Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1914, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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town and that ho had a difficult tlms
to encap. g
"Just bforo the torts fell." said this
fugitive, "the arsenal .ns blown up
Rather lhan surrender the remaining
suns to the Germans, the Trench gun
ners smashed the breechblocks. The
German bombardment was the inoit
terriac I have ever heard. Thousand?
of Bhells fell In the city every day Th
fire slackened at night, but did not die
out completely. All the monuments,
public buildings and churches In Mail
beugs were badly damaged. I'art of
the city was. destrojed by fire set by
German shells Finally, the French
commander had to holt the white flag
"The Germans had mounted heay
slego guns upon the roofs of factories
outside the town. How they ever lift
ed those ponderous cannon to the top
of tho buildings Is more than I can see
The buildings were first strengthened
with supports and the roofs were cov
ered with a layer of strong cement,
two feet thick. This fonned tho baso
for the guni.
"It rvas discovered after tho fall of
Maubeuge that there had been a num
ber of German spies In the city dur
ing the siege."
A son of field Marshal Count on
Moltke. of the German ormv, was killed
In tho fighting near I'sterday, It was
stated In dispatches received by tho
War Olllco today.
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BERLIN (by way of Amsterdam),
Sept. 14.
An official statement from the Gen
eral Staff. Issued here at noon, declares
that the French Troops' attempt to
envelop General x'on Ivluk's army has
resulted In failure. Tho statement Is.
On tho right wing of tho German
western army, operating on the op
posite side of the Olse, the efforts
of the Trench at Investment have
met no success No decisive or
heavy fighting has occurred in the
Argonne region.
An earlier statement said
Despite tho hardships that tho
troops have undergone, because of
bad weather In both the eastern
and western theatres of war, their
enthusiasm is undiminished. They
are fighting for their Emperor, who
Is confident of success through their
It Is reported from field head
quarters that a number of changes
in command have been made neces
sary The Kmporor and the Crown
Trince are In good health Tho
Emperor Is in touch with the entire
In the eastern part the Russian
forces took refuge behind tho fort
ress of Kovno This was shelled by
our troop0
In the Vosges cold weather has
followed the hard rains nnd there
has been n. heavy fall of snow.
It also was announced today that re
ports from the eastern front stated the
Russians were using dum-dum bullets
An Investigation is to be conducted,
and Russian officers accused of having
violated tho internitional laws relating
to warfare will bo shot.
BORDEAUX Sept. 24.
It was unofflciallj admitted here to
day that the Germans had captured
Maubeuge. The admission came from
an attache of the French War Office.
General Desseux. the commandant at
Maubeuge. is reported to hae been
badly wounded.
(The capture of Maubeuge and 40,
000 prisoners was officials announced
at Berlin on September 9. This dis
patch is the first from Bordeaux con
firming the Berlin statement )
Minister of War Mlllerand stated to
day that tho offensive taken by the
Allies continued to be successful. He
said, however, that the termination of
the great battle now raging -ould not
bo epected for several davs.
Preparations are being made for a
winter campaign. It is well under
stood here that the war will be long.
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LONDON. Sept. 24.
-That the Germans are making a su
preme effort to break through the
French centre between Argonne and
the Meuse is admitted at the War Of
fice. It is stated that for the last 45
hours the fighting has been continuous
night and day.
The Germans, heavily reinforced,
clearly are trying to force the with
drawal of part of the French left, which
continues to push the army of General
von Kluk backward, although very
slowly. Up to the present, it is stated,
the French lines have held Arm.
The losses on both sides are enor
mous, eclipsing anything in the war to
date. The entire battleground at this
point is covered with dead and wound
ed men, neither side having been able
either to collect its dead or gather its
The fighting is also desperate on the
extreme left, although the Allies have
not been able to make any very large
gains and are still unable to drive the
Germans from the Aisne-Oisa triangle
Both sides are reinforcing The Ger
mans have combed all of their interior
fortifications for men to aid them m
the present conflict, while the entire
French second line, and all the men
who can be spared from the army of
the defense of Pans, are now at the
A significant note comes in the an
nouncement that the w inter equipment
for the British troop3 at the front al
read is being transported to France
This nvans there is to bo no let-up in
the struggle The fighting will be
pressed until a decision is reached
The German right wing has been
extended from Cambral by a screen of
cavalry, which extends in an arc of a
big circle north toward Arras and east
to Mons.
