Adnanople It Is recognized that Turke cannot much longer maintain neutrality The relations between Turkey and Greece are verv strained Constant friction is re- ported, with numerous acts of aecresslon on the part of the Turks Therefore the necessity of keeping the Balkan states lined up together is fully realized. 1 The constant agitation of the Italian people for action oiralnst Austria is hav ing Its effect The higher government of ficials are now confident Italy must act ' to maintain her position as the dominant ' power of the Mediterranean and that shs must take Austria s Adriatic possessions by the force of her own mleht if she is to be a real factor In deciding on the lines for the new map of Europe. The Rumanian leld army Is made up of five army corps of two divisions each and tw 0 divisions of cav airy. A regular division Is made up of two tricades earn and the total held army la about 290Vi men There is a seeond line rrade up of nrproxlmate'v un wo tfiditlonal men The l-fantrv Is armed with Mannllecf-er mirazine riles of a late tvpe The horse and field batteries are equipped with Krupp guns of th latest type to pain keep them flKbtlng on after tliey hac received uuunda tinner which flgnt ors of white races niccuinb Colonel Mnugln once said of these sol diers. "His sen'o of discipline, his devo- lr, trt lilo t hltn nftlpAre ntul ttie tlnree- ' ness with which he hurls himself at the enemy aie wonderful" General Lanslols, u riling In the Temps In 10Oy, when the raising of the present Algerian force wa btdng dteused said. "The sanguine and fatalistic temper of the troops of these races makes It a ter ilble net In a shock " In an article In Gnutols General Bonnel said "On the wide battlefields of anv future war the Anbs. trained by Cau ca'lans and armed with the terrible weapons of war of the white races, will prove unrivaled when the final blow will have to be devoted to the enemj With the troops organised and equipped In her African possession's the republic holds and rules a territory as extensive as Europe inhabited b. 2.Hivo people. The use of Arabs In IZ iropean warfare by the republic during the present con flict Is not the first time this has been done Xapoleon employed African troops and they were used also In the storming of Mnlakhoff Algeria also wa drawn on for fighting men during the Franco-German war of 15T0 The early troops raised In Africa by France were recruited mainly from the Kabvles and Arabs The majority of those which came from the Kabyles were a tribe called the Zouovue. who gave their name to the Zouaves The three replrnvnts of Algerian tirailleurs who fought In the Franco-German war lost D7 officers and 2oS9 men aWV!;- if flraffl f' . 1 V-VtwK.'t ffi: f iHli .lyafe t-.vmv tamest ' - KINO ALBERT'S ARMY RETIRES IN PART TO ANTWERP DEFENSES Germans Menace City More Seriously Than Ever In vaders' Great Siege Guns Reported at Puers. CZAR'S HEAVY HAND BEARS HEAVILY ON JEWS OF GALICIA HEARS GERMAN GUNS CAN SHOOT ACROSS CHANNEL !!! BRITISH AID FOR JAPANESE IN TSING-TAO ASSAULT Combined Forces Rendy for Early Move Against Germnn Leasehold. TOKKt rf..,it 21 It was offlciallv announced tod.iv that British infantry had landed to reirfor-e the Japanese land forces operating against the j-rmo,n concession .if Kiao. chau on the Shan Tung pniln-.ii1 4 Tness British tronps were bent from Hongkong According to tho ottlclal statement the bulk of the lapetnese expedition a'reid has been anded and has taken up posi tions commanding the outer defenses of Kian-chau It is stated that th general attack on the German positions will pron ablv commence about the end of the month The Japanese hold the noaln line of the railroad that ron6 to Klao-Chow Tnv have dynamited the brtdg btwen Tsing Tao ird Kiao rhau and a e isolating , German pessrssions so thai their food supph', recenflv reroived from Chinese sources has beii rut off It .s announrd that the Japanes aviators continue thir flights over tne Germnn territory ond hava successfully destroyed the entire litreless plant, "pEKlN. Sept. 24 Germanv has made a econd protest agatnt f failure of China to resent the x'olat'oi- of her neutrality nv Japanese troops operating 063"St K'ao Chau In rep', the Chinese Government has stated frmly taat it sees no reason for acting The ("hlnese answer was dran up b' George E Morrison the British pol ti'al adviser of Preoideni Yuan Shi-Kai le. n m tt w ftef nnsTk t&r a l mhtl 'CM GERMAN CRUISER SHELLS