Back of this fringe of cavalry, with
its bass at Mons, is the army of Gen
eral von Boehm, In a position where
it can advance to any point where the
new extreme right may be threatened
by the French.
The German army under von Kluk
was unable to halt its steady retire
ment today.
The determined efforts which the
Germans are preparing to make to cap
ture Antwerp at any cost are believed
here to be a part of a plan o the
Kaiser to withdraw from his position
In France to a defense line along the
German border, with the Rhine forts
as his bases.
The forts at Liege havo been rehabil
itated by the Germans with the Idea
of using them. Should a German de- I
fense line be formed through Belgium. !
the possession of Antwerp would be
of importance to either side.
Death List Decreased to
1 1 00 as Fishing Boats Re
port Picking Up Many
thousli thn guns pegged at them, only
. on' man was hit, as far as I know.
"We sunk at T 45, and when I dropped
Into th" Fea, clinging to a Dlt of wood,
thr wrc men all around me Their
spirit ins splendid. We shouted cheery
mess.iijcs to one another.
"I nt afloat In tho sa for four hours
and then thn dcstroers hove In sisht
Numbers of men wore near me. all hold
in to piecps of ppar, according to th
captain s instructions, nnd I elled to
I Buck up; they're coming for us." "
Troops of Villa and Cirranza Ex
pected to Clash Soon.
CHIHUAHUA Mex apt a rs
ult of the opn bleak between General
Car-anza militan dictator of Mieo,
and General Francisco Villa, the Slates
of Chihuahua and Sonera are in open
revolt against the Carrania faction
Th situation has reached the po'nt
where troops are on the moxe and a bat
tle is imminent in Sonor whtra the hos
t U fcree- are Mi than ! miles apart
and workins toward eai'h other A lars
amount of money and eight 'arioads of
ammunition have been ha-rled by Villa
t Go' ernor Mmorena of Sonora A
c'ash is mmentanl expected between
the forces undr Matorena and the army
of General Benjamin Hill, whieh is m
Tinsh orders have been given bv Villa
to mobilize a large number of oidirs at
Chihuahua All southbound passenjrer
and filht trains have bean eizd and
ever thing which mit be of ervlce In
tt-e event of the expee'ed break i not
permitted to leave the northern taea
it is imported Carrania ha M.3ft) men
marthing tiwird aoatec libieh move
nt n l tailed Vil'a o contentrate hit
tnops h-ie ill.i : aid to hate 30 OW
mori unde- arms with TOW reserve rifles
and considerable ammunition.
Peace Negotiations Reported
Progress at Madrid.
MADRID, Sp .1 Negotiations be
tween the United States and Spain aim
ing at the co-operation of these coun
tries and poseibb of Uai In efforts that
will be made to end the European war
are reported to be under wa hero.
United States Ambassador Willard ha
hud a number of conferences with
Premier Dato and on Wednesday he was
reeeived by Kins Alfonso
Thcan Kersna V .a-s old living
a S Brick Row Belmont ss struc
l a train on the Baltimore and Ohio
Ir dc nea" I- r'l Station earl toda
I is 1n the Wo-rcn r H menpath c H'
p tal in Mn-u mnd t n
Ke'ehaw IS a ("Tnljter an3 was aalK
n f- me fr n te J and J TbEn o 1
ivtur- he is rTj'--ed His alt u1
' - 1 & a ; T-n ; ,m he, re
tiwn f aa nterre! njur'w
Betels Surprise Government Force
ani Take Two Towns,
PORT op SPAIN Trinidad, Sept ;i -The
Venei'iclin revolutionists, under
Qeneral 14 ciaima have surprised the
Government force at Cano Colorado, in
Bermudez and lapt'irtij that port af
entry and tha ton of Guanoeo nearby
accord! ns to reparia here from Caraegs.
(wee of Onvernment troops wg later
knt to recapture th.e towna an4 was re
puid bi l'u chare
German Craft Reconnoitering Off
Jutland Peninsula.
COPENHAGEN Sept 24 -Zeppelin
urjhips have been reported from vari-
u points in Jutland 'ndictting German
rfonciljacce iff the oast of tte pen n
jia wmch forms th Danish maln'an-i
The airships passed about 18 miles off
the coast.
LONDON, Sept 21
Nearly half of the officers .11 i-d the
cruisers AbouMr, Cressy and Hogue when
thev were sunk by a German submarine
attack in the North Sea lost their lives
This was revealed today when tho Gov
ernment Prrss Bureau issued a sum
mary of the casualties amour the naa.
officers It showed that 57 had bten
kilM and 60 rescued
Twenty-one officers of the Aboukir were
killed and IT saved The Cressy lost 25
officers, onl U beinq rescued Of the
10 officers of the Hosue 11 wrre killed
and 29 rescued
Reports of tho rescue of more members
of thf crws of the threo cruisers had
reduced the estimates of tho dead to
day to about 1100, but the exact number of
saved and lott whl nut be learned until
the official reports ha all been received
at the Admiralty
Stories told bv the survivors of the
disaster have failed to clear up man
of tho confllctin!? points The announce
ment In Berlin that the three ship were
sunk by one submarine is contiadicted
h the story told by Albert Doushertv,
chief gunner of the Cressv, who was
rescued and taken to Chatham Duughfn
drclar.s lie saw five submarines, and that
h- sheltered the conning tower of one
of th-m.
Iou$rhriv said
'Ruddenlv I heard a great crneri, anl
lonkiie in the direction of it, 1 saw the
Atou'iir heeling uvr and Bomc down
rapidh- "Ve came to the conclusion that
she had been struck by a torpedo dinl
kpt a sharp lookout for the craft while
Stenmlic to 'he autance of the Alwjkir
1 hr How was also (loi-lna up toward
the slnkins ship with the ob'ect of assist
mc the erew hip were i.rn Plnn into the
water w.ien w hi-ard a ec.nd crash s
thf HjB'J btgan 10 settle we knew that
she a'so hod been torpedoed
We drew near, and at that nviment
s"me one shouted "Look out, dlr, there s
a sybmirlns en voar port bea-n '
"I aw her She was abr-ut VO vrirdu
nwav mlv her perlstipe showed ah vf
thf waves I took careful aim at hei with
a !J-poiind hot, but it u-ent over hf r bv
about two ards That gave me the
I fired scaln and hit the perlfccope
lhen the suon-'artne disappeared Ip she
came atralr and this "nit her conning
tower was visible, so I fired mv third shot
and smashed in her conning tower
"The men standing by shouted. 'She-a
hit, alt.' and men thov to- out a 3rot
theer as the submarine sank. and. while
she wis going down two Oorman sailors
floated up from hr both sutmrolng hard
"After that we shot a trawler which
was about lfv"0 jards away, and evi
dently a German boat In disguise di
recting operations She must havo cov
ered the approach of the enemy s sub
marines We trained our guns on her
and hit her with tho first shot, setting
her afire J don't know what her fate
"B this time we already had beer.
struck by a torpedo but the damage
was not tn a vital spot and we eoijid
haie Kept atloat all right We saw
another submarine n our starboard
side and we mid a desperate effort to
Ket her We failed and her torpedo
gjt us In our engineroom
"Then the Cressy bgan to turn over
Our captain was on the bridge, and It.
those critical moments he spoke some
words or advice to the crew
' Keep cool my lads, keep cool " ho
said In a steady voice Tick up a spar,
my lads and put it under jour arms
That will help to keep ou afloat unti1
the destrovirs pick ou up '
'That was the list I taw of Captain
The Germans were discharging tor
liedoes at us i-hi'e tne water was thick
with drownlTS n-n Although I person
ally observed n sulmarlnea, acd al-
Sir Percy Scott Contended That Eng
land Needed More Submarines.
The ' recent North Sea disaster is re
garded as supporting the claims made
by Admiral Sir Percy Scott In his
reply to Lord Sydenham a few dajs
prior to the opening of the European
At the time Sir Percv, while not un
derrating the value of the battleship or
cruiser, urged an Immediate Increase in
the number of submarines The latter,
he contended, were of greater efficiency In
maneuvers requiring speed and secrecy.