BIG OIL TANKS AT MADRAS Fire From Forts Bepels Emden's Raid of Indian Waters, UiSTinS Sept 31 It is offl laily stated that the. German cruiser Emden, which has a'rt-ady don mucn damage f nritish shipping in Indian water appeared on Tu-sdai night last off Madras and fired several shells on the Oil tanks belotigir g tj tne llurma OH Company sit i.ated near the harbor there. Two of these tanks Immediately became ignited, while two other oil con tainers were damaged. Quna for the fo. t were quicltlj trained on the warship, wnermpon she extin guished all her lights and hurriedly steamed away The whole affair did not last more than J5 minute, hut during that time two native Indians and a boy were killed Tho damage done by the cruiser is es timated a.t UM.00O. There was an absence of any panto among the observers of the warship's action. 7-i& "?., f , ,. " a-.fc.w.v .. A...vV. CopvrlKht by Vnrtsrwnoi A L'nrterwooil, N. V. MILITANT LEADER AIDS RECRUITING Miss Christobel Pankhurst, the heat of the Furies, has laid aside her militant tactics and is now busily at work on raw material, which soon will become trained British soldiers. ANTWERP, Sept. 21, Germnn and Belgian troopB ore fight ing at Puers. Part of King Albcrt'o nrmy has retired to the ramparts of Antwerp. Tho German force at Puers is reported to have two of tho great plege guns thnt smashed tho forts at Llegc nnct Nnmur, (Puors la nbout eight miles from the forts that protect Antwerp on the south Mcst. TIiIb report tends to conllrm dlppatihes from Ostund that the Ger mans were advancing guns to bombard Antwerp, During tho Inst week, the Belgian army has received reinforcements. The spirit of the troops Is excellent nnd they arc greatly encouraged by the successes gained during tho last few days In ehnrp skirmishes with the Germans, The Gorman forces bent upon subju gating Antwerp have their line extend ing westward nlmost Into Ghent. Their artillery Is hard at work on the south bank of the Scheldt, Beven miles from the city. Itallwny service has been sus pended south of Ghent. Antwerp ap pears to be menaced more serloiifly than ever. Tho Inhabitants, however, have not ceased to hope that the city will ecape a direct attack. At Ghent, It Is Impossible, because of tho meagre reports received, to deter mine the progress of events across the French frontier. It is conceded, how1' eer. that whatever may happen to the German ivrmles In the southwest It Is certain that the Kaiser's forces mean to conquer Antwerp and to remain In occupation of southern Belgium, re gatdless of what price they may be compelled to pay in lives. A correspondent of the London Chron icle, who Is with the Belgium army In the field, wires that the Belgian nrmy Is pushing on toward Brussels and Is confident of regaining control of the city. No statement Is made of the de tailed movements of the Belgians According to the Chronicle man at L.eb heke. Octave Verhulst, SO jears old; hW two brothers, Leopold and Arthur, 21 and 19, respectively, were stood ngnlnst the charred wall3 of their home after It liKd been burned and bayoneted to death bj Germnn soldiers while their ielatles looked on. Another Ghent dispatch to the Chronicle quotes a newspaper as saying that 432 Inhabitants of the small Belgian town of Tamln-s, In the Nnmur district, have been killed, presumably on account irt some act against the Germans occupying the district. The dead include the priest and the local notables. After nhole bnlo execution, says the dispatch, the torch was applied so effectually that only one house remains standing In the district. Russians Slaughter Many, According to Report, and Vast Numbers Desert, Fearing Muscovite Domination. CHINA ADOPTS STERN MEASURES TO BLOCK WARLIKE MOVEMENT Would Cover Naval Attack on Eng lish Coast, Stockholm Says. STOCKHOLM, Sept 24 The belief exists here that Germany has a card up her sleeve In her navy, not unlike the 42 centimeter uilmost 17 lnch guns which haie neen so destructive against fortifications in Belgium and France What this contrivance for sea service mav be Is not known, but well informed people ay they have Informa tion of the existence of a number or m.i storlous craft not described in detail, but classed as part of the German navy An attempted invasion of Great Britain confidently is expctod Tho plan of Gr mam feems to be the seizure of the French side of the English Channel, where bic IT-lnch guns- with a 20-mlle range would cover the German fleet, and It ,n turn would protect tho transports carninz tro ns aeross the channel, which at ralals-Pnier is onlv 29 miles wide, i all the people of this country should Against German land batteries or such strictly observe. During the time of war President Orders Immediate Arrest of Agitators deavoring to Plunge pire Into Conflict. En- m- I'EKIN. China, Sept. 24. The following ofllclal proclamation was posted throughout China today: ' Tho President has declared the neu trality of the Chinese Government which calibre the British fleet would be power less. Norway and Sweden are In an extremely difficult position They hate Russia and have been promised bv Germany the In- the people may rst assured that they will receive no harm and will have no cause to fear It is, however, much to be feared that dependence of Finland In case of Ger- , th,.re nm ,, ,l08sbly SOIno merchants vnnnt e fitinrAGa Tn- ferny n Pnealnn ' victory and further aggressions bi That ani poople who huve "ot Pt becn fu"" nation on Scandinavian poll. It must be informed of the actual facts of the sltua-romembe-ei, however, thnt Great Britain tlon. and It Is not unlikely that there may is the best customer of Scandinavia, bo some bad characters, who, taking nd- Norwa.v and Sweden do not wish to lose i ... , ., ... ... her trade van'aRe of this critical time, will circulate . - . rumuis with a view to creating panl In the minds of the public and thereoy create disturbances Wo have, therefore, otdered tho police and soldiers to exer cise the utmost surveillance over these bad characters. "The public Is hereby once more admon ished that It should peacefully pursue Its da ilv occupations and not listen to un foiindtd rumors. The public Is hereby cuutluntd thnt hereafter, should ony one comment on the political affairs of the Lhineo nnd foreign Governments In tea lioui.L-s, taverns, hotels and other public places, and whose gossip should so dis tort the actual aspect of events and mis lead the public and create panic In the mindi of the people, he shall be arrested and severely dealt with. "The public should tremble and obey " WINE CELLAR A POOR HAVEN FOR REFUGEES Rheims Populace Forced to Leava Shelter at Bayonet's Point, LONDON, Seft 24 Ward Price, special correspondent of the Sun and the London I'ally Mall, in o dlspateh today from Itheims. says an English member of a champagne firm ixpeiled 40 refugees from the cellars thus preventing an almost certain epi demtc "Imagine," bo sa.vs. "JOOO people of all ages, ut both sexes, with nothing but a blanket or two tor covering, living for a. whole week, night and day, In empty underground cellars intended mrrely f,r the storing of champagne and ventilated naturally only sufficiently for tnat purpose, entirely without sanitary accommodations. ' I'ondttionj down there were right ful. ' naid my English acqualnancr LURED INTO POLAND, GERMANS ROUTED, SAYS PARIS REPORT OFFICERS MAKE EASY TARGET RennenkampFs Strategical Retirement Traps Kaiser's Forces, Which Prepare to Evacuate East Prussia. Bright French Uniforms Account for Many Wounded, BORDEAUX, Sept 21 Col. Rousset, In the Petit Parislen, referring to the death of General Bridoux. attributes the dlspro nortlonate loss of French superior offlceis to the fact that their uniform has too j much gold luce and stripes, which dls tingulsh the officers and make them a good target for the enemv's marksmen Colonel Rousset points out that In the English army a general ofllrer can hardlv bo distinguished from a private soldier. NEW YORK, Sept. 24,-Reports re ceived at the Austro-Hungnrlati Con sulato Indicate that the Russians in Austrian Gallcta are turning on tho Jews, and many, according to the dis patches, havo been slaughtered. The dispatches which, are said to come from official Austrian sources, gave very row details, but said that tho Jews wore suffering heavily at the hands of the Infuriated Russian troops, whose officers could hardly control their actions,. Large numbers of Jews In Rus sian Poland, according to the teports, are deserting tho Russian cause, fearing the Increased domination of the Russian Government In tho event of a fcwtoplng victory over the Austrlans and Germans. rilnco tho Czar's promises of freedom to the Jews at the beginning of tho war, the status of the Jews nnd their probable ac tion have been a subject of much In terest. A resume of the operations of the Ati3-tro-Hungnrlan army Issued by the For eign OfThe In