He raid also that they would prove In
valuable In attacks on commerce.
The truth of his contention he sup
ported by citing the success of the Jap
anese in their late war, when, equipped
with torpedoes inferior to those now In
up. thev forced the Russian fleet to re
tire to Port Arthur
At tho time of his speech Sir Percv 's
attitude was severelv criticised by em
inent naval experts of England
Official Report Says TJ-0 Alone Sank
British Cruisers,
BERLIN, Sept 20 Offlclil announce
ment was made today that the sub
marine U-9 which, unaided, sank three
nrltlsh cruisers In the North Fea, had
returned to Its base undamaged In
going to and returning from the scene of
action the statement says, the submarine
travelled i'Q miles
As the base from which the U-9 set out
is Fuppoeed to be Wilhelmshaven, the
destruction of the British cruisers prob
abU occurred near the British coast,
north of Harwich.
Complete returns on the war loin show
that Imperial bonds and exchequer bonds
to the amount of i 3X.o,vrt,iyo mirks $l.
W0 0)fl have been Issued
Officers of the American relief mission,
headed h Motor flvan, will leave hore
tomorrow for England whence thev will
go to the United States on the urulser
Tennessee Thev are distributing tho
funds now remoinlng among American
1 onsul3 throughout Germany
Concentrate on Czestochowa-Thorn-
Knlisz Lino in Poland-Piussian
PETROGRAD, Sept. 24.
Telegraphing from Warsaw, the corre
spondent of the Novoe Vremjn says:
The Germans In Northwest Poland
lack horses and are unable to do
much reconnoitering They are
strongly fortlfjlng the Czcrtochowa-
Kallsz line and also positions farther
north. Their aim Is to hold back nn
Invasion of Silesia as long as possi
ble, apparently planning to remain on
the defensive. Tho German forces
that retired from the vlcinltv of
Mlawa have been'Etrongly reinforced.
Reports from aviation scouts state that
the Germans Intend to make a strong
stand on the line running south from Ka
llsz to Wielun. There they have con
centrated strong forces eaBt of Bleslau
while others are moving southward to
Cracow Some heav fighting already
has occurred about there, the Germans
at some points falling back into Silesia.
Witnesses tate that General Rennen
kempfs strategical retirement before the
German advance nl East Prussia to avoid
their turning movement his been sp'.en
dldlj through slowlj executed His rear
guard has maintained a deadl.v fire di
rected at the enemy's van guard, and
masses of Germans havo been mowed
down by the quick-firers Telegrams to
the Novoe Vremya say that at Vilna and
Iodz there were more than 2j,000 Ger
mins killed
The Russian continued to fortify and
flooded the coal mines, but the Germans
advanced and occupied Illazckl, Wielun
and other places on the western border
of Lodz, but they were successfully with
stood bv the Russians
Considerable forces of the enemy near
Mlava. on the northern border of Poland,
a short distance west of Chorzelle, have
retreated to the northward
The enemy, with fresh reinforcements
Is fortlfjlng the frontier lino between
Thorn and Kallsh.
Vienna Announces Abandonment of
Assault on Cattaro,
VIENNA, Sept 24
The French fleet has left the Adriatic,
according to an official announcement
given out here today The statement
"The French lleet appeared on Sep
tember 10 off Cattaro. and bombardcq
the forts at tho entrance of the hirboi
for an hour The fleet later steamed to
Isaa. whoro it bombarded the semaphore
station of the lighthouse, doing but little
damage Later It steamed In a south
westerly direction Several ships of the
fleet returned r osa. after the fleet
had left that "d bombard'd the
lighthouse, desi the signal station
Then the fleet left the Adriatic"
Only Ten Aliens In Detention House
at Gloucester.
War conditions in Europe have so af
fected immigration to the United States
that officials of the House of Detention, at
Gloucester N" J find their lobs a sine
cure and are enloylng a long vacation
From 109 to 300 aliens usually were ac
commodated The place Is deserted today
OnW ten aliens, the smallest number since
the pla-e was built three years ago, were
in lb" IIc"ie pf Detention this afternoon.
Austrians, Strongly Entrenched, Of
fer Desperate Resistance.
NISH, Sept .'1
It Is officially announced that the Serv
ian armlfs hiving resumed the offensive,
have now captured the cities of Liubovna
and rehrenltza on the Diina neat the
southeastern spur of tho Konin Moun
tains, .
The official statement tays the Servians
encountered a desperate realbtance on
the part of the Austrians, who were
eirnncly entrenched It was onl after
series of bnvonet chargc-fr. marked bv
desperate hand-to-hind fighting, that the
Servians, managrd to gain the vietorv
It is admitted the lossrcs on both sMes
were enormous It Is also stated that the
Servian advance Into Rornia continues,
Stole Jewelry From Home Where She
Posed as Servant.
After serving seventeen vears and eight
months In Jail during the last 21 ven
on chargeh of lar env from houses where
she was emploved ns moid Jennie Dp.
lonoy of manv aliases ac.iln was (nought
Into court todav ihsrged with stealing
Jewelrv valued at f1") from Mrs O A
Garwood, of 1710 Columbia avenue, by
whom she was emploved six divs before
hei arrest as a servant Judg Searle in
Qnartei Sessions Court, after the defend
ant had pleaded gulltv, sentenced her to
the House of Good Shepherd for not less
than four nor more than five vears
Jennie started her career at the ae of
19 vears, and since then has served sen
tences ranging from six months in the
Counts Prison to five vears in the I'onl
tenttarv On Januarj K, 1911. she was
sentenced to thret vears in the Penl
tentiarv, and had nnlv been at llbert a
few months when she was emploved by
Mrs. Garwood
The court was Informed that the woman
was weak-minded and when she was re
leased from prison she was importuned
bv a man named Ireland to steal The
defendant refused to tell who Ireland was
LONDON Sept 24 M Calllaux furmcr
Prime Minister of France whose wife s
acquittal on the charge of m irderwg the
editor of the Figaro occurred but a short
I time before the war began Is serving In
j the pay department of the French array,
according to a dispatch to the Mall.
Heavy German Reinforce
ments Aid in Attempt to
Check Movement to
PETROGRAD, Sept. 24.
Kalljlng their forces behind the Vlstok
River, tho Auitrlans are giving battle to
the advancing Russian troops along a
curved lino extending from the foothills
of the Carpathians east of Jnslo to Deblo
on the Vlstok River, according to advices
received at the War Office today.
Supplementing previous announcements
of the fall of Jaroslaw, the following
statement was Issued at the Wnr Ofllco
On September 21 tho Russian troops
took by storm the fortification of Jnr
iislaw on the right bank of the river
San Thev took twentv cannon, even
though the enemy offered heavy re
sistance, and blew up tho bridge over
the San.
The Russian cavalry Is pursuing the
retreating Austrian rear guard nnd Is
Infllctlnfe heavy losses, although the
Austrians destrojed many bridges.
Everj day the number of prisoners
nnd sebed cannons Increase. The de
moralization of the. enomv la shown
by tho pillaging nnd the panicky re
trPnt. Prisoners assert that the ma
jority oi tneir oniccrs are killed or
missing nnd that the soldiers feel tho
loss kconlv. The newly formed Rus
sian regiments have covered them
selves with glory, fighting side by
side with the veterans.
The Austrian troops have been rein
forced by largo forces of Geimans, nnd
the combined armies are offering a des
perate resistance, hltt the TtllRalnna ara
I advancing steadily, the General Staff
It Is expected that a few days must
elapse before a general battle ensues.
The Russians are occupying Rzeszow
as their base, and troops are being rushed
to that point from Jarosl iw-, while the
big siege guns are keeping up an un
ceasing bombardment of Przemysl.
That the Russian General Staff believes
nn danger maj be antlclpaltd fmni tho
garrison of Przemysl is shown by the
rapid advance wetwanl from Jaroslaw.
Thn investment of Przemsl Is complete
and this Imp cut the Austrian army off
from one of Its ni.iln supplv stations
Terrific rainstorms are flooding the
rivers of western GallcJa. according to a
Breslau dlspntch, nnd the Russian army
faces nn enormous task In getting to
Cracow, which Is recognized to be their
present objective. Manj bridges have
been swept awav nnd a large part of the
country turned Into a morass
Reports received In Breslau from Aus
trian sources state that the Russians
have already suffered enormous losses,
but that they are pouring troops into
Gallcla to fill their ranks.