Vienna was made public at tho Consulate. It says that tho battle near Pizemviit will engage pructlcnlly ail the Austtlnn forces against .i largo Rus elan nrmy, "The small cruiser Xenta," continues the statement, "while blocking Monte negro, has been attacked by the Trench man-of-war Escarmoucho and sunk after a heroic light. No other naval engage ment has token place. "Communications of the enemy speak of the rout of our army In Gnllcla nnd of Serb victories, of tho capture of Cnt taro etc., which messages are all auda cious lies. "To dato we have 41,000 Russian nnd 50(10 Serb prisoners. The courage of our troops Is admirable. The situation In the Interior of our monarchy Is excellent." It was further announced that three Austrian ships, the Iris, Dlnorah and Bnron Way, which were In the Russian port of Tangaroff, In the Black Sea, havo been captured without giving them tho usual grace to leave the port as pro scribed by International law. None of the men of the crew, who were liable to military service, was made prisoner of war, but all were sent to prison. Tho wife of the captain of the Iris, with five children, Is slid to be retained In a little hut in the country with scarcely anything to eat. Captain Stuparlch, of the Martha Wash ington, of tho Austro-Amerlcan Line, tied up here, has received a letter from his wlfo In Trieste dated September 5 In which she says thnt a friend, Doctor Fravcnto, an Austrian doctor of the Red Cross, has been captured near tho Ser vian border and that both of his eyes were put out by the Servians, after which he was pushed out on tho street to shift for himself. Hungarian newspapers which have ar rived nt the Consulate speak of atrocities said to havo been practiced by the Ser vians and Russians. PARIS. Sept. 21 The Petrograd correspondent of I.e Matin wires thtt the Russians undei General Rennenknmpf huve defeatfd tht Germans In a battle in Russian terri tor. The correspondent says the Ger mans were trapped by tho Russians who apparently retreated disorganized, only to rally after the Germanb had reached a position which they could not hold The Germans are evacuating East Prussia, I.e Matin's correspondent says, to reinforce the Thorn-Kallsz front. NEW YORK SUNDAYS, Sept. 27, Oct. 25 SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES Philadelphia (Braid St) . 7 41 A M v e I'hiladelrh-i . . 7 47 A M Narth Philadelthla ... 7 57 A JI nETrnyjso leaves Sew Vork (Penna Statnni S SO P Ji yew York (Hudson Term ) k ffl P 31 Pennsylvania R. R.p V 1- tif'Vi.- PURE FRESH PAINT Beleve Me ! f Li J Round Trip irifr x Z& Does your home help you to enter tain? Playing the host is much easier when you are proud of your home. Every year Kuehnle changes hundreds oi homely houses into homelike dwellings. He will tell you what painting and decorating YOUR home needs to make it in best taste. Now, get suggestions from Kuehnle Painting and Decorating OH Our isffmofe First Both Phones 28 South 16th St. WOUNDED GERMANS RESCUED, NOT SHOT, DECLARE BRITISH Admiralty Denies Slaughtec of Survivors in Heligoland Action Goshawk Endan gered by Humane Activity, LONDON, Sept 24, Tho Admiralty Office has Issued a rs, ply to the statement of tho German Min.', Istcr at Copenhagen, alleging that th English fired on German swimmers fol low Ins the naval battle near Heligoland The Admiralty states that when tha German torpedo boat destroyer V-187 was sinking, the Goshawk ordered tha British destroyers to cease their nre ana lower their boats to save the survive. While this was being done an ofneer on tho nftetpart of the X-187 tralnel Its after gun on the Goshawk and fired at 200 ynrds range, hitting the ward room. It Is though that ho believed tha boat's crew Intended to board and cap. ture his vessel, which was still nyn her colors. It thereupon became necessary to de stroy his nftcrgun, which was done wltH a few well-placed shots, after which every effort was made to save his Ufa until the German cruiser Stettin an penred through tho mist and opened a heavy flic on the British boats Th5 destroyers were forced to letlre to avoid destruction. The Goshawk removed her men from tho boat, leaving It to tha German prisoners, nearly all of whom were wounded, "It Is to bo regretted," says the noti "that a bluejacket In the forecastle of tho Goshawk, exasperated at the Inhuman conduct of the German cruiser, threw a projectile which could not possibly hava ' exploded under the circumstances, lnta tho Loat as It drifted past tho ship. "This Is doubtless the incident referred ' to be the German Minister at Copn- ' hagen, and It cannot be defended, though It was done under consldrrabla provocation It was surely a venial offense, compared with that of the Ger man cruiser, which fired mnnv shells at the boats of the British destroyers which were engaged in a humane and chivalrous action." BEY MAY BE RECALLED Turkish Ambassador's Utterances Cause of U. S, Objections. WASHINGTON- Sept. 2i.-Rccall of A, Kustem Bev, Turkish Ambassador to this country, was Imminent today It was understood that this action was to be taken as a result of the recent dls. pleasures of the American Government of the Ambassador's published utter-t ances reflecting on the United States We Beg to Announce that we are now enabled to reduce our Olive Oil to the original price of 65c for Full Quart Cans $1.25 for Vi -Gallon Cans $2.50 for Full Gallon Cans We guarantee the quality, purity and measure of this oil, and will take it back at our expense if not absolutely satisfactory. Prompt attention to 'phone and mail orders. FREE DELIVERY Felix Spatola & Fruits OOIIS VeSetables Reading Terminal Market Hell riionei rllliert W-.-50 Klllicrt 34-31 KeyHtonr Race i'3-OSi Itacr 23-80 Auto Delivery lu Suburb ?or Importers 0 "Spatola Brand Ollt e Oil" I GERMAN WAR PUND GROWS AMSTERDAM. Sept. 24 -The full re turns on the German war loan show 1.31S.O00.0OO marks (5329,500 000), Issued of exec.heo.uer bonds and 3,071,000,000 marks Jit7,7u0,O00) In Imperial bonds, according to a dispatch from Berlin FUNDS IN CITY TREASURY Receipts at the city treasury during the ek ending last night aggregated ?21!, W)7;, with payments amounting to luo,- i 51 according to the weeklj statement There 4 another cellar below the one ' ?f JreaZ.?.iC.l'c'L J.li Hf't?" tnw whuh I went and then were more tunil a, count, is J1S.C34,K57 31 peuple there. They wanted me to go . down and apeak to thwn, but I wouldn't They gathwwi around me as I went in. out 1 made, them all go over to one side and nwds them a .ittle speech " However, thej wouldnt budge :o I went to see the General He waa a, little doubtful about it being safe for them to come out The bread 'ines lud ben broken up in the morning and tho people sent home because shells hdd be gun to fall In tne streets again " ' "If you don't cleai them out of those cellars at once. General " I said you'll incur a far heavier responsibility You will have 100.CMJ deaths in our depart ment, and maybe an epidemic of typhoid or cholera." " "The General sent eight gendarme with fixed bayonets and we cleared them out. Now we're going to havo tho place soakd with, a du&fectaat.' " Last Call Real savings on tlungu thnt men wear. See our stock before you buy and be convinced. Balmacaans Priestley Cravenetted Rain-Proof Regular $15, $18 (h ry o CJ and $20 value, d) . O 3 Earl & Wilson Red Man Collars, per doz. At These .ihlrfe Only: 903 Chettnut St, 20 & 22 S. 15th St. Juniper and Filbert Sts. No tonnecllon With An) Other btorr. $1.10 Inter-State Fair TRENTON Sept, 28 to Oct. 2 Round Trip Tickets From Philadelphia. !1 Pronartlonata Rates From Other Points FAST AND FREQUENT KXFKKSS TWAINS Et EHV DAV Special Trains Wednesday and Thursday, 9.30 A. M, For Full PrtlcuUr 8c Flyeri or Consult Agent. EXCURSIONS SUNDAYS ONLY TO ATLANTIC CITY, OCEAN CITY, SEA ISLE CITY, STONE HARBOR, WILDWOOD, CAPE MAY. IT Chutnut 'Street a- -tth f'rrrt F-r-l T30 A M. ..--.--'vvocv'V-' Vywv AN IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION TO BUYERS OF RUGS AND CARPETS The purchase of your Floor Covering'requires great care and judg ment and should not be left to a hurried selection from an incom plete assortment. Your Rugs and Carpets are your daily companions for many years. It is therefore important that they should be just right in style, quality and size. As manufacturers of the leading lines of Standard Floor Coverings we offer you an almost Unlimited Range of Styles and Colorings in all the choicest and most artisuic effects IN OVER 100 DIFFERENT SIZES We have just opened our new Fall offerings with an addition of over sixty new patterns. OUR LATEST IMPORTATION OF ORIENTAL RUGS IS NOW READY FOR INSPECTION HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. Successors to Ivins, Dictz & Magee Exdmiveiy 1220"! 222 Market St. j feUSS-s z,-iim&s.4rmHL.A,i? - ... , , i!i inarm i , i lr,MTiB)atoudillttit, -" -r n i mimm nfiifHtnmrffr-"'-