Minister of Vvar bukhimllnoff declared
todav that the advance of the Russians
to the River Vlstok had effectually pre
vented the Au'tro-Germin forces fiom
making any attempt to relieve Przemysl.
While our stead ndvance westward
continues without Interruption, tho
operations south of Przemsl are being
directed to the capture of Chlrow, an
important Junction point. This will
give us control of the southern line
leading to Cracow and the roads lead
ing to Hungary.
Our troops ale meetlpg with some
resistance, but the enemy Is not strong
enough to hold us back there. We
already control KX) miles of railway In
Gallcla, and. with the capture of
Chl'ow, wc ehall have two-thirds of all
the lines
Although the fighting along the
Vlstok indicates tho Austrians havo
been strongly reinforced, the positions
taken by tho Russian nrmie promise
that the Austrians and Germans as
well will be forced back to Cracow.
Within a week I believe, the combined
Austro-German forces will bo com
pletely crushed.
Convicted of Shmlng in Murder of
Farm Manager.
George H March, charged with tho
murder of 3 Lewis Pinkerton, wab
sentenced to death today by Judge John
son in the couithoute at Media The
prisoner smiled when condemned to die
On June 13 last jear March and
Rowland S Pennington followed Pinker
ton into the stable of G Searing Wil
tons farm in Edgemont township, of
which Pinkerton was manager. The
men knew thit Plnkeiton. who was a
td collector, can led at times large
turns of money Pennington beat the
collector over the he id with a club, and
he and March rifled the dead man's
Thej carted the body to a strip of
woods and buried It A search wao
made foi Pinkerton for several weeks,
Loui.-e Barber the common law wife
uf Mar'h, Anally went to the District
Attorney and confessed that her hui
band had told her ibout tho killing of
Pennington at the last term ot coin
confessed to his pan in the murder and
wis sentenced to die His defense was
Insiinit and h testified that the mur
der ab planned b March
7,000,000 HINDUS
Millionaire, Leader of East
Indian Mohammedans,
Declares India's Hope Is
With England. ,
LONDON, Sept. U.
"Germany mado a mistake about India
as It did about Ireland, and anybody
who counta on India to be falso to Eng
land will come a cropper."
In these words his Highness the Aga
Khan, tho recognized temporal leader
ot 60,000,000 of East Indian Mohammo.
clans, sums up for the World corro.
spondent the Indian Empire's statUB la
the world's war.
Tho Aga Khan haa directed tha
Klioja Moslems, who alone number sev
eral millions, and of whom ho la tha
spiritual as well aa the temporal head,
to pla'co their personal eorvlcos and ro
sources at the disposal of the Govern,
ment, and has volunteered to servo him
self as a private In any regiment of
Infantry of the Indian expeditionary
Tho Aga Khan laughed heartily oyer
tho suggestion that tho GermanlsUo
propaganda might undermine tho loyalty
of Great Britain's Indian subjects. Ha
remarked smilingly:
"Many of my fellow countrymen havo
been In Africa and have seen tho Ger
man administration In tho German East
nnd Southwest African colonies. They
know what Germanlzatlon of India would
mean, and they know, too, that if Eng.
land wcro driven out of India, Germany,
should sho bo successful In this war,
would step In. Tho thinking element
among Indians of all classes realize that
our country, divided as It Is Into hun
dreds of principalities, each Inclined to
be Jealous of tho others, could not hope
to stand alone, even If British rule wero
vv Ithdravvn.
"Germany's twofold purpose In striv
ing to create dissension In India Is first
to give trouble to England, which might
cost her victory in the war; second, to
seize India as part of the Kaiser's dream
of world empire.
"This scheme Is as well known to
India as at Berlin. India will need no
assistance from England to frustrate lt,
because the Indians fully comprehend the
peril of being crushed beneath the mailed
fist of Prussian militarism."
The Aga Khan's manner became mors
grave as he continued:
"After all, the one hope of India lies
In the King and Emperor and his Gov
ernment. There can be no united India
until England has fllshed her work of
knitting together Into one strong nation
the confusing Jumble of races, religions
and castes she has governed so suc
cessfully for 150 ears.
"An apt comparison Is Americm
domination of the Philippines. But
there exist now between England and
India affections and sentiments arising
from their long community of interests
which are not yet found between Fili
pinos and Americans.
"Such feeling I believe to be Incom
prehensible to the Germans. It seems
to me they totally lack a sense of pro
portion, arising from a sympathetic un
derstanding of the needs of another
people. It Is Incomprehensible to them
that Belgium should have resisted their
advance Into France Apparently they
fall utterly to understand the feeling
that, for Instance, would actuate an
American If an alien nation attempted
to send an army through the United
States to attack Canada.
'Personally, my antipathy Is not to
ward the German people, who possess
rrnny fine qualities, but against tha
Prussian school of Bernhardis, Nletz
sches and the Kaiser's General Staff
a schoof designed basically for the
crushing of liberalism and Independence
of any kind, whother manifested In
Germany or abroad "
"Will Indian troops be able to stand
against the German army, considering
they have never before been permltteJ
to fight white men?"
"I think so " the Aga Khan replied
with a quiet smile "If need bo there
can be TW.OOO or ".ono.ono that wouldn't
be a great number to offer from our
32u,lW,fino population No Despite tha
effusions from Wllhelmstrasse, you may
rest assured that there Is not the slight
est doubt as to India's loyalty to Eng
land "
Vienna War Office Claims Success in
Counter Attacks on Vlctula
VIENNA Rcrlln and Amsteidam, Sept 21
Th- Auoti an tnops, in Gallcla having
selected the battl ground upon which
they will oppose the Russians are now
on the offeiulve It was announced toda
Iteavv fighting iB going on along a II le
extend ng tiom the Vistula River la
Piven'vsl. the ofllc nl statement sas, and
ever attempt of the Russiaiw to break
through this line lias been repuUcd
Th' stuumeiit continues
The Austrian armies directed b the
able str4tei; of the General Staff, ara
now In tne positions to which they
vtre assigned and their counter at
tacks against the Russians are stop
ping the cnemv at all points
With the left wing resting upon Cra
cow ad the right upon Prems' and
the centre stronglv Intrenched. It Is
anticipated that there will be no great
difficult in holding bark the enemy,
who is advancing too far from his
base to continue the conflict for an
length of time
Among the Austrian officers listed as
missing is General Von Hlncke He Is
reported to have been wounded at Lera
berg and taken prisoner.
Raid of German Frontier Relieve!
Gloom Over Nnvnl Disaster.
Lieutenant C. H Collet Is the hero of
England today His action In success
full leading a squad of five British avia
tois across the German frontier and drop,
ping bombs at Duesseldorf has lifted a
little of the gloom caused by the sinking
of England's three big cruisers
Lieutenant Collet, who orlglnallv was
attached to the Royal Marine Artillery,
ranks as one of the most daring and
skilled aviators in England, although he
took up fllng only a little over a ear
ago He was one of the .first men in
England to nnke lCOO-foot' spirals In a
heav biplane He is expeit at loopinsr-the-loop
and has complete mastery or
his machine at all times
He flew 275 miles last spring "l110"'
a stop, in attempting to make a 500-mlW
non-stop flight Engine trouble then
forced him to descend
Ship to Land Detachments for Medi
cal Service in War.
LONDON, Sept 21 -A dispatch from
ralmouth says the American steamship
Red Cross, bearing the American Kea
Cross detachments to the European "at
tlefields his reached that port Reir
Admiral Ward, r S N , retired win
tn"co over the command at once
Four Red Cross units, two fo tno
Pritlih and two for the Russian armies
will be landed at Falmouth, after whica
the Red Cross will pioceed to Bret i
land the French un'ts and then
Rotterdam to land the ilerman and au"
trlan detachments
NEW 1 ASTLE Pa Sept U 1-
Knox of Pittsburgh preis dent of ,B.
Knox We'dng 1 omparv -va sr
Injured at New Bedford n-- I"" ')
night when his automobile was ov
ssr. T!tiigraferr-J?alMrJfr
J